DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Sjamsuhidajat R, Dahlan M, Jusi D. Buku ajar ilmu bedah. Edisi 2. Editor: Sjamsuhidajat, R. dan De Jong, Wim. Jakarta: EGC, 2003. 2. Simade brata dkk. Gastro enterologi dalam pedoman dignosis dan terapi dibidang ilmu penyakit dalam. Jakarta: FK UI, 1999. Hal 32,33 3. Fanning James, DO Rod Hojat, MD. Safety and efficacy of immediate postoperative feeding and bowel stimulation to prevent ileus after major gynecologic surgical procedures. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2011; 111(8): 469-472. 4. Vohra Hunaid A, Shakil Farid, Toufan Bahrami and Jullien AR Gaer. Predictors of survival after gastrointestinal complications in bypass grafting. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals 2011;19(1): 27–32. 5. Frost EAM. Preventing paralytic ileus: can the anesthesiologist help. M.E.J. Anesth,2009; 20(2): 159-165. 6. Johnson Michael D.,MD, R. Matthewwalsh, MD.Current therapies to shorten postoperative ileus. Clevand Clinic Jornal Of Medicine.2009; 76 (1): 641-648. 7. Trice and filson. Usus kecil dalam patofisiologi konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit. Edisi 4 alih bahasa dr. Peter anugerah. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 : 402-405 . 8. Grace and boeley. Obstruksi usus. Dalam: at a glance ilmu bedah. Edisi 3. Jakarta: EMS, 2005.

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1. Sjamsuhidajat R, Dahlan M, Jusi D. Buku ajar ilmu bedah. Edisi 2. Editor: Sjamsuhidajat, R. dan De Jong, Wim. Jakarta: EGC, 2003.

2. Simade brata dkk. Gastro enterologi dalam pedoman dignosis dan terapi dibidang ilmu penyakit dalam. Jakarta: FK UI, 1999. Hal 32,33

3. Fanning James, DO Rod Hojat, MD. Safety and efficacy of immediate postoperative feeding and bowel stimulation to prevent ileus after major gynecologic surgical procedures. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2011; 111(8): 469-472.

4. Vohra Hunaid A, Shakil Farid, Toufan Bahrami and Jullien AR Gaer. Predictors of survival after gastrointestinal complications in bypass grafting. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals 2011;19(1): 27–32.

5. Frost EAM. Preventing paralytic ileus: can the anesthesiologist help. M.E.J. Anesth,2009; 20(2): 159-165.

6. Johnson Michael D.,MD, R. Matthewwalsh, MD.Current therapies to shorten postoperative ileus. Clevand Clinic Jornal Of Medicine.2009; 76 (1): 641-648.

7. Trice and filson. Usus kecil dalam patofisiologi konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit. Edisi 4 alih bahasa dr. Peter anugerah. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 : 402-405 .

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