•. VOL. Plains Meat Market W. B. RUSSELL PROPRIETOR Fre.h Meets Sausages and everath'ng usually kept in a first-class and up-to- date Meat Market. Evertything cool and clean HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR HIDES Fair treatmentaccorded .- to each and everyone. rich and Game in Seaso L ... MFIVICPC1/1119/1.0^9 ••11111•911•111.!.. •••••••• , jt r yuroac Etra. TI 1E (7.IRD OF TRAINS PLAINS Westbound ' NO. 1. "North Coast Limited - .....2:19 a m No. 3 Pacific , Express 4:45 p in No. S. Burlington Express 11:52 p m stbound No 2. "Nor Ii Coast Limited"...5:35 p m 4. Twin City Express 6:05 a m No. 8. Burlington Express 2:55 p m A. 11. CLELAND, G. P. A., Si,. Paul, Minn. C. J. Dougherty, Agent, Plains, Mont. First National- Bank PLAINS - - MON TATA Draws dr..fts and letters of Credit Available in all parts cf the World Interect Paid on Time Deposits BOARD OF DIRECTOR J. A. McGowan A. J. .... C. W. Powell C H. Rittenour, President .. Vice President Cashier Anton Zebish Dr. W. P. DeMIS Dentist PLAINS MONTANA --t)000000 'We Guarantee, the hest materials, the best materials, the best rock inanship, modern methods and reasonable fees Somnaforme administered for pain- less extraction and preparing teeth for Crown seal Bridge -work. HENRI .1. 6URLE1GH _ Mtereyaill coollsellor:at law United States Commissioner Office next door to First;Nael Bank Practice in all the -State and Federal Courts Plains Montana J. J. Fischer Proprietor of the Palace Shop Expert horseshoeing and wood work. 1MsACKSMITHING OF ALL KIN1).3 Plains Mont ••••••••=m1.M1111.111 Quinn's Paradise 110T SPRINGS M. E. Queue Prcprielor Regular stage to and from Plains Wed. °essays and Saturds)s. Hound trip 92 Rates per week at Springs 1() which includes board, room, meals and all prI•ilrgeo at the Springs Post Office Address Plains - Montana miMINNIONONON• 0 11111 ••• Howarawa Rocky Meedein Tee Nuggets A Deer 'asides is Puy Pes,ta. asses oettea RNA Ibmosei for r.1.41 rc BMW* web, is.ois. we n°, Iarooilltala f.m liifat. eillta a how. (Nantes road. by DUO 01111P 1, 11.,thoon. V1111111 NUMIRT1 FOR SALLOW PEOFLS !STUDENTS INTERESTED TINT PLAINS, SANDERS COUNTY, MONTANA, THUR3DAY, ...TANUAlY 3. 1007. BID ADIEU TO 1906 i ORDER OF O. E. S. Enjoyable Gathering anti A New Order:Justitnted in Dinner at the Home of Will Attempt to Have Plains School on Accredited List Wednesday of this week the pub- lic schools of Plains opened for the winter term, after the holiday vaca- tion. Both teachers and pupils en- 1 0 -Ye4.t.he rest ancLaro-ruuu, fitted cope with the arduous duties of the school room that are before them. Efforts will be put forth by the teachers and their charges to have this school placed on the accredited list of high schools and in this they' have the best wishes of 'those inter- ested in a higher education. It is a lamentable . fact that the school last winter for sonic cause did not come up to expectations, but a different Wise has been given to the work this year, and by close ap- plication the students will ,end the school year with credit to themselves and honor to their instructors. Prin- cipal Clothier has ,submitted the following report: . "Plains, Montana, Doe. 29, 190G. Report of school Dist. No. 1, for the first three , months enfling Nov. 30, 1906: No. pupils enrolled 121 Nu, ' '• ' 1se1origing- -.117 Average daily atteadauee 118 Percentage of attendance 96.x Nu. of days attendance 6707 -Noetif- tineei tardy „tat - No. of days absence ;;.:' 192 "As a whole, the school is pro- gressing fairly well. The daily at- tendance could be improved, and the number of tardy marks could and should be lowered to a 'mini- mum during the rest of the term as tilff dayuwttl- te -gettthg -- "Multi interest is shown, general- ly, by the pupils in their work Both teachers and pupils are labors ing under disadvantages because of the lack of library facilities, as we have practically no reference Woke: nothing but the dry text. How ever, we hope to remedy this dur- ing the next few months by giv;ng a cantata for the benefit of the li- brary, as the little made front, the Miss Psitter recital was nearly all used in buying the necessary sup- plimentery readers for the lower rades. "It is our intention to bring the school up to .the level of other schools of its kind in the state. To do this we shall expect all pupils graduating from the eighth grade to palm an average of 80 per cent, with a minimum of 70 percent, on Ike examivation questions sent out by the state superintendent of put - lie instruction. In the ninth and tenth grades we hope to get on the accredited list of the Missoula high school it possible. This will nec- essitate taking their examinations for this year at least. .A. CurruISR." Death of 'Mrs. Drews Sunday morning, C. H. Drews, who had act ep'ed a position as of floe man for W. B. Russell, receiv- ed a telegram stating that his wife had died that morning jn Missoula, and he left on a freight to attend to the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Dretis hail been nts-invalid foi sev- eral years, althp the severe attack of heart trouble had been of a few day's duration. . The deceased . was the daughter of William fitolte,' of 'Silver Bow, a pioneer of the statt. She leaves a son Cart, 8 yeIrs old, and a sister at Silver Bow, where the body was interr&I. Mr. Drews until recently was with the circulation department of the Anaconda Standard and has formed many friends thruout the state who will 'deeply sympathize with him In the lose of his wife. At the nome of Mrs. Blaimlell New Year' eve, Mrs. Blaisdell and We. Withal were hosteieses of a "watch" petrty. James Willis For a sort of a last, contemplative look upon the good end enjoyable things that had come to them dat- ing the year 1906, Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Sunday, gathered around them at their spacious farm home a little group of their friends for a good turkey'dinner and social 'ebny'erse. A big sleigh-ride had been con- templated but the Storni King ruled otherwise, and the day was spent in small talks about the eventful hap- penings of the past year and large hopes launched for 1907. It was one of those gatherings which a Carlton or a Lowell would have ttined to song at the Meadow Brook Farm, but if poetic genius was lack- ing there were yet hearts i that no cial group which could eel the warmth and cheer only to,e found in the rural home, and when they departed the visitor and the visited were better citizens for having met together. Those present were Hart Willis, who is home on a visit from the Washington university at Seattle, Rev. and Mrs. P. B. Jackson, Louise and Mamie Glenn Jacksotti County Attorney and Mrs. H: V. Schultz, Marion Scultz e MillifICIdarg. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Monagha, George Monaghan, Mrs. C. B. Leb- cher, Master Chester Lebeher, and M. H. Pierce. Plains in Brief James Mills has returned to Mis- soula afier a week's visit with Plains . friends. __MitteltEt...Abbey Andy daug hter Flerenee came down from Missoula and visited with Mr. Abbey a few days this week, and while here at- tended the organization of the Or der of Eastern Star. Joe Meany is on his way to New York an I Boston. After visiting relatives he will takileaions inear- toon work. Jee has done several pie :es of cartoon work for the Sig- nal and was engaged during the late campaign to furnish prodnetions. He got up several splendid cartoons but unfortunately they were receiv- ed from the engraving house too late for use. Mr. Me my his a natural talent for that particular kind of work and this paper with his large circle of friends predict a bright future for ,the young man. Agent Dougherty of the N. P. office takes pride in showing to his patrons the huge safe that was re- ceived last week. It has all of the latest Improvements and is an anti- dynamite affair. Mr. and Mrs. John Means- have returned from Missoula.. The judge's health is considerably improved. Xa'_ . ielie Love has turned public benefactor. He has the thanks of , the people for using the snow . plow on the place where the side walks ought to be. Advices received from the county superintendent of schools state that the December apportionment for this district is $1,793.10, an in- crease of $616. 10. Miss Ovlia Dorris has "%ma en- gaged to teach the new school at Eddy, this county. She will take charge next Monday. W. S. Peckins was a visitor from Sittte Monday. Ile holds a posisi- tion with the McKee Engraving company of that city. Assessor D. IV. Brown of Trout Creek was greeting friends in town Monday. A. J. King, an insurane‘ agent of Missoula, was in town this week. Friday night Miss Jackson and the Mimeos Pendergrass gave an in- vitation 'softy in Avery's hall tO a large party of their friend4 Dane' ing was the principle amusement. Refreshments were served. Mies; Louise ltlertzig has returned to Anaconda after a visit with her sister Mrs. Chas. &birth. I'lains WednesdAy Night by Grand Matron] A lodge of the above order was organized in Odd Fellow's hall Wednesday night by Grand Matron MM. E. G. Pomeroy of Kalispell, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. If. E. Day, Mrs- Sanford Weak . Mrs.. - Frank" Woody, and Davis, all of Mis- soula. The new organization was Christened- Weal Chapter No. 40, U. D. and starts off with a splended membershrp. The Order of Eastern Star is an auxilliary tO the Masons Following the preliminary work of instituting and installing, a Inch was served by the ladies. The chap- ter will be officered as follows for the coming term: W M—Delia McGowan W P—D. S. McLeod A 31----Mary J. McLeod Sec.—Gertrude Bonedick Treasurer—Ethel G. Toulmin Con'tress—Addie E. Abbey A. Con'tress—Emolyn Bowman Chaplain—.L E. Abbey Adah—AtnylCruger Ruth—Helen Blaisdell Electa—Florence Abbey Warder—Alice tlark Sentinel—G. A. Toulinin Union Exereisei The following program was render- ed at the M. E. church Christmas eve by the children of the Congrega- tional and Methodist churches, an account of which was given in the issue of last week. Music, Violin Solo Scripture Reading, Birth of Christ, Vesta 13enedick - Music, Joy to the World Rise iiiii - o - n, - Christmas Bells, Lillie Fellows Class Exercises, ‘et the Angels Ring the Bells, Rowena Garber, Iva Benedick, Alean iVagner, Ada Ba- ker, Harvey Baker Declamation, Things I Want, Ilar- vey Baker Music, When Sail a the Silver Moon -boat, School Recitation, Nobody's Child, Nellie Ostlie Dialogue, Large Hearted Little Ones, Erma Wagoner, Sylvia Deno, Charles Dildine, Harvey Baker, Le- lia Deno, Henry Baker, Alum Wag- ner, Carl Bowman Recitations Writing to Santa Claus, Rum 7Tailitery - Reading, The Kingdom of Heaven, Lucile Garber Solo, Selected, t'llester Lebcher Recitation, Christmas Day Has Conic at Last, Helen Scott Recitation, Christmas Problem, Howard Bradshaw Devotion. Nearer My God, to Thee, Lucile Garber, Rowena Garber, Nellie °stile, Ade Baker, Alean Wagner, Lillie Fellows Helen Seet Dialogue, Contentment Better Than Riches, Tom Dougherty, %Vet- don Bowman Recitation, Santa and Ilia Rein- deer, Lewella Graves Music, Ring Out the Olden Story, School Solo, Selected, Mrs. C. W. Powell Closing Address, Hiram Baker While sleigh riding Miss Green Burrell was thrown out but not in- jured. The team ran away and crippled the sleigh some. Joseph Pardee, son of Postmaster anti Mrs. Pardee has returned to his home in Steveneviile after a pleas - gent visit with his parents during the holidays. Sheriff-elect Nlasei and family moved to the county seat Wednes- day. The new officers will take charge next Monday. "No one will be diesaphinteel who engages Williams' Original Dixie Jubilee Singers for a concert. They were greeted enthusiastically when ever they appeared upon the plat- teem at Colfax, Iowa, assembly. Bishop McCabe. The. company will appear in Plains, under the !atufpices of the local Christain union i on Monday, Feb. 1:10ME NEWS IN BRIEFS Short Items Gathered for the Benefit of Signal Readers George Good was a visitor from Thompson Saturday. Mr. •Good spent the greater part of the ammo - in Plains working on a lumbering contract with his teams. He hooks hail and hearty anti was given the glad hand by a host of friends who areitTways pleased to see him. It is rumored that Assessor-elect Ed Knott will appoint Hugh Steph- ens as his deputy. Mr. Stephens will not retire front the treasurer's office until the first of March. The appointment will undoubtedly be received with general satisfaction for he has made a splenid public ser- vant. Services will be held in the M. E. church on Sunday, Jan, 6, at eleven o'clock in the morning and seven-thirty in the evening. Sunday school at 10 a. ne Everyone cor- IMPROVEMENT COMPANY <Bally invited. I. J. Ross has been hauling fin- ishing lumber this week for the Odd Fellows hall. The building was tout up last winter and only the second story completed, which has been used for.lodge purposes by the dif ferent orders. The first floor will be finished up and prepared l'or ren- tal. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Self were visitors in town Wednesday from their pretty home on Lynch creek. The Ladies' Aid society expeted to be entertained January 10. by Mrs. John Meany, but owing to sickness in the family. J. _P. Hinehlewood was down last week from -the Hiftehle Of Jd Lewis saw mill Auld—spent several days in town. 'Ile said that indi- rectly he had been informed that Mrs. Skyle Lewis, who recently un- derwent an operatiorritrone of the Minneapolis hospitals, was improv- ing and he thought that she would soon regain her health. This will be pleasing news to her Sanders county friends. Camile, or as friends are pleased to call him "Jimmie" Vanderateede the gentleman who slicks up your face at so much per, went to Mis- soula Tuesday to attend to business matters. . W. T. DolSon and daughter, Miss Grace. attended the New Year's dance at Thompson. Mies Della T. Mackey, the teach- er at the Lynch creek school, spent her holiday vacation in Plains with her father and brother. Miss Ruth May has been visiting with her family here during the holidays. She has charge of the 4choul at Dixon, and the trustees gave here vacation of two weeks. George Helterline, one of the thrifty framers near town, was look-, ing after business in the county seat the first of the week. Mr. and Nits. E. P. Day moved te their farm on Swamp creek the first of the week. Mr. Day built a housa on the plaeo this winter. C. C. Willis and family mewed in their new farm resilenee Mon lsy of this week. Monday L E. Blackman, bounty inspector, was in town early its the week and inspected about 80 coyote hides. Ile said he would like to have a rush like that every day and then he could wear a plug hat and a bald faced shirt. Ed La Rue, who has a wood eon' tract, had one of his eyes bandaged it few days this week as the result of coming ie contact with a piece of wood. Rev. W. S. Bell of Helena will hold services in the Congregational church next Sunday, morning and evening. Snow to the depth of five inches today. The cold weather that pre- vailed' over the Mate the first of the sear did not reach Mins. The I lowest the thermometer registered !last week was 20 above zero. 1.1111111§1111p1111.7. HE - ITeft dee S 10' THE PLAINS LAND AND a - - THE National Business Exchange of Washington, D. C. neat Estate and Railway Bonds, Mortgage Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Investment Securities, I.oans and levest. ments, Renting and Insurance. ititANcii (WERT; Plains, Mont. P. 0. Box, 1CIS A. K. WILLIS, Reference: Any banking house in \Vall street - - NinsiNav.7•Awayarsov•amle 1When Buying\ \ e eie L levee and mittene mend the Litchfield make' A new line of Enemell Ware just erriveil. Call and Seer His goods they are No. 1 and the prices . ire right. OTIS AVERY Geacril Merchandise PLAINS, MOST. MODERN )WT11E11E13000 Or AV aRICA Lodge No. 1890 meets every first and third Tuesdays in DJ, ' Fellows hall at S 3.) o'clocke lo the evening. Visiting members are cordially Invited at' tend any of the meetings. Jolts Prr.lient, tns EMOLTri BOWNIAE, grvretery, Insurance, Fire, A ccidei it, I e Live Stock Insurance. Call On A' K. Willis, .1 - 11E ECLIPSE Livery. Feed and Sale Stables Gar: allinew and our lhorsesigentlejand good roadsters Horses Leff la onr,charge rccdve careful attention V.0. BURRILL Proprietor KILLimi0OUCIN MO OURS 'nig LUNCH' Dr. King's Nei Discovery PION FOR Nun pm & u s Sum* mad alike* Oen lbw an TIOLOAT Mt Imre 11101711. atlE011111! IRA=

TINT - montananewspapers.orgmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn83025301/1907-01-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · VOL. Plains Meat Market W. B. RUSSELL PROPRIETOR Fre.h Meets Sausages and everath'ng

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Page 1: TINT - montananewspapers.orgmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn83025301/1907-01-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · VOL. Plains Meat Market W. B. RUSSELL PROPRIETOR Fre.h Meets Sausages and everath'ng



PlainsMeat MarketW. B. RUSSELL


Fre.h MeetsSausages

and everath'ng usually keptin a first-class and up-to-

date Meat Market.Evertything cool

and clean


Fair treatmentaccorded.- toeach and everyone.

rich and Game in SeasoL... MFIVICPC1/1119/1.0^9

••11111•911•111.!.. ••••••••


jt r yuroac Etra.TI 1E (7.IRD OF TRAINS


Westbound 'NO. 1. "North Coast Limited-.....2:19 a mNo. 3 Pacific ,Express 4:45 p inNo. S. Burlington Express 11:52 p m

stboundNo 2. "Nor Ii Coast Limited"...5:35 p m

4. Twin City Express 6:05 a mNo. 8. Burlington Express 2:55 p mA. 11. CLELAND, G. P. A.,

Si,. Paul, Minn.C. J. Dougherty, Agent, Plains, Mont.

First National- BankPLAINS - - MON TATA

Draws dr..fts and letters of CreditAvailable in all parts cf the World

Interect Paid on Time Deposits


J. A. McGowan

A. J. ....

C. W. Powell •

C H. Rittenour,


.. Vice President


Anton Zebish

Dr. W. P. DeMIS



'We Guarantee, the hest materials,

the best materials, the best rock

inanship, modern methods • and

reasonable feesSomnaforme administered for pain-

less extraction and preparing teeth

for Crown seal Bridge-work.


Mtereyaill coollsellor:at lawUnited States Commissioner

Office next door to First;Nael Bank

Practice in all the-State and

Federal Courts

Plains Montana

J. J. FischerProprietor of the

Palace ShopExpert horseshoeing and

wood work.



Plains Mont••••••••=m1.M1111.111

Quinn's Paradise

110T SPRINGSM. E. Queue Prcprielor

Regular stage to and from Plains Wed.

°essays and Saturds)s. Hound trip 92

Rates per week at Springs 1()

which includes board, room, meals andall prI•ilrgeo at the Springs

Post Office Address

Plains - MontanamiMINNIONONON•011111•••

HowarawaRocky Meedein Tee Nuggets

A Deer 'asides is Puy Pes,ta.asses oettea RNA Ibmosei

for r.1.41rc

BMW* web, is.ois.we n°, Iarooilltala f.m liifat.

eillta a how. (Nantes road. byDUO 01111P 1, 11.,thoon.





Enjoyable Gathering anti A New Order:Justitnted inDinner at the Home of

Will Attempt to Have

Plains School on

Accredited List

Wednesday of this week the pub-

lic schools of Plains opened for the

winter term, after the holiday vaca-

tion. Both teachers and pupils en-

10-Ye4.t.he rest ancLaro-ruuu, fitted

cope with the arduous duties of the

school room that are before them.

Efforts will be put forth by the

teachers and their charges to have

this school placed on the accredited

list of high schools and in this they'

have the best wishes of 'those inter-ested in a higher education.

It is a lamentable. fact that theschool last winter for sonic causedid not come up to expectations,but a different Wise has been given tothe work this year, and by close ap-plication the students will ,end theschool year with credit to themselvesand honor to their instructors. Prin-cipal Clothier has ,submitted thefollowing report: ."Plains, Montana, Doe. 29, 190G.

Report of school Dist. No. 1,for the first three , months enflingNov. 30, 1906: •No. pupils enrolled 121Nu, ' '• ' 1se1origing- -.117Average daily atteadauee 118Percentage of attendance 96.xNu. of days attendance 6707

-Noetif- tineei tardy „tat -No. of days absence ;;.:' 192

"As a whole, the school is pro-gressing fairly well. The daily at-tendance could be improved, andthe number of tardy marks couldand should be lowered to a 'mini-mum during the rest of the term astilff dayuwttl-te-gettthg --"Multi interest is shown, general-

ly, by the pupils in their workBoth teachers and pupils are laborsing under disadvantages because ofthe lack of library facilities, as wehave practically no reference Woke:nothing but the dry text. However, we hope to remedy this dur-ing the next few months by giv;nga cantata for the benefit of the li-brary, as the little made front, theMiss Psitter recital was nearly allused in buying the necessary sup-plimentery readers for the lowerrades."It is our intention to bring the

school up to .the level of otherschools of its kind in the state. Todo this we shall expect all pupilsgraduating from the eighth grade topalm an average of 80 per cent,with a minimum of 70 percent, onIke examivation questions sent outby the state superintendent of put-lie instruction. In the ninth andtenth grades we hope to get on theaccredited list of the Missoula highschool it possible. This will nec-essitate taking their examinationsfor this year at least.

.A. CurruISR."

Death of 'Mrs. Drews

Sunday morning, C. H. Drews,

who had act ep'ed a position as of

floe man for W. B. Russell, receiv-

ed a telegram stating that his wife

had died that morning jn Missoula,

and he left on a freight to attend to

the funeral arrangements. „ Mrs.

Dretis hail been nts-invalid foi sev-

eral years, althp the severe attack of

heart trouble had been of a few

day's duration. .The deceased. was the daughter of

William fitolte,' of 'Silver Bow, a

pioneer of the statt. She leaves a

son Cart, 8 yeIrs old, and a sister

at Silver Bow, where the body was

interr&I. Mr. Drews until recently

was with the circulation departmentof the Anaconda Standard and hasformed many friends thruout the

state who will 'deeply sympathize

with him In the lose of his wife.

At the nome of Mrs. Blaimlell

New Year' eve, Mrs. Blaisdell and

We. Withal were hosteieses of a

"watch" petrty.

James Willis

For a sort of a last, contemplativelook upon the good end enjoyablethings that had come to them dat-ing the year 1906, Mr. and Mrs.James Willis, Sunday, gatheredaround them at their spacious farmhome a little group of their friendsfor a good turkey'dinner and social'ebny'erse.

A big sleigh-ride had been con-templated but the Storni King ruledotherwise, and the day was spent insmall talks about the eventful hap-penings of the past year and largehopes launched for 1907. It wasone of those gatherings which aCarlton or a Lowell would havettined to song at the Meadow BrookFarm, but if poetic genius was lack-ing there were yet hearts i that nocial group which could eel thewarmth and cheer only to,e foundin the rural home, and when theydeparted the visitor and the visitedwere better citizens for having mettogether.Those present were Hart Willis,

who is home on a visit from theWashington university at Seattle,Rev. and Mrs. P. B. Jackson, Louiseand Mamie Glenn Jacksotti CountyAttorney and Mrs. H: V. Schultz,Marion Scultze MillifICIdarg. Smith,Mr. and Mrs. John Monagha,George Monaghan, Mrs. C. B. Leb-cher, Master Chester Lebeher, andM. H. Pierce.

Plains in BriefJames Mills has returned to Mis-

soula afier a week's visit with Plains.friends.

__MitteltEt...Abbey Andy daug hterFlerenee came down from Missoulaand visited with Mr. Abbey a fewdays this week, and while here at-tended the organization of the Order of Eastern Star.

Joe Meany is on his way to NewYork an I Boston. After visitingrelatives he will takileaions inear-toon work. Jee has done severalpie :es of cartoon work for the Sig-nal and was engaged during the latecampaign to furnish prodnetions.He got up several splendid cartoonsbut unfortunately they were receiv-ed from the engraving house toolate for use. Mr. Me my his anatural talent for that particularkind of work and this paper withhis large circle of friends predict abright future for, the young man.

Agent Dougherty of the N. P.office takes pride in showing to hispatrons the huge safe that was re-ceived last week. It has all of thelatest Improvements and is an anti-dynamite affair.

Mr. and Mrs. John Means- havereturned from Missoula.. The judge'shealth is considerably improved.

Xa'_.ielie Love has turned publicbenefactor. He has the thanks of ,the people for using the snow . plowon the place where the side walksought to be.

Advices received from the countysuperintendent of schools state

that the December apportionment

for this district is $1,793.10, an in-crease of $616. 10.

Miss Ovlia Dorris has "%ma en-gaged to teach the new school atEddy, this county. She will take

charge next Monday.

W. S. Peckins was a visitor from

Sittte Monday. Ile holds a posisi-

tion with the McKee Engraving

company of that city.

Assessor D. IV. Brown of Trout

Creek was greeting friends in town


• A. J. King, an insurane‘ agent

of Missoula, was in town this week.

Friday night Miss Jackson and

the Mimeos Pendergrass gave an in-

vitation 'softy in Avery's hall tO a

large party of their friend4 Dane'ing was the principle amusement.Refreshments were served.

Mies; Louise ltlertzig has returnedto Anaconda after a visit with her

sister Mrs. Chas. &birth.

I'lains WednesdAy Nightby Grand Matron]

A lodge of the above order wasorganized in Odd Fellow's hallWednesday night by Grand MatronMM. E. G. Pomeroy of Kalispell,assisted by Mr. and Mrs. If. E. Day,Mrs- Sanford Weak. • Mrs.. -Frank"Woody, and Davis, all of Mis-soula. The new organization wasChristened-Weal Chapter No. 40,U. D. and starts off with a splendedmembershrp. The Order of EasternStar is an auxilliary tO the MasonsFollowing the preliminary work ofinstituting and installing, a Inchwas served by the ladies. The chap-ter will be officered as follows forthe coming term:W M—Delia McGowanW P—D. S. McLeodA 31----Mary J. McLeodSec.—Gertrude BonedickTreasurer—Ethel G. ToulminCon'tress—Addie E. AbbeyA. Con'tress—Emolyn BowmanChaplain—.L E. AbbeyAdah—AtnylCrugerRuth—Helen BlaisdellElecta—Florence AbbeyWarder—Alice tlarkSentinel—G. A. Toulinin

Union Exereisei

The following program was render-ed at the M. E. church Christmaseve by the children of the Congrega-tional and Methodist churches, anaccount of which was given in theissue of last week.Music, Violin SoloScripture Reading, Birth of Christ,Vesta 13enedick-Music, Joy to the World—Rise—iiiii-o-n,-Christmas Bells, LillieFellowsClass Exercises, ‘et the AngelsRing the Bells, Rowena Garber, IvaBenedick, Alean iVagner, Ada Ba-ker, Harvey BakerDeclamation, Things I Want, Ilar-vey BakerMusic, When Sail a the SilverMoon-boat, SchoolRecitation, Nobody's Child, Nellie

OstlieDialogue, Large Hearted LittleOnes, Erma Wagoner, Sylvia Deno,Charles Dildine, Harvey Baker, Le-lia Deno, Henry Baker, Alum Wag-ner, Carl BowmanRecitations Writing to Santa Claus,Rum 7Tailitery -Reading, The Kingdom of Heaven,

Lucile GarberSolo, Selected, t'llester LebcherRecitation, Christmas Day Has

Conic at Last, Helen ScottRecitation, Christmas Problem,Howard BradshawDevotion. Nearer My God, to Thee,

Lucile Garber, Rowena Garber,Nellie °stile, Ade Baker, AleanWagner, Lillie Fellows Helen SeetDialogue, Contentment BetterThan Riches, Tom Dougherty, %Vet-don BowmanRecitation, Santa and Ilia Rein-

deer, Lewella GravesMusic, Ring Out the Olden Story,

SchoolSolo, Selected, Mrs. C. W. PowellClosing Address, Hiram Baker

While sleigh riding Miss GreenBurrell was thrown out but not in-jured. The team ran away andcrippled the sleigh some.

Joseph Pardee, son of Postmasteranti Mrs. Pardee has returned to hishome in Steveneviile after a pleas-gent visit with his parents duringthe holidays.

Sheriff-elect Nlasei and familymoved to the county seat Wednes-day. The new officers will takecharge next Monday.

"No one will be diesaphinteel whoengages Williams' Original DixieJubilee Singers for a concert. Theywere greeted enthusiastically whenever they appeared upon the plat-teem at Colfax, Iowa, assembly.Bishop McCabe. The. companywill appear in Plains, under the

!atufpices of the local Christain union

ion Monday, Feb.


Short Items Gatheredfor the Benefit ofSignal Readers

George Good was a visitor fromThompson Saturday. Mr. •Goodspent the greater part of the ammo-in Plains working on a lumberingcontract with his teams. He hookshail and hearty anti was given theglad hand by a host of friends who areitTways pleased to see him.

It is rumored that Assessor-electEd Knott will appoint Hugh Steph-ens as his deputy. Mr. Stephenswill not retire front the treasurer'soffice until the first of March. The

appointment will undoubtedly bereceived with general satisfaction forhe has made a splenid public ser-vant.

Services will be held in the M.E. church on Sunday, Jan, 6, ateleven o'clock in the morning andseven-thirty in the evening. Sundayschool at 10 a. ne Everyone cor- IMPROVEMENT COMPANY<Bally invited.

I. J. Ross has been hauling fin-ishing lumber this week for the OddFellows hall. The building was toutup last winter and only the secondstory completed, which has beenused for.lodge purposes by the dif •ferent orders. The first floor willbe finished up and prepared l'or ren-tal.

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Self werevisitors in town Wednesday fromtheir pretty home on Lynch creek.

The Ladies' Aid society expetedto be entertained January 10.by Mrs. John Meany, but owing tosickness in the family.

J. _P. Hinehlewood was downlast week from -the Hiftehle Of Jd

Lewis saw mill Auld—spent severaldays in town. 'Ile said that indi-rectly he had been informed thatMrs. Skyle Lewis, who recently un-derwent an operatiorritrone of theMinneapolis hospitals, was improv-ing and he thought that she wouldsoon regain her health. This willbe pleasing news to her Sanderscounty friends.

Camile, or as friends are pleasedto call him "Jimmie" Vanderateedethe gentleman who slicks up yourface at so much per, went to Mis-soula Tuesday to attend to businessmatters. .

W. T. DolSon and daughter, MissGrace. attended the New Year'sdance at Thompson.

Mies Della T. Mackey, the teach-er at the Lynch creek school, spenther holiday vacation in Plains withher father and brother.

Miss Ruth May has been visitingwith her family here during theholidays. She has charge of the4choul at Dixon, and the trusteesgave here vacation of two weeks.

George Helterline, one of thethrifty framers near town, was look-,ing after business in the county seatthe first of the week.

Mr. and Nits. E. P. Day movedte their farm on Swamp creek thefirst of the week. Mr. Day built ahousa on the plaeo this winter.

C. C. Willis and family mewed intheir new farm resilenee Mon lsy ofthis week.

Monday L E. Blackman, bountyinspector, was in town early its theweek and inspected about 80 coyotehides. Ile said he would like tohave a rush like that every day andthen he could wear a plug hat anda bald faced shirt.

Ed La Rue, who has a wood eon'tract, had one of his eyes bandagedit few days this week as the resultof coming ie contact with a pieceof wood.

Rev. W. S. Bell of Helena willhold services in the Congregationalchurch next Sunday, morning andevening.

Snow to the depth of five inchestoday. The cold weather that pre-vailed' over the Mate the first ofthe sear did not reach Mins. The

I lowest the thermometer registered!last week was 20 above zero.


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- THENational Business Exchange

of Washington, D. C.neat Estate and Railway Bonds, Mortgage Bonds, Municipal

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A new line of EnemellWare just erriveil. Calland Seer His goods theyare No. 1 and the prices.

ire right.

OTIS AVERYGeacril Merchandise



Lodge No. 1890 meets every first andthird Tuesdays in DJ,' Fellows hall atS 3.) o'clockelo the evening. Visitingmembers are cordially Invited at'tend any of the meetings.Jolts Prr.lient,

tns EMOLTri BOWNIAE,grvretery,

Insurance, Fire, A ccidei it, I eLive Stock Insurance. Call On A'K. Willis,

.1-11E ECLIPSELivery. Feed and Sale


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Horses Leff la onr,charge

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