ITHE INTERIOR JOURNAL I SrMil10Kn KY Nov 16 igoo I Tan boat materials combined with and accuracy Insure good results No other motnodu arc over- used In our proscription work Penny Drug Store PERSONALS I f Mo NBVILR hue boon quite tok Ji TOTTI N went to Lebanon yiM tcrday SATUWMY U Dr R GokJatcInd last day hore r JOHN tt FAHIMS of Loxlngton was hero this week Mns It G nAn and eon Wearon tit of Som riat nruliertt PRop s10 WlNPHBY l a con aoll to bat room with throat trouble I HOIIKKT T HiiUOH and James Wood were In Cincinnati with cattle this weakbu tbacuelof Mitftos Anole arid Mary ijitnrp H MVtM n KWO nnd wife came IMpavHlu toattund htp fain TiTOSfir MIL ANU MUS virus T cour Tint Mlddloburjr wuro hero ehup jdsqFuoAdayFa Mocuro MlSSKB Sun WITT of Kingston nod HlotuiOQd nttundwl the 1CoedMonday wleldn- I MR MHMKU V IlODT of Garranl n good friend of this paper paid ua H ot4Mllnyt of Stanford i pnutof Mr ant Airy Samuel t brtJli JrIUebse9etl lteghter 1M1Baw LILMH WARKKK of Oar Ia and Altra Wright of Ute We- nRtilwor8vfMrJ t W Iwrln- MjssHKttr II ATHKHAN has return rJ from a vltir a Ml Jean tt Boh > neap at Crib inhard Loalivlllu Tim a Mee JOHN smiK cARfMrnMnod Lanai tar da iLliti MU LUNaR Bell t AlHDter of h Wmi Kcd were ber w n rclativfj Tiir dey- Spas ItiCHiKii Minn eel dnurbUr lks Mary h1r for TixJd county Wed r >Uav to vffci r relative They will go fiuui ibrr to Nuhville to speed Mat time with Mrp A K Jfdwta- Mo J W A HAMS bus moved bl family to the Liberty H Pryor Mace h1 pur hM ft few iwMtba Qto Mr Ifyor tout Inured hN family to Lexlrrt- ton to the rNL ofll Jr IMo frltied- hrrr LOCALS ou > paper aheap at hit oil Wnnmxo presents at HninlltonV Irtlnowlotuf ro rmrs te- at liuftioy Hoye Waxy liver mounted novoltlo e I mbryt Itngloinan I HviiRHLof Now Country Sorghum yJat upon oil at Warren S aukn Tit It Advocl1to 111 tho raport tha 4ttat paper hat been told It untrue LOSTTbufoaet of a mall tea mu china Liberal reward J Glneburg INOIY agoad time U to placo your or- der for holiday picture MU Sacra NICK fresh croccrlc tobacco eau die feed fie J H Hlgglus near depot J P JONKS has Just received a nl line of all wool knit fklrts In nil t pretty shades SHVHIIAI colored children havo died of whooping cough In the lost week Many others are very 111 with that opl dctnla A 13 FLOKBNCK i ropalrlnf his I cottage that was badly damaged by fir 0 laHneek Till Inspection train of Urocarawit Presided M II Smith and other hig otllclnlfl of tho road pawed through yesterday morning COAl advanced another cent on tho r bushel yesterday It U keeps on go¬ ing up black diamond will bo as costly at the real diamond WIIKCK Tho econ section of freight No 30 ran Into tbo first section lbut Hazel Patch Wednesday badly dam ¬ a IDJ un engine tad caboose TIIIEVUS enters lien HolUcluwt smokehouse a fow nights einca und got awayiwlth moat 01 that gentleman moat Including u hog ho had just kill ed- WANTHD20 hands to lluck corn onW Lib Pryor place four miles from town on Crab Orchard pike Will give 1 per barrel ut shock In the fled Come at once Money ready to pay for It as eoqn ae none J W Adams + not I DEMOCHATS should forgot to r mcetilt their various voting precincts Monday to select county committee men This is the fairest and best way to get a good committee and ovcry democrat should go to his prcolnct promptly at 11 M and show his choice In tho selection of u man t NKV and uptodate clocks Ih Kmbry it KnglumunV BUY window jjlitsij and Rutty at Pen nyn Dinig Store 1 AN elegant Hnu of tlpmpe cheap I G U frazzle Co Go to J Jones for the latest In Gilt and Patont Leather halts GtNS hunting coats game bai ammunition Ao at Craig it Hooker I Oman fur rant In INTHRIOU JoUR- NAL bulking Apply to BC Walton j3niNO your oggain lJ M Ware at McKinnoy and get SOo per dotes for them 2t M1S3HB and childrens shoes and all kinds of robbers at Cummins L Me Olurye Mil J H 4aa opened a ttook of grouarlitt In connection with lira dttell buslnaw near the depot IUBSll etoak of Ileinza plukloa cat applebuttor Tim INTUItion JOUHNAL rcprcicnta will bo at Danvllla Monday If you havo biulnojs of any kind with this paper too him TUB 100acre nod by the late JudgeJ rmer for l05W A STANFOltu ganlloman mot 30 bug gle and wagons whllo driving from title place to Turnorsvllla Wednesday morning Do zee plkos make people trots ineroT We believe they do TJIB population qf the State of Ken jreau 1890 This le ac Increase or IS8t11D orb 15 5 jxr ooot Lincoln countys pope lotion U I705H Till cold ANII Is II wlc6 as and proraisw to Slay The meat reflabl thermometer In town stood at M at MO kille ¬ beak bone Is nt hand ClIARLKV OlIAMUKRS VTblt aNd toed 1ft wtij token to the UCMMM of Re form Weiliiwduy by Deputy fi her I IT C B Oweos flu lived with A O ear mar andns Umi emleman oouhl noi raaneire him he willed on Judge Snot lejr who ordered blM sort as store saye e was a young man d swim down HawklnV tiraneh fromGeo D hoppers to the Gentry farm ut al Se isnt a per 11 with enough water to quench a horses tbli> t between the two planes MY big advertisement Is drawln outtomors from four emnllM II sal Manager T D Ilunoy of the Louls vlllo Store Ho Is using three columns Of paoa now and although li Hom- ehigh like nil good things do bo gdt value received and dooent hesitate to say that li Is monov well slent Ilrxu HUISBLK Capt John H Myers who used to run on tho K C to ouioldeatLtokingt a two Ho had boon In III health for years caused by Injuries received In u wreck Ho was cheat to year of ago and woe In fulrclrcumstanccs financial ¬ ly TUB Mission Hand of ltu Christian cburuh xvlll give an oldfashioned cat dy pulling from 5 to 10 oclock Erlda evening 23d Tickets will bu sold b members of the band at the low prI thhe vlllc Go and spend an hour plea antl and at the same time helpagood cause TiiKlNTKitiOU JouiiNAL force en joyed a treat Tuesday from Mr urd Mrs John Tray lor who sent In by their pretty daughters a liberal sample the splendid apples and peaches lor ration They tell ut they havo hall 8 and peaches since June The pnllch d dclighlful fruit can boo A not SD dozen store attended tho Lincoln County Medical Society meet ¬ daybolh and Interesting paper on Lobar Pneu ¬ mortis was rued by Dr W M Doors of Crab Orchard whllo Dr J G Car ¬ penter kale an entertaining lecture on Consumption of the Bones The vIsit- Ing doctors present were DM Wesley and Haney of Mlddloburg Tim Cumberland Volley Tolepbo Co which recently bought out tho Kast Tennessee Company has bought the exchange hero and tho ofllcootMr B McRoberts drug storo has been moved to the Central ofllcc Miss Not Itdo Wrny and brother Homer Wray ore In charge and we aro glad to know thord will be no ohnnga In tho manage ¬ mont hero Thu Cumberland Valley Company oleo bought tho exchanges nt Lebanon and Nluholaavlllo and it Is I said that 25000 was tho prlco paid f erby all The deal Is ihe result of the fight made against the local iclcpono people by Iho ally council at Lebanon a few week ego when the council forced tho company to reduce Its schedule of rates almost onehalf LAI robes hnreo blankets hand aado barnoss to at J C McClurva 1 HAVB your seal houses flllotl while tho weather U Rood eo the hauling will not cat your yard np 1 H Daueh man k Co CurriNoAT Cnw OHCITARD John Payne eon of Mr D C Payne of Crab Orchard slashed David Street noross tbu ear and lone with n sharp knife splitting flirt ear open anti making an ugly wound In lips cheek Payne was hunting on Stroois form It Is sold and tho latter ordered him off of It Paynes trial to sm for Saturday morning CIRCUIT CO T Tuesday was a busy day In circuit court and three worn sent over the road Maco Scarborough got two years for stealing hags from W II Edwards John Dick- Inson ¬ two years for stealing Proto C C Monroes vallso out of a buggy and opens Willongliby two for attempted rape W H Harris caught a 50 fine for nutting n man named Weber and Daniel Hosier f2fench In several cases for the Illegal sale of whisky Harvo Watts tone acquitted of anault on W T Smith T J Hill J r passed a creditable examination before Judgo J W Alcorn and Commonxvealths At torncy Owsley and was admitted to the bar Wednesday was taken up with the of Walter C Groenlog against ill Dunn in which iho latter was charged with petll larceny Ho was acquitted After returning 10 Indict iu is the grand jury adjourned anti- urxt I Tuesday Only one verdlet was rendered yes teriJay that an acquittal In tho coon of 09 Johnston against W C Myors 11 Jnbu ton sued him for 876 for soy ¬ stacks of bay that were set aflro ya spark from the latiers throsbor engine The Jury towed him not guilty of negligence The seas of William Lcaeh against K K Compton for H treat or land was begin but not finish ed IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES T J Russell one of Laurels mol prominent cllUeas died Tuesday James Jlutf is working ont an u 00 tlneatt Loadoo for telling whisky John I Floyd was acquitted at Son erect of detaining Kdle Baker aged 11 Luther Squirm an Adulr count farmer dIed tram thoelfeotsof a taupe kick Three hunters from Muntgaroe uountyWllr lined 20ea bat Williams burg for killing quail out of eeaton Mrs Bertie C BJwards bas sued usie Kolker for 810000 damages for slander In the Iulasdl circuit court H It Gaunter of Adair hoard thieves stealing lips corn and shot loltau r ago a man for a elm 1 bur otTonso A judgment was rendered In the Pu Its D receiver of ibo Somerset National Banking Compaa- alalDsl the Somerset Banking Comp ¬ ny for 971032 Tho Doyle Cliliena Telephone Com ¬ pany which was organiced a year ago rind which has wires throughout Doyle Washington and Mercer counties has sold oul lo the East Tennessee Tclo phono Company Dr P Stallard the well known ph y option of Perryvlllo has sold lips resi ¬ dance loG W Edwards and his olll fixtures to Dr J E Caldwell and w medialICy thco at count Flsodeatroycd r0 villa and for a while threatened tho destruction of the village The real doncoof John S Long nearby also burned to the ground together with Its contents No insurance scarcity walor in Madison has become alarming No good rains have fallen In six months and the reservoir In Richmond near- ly ¬ dry Water lumina and Urea uro dreaded Logan Dunbar residing sent James ¬ town lost his house and contents lire A wedding party had asaembl at his houso lo bo present at the rn a riago of his daughter When tho groom reached the wouldbo bride be found her In tears by tho smouldering embers of her fathers house But iho party congregated around the roman red tho minister pronounced flip young couple husband and olio Mr Dunbar Is a brother ol Mr Sidney Dunbar of the Hubble section noTHIS AND THAT BeazIoyBros to J W Givens u mare for 875 Tan Inches of snow fellul Buffalo yesterdayJohn und Oliver Moody we killed to a duel at Barton Flat Ibo > tato Baptist Hoard has located nn educational Institution at Plnovlllo Tho Plnevlllo Hotel was bought for 821000 and will bo used t W J Bryan was offered n liberal feu Tammany to take charge of the ¬ gal defense of some alleged elect law violators In New York James W Farnsworth who claims ho was married al Crab Orchard In 1608 line sued for divorce In Louisville Ho claims his wife deserted him in 1803 lilT VERNON Dr W C Chlldress of Orlando has locatedut Livingston fur the practice of his profession I Mra EllaobtSth Lawrenoe was In I from Level Groan J S Reppari wns hero Monday from Ravenwood Most of our citizens have resumed their usual avocations and politics has taken a backseat while tho loafer gets closer to the siovo and crowds the would be auatomcra off Dr J IL Lawrence was married at lydan Nov let Ho and his wife arc d a Rid ils adopted home The Galveston Gleaner offNor Ut gives the following account of ibo mar ¬ ri age of a Rockcasilo boy At the FIrst resbyierlan church at 7 p M Tues day evening Rev W N Scott tho pastor united in marriage Mr W J Newcomb and Ml Kathryn Hamner This was the Ural marriage to occur at the church since tho storm Mr Now comb Is a worthy and trusted employe of the Southern Pacific Railway Corn party at this port nibs Hamnor is the accomplished daughter of Dr and Mrs B D Hamner of Church and 10th Streets opt of Galveatona best known and most highly respected families Many friends were present to witness the ceremony and extend congratula lions to the happy couple They left Iho some evening for a bridal trip at tor which they will return hero lo re ¬ side They have iho best wishes of tho Gleaner William Perclful Is In from Jelllco to see J W Gentry who Is very low John Colyer one of our best young men has gives up hU job of braking on a freight train Indfefnronco to the wlehos of his mother Robert Wilmot Is holding down the Eight Gables Ho ¬ top at Livingston as night clerk J C drugI store b new and commodious hulldlng They havo a large hall and I anterooms above for accommodation of fraternal orders Wo arc under ob > llgailona to Train Master Roller for courtesies while at Livingston Tues ¬ day George McCnrty of Livingston the cleverest lineman anywhere lent UH his aid In doing some electrical work Tuesday Mr and nits George Johnson of Orlando spoof several Louisvillee pdicber and John Young Brawl make 30r rolnutbs at Livingston a low days since on account of the failure of Will Hen ¬ ry Rico to show up al the depot to lei them by u FOR SALEL TurkeyWhltu JOIIK nrcMiK i lirusTHK Ilustonvllle TURKEYS have bought OIUlho turkeys I can kill for the ThunkKglvIng market Will open up youy J IC U11tISTIAN Stanford KV PUBLIC SALE OF stock Crop Etc Having sold pllblie 28thill At my residence oo tho Crab Orchard and mye UP Hoc+ Etc titan Oood Work Horset 1 Rood FamilyIlorso for carriage or Muggy a flood Meat hogs a Thorough bred Hurkuhlro hogs t male and 2 town Gentry Stook 100 llurrvlfot Corns GO or TO of Wheat n lot of Hay 1 WajtoilI Ilciw Eto 1 Cnlilnot Oruiul Plano Mod ern lied llixiin Sets household and Kitchen Furniture Terms mode known on hny of ofode J 0 KINO FOR SALE Having decided to move to town I will otTer my property for Hale Dwelling House Store llouio and my Stock of Merchandise T6le Is nn opportunity for sumo wldonwako business man For further particulars ad ¬ dress N II IIO01E Kya i I denlro to sell or runt my Farm of 150 notes situated two miles south of Huston vlllo on the llustonvlllo and Mlddloburg known na n part of the Geol u lied files Carpenter land All of It Is In good tttato of cultl vat Ion wcljfeneed and plenty of water Tins upon It n twostory Hrooin frunio dxvelllng and iifCtwsnrj outhonaexi good tobacco born and stock horn Sixty acres of tho almvn land Is virgin soil sell at reasonable price or rent to u good man JOHN McDAMKL Mt Salem Ky COAL SALT byOct reof the host cool also unit uud I will veil It to merchants by wagon loud at a very small margin Will continue to the highest prices Hickory Spokes Stuvfsuml Heading prlresClvo L II KINU MoiiuiMNn Kv FOX t LOGAN SALEon STABLE DANVILLE KENTUCKY Jt W Logan Wood Managert r WE NOW I Now Ready 1 J II An eiegant line of New Furniture embrac ¬ ing fine and medium Center Tables Parlor oaKer Douolies Divans safas El ¬ egant Bed Room suites t Every thing is uptodate and will be sold at worldbeating prices This means that the same article will be sold out of this house for less money than you can buy elsewhere Get placeIts get prices before you make up your mind W W WITHERS Stanford Ky FOR WINTER OF 1900 i call For our special FROM SHREWD PROGRESSIVE ° t UPTODATE MANUFAC New Slmes ye have to Clothe Feet Clwilortably Winter 1000 IIt JOHN P JONES Stanford II l1E 1 Seasonable Goods l 1 SaxonyYarnsi Germantown Yarns i Slipper Soles Leggins I Over Gaiters Rubbers 41 I Misses and Childrens Warm Under- wear t II Laminated Comforts Canr ton Flannels Outing riGOodmans I GJo School 5 New ry Day 1 ISEVERANCE t SONS i Opposite CourtHouse IHfIGGK1NS < iSC9U1IJIEY THE LEADING Grocers end Hardware Dealers Stanford Ky j J A ALLEN CO Contractors Arid Builders STANFORD KY I Have now complete stock oMSulldlng Material Yellow Pine flatting Culling Aors Sash Ullndu und nil of Dressed and hough Lumber BIIIROH and I lcol Hoofing Lo- cust Posts c We mako estimates ou nuyklnd of work wanted Olllco opposite Dr L It Cookse vAt Freds ExchangeY- ou will always find cood treatment good Hour good mwil good slilpstulT good bran lc ul low > r108 Ho will give you 31 branforuud fur one Dont t to cull on him when 011 want wheat uxclmngtd or buy flour total AC I TURERS Arc time now Your For the of Public Sale And Renting L On Saturday Nov 17 19OO I will sell on the premises ot the late O C and W P Abrahams Uo shook of corm rind fodder and U slicks of millet hay Will ulNO rent tho farm of 100 acres IS acres for corn H acres for oats tho remainder fur 1 tubyglapromptlratloclekfcnna 11 A lmA8AST AdUlt s

egant thing is uptodate will at applebuttor worldbeating ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckq4m/data/0401.pdf · ITHEINTERIOR JOURNAL I SrMil10Kn KY Nov 16 igoo I Tan boat materials combined

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Page 1: egant thing is uptodate will at applebuttor worldbeating ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckq4m/data/0401.pdf · ITHEINTERIOR JOURNAL I SrMil10Kn KY Nov 16 igoo I Tan boat materials combined


SrMil10Kn KY Nov 16 igooI

Tan boat materials combined withand accuracy Insure good

results No other motnodu arc over-used In our proscription work PennyDrug Store


f Mo NBVILR hue boon quite tok

Ji TOTTI N went to Lebanon yiMtcrday

SATUWMY U Dr R GokJatcInd lastday hore

r JOHN tt FAHIMS of Loxlngton washero this week

Mns It G nAn and eon Wearontit of Som riat nruliertt

PRop s10 WlNPHBY l a con aoll tobat room with throat trouble

I HOIIKKT T HiiUOH and James Woodwere In Cincinnati with cattle thisweakbutbacuelof Mitftos Anole arid Maryijitnrp HMVtM n KWO nnd wife came

IMpavHlu toattund htp fainTiTOSfir

MIL ANU MUS virus T courTint Mlddloburjr wuro hero ehup

jdsqFuoAdayFaMocuroMlSSKB Sun WITT of Kingston nod

HlotuiOQd nttundwl the1CoedMonday wleldn-I MR MHMKU V IlODT of Garranl

n good friend of this paper paid ua H

ot4Mllnyt of Stanfordi pnutof Mr ant Airy Samuelt brtJli JrIUebse9etl lteghter

1M1Baw LILMH WARKKK of OarIa and Altra Wright of Ute We-nRtilwor8vfMrJt W Iwrln-

MjssHKttr II ATHKHAN has returnrJ from a vltir a Ml Jean tt Boh >

neap at Crib inhard LoalivllluTim a

Mee JOHN smiK cARfMrnMnodLanai tar da iLliti MU LUNaR Bellt AlHDter of h Wmi Kcd were berw n rclativfj Tiir dey-

Spas ItiCHiKii Minn eel dnurbUrlks Mary h1r for TixJd county Wed

r >Uav to vffci r relative They will gofiuui ibrr to Nuhville to speed Mattime with Mrp A K Jfdwta-

Mo J W A HAMS bus moved blfamily to the Liberty H Pryor Maceh1 pur hM ft few iwMtba Qto MrIfyor tout Inured hN family to Lexlrrt-ton to the rNL ofll Jr IMo frltied-hrrr


ou > paper aheap at hit oilWnnmxo presents at HninlltonV

Irtlnowlotuf rormrs te-at liuftioy Hoye

Waxy liver mounted novoltlo e I

mbryt Itngloinan I

HviiRHLof Now Country SorghumyJat uponoil at Warren S aukn

Tit It Advocl1to 111 tho raport tha4ttat paper hat been told It untrueLOSTTbufoaet of a mall tea mu

china Liberal reward J Glneburg

INOIY agoad timeU to placo your or-

der for holiday picture MU Sacra

NICK fresh croccrlc tobacco eaudie feed fie J H Hlgglus neardepot

J P JONKS has Just received a nlline of all wool knit fklrts In nil tpretty shades

SHVHIIAI colored children havo diedof whooping cough In the lost weekMany others are very 111 with that opldctnla

A 13 FLOKBNCK i ropalrlnf hisI cottage that was badly damaged by fir 0


Till Inspection train of UrocarawitPresided M II Smith and other higotllclnlfl of tho road pawed throughyesterday morning

COAl advanced another cent on thor bushel yesterday It U keeps on go¬

ing up black diamond will bo ascostly at the real diamond

WIIKCK Tho econ section offreight No 30 ran Into tbo first section

lbut Hazel Patch Wednesday badly dam ¬

a IDJ un engine tad caboose

TIIIEVUS enters lien HolUcluwtsmokehouse a fow nights einca undgot awayiwlth moat 01 that gentlemanmoat Including u hog ho had just killed-

WANTHD20 hands to lluck corn onWLib Pryor place four miles from townon Crab Orchard pike Will give 1

per barrel ut shock In the fled Come

at once Money ready to pay for It aseoqn ae none J W Adams

+notI DEMOCHATS should forgot tor mcetilt their various voting precincts

Monday to select county committeemen This is the fairest and best wayto get a good committee and ovcrydemocrat should go to his prcolnctpromptly at 11 M and show his choiceIn tho selection of u man


NKV and uptodate clocks Ih Kmbryit KnglumunV

BUY window jjlitsij and Rutty at Pennyn Dinig Store 1

AN elegant Hnu of tlpmpe cheap I

G U frazzle Co

Go to J Jones for the latest InGilt and Patont Leather halts

GtNS hunting coats game baiammunition Ao at Craig it Hooker I

Oman fur rant In INTHRIOU JoUR-NAL bulking Apply to BC Walton

j3niNO your oggain lJ M Ware atMcKinnoy and get SOo per dotes forthem 2t

M1S3HB and childrens shoes and allkinds of robbers at Cummins L MeOlurye

Mil J H 4aaopened attook of grouarlitt In connection withlira dttell buslnaw near the depot

IUBSll etoak of Ileinza plukloa catapplebuttorTim INTUItion JOUHNAL rcprcicnta

will bo at Danvllla Monday Ifyou havo biulnojs of any kind with thispaper too him

TUB 100acre nod by the lateJudgeJrmer forl05WA STANFOltu ganlloman mot 30 buggle and wagons whllo driving fromtitle place to Turnorsvllla Wednesdaymorning Do zee plkos make peopletrots ineroT We believe they do

TJIB population qf the State of Kenjreau1890 This le ac Increase or IS8t11D orb15 5 jxr ooot Lincoln countys popelotion U I705H

Till cold ANII Is IIwlc6 as andproraisw to Slay The meat reflablthermometer In town stood at M at MOkille ¬

beakbone Is nt hand

ClIARLKV OlIAMUKRS VTblt aNdtoed 1ft wtij token to the UCMMM of Reform Weiliiwduy by Deputy fi her I IT CB Oweos flu lived with A O earmar andns Umi emleman oouhl noiraaneire him he willed on Judge Snotlejr who ordered blM sort as storesaye e

was a young man dswim down HawklnV tiraneh fromGeoD hoppers to the Gentry farm ut alSeisnt a per 11

with enough water to quench a horsestbli> t between the two planes

MY big advertisement Is drawlnouttomors from four emnllM II salManager T D Ilunoy of the Loulsvlllo Store Ho Is using three columnsOf paoa now and although li Hom-ehigh like nil good things do bo gdtvalue received and dooent hesitate tosay that li Is monov well slent

Ilrxu HUISBLK Capt John HMyers who used to run on tho K C to


two Ho had boon In III health foryears caused by Injuries received In uwreck Ho was cheat to year of agoand woe In fulrclrcumstanccs financial ¬


TUB Mission Hand of ltu Christiancburuh xvlll give an oldfashioned catdy pulling from 5 to 10 oclock Erldaevening 23d Tickets will bu sold bmembers of the band at the low prIthhevlllc Go and spend an hour plea antland at the same time helpagood cause

TiiKlNTKitiOU JouiiNAL force enjoyed a treat Tuesday from Mr urdMrs John Tray lor who sent In bytheir pretty daughters a liberal sample

the splendid apples and peacheslor ration They tell ut they havo hall

8 and peaches since June Thepnllch d

dclighlful fruit can boo

A not SD dozen store attended thoLincoln County Medical Society meet ¬daybolhand Interesting paper on Lobar Pneu ¬

mortis was rued by Dr W M Doorsof Crab Orchard whllo Dr J G Car ¬

penter kale an entertaining lecture onConsumption of the Bones The vIsit-Ing doctors present were DM Wesleyand Haney of Mlddloburg

Tim Cumberland Volley TolepboCo which recently bought out thoKast Tennessee Company has boughtthe exchange hero and tho ofllcootMr

B McRoberts drug storo has beenmoved to the Central ofllcc Miss Not

Itdo Wrny and brother Homer Wrayore In charge and we aro glad to knowthord will be no ohnnga In tho manage ¬

mont hero Thu Cumberland ValleyCompany oleo bought tho exchanges ntLebanon and Nluholaavlllo and it Is


said that 25000 was tho prlco paid ferbyall The deal Is ihe result of the fightmade against the local iclcpono peopleby Iho ally council at Lebanon a fewweek ego when the council forced tho

company to reduce Its schedule of ratesalmost onehalf

LAI robes hnreo blankets handaado barnoss to at J C McClurva

1HAVB your seal houses flllotl while

tho weather U Rood eo the haulingwill not cat your yard np 1 H Dauehman k Co

CurriNoAT Cnw OHCITARD JohnPayne eon of Mr D C Payne of CrabOrchard slashed David Street norosstbu ear and lone with n sharp knifesplitting flirt ear open anti making anugly wound In lips cheek Payne washunting on Stroois form It Is sold andtho latter ordered him off of It Paynestrial to sm for Saturday morning

CIRCUIT CO T Tuesday was abusy day In circuit court and threeworn sent over the road MacoScarborough got two years for stealinghags from W II Edwards John Dick-Inson


two years for stealing Proto C CMonroes vallso out of a buggy andopens Willongliby two for attemptedrape W H Harris caught a 50 finefor nutting n man named Weber andDaniel Hosier f2fench In several casesfor the Illegal sale of whisky HarvoWatts tone acquitted of anault on WT Smith T J Hill J r passed acreditable examination before Judgo JW Alcorn and Commonxvealths Attorncy Owsley and was admitted to thebar

Wednesday was taken up with theof Walter C Groenlog against

ill Dunn in which iho latter wascharged with petll larceny Ho wasacquitted After returning 10 Indictiu is the grand jury adjourned anti-urxt


TuesdayOnly one verdlet was rendered yes

teriJay that an acquittal In tho coon of09 Johnston against W C Myors

11 Jnbu ton sued him for 876 for soy ¬

stacks of bay that were set aflroy a spark from the latiers throsbor

engine The Jury towed him not guiltyof negligence The seas of WilliamLcaeh against K K Compton for H

treat or land was begin but not finished


T J Russell one of Laurels molprominent cllUeas died Tuesday

James Jlutf is working ont an u00tlneatt Loadoo for telling whisky

John I Floyd was acquitted at Sonerect of detaining Kdle Baker aged 11

Luther Squirm an Adulr countfarmer dIed tram thoelfeotsof a taupekick

Three hunters from MuntgaroeuountyWllr lined 20ea bat Williamsburg for killing quail out of eeaton

Mrs Bertie C BJwards bas suedusie Kolker for 810000 damages for

slander In the Iulasdl circuit courtH It Gaunter of Adair hoard

thieves stealing lips corn and shotloltau rago a man for a elm 1

bur otTonsoA judgment was rendered In the PuIts D

receiver of iboSomerset National Banking Compaa-alalDsl the Somerset Banking Comp ¬

ny for 971032Tho Doyle Cliliena Telephone Com ¬

pany which was organiced a year agorind which has wires throughout DoyleWashington and Mercer counties hassold oul lo the East Tennessee Tclophono Company

Dr P Stallard the well known phyoption of Perryvlllo has sold lips resi ¬

dance loG W Edwards and his olllfixtures to Dr J E Caldwell and wmedialICythcoatcount

Flsodeatroycd r0

villa and for a while threatened thodestruction of the village The realdoncoof John S Long nearby alsoburned to the ground together with Itscontents No insurance scarcitywalor in Madison has become alarmingNo good rains have fallen In six monthsand the reservoir In Richmond near-ly


dry Water lumina and Urea urodreaded

Logan Dunbar residing sent James ¬

town lost his house and contentslire A wedding party had asaemblat his houso lo bo present at the rn ariago of his daughter When thogroom reached the wouldbo bride befound her In tears by tho smoulderingembers of her fathers house But ihoparty congregated around the roman red

tho minister pronounced flip youngcouple husband and olio Mr DunbarIs a brother ol Mr Sidney Dunbar ofthe Hubble section


BeazIoyBros to J W Givens u marefor 875

Tan Inches of snow fellul Buffalo

yesterdayJohnund Oliver Moody we

killed to a duel at Barton FlatIbo > tato Baptist Hoard has located

nn educational Institution at PlnovllloTho Plnevlllo Hotel was bought for821000 and will bo used t

W J Bryan was offered n liberal feuTammany to take charge of the ¬

gal defense of some alleged electlaw violators In New York

James W Farnsworth who claimsho was married al Crab Orchard In1608 line sued for divorce In LouisvilleHo claims his wife deserted him in 1803


Dr W C Chlldress of Orlando haslocatedut Livingston fur the practiceof his profession

I Mra EllaobtSth Lawrenoe was InI from Level Groan J S Reppari wnshero Monday from Ravenwood

Most of our citizens have resumedtheir usual avocations and politics hastaken a backseat while tho loafer getscloser to the siovo and crowds thewould be auatomcra off

Dr J IL Lawrence was married atlydan Nov let Ho and his wife arc

daRidils adopted home

The Galveston Gleaner offNor Utgives the following account of ibo mar ¬

ri age of a Rockcasilo boy At the FIrstresbyierlan church at 7 p M Tuesday evening Rev W N Scott thopastor united in marriage Mr W JNewcomb and Ml Kathryn HamnerThis was the Ural marriage to occur atthe church since tho storm Mr Nowcomb Is a worthy and trusted employeof the Southern Pacific Railway Cornparty at this port nibs Hamnor is theaccomplished daughter of Dr and MrsB D Hamner of Church and 10thStreets opt of Galveatona best knownand most highly respected familiesMany friends were present to witnessthe ceremony and extend congratulalions to the happy couple They leftIho some evening for a bridal trip attor which they will return hero lo re ¬

side They have iho best wishes oftho Gleaner

William Perclful Is In from Jelllcoto see J W Gentry who Is very lowJohn Colyer one of our best youngmen has gives up hU job of brakingon a freight train Indfefnronco to thewlehos of his mother Robert WilmotIs holding down the Eight Gables Ho¬

top at Livingston as night clerk J CdrugIstore b new and commodioushulldlng They havo a large hall and


anterooms above for accommodationof fraternal orders Wo arc under ob>

llgailona to Train Master Roller forcourtesies while at Livingston Tues ¬

day George McCnrty of Livingstonthe cleverest lineman anywhere lentUH his aid In doing some electricalwork Tuesday Mr and nits GeorgeJohnson of Orlando spoof several

Louisvilleepdicber and John Young Brawl make30rrolnutbs at Livingston a low days sinceon account of the failure of Will Hen ¬

ry Rico to show up al the depot to leithem by


FOR SALELTurkeyWhltu

JOIIK nrcMiK i lirusTHK Ilustonvllle

TURKEYShave bought OIUlho turkeys I can kill for

the ThunkKglvIng market Will open upyouyJ IC U11tISTIANStanford KV


stock Crop EtcHaving soldpllblie28thillAt my residence oo tho Crab Orchard andmyeUP Hoc+ Etc titan Oood Work Horset 1

Rood FamilyIlorso for carriage or Muggy aflood Meat hogs a Thoroughbred Hurkuhlro hogs t male and 2 townGentry Stook 100 llurrvlfot Corns GO or TO

of Wheat n lot of Hay 1WajtoilIIlciw Eto 1 Cnlilnot Oruiul Plano Modern lied llixiin Sets household and KitchenFurniture Terms mode known on hny of

ofode J 0 KINO

FOR SALEHaving decided to move to town I will

otTer my property for Hale Dwelling HouseStore llouio and my Stock of MerchandiseT6le Is nn opportunity for sumo wldonwakobusiness man For further particulars ad ¬

dress N II IIO01EKyai

I denlro to sell or runt my Farm of 150notes situated two miles south of Hustonvlllo on the llustonvlllo and Mlddloburg

known na n part of the Geol u liedfiles Carpenter land All of It Is In goodtttato of cultlvat Ion wcljfeneed and plentyof water Tins upon It n twostory Hrooinfrunio dxvelllng and iifCtwsnrj outhonaexigood tobacco born and stock horn Sixtyacres of tho almvn land Is virgin soilsell at reasonable price or rent to u goodman JOHN McDAMKL

Mt Salem Ky

COAL SALTbyOctreof the host cool also unit uud I will veil Itto merchants by wagon loud at a very smallmargin Will continue to the highestprices Hickory Spokes Stuvfsuml HeadingprlresClvoL II KINU MoiiuiMNn Kv





Now Ready 1J II

An eiegant line of New Furniture embrac ¬ing fine and medium Center Tables Parlor

oaKer Douolies Divans safas El¬

egant Bed Room suitest

Every thing is uptodate and will be sold atworldbeating prices This means that thesame article will be sold out of this house forless money than you can buy elsewhere GetplaceItsget prices before you make up your mind

W W WITHERS Stanford Ky


i call For our special





New Slmes ye have toClothe Feet Clwilortably

Winter 1000IItJOHN P JONES Stanford IIl1E

1 Seasonable Goods l 1

SaxonyYarnsiGermantown Yarns i

Slipper Soles Leggins IOver Gaiters Rubbers41


Misses and Childrens Warm Under-wear

tII Laminated Comforts Canrton Flannels Outing

riGOodmansI GJo

School 5

New ry Day 1

ISEVERANCE t SONS iOpposite CourtHouse



Grocers end Hardware Dealers

Stanford Ky j

J A ALLEN COContractors Arid Builders


Have now complete stock oMSulldlng Material Yellow Pine flatting Culling AorsSash Ullndu und nil of Dressed and hough Lumber BIIIROH and I lcol Hoofing Lo-

cust Posts c We mako estimates ou nuyklnd of work wanted Olllco opposite Dr LIt CooksevAt Freds ExchangeY-

ou will always find cood treatment goodHour good mwil good slilpstulT good branlc ul low > r108 Ho will give you 31

branforuudfur one Dont t to cull on him when011 want wheat uxclmngtd or buy flour

total ACI

TURERSArc time now

YourFor the of

Public Sale And RentingL

On Saturday Nov 17 19OOI will sell on the premises ot the late O Cand W P Abrahams Uo shook of cormrind fodder and U slicks of millet hay WillulNO rent tho farm of 100 acres IS acres forcorn H acres for oats tho remainder fur


tubyglapromptlratloclekfcnna11 A lmA8AST AdUlt
