EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS), Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 1 EAST-HORIZON Fostering Dialogue and Cooperation between the EU and EECA in the HORIZON 2020 perspective Grant agreement 611063 D3.4 Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS), Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe

EAST-HORIZON · Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 1 ... 3.8.6 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Kazakhstan 70 3.8.7 Conclusions

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  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 1


    Fostering Dialogue and Cooperation between the EU and EECA in the HORIZON 2020 perspective

    Grant agreement 611063


    Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS), Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the

    Digital Agenda for Europe

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 2


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    Date Partner Reason for Change

    1 ATC Basic Structure and TOC Set

    2 1/12/2014 ATC Inclusion of input from Deliverable 3.2, early synthesis matrices initiated

    3 9/12/2014 ATC Inclusion of input from Deliverable 3.3, synthesis matrices further populated

    4 10/12/2014 ATC Inclusion of input from Deliverable 3.1, synthesis matrices completed

    5 11/12/2014 ATC, PLANET Validation of Synthesis matrices, draft of conclusions

    6 12/12/2014 ATC, PLANET Discussion and fine-tuning of conclusion, finalization of synthesis matrices

    Final 15/12/2014 ATC, PLANET, Review of Document; final changes

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 3

    Table of Contents

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 4

    1. Executive Summary 7

    2. Introduction 8

    3. Overview of the National and H2020 R&D Priorities 9 3.1 R&D Snapshot for Russian Federation 9

    3.1.1 R&D Structure in the Russian Federation 9 3.1.2 R&D Performers in the Russian Federation 10 3.1.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Official View 10 3.1.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 11 3.1.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 12 3.1.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 13 3.1.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Russia 17 3.1.8 Conclusions 19

    3.2 R&D Snapshot for Belarus 20 3.2.1 R&D Structure in Belarus 20 3.2.2 R&D Performers in Belarus 21 3.2.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Official View 21 3.2.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 22 3.2.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Society Needs 23 3.2.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 24 3.2.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Belarus 25 3.2.8 Conclusions 27

    3.3 R&D Snapshot for Ukraine 28 3.3.1 R&D Structure in Ukraine 28 3.3.2 R&D Performers in Ukraine 28 3.3.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: the Official View 28 3.3.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 29 3.3.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 30 3.3.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 31 3.3.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Ukraine 32 3.3.8 Conclusions 33

    3.4 R&D Snapshot for Armenia 35 3.4.1 R&D Structure in Armenia 35 3.4.2 R&D Performers in Armenia 35 3.4.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View 35 3.4.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 36 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 37 3.4.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 38 3.4.6 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Armenia 40 3.4.7 Conclusions 41

    3.5 R&D Snapshot for Azerbaijan 43 3.5.1 R&D Structure & Performers in Azerbaijan 43 3.5.2 Research Performers 44 3.5.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View 45 3.5.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 45 3.5.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 46 3.5.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 47

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 5

    3.5.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Azerbaijan 49 3.5.8 Conclusions 50

    3.6 R&D Snapshot for Moldova 51 3.6.1 R&D Structure and Performers in Moldova 51 3.6.2 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View 52 3.6.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 54 3.6.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 55 3.6.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 56 3.6.6 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Moldova 57 3.6.7 Conclusions 58

    3.7 R&D Snapshot for Georgia 60 3.7.1 R&D Structure 60 3.7.2 R&D Performers 60 3.7.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View 60 3.7.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 61 3.7.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 62 3.7.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 63 3.7.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Georgia 64 3.7.8 Conclusions 65

    3.8 R&D Snapshot for Kazakhstan 67 3.8.1 R&D Structure& Performers 67 3.8.2 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View 67 3.8.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 68 3.8.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 69 3.8.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 70 3.8.6 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Kazakhstan 70 3.8.7 Conclusions 72

    3.9 R&D Snapshot for Uzbekistan 74 3.9.1 R&D Structure and Performers 74 3.9.2 R&D policy: objectives and priorities 75 3.9.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs 75 3.9.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs 76 3.9.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 77 3.9.6 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Uzbekistan 78 3.9.7 Conclusions 79

    3.10 R&D Snapshot for Kyrgyzstan 80 3.10.1 R&D Structure & Performers 80 3.10.2 R&D policy: objectives and priorities 80 3.10.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs 81 3.10.4 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Kyrgyzstan 82 3.10.5 Conclusions 83

    4. Synthesis and Conclusions 84

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 6

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 7

    1. Executive Summary

    The comparison of five sets of H2020 topics, each originating form a different perspective, brought valuable

    results in the form of:

    A. Confirmation or not of precious findings on which the key H2020 topics or regions are for each of the 10 EECA countries studied

    B. Depiction of H2020 topics with a high degree of relevance with the industrial, social and policy landscape in each of the countries that had not been considered yet as “key” for

    cooperation between the Region and the EU Research actors.

    C. Depiction of certain H2020 topics which, although conceived so far as suitable for co-operation, they do not seem to conform with any of the industrial and societal needs of a

    the country or region

    The five sets of H2020 topics that had been compared derived from:

    a) Previous work in the project and in projects before that;

    b) Industrial needs as deriving from a ranking of the industries in each country and assessment

    of their needs vis-à-vis H2020 topics and regions

    c) Societal needs as deriving from societal priorities set by local governments in each country

    and assessment of their interrelation with the H2020 topics

    d) Specific Guidance by Local Governments in each EECA country versus the objectives of

    the H2020 topics

    e) “Proof-of-concept” of common EECA-EU priority by matching content of R&D Programs


    In general, previous findings are very useful and the application of the above procedure leads to enhanced

    data in the form of:

    Loci of “common hot topics” between H2020 and R&D priorities in the region (as derived by juxtaposing the above five sets)

    Specific actions that need be pursued in specific countries with some particular industrial or societal profile, distinctly different from the region average, to improve the chances to achieve the EAST

    HORIZON objectives of increasing EECA countries participation in EU Research

    Paths to avoid as they may be supported by some individual scientific excellency are not supported by industrial, societal or policy needs

    The concrete directions above and the results obtained by them, can act as guidelines for future EAST

    HORIZON activities in the fields of awareness and training, to accomplish the project’s vision to assist the

    most suitable R&D performers in the EECA region combine their excellence, talent and expertise with EU

    R&D performers in joint Research and Development or Innovation focused consortia.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 8

    2. Introduction

    In this deliverable, work conducted in Workpackage 2 will be compared and combined with an aim to verify

    findings of Workpackage 2 (produced by synthesis work of partners and invited experts on existing and new

    information on the R&D profile of each EECA country) vis-à-vis an analytical approach that tries to locate

    which H2020 priorities are relevant to each country based on the Industrial profile, the societal priorities, the

    governmental directives and existing R&D work supported)

    Thus, for each of the 10 countries in the EAST HORIZON project, an iterative procedure will be conducted,

    that will permit a synthesis of:

    a) The findings of EAST HORIZON partners and invited experts (WP2) b) The results of a systematic analysis conducted in WP3 in order to compare, enhance and

    augment the above relative to:

    i. The needs of the key industries for each nations as these were selected based on 1) contribution to GDP and employment; 2) absorption of local and FDI; 3) contribution

    to exports and 4) governmental directives as officially stated in Governmental Plans

    and Decrees

    ii. The societal needs as they stem from Governmental directives as officially stated in Governmental Plans and Decrees

    iii. Any Matching with local R&D Programs’ Objectives and Topics and iv. The Governmental directives on R&D specifically.

    The purpose of the deliverable is to create:

    1. A locus of “hot topics” for each country and for the EECA region (or distinct parts of it) as a whole 2. Specific points that should be taken into account in improving R&D conditions and the EAST

    HORIZON objectives in each country

    No R&D result will ever be really important, unless it is consumed by the industry and/or the society, who

    will then sustain the viability of the research by direct or indirect funding). Thus, any guidance on R&D

    issues must take into account the industrial priorities and the societal needs (either these are directly depicted

    by data or indirectly via government directives).

    Successful guidance of coordination action is absolutely necessary if the EAST HORIZON objectives are to

    be attained and should its impact is to last beyond its duration.

    Hence, with this approach EAST HORIZON will validate findings so far (previous projects, WP2) and will

    draught loci of common research priority between the EU and EECA countries that will permit the creation

    of consortia with the participation of multidisciplinary groups of EECA participants (i.e. groups of

    technology developers, technology transformers or integrators and technology consumers).

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 9

    3. Overview of the National and H2020 R&D Priorities

    3.1 R&D Snapshot for Russian Federation

    The following is a snapshot of the R&D Environment in the Russian Federation, in terms of:

    Macro-economic figures regarding R&D magnitudes in the Russian Federation (section 3.1.1) Density of Research and Development performers in the country (section 3.1.2) The Official Governmental View regarding the R&D priorities (section 3.1.3) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key industrial sectors of the nation (section 3.1.4) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key societal needs of the nation (section 3.1.5) The matching of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis existing R&D programs in the nation (section 3.1.6) The key H2020 priorities for Russia as per the input by project partners and invited experts and

    relevant work in Deliverable 2.1 (Section 3.1.7)

    3.1.1 R&D Structure in the Russian Federation

    Main Science and Technology Indicators1

    2009 2010 2011 2012

    Gross domestic expenditure on R&D, million roubles, before 1998 – billion roubles:

    at current prices 485834.3 523377.2 610426.7 699869.8

    at constant 1989 prices 6.07 5.86 5.90 5.90

    Gross domestic expenses on R&D:

    as a percentage of GDP 1.25 1.13 1.09 1.12

    as a percentage compared to the

    previous year at constant 1989 prices

    110.6 94.2 101 105.7

    Federal budget appropriations on civil S&T, million roubles, before 1998 – billion roubles:

    at current prices 219053.4 237644.0 313899.3 355921.1

    at constant 1991prices 7.50 7.13 8.15 8.52

    as a percentage of GDP 0.56 0.51 0.56 0.57

    National R&D personnel, thousand 742.4 736.5 735.3 726.3

    Researchers, thousand 369.2 368.9 374.7 372.6

    Researchers per R&D institution,


    104 106 102 104

    Researchers per 10000 employed,


    55 55 55 55

    1 Science Indicators: 2014, Statistical Data book, Moscow, Higher School of Economics 2014

    Russian Federation

    Capital: Moscow

    Official language: Russian

    Population: 143.5 million (2013) World Bank

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 10

    3.1.2 R&D Performers in the Russian Federation

    As seen in the following table2 the S&T institutional structure has a number of specific features that

    distinguish Russia from most of the other developed countries. There are about 3,600 R&D organizations

    operating in Russia.

    2009 2010 2011 2012

    Total 3536 3492 3682 3566

    Research institutes 1878 1840 1782 1744

    Design organisations 377 362 364 338

    Construction project and exploration


    36 36 38 33

    Experimental enterprises 57 47 49 60

    Higher education institutions 506 517 581 560

    Industrial enterprises 228 238 280 274

    Others 454 452 588 557

    Russian R&D organisations are divided into four main sectors, depending on their main activity and


    Governmental sector which provide support to government institutions, working for the society as a whole.

    Business enterprise sector which support companies producing goods and services for sale (both privately and publicly owned).

    Higher education sector engaged in highly skilled professionals training at higher education institutions.

    Sector of non-profit organisations, including private companies which do not operate for profit.

    3.1.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Official View

    R&D policy: objectives and priorities3

    The priorities mentioned above were set by the governmental decree №2433-p of December 20, 2012 “On

    Approving the State Programme of the Russian Federation “Development of Science and Technology 2013-

    2020”. The list of thematic areas for financing basic and applied research in priority S&T areas (Appendix I

    to the State programme of the Russian Federation “Development of Science and Technology 2013-2020”)


    New materials and nanotechnologies Information and telecommunication technologies Biotechnologies Medicine and health Rational use of natural resources Transport and space systems Energy efficiency and energy conservation Interdisciplinary studies in sociology, economics and humanities

    2 Science Indicators: 2014, Statistical Data book, Moscow, Higher School of Economics 2014

    3 http://www.st-gaterus.eu/en/179.php


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 11

    The lists of priority S&T areas and critical technologies were also approved by the President of the Russian

    Federation in July 2011 (Presidential Decree № 899 of July 7, 2011 “On Approving Priority Areas of

    Science and Technology Development in the Russian Federation and the List of Critical Technologies of the

    Russian Federation”).

    Priority R&D areas define the general trends capable of providing new technologies and facilities that

    contribute to the development of national economy and social sphere.

    The list of priority S&T areas includes eight priorities:

    Information and telecommunications systems Nanosystems industry and materials Living systems Rational use of natural resources Energy efficiency, energy conservation and nuclear energy Transport, aviation and space systems Safety and terrorism counteraction Prospective armaments, military and special equipment

    3.1.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs

    The following table summarizes the Industrial Priorities for Russia (as stemming from Deliverable 3.2) and

    their correspondence to ICT R&D Priorities:

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 12

    3.1.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs

    The following Topics appear as Priorities by matching topic content with stated society needs.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 13

    3.1.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs

    The following table summarizes the matching between ICT R&D Priorities and Priorities of existing R&D

    Programs in Russia:

    Quality of life and conditions for doing business

    Developing services to

    simplify the

    procedures between

    citizens and

    the government

    through the use of IT;

    Converting to online delivery

    of all state and

    municipal services;

    Developing the digital


    services access infrastructure;

    Developing innovative


    services; increasing


    in the government

    and court operation;

    Creating a digital data


    system for the healthcare

    industry and

    introducing individual

    digital patient records;

    Developing innovative ICT solutions for improving the

    quality of research and

    education services; developing innovative

    high-tech services in the

    area of digital content and cultural heritage.

    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures x x

    Development, deployment

    and operation of ICT-based


    x x x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in

    Enabling and Industrial


    Future Internet x

    Advanced Cloud

    Infrastructures and Services

    x x x x

    FIRE+ (Future Internet

    Research & Experimentation)


    Content technologies and

    information management

    x x

    Big data - research x x

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities x x x x x

    Cyber security, Trustworthy


    x x x x

    ICT in ‘Societal challenges’

    SC1: Health, demographic

    change and wellbeing

    Improving health

    information, data exploitation

    and providing an evidence

    base for health policies and


    x x x x x

    Digital representation of

    health data to improve

    disease diagnosis and


    x x

    SC6: Europe in a changing

    world – Innovative,

    inclusive and reflective


    ICT-enabled open


    x x x x

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 14

    egovernment & effective state governance










    Shaping a




    space for




    interdepartmental data

    management systems

    and creating a single

    system of data

    elements, reference

    databases and

    classifiers used by

    state and municipal

    information systems;

    more effective use of

    ICT solutions by

    regional and


    governments (e-

    regions and e-



    a spatial



    ure in


    Providing a


    access to






    of the


    s accounting

    work into






    and IT

    systems to


    ICT in ‘Excellent




    x x x


    deployment and

    operation of ICT-based


    x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in

    Enabling and



    Future Internet x

    Advanced Cloud

    Infrastructures and


    FIRE+ (Future Internet

    Research &


    x x

    Content technologies

    and information


    x x

    Big data - research x x

    ICT Cross-Cutting



    Cyber security,

    Trustworthy ICT


    ICT in ‘Societal


    SC6: Europe in a

    changing world –

    Innovative, inclusive

    and reflective societies

    ICT-enabled open


    x x x x

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 15

    The Russian market for ICT

    Creating stimuli for

    domestic ICT

    development projects;

    Developing science and technology,

    and training qualified personnel for

    the ICT industry, to give Russia a

    competitive edge in this area;

    economic and financial development

    through the use of ICT tools;

    Developing a network

    of high-tech industry


    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures x

    Development, deployment and operation

    of ICT-based e-infrastructures

    x x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and

    Industrial Technologies’

    Future Internet x x

    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and


    x x

    FIRE+ (Future Internet Research &


    x x

    Big data - research

    Robotics x x

    Photonics KET x x

    Factories of the Future x x

    The basic infrastructure of the Information society

    Developing TV

    and radio;

    2. Developing

    the basic




    Raising the

    awareness of

    the public and


    community of



    offered by the




    people in using


    Popularizing the

    opportunities and

    advantages of the



    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures

    Development, deployment and

    operation of ICT-based e-


    x x x x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and

    Industrial Technologies’

    Future Internet x x x x x

    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and


    FIRE+ (Future Internet Research &


    x x x x x

    Security in the Information society

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 16

    1. Fighting the use of

    ICT potential for the

    purpose of damaging

    Russia’s national




    independence of the

    ICT industry;

    Developing information

    protection technology to

    protect people’s privacy and

    family, as well as to protect

    limited access data;

    Upholding Russia’s

    sovereign rights in

    the information


    ICT in ‘Leadership in

    Enabling and Industrial


    Advanced Cloud

    Infrastructures and Services

    x x x x

    Cyber security, Trustworthy


    x x x x

    Digital content and cultural heritage.

    Preserving Russia’s

    multi-ethnic cultural


    Safeguarding cultural heritage

    monuments and ensuring greater

    penetration of scientific, cultural and

    artistic phenomena in everyday life by

    digitizing such materials, improving

    data processing methods and remote

    access to digital content;

    Developing digital content

    processing tools.

    ICT in ‘Leadership in

    Enabling and Industrial


    Content technologies and

    information management

    x x x

    Big data - research x x x

    Finally, the following table indicates the matching between Priorities set out by Experts in the Country (WP

    2) and a) industrial objectives; b) societal challenges; c) government priorities; d) existing R&D programmes

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 17

    3.1.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Russia

    The following table juxtaposes the views obtained in the course of WP2 regarding key H2020 topics for

    Russia to those topics found to be of critical important from the viewpoints of: a)industrial priorities; b)

    societal needs; c) Governmental Guidelines; d) Existing National R&D Programs.

    The locus of topics where most if not all perspectives converge to depict as critical will be considered as a

    list of very high priority and will be heavily promoted in subsequent EAST-HORIZON Awareness and other



    Match with



    Match with



    Match with

    Official View

    Existing R&D


    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures + +

    Development, deployment and operation of ICT-

    based e-infrastructures

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and Industrial


    Future Internet +++ +++

    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services

    Content technologies and information


    +++ +++

    Big data - research

    Robotics +++

    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies,



    Generic micro- and Nano-electronic


    Photonics KET

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities +++

    Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT

    Factories of the Future +++

    ICT-enabled modeling, simulation, analytics and

    forecasting technologies

    ICT in ‘Societal challenges’

    SC1: Health, demographic change and



    Improving health information, data exploitation

    and providing an evidence base for health

    policies and Regulation

    Digital representation of health data to improve

    disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC6: Europe in a changing world –

    Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies


    ICT-enabled open government

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 18

    Thus, following the results of WP2, confirmed by WP 3, the following List of Topics constitutes the top-

    priorities for Russia.

    Research infrastructures

    Future Internet o Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services

    Content technologies and information management o Big data - research


    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics o Generic micro- and Nano-electronic technologies o Photonics KET

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities o Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT

    Factories of the Future o ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies

    SC1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing o Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for

    health policies and Regulation

    o Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC6: Europe in a changing world – Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies o ICT-enabled open government

    Further to the above, a complete list of priorities must include the topics below, as per the analysis (industrial

    priorities, society needs, government direction, existing R&D programs) conducted in WP3.

    The combination of this list with the above constitutes the ultimate locus of priority topics for the nation.


    Match with



    Match with



    Match with



    Existing R&D


    A new generation of components and systems –


    Match with

    needs of

    several priority



    Advanced Manufacturing and Processing


    Advanced Materials

    Match with

    needs of

    several priority



    SC7: Secure societies

    Clear match

    on most




    Existing Program

    All energy related topics in SC3/SC4 Horizontal need due to both the importance of the industry and the

    societal needs

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

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    3.1.8 Conclusions

    In general, both Governmental Directions and existing programs converge in that Research and Development

    in the nation need set some goals which were part of the objectives of frameworks that preceded H2020 as

    well as follow those set in H2020.

    The topics of:

    Research infrastructures

    Future Internet o Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services

    Content technologies and information management o Big data - research


    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics o Generic micro- and Nano-electronic technologies o Photonics KET

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities o Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT

    Factories of the Future o ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies

    SC1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing o Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for

    health policies and Regulation

    o Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC6: Europe in a changing world – Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies o ICT-enabled open government

    could provide opportunities for the nation to perform a leapfrog move in certain aspects of the transformation

    of its economy and governmental activities

    It is also clear that the following domains should also be pursued actively in seeking international


    A new generation of components and systems – (all topics)

    Advanced Manufacturing and Processing


    Advanced Materials

    Cyber Security

    All energy related topics in SC3/SC4

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 20

    3.2 R&D Snapshot for Belarus

    The following is a snapshot of the R&D Environment in the Belarus, in terms of:

    Macro-economic figures regarding R&D magnitudes in the Belarus (section 3.2.1) Density of Research and Development performers in the country (section 3.2.2) The Official Governmental View regarding the R&D priorities (section 3.2.3) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key industrial sectors of the nation (section 3.2.4 ) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key societal needs of the nation (section 3.2.5) The matching of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis existing R&D programs in the nation (section 3.2.6 ) The key H2020 priorities for Belarus as per the input by project partners and invited experts and

    relevant work in Deliverable 2.1 (Section 3.2.7 )

    3.2.1 R&D Structure4 in Belarus

    Research indicators (2012)

    Domestic expenditures on R&D 3 537.8 bln BYR (330 mln EUR)

    Domestic expenditures on R&D as % of GDP 0.67

    Number of R&D personnel, thousand 30.4

    Number of R&D personnel/10 thousand population 32.2

    Number of R&D personnel/10 thousand manpower 66.6

    Number of researchers, thousand 19.3

    Number of highly qualified workers as % of the number

    of researchers


    The total number of R&D personnel is 30.4 thousand (66.6/10 thous. of employed in the economy and

    32.2/10 thous. of population) including 19.3 thous. researchers1. On the contrary to negative tendencies of

    2001-2005, by 2009 the number of R&D personnel increased 7%, the number of researchers – 12%.

    However, the financial and economic crisis has dropped back these indicators to the level of the year 2005.

    Women represent 41% of the total number of researchers. The largest share of researchers work in the

    National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NAS) and industrial companies subordinated to the Ministry of

    Industry (30% and 23% respectively). Despite the fact that the number of R&D personnel in industry grew

    significantly during the last years, R&D is still dominantly undertaken in extra-mural R&D organisations,

    mainly in the NAS.

    4 Science and Innovation Activities. Statistical book. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of

    Belarus. 2013.


    Capital: Minsk

    Official language: Russian, Belarusian

    Population: 2014 estimate:9,468,154 (Wikipedia)

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 21

    3.2.2 R&D Performers5 in Belarus

    In 2012, research was carried out in 530 organisations of which most were state owned. The attempts of the

    Government to re-organise the national science and technology area, optimize its structure and create

    conditions for increasing the effectiveness of R&D have resulted in a significant increase of the total number

    of R&D organisations and, in particular, those in business enterprise sector.

    Sector of performance Number of R&D organisations

    2005 2009 2012

    Total 322 466 530

    Government sector 122 80 104

    business enterprise sector 144 255 352

    higher education sector 56 63 70

    3.2.3 Research and Development Priorities: The Official View

    R&D policy: objectives and priorities6

    The Programme of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-20157 states

    innovations and increase of investments to be a precondition of the country’s growth. By the end of 2015,

    Belarus has to reach the following indices: 20-21% of innovative products in total shipped industrial

    products, 12-14% of innovative and high-tech products in the total export of products and services. The

    strategy of science, technology and innovation activities formulated in this document includes the following

    key tasks:

    Developing effective national innovation system, Increasing innovative activities of companies, and Support to entrepreneurship and inventions.

    These tasks are being implemented on the basis of:

    Technological modernization of key industries and productions, introducing science-based technologies (such as information, nano-electronic, optical, thin chemistry, biological technologies,

    etc.) in manufacturing of products with high added cost and low energy and material consumption,

    incl. productions based on hydrogen technologies;

    Development of the material resources of the national science sector, as well as training the highly qualified experts in the area of innovation activities;

    Increase of spending for R&D up to 2.5-2.9% GDP and the share of non-budget funding - up to 52-54% of the total funding. At the beginning of 2014, it’s clear, however, that the first indices are


    The state S&T policy in Belarus is formed on the base of priority areas of S&T activities. For the period of

    up to 2015, the following priorities are defined by the Decree of the President of Belarus of 22 July 2010 №


    energy and energy saving; agricultural industry technologies and productions; industrial and construction technologies and productions; medicine, medical equipment and technologies, pharmaceuticals; chemical technologies, nano- and biotechnologies;

    5 Science and Innovation Activities. Statistical book. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of

    Belarus. 2013 6 http://www.increast.eu/en/153.php 7 http://etalonline.by/?type=text&regnum=P31100136


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 22

    information and communication, aviation and space technologies; new materials; effective nature management, resource saving and protection from emergency; Defence and national security.

    3.2.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs

    The following table summarizes the Industrial Priorities for Belarus (as stemming from Deliverable 3.2) and

    their correspondence to ICT R&D Priorities:

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 23

    3.2.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Society Needs

    The following Topics appear as Priorities by matching topic content with stated society needs.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 24

    3.2.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs

    The following table summarizes the matching between ICT R&D Priorities and Priorities of existing R&D

    Programs in Belarus:

    State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015



    of the


    society based



    development of

    ICT industry to

    anticipate the



    needs of citizens, business

    and the State

    developing national

    information industry and

    attracting investment in

    national production of ICT,

    information resources and

    electronic services

    improving the


    system to

    train high-

    quality human


    development of

    a system of


    security to

    protect the


    interests of

    Belarus in the




    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures

    Development, deployment and

    operation of ICT-based e-


    x x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling

    and Industrial Technologies’

    Future Internet x x x

    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures

    and Services x x

    Tools & Methods for Software

    development x

    Content technologies and

    information management

    Big Data Innovation & Take up x x

    Big data - research x

    Technologies for better human

    learning and teaching x

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities

    Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT x

    Finally, the following table indicates the matching between Priorities set out by Experts in the Country (WP

    2) and a) industrial objectives; b) societal challenges; c) government priorities; d) existing R&D programmes

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 25

    3.2.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Belarus

    The following table juxtaposes the views obtained in the course of WP2 regarding key H2020 topics for

    Belarus to those topics found to be of critical important from the viewpoints of: a)industrial priorities; b)

    societal needs; c) Governmental Guidelines; d) Existing National R&D Programs.

    The locus of topics where most if not all perspectives converge to depict as critical will be considered as a

    list of very high priority and will be heavily promoted in subsequent EAST-HORIZON Awareness and other



    Match with



    Match with



    Match with

    Official View

    Existing R&D


    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures +++ +++

    Development, deployment and operation of ICT-

    based e-infrastructures

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and Industrial


    Future Internet +++

    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services +++

    Tools & Methods for Software development +++

    Content technologies and information


    Big Data Innovation & Take up +++

    Big data - research +++

    Technologies for better human learning and


    +++ +++ +++

    Robotics +++ +++ Robotics Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies,



    Generic micro- and Nano-electronic



    Photonics KET +++

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities +++ +++

    Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT +++

    Factories of the Future

    ICT-enabled modeling, simulation, analytics and

    forecasting technologies

    ICT in ‘Societal challenges’

    SC1: Health, demographic change and


    +++ +++

    Advancing active & healthy ageing

    Advanced ICT systems and services for

    Integrated Care

    Digital representation of health data to improve

    disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy +++ +++

    Smart cities and Communities solutions

    integrating energy, transport

    SC6: Europe in a changing world –

    Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies

    +++ +++

    ICT-enabled open government

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 26

    Thus, following the results of WP2, confirmed by WP 3, the following List of Topics constitutes the top-

    priorities for Belarus.

    Future Internet o Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services o Tools & Methods for Software development

    Content technologies and information management o Big Data Innovation & Take up o Big data - research o Technologies for better human learning and teaching

    Robotics o Robotics

    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics o Generic micro- and Nano-electronic technologies o Photonics KET

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities o Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT

    SC1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing o Advancing active & healthy ageing o Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care o Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy o Smart cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport

    SC6: Europe in a changing world – Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies o ICT-enabled open government

    Further to the above, a complete list of priorities must include the topics below, as per the analysis (industrial

    priorities, society needs, government direction, existing R&D programs) conducted in WP3.

    The combination of this list with the above constitutes the ultimate locus of priority topics for the nation.


    Match with



    Match with



    Match with



    Existing R&D


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes

    Close match

    due to the very



    sector in the






    SC7: Secure Societies

    Match with






    The extremely comprehensive work in WP2 for Belarus has limited the above list to only two Programs that

    was under the focus of work conducted in the course of the activities of Deliverable 2.1 as mainly LEIT and

    Societal Challenges Topics were considered. It is also noteworthy that a high degree of convergence exists

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 27

    between stated priorities and the analytical approaches in WP 3on all fronts: Industrial Priorities; Societal

    Needs; Government Views: Existing Programs

    3.2.8 Conclusions

    In general, both Governmental Directions and existing programs converge in that Research and Development

    in the nation need set some goals which were part of the objectives of frameworks that preceded H2020 as

    well as follow those set in H2020.

    The topics of:

    Future Internet o Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services o Tools & Methods for Software development

    Content technologies and information management o Big Data Innovation & Take up o Big data - research o Technologies for better human learning and teaching

    Robotics o Robotics

    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics o Generic micro- and Nano-electronic technologies o Photonics KET

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities o Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT

    SC1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing o Advancing active & healthy ageing o Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care o Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment

    SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy o Smart cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport

    SC6: Europe in a changing world – Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies o ICT-enabled open government

    Could provide opportunities for the nation to perform a leapfrog move in certain aspects of the

    transformation of its economy and governmental activities

    It is also clear that the following domains should also be pursued actively in seeking international


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes, (all topics) due to strong manufacturing sector in the nation

    Biotechnology, due to Government Directives

    It should also be noted that Government Directives are strong in the direction of assisting exploitation of

    R&D Results and Entrepreneurship in general.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 28

    3.3 R&D Snapshot for Ukraine

    The following is a snapshot of the R&D Environment in the Ukraine, in terms of:

    Macro-economic figures regarding R&D magnitudes in the Ukraine (section 3.3.1) Density of Research and Development performers in the country (section 3.3.2) The Official Governmental View regarding the R&D priorities (section 3.2.3) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key industrial sectors of the nation (section 3.3.4 ) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key societal needs of the nation (section 3.2.5 The matching of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis existing R&D programs in the nation (section 3.2.6 ) The key H2020 priorities for Ukraine as per the input by project partners and invited experts and

    relevant work in Deliverable 2.1 (Section 3.2.7)

    3.3.1 R&D Structure in Ukraine

    There are 1143 (source: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ ) research institutions in Ukraine, representing the

    following sectors of science:

    academic field Industry.

    Academic science is presented by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine which is the highest state-

    supported research organisation, enrolling academicians, corresponding members and foreign members and

    integrates all researchers of its institutions and carries out studies in various branches of knowledge,

    develops scientific fundamentals for technological, socio-economic and cultural advancement of the nation

    as well as five field academies of sciences – Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Academy of Medical

    Sciences, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Legal Sciences and Academy of Arts. Research is

    also carried out by field institutes, institutions of higher education, industrial research institutes, engineering

    departments and special engineering bureaus.

    3.3.2 R&D Performers in Ukraine

    According to the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine, the number of the research institutions personnel

    is 123 219 of whom 4,3% are researchers (as for 2013), and women-researchers make 45,8%.

    The statistical data shows that the most number of Ukrainian researchers (more than 42,3%) work in the field

    of engineering which reflects the traditional direction of Ukrainian science.

    3.3.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: the Official View

    The Law of Ukraine “On Priorities of Science and Technology Development” defines the following national

    priorities up to 2020:

    basic scientific research of the most important problems of scientific and technological, social and

    8 http://www.increast.eu/en/139.php


    Capital: Kyiv

    Official language: Ukrainian

    Population: The population of Ukraine is 43 009 258 mln

    people (as of 1 May 2014)8


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 29

    economic, political and human potential development to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness in the

    world and sustainable development of its society and state;

    information and communication technologies; energy and power efficiency; efficient nature management; life sciences, new technologies of prevention and treatment of the most wide-spread diseases; New substances and materials.

    The S&T priorities are defined according to the National Target S&T and Innovation Development Forecast

    Programme of Ukraine. They are discussed by the scientific community and submitted by the Cabinet of

    Ministers of Ukraine to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for correction. According to the a/m Law of Ukraine, on

    September 07, 2011, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a Resolution “On Approval of the List of

    Priority Thematic Directions of Scientific Research and Science and Technology Designs for the period up to


    The Law of Ukraine “On Priorities in Innovation Activities in Ukraine” defines the following strategic

    innovation priorities for the period 2011-2021:

    assimilation of new technologies of energy transportation, putting into operation of energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, assimilation of alternative sources of energy;

    assimilation of new technologies of high technology development of the transportation system, rocket and space field, aircraft industry and shipbuilding, armament and military technologies;

    assimilation of the new technologies of materials production, their processing and interconnection; creation of the nano-materials and nano-technologies industry;

    technological modernization and development of agro-industrial complex; introduction of new technologies and equipment for a quality medical service, treatment and


    wide use of technologies of cleaner manufacturing and environment protection; Development of modern information and communication technologies and robotics.

    3.3.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs

    The following table summarizes the Industrial Priorities for Ukraine (as stemming from Deliverable 3.2) and

    their correspondence to ICT R&D Priorities:

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 30

    3.3.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs

    The following Topics appear as Priorities by matching topic content with stated society needs.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 31

    3.3.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs

    The following table summarizes the matching between ICT R&D Priorities and Priorities of existing R&D

    Programs in Ukraine:

    Information Society in Ukraine in 2007-2015


    of the legal,







    teaching and


    n conditions







    n and


    ent of





    y in the


    spheres of

    public life

    in Ukraine


    n of

    system of







    of the












    care, etc.




    systems of


    n and


    support of

    state and





    y of



    n through


    use of






    g and


    ng of the










    n into the



    on space

    ICT in ‘Excellent





    deployment and

    operation of ICT-based


    x x x x x x

    ICT in ‘Leadership in

    Enabling and



    A new Generation of

    components and


    x x x

    Smart System


    x x x x x x x

    Future Internet x x x x x x x

    Content technologies

    and information


    x x

    Big data – research x x

    Technologies for better

    human learning &



    ICT in ‘Societal


    SC1: Health,

    demographic change

    and wellbeing

    Improving health

    information, data

    exploitation and

    providing an evidence

    base for health policies

    and Regulation


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 32

    3.3.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Ukraine

    The following table juxtaposes the views obtained in the course of WP2 regarding key H2020 topics for

    Ukraine to those topics found to be of critical important from the viewpoints of: a)industrial priorities; b)

    societal needs; d) Existing R&D Programs

    Data on Governmental Guidelines have not been taken into consideration due to expectation of new

    guidelines from a new Government with a totally new Agenda.

    The locus of topics where most if not all perspectives converge to depict as critical will be considered as a

    list of very high priority and will be heavily promoted in subsequent EAST-HORIZON Awareness and other



    Match with



    Match with societal


    Existing R&D


    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures +++

    Development, deployment and operation of ICT-

    based e-infrastructures

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and Industrial


    A new Generation of components and


    Smart System Integration Future Internet +++

    Tools and Methods for Software development +++ Content technologies and information


    Big data – research +++

    Technologies for better human learning &



    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies,



    Generic micro- and Nano-electronic


    Factories of the Future

    ICT-enabled modeling, simulation, analytics and

    forecasting technologies

    ICT in ‘Societal challenges’

    SC1: Health, demographic change and

    wellbeing +++

    Improving health information, data exploitation

    and providing an evidence base for health

    policies and Regulation

    Digital representation of health data to improve

    disease diagnosis and treatment

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 33

    Thus, following the results of WP2, confirmed by WP 3, the following List of Topics constitutes the top-

    priorities for Ukraine.

    Big data – research

    Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

    Health, demographic change and wellbeing (all topics)

    Future Internet

    Further to the above, a complete list of priorities must include the topics below, as per the analysis (industrial

    priorities, society needs, government direction, existing R&D programs) conducted in WP3.

    The combination of this list with the above constitutes the ultimate locus of priority topics for the nation.


    Match with



    Match with



    Match with



    Existing R&D


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes

    Heavy match

    with traditional


    A new Generation of Components and Systems

    Very important

    ICT industry

    focused on


    Advanced Computing

    Very important

    ICT industry

    focused on


    Future Internet

    Very important

    ICT industry

    focused on


    Content Technologies

    Very important

    ICT industry

    focused on


    Several topics in SC2 (agriculture), SC3 (energy

    efficiency), SC7


    match with




    3.3.8 Conclusions

    Ukraine is the ex-UUSR region with the highest competency in ICT, outside the Greater Moscow Region.

    Ukrainian ICT firms are amongst the largest providers of ICT outsourcing services to the Western Europe

    and North American ICT Performers.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 34

    This is not reflected in the above analysis for several reasons, the most important being the total absence of

    representatives of this industry in the national R&D processes

    From the (mainly academia originating) input to Workpackage 2, the topics of

    • Big data – research

    • Micro- and Nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

    • Health, demographic change and wellbeing (all topics)

    • Future Internet

    could prove the best cases for H2020 – UA cooperation in ICT R&D.

    It is also clear that the following domains should also be pursued actively in seeking international


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes, (all topics) Robotics, NMP (due to the importance of traditional industries in an economy in transition towards EU inclusion )

    A new Generation of Components and Systems (all topics), Advanced Computing (all topics), Future Internet (all topics); Content Technologies (most topics) provided the large ICT outsourcing

    Industries engage in local and transnational research directly as opposed to the practice of being

    “fed” research results from their Western world clients.

    It should also be noted that Government Directives have been treated as “in-the-making” taking into account

    recent changes. It is expected that will create some convergence with H2020 which remains to be seen.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 35

    3.4 R&D Snapshot for Armenia

    The following is a snapshot of the R&D Environment in the Armenia, in terms of:

    Macro-economic figures regarding R&D magnitudes in the Armenia (section 3.4.1) Density of Research and Development performers in the country (section 3.4.2) The Official Governmental View regarding the R&D priorities (section 3.4.3) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key industrial sectors of the nation (section 3.4.4 ) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key societal needs of the nation (section 3.4.5) The matching of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis existing R&D programs in the nation (section 3.4.6 ) The key H2020 priorities for Armenia as per the input by project partners and invited experts and

    relevant work in Deliverable 2.1 (Section 3.4.7)

    3.4.1 R&D Structure9 in Armenia

    In Armenia R&D was one of core sectors of economy before the collapse of the USSR. The independent

    Armenia inherited quite ramified and developed network of research and education institutions distributed

    among Academic, university and branch/enterprise sectors. Armenia was specialised in several fields of

    sciences and technology, including physics and astrophysics, computer sciences and information

    technologies, biotechnology, chemistry and others.

    3.4.2 R&D Performers10 in Armenia

    The National Academy of Sciences (NAS RA) with its around 35 research institutions exists without major

    systemic and functional changes and is the main R&D performer in the country.

    3.4.3 R&D policy: objectives and priorities: The Official View

    In May 2010, the Government adopted the Strategy on Development of Science in Armenia, which outlined

    the state policy towards development of science in 2011-2020. Based on this strategy, the Action Plan 2011-

    2015 was approved by the government in 2011 on the development of science in Armenia which

    incorporates the following targets for the stated period as follows:

    Improving the S&T management system and ensuring adequate conditions for the sustainable development;

    Measures on increasing the number of young and talented specialist involved in research, education and technological development, upgrading of research infrastructure;

    Creating adequate conditions for the development of integrated science, technology and innovation system;

    Developing international cooperation in RTD.

    One of the main positive aspects in the latest adopted policy documents is the existence of quantitative

    targets to measure the success of implementation of envisaged measures.

    In May 2010, the government issued a resolution on Science and Technology Development Priorities for

    9 http://www.increast.eu/en/142.php 10 http://www.increast.eu/en/142.php


    Capital: Yerevan

    Official language: Armenian

    Population: 3,060,631 (July 2014 est.)


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 36

    2010-1014 in the Republic of Armenia. These priorities are stated to be as follows:

    Armenian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences; Life Sciences; Renewable Energy, New Energy Sources; Advanced technologies, Information Technologies; Space, Earth Sciences, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources; Basic research promoting applied research of vital importance.

    3.4.4 Research and Development Priorities: The Industry Needs

    The following table summarizes the Industrial Priorities for Armenia (as stemming from Deliverable 3.2) and

    their correspondence to ICT R&D Priorities:

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 37

    3.4.5 Research and Development Priorities: The Societal Needs

    The following Topics appear as Priorities by matching topic content with stated society needs.

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 38

    3.4.6 Research and Development Priorities: The Existing Programs

    The following table summarizes the matching between ICT R&D Priorities and Priorities of existing R&D

    Programs in Armenia:

    Armenia Development Strategy program eGovernance Development

    Strategy for Republic of Armenia


    n of

    establishment of


    parks, incubators

    and other IT





    ted through



    Support to


    in implementa

    tion of

    modern curricula

    and acquisition


    necessary laboratories

    , through

    promotion of their


    with private sector


    tion of

    favourable tax policy


    export potential in

    the sector


    tion of

    state‐support programs

    for SMEs

    and start‐ups involved in

    the IT

    Sector, including

    access to

    markets, professional


    and ensuring

    access to




    to IT compan


    offering innovati

    ve product

    s or



    ent and accounta







    l societ


    A society

    with good

    education, health


    and governance

    s supported by


    and communica





    to public


    ICT in






    x x





    operation of





    x x x x x

    ICT in


    p in







    Internet x x x x x x



    and Novel




    x x x x x




    x x x x

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 39

    es and




    s and






    s for better


    learning &


    x x x

    ICT Cross-







    x x




    ic change




    active and





    ICT systems

    and services






    Europe in a


    world –










    x x x x



    Societies –




    security of

    Europe and

    its citizens


    Privacy x x

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 40

    Finally, the following table indicates the matching between Priorities set out by Experts in the Country (WP

    2) and a) industrial objectives; b) societal challenges; c) government priorities; d) existing R&D programmes

    3.4.7 A multi-dimensional view of R&D priorities for Armenia

    The following table juxtaposes the views obtained in the course of WP2 regarding key H2020 topics for

    Armenia to those topics found to be of critical important from the viewpoints of: a)industrial priorities; b)

    societal needs; c) Governmental Guidelines; d) Existing National R&D Programs.

    The locus of topics where most if not all perspectives converge to depict as critical will be considered as a

    list of very high priority and will be heavily promoted in subsequent EAST-HORIZON Awareness and other



    Match with



    Match with



    Match with

    Official View

    Existing R&D


    ICT in ‘Excellent science’

    Research infrastructures +++

    Development, deployment and operation of ICT-

    based e-infrastructures

    ICT in ‘Leadership in Enabling and Industrial


    Future Internet

    Smart Networks and Novel Internet


    Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services Content technologies and information


    Big data – research +++

    Cracking the language barrier +++

    Technologies for better human learning &


    +++ +++ +++

    ICT Cross-Cutting Activities

    Cyber security, Trustworthy ICT +++

    ICT in ‘Societal challenges’

    SC1: Health, demographic change and

    wellbeing +++

    Advancing active and healthy ageing +++

    Advanced ICT systems and services for

    Integrated Care

    SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart cities and Communities solutions

    integrating energy, transport +++

    SC6: Europe in a changing world –

    Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies

    ICT-enabled open government +++ +++ +++ SC7: Secure Societies – Protecting freedom

    and security of Europe and its citizens

    Privacy +++

    Thus, following the results of WP2, confirmed by WP 3, the following List of Topics constitutes the

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 41

    top-priorities for Armenia:

    Big data – research

    Cracking the language barrier

    Technologies for better human learning & teaching

    ICT-enabled open government

    Secure Societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

    Advancing active and healthy ageing

    Smart cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport

    ICT-enabled open government

    Research Infrastructures

    Health, all topics

    Further to the above, a complete list of priorities must include the topics below, as per the analysis (industrial

    priorities, society needs, government direction, existing R&D programs) conducted in WP3.

    The combination of this list with the above constitutes the ultimate locus of priority topics for the nation.


    Match with



    Match with



    Match with



    Existing R&D


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes



    Heavy match

    with needs of



    sectors for


    All Novel Energy Technologies Topics in SC4 Clear


    Existing Programs

    3.4.8 Conclusions

    In general, both Governmental Directions and existing programs converge in that Research and Development

    in the nation need set some goals which were part of the objectives of frameworks that preceded H2020.

    However, topics of particular importance regarding the advanced position of the nation relative to the

    process of cooperation with the EU and Russia alike are reflected in both the Directives towards R&D and

    the resulting Programs.

    The topics of:

    Big data – research

    Cracking the language barrier

    Technologies for better human learning & teaching

    ICT-enabled open government

    Secure Societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

    Advancing active and healthy ageing

    Smart cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport

    ICT-enabled open government

  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 42

    Research Infrastructures

    Health, all topics

    could provide opportunities for the nation to perform a leapfrog move in certain aspects of the transformation

    of its economy and governmental activities

    It is also clear that the following domains should also be pursued actively in seeking international


    Advanced Manufacturing Processes, (all topics) Robotics, NMP (due to the importance of traditional industries in an economy in transition towards EU inclusion )

    All Novel Energy Technologies Topics

    It should also be noted that Government Directives are strong in the direction of assisting exploitation of

    R&D Results and Entrepreneurship in general. This opens a window of opportunity for cooperation with

    analogous structures in EU Programs and with Financial Institutions operating in the Central Asia / Caucasus


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 43

    3.5 R&D Snapshot for Azerbaijan

    The following is a snapshot of the R&D Environment in the Azerbaijan, in terms of:

    Macro-economic figures regarding R&D magnitudes in the Azerbaijan (section 3.5.1) Density of Research and Development performers in the country (section 3.5.2) The Official Governmental View regarding the R&D priorities (section 3.5.3) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key industrial sectors of the nation (section 3.5.4) The relevance of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis the key societal needs of the nation (section 3.5.5) The matching of H2020 priorities vis-à-vis existing R&D programs in the nation (section 3.5.6) The key H2020 priorities for Azerbaijan as per the input by project partners and invited experts and

    relevant work in Deliverable 2.1(Section 3.5.7)

    3.5.1 R&D Structure & Performers in Azerbaijan

    Instead of science providing the rational basis for the overall social restructuring and democratisation of

    society, Azerbaijan has witnessed exactly the opposite trend: political power relies on the imports of

    "recipes" and other kinds of "knowledge" about social restructuring, thus to a large extent abusing science.

    The complex field of RTD is fragmented. Institutional and functional links between the universities and

    professional RTD organisations have been cut. A very small number of companies are carrying out in-house

    research as their resource for normal functioning and future development. However, their impact on the

    domestic (state-run) RTD complex is extremely marginal. Economic activities greatly rely on importing

    knowledge and technology (a restrictive and externally strictly controlled operation), mostly under very

    unfavourable or unregulated conditions. The overall creative potential is marginalised and exposed to

    pressures by distinctly conservative proponents advocating explicit state regulation of all scientific and

    research activities12


    Research Indicators13

    Number of organisations that carried out RTD:145

    Employees engaged in R&D (full-time employees): 17 973 including Researchers: 11.698 of which

    Doctors of sciences: 708

    Candidates of sciences (PhD): 3.258

    Number of research and educational employees of higher educational institutions: 11.591

    (which are not on the staff of scientific research sub-sector , but are carrying out R&D)

    of which

    Doctors of sciences: 988

    Candidates of sciences (PhD): 5.386

    Number of corresponding members of ANAS: 100

    Domestic expenditures on RTD

    11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijan#cite_note-Az.C9.99rbaycanda_demoqrafik_v.C9.99ziyy.C9.99t-1 12

    http://www.increast.eu/en/147.php 13

    Education, Science and Culture in Azerbaijan 2007, State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic (SSCAR) 2007, p. 236-238, Stand: 2006


    Capital: Baku

    Official language: Azerbaijani

    Population: 2014 estimate 9 494 60011


  • EAST-HORIZON WP3 D3.4 – Report on the interrelation between National & H2020 R&D priorities, existing Information Society (IS),

    Policy Dialogues, Innovation-related policies & the Digital Agenda for Europe 44

    million manats: 32.2

    in million USD: 37.9

    Allocated funds from state budget for science

    million manats: 32.0

    in million USD: 37.6

    in per cent of GDP: 0.2

    in per cent of expenditures from the state budget: 0.8

    3.5.2 Research Performers14

    Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS)

    There is no ministry of science in Azerbaijan. The ANAS plays a primary role in the scientific life of the

    republic. In accordance with the President’s decree dated 04.01.03, the Academy, being the highest scientific

    centre of the Republic of Azerbaijan, organises and carries out basic and applied research on scientific

    problems and coordinates basic research conducted in scientific organisations and higher educational

    institutions. The presidential order clearly notes that the Academy is accorded special status in the areas of

    science policy development and implementation as well as science management in Azerbaijan and in its

    relations with the state the Academy is to have direct contact with the republic’s Prime Minister.

    There are 53 organisations functioning within the framework of the ANAS, including 34 research institutions

    and 3 regional research centres. The breakdown of research institutions of the ANAS main body w