mm. 'AG! TWO prfft 4^«fW**t«Vsgimi Telephone: Days - 6701 — Evenings, TUB?-, Mi\ anrf M*s J r W ' Gallant wece ip pink and bhie and the andJSaul Jr, of to/tagtop, N. Y. ftp^ l jMi--OaitanK0£ New York ^ly^erer^cent guests of their BfEKsafts,- Mr. and Mis. John Gal- M*. ^4„Mrs, Stanley Vichers Ifift Sunday for Monmouth, 111- *Ii»isV4J:Q. spend commencement |eipei|eJVp;f; their daughter Amy »feaa HojiHaouth College which •; : y$mjffl*$0 be held on Sunday, ' rj|we;,14.'' En route, rhey will ,';';'^pSjt at the home of Mrs. Vick- " : i * ^ » parents, Mr and Mrs. R. H. Parker an Des Moines, Iowa. ^ B u r i i n ^ their absence, their son '; ' 'T&pm, is staying at the home of ; ; px. and Mrs. Milton Bennett, 3ftroga Point. • * * Mrs. Connie Hartley was vYguest of honor at a baby show- er Sunday, Tune 7, held at the shower; cake w a ^ ^ d e , m Uie shape' i$ vMby'.<&$ti^BSgmd* wiclies, sa&ds, and -fklmmeft served and sevp^.^mmy- en- joyed. Mrs. Hartley ^rpjpivea m m y ievetyygifcjfsf ^X>^ %r The guests inttvr^^pincty Parmer, Ann MoreiM^aflcy; White, Judy Safctea$J : <Stie <&' Bryan, Cinda.<lregpiF^ f - Karen Schtnaaker and Kai%i#S&retti M- Mrs. Hwaid mtBM fr- aud sons Pavid and m$j$feanm the week end -wjlftSMl; ami Mrs. Peter Warjiecke at King- rQt ston, N. Y. Mrs. Warne<$£ is the w former Susan Gr^nJ&od -** f ^ Port Henry. * •• « A bridal $h\0&r'gn& Miss Margaret|Ga$neyJ en Saturday !noinlh{| dache) at the home of -MW. T t e n a s GJSsson, U . S . Ait Force, on Saturday, June 27. Mr. and Mf. Vance Mmlh and family of Rooky Mount, North Carolina, were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs, John McGee, Fort Road, * » »•»" No one has yet faybtd gby- thing unusual in the paragraph published in last, week's local column. Here's the answer— Al- though the tetter'%" is thfc most used letter in tie English alpha- bet, this was a pp&raph with- Ptr-a~smg|e ^ i . | | p h ! ' JMrs, $f&toqj. "M&ra&i of |^tjpeK®^.|%Med Mend* art town over tr&.feekend^ ' Tftw ' -mirtiiki v% -Ci>Arl 4 St St. Mary's CJSiidlfc' Daughteis will hold' the5jr f *ii|istallaitiori of officers, 8 p. m,, in the it of G rocwns. All members are urged ;end|as p $ waihle 7 ihe Just .„ Ja v «tyj$ Sept#*erO" * Ban'Pformt ih& ; 4(mtes which • «»'>«III«II,I»I» T1CONDEROGA SENTINEL, THURSDAY JUNE 11, 1970 reisidaice ol Miss Judy SaccoJP. Carney, Baldwin R o a i Mi« St. Claar Street. DecorationsCamey will become the bride of JIII1III1IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIII1 I QOQLS MORE UNIFORMLY! s i Pfflico ! Air Conditioner 1 Model AC9D1A. Simulated wood deco-> rator front Hide-Away controls. Philco* Woiseless Design—engineered to a whis-i per. '8,800 BTU/HR cooling capacity. Washable air filter.. (j>HIUCO '<*r; V V4^'. IHO^liTOy5l>i i NOW WITH ^ ^ AUTOMATIC- SHIFT'" Sweeps from wall to wall arjoV autorhatiqaihf, jshifts. its cooling spew up and down to maintain comfort level selected on th» jhermostat ' • . : ASJ.0WAS $3.00 /LWEEK w «s* T- lledi % '®e next jfcou. ^Je^wgeks^rQ^S^Jturd^y eve? riing, Jnne 18, -« jaWiboree will be held at the. high school fforn 8 to 11 p m. with three bands furnishing the music—The New Freedom, Hayden's Riders and The Family. Adrndssion $1.00 per person. And the BIG one— Saturday, June 27, at the New York State Armory, sponsored by the New Freedom for the benefit of the ambulance fund for the Ticon- derog Emergency Squad. Four •bands will be oh hand for con- tinuous dancing, Besides the New Freedom, Hayden's Riders, The Family, the Penetrotors (if possible) haive donated their ser- .. vices. Admission will be one == j book of green stamps for two == persons or $1.25 per person. -Time,'8 to. 11:30 p. m. Chaper- on es will be on hand for these dances. More help could be Use>4 If you have some free time and would like to donate, call Mrs. Thomas Gibson, 585- "6584, HOSPITAL K ^ O D l ^ a WOlUCt* n ^ iin & cg^pj^ion o^a ^rtion of the first floor of the M?os^ Jbudin^jr^Hdfpitak Admi^tta, trve chiles at the hospital have been nwed to the adjaceilt ETmily^osef PacVilioJ and the. space fe noiy ntflh«>d for the new vaiting room shown here; witK the hokpital swifchboa rd jiif the backgrpiind. fee will be provided. In the event of rain, supper will be held in the Club rooms at the Civic CerMjer. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller of Albany spent the weekend with Mrs. Miller's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Palmer and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lewis Mra, Vernon B. Day and son The obituary in last week's Dr^ie Mero, Susan Marden, JLiSa Sentinel should have listed the Shaw, Michelle Cunningham surviving brothers of Alfred Janice Touohette Mary Lou Clark is Donald and Edward Clark of Ticonderoga and three grandchildren. * • » -•.- A n enthusiastic. %fli»d filled the Ticonderoga:£-fi^ghV' School auditorium Satua^ay,Wening to watch the "Dance G^pades of 1970" which was'.presented by the Norma Strone School of Timmy of Middletown, Ohio are the Norr na Strong School o ,— -o -,., 0 W eeks at the home Dance - Over. 100^boys and girl: Sr- 'S, INC. * A S "SERVICE BUILT OUR BUSINESS" = S 151 MONTCALM ST. TEL. 585 7717 S IHIHlllHimillHIIHHHlllllHlllHlllimif f On Sunday, June 14, mem- bers of the Senior Class, Ticon- deroga High School, will receive Special recognition at the 10:30 a. m. service at the First United ^ g -Methqdist Church, Wicker.St. == 5AQ seniors and faculty who are iwierhbeis or attend thds church .are cordially invited. Areception >will be held hi F'ellowsRlp Hall '•in their honor following the ser- vice. • • • "GET MORE WITH LES" Leslie M. Orr INSURANCE 335 CHAMPLAIN AVE CONSULTANT TEL. 585-2875 M# • ' 4 'hi it* * 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thomp- son. M a Day is the former Katherine Thompson of Ticon- deroga. The final meeting of the year for members of the Moses Lud- angton Hospital Auxiliary wijl be held Monday evening, June r 15, with a buffet picnic supper. This will be held at the Emily \ M<kes Pavilion starting at 6:30 p. m. TODAY THRU TUESDAY, JUNE 11-12-13-14-15-16 The strangesHriojiyerto track a kilUr. . an 11 . During the evening, brief re- I .ports will be heard, awards for the Auxiliary and Candy Stripers r jvili be given and installation of officers will take place. One of the highlights of the evening will be the opening of the newly decorated auxiliary hospitality shop which will af- ford those present a chance to sjSe-.'.the many, improvements have been made. * * • The mmwl banquet for, fac* £y mfembers of the" Ticohdfer- oga Schools was held Saturday evening at the, taconderogrf pniflttry ,CM> ^th appioxtt-; jnately 100 guests present. ' John McCarthy, president of T ^ d ^ ^ T^chjer§;A^ waai&ott, acted as master pT<pf-! gqiohies during the evetuljg.* ee teachers who are> retiring |*ar ? %ere J given speoiai ; Re- lation and preseniteu' "wirS from the Association. Susan and R. Glenn Atchin- son of Boca Raton, Florida, ar- rived here Tuesday to spend the summer at Tiroga Point. Their mother, Mrs. Norma Atchinson, will stay in Boca Raton. Their grandmother, Flizz Crowning- shield, will stay at the Point with.tjiem..Sue has a girl friend, visi-jing here with her. U. S. Air Force Staff Sergeant William G Benway, son of" Mrs Hazel E. Benway, 9 Henry St Ticonderoga, is on duty at Phu Cat AB, Vietnam. Sergeant Ben- way is a communications techni- cian assigned to a un/it of the •Air "Force <Coriimiinications Ser- vice which provides global com- munications and air traffic con- trol of the USAF. He is a 1956 graduate of Ticonderoga High School. • • » Karen Good, daughter of Mr^ and Mrs. Bernard Good was graduated from Champlam Col- lege, at Commencement exer- cises held Saturday, June 6, in Burlington, Vt. ' * ' f The regular meeting of the Rosary Altar Society was held Monday, at St. Mary's HalLr Hosteses were Mrs. Mary C tQ, Mrs. ftiary Reale and Mary_ Pierce. This was the last peeting for the season, with She* ft'di;toh6 scheduled for Sept 14 .^^^eJSe.f^nt^Anthqny\ £ u JHo^d,;;f%iSbaincl3 of the form' '" 'Iss/^Xip jj»s >j 4tuad-' DARBY performed tap, jazzi' %erc»batic routines and vocals. - Each act, either a solo or group number, was warmly, received by the au- dience. The feature of the program was the "Cinderella .Ballet", complete. wiLh! all, : t^characters of the well known story. During the intermission, Miss Strong, who produces the :enfire' {show, was given a bouquet of roses from the Ticonderoga and Hague Emergency Scalds, and her -'studen ts " presented ' gitts to both M'ss Strong and their ac- companist! Art Pottet. Others whorassistled in the- production' included Mrs Milford Palmer who designed and executed the scehery, Mrs John Gumng hair styling and make no and Gordon Sage, stage manager tXhis annual show was spon- sored by Mt Defiance 1 Lodge, F &TA M and proceeds were divided between the Ticonder- bga\ and Hague Ambulance Squads As overheard, "Norma notjmly should be highly com- mended for her long hours of work to bring the public such a delightful evening, but each cHfld should also be individual- ly applauded" ** Students who participated in- clude^ Beth Jordan, Kelly Bent aiett^ -Sandra Malaney,* J Susain » « , Jacqueline. yVells, Cheryl Osier, Karen Keifli, Julie Touohette, Lorna Gibbs, Mau- reen Yaw, Bndgit Tierneyj Lori Sprague and Lisa Tobin." • • * Miss Mary Diskin, Miss Patty Malaney, both of Ticonderoga;* Miss Jo Arm Fitzgerald of Hague and Miss Laura .Fan- tauzzi of Mechanicville, a co- worker of Miss Fitzgerald in Al- bany, will leave Saturday for- a week's visit in Hamilton^ Ber- muda. They will be staying at the Bermudiana Hotel. • • • Mr .and Mrs. Milford Gib- bard, Mrs. Chester Thomas and Miss Nancy Peria were in Syra- cuse over the weekend where they attended graduation exer- cises at Syracuse University on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gib- bard's son, Thomas, received his B. S. degree in Engineering at the graduation which was faeld h} Archibald Stadium. Following a tbur of duty %ith he : LL.S. Army- Reserves, -Tom will he employed by the Gener- al Electric" Company '' ' * * * Mrs Walter Owen left yes- terday for a six week's trip to England whre she will be the guest of her piece and husband, Mr and Mrs Paul Bubusker and three children of Maiden- head, England She plans to vis- it in Holland, France, Spam and Ireland, - -acconipamed b/ her niece. * • • Mr and Wri> *Curl &tnnetL enierrtained approximately 17 friends and neighbors Sunday afternoon-fat their,home on .Col- onial (Heights. * The gathering featuredfbarbeoled turkey pre- paredf'for , the,,guests Tl>y Mr, Bennetts /- - - - M ^ ,- Hospital Notes Admissions Ticonderoga — LeRoy Tay- lor, Kowaid laR^ck, Lincoln Gutwrng, Batrlck Newell, Mar- garet. Ann FleHL-y* Eugene B e ^ n*itt, Thomas: Sola, 3ar*bara 01- cofttji Sabrfta Qussneli, France?! Messier, GersM Biv&ps, Ruth. Lehman, Adrian DaviSv Shfli^ry ^Yradeiliibttrigh. J » " r Aaga™ -f- Rodney Snovy;, Jeff- wyJordon. ' l w Opivn Pouit — GiKWit Spauld- ^ng^ ^fr.j Teresa AsJflitteJ' JohUj f philson — Charles Uqny^a. ' Silver Bay —Cfzaig'Pirvais, WithQEbee — jPfe J ^Putnart 'Station, GranyjUe r - SalJy David,; /Port Benry — Dpris Baxter Lake George — DadeneVrta^-' do Discharges Tdcondproga — Ellen Holland, T6ut)h Thompson, Fatpcia Mat raw, { N&fma Mia4tison, Tracey JSwjflton, Lincoln Gunning, Gladys Noel Patriek Nevyedl, Christopher S*iasier, <• Michael Connors, Thomas Sola » Crown Point — Ida 'Smith Mmeyille — Bra<2» Young, Jr Port Henry — Mrs Michael Edwards and mfant daughter, Daisy Burgess Chtlson — Raymond LaBoun- Hagug — Neii Jordon, Rodney Snow. ••' 1 '•;•'• Bolton Landing—^RJOSB Dagles. HUNTING ACRFAGE There are more dun 3 5 mil- lion acres of public land opened to hunting in. New York State, according to the State Conserva- tion Department, SKYIMJ Peter.Clarfc^, , - Loretta, Vt m \ * V •v 1 * Is}-'* •" >>P tV > * * Stevp McQueen 'The Reivers^ A Cinema Certieff ilmrt'fes.em.auon A National General Pictures Release * \ and to* HE * I «S \ S: i 1 " "•**%. V 4 ':$ j»->f \ 4-gj^-4^ <*•*• ?W!¥jWWi» mm wm^ am- mm mmgm i^e held on t ;t^^Bhn?ents on $ste J*BJ Kmiberly'' Elliot, ^^i burt' Kathleen Reale,' Krisferi Trombley, Ehz SusaniltefcVeieh W^am W e r . ^ e S ^ a pet, JiehssS Gil6o. /'GlaudJa CrowF Point (^pt^.-Air ' Station, at Marine Corps ^p^^^cfecaivaie, N. C, ^de^ 'Reriee TfeWngt fc , T ^Je' 0-een stitnfi report fflmPyt"* 1 a 1a ^ L of W rf»S date from •the fca- *^ ! K ! ^: Ticonderoga, 1 book; Senior Crf> W W S HIT No. 2 ITS "i HE BSG O W E W I T H T H E B I C T W O ! ^ TKCMNICOLQR* Bn ™w ^ *• NOTE: One Complete Show Starting «t 7:00 « Watkw* Saturday & Sunday at 1:00 STARTS WEDN ESDAY, JUNE 17 "€apt ain Nemo and The g3fe.; Mary' Quinh, "a "faqjfcy. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Wemfeer (for 17 years, receiyj^' f g ^ S i i ^ t e n : i#%' gW from Mrs.' Ftetie&l'-^^^pwi^y,' 1'^^^, v, w « w ^ lu . fteftgai'Mtaa Evelyn ^oT4dk:"i$tmmmM''2rSarah Lee, lj Mr. |^^s;e^ceinedu4!ait0n,ac I iW!^f-;Ali^ Varmette, % •W^d.a- gift presented'by Miss ^ M ^ -Overstreet, 2 s /4j M* #4*ricra BeLorme; .and MoyVl^feffcl,-." "ISawT 'KeenanL h g^Ssefl, 12 ^eats, acc%ted'•his*M^^pge:Burronghs>aDo^p£ ^t* . ^ . "-"'" ^ 1 ,,jfrom Crown Poaiitj paeg^St books and Put- le J. Davis, I. "gift presented by Ralph Cowbo. m m m A picnic for members of We Ticonderoga Senior Citizens' Club will be held ait M t Dei fiance, Tuesday, June 16, Mem* hers planning to aittmd .should' 'be at the Civic Center at 2 'pi* SW Where cars will depart. It :2:20 p. m. Each member is re- quested to bring, if possible, {' covered dish and his own; iplacc setting. Hot dogs, rolls and #f- ; •m *«•/ '©daldays. '*' 'k- r i k. M a r y Benjamin/jGou * returned tolTicort. t ifJhem to spend sevi. USE ITCHJVl^N6t TO STOP THAT ITCH! Aete lifoa & local ^ e s t o ^ c , -At Mies, toe itch, otjifer .faahes. Antosept^ac^l ;genras to sspeed ftetffltofi 1 '•SV^\ Donna^ Taylor,? Tody SfMa/^oM, Janalea Tanas, ^eryl tk Kiley, Kunberly Artlmf, Theresa Smith, Mary Susan Gi- ffa»to K , Celeste BeldenJ Susan g * n ^ Michael.Yaw, Rosemary Bence, Karens taWb, Gadileen Q^Ctmnor/Barbara Micialak, Walter Gunning, Vfckl Spadldl ing, Jnhe-Contois, Gayle Back- us, Susatt FJemang, Julie Musu ser r Eya Morette, Aingela Shan- iW, W^»dy Shaw, Agri^s Paula, KM» Andersom, Brenda" Wallacte, p^e Nesbftt, Tammy trom- bfey, KAtfden Connery, tarune Russell, -Erin Kiley, Lisa Ma)f- zofcte, -ryancy ,Shaw, Shelly Brown; Lewis Sanders, JWTargart «t a^yatd, Holly-Jo HilltGlen- «a Connors, Barbara J Michalak, Miss Courtney Midler, daugh- ter of Dr. ^and Mr£ John Mdl- ««. |r-„1jai JSeel namfin'fo *df& Deans List -^t Union College, BolbjtmrviUe^Ry, where she is an exahamge student Sxsxa. Drew Univer^it^. > \, -,f\ » WdWSEay is a patient at rhe Mary>Fleniifer Umt of the Ver- mont tMedical Center, Burlu%- ton r Vt, "wibere Jhe is undergo- ing observation and -treatment. V ^CARO OF THANKS J I wis(h.4o |ihank all my friends ahd relatives for; t the; many cards and jpfte££,reoei\}ed -during my recent stay jn, J 4he Eanny ATJen Hospital ui T^inooski* Ver- mqmt I wouTcIafebJike to thank J^rsiR, T.JtjuJUmann, nurses arid.^. Jiurses^aides foj^ithe excellent I S caregtVeri'to me. v Bofence GiebuS 1 x pa§e Dorrt even think of buying that ?mporfat»t olff f«- your graduate unt.1 you've seen the three buSamaS AccUtrons on Page 14 of our great Sprinaffitoal , MB !»fnif^ flr ^ uation Oifb.-itaHna a U I ' £§Yodiy! C0l0r * Come ln and P )cfc "P VVFR] Look for the symbol: fcfrperfect^taduation gifts. ft W. RATHBUN , ':/ Jeweler Ticoinderoga Where We Guarantee EVERYTHING W e Sell mm Dickinsoift^ Ok attended <fom« ^ auatihg elassi .§he re- . ^ rsbachelbr of •sjciencei , .m nui8i«^ and'! next v r Our complete line of socially correct andfceatjtifu%thermogyaphed ; Redding Announcement^! 0 , j—„^ Jo&hsofti Lynn .Mawisoh, Jemu© I,pti Guriniwg, Sara Qark, Debra Carlson Chyistiihe Tbwne, Jane) McCaughih/ Marilyn Tirakfe,' fawn Daby, JdJ Gibbs, Katiie MoGinnesS^ Kathleen Garbo, Annate ConnoiB, Mary ToTob- m, Robin'and friary Vattaeete, Sheda L&.wson, Hancy Reale, Roger Wiokes, Elton' gi$«j* Susan Osiers Dianne Dcwiovan| Q Anhouncemenis < Accessories Wedding Invitations The Ticonderoga Sentinel ; Td. ^85^701^ f 9*fr*01*<fa49*0*& if-'- » A' t* tf )** W^i i \ r f - M^~ 4 f i /* *- 1 ~* ^ 'Jiwt •f?Bm, I .Hllllllllllll.il Hi I I •! J. , •..-, , Ml Mill ' •#• •••< r i »'",, % HHHP 1t»'ff!W nw'fcB> imrnw**^»f*mmi*mQHimmmmmpmm»' sa*» ^stitife the a^irntions of our society tor a iofe^tr^rivfttonment eanbe : &kt£o!te(J, and a^ oif H^pirS&i^ources We all sliare can be main^teeawtliirl ^JP^^ftaSi^^oii #fto^arGfoxio&xf. Inlernational Paperis dedicated to do its part as an } : ^ tfeai|nowreffeii|^^it^^^ ; |^S)^ttl^P%l^ fatematio»l Palperk theforefrontof§io^B4Aing f to^tt^;#i^ta^i(aife m#tSpfS$o solve the froblem ofenvirt)nmental quility. ; rt mi& mimme the late€tg««oloey,wi|^h^ i ^^S|gjfeM&(^«Je^f|^^ v.-- :-N- factor(>»6ut90%. I t ^ 4 p . i n c l u # l S p S W •s-v; ••• . '•" H', '-• "->..! •. ;'^ y '?; - ;•' -J •" >"*;. S '.'-*TWV -J .•fehtf; * :. t* 9 i/iO" , ^.v fc .!Ui-:i tfi'V V./ SlOflE :^.. i J- XFOit •3d'J [ t i"'» ' .1 " -I vl , > t ( fei«3 ^^ . -1 '.b*s^« |.; i s Tie) '•>'*! ' kf ^M'\ ,• ^ •i%";i 'i'VS A-» -m< W; "*i ##•'', ',v#Sji 'Sf ; -*' -!$* r ^ .V 1 *" - j i«S- ?.n»- •1 ! C5E K»l»< MMB ^SS» teo"ss, &«S« r ,.# •1? i<. I V, •SB? '? / - .<•• - '•• 1'. •V T - •T- 'iijj?' . . . if';'" .a, ^' v -*•» ^ 7 - }:& < •' V>: - >A'H ,: . ""?:"" •:>••:' j'.^,,;^* "(( • • *?-"^- s^WS« ,'> ,-.:.f'J -.%. 1^ " V'.: ii» 'rf^,^ } , *>f ML * SJ - .* e 1 J -» J "'VWd,',,'/ "•> i - *-,.' < 4 ^ J v ' K ^ «. i <• ,,v > V f t < *• r 1 •* 1 A ^ >j * d / ^ ' ^** V * V. II * —' ^ f \ >sf V < •^1 "f 1 r-0 l.t * ^ •t, i + i#t r > > ^ .^ H i v } 1 1 % I*' < : , •*»'<< . 4- ^ iv V •^ift '.f> i* ' n'' -•'. 1 '• \ R * v t K t t* •f-

Dance mmgm mm - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1970-06-11/ed-1/seq-2.… · mm. 'AG! TWO prfft 4^«fW**t«Vsgimi Telephone: Days - 6701 — Evenings,

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Page 1: Dance mmgm mm - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1970-06-11/ed-1/seq-2.… · mm. 'AG! TWO prfft 4^«fW**t«Vsgimi Telephone: Days - 6701 — Evenings,

mm. ' A G ! TWO

prfft 4^«fW**t«Vsgimi

Telephone: Days - 6701 — Evenings, TUB?-,

Mi\ anrf M*s J r W ' Gallant wece i p pink and bhie and the andJSaul Jr, of to/tagtop, N. Y. ftp^ljMi--OaitanK0£ New York ^ l y ^ e r e r ^ c e n t guests of their BfEKsafts,- Mr. and Mis. John Gal-

M*. ^4„Mrs, Stanley Vichers Ifift Sunday for Monmouth, 111-*Ii»isV4J:Q. spend commencement

|eipei|eJVp;f; their daughter Amy » feaa HojiHaouth College which

•;:y$mjffl*$0 be held on Sunday, ' r j |we ; ,14 . ' ' En route, rhey will ,';';'^pSjt at the home of Mrs. Vick-

" : i * ^ » parents, Mr and Mrs. R. H. Parker an Des Moines, Iowa.

^ B u r i i n ^ their absence, their son ' ; • ' 'T&pm, is staying at the home of ; ; px . and Mrs. Milton Bennett,

3ftroga Point. • * *

Mrs. Connie Hartley was vYguest of honor at a baby show­

er Sunday, Tune 7, held at the

shower; cake w a ^ ^ d e , m Uie shape' i$ vMby'.<&$ti^BSgmd* wiclies, sa&ds, and -fklmmeft served and sevp^.^mmy- en­joyed. Mrs. Hartley ^rpjpivea m m y ievetyygifcjfsf ^X>^ • %r

The guests i n t t v r ^ ^ p i n c t y Parmer, Ann M o r e i M ^ a f l c y ; White, Judy Safctea$J:<Stie <&' Bryan, Cinda.<lregpiF^f- Karen Schtnaaker and Kai%i#S&retti

M-Mrs. Hwaid mtBM fr­

aud sons Pavid and m$j$feanm the week end -wjlftSMl; ami Mrs. Peter Warjiecke at King- rQ t ston, N . Y. Mrs. Warne<$£ is the w former Susan Gr^nJ&od -**f^ Port Henry.

* • • «

A bridal $h\0&r'gn& Miss Margaret|Ga$neyJ en Saturday !noinlh{| dache) at the home of -MW.

T t e n a s GJSsson, U .S . Ait Force, on Saturday, June 27.

Mr. and Mf. Vance Mmlh and family of Rooky Mount, North Carolina, were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs, John McGee, Fort Road,

* » »•»"

No one has yet faybtd gby-thing unusual in the paragraph published i n last, week's local column. Here's the answer— Al­though the tetter'%" is thfc most used letter i n t i e English alpha­bet, this was a p p & r a p h with-Ptr-a~smg|e ^ i . | | p h ! '

JMrs, $f&toqj. "M&ra&i of | ^ t j p e K ® ^ . | % M e d Mend* art town over tr&.feekend^

' Tftw ' -mirtiiki v%-Ci>Arl 4 St St. Mary's CJSiidlfc' Daughteis will hold' the5jrf*ii|istallaitiori of officers, 8 p. m,, in the it of G rocwns. • All members are urged

;end|as p $ waihle7ihe Just . „ Ja v «tyj$ Sept#*erO" *

Ban'Pformt ih&;4(mtes which

• « » ' > « I I I « I I , I » I »


reisidaice ol Miss Judy SaccoJP. Carney, Baldwin R o a i Mi« St. Claar Street. DecorationsCamey will become the bride of



i Pfflico ! Air Conditioner 1

Model AC9D1A. Simulated wood deco-> rator front Hide-Away controls. Philco* Woiseless Design—engineered to a whis-i per. '8,800 BTU/HR cooling capacity. Washable air filter..

( j > H I U C O



V4^'. I H O ^ l i T O y 5 l > i i

NOW WITH ^ ^ AUTOMATIC-SHIFT '" Sweeps from wall to wall arjoV autorhatiqaihf, jshifts. its cooling spew up and down to maintain comfort level selected on th» jhermostat ' • . :


$3.00 /LWEEK

w «s* T-lledi % '®e next jfcou. ^Je^wgeks^rQ^S^Jturd^y eve? riing, Jnne 18, -« jaWiboree will be held at the. high school fforn 8 to 11 p m. with three bands furnishing the music—The New Freedom, Hayden's Riders and The Family. Adrndssion $1.00 per person.

And the BIG one— Saturday, June 27, at the New York State Armory, sponsored by the New Freedom for the benefit of the ambulance fund for the Ticon-derog Emergency Squad. Four •bands will be oh hand for con­tinuous dancing, Besides the New Freedom, Hayden's Riders, The Family, the Penetrotors (if possible) haive donated their ser-

.. vices. Admission will be one == j book of green stamps for two == persons or $1.25 per person.

-Time,'8 to . 11:30 p. m. Chaper­on es will be on hand for these dances. More help could be Use>4 If you have some free time and would like to donate, call Mrs. Thomas Gibson, 585-"6584,

HOSPITAL K ^ O D l ^ a WOlUCt* n ^ i i n & c g ^ p j ^ i o n o ^ a ^ r t i o n of the f i r s t floor of the M?os^ Jbudin^jr^Hdfpi tak A d m i ^ t t a , trve c h i l e s a t t he hospital have been n w e d to the adjaceilt ETmily^osef PacVilioJ and t h e . space fe noiy ntflh«>d for the new va i t i ng room shown here; witK t h e hokpital swifchboa rd jiif t h e backgrpiind.

fee will be provided. In the event of rain, supper will be held in the Club rooms at the Civic CerMjer.

• • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller

of Albany spent the weekend with Mrs. Miller's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Palmer and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lewis

Mra, Vernon B. Day and son

The obituary in last week's Dr^ie Mero, Susan Marden, JLiSa Sentinel should have listed the Shaw, Michelle Cunningham surviving brothers of Alfred Janice Touohette Mary Lou Clark is Donald and Edward Clark of Ticonderoga and three grandchildren.

* • » -•.-

A n enthusiastic. %fli»d filled the Ticonderoga:£-fi^ghV' School auditorium Satua^ay,Wening to watch the "Dance G^pades of 1970" which was'.presented by the Norma Strone School of Timmy of Middletown, Ohio are t h e N o r r n a Strong School o

,— -o -,.,0 Weeks at the home D a n c e - Over. 100^boys and girl:

Sr-'S, INC.




S 151 MONTCALM ST. — TEL. 585 7717 S


• f •

On Sunday, June 14, mem-bers of the Senior Class, Ticon­deroga High School, will receive Special recognition at the 10:30 a. m. service at the First United

^ g -Methqdist Church, Wicker.St. == 5AQ seniors and faculty who are

iwierhbeis or attend thds church .are cordially invited. Areception >will be held hi F'ellowsRlp Hall '•in their honor following the ser­vice.

• • •





TEL. 585-2875

M #

• ' 4

'hi it*

* 1

of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thomp­son. M a Day is the former Katherine Thompson of Ticon­deroga.

The final meeting of the year for members of the Moses Lud-angton Hospital Auxiliary wijl be held Monday evening, June

r 15 , with a buffet picnic supper. This will be held at the Emily

\ M<kes Pavilion starting at 6:30 p. m.

TODAY THRU TUESDAY, JUNE 11-12-13-14-15-16

The strangesHriojiyerto track a kilUr. . an


. During the evening, brief re-I .ports will be heard, awards for

the Auxiliary and Candy Stripers rjvili be given and installation of officers will take place.

One of the highlights of the evening will be the opening of the newly decorated auxiliary hospitality shop which will af­ford those present a chance to sjSe-.'.the many, improvements

have been made. * * •

The mmwl banquet for, fac* £y mfembers of the" Ticohdfer-

oga Schools was held Saturday evening at the, taconderogrf pniflttry ,CM> ^ t h appioxtt-; jnately 100 guests present. ' John McCarthy, president of

€ T ^ d ^ ^ T^chjer§;A^ waai&ott, acted as master pT<pf-!

gqiohies during the evetuljg.* ee teachers who are> retiring |*ar?%ereJgiven speoiai; Re­lation and preseniteu' "wirS from the Association.

Susan and R. Glenn Atchin-son of Boca Raton, Florida, ar­rived here Tuesday to spend the summer at Tiroga Point. Their mother, Mrs. Norma Atchinson, will stay in Boca Raton. Their grandmother, Flizz Crowning-shield, will stay at the Point with.tjiem..Sue has a girl friend, visi-jing here with her.

U. S. Air Force Staff Sergeant William G Benway, son of" Mrs Hazel E. Benway, 9 Henry St

Ticonderoga, is on duty at Phu Cat AB, Vietnam. Sergeant Ben­way is a communications techni­cian assigned to a un/it of the •Air "Force <Coriimiinications Ser­vice which provides global com­munications and air traffic con­trol of the USAF. He is a 1956 graduate of Ticonderoga High School.

• • » Karen Good, daughter of Mr^

and Mrs. Bernard Good was graduated from Champlam Col­lege, at Commencement exer­cises held Saturday, June 6, in Burlington, Vt.

' * ' f The regular meeting of the

Rosary Altar Society was held Monday, at St. Mary's HalLr Hosteses were Mrs. Mary C tQ, Mrs. ftiary Reale and „ Mary_ Pierce. This was the last peet ing for the season, with She* ft'di;toh6 scheduled for Sept 14

.^^^eJSe.f^nt^Anthqny\ £u JHo^d,;;f%iSbaincl3 of the form'

'" 'Iss/^Xip jj»s >j4tuad-'


performed tap, jazzi' %erc»batic routines and vocals. - Each act, either a solo or group number, was warmly, received by the au­dience.

The feature of the program was the "Cinderella .Ballet", complete. wiLh! al l , : t^characters of the well known story. During the intermission, Miss Strong, who produces the :enfire' {show, was given a bouquet of roses from the Ticonderoga and Hague „ Emergency Sca lds , and her -'studen ts " presented ' gitts to both M'ss Strong and their ac­companist! Art Pottet. Others whorassistled in the- production' included Mrs Milford Palmer who designed and executed the scehery, Mrs John Gumng hair styling and make no and Gordon Sage, stage manager

tXhis annual show was spon­sored by Mt Defiance1 Lodge, F &TA M and proceeds were divided between the Ticonder-bga \ a n d Hague Ambulance Squads As overheard, "Norma notjmly should be highly com-mended for her long hours of work to bring the public such a delightful evening, but each cHfld should also be individual­ly applauded" **

Students who participated in­clude^ Beth Jordan, Kelly Bent aiett^ -Sandra Malaney,* JSusain » « , Jacqueline. yVells, Cheryl Osier, Karen Keifli, Julie

Touohette, Lorna Gibbs, Mau­reen Yaw, Bndgit Tierneyj Lori Sprague and Lisa Tobin."

• • * Miss Mary Diskin, Miss Patty

Malaney, both of Ticonderoga;* Miss Jo Arm Fitzgerald of Hague and Miss Laura .Fan-tauzzi of Mechanicville, a co­worker of Miss Fitzgerald in Al­bany, will leave Saturday for- a week's visit in Hamilton^ Ber­muda. They will be staying at the Bermudiana Hotel.

• • • Mr .and Mrs. Milford Gib-

bard, Mrs. Chester Thomas and Miss Nancy Peria were in Syra­cuse over the weekend where they attended graduation exer­cises at Syracuse University on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gib-bard's son, Thomas, received his B. S. degree in Engineering at the graduation which was faeld h} Archibald Stadium. Following a tbur of duty %ith he :LL.S. Army- Reserves, -Tom will he employed by the Gener­al Electric" Company '' ' * *

• * Mrs Walter Owen left yes-

terday for a six week's tr ip to England whre she will be the guest of her piece and husband, Mr and Mrs Paul Bubusker and three children of Maiden­head, England She plans to vis­it in Holland, France, Spam and Ireland, - -acconipamed b / her niece.

* • • Mr and Wri> *Curl &tnnetL

enierrtained approximately 1 7 friends and neighbors Sunday afternoon-fat their,home on .Col­onial (Heights. * The gathering featuredfbarbeoled turkey pre-paredf'for , the,,guests Tl>y Mr, Bennetts /- - - - M ^ , -

Hospital Notes Admiss ions

Ticonderoga — LeRoy Tay­lor, Kowaid laR^ck, Lincoln Gutwrng, Batrlck Newell, Mar­garet. Ann FleHL-y* Eugene B e ^ n*itt, Thomas: Sola, 3ar*bara 01-cofttji Sabrfta Qussneli, France?! Messier, GersM Biv&ps, Ruth. Lehman, Adrian DaviSv Shfli^ry

^Yradeiliibttrigh. J » " r Aaga™ -f- Rodney Snovy;, Jeff-wyJordon. ' l w

Opivn Pouit — GiKWit Spauld-^ng^ ^fr.j Teresa AsJflitteJ' JohUj

fphilson — Charles Uqny^a. ' Silver Bay —Cfzaig'Pirvais,

WithQEbee — jPfe J ^Putnart 'Station,

GranyjUe r - SalJy David,; /Port Benry — Dpris Baxter

Lake George — DadeneVrta^-' do

Discharges Tdcondproga — Ellen Holland,

T6ut)h Thompson, Fatpcia Mat raw, { N&fma Mia4tison, Tracey

JSwjflton, Lincoln Gunning, Gladys Noel Patriek Nevyedl, Christopher S*iasier, <• Michael Connors, Thomas Sola »

Crown Point — Ida 'Smith Mmeyille — Bra<2» Young, J r Port Henry — Mrs Michael

Edwards and mfant daughter, Daisy Burgess

Chtlson — Raymond LaBoun-

Hagug — Neii Jordon, Rodney Snow. ••'1 '•;•'•

Bolton Landing—^RJOSB Dagles.

HUNTING ACRFAGE There are more d u n 3 5 mil­

lion acres of public land opened to hunting in. New York State, according to the State Conserva­tion Department,


Peter.Clarfc^, , - Loretta,



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Stevp McQueen 'The Reivers^

A C i n e m a C e r t i e f f ilmrt'fes.em.auon A National Genera l Pictures Release

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i^e held on t

; t ^^Bhn?en t s on $ste

J * B J Kmiberly'' Elliot, ^ ^ i

b u r t ' Kathleen Reale,' Krisferi Trombley, Ehz SusaniltefcVeieh W ^ a m W e r . ^ e S ^ a pet, JiehssS Gil6o. / 'GlaudJa

CrowF Point

( ^p t^ . -A i r ' Station, at Marine Corps

^ p ^ ^ ^ c f e c a i v a i e , N. C,

^ d e ^ 'Reriee TfeWngt

fc„ ,T^Je' 0-een stitnfi report

fflmPyt"*1 a 1a^L of W rf»S date from •the fca-* ^ ! K ! ^ : Ticonderoga,

1 book; Senior Crf>

W W S HIT No. 2

I T S "i H E B S G O W E W I T H T H E B I C T W O !

^ TKCMNICOLQR* Bn™w ^ *• NOTE: One Complete Show Starting «t 7:00

« Watkw* Saturday & Sunday at 1:00


"€apt ain Nemo and The

g 3 f e . ; Mary' Quinh, "a "faqjfcy. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *» Wemfeer (for 17 years, receiyj^' f g ^ S i i ^ t e n : i#%' gW from Mrs.' Ftetie&l'-^^^pwi^y, ' 1 '^^^ , v , w « w ^lu. fteftgai'Mtaa Evelyn ^oT4dk:"i$tmmmM''2rSarah Lee, lj Mr. | ^ ^ s ; e ^ c e i n e d u 4 ! a i t 0 n , a c I i W ! ^ f - ; A l i ^ Varmette, % • W ^ d . a - gift presented'by Miss ^ M ^ -Overstreet, 2s/4j M* #4*ricra BeLorme; .and MoyVl^feffcl,-." "ISawT 'KeenanL h g^Ssefl, 12 ^eats, acc%ted ' •h is*M^^pge:Burronghs>aDo^p£ ^ t * . ^ . "-"'" ^ 1 ,,jfrom Crown Poaiitj

paeg^St books and Put-le J. Davis, I .

"gift presented by Ralph Cowbo. m m m

A picnic for members of We Ticonderoga Senior Citizens' Club will be held ait M t Dei fiance, Tuesday, June 16, Mem* hers planning to aittmd .should' 'be at the Civic Center at 2 'pi* SW Where cars will depart. I t :2:20 p . m. Each member is re­quested to bring, if possible, {' covered dish and his own; iplacc setting. Hot dogs, rolls and #f- ;

•m * « • /

'©daldays. '*' 'k- ri

k. Mary Benjamin/jGou * returned tolTicort.

t ifJhem to spend sevi.


Aete lifoa & local ^ e s t o ^ c , -At

Mies, toe itch, otjifer .faahes. A n t o s e p t ^ a c ^ l ;genras to sspeed ftetffltofi 1

'•SV^\ Donna^ Taylor,? Tody

S f M a / ^ o M , Janalea Tanas, ^eryl t kKiley, Kunberly Artlmf, Theresa Smith, Mary Susan Gi-ffa»toK, Celeste BeldenJ Susan g * n ^ Michael.Yaw, Rosemary Bence, Karens taWb, Gadileen Q^Ctmnor/Barbara Micialak, Walter Gunning, Vfckl Spadldl ing, Jnhe-Contois, Gayle Back-us, Susatt FJemang, Julie Musu serr Eya Morette, Aingela Shan-iW, W^»dy Shaw, Agri^s Paula, KM» Andersom, Brenda" Wallacte, p ^ e Nesbftt, Tammy t r o m -bfey, KAtfden Connery, tarune

Russell, -Erin Kiley, Lisa Ma)f-zofcte, -ryancy ,Shaw, Shelly Brown; Lewis Sanders, JWTargart « t a^yatd, Holly-Jo Hil l tGlen-«a Connors, Barbara J Michalak,

Miss Courtney Midler, daugh­ter of Dr. ^and Mr£ John Mdl-««. |r-„1jai JSeel namfin'fo *df& Deans List -^t Union College, BolbjtmrviUe^Ry, where she is an exahamge student Sxsxa. Drew Univer^it^. > \, -,f\ »

WdWSEay is a patient at rhe Mary>Fleniifer U m t of the Ver­mont tMedical Center, Burlu%-tonr V t , "wibere Jhe is undergo­ing observation a n d -treatment.


I wis(h.4o |ihank all my friends ahd relatives for;t the; many cards and jpfte££,reoei\}ed -during my recent stay jn,J4he Eanny ATJen Hospital u i T^inooski* Ver-mqmt I wouTcIafebJike to thank

J^rsiR, T.JtjuJUmann, nurses a r i d . ^ . Jiurses^aides foj^ithe excellent I S caregtVeri ' to me.

v Bofence GiebuS

1 x

pa§e Dorrt even think of buying that ?mporfat»t olff f«- your graduate unt.1 you've seen the three b u S a m a S

• AccUtrons on Page 14 of our great Sprinaff i toal ,

MB !»fnif^ flr^uation Oifb.-itaHna a U I

' £§Yodiy! C0l0r*Come ln and P)cfc "P V V F R ] Look for the symbol: fcfrperfect^taduation gifts.

ft W. RATHBUN , ' : / Jeweler

Ticoinderoga Where We Guarantee



Dickinsoift^ Ok attended <fom«

^ auatihg elassi .§he re-. ^ rsbachelbr of •sjciencei , .m nui8i«^ and'! next



Our complete line of socially correct

and fceatjtifu% thermogyaphed

; Redding Announcement ! 0 , j — „ ^ Jo&hsofti

Lynn .Mawisoh, Jemu© I,pti Guriniwg, Sara Qark, Debra Carlson Chyistiihe Tbwne, Jane) McCaughih/ Marilyn Tirakfe,' fawn Daby, JdJ Gibbs, Katiie MoGinnesS^ Kathleen Garbo, Anna t e ConnoiB, Mary ToTob-m, Robin 'and friary Vattaeete, Sheda L&.wson, Hancy Reale, Roger Wiokes, Elton' g i $ « j * Susan Osiers Dianne Dcwiovan|


Anhouncemeni s < Accessor ies Wedding I n v i t a t i o n s

The Ticonderoga Sentinel ;Td. ^85^701^

f 9*fr*01*<fa49*0*&





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