Dear Family of Faith, - WordPress.com · 2015-11-30 · Dear Family of Faith, Welcome to this quarter’s journey through the first book of our New Testament. I am thrilled that you

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Dear Family of Faith,

Welcome to this quarter’s journey through the first book of our New Testament. I am thrilled that you are on this journey with our faith family and pray that God will grow you immensely through your quiet time each day as you prepare to study His Word with those in your Sunday School group. During these months together, we’ll celebrate the birth of the Savior and prepare to make Him known to everyone…everywhere! As we focus on the first thirteen chapters of the book of Matthew, we will see a strong declaration that Jesus is the Messiah! In these Scriptures, we will see Jesus place great emphasis upon our hearts as the place that His Kingdom’s rule is complete. Jesus’ role as the Messiah for the Jews is emphasized, but we also see His love for everyone, including the four Gentile women listed in His genealogy. The Kingdom of God has arrived and Jesus is calling people from every nation and tongue to it. This quarter our booklet provides one devotion for each day. We would love to encourage you to use your own Bible to mark and take notes in and to fill in the blanks in your booklet in anticipation of Sunday’s gathering with your group. The focus of the questions on Saturday and Sunday has changed a bit in this booklet to help us identify a passage that has stood out to us during the week, evaluate why it is meaningful to us, apply it to our lives, and respond in obedience to God’s Word. Truly that is the purpose of our time with God each day; to be “doers of the Word and not hearers only.” (James 1:22) So, let’s go on this quarter’s journey in Matthew. It will be thrilling to see the hand of God at work in us and through us as we draw closer to Him and tell the old, old story to more and more “others” during our journey together. It is a privilege to travel on this journey with you!

Serving Jesus with you,

Steve CliftonExecutive Pastor of Education


Week of November 30, 2015

Matthew 2:13-15

Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.

For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make ready the way of the

Lord, Make His paths straight!”. Matthew 3:3 (NASB)



After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and guided Jesus’ family to Egypt in order to avoid the wrath of Herod. This move wasn’t happenstance, though. It was further proof that Jesus was the Messiah, the promised one. More than 700 years before Jesus’ birth, the prophet Hosea had said of the Messiah, “Out of Egypt I called my Son” (Hos. 11:1). Throughout the Old Testament, we read God’s promises to His people, the Jews, that He would one day send a Messiah to be their rescuer. At the very start of His life, Jesus moved from the promised land to Egypt and then back to the promised land in a journey that mirrors the movements of the Israelites in the Old Testament period. This was yet another way God showed His people that Jesus was the very one for whom they had been waiting. As the rest of Matthew’s Gospel will go on to show, though, Jesus’ mission was much bigger than the Jews. He came to be the Savior of the world.

• What do you learn about God’s plan for Jesus from Matthew 2:13-15? ________________________________________________________


• God made His plans clear to Joseph through the help of an angel. What are some ways God has revealed His plans to you lately? How did your level of obedience compare with Joseph’s?


Spend some time in prayer reflecting on the truths about Jesus and God’s plan for Him as revealed in Matthew 2:13-15 and Hosea 11:1. Thank God that His purpose for Jesus reached well beyond His chosen people to include anyone who will express faith in Him.


nov. 30

The Way Prepared


Matthew 2:16-23

The Old Testament prophets prepared the way for Jesus.


Wise men from the east came to Jerusalem seeking the newborn King of the Jews. Judea’s king, Herod, told the wise men to look for the young King in Bethlehem, and then return and tell him the specific location. The wise men’s failure to return triggered Herod’s paranoia and rage. Herod was blinded by power and selfish ambition and he misunderstood the role of the Messiah. He knew the prophecies about the Messiah and feared Jesus would take his place. He thought Jesus’ reign would be one of military power with an earthly throne, rather than the power of God and a heavenly throne. Herod was the opposite of Jesus; his selfishness and evil stand in direct contrast to Jesus’ selflessness and love. Herod reacted by ordering the murder of all boys under two. Although horrifying, this event fulfilled another Messianic prophecy, this time from Jeremiah 31:15, which foretold of the sadness of the mothers in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:19-23 is a closing section concerning the infancy and early life of Jesus. His return to Israel with His family and their settling in the city of Nazareth is again a prophetic fulfillment. From reading the birth and infancy narratives alone, a Christian soon learns a great deal about Jesus’ identity. He was God’s unique Son.

• Why does it matter to us today that the Old Testament prophets prepared the way for Jesus’ life and ministry? How does this reality help us grow in our faith?


• How can you use this part of Jesus’ birth story to share the gospel with someone?


Thank God for His redemptive work throughout history. Thank Him for the grace, salvation, and acceptance that comes with knowing Jesus, the Messiah. Also pray for the boldness to speak truth to those in your life who view Jesus and His authority as something to be feared or rejected.


dec. 1


God used John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah.


Before telling of Jesus’ first public events, Matthew introduces John the Baptist and his ministry of preparation. John prepared the way for Jesus by proclaiming a message of repentance and baptism, the latter being a symbol of a person’s new commitment to God. John’s mission was to prepare people to receive the message of God, so his emphasis on repentance was particularly important. The positive response to John’s message indicates the spiritual hunger of people in that day and their fervent expectation of the Messiah. To “repent” means to turn from sin and self, and turn toward God. When a person repents, there is a true inner turning and realigning of life away from sin and toward God. Spiritual change within us becomes evident in our lifestyle and behavior. Once we have been forgiven of sin and receive the Holy Spirit, we become sensitive to areas of our lives that are not in line with what God would want for us.

• What stands out to you about the description of John the Baptist and his message from Matthew 3:1-6?


• How would you explain the importance of repentance to an unbeliever? ________________________________________________________


Repentance is not a one-time action; it is something we should make a part of our daily lives. Practice repentance today by confessing specific sins to God and turning them over to Him. Then, committing to follow Him rather than yourself.


Matthew 3:1-6dec. 2


A relationship with God is based on a heart changed by grace through faith in Jesus.


John noticed that many of the Jewish leaders were coming out to his baptisms. The presence of these men revealed that there were some among the crowds who were insincere in their participation. For the most part, these religious leaders were present only to observe (or possibly to confront). John chose to confront the source of hypocrisy in Israel in hopes that their true repentance might make them the leaders they should be and lead many others of Israel to true repentance. The problem was that these leaders claimed one thing (to be repentant of the sins of which they acknowledged everyone to be guilty), but they lived another (continuance in sins of which they denied their guilt). Their hearts didn’t match their words. The religious leaders assumed they were holy because they were descendants of Abraham. John pointed out that mere Jewishness or nationality was not enough to make a person a true follower of God. John’s words remind us that the faith of our parents or our outward actions alone are not enough to save us. We must have hearts changed by grace through faith in Jesus.

• According to today’s text, what is the result of repentance? ________________________________________________________


• While we are saved by faith alone, genuine faith naturally leads to a life of obedience to God and His commands. What are some of the fruits your relationship with Jesus should be producing in your life? Is that happening?


Ask God to open your eyes to areas where you need to work on being obedient and producing good fruit because of your relationship with Jesus.


Matthew 3:7-10dec. 3


Jesus’ judgment against sin should motivate us to examine our own hearts for the fruit of true repentance.


John’s preaching and the response of sinners showed God’s amazing power. The people who saw these events watched expectantly. Israel had been waiting for the Messiah, the Anointed One of God. The people wondered whether John the Baptist was the Messiah. In response to those questions, John let them know that he was not the Messiah. In fact, the Messiah had greater authority, strength and ability than John. Only Jesus has the power to save and to judge. The climax of John’s powerful ministry was to point to Christ. With appropriate humility, John understood his place in the bigger picture. Part of John’s preparation for Jesus was communicating the judgment against sin that Jesus would bring with Him. John urged people to repent of their sins because part of Jesus’ ministry included separating His followers from the rest of the world. Only those who are saved through faith in Him will experience the blessings that salvation brings, including eternal life in His presence.

• Why was the warning in verse 12 important to note in a conversation about repentance and the coming Messiah?


• In light of Jesus’ judgment against sin, why is evangelism so important? Do you live like it matters as much as it does?


Spend time in prayer for people you know who do not have a saving relationship with Jesus. Ask God to stir in their hearts, and pray for opportunities to share the gospel with these individuals. Also pray for the courage to act when those opportunities arise.


Matthew 3:11-12dec. 4


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



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Tomorrow our lesson is The Way Prepared from Matthew 3:1-12. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

dec. 5


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

dec. 6

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:




Week of December 7, 2015

Matthew 1:1-17

Jesus is a real person from a real family who came to bring real grace and peace to those who follow Him.

She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 (NASB)



Matthew began his Gospel with Jesus’ genealogy or historical record. Among the people in Jesus’ family tree are heroes of the faith, such as Abraham, Ruth, and David. There are also cultural outsiders, like Rahab (Gen. 38) and Tamar (Josh. 2), and purely evil people such as Abijah (2 Chron. 13). Many of those listed weren’t legally qualified to be present in the temple, yet they’re in Jesus’ family. Even the inclusion of women in a genealogy of that time period was uncommon, yet Jesus’ genealogy has five—his mother Mary, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and “Uriah’s wife” Bathsheba, who committed adultery with David. Including these women was yet another way Matthew reminded us that Jesus’ family tree included all kinds of people. His ancestors included Jews and Gentiles, men and women, common people and royalty, and those classified as sinners, as well as those regarded as righteous. What does that tell us? God is working all things together for His redemptive plans and purposes. God has and is using broken people to bring together His plan of redemption.

• How has God used the difficult experiences of your ancestors for His glory? ________________________________________________________


• How can the genealogy in this passage be used in sharing the gospel with others?



As you spend time in prayer, thank God for the evidence of His grace throughout Jesus’ genealogy and your own story.


dec. 7

The King Arrives


Genesis 12:1-4

God ultimately fulfilled His promises to Abram through His Son Jesus.


Matthew began the account of Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1:1-17 with Abraham, the first person the Bible called a Hebrew (Gen. 14:13). This assured Matthew’s Jewish readers that Jesus was a Jew, a descendant of Abraham, the father of the Jewish people (John 8:39). In Genesis 12, we read that God had a special calling for Abram. God spoke to him in a unique way. God spoke a blessing over Abram through promises. Abram responded to God’s promises in faith through the belief that God would bring him a son who would fulfill all the promises He made. In fact, without a son, all the other promises wouldn’t matter. A great name would die if there were no son to carry it on. Land would be irrelevant if there were no son to leave it to. How could there be a nation to come after him if there were not even one son? All of the promises of God hinged upon the promise of a son to Abram. As Jesus’ genealogy reminds us, Abram’s faith was not only in the son who would be born to him; it was also in the Son who would be born through this nation of faith— the Son who would become the ultimate blessing. Abram looked ahead to the Son – Jesus Christ – who would fulfill the promise of Genesis 3 to conquer sin and death forever.

• What do you learn about God’s plans for Abram from his calling in Genesis 12:1-4?


• Why is it often difficult for us to take God at His Word? What does our unbelief say about our view of God’s character and power?


In prayer, ask God that you would be open to listening and following when He speaks.


dec. 8


Jesus is the true and better King who reigns forever on David’s throne.


Another feature of Jesus’ genealogy is the mention of Jesus’ relationship to King David, which shows readers that He fulfilled Old Testament prophecy about a descendant of David being on the throne forever. The Jews knew that the Messiah, or Christ, would be a descendant of the great King David. When David wanted to build a temple or house for God, God rejected his plan. God promised David, however, that David’s “house” or dynasty would continue forever (2 Sam. 7:16). The Lord had not chosen David because He wanted lifeless buildings constructed. Rather, He wanted to build through David’s life an everlasting kingdom. Thus, the covenant promise really pointed beyond the king himself to David’s offspring. New Testament writers like Matthew help us see that God’s promises to David were actually a prophetic declaration fulfilled in Jesus Christ. As God’s people today, we continue to find peace and hope in the fact that our Savior reigns eternal from His heavenly throne.

• What promises does God make to David? How do these promises relate to us?


• How should the promises God made to David change the way you live for God today?


Thank God for His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with David. Pray that in response to the recognition of Jesus’ authority as God’s righteous Ruler you would be motivated to live a life of worship and obedience to Him.


2 Samuel 7:8-16 dec. 9


In the name of Jesus, we find the mission of Jesus—He came to earth to save us from our sins.MAIN IDEA

God had previously foretold the Messiah’s birth to prophets and priests alike, but in Matthew 1:18-21, we read His announcement to Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father. God knew Joseph was a righteous man whose heart was turned to Him. This quality made Joseph fit to serve as the earthly father to Jesus. The angel’s addressing him as “Joseph, son of David,” underscores the messianic lineage of Joseph. Verse 21 contains the most important part of the angel’s revelation—Jesus’ name revealed His mission. Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, which means “Yahweh saves.” God Himself was coming to earth to save people and rescue sinners from the punishment they deserve. God had demonstrated the power to save many times before, but this was different: “He will save His people from their sins.” And that’s precisely what He did. Even before Jesus’ birth, His purpose pointed forward to the cross and the opportunity it gives you for reconciliation with God.

• What are some stories in the Old Testament that tell about God saving His people? How is Jesus’ saving different?


• How has your reconciliation with God changed who you are and how you live?


Ask God to open your eyes to the mission of Christ and to give you a greater understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for the world. Thank Him for saving you through the sacrifice of Jesus.


Matthew 1:18-21dec. 10


Jesus’ temporary time on earth secured our eternity in heaven.


In these verses Matthew provided the first of many direct quotes from the Old Testament and the first of many Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by the earthly life of Jesus. These Old Testament quotes and prophecies show, in part, the linkage and unity between the Old and New Testaments, helping us understand how God was preparing the way for Jesus. They also validate the identity of Jesus as the promised Messiah, strengthening our faith in Him. And their perfect fulfillment in Jesus gives us confidence that God is faithful and mighty to keep His word to us today. Matthew quoted from Isaiah 7:14, a verse that in its original context seems to be referring to a child who was to be born in that setting of Isaiah’s day, rather than centuries later. However, Matthew’s inspired revelation fills the original statement out to its full intention. God is never so clearly present with His people as He is through His virgin-born Son, the Messiah of Israel. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.

• Write down in your own words why it was important for Jesus to become like us and be born as a baby.


• How have you seen Jesus as Immanuel, “God with Us,” in your life lately? ________________________________________________________


For part of your prayer time, confess to God any ways you have been living for today rather than for eternity. Ask Him to give you an eternal perspective to your work and your relationships.


Matthew 1:22-25dec. 11


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



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Tomorrow our lesson is The King Arrives from Matthew 1:18-25. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

dec. 12


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:



Week of december 14, 2015

Micah 5:1-6

The life and death of Jesus gives us eternal hope and security.

After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures,

they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:11 (NASB)



The prophet Micah encouraged the people of his day with a message of hope and a promise of peace. Although the prophet’s words had immediate implications for the people, they also pointed to a greater truth—the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, whom Micah noted would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus would be the shepherd of God’s people, and He alone would bring lasting peace and security for citizens of God’s kingdom. “Peace on earth” was a promise associated with the birth of the Son of God (Luke 2:14). Jesus offers peace with God for every believer through His death on the cross, and peace of mind as we trust God to care for us in this world. The ultimate fulfillment of the promise of peace will be realized in the kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, we will be in our Savior’s presence, He will rule over us, and we will never experience danger or fear. The return of Jesus Christ is the great hope that sustains us and encourages us as we face the uncertainties and struggles of our daily lives.

• In verse 4, we see our Great Shepherd standing “in the strength” of God. What promise of hope is there in the eternal, personal relationship we will have with God the Father? How did Jesus make this possible?


• How does today’s passage change your attitude and perspective about your difficult situations in life?



As you pray, voice to God any specific areas of your life in which you need to feel His peace and security. Ask Him to help you lean on Him in those situations, and ask Him to remind you of the hope of eternity.


dec. 14

The King Worshiped


Micah 5:7-9

God is preparing a remnant that will rely on Him and not on themselves.


These verses from Micah’s prophecy continue the theme of Israel’s faithful remnant triumphing over their enemies. It is a prophecy of salvation or deliverance. Positively, God’s people will be a blessing, bringing life and renewal to the nations. Negatively, the remnant will be a source of death and divine judgment to their oppressors, as the tables are turned and the victims become the victors. God’s kingdom will be victorious. The survivors of persecution are called the “remnant of Jacob” because they will represent all twelve sons (tribes) of Jacob. Israel will be a blessing to the other nations and people groups of the world as God intended originally. Just as dew and showers do not depend on humankind, so Israel will trust in her Lord. The Lord Himself will make His people just such a blessing.

• Circle the words and/or phrases in Micah 5:7-9 that describe God’s people. What encourages you about these descriptions?


• What is one step you need to take to rely on the Lord and not yourself today?


As you think about your answer to the previous question, use that to fuel your worship of God. Praise Him for His trustworthiness and voice your gratitude and hope in the future victory that is secured for you through Christ.


dec. 15


The successes of God’s people are always achieved by dependence on Him.MAIN IDEA

Micah quoted the Lord as speaking directly to His people in these verses. In Micah 5:9, the promise was given that the Lord would destroy all Israel’s enemies, but here the destruction is directed against His own covenant nation. Israel had often trusted in horses and chariots, but the Lord said He would destroy them so that His people would trust in Him alone for success. God said He would also destroy their cities and stronghold, along with all objects of pagan worship. The point was to force His people to a place where they were dependent completely on Him. God would also judge the pagan nations because He will not be satisfied until His kingdom is established globally. He will be the omnipotent Sovereign over all.

• According to this passage, in what sense is God sovereign over the nations? Is this easy or difficult to believe lately? Why?


• The things God said He will destroy in this passage represented false sources of security for the people. What life situations tend to threaten your personal sense of security? How might the gospel change your perspective on such situations?


Pray that you would learn to look to Christ for strength and security. Ask God to help you serve Him in the confidence that comes from knowing you are His child, redeemed through the blood of Christ.


aMicah 5:10-15dec. 16


Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem was unknown to most, celebrated by some, and a threat to a few.MAIN IDEA

Matthew is the only Gospel writer who includes the story of the Magi, or wise men. When they arrived in Jerusalem, the Magi approached King Herod in hopes to find the true King they sought to worship. If anything made Herod nervous, it was the threat of a rival to his throne. The Magi explained that they had come to worship this new king. This was remarkable. They were not Jews but were open to revelation and to God’s leading them through the miraculous sign of the star. Their coming to worship Jesus served to underline the truth of the angel’s words to the shepherds—His birth was good news “for all people” (Luke 2:10). When Herod heard the Magi’s word about the newborn king, he was distressed and called together the chief priests and teachers of the law. These religious leaders pointed to Micah’s prophecy in Micah 5:2 about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem, further supporting the fact that Jesus is worthy of worship. Although we all come to Jesus from a variety of backgrounds, the example of the wise men reminds us there is only one way to respond to Him—with worship. When we reflect on the gift of salvation that God has given us and the sacrifices He made in order to offer it to us, we can’t help but praise Him and share that truth with others.

• What is surprising to you about the wise men’s involvement in God’s plan for Jesus’ birth?


• How are the wise men another example of God revealing His truth to unlikely people?


In your prayer, thank God for the surprising ways He has worked in your life and used you in the lives of others to make much of Jesus.


Matthew 2:1-6dec. 17


We can risk everything for Christ and choose to worship Him.


Herod’s hypocritical spirit and paranoid actions did not keep the Magi from seeking out Jesus. They sought out the newborn King for no other reason than He was the King sent by God. They did not want to worship Him for selfish reasons, but rather because He was worthy of worship. When the Magi entered the house where Jesus lived, they bowed down and worshiped the young Messiah. Bowing is a posture that indicates the humble submission that must accompany all true worship. The Magi presented their lavish gifts fit for a king. Just like Herod and the wise men, we’re presented with information about the Messiah. How we respond determines how our relationship with Christ will impact our lives. We can pursue an intellectual faith only, one that consists of studying facts about Christ, but never letting that knowledge change us. We can let that knowledge make us insecure and cause us to wonder what we’ll have to give up to follow Christ. Or, like the wise men, we can risk everything for Christ and choose to worship Him.

• What does the Magi’s example teach you about worshiping Jesus? ________________________________________________________



• How can you worship God through giving this Christmas season as the Magi did?

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Ask God to give you the wisdom to know Jesus and the desire to worship and serve Him more than yourself. Thank God for the opportunity to worship Him freely because of what Jesus did on your behalf.


Matthew 2:7-12dec. 18


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is The King Worshiped from Matthew 2:1-12. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

dec. 19


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

dec. 20

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:




Week of December 21, 2015

Matthew 3:13-17

Jesus’ baptism shows us His full submission to the Father and His mission.

This Week’s Memory Verse: Then Jesus said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”

Matthew 4:10 (NASB)



Jesus’ baptism signaled the beginning of His public ministry. Jesus was not baptized for the forgiveness of sins, like all the other people John baptized. In Jesus’ baptism, He identified with sinners, the very ones He came to save. God’s plan of salvation was centered on Jesus. The Father’s words, as well as the Holy Spirit coming down in the form of a dove, show us that He really is God and has authority as God on earth. Our lives change significantly when we come to know Christ, though sometimes we don’t see or recognize the full extent of that change in ourselves until months or years later. Baptism is an important picture of just how much our lives are changed—we died to sin and have been made alive in Christ. Our baptism identifies us as a follower of Christ.

• Why was Jesus baptized, even though He didn’t need to repent of His sins? What does this teach you about His mission?


• What does a believer’s baptism communicate to God and to others? ________________________________________________________


Thank God for Jesus’ example in being baptized and beginning His public ministry. Pray that you would gain a better understanding of Jesus’ role as a bridge between us and God, and that you would faithfully follow Him today.


dec. 21

The King Tempted


Matthew 4:1-4

Jesus demonstrated His dependence on the Father by trusting in His provision.


After His baptism in Matthew 3, Jesus left the Jordan River to go alone into the desert. It was during that time of preparation for ministry that Satan tempted Jesus. The devil first tempted Jesus in His physical needs. He was challenging the belief that God would provide for Jesus’ basic needs. We too face obstacles that lead us to question God’s provision for us. All temptation boils down to the choice to rely on ourselves or on God to meet our needs. Jesus’ temptation reminds us that we cannot give ourselves what we really need. Only God can do that. We don’t have to waste time trying to turn stones into bread when we have the Bread of Life—Jesus Himself. The other highlight of this example is Jesus’ quotation of Scripture to resist the temptation. The Word of God nourishes us in many ways. Memorizing it can strengthen and encourage us in times of testing.

• Jesus’ first temptation is in verse 3. With what was the devil tempting Him? What was the devil saying about God?


• Do you struggle to trust God to provide for your needs? What do you learn from Jesus’ response in verse 4 that you can apply to the temptations you face?


Think about all of the basic needs you worry about day in and day out. Thank God for His provision and for the fact that He is greater than all our physical needs. Pray for the strength of the Holy Spirit to help you withstand the temptations to worry and control.


dec. 22


Jesus demonstrated His dependence on the Father by trusting in His protection.


In a second temptation, Satan took Jesus to the holy city of Jerusalem and had Jesus stand on the highest point of the temple. Satan tempted Jesus to throw Himself down from the high point. The devil quoted Psalm 91:11-12 in his attempt to convince Jesus to claim God’s promise of protection. People are drawn to the spectacular. If Jesus jumped and was rescued in a supernatural way, He could gain followers. He rejected the temptation to build His kingdom in this manner. Jesus again responded to temptation with the Word of God: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Deut. 6:16). Jesus refused to abuse God’s power. He refused to build His kingdom with spectacular displays of power. Jesus resisted the temptation to bypass the cross and His redemptive mission by refusing to yield to this temptation. During times of temptation, we are prone to trust in ourselves rather than God. We take matters into our own hands rather than maintaining a humble faith in God. Jesus shows us that the better way is to choose to trust our Heavenly Father who promises to protect us.

• Read Psalm 91:1-12. What is the psalmist stating about God in this passage? How did Satan twist verses 11-12 to tempt Jesus?


• Do you struggle to trust that God will protect you? How do you see this manifest itself in your life, and what do you learn from Jesus’ example?


As you pray, thank God for His protection and care of His people throughout history. Take this opportunity to praise Him and celebrate what He has done recently in your life.


Matthew 4:5-7dec. 23


Jesus demonstrated His dependence on the Father by trusting in His plan.


In the third and final temptation, Satan tried to tempt Jesus with instant power apart from the way of the cross. He tempted Jesus to use worldly methods to achieve His purposes. The devil claimed the rule of the world and offered to resign his claim if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus faced a clear choice. He could follow the will of the devil or that of God. Jesus would receive glory after His death and resurrection, but Satan tried to persuade Jesus to take the easy way and receive instant power, authority, and wealth apart from the way of the cross. This temptation challenged Jesus to disobey the First Commandment to worship God only. Every temptation, every shortcut, is a test to see if we will put anything above our allegiance to God. And so at its core, every sin is a violation of the First Commandment in Exodus 20. Note Jesus’ firm response: “Away from me, Satan!” In this response to the devil, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 6:13: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” God alone is worthy of worship. We all must answer the question of whether we are willing to give first priority to our relationship with God (regardless of the sufferings and trials we may endure, as Jesus models for us), or take a shortcut to success that brings fleeting joy.

• In what ways have you demonstrated that you don’t worship God first and foremost?


• What would be different in your life this week if you were to truly give God the primary place of worship?


Confess your tendency to give your heart in worship to other things. Pray that God would help you make Him your priority, devoting your heart completely to Him. Invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen and equip you to stand up to the temptations that come your way and to honor God.


Matthew 4:8-11dec. 24


Jesus preached repentance and the coming of God’s kingdom to earth.MAIN IDEA

These verses from Matthew help readers understand that Jesus is the Messiah, the One whom the prophets promised and for whom John prepared the way. The prophet Isaiah foretold Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum. Matthew identified Jesus’ move to Capernaum as the “official” beginning of His public ministry and as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. Matthew also portrayed Jesus as “picking up the baton” from John when John was imprisoned, preaching exactly the same message of repentance. Through Jesus, the kingdom of God is now at hand, which makes the call to repentance even more urgent. Today we live in the “already but not yet” of God’s kingdom. It is already here in the sense that Jesus has come to earth and initiated its growth, but it is “not yet” because we are waiting on His second return to make His kingdom complete. In the meantime, we are to practice a lifestyle of repentance in which we regularly turn from sin and submit our lives to Jesus. We are also to use this time to continue the spread of the gospel and urge other people to repent, too. The result of repentance is an intimacy with the Father and an undeniable light for Christ that will shine from within us and pierce the darkness in the world.

• Why does Jesus’ message hinge on the concept of repentance? What makes that foundational to a relationship with Him?


• What can you do today to take up a posture of faith and genuine

repentance? ________________________________________________________


Ask God to help you be fully convinced of His love. Pray for a heart of overwhelming love for the culture around you and boldness to show that love. Pray also for the courage to take steps of repentance.


Matthew 4:12-17dec. 25


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is The King Tempted from Matthew 4:1-10. Read the verses and consider again your responses to them.

dec. 26


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

dec. 27

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:




Week of December 28, 2015

Matthew 4:18-22

Jesus expects you to follow Him no matter the cost.

This Week’s Memory Verse: You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 (NASB)



Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee when He encountered Andrew and Peter fishing on the shoreline. When Jesus called them to follow Him, they became Jesus’ first disciples and gave themselves fully to serving Him. Jesus extended the same invitation to James and John who responded by leaving their work and home to follow Him. In Jesus’ day, being a disciple involved a number of things according to the custom of the time. Becoming Jesus’ disciple meant accepting Him as Master, doing what He instructed, learning from and memorizing His teachings, modeling His actions, and joining His mission to the world. All of these remain essential to the life of a disciple of Christ today. When Jesus called His first disciples, He expected them to abandon everything else and commit their lives to Him. This underscores the commitment that Jesus expects from all of us. When we choose to follow Jesus, He becomes the greatest priority in our lives.

• What did following Jesus initially cost you? ________________________________________________________


• What currently hinders you from fully following Jesus? ________________________________________________________


Spend time reflecting on the cost of discipleship and any convictions God is revealing about making Him your highest priority. Recommit yourself to God and the ministry He has called you to during this prayer time.


dec. 28

The King’s Expectations


Matthew 4:23-25

Jesus’ ministry was to proclaim and display the power of God.


After Jesus called His first disciples, He set about a time of focused ministry. His disciples quickly learned that Jesus’ mission involved serving others by meeting needs and teaching about the kingdom of God. Jesus’ healing miracles gave support to the authoritative claims He made in His teaching and began to shine a light on His identity as the Messiah. Everything Jesus did, both in speech and in action, proclaimed and displayed the power of God. As verse 23 points out, Jesus displayed His power to heal “every kind of disease.” Later on in his Gospel, Matthew gives numerous accounts of the types of healing this included and what they reveal about Jesus’ authority and power as the Messiah. Most importantly, these physical healings give a visual picture of the spiritual healing Jesus brings through the forgiveness of sins. People began to take notice of Jesus, and large crowds started following Him to witness His miracles and learn from His teaching. They did not yet understand the full power of the One they followed.

• Why are both aspects of Jesus’ mission—teaching and serving—important to the Lord’s work? How do both examples display God’s power?


• Like Jesus, your ministry as a follower of Christ is to proclaim and display the power of God. If people watch you, do they see God’s power on display?


Pray today that God will use you in His ministry of teaching and serving others. Ask Him to provide opportunities for you to minister to others today and to share the gospel with them.


dec. 29


Jesus expects His followers to exhibit inner attitudes that align with His own character.MAIN IDEA

Matthew 5–7 contains Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, a lengthy teaching that describes the kingdom of God and Jesus’ expectations for His followers. It begins with a section known as the Beatitudes, a set of blessings that describe the attitudes by which we can recognize people who are a part of the kingdom of God. The first four Beatitudes focus on the inner attitude of Christ followers. The clear theme in verses 3-6 is that God accepts people who confess they’re broken, who know they’re nothing without His blessing. We don’t earn the kingdom of heaven by being poor in spirit. We’re poor in spirit because we know that we could never earn a place in God’s kingdom, but through His grace He provides a way to let us in. Being a Christ-follower isn’t just a matter of thinking and doing the right things and avoiding the wrong things. Foundational to being a Christian is a personal relationship with Jesus that empowers you to live for God. That relationship is the result of God’s blessing in your life, and it changes you from the inside out. God’s power at work in you enables you to reflect kingdom characteristics in the way you live.

• Consider the attitudes expressed in Matthew 5:3-6. How do these compare with the attitude of Jesus as explained by Paul in Philippians 2:5-11?


• Of the four Beatitudes included in Matthew 5:1-6, which do you least recognize in yourself? What is one step you can take this week to allow God to transform your life in that area?


Spend time praying over each of the qualities of a disciple that are included in Matthew 5:3-6. Ask God to help you model these characteristics and to open your eyes to times this week when you fail to do so. Also thank Him for the many blessings included in these verses and their implications for your life.


Matthew 5:1-6dec. 30


Jesus expects His followers to exhibit outward actions that reflect Him to the world.


The Beatitudes continue in Matthew 5:7-9, shifting focus to the attitudes God’s people should display externally. How we treat others flows out of the personal characteristics in yesterday’s reading. We see a progression in the Beatitudes—the believer understands his or her spiritual poverty before God, grieves over the sin that separates him or her from God, humbly follows God’s instructions and teaching, and possesses a strong desire to know and be known by Him. When that happens, mercy is a natural result. God has shown mercy to the believer, the believer becomes merciful, and so on. Foundational to being a Christian is having a personal relationship with Jesus that changes us from the inside out—then reflecting that reality in the way we live. It is important to remember, though, that Jesus wasn’t giving us a list of qualities toward which we are to strive in order to be blessed.

• When you think about the list of characteristics in Matthew 5:7-9, and even in the Beatitudes as a whole, how are you reminded of your need for God’s Spirit?


• What is one step you can take this week to access the power of God’s Spirit to help you reflect Christ in these ways?


Spend time praying over each of the qualities of a disciple that are included in Matthew 5:7-9. Ask God to help you model these actions and to open your eyes to times this week when you fail to do so. Thank Him for the many blessings included in these verses and their implications for your life.


Matthew 5:7-9dec.31


Jesus expects His followers to face persecution, but He promises His kingdom and His presence to those who do.


We live in a culture that values comfort and security, so it can be difficult for us as Christians to believe we might suffer because we are Kingdom people. For believers who have never faced persecution, this final Beatitude means a willingness to endure mistreatment because of faith in Jesus. What reward did Jesus promise the persecuted? The kingdom of heaven is theirs. To encourage the disciples in the face of future persecutions, Jesus compared them to the prophets who came before Him. The Old Testament prophets faithfully followed God and shared His message with the world, regardless of the world’s response. By comparing Christ-followers to Old Testament prophets, Jesus encouraged His disciples to remain faithful because their reward in heaven would be great—just as it was for the prophets. Through these statements, Jesus both encouraged and warned His disciples that as they pursued God, they would meet persecution. Although it’s not something anyone wants to endure, it’s a definite marker of a faithful life.

• Read Hebrews 11 and consider the prophets in the Old Testament. Would you consider their lives and ministries successful? What was persecution like for them?


________________________________________________________ • What persecution are you prepared to endure for the gospel? ________________________________________________________


Thank God for the promise of heaven for those who follow Jesus in righteousness. Invite Him to show you what it means to be glad and rejoice when faith-induced trials come, so that the life of Jesus would be revealed in your body and that God’s heavenly kingdom would be yours.


Matthew 5:10-12jan.1


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is The King’s Expectations from Matthew 5:1-12. Read the verses and consider again your responses to them.



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:




Matthew 6:1-4

Week of january 4, 2016

Matthew 6:1-4

As followers of Jesus, we should live only for the Father’s approval in our giving, rather than for our own self-righteousness or reward.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (NASB)



At the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explained what kingdom attitudes look like. Jesus then taught about the right motives for specific disciplines of the Christian life, beginning with giving. In terms of giving, the Christian isn’t generous in order to impress others, but only gives for the Father’s approval. Giving, along with praying, forgiving, and fasting, was considered to be an act of spiritual devotion to God. The specific type of giving Jesus referenced in these verses was “alms-giving,” or giving gifts of money to the poor, but His teaching also applies to the giving of time, talents, and so forth. If we want to make sure our motives are pure when it comes to giving, we have to remember that everything we have is from God. Jesus’ remedy to avoid hypocrisy or impure motives in giving is to give in secret. Secrecy mitigates the mixed motives of guilt or duty or prestige sought in giving. Discreet giving, as Jesus taught, is a beautiful expression of faith. Such giving trusts that God knows and rewards the giver.

• Read Deuteronomy 15:11 and Proverbs 14:31. Why does God expect His kingdom people to generously give?


• What is one practical way that you can serve the poor in our community with the goal of sharing the gospel this week?


Pray that God would continually remind you that giving to the poor is something God commands you to do, but that it is to be done with the sole purpose of glorifying Him. Also pray that your stewardship would ultimately glorify God and bring others into His kingdom.


jan. 4

Approaching the King


Matthew 6:5-8

We should pray sincerely because we have a Father who knows our hearts.MAIN IDEA

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that being His follower means more than just doing right acts. He taught His disciples to live as He lived and pray as He prayed—seeking the Father’s glory and approval. Jesus expects His followers to be in the habit of prayer, but He wants us to avoid using prayer as a means of showing off our piety. So, Jesus cited two kinds of prayer to avoid. First, don’t pray as those who loved to be seen praying in synagogues and on street corners (v. 5). A second mistake when praying is to babble, which has to do with going on and on without thinking. Prayer is primarily talking with God and He knows all our wants, our needs, what we don’t need, and the glaringly obvious fact that we don’t have it all together. God wants to have an intimate relationship with us. He already knows everything about us. We have a Father who knows us deeply and loves us still; because of this we can pray sincerely and confidently on all occasions.

• From these verses, what do you take away as the purpose of prayer? Do you pray as if that is the goal?


• Review the two kinds of prayer to avoid. Which one provides the greatest challenge or temptation to you, and why do you think that is?


Write out a prayer to God as an opportunity to put Jesus’ teaching and warnings into practice. Make this a time of connecting with your Heavenly Father nothing more.


jan. 5


Jesus modeled prayer as a conversation with God of praise and petition.MAIN IDEA

After Jesus taught His disciples about the right motives for prayer, He gave them a model prayer to follow. Over time, this prayer has become known as the Lord’s Prayer, and it continues to be a great model for Jesus’ disciples today. Jesus began by praising God, mentioning His role as Father and extolling His holiness. He then voiced His submission to the Father’s spiritual reign in this world by praying for His kingdom to come and the Father’s will to be done. Jesus petitioned God as Sustainer and Provider when He asked for daily bread. Next, He demonstrated how to confess our sins before God to be sure that we haven’t become the obstacles to our own experiences with God. In verses 14-15, Jesus connected God’s forgiveness of us with our need to forgive others. Failing to forgive others demonstrates that we have failed to recognize God’s forgiveness in our own lives. Finally, He asked for God’s protection. He closed His prayer with another statement of praise. Jesus’ model prayer is about glorifying God, seeking His will, and acknowledging our total dependence on Him. When we pray like this, it should be a continual conversation with God all day every day.

• What differences do you see between Jesus’ model prayer and the way you usually pray?


• What specific action or attitude regarding prayer is God asking you to change right now?


Use the prayer in Matthew 6 as a model for your prayer. Thank God that He has made a way for you to call Him Father in Jesus Christ. Pray specifically for your spheres of influence (your home, job, friendships, etc.) and that God would be acknowledged as holy and glorified. Pray for the kingdom of God to expand throughout our community and the rest of the world. Pray for friends and neighbors who do not yet hallow the name of God in Jesus Christ. Pray for the needs in your own life and the lives around you. Confess your sins to God and pray for those around you to do the same. Pray for the upcoming week—that you would recognize and defeat temptation.


Matthew 6:9-15jan. 6


In addition to giving and prayer, Jesus also taught His disciples about the right motives with which to approach fasting. Fasting is the discipline of abstaining from food for a period of time in order to seek to know God more deeply. Pride is the biggest temptation we face when fasting. Jesus condemned the kind of fasting in which the Pharisees took part. They only wanted others to be impressed with their spirituality, and that’s the reward they received. But when Jesus commands us to fast, He is moving us toward something better than the praise of men. Jesus calls us to fast for the purpose of growing in intimacy with God. When we’re motivated to obey God because of who He is, and not who we want people to think we are, then what we do becomes about serving God and the people He puts in our lives. Self-righteousness doesn’t have a place in the lives of kingdom people because we know we don’t gain God’s approval by doing the right things. Instead, we should serve God out of love for Him and humbly because He loves us.

• How does fasting honor God? ________________________________________________________


• What good things in your life are most likely to distract you from focusing on your relationship with God? How might the discipline of fasting help you reorder your priorities?


Ask God to help you carefully consider your motives for engaging in spiritual disciplines like giving, prayer, and fasting. Pray that you would grow to treasure Christ supremely and that God might use the discipline of fasting to deepen your affections for Christ.


Matthew 6:16-18jan.7

Fasting helps us experience that true satisfaction is found in Jesus alone.MAIN IDEA


Your life should be about collecting treasures in heaven rather than on earth.


Jesus continued His teaching on spiritual disciplines by turning to another area of priority—the godly approach to money and possessions. Even though material possessions can have benefits—such as meeting our needs and the needs of others—Jesus forbids self-centered accumulation of goods as the goal or passion of one’s life. Instead, Jesus focused on the issue at the root of our sinful attitude toward material possessions: love of possessions may replace our devotion to God. Jesus pointed out the foolishness of making earthly treasures the goal of life, instructing His followers to focus their attention on collecting treasures in heaven. Unlike earthly treasures, spiritual treasures aren’t material possessions that bring us temporary satisfaction. Rather, they’re the benefits we’ll get one day for our faithful service to God while on earth—such as eternity in His presence, an inherited place in the kingdom of God (1 Pet. 1:3-5), and our perfect, glorified bodies (1 Cor. 15). Jesus understood that what we value most reflects what we truly worship. This is not a natural attitude for anyone to have, so it’s important to ask God to help you set your priorities straight. Commit to doing whatever it takes to pursue eternal treasures over earthly ones, and then rely on Him to help you do so.

• Make a list of some of the spiritual treasures God wants you to focus on instead of earthly treasures.


• What stuff in your life tends to pull your attention away from God most

easily? How can you counteract that tendency? ________________________________________________________


Pray that God would be seen as valuable and precious, far more than the treasures of the world, and that He would reveal the temporary treasures that distract you from Him.


Matthew 6:19-21jan.8


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Reflect on your daily prayer times this week. How have you seen God answer prayers? In your prayer time today, please pray for our pastor and staff, your Sunday School teacher, and our family of faith as we fellowship and worship together tomorrow.

Tomorrow our lesson is Approaching the King from Matthew 6:5-18. Read the verses and consider again your responses to them.




SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:




Week of january 11, 2016

Matthew 5:13-16

Jesus expects His Kingdom people to live for Him in a way that influences the world.

But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44 (NASB)



Jesus says in John 17:14 that believers are not of the world just as He was not of the world. It is tempting for Christians to seek isolation and to live life exclusively in a Christian bubble set off from the world and its contrasting ideals. Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:13-16 helps us understand that God expects cultural engagement rather than cultural isolation. Jesus stressed believers’ influence in the world by calling His people to be salt and light. Salt has several uses, but the most prominent are to preserve and to flavor. Believers are to act as checks on the world’s corruption. Lamps are placed on elevated stands so they will dispel the most darkness. Likewise, we as believers are to be open and obvious Christians in all activities, shining the light of God’s truth in a spiritually dark world.

• What do Jesus’ descriptions of salt and light teach you about the relationship God wants His people to have with the world?


• Think about the example of Jesus. What does His example teach you about how to influence the world with the gospel?


Reflect and pray for strength from Christ to be salt and light so you will honestly display God’s love and mercy to the world.


jan. 11

Carrying His Values


Matthew 5:17-20

Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law highlights the timeless authority of Scripture.MAIN IDEA

During His ministry, Jesus was accused of preaching a new religion because His teaching often contradicted the common beliefs of His day. In this passage, Jesus debunked the myth that His teaching contradicted the Old Testament. His goals were to teach the underlying principles behind God’s rules and to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah. The Law acts as a spiritual mirror for our lives by revealing the extent of our sin. It’s easy to compare ourselves to friends and coworkers and think we’re pretty good people; but when we compare ourselves with God’s standards, we fall miserably short. Ultimately, the Law points to our need for a Savior, which highlights Jesus’ reason for coming to earth in the first place. When you consider the Law of God and the perfection it demands, let it drive you to the gospel. The commands of God remind us that He has a plan for how we ought to live our lives, and that plan is based on who He is and what He has done for us. We must remember that the God who demands perfection has already made a way for us to be covered in the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

• Read Hebrews 7:23–8:6 and Acts 2:22-36. What are some ways Jesus fulfilled “the Law and the Prophets?”


• What is one way this week you can remind yourself to look to the cross when you stumble into sin?


As you spend time in prayer today, ask God to reveal to you specific areas of your life where His Law needs to have more of an impact on your attitude and actions.


jan. 12


Jesus taught that the Law of God is not merely external but deals with matter of the heart. MAIN IDEA

At this point in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shifted His focus to the behavior of the people of God’s Kingdom. In verses 21-48, Jesus quoted familiar laws and then illustrated how right motives are to be connected to those behaviors. Jesus wanted His listeners to understand that God is concerned with the nature of our hearts. The two laws highlighted in today’s reading deal with the sins of anger and adultery. Jesus revealed that anger isn’t the problem; it’s a symptom of the problem. Jesus also taught that adultery is not confined to a physical act. The person who looks lustfully is just as guilty as the one who commits physical adultery. This same principle is applicable when it comes to abortion and the sanctity of human life. The death of a child in the womb is a horrible symptom of a depraved heart. Many believe the lie that convenience trumps sacrifice. This mind-set has led to court-imposed abortion on demand, efforts to legalize assisted suicide, and more. As a result, our culture cheapens human life and terminates millions of precious unborn children. The Bible teaches the highest possible view of human life by teaching that God knits people in their mother’s wombs (Psalm 139). God knows them intimately, demonstrating that life begins at conception. All people were made in the image of God and therefore have value from the womb to the grave. If we hope to live for God’s glory, we must value, protect, and honor human life before, during, and after conception.

• What are some specific steps you can take to guard your heart from the kind of anger and adultery Jesus described?


• How can we fight for the sanctity of life in a way that gets at the root problem of sin and not just at the symptoms?


Pray and thank God for the life and death of Jesus Christ who fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. Pray that this truth would penetrate the heart of our country and its leaders to the point where abortion ends once and for all.


Matthew 5:21-30jan. 13


In Jesus’ day, oaths were an important part of people’s business dealings, and Old Testament laws were put in place to prohibit false swearing. However, Jesus’ elevation of honesty (coming from a pure heart) was intended to make oaths unnecessary in the day-to-day life of His followers. The presence of an oath gives life to the lies it intends to cover up. Letting our “yes be yes” does not give life to a lie. We show respect for God, others, and ourselves when we practice straightforward, simple honesty. Verses 38-42 highlight the Old Testament laws of retaliation. Jesus, however, taught a better way for His followers. They can forgo the right to vengeance, believing as they do that ultimately the Lord will judge all evil. When God’s people take the high road and refuse to retaliate, they show they trust God to judge all things fairly in the end. Jesus’ followers will act with greater kindness and more love than Law requires. We are to resist the tendency to retaliate and instead are to work for the good of those seeking to injure us.

• What do the two examples in Matthew 5:33-42 teach about the difference between a person’s conduct and inner righteousness?


• What are some specific steps you can take to guard your heart from the temptation to lie and the desire for revenge?


Ask the Lord to reveal to you where you fall short of His standard in regards to speaking the truth and not retaliating. Thank Him for His grace and the transforming power that enables you to live a life that pleases Him. Ask God to show you what He wants to do in and through you this week.


Matthew 5:33-42jan.14

Every aspect of a true believer’s conduct must be characterized by a righteousness that surpasses mere appearance and comes from the heart.



Jesus’ love in you knows no limits.MAIN IDEA

For His final example of the righteousness that surpasses understanding (Matt. 5:20), Jesus quoted a Scripture verse His audience knew: “You shall love your neighbor” (see Lev. 19:18). Later, Jesus called it the second most important command (see Matt. 22:39). Here Jesus included an additional part of the saying people knew but which had no basis in Scripture—“hate your enemy.” The command to hate your enemy was a perversion of the command to love one’s neighbors. Yet because we find it easy to despise our enemies, we can understand why religious people of Jesus’ day thought it right to hate their enemies. Jesus’ understanding of the command to love your neighbor was to put no limits on who one’s neighbors are. Neighbors include even our enemies and persecutors. Jesus added a specific example of love for enemies: pray for those who persecute you. Our Lord Himself is the ultimate model of this. While He hung on the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). Jesus set the ultimate example for us when He showed love to His enemies by forgiving those who crucified Him. Jesus provided an outstanding reason for going to such extremes: such great love shows we belong to the family of a Father in heaven who showers love and blessing on those who despise Him. Only in God’s strength can we act in love toward those who hate and reject us because of our commitment to Christ. We show our gratitude for God’s kindness by loving our enemies, thus demonstrating that we are children of God.

• Read Romans 5:6-11. How does God’s treatment of you, according to these verses, compare with how He expects you to treat others, according to Matthew 5:43-44?


• How does Jesus’ description of love challenge you in a specific relationship

you have? ________________________________________________________


Thank God for loving you even though you were once His enemy. Pray that God would soften your heart and make you aware of the way you respond to and love your neighbors.


Matthew 5:43-47jan.15


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? • What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is Carrying His Values from Matthew 5:17-22, 43-45. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of January 18, 2016

Matthew 6:25-34

Believers can fight against worry by trusting in God and seeking those things of eternal value.

Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me. John 14:6 (NASB)



In addition to teaching about God’s blessings and Kingdom attitudes, Jesus also spent time on the priorities of His people. Jesus was particularly concerned to show how anxiety or worry robs us of seeing the blessings and provisions of God. The presence or absence of worry measures our trust in God. As believers, we aspire to a single focus on God and a loyalty toward Him. In this passage, Jesus taught that worry is unproductive. Not only is worry unproductive, it’s the opposite of trust in God. Faith calls for trusting in a loving and personal God at work in the world; yet, worry shows a lack of trust. Jesus’ teaching by no means ignores the reality of poverty and hunger among the people of the earth. However, Jesus’ clear teaching for believers is to trust God above all. If the Lord faithfully provides for the needs of mere creatures, how much more will He provide for us—His children? Jesus encourages us to rest in Him instead of being consumed by worry and fear. Instead of worrying, believers can seek the Kingdom of God and trust Him. We can focus on living out His mission.

• According to these verses, what are three specific reasons Jesus gives you for not worrying about the basic needs of life?


• How have you seen Jesus’ statement in verse 33 proven true in your life? ________________________________________________________


Pray that the work of Christ would overwhelm all lesser concerns and that trust, joy, and abundant life would define your relationship with God.


jan. 18

Two Paths, One Choice


Matthew 7:1-6

The best way to help others repent is to be always mindful of our own need to repent.MAIN IDEA

After Jesus taught about priorities, He moved on to relationships. He began with the command to not judge the sins of others. In the command not to judge, Jesus calls us to question the motivation behind our misplaced focus. Calling attention to someone else’s sin, be it ever so small, often avoids the task of removing the log from our own eye. Verse 5 indicates that we have a responsibility to help our fellow believers overcome temptation and sin in their lives, but our motive for doing so is important. If the motive is to make ourselves feel more righteous, then we are in no position to speak truth; we are guilty of replacing God’s righteousness with our own. Instead, our motivation should be rooted in humility and a desire to help our brothers and sisters in Christ stay in right fellowship with God. Following Jesus includes an undeniable command to acknowledge sin for what it is, clinging unwaveringly to truth. However, as we do so, we are first commanded to search for and remove the sin in our own lives before confronting the sins in others. Even then, we are called to be humble, gracious, and kind—never acting out of judgment but out of love, truth, and a genuine desire to free others from the destruction of the enemy, that they too may experience the joyful self-surrender of following Jesus.

• What do you communicate to God when you take on the role of judge? ________________________________________________________


• Based on how you are currently judging the sin and lifestyle of others, how would you expect God to judge you? What needs to change for you to treat others with the same compassionate yet truth-proclaiming grace through which God sees you?


Pray for a realistic view of your own sin so you might truly appreciate God’s grace and be able to lead others to do the same.


jan. 19


We pray consistently because we have a Father who knows what we need.MAIN IDEA

In these verses, Jesus addressed the role of prayer in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Beyond needs and requests, prayer is the primary way we function in our relationship with God, and He wants us to continually approach Him with our requests. He delights to give us what we need. Asking, seeking, and knocking are activities that should be repeated, indicating constant or persistent prayer. When we’re in the mindset of the Kingdom, the things we ask for are the things God wants us to have—things that will bring Him glory—like faith, wisdom, love, grace, strength, and so forth. Our prayers will focus less on our needs and more on the relationship we need with Him. When we go to God in prayer, He always treats us with the same concern a good father has for his children. If we have a need, He will take care of it. The power of prayer doesn’t depend on the goodness of the prayer, but on the goodness of God.

• Make a list of everything you have learned about prayer from these verses. ________________________________________________________


• What are some of the things you typically ask for in prayer? What are some other things for which you think you should be praying?


Thank God that He answers your prayers and that He loves you and gives you good gifts. Pray that God would transform your prayer life so that your prayers would better align with His character and will.


Matthew 7:7-12jan. 20


In these verses Jesus used the imagery of a narrow gate to describe entrance into the Kingdom of God. The gate is narrow because entrance into the Kingdom depends solely on saving faith in Jesus. The road this gate leads to is difficult because the life of discipleship requires sacrifice and humility. Because the path to the Kingdom is so narrow, we must be careful who we follow to get there. This is the point of Jesus’ fruit illustration in verses 15-23. False teachers were already an issue in Jesus’ day, and the “bad fruit” they taught promoted a wide gate and easy road as the way to eternal life. Jesus had strong words for these false prophets and all who follow them—they would not enter the Kingdom of God. Their fruit, or works, revealed that their hearts had not been changed by Him. Whether your life is yielding good or bad fruit, Jesus’ words remind us that outward behavior is the clearest indicator of the nature of the heart.

• What did Jesus teach about following Him with the two illustrations in today’s reading?


• Why is obedience to the will of God the best indicator of a person’s faith? With this in mind, consider what your behavior reveals about your heart.


Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as you begin the process of implementing God’s Kingdom principles in your relationships and strengthening them for the glory of God.


Matthew 7:13-23jan.21

Since the path to the Kingdom is narrow, we must be careful who we follow to get there.



God’s Word provides the solid foundation on which we build our lives.


With His final teaching point in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught about the importance of building your life on the Word of God. Jesus’ illustration about building a house shows the foolishness of hearing but failing to obey His teachings. The wise man builds his house on the solid foundation of God’s Word. This means that he obeys what Jesus taught about discipleship and Kingdom living. The person who hears Jesus’ words but fails to obey them is like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. Jesus also pointed out the reward of obedience and the consequence of disobedience. To the ones who hear and obey, Jesus promised blessings both now and in eternity. To the one who failed to obey, though, Jesus assured them that they would experience disaster in this life and eternity. Essential to the life of a Kingdom citizen is putting the words of Jesus into practice.

• What is the main point of Jesus’ parable of the two builders? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • In what ways do you regularly hear and obey the words of Christ? Is there

anything in your life that keeps you from this regular hearing and obeying? ________________________________________________________


The call to follow Jesus is a serious one, and living as His Kingdom people takes commitment, focus, and a dependency on God’s grace. Voice your own prayer of gratitude and commitment to God at this time.


Matthew 7:24-29jan.22


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is Two Paths, One Choice from Matthew 7:13-21, 24-27. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.



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List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of January 25, 2016

Matthew 8:1-4

Jesus exercised authority and compassion to heal physical diseases.

And Jesus said to the centurion, “Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed that very moment.

Matthew 8:13 (NASB)



Matthew 8 transitions from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to His ministry of healing and miracles. Victims of leprosy in biblical times were outcast from towns and from interactions with others. Because of the seriousness of leprosy, it was believed that to touch a leper would make one “unclean.” Yet in this instant, rather than Jesus becoming unclean, the leper became clean by the touch of Jesus. Throughout the Gospels, we read stories like this one when Jesus connected with people of a supposed different category from Him in order to meet their needs, both physically and spiritually. Healing was an important part of Jesus’ ministry, and it provided a tangible, physical example of the type of healing He also brings to our souls. The leper understood that Jesus had the desire and power to heal him, and the man demonstrated his faith by bringing his request before Christ. Even today, the compassion and companionship of Jesus enables us to trust even when we are not sure of the immediate outcome.

• What does Jesus’ interaction with the leper teach you about Him? ________________________________________________________


• What situation are you in right now where you know Jesus could help but are unsure if He will? What keeps you from trusting Him?


Thank God that Jesus’ authority in your life goes beyond teaching to include healing your body and soul. Pray that His example of compassion will be a model for you as you interact with people who need physical and/or spiritual healing.



Faith Demonstrated


Matthew 8:5-13

Jesus exercises authority and compassion over our lives to heal physical diseases.MAIN IDEA

The second healing miracle in Matthew 8 revealed an astounding truth about Jesus’ earthly ministry: He did not need to be physically present to heal. A Roman centurion was a commander in the Roman army who oversaw approximately 100 soldiers. The centurion’s statement in verses 8-9 reveals belief that Jesus had the authority and power to heal. In the eyes of most Jews, the centurion (like the leper in yesterday’s reading) represented a threat to the common belief that Rome must be overthrown for God’s Kingdom to fully come. However, overthrowing Rome was not the point of the Messiah’s reign—saving souls was. Jesus described His own ministry as, “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). Neither socioeconomic category nor ethnicity can keep someone from coming to Jesus—so neither should keep us from telling others about Him.

• Compare the leper from yesterday’s reading (Matt. 8:1-4) with the centurion in their encounters with Jesus, including their problems, social standing, faith, and Jesus’ response. How were they similar? How were they different?


• What does the centurion’s example teach you about the type of faith that Jesus expects from His followers?


Ask God to open your eyes to ways in which your belief in Him needs to strengthen, and then ask Him to begin the work of growing your faith today.




Jesus exercised authority and compassion to heal physical diseases and demonstrated His authority over spiritual forces.


Jesus’ healing miracles were not reserved for the crowds who came to see Him. Today’s reading shows us that sometimes His healings impacted His inner circle of disciples. Also noteworthy in Jesus’ healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is the fact that Jesus healed a woman. Like the leper and the Roman, the woman was looked down upon in Jewish society. Jesus followed this healing with a night of casting out demons (v. 16), which demonstrated His authority over spiritual forces as well. The stories of healing in Matthew 8 remind us that God is always busy in our world—acting not only to heal and restore our physical selves but our spiritual selves as well. Jesus addressed both the people’s physical and spiritual states. In the same way, as we work to meet needs, alleviate suffering, and pray for divine healing and intervention in our lives, we must remember that our primary responsibility in dealing with people as followers of Jesus is to connect them to Him—the ultimate and only fulfillment of every need.

• Why is it important for you to understand that Jesus has the authority to meet people’s physical and spiritual needs?


• Look at the response Peter’s mother-in-law had to being healed by Jesus. What can you learn from her example that can be applied to your own relationship with Him?


As you spend time in prayer, think about the needs in your own life or the lives of loved ones that need Jesus’ care. Take the time to pray for each of the needs that comes to mind, asking Jesus to work His healing and authoritative power in those situations.


Matthew 8:14-17jan. 27


In the first part of today’s reading, Jesus used an analogy of nature to highlight the cost of following Him. Foxes, birds, and other creatures had places of rest and safety to claim as home. However, Jesus—and by inference His disciples—had no such place. The Creator of the universe had no place of belonging among His own creation. A second question addressed to Jesus gave Him the chance to teach that accepting His call involves personal sacrifices that are difficult but have eternal benefits. Following His interaction with the crowd, Jesus set out on a boat where He would perform one of His more well-known miracles: calming a storm. When Jesus rebuked the wind and sea, He demonstrated an important extension of His power, His power over nature. Anyone who controls nature can control anything. Once again, Jesus’ power invites our trust.

• What do the two illustrations Jesus gave in verses 18-22 reveal about the cost of following Him?


• What difficult situations and circumstances are you or your family currently facing? How might God be using that situation to strengthen your faith and deepen your fellowship with Him?


Pray that the Lord would help you trust that He is constantly working for your spiritual good, even in the midst of trials and difficulties. Ask God to help you testify of His goodness and mercy as you face the storms of life.


Matthew 8:18-27jan.28

The cost of following Jesus is great, but it’s worth it to give your life to the One who has authority over all creation.



Jesus exercises authority and compassion to free people from demon possession.


The final account in Matthew 8 addresses again Jesus’ authority over the demons when He encountered two demon-possessed men. Jesus’ interaction with the two demon-possessed men in today’s reading highlights His identity as the Messiah, the Son of God, the authority that He bears, and His compassion for the needy. The text tells us that the demons were so powerful they spoke in place of the men and they prevented anyone from coming near. Yet these powerful demons voiced aloud the true identity of Jesus and His power over the realm of darkness. The demons themselves acknowledged who Jesus was and the power that He carried. From the demons’ request to inhabit the pigs, it seems they preferred to dwell in physical bodies and that they knew Jesus had the power to cast them out. By casting the demons into the pigs, Jesus honored their request while also revealing that by just His word He could act out His authority over the spiritual realm. Unfortunately, the herdsmen and the people of the city did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, as evidenced by their request that He leave. Even today, Jesus exercises His authority in powerful ways, yet some people choose to turn away from Him.

• What impact does Jesus’ authority over the spiritual realm have in your life? ________________________________________________________


• How can you follow Jesus’ example of associating with the sick and the

desperate? What might you have to sacrifice to do so? ________________________________________________________


Spend time as you pray thinking about Jesus’ power as Deliverer and the implications this has for your life. Thank Him for freeing you from sin and death and for the freedom that redemption brings


Matthew 6:1-4Matthew 8:28-34jan.29


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Tomorrow our lesson is Faith Demonstrated from Matthew 8:5-13. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.



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List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of February 1, 2016

Matthew 9:1-13

Jesus’ mission is to bring sinners to repentance.

Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. Matthew 9:38 (NASB)



A boat again provided Jesus the means of retreating from the crowds and extending His ministry. When some men brought their paralytic friend to Jesus, He praised them for their faith. Faith always is the door through which Jesus can enter our lives more completely. Although the man sought physical healing, Jesus first forgave his sins. Our greatest need always is for forgiveness of sin. Without eternal forgiveness, the most healthy and prosperous life is meaningless. This act also affirmed Jesus’ identity as the Messiah and brought the issue of His claims of divine authority to the forefront. Jesus used the man’s physical healing to give visible proof that He had the authority to forgive something more destructive- sin. Verses 12-13 give us Jesus’ own summary of His mission. The Messiah came to bring forgiveness of sins to the world. When we understand our need for His mercy and grace, we position ourselves to receive this Messiah King.

• What truths do you learn about Jesus and His mission from today’s reading? ________________________________________________________


• Describe the most recent time you felt the need for forgiveness? What did you experience after realizing Jesus had forgiven you?


Use your prayer time as a time of confession. Ask Jesus to help you accept the forgiveness He willingly and graciously gives.


feb. 1

In His Service


Matthew 9:14-17

Belief in the gospel demands a new identity and way of living.MAIN IDEA

Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus transitioned back and forth between teaching and performing miracles, both of which highlighted His authority and His purpose as the Son of God. The teaching about fasting in Matthew 9:14-17 gave Jesus a chance to draw the distinction between the former way of life for God’s people—obedience to the Law—and the new way of life Jesus brought with Him—the gospel. Fasting for John’s disciples was an act of obedience to the Law that highlighted their grief over sin and anticipation for the Messiah. Jesus’ disciples had no need for this type of fasting because they walked with the Messiah. Jesus’ analogy about the wineskins highlighted the newness of Jesus’ message. As long as the Jews clung to the Old Testament Law and failed to see Jesus for who He really was, they would not be able to receive the gospel. However, when a person understands who Jesus is and accepts the gospel message He brings, that person becomes a new creation in Him.

• What acts of obedience or practices of the Law are you depending on for acceptance before God?


• What habits or beliefs from your life before Christ are you having a hard time releasing? How do these verses speak to that specific struggle?


As you pray, thank God for the good news of the gospel that brings real and lasting change to your life. Ask Him to highlight any areas where you struggle to let go of old habits and fail to rest in His grace or depend on Him.


feb. 2


Jesus has the authority and power to defeat death.MAIN IDEA

The synagogue rulers were some of Jesus’ harshest critics, but the desperation of one led him to the feet of Jesus. Jairus pleaded with Jesus to heal his daughter. With sensitivity and compassion, Jesus started out with Jairus, until a woman who sought healing for herself interrupted Him. Both Jairus and the bleeding woman demonstrated great faith by approaching Jesus. Up to this point in Matthew’s Gospel Jesus had not brought a dead person back to life, but Jairus believed the Son of God had the power to do so. Both of these individuals add to the list of desperate, helpless people Jesus ministered to, and both accounts reveal the power of His touch and His word. When Jesus raised Jairus’s daughter from the dead, it showed His disciples and those watching that in addition to sickness, creation, and the demonic realm, Jesus also had authority over the grave. Verses 27-31 add one more miracle of healing touch to this section of Matthew, but the interesting thing to note in these verses is Jesus’ question to the blind men: “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” That question, used to draw out the men’s faith, is a question Jesus asks of us daily as we follow Him.

• From the stories in Matthew 9, what stands out to you about Jesus’ power and purpose?


• What stands out to you about the faith of the individuals in this passage? ________________________________________________________



Matthew 9:18-31feb. 3

Reflect on Jesus’ power over death and the impact that it has on your life both today and for eternity. Thank Him for going to the cross where He endured such pain and suffering in order to defeat death once and for all.


Jesus did not limit His mission and thus demonstrated His message was intended for all people—the sick, the unclean, the demon-possessed, the religious leaders, and even the dead. His great love and concern for people became the driving force for His prayer that God would call and send others to extend the work. Because of Jesus’ loving heart for people, He looked on them as sheep abandoned by their shepherds. God had directed the leaders of Israel to care for the people. Instead they imposed heavy religious obligations on the people who already carried heavy spiritual and physical burdens. Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep, had come. Jesus saw the opportunity for a rich spiritual harvest, and He knew that He should waste no time in gathering it. The same opportunity exists today. A tremendous harvest awaits Christians who join God in His work.

• What motivated Jesus to minister to the people in the ways that He did (v. 36)? ________________________________________________________


• Knowing the harvest is truly plentiful, how should your life be impacted? How will you respond to this truth?


Pray that God will give you a willingness to sacrifice your life for the sake of people who do not know Christ.


Matthew 9:32-38feb. 4

As followers of Jesus, we are called to demonstrate His heart and pursue the lost.



Jesus empowers His disciples to live out His mission.MAIN IDEA

There was no shortage of need surrounding Jesus’ ministry efforts. As a direct result of seeing the urgency of the need among the Jews, Jesus named His disciples and sent out these 12. They had been with Jesus long enough to hear His teaching and to understand what His ministry was about. Now it was their turn to act; they too were to minister to others. The major topic of Jesus’ teaching and preaching, and thus the major topic for the disciples, was to announce that the Kingdom of heaven had come near. The presence of the Kingdom demanded a response, and the time was urgent. Each activity described in these verses was a part of Jesus’ ministry. His mission became the mission of the disciples. This example reminds us that the goal of Christianity is not simply to enlighten us. We are saved to serve, and one expression of service is mission work.

• What do you learn from this passage about being a disciple of Jesus? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • What is your mission in life? How does God’s Kingdom fit in? Do you need

to shift your priorities or values in order for them to be in line with God’s Kingdom?


Thank God for empowering you to join Him in His Kingdom work. Thank Him for establishing His Kingdom in your heart when you trusted Christ as Lord and Savior. Ask Him to help you overcome your insecurities and begin serving in His Kingdom through His power and provision.


Matthew 10:1-15feb. 5


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is In His Service from Matthew 9:35-38 and Matthew 10:1-8. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

feb. 6


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

feb. 7

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of February 8, 2016

Matthew 10:16-23

His disciples could expect persecution because Jesus was persecuted.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (NASB)



Jesus warned His disciples of the persecution that would come as they ministered to people in His name. The disciples had just been called by Jesus to be His disciples, and He warned them of the imminent task before them. Knowing persecution was a reality would better prepare these disciples for their mission. They were going to be sent out, and Jesus wanted them to be aware of what would happen. The encouragement that Jesus offered was that the Spirit of the Father would be with them. Jesus could have simply said “the Holy Spirit,” but He wanted the disciples to be comforted. The term “Father” would be a source of comfort. The Spirit would guide them as they encountered strife—even death—because of their faith. Persecution and martyrdom are present throughout the church today. Christians worldwide are losing their lives because of their continued faith in Christ. While we may not feel this type of persecution in this country or in Jacksonville, it is a real danger to many believers. Yet, Jesus calls us to be careful, conscious, and consistent in the face of persecution.

• In what ways does God promise to equip His followers with the words and witness they will need to represent Him and make His message known?


• How does the Spirit help you remain consistent in difficult times? What might that look like in a situation you are facing right now?


Pray that God would keep you on your guard against the enemy’s schemes in the world, so you can act as shrewdly as a snake but as innocently as a dove, pointing all in your community to Jesus as you do.


FEB. 8

An Open Invitation


Matthew 10:24-39

Jesus expects whole-hearted devotion to Him.MAIN IDEA

Before Jesus sent out His disciples, He gave them detailed instructions and a clear sense of their mission (Matt. 10). In today’s reading, Jesus reminded them that God would protect them on their mission. If God must consent to the fall of sparrows, no disciple can suffer persecution without His consent. The God who has numbered even the hairs of your head has also numbered the days of your life. His plan for His disciples cannot be cut short by persecution. We owe a higher allegiance to God because of our desire to obey Him, an allegiance that can help us overcome our fear of sharing the gospel and living for Him. Jesus also helped His disciples understand that obedience to His mission would require total sacrifice on their part. Jesus defined what it means to follow Him: rejection of self-centered living and embracing complete commitment to Him. We are to place God and His Kingdom’s priorities first in our lives. The idea that one is to take up one’s cross emphasizes dying to self, and the words “follow me” emphasize living according to the Lord’s will and direction.

• What did Jesus say is required of those who would follow Him? ________________________________________________________


• Jesus died to self and took up His cross. In what areas of your life has He called you to die to self?


Thank Jesus for His supreme example of sacrificial living for your good. Ask God to help you set aside selfishness and to embrace sacrifice as the way to abundant life.


feb. 9


Everything Jesus said and did displayed His Messianic identity.MAIN IDEA

While Jesus’ ministry was unfolding, John the Baptist was in prison. John was the prophet whom God appointed to prepare the way for Jesus’ earthly ministry, and he, of all people, should have known Jesus was the Messiah. However, while in prison John was dependent on other people to relay Jesus’ actions to him. The reports he received caused him to question Jesus’ identity. And yet, Jesus never chastised John for asking questions. Instead, He held up John as a model prophet and follower. John thus serves as a model for us as we grow in our faith and join in Jesus’ ministry. To ease John’s doubts, Jesus pointed to the work He had done that fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy about the coming Messiah. Jesus also took this as an opportunity to remind the crowd that He is the Messiah the Old Testament anticipated.

• In response to John’s disciples, Jesus quoted a passage from Isaiah and listed six aspects of His ministry. How did this point to His role as Messiah?


• How is John “more than a prophet” (v. 9)? ________________________________________________________


In your prayer time today, think about the ways Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah to you throughout your life, including your study and growth in the Word. Share ways the Spirit has worked in your life. Use the memories that come to mind as opportunities to praise God for His faithfulness to you and His work in your life.


Matthew 11:1-15feb. 10


Jesus knew that the cross loomed ahead of Him, and His entire earthly ministry led up to that event. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, but they would be instrumental in bringing about Jesus’ death. Jesus’ warning in these verses highlighted their inability to recognize Him for who He really was—the Messiah and Savior God had promised His people. Jesus highlighted specific cities where He had ministered through signs and teachings. In each of those cities, the majority of Jews refused to believe in Him, even after what they witnessed from Him. Since we know the whole story, we know that when the Jews rejected Jesus by crucifying Him, God’s purposes progressed in His resurrection and the spread of the gospel to all nations. It is evident from this reading that Jesus greatly desired for people to repent of their sins and accept Him as their Messiah and His desire is for that today as well.

• Why did so many Israelites fail to see Jesus for who He really is? ________________________________________________________


• Think about what it took for you to finally believe in Jesus as your Savior and Lord. What have you learned from your own story that will help you share Jesus with someone else?


As part of your prayer, think of people you know who do not know Jesus. Pray that even today God will open their eyes to Jesus as their Messiah, and lead them to repentance.


Matthew 11:20-24feb. 11

The Israelites were God’s chosen people, but if they rejected the Messiah they could expect judgment from God.



Jesus invites anyone willing to follow Him to join His kingdom.


With verse 25, Jesus shifted from addressing the crowd to praying to His Heavenly Father. He praised God the Father for His wisdom and His grace—wisdom in His discretion regarding who should receive revelation of the truth and who should not, and grace toward those who received the revelation. In His compassion and justice, God reveals Himself to those who are humbly aware of their need for Him. He also offers them rest. The Jewish people struggled under an enormous load of religious expectations and legalities that were laid on them by their religious leaders. Jesus, on the other hand, was offering them a life of freedom. While following Him still requires work, it is service motivated by love for Jesus and a desire to serve Him. When we take up Jesus’ yoke, He teaches us how to live under the light burden He offers and to partake in His rest. As our Teacher, He communicates to us with sensitivity and compassion.

• Why is the gospel hidden from the “wise and learned?” How are you like the wise and learned? How are you like the little children?


________________________________________________________ • Why is life with Jesus a place of rest, free from burdens and heavy yokes? ________________________________________________________


As you pray, accept the rest and light burden Jesus is constantly extending to you. Ask Him to reveal ways you are trying to live the spiritual life on your own.


Matthew 11:25-30feb. 12


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is An Open Invitation from Matthew 11:20-30. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

feb. 13


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

feb. 14

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of February 15, 2016

Matthew 12:1-8

Jesus emphasized a heart of compassion over religious traditions, and He called His followers to do the same.

Behold, My Servant whom I have chosen; My Beloved in whom My soul is well-pleased; I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He shall proclaim

justice to the Gentiles. Matthew 12:18 (NASB)



Keeping the Sabbath was a big deal to the Jewish religious leaders, as was obedience to all of God’s laws. The way Jesus observed the Sabbath was always a point of contention for them. Both Jesus’ compassion and His authority are highlighted in this passage. Jesus’ question “Have you not read . . . ?” marks a continuing pattern on His part. Jesus regularly highlighted a pharisaical neglect of Scripture as opposed to their conformity to tradition, like He did in the Sermon on the Mount. In defense of His disciples’ behavior Jesus cited 1 Samuel 21:1-9, when David fled from Saul to the city of Nob where the tabernacle was kept at the time. There David and his men ate the consecrated bread that was set apart for the priests to eat after it had been brought to the Lord as an offering (Lev. 24:8-9). God designed the Sabbath to be used as a day for worship and rest. Mercy is wrapped up in the heart of the Sabbath Law—a reminder of who God is and His faithfulness to rescue His people. Jesus’ actions, then, were consistent with this central thrust—to break the letter of the law to fulfill its true intent through an expression of mercy and compassion.

• What did the religious leaders miss about obedience to God? ________________________________________________________


• What are some ways you can practice the discipline of the Sabbath without letting it become legalistic?


As part of your prayer time, ask God to give you an awareness of your sin and selfishness and the ways in which you place your own righteousness above the needs of others.


feb. 15

What’s the Sign?


Matthew 12:9-21

Jesus’ humble servant leadership contrasts with the selfishness of the Pharisees.MAIN IDEA

As you saw in yesterday’s reading, Jesus’ Sabbath behavior caused tension with the Jewish leaders of His day. Some commentators believe the leaders may have planted the man with the shriveled hand in the synagogue in an attempt to trap Jesus. Healing, in their eyes, would be work, and work was prohibited on the Sabbath. In their concern for tradition and legalism, they had forgotten the mercy and grace shown by God for His children when He made provision for the Sabbath. Yet even the hypocrites acted mercifully toward an animal in trouble on the Sabbath. This man belonged to Jesus, and Jesus saved Him. By pointing out the religious leaders’ selfishness and misplaced focus on tradition, Jesus reminds us of His compassion for us and the compassion we should have for others. Verses 15-21 highlight that service, justice, and humility defined the ministry of the Messiah.

• Make a list of all the Messiah characteristics that Jesus demonstrated or are explicitly stated here in Matthew 12:9-21. What do these teach you about Jesus?


• Are there any habits or behaviors that might get in the way of your selflessly serving Jesus? If so, what are they, and how might they be addressed?


Praise God for the example of humble and sacrificial service that Jesus modeled for you. Ask Him to grow these traits in you as you strive to reflect Jesus to the world.


feb. 16


The Kingdom of God is greater than the kingdom of Satan.MAIN IDEA

The crowds were amazed by Jesus’ healing, but the Pharisees were out to prove Him wrong. Part of the Pharisees’ agenda was to discredit Jesus, and here they attempted to do so by claiming He was in league with Satan. “Beelzebub” is another name for Satan. The Pharisees’ strategy could not have been to directly deny Jesus’ works, for there was simply too much evidence. The people had witnessed His mighty works and had a favorable opinion of Him. We must feel the full weight of this charge against Jesus to understand this text. He had performed a work of righteousness that could be only the result of God’s presence and power. This exorcism, because it demonstrated God’s power, meant Jesus already had defeated the strong man, Satan. Satan’s influence was and is strong, but Jesus was and is stronger. If Jesus was not using evil forces to fight demons, then there is only one legitimate conclusion: He was using the power of the Spirit of God, or the Holy Spirit.

• What did Jesus reveal about the Kingdom of God in these verses? ________________________________________________________


• Why is it important for Christians today to understand that the Kingdom of God is greater than the kingdom of Satan? How does this truth shape your life and ministry?


Thank God for the promise that He will defeat evil once and for all when Jesus returns. Pray that this promise of future victory would motivate you to stand up to temptation and share the gospel unashamedly in the meantime.


Matthew 12:22-29feb. 17


An important part of Jesus’ teaching was tracing sin back to its root as an issue of the heart. In this teaching, Jesus used an analogy of a tree to illustrate where righteousness or unrighteousness originates. A tree will produce either good fruit or bad fruit. The phrase “by its fruit” underscores the connection between results and origin. Good brings about good, and evil brings about evil. The result, or the fruit, of a tree can be used to determine its inner condition. The Pharisees were evil and thus could not speak good things—it was impossible. Jesus connected the words of the mouth to the overflow of the heart. The heart is the essence of a person’s entire life; and words, the fruit of our hearts, reveal the nature of our lives. While it is not speech that will save us, it is speech that reveals what is in our hearts.

• What reason did Jesus give for the way the Pharisees acted toward Him? ________________________________________________________


• Why does the good tree produce only good fruit and the bad tree only bad fruit? What does this mean for us?


Thank God that He desires to change you from the inside out and that in Him you are a new creation capable of reflecting Him to the world. Pray for the discernment and wisdom to speak words that draw people to Him rather than turn people away from Him.


Matthew 12:33-37feb. 18

Only the life rooted in Jesus has the power to do good.



The proof of Jesus’ rule is found in His death, burial, and resurrection.


When the Pharisees and religious leaders asked to see another sign from Jesus, it was not a genuine request. They wanted to further their case against Him. They had already witnessed countless miracles that affirmed His identity as Messiah, but this request revealed their disbelief. Unfortunately, the Pharisees missed Jesus because they were too focused on their own self-preservation and position of power. Jesus’ response to the Pharisees points to His Messianic identity—His death, burial, and resurrection—which took three days’ time, the length of time Jonah was in the fish’s stomach. As Jesus pointed out, though, His signs would come too late for many people in Israel who had already rejected Him. The illustration of the Queen of Sheba makes the same point—many Gentiles recognized God’s presence and work among them, but these Israelites did not.

• What was wrong with the Pharisees asking Jesus for a sign when He put much of His earthly ministry into giving people signs of His identity?


________________________________________________________ • How do Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection prove He is the Messiah? ________________________________________________________


Thank God for the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that proved He is the Messiah, our Savior. Pray for your unbelieving friends and family members; ask God to make this sign clear to them in the coming days.


Matthew 12:38-42feb. 19


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into

practice. ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is What’s the Sign? from Matthew 12:38-42. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

feb. 20


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

feb. 21

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.




Week of February 22, 2016

Matthew 12:43-45

Israel would be judged for their failure to believe Jesus was the Messiah.

He who has ears, let him hear. Matthew 13:9 (NASB)



Last week’s readings ended with the Pharisees’ request that Jesus give them yet another sign, at which point Jesus hinted at His death, burial, and resurrection. In Matthew 12:43-45, Jesus followed that prophecy with a parable about a demon searching for a body to inhabit. The man in the parable represented Israel, and the limited time he was free of demons represented Israel’s limited chance to believe in Jesus and repent of their sins. If they did not, Jesus warned that they would be worse off than they had been before He arrived. The “seven other spirits” that joined the original one illustrated this point. Before Jesus arrived, Israel longed for the Messiah to come and rescue them. Once He came, though, many refused to believe in Him—especially the Pharisees who Jesus confronted at this point in His ministry. Jesus’ parable revealed that after He left they would be held accountable for their failure to believe.

• God gave Israel a limited time to respond to Him, but He did give them time. What does this teach us about Him?


• Like the point Jesus made with His parable, people today have a limited time to get to know Jesus and believe in Him. How can you let that truth impact your interactions today?


As part of your prayer time, thank God that He has not yet closed the door on repentance. Pray that He will help you see clearly the role you can play in drawing someone to Jesus.


feb. 22

Access Granted


Matthew 12:46-50

Jesus recognizes His true followers as those who obey God’s will.MAIN IDEA

On the heels of Jesus’ teaching about Israel’s rejection of Him, Jesus used the presence of His mother and brothers to clarify whom His true followers are, if they are not the nation of Israel in general. Just as those who refused to believe did not keep all of Israel out of a relationship with Him, so people were not kept out of His family if they weren’t His blood relatives. The way Jesus described it, His spiritual family is comprised of those who believe in Him through faith. The New Testament uses familial language often to talk about the relationship between God and His covenant people. Jesus’ teaching in this passage reveals that the most important relationship a person can have is one with Him, demonstrated by the will of God. As Jesus would go on to communicate throughout His teachings, entrance into this family is available to anyone who believes in Him regardless of ethnic heritage.

• What is significant about Jesus’ description of His family in Matthew 12:46-50?


• Why is obedience to God’s will the distinguishing mark of a Christ follower? What light does this shine on your own relationship with Him?


For part of your prayer time, confess to God specific ways you have failed to live in obedience to God’s will in the past 24 hours. Ask for forgiveness, and ask the Spirit to guide you as you seek to live in obedience to the Father today.


feb. 23


Jesus reveals some of the realities of His Kingdom to His followers.MAIN IDEA

The parable recorded in Matthew 13 is often referred to as the “Parable of the Sower.” In an agricultural society, Jesus’ audience would have understood what happened when a sower went out into a field to sow his seed. At least one path ran through most fields, and much of the terrain in Israel was rocky and under a thin layer of topsoil. Dropping seeds along such paths was futile. Many fields also had thorn bushes along the perimeters. Seeds falling there had no chance to grow and survive until harvest time. Others, however, did fall on fertile soil and produced a “bumper crop” (100 times what was sown). At this point in Jesus’ ministry, enough people were rejecting Him that it raised the question of why some people recognized He was the Messiah and others did not. With the statement in verse 9—“He who has ears, let him hear”—Jesus taught that people’s acceptance or rejection of Him revolved around whether or not they listened to Him and were changed by Him. The issue was not with the seed (Jesus’ message) but with the soil (the heart of His listeners).

• What is the main point of Jesus’ parable of the sower? ________________________________________________________


• In what ways do you see people hearing the words of Jesus but not really listening to them?


Thank God for graciously giving you His Word and speaking to you through it. Pray that your life would be good soil, ready to receive God’s Word and live in obedience to it.


Matthew 13:1-9feb. 24


Jesus’ disciples could not understand the point of His sower parable, so they asked Him the meaning. Quoting Isaiah 6:9, Jesus explained that He used parables—stories that give new meaning to familiar objects or scenarios—as a way to reveal the truths of the Kingdom of God to believers. Yet the story itself actually conceals the meaning from unbelievers. When it comes to Kingdom truths, many people suffer from selective hearing. They either hear only what they want to hear or refuse to understand what they do hear. Far worse are those who hear and understand but do not act on what they hear. Jesus described His followers as those whose eyes and ears were open, people who recognized Jesus as the Messiah and chose to follow Him. This illustration began with His first disciples, but it has broadened to include everyone who trusts in Him today.

• How does Isaiah’s prophecy as quoted in Matthew 13:14-15 relate to the parable of the sower and the Kingdom of God?


• What about Jesus’ identity and/or mission made Him hard to listen to? ________________________________________________________


Pray that God’s Word would take deep root in your heart so that it produces faithful obedience and visible fruit. Pray that God would give you eyes to see and ears to hear the glorious truth of the gospel.


Matthew 13:10-17feb. 25

Followers of Christ listen to and are changed by the Word of God.



Followers of Christ live obedient lives that bear gospel fruit.


Jesus did not often explain His parables, but for the parable of the sower He gave a detailed explanation. In this parable, Jesus described four types of soil, representing people who hear the gospel. The first three soils refer to people who are not saved, but who have varying responses to the seed of the Word of God. Jesus then contrasted these people with those whose hearts are “good ground.” The same good seed fell on all four types of soil, but only this last example refers to people who have been born again. Jesus described the born again persons as those who hear the Word of God, understand it, and then trust Christ. It is evidenced by the fruit visible in their lives. Their lives are spiritually productive and they consistently live in obedience to Jesus Christ and His Word.

• What type of people are represented by each of the three unfit soils? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • According to verse 23, what are the characteristics of a person who has

been born again? ________________________________________________________


Pray that with God’s help you would be a person who lives a spiritually productive life by listening to God’s Word and doing what He says.


Matthew 13:18-23feb. 26


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this passage so meaningful to you?• In what areas of your life do these truths apply?• What ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into



________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Tomorrow our lesson is Access Granted from Matthew 13:1-13. Read the verses and consider your responses to them.

feb. 27


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

feb. 28

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.
