Using Dialogues

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  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    p ce up your dialogues!

    Adapting communicative activities

    Stephanie Kasten and Nikki Rowley

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Dialogues are important because they

    model real-life situationsteach new grammar and vocaballow students to use what they've

    learnedgive shy students a chance to stepoutside boundariesand provide fun informal language

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    ene s o

    dialogues$rovide speaking and listening practice%emphasi&ing how the listener reacts(reate a memorable learning e)perienceAre adaptable to multiple levels*ncrease motivation and self-esteem

    +ove from word to phrase to longerunits

    ,elp students use language in conte)t

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    "efore the dialogue!!! Ask questions about the picture

    ,ow many people are there

    .ho are are they

    .hat are they doing.hat are they talking about

    ,ow do they feel

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    +ost importantly/+ake sure the dialogue has an


    a purpose!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    .hat did he say

    utterances and usefule)pressions in dialogues

    Nothingmuch .

    Seriously?No way.

    Get out

    of here!1h umhmmeww

    Are youkidding?

    Woah!Cool. What for?

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    *nformal conversations in 2nglish areoften chockful of utterances and useful

    e)pressions whose meanings cannot be found in the dictionary!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    $ragmatics is the the study of the aspects ofmeaning and language use that are

    dependent on the speaker3s intentionand the addressee3s interpretation of

    the utterance in the conte)t of theconversation!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    4se voice intonationfacial e)pressions

    body languageand repetition

    to e)plain e)pressions and utterancesso students really understand the

    dialogues they are reading andspeaking!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    $lanning phase5- Determine your ob0ective!

    6- Select or create an appropriate te)t that is theright level of di7culty and that will ful#ll yourob0ective!

    8- Decide the speci#cs of the activity and includethem in your lesson plan!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    .arm up9 Reading and listening tothe dialogue

    Review new vocabulary

    Fill in the blanksSuggest synonyms *dentify speakers' emotions andpersonalities

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Speaking the dialogueTeam speaking(heckpronunciation

    Act with emotion

    :ry new roles

    Bring propsMemorize andperform

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    .hat else can * do withdialogues

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    ;et creativeuestions for the character

    =1ne student answers as the interviewee

    .rite an alternative ending=(ut o? the dialogue at a critical point

    =Students write@brainstorm alternative solutions

    .hat happens next=Students brainstorm and write a se>uel

    =Draw a cartoon B:he ne)t day!!!C@B ive minutes later!!!C

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Activity 2)amples

    .ho are these lovely people andwhat on 2arth are they doing

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Activities for this unitEs grammar

    focus learning goals and vocabulary

    (lo&e activity %#ll in theblank

    :eam speaking

    Role play cards.hat happens ne)t

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    (lo&e Activity

    Students identify vocabularywords and prepositions of placefrom the unit by listening to thedialogue and #lling in the blankswith the correct word! :heactivity sheet can be modi#ed tofocus on the grammar and

    vocabulary you wish to teach! Andy9 So where would you like to go today "rian

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Andy9 So where would you like to go today rian

    "rian9 *'m not sure! (an * look at the map Fenetian $ool!!! is that 0ust a %5 GGGGGGGGGG

    Andy 9 Not really! :here are also waterfalls and %6 GGGGGGGGGG there!

    "rian9 Het's go there< .here is it

    Andy9 *t's in (oral ;ables %8 GGGGGGGGGG (oral .ay and IJ th Street!

    Hi&a9 And there's also the Sea>uarium!

    Andy9 1h yeah! ou can see sharks there!"rian9 Awesome< (an we go there today

    Andy9 Sure! ou can see dolphins there too! And then we can go tothe $lanetarium!

    "rian9 ;reat< And what about (oconut ;rove .hat's thatAndy9 *t's Hi&a's favorite place! *t's %I GGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGG (ora


    Hi&a9 *t's a shopping place! :here are really great restaurants theretoo!

    "rian9 4mm * think *'ll ski (oconut ;rove! * hate %L !

    Andy9 So where would you like to go today "rian

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Andy9 So where would you like to go today rian

    "rian9 *'m not sure! (an * look at the map Fenetian $ool!!! is that 0ust a%5 pool

    Andy 9 Not really! :here are also waterfalls and %6 restaurants there!

    "rian9 Het's go there< .here is it

    Andy9 *t's in (oral ;ables %8 between (oral .ay and IJ th Street!

    Hi&a9 And there's also the Sea>uarium!

    Andy9 1h yeah! ou can see sharks there!"rian9 Awesome< (an we go there today


    Andy9 Sure! ou can see dolphins there too! And then we can go to the$lanetarium!

    "rian9 ;reat< And what about (oconut ;rove .hat's that

    Andy9 *t's Hi&a's favorite place! *t's %I across from (oral ;ables!

    Hi&a9 *t's a shopping place! :here are really great restaurants there too!

    "rian9 4mm * think *'ll skip (oconut ;rove! * hate%L malls !

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    :eam Speaking

    Students practicepronunciation by repeatingafter the teacher as a class oras parts of the class %e!g!

    divide the class in sectionsand assign dialogue parts toeach section !

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Role $lay (ards

    Students practice asking and answering>uestions via role play!

    Role play ideas9-Hocal person and tourist- Mournalist and interviewee

    -$olice detective and witness!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    Role $lay 2)ample$erson A9 ou are visiting (uencafrom (anada and are lost! ou aretrying to #nd $ar>ue (alderon! ou

    see a nice-looking person drinkingco?ee at an outdoor caf !

    $erson "9 ou are a (uenca residentdrinking a co?ee at an outdoor cafsomewhere in (uenca! A lost touriststops to ask you some >uestions!

  • 8/11/2019 Using Dialogues


    .hat happens ne)tStudents orally describe whathappens after the dialogue is #nishedusing a comic strip presentation!

    $rovide a rubric for the strip fore)ample9at least I prepositionsat least I vocabulary words from unitone use of Bthere isC and one use ofBthere areCbe creative