•'-•frfflraj^flrinteix ' -r^fe?tfelfe|^afei;'- ; fe .•'•'iJ" i I 4 : - i* •I ! .1 . 1 ' i K' »*:' I « % fAGE TWO ' .'«, ' _ .... , interested women are cordially SOU J0UCh9d tO Sing invited.. Babies are always wel- at Wesieyan Church C0We - JttlHPEtOCA flfrfflMff .o< Soa Wftched, a contemporary ^«*. C i t i z e n s July gospel singing and recording m e e t i n g Oft Tuesday group wdl he performing at the > * Ticonderoga Wesieyan Church, Area students receive H-H. Tietenberg award Elaine Marie St. Pierre, Crown Point; Kelli Otis, Elizabethtown; **. -. . - . _ . _ Stephen Halt Keene Valley; ^*i&£2^V?2?? 9t Donald MarRwica^Westport; and Willsjboro, aire the Harry H. Houghton College, in mid-west- - : j u A .. ••--*'•'• : --'^** h " 1 ' . ern New Y«* State awl was «^W AtfCff0O 0/* Atf|fct@ Tietenberg was president ofthe formedtothe spring of 1974 at County Fair GlVUnctS Essex County-q^aVplain Nati?»- under the direction of Mr. Ralph - . ^-. . a} Bankfrom 1959 wntjl his death Bresecker. Sincetaere formation,. .«» Warwrn-B,^ ^ In 1967, the award has been the twelve-member t e a m h a s *? grounds wUl beIfc**B*(Kof presented in his memory since traveled over 20 thousand aOies «>e.se<»ri<I ^ « i d 4-E; t c « # » 1967, to the senior who has shown staging before 35,000 different t S S f V ! 2* n4 ** A^g* 8 * *fe the greatest improvement in the people. »» at .,i : 2 ° IMfr ;^#P field of busines$ or wmmercial Seelye wdl be auctioneer* v* st „ a i e s . I n the case that there is Andrew Sprague^ vatagatoe novone qualified in those areas of SfflSff^tWtt **•***"•**« 8,ven *** which was used to send oh leader .,._., _tothe National Leaderes Forum in w w Presbyterian Church v*fil hold an Washington,p.C^ atidaj$p to o e in Rue AHmir. auction at the church on Satur- send o n e c W & the + %l| eainp OQ "* DU °* «««"». day, July 19, starting at 10 a.m. this year. Refreshments will he soldi through t i e veer*. Upon receipt of the award, Mrs. Davis said that the award "wij the nkfest thing that 1 have evei\received." She said that the work she has done "is something that J enjoy doing and never expected to get any« thing for." ; •'" •>?• ttXW'ptftfm Hospital Notes Moses Lwdiagtoo Hoapttal TkondcMga,NewYfck Jane 33-29,1975 ., Members of the award com- mittee were Kitty Martin, J$l- dted /Wood, Iflttiae Bieke, and AdodwIoiwK Martha Bennett. Susan Kelly. Tkoaderoga, . NY.; Kenneth Oaiet, Ttcottder* mtm Wmr graduated °**' S£ ; feLlS? 00 ** 1 ?***!&: from NavaJ fining ft^S&'feJS Wthernee, NY.; Glen Tyrtfl, n.ih« Theteaa l^qnDOnda WtthCTbee. __*- NY.; EDea Offleo, Tlconderoga. t e n «"* «•»•* **W* ^ NY,; Mary CHJanto, Tieonderoga. «*• s _. _ * Bbts* ^ ^ ' ' , Moat of Christian Baby Boy, to Mr, and Mrs. Ka^oaaaiaaa^iaaMkiJilikV^a^aieiaaaBiaAalv BSwSCsB Port Hen% church to hold Auction July IS The Session of the Port Henry field of mathematics. Bob Nelson receives IS In Bus. Admin., _, . Bob Nelson, sqn.»f Hazel and Donationsjwe JpreMnto being Dave Back, T|oci|Kderoga, recent- accepted and fB5ftetift^ptatibn iy received his RS|degree in Bus- Dance at Youth Center may be ."Sto^f^iMfca* taess Administrationftomthe On WedneSdm Jul 2 S £^*^£$m®$ f ' State Univ^ty^f New York at on weanesoay, JUiy d erttve Ertension* r 17hMslin.St., Oswego. Ion iSinow living in A dance wttl be held in the WarrensDur g > WJ- ¥&§!. Syracuse, ^ewto|k, and is em- youth center rooms in the Civic v* ployed; as a clalnXf.idjustpT with. Building in Tieonderoga on July 2 SL Mary'SAUX* Vlfo A the Underwriter*? \ Adjusting ""~ OAA ~ *"" Dinner, ^ / j p ^ \ ^'"PW st. Mary's Auaflisa^:>wiii b? Georgette Alfano given Si« "i!!i il? ,"^?r er " ^ award and scholarship Saturday, July 19th at 6 p.m. tn . ..^ r St. Mary"s School gym. Anyone Georgette Alfano, daughter of who would be interested in being Marika Alfano, Tieonderoga, and on the committee, helping out Anthony Alfano, Glens Falls, was that night, or contributing food^ awarded at the termination of her pleases call Joyce Mjaatvedt at" freshman year with the Black fiSjm 8t00 p^m*. to 10:30 p,m. '^Boxov" will provide music. Students who had pictures taken at the Tieonderoga High School Junior Prom may call for them at the high school office betw - the hours of SiOO a.m. arH pan. at their conven- ient Strawberry Social July 2, at Methodist church GENE L. MINOR Severence, NV,! Mitri Wwght, ZHm B e w W j , Port Henry, Mineville, NY.; Wandih Mea^ Fowsk ^w^TNoath ftodson* chem, <^rown,Pomt, *ry,! Mary Jo^ee f n u e n ^ J g e n e , Wenoy Ann Carey, Tieonderoga* NY.? W b e i ^ M s ^ b e # ® n , Florence Shawn Callahan, Hague, NY.> Banta,- 1 WjllijOfOi JSurlpn Kosen^ Loretta Trainor< SchTOon lake, baum, ,Kwabethtow«. Veronica NY.;VjckeDetong,Ticqnderoga, Fitsgefa)d, Nfcw^ Russia John NY, t Wright, Moriah Center, Discharges^ Jacqudine Perkins, Crown Discharge*; * Paint, NY,; Terry burns, TtCon- Belle Wrisley, teiiiabethtown, deroga, JNlf.; Veril Frasier, Ha- Julia lesser, Keene.-Florence gue, NY*; Benjamin Stanley J^, Clark^ Westport, Thomas Rqtella, Crown Pomi, NY-J ^Nma 0'DeJI t Mineville, Friend Cross, ^ViUs- Ticqnde,roga, NY.; David Brown, boro, George Miner, Keene Val- Ticondetoga, NY., Susan Kelly, ley, Debra Cooke, lewis, Norman Tieonderoga, NY.; Mary Ann Cufctuig, Elizabethtowa^'Roberja Carey, tieonderoga, NY.; -Bar- Brough, Port Henry, ?ana Flem- bara Gemer-, M mev| Ue, NY,; ings, Port Henry, Rodney Smith, Charles Coley, Crown Point, NY,; Westport. t mptufim 3347. Any help would be greatly appreciatd. Why don't you circle July 19th on your calendar and plan to attend. 'There win be a Strawberry Social, Wednesday, July 2, at 5:30 p.m. at the First United T r a s h P i c k Up Schedule Methodist Church, Wicker St.. for holiday Weekend Tieonderoga. An *- s-J —* -* All kinds of straw- berry desserts and beverages. $1.00 per person. Watch Chapter National Honor Society Award of Merit and the Black Watch Chapter National Honor Society Scholarship award at Tieonderoga Central High Sch- ool. f Hospital Aux. elected new officers June 25 Navy Fireman Apprentice Gene L. Miner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Miner Sr. of Star Route, Newcomb, NY. was graduated from recruit training at the Naval \ Training. Center, Orlando, Flor ida. Classes include instruction in seamanship, military regulations, |T firefighting, close order drill, first I n-.. ± _ Q a I aid and Navy history. IfiC/tilG J7IV LaLeche League to The Moses Ludington Auxiliary and the Due to the Fourth of July holiday the trash pick up for Village residents will be resche- duled as follows; The Thursday me * Wednesday, June 25, pick up will be made on Wednes- elected new officers for meet at Bonnie Riper'S day.July 2nd. The Friday pick up 1975-1976 year. Also announced *^ will be made on Thursday, July at ine dinner meeting was the The regular monthly meeting of 3rd. the Ticonderoga LaLeche League win be held at 8 p.m. at the home Lake George water „ „._,. [eve| reading, June 27 of Mrs. Bonnie Riper, 33 Park Ave. This meeting is the first in a series of four meetings. It will cover the advantages of breast- feeding to mother and baby. All STRAND CINEMA Schroon Lxijcje,* Phbne 532 - 930O Wed. thru Sat. July 2-3-4-5 THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT at 7 & 9:15 .Sun. Mon. Tues. July 6 - 7 - 8 CHINATOWN WITH Jack Nicholson —Faye Dunoway at 7 & 9:15 The Lake George Park Com- mission reports that on Friday, June 27, the Lake George water level reading at Rogers Rock Gauge was 3.66 feet or 319.59 feet above mean sea level, a drop of .04 feet from last Friday. Joseph Gamble named to Pottersville dean list Joseph E. Gamble, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gamble, Pot- tersville, NY. has been named to the dean's list at Clarkson College for the spring semester, it has been announced. Gamble is a freshman in math- ematics and earned a 3.25 index SflOW AuQUSt 14-16 or better to qualify. auxiliary's annual Woman of the Year Award to Mrs. Bee Davis. Officers elected were Margaret Berner, president; Karen Evans, first vice president; Carol Gallant, second vice president; Adrienne Koerner recording secretary; Mary Forsythe, corresponding secretary and Margot Morhouse, treasurer. The Woman of the Year Award was established in 1966 for the auxiliary member that has given long years of service to the auxiliary and the hospital. It is not a one year award, but rather a recognition award to an auxiliary member. Mrs. Davis has served on several committees and has worked in the hospital shop 11th Paint & jmuttjmk Palette Fish & Game Club Field Day August 24 The Ticonderoga Fish and Game Club will hold their annual Field Day at the Club House on the Chilson Hill in Ticonderoga. Day-long activities will conclude with the raffling of a "truckload of cheer" and the announcement of the winner of the Big Fish Contest. The 11th Annual Paint and Palette Show will be held in Saranac Lake with proceeds to be donated to the Saranac Lake Skating Arena Fund. Starts Wednesday July 2-8 —-••——•—gi SHAMPOO PETER WARREM F0&BA. O&TES No one under 17 admitted unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian WITH THE Rated I? 7U! CLASSES BODY dONDITiehtlN^* FITNESS PROGRAM TO TRflX), TONfe a L-iJaBiR *• POSTURE CONTROL PROGRESSION FROM EASY TO MORE DIFFICULT i Other odolt classes available. For more rnlannationi phone 585—7586 •* Norma Strong's School of Dance 18 Grace Avenue Ticonderoga Obituaries Hawthorne Percy T. Hawthorne, 77, pass- ed away Sunday, June 22, at the Moses Ludington Hospital after a t short illness. He was a resident of the Town of Hague. Hawthorne is survived by four nieces; Mrs. Lucille Clark of Cobleskill; Mrs. Evelyn McCabe, Whitestone; Mrs. Jean Imperati, Yonkers; and Mrs. Kathryn Cam- acho, Milford, Conn.v and several great nieces and nephew, A funeral mass was celebrated at St. Mary's Church June 25, at 10:30 a.m. ' with interment in Alexandria Cemetery. The Rosary was recited at 8:00 p.m. June 24, at Conner^ & Sons Funeral Home. .. Funeral;» Services- weref hej^ TuesdajrpiTflne 24iMfe'S-.p^iai^t- Joh^-HerJBe^^lfej^if^of ffcolarf deroga; -iC|$^peyy ,_3[j^ VG^rgil: Lawre^cfe.^fficiatjed.,'-.: .-., ^vt^*;; ... ^r>;BeJsb^^ijta^j^uda^J'J^di^. 22^y!hV 'i'^o^P-' -httriing/^omei'' lbiKwrhg^a^n^^ul|e^s'^? : ' v '"""" s CARRIAGE HOUSE COBBLE Hit MOTEL Restaurant- Bar & Cocktail Lounge i Catering to Small Parties, Weddings < Banquets* and Dinners v Serving Brealtfqst'fc- Lunch -.Dinner Specials Every Sunday Rte. 9 Vz mile So. of Elizabethtown Tel. [518] 873-6383 . »-..'. * 1 .... • . .. ... ..,..^-1 I . , ,t°~k * .. m d . . . . » .^.. ^ ->.ft.- \*& ,4 6b *\i\ Intimate dining in a distinctive atmosphere Enjoy our upstairs pub Route 9, Schroon Lake, N. Y. 2 tv$ies Soutffof $cii{Q&n Lake Village 2 Mfles Nofttitf^&merstate 87 c For ReservatioK: 518-532-7847 ••'•i* -V:;;-: m Mastercharge .^i§iira^)||ard The Portage Restaurant & Continental Pub --, Fort Ann;; N X; . * ^ " 1 Rte. 4 ancr^49;^ 'l Built on actual' fort site * I Lorraine & Joe Carbotti Qwner-Managerfor 12 years Wckick1ckic1rkick-k*'k-kick*Ak »******•*•* AHGBICA'S EZCItlHB FBORIEBS tf LIVE ACTION North Country Players Present Indian Pageant Community Building Lawn 8:30 p.m. July11-12 \ Donations requested Coflni^ Jonas aha Annie' (Jeffrie) Her; bert» .' ,, . '-t •' ,^ 3 .-' He leaves a -son, John, J." Herbert, Jr., Ticonderoga; four granddaughters, MiSS Lisa _ J-. ; Herbert, Ticonderoga, « ^ ? | ^ 4 - da L. Blair, pss%|nnctS>n#^i, Mrs. Jane\iX i(GJ(ifrotdj.¥iJfi|Bapf ; apolis, Inc.)! Mrs* JacqueMe E. Brown, 6lens Falli >*?~ '- Interment will: be held in the Pachaug Cemetery, Jewett City,, Conn,, a* the convenience of the family; , ;" Morton H. 'Miott, 8X, Wells Ave s , ; EaSt,'N6rtK'SMciU.s%'''d1ea5 mere June 2&, j^%M^0 : ; ness. He w*s a|na'ri#;dil^cdiBr: : deroga, resident of Ticonderoga and Glens Falls until six years ago when he movedtft North Syracuse t6 live with his daughter,} ^; He was assqciat<3d ,wpf» Grand '(Jnion,ftat&htiirgildistrict, Bnta, his retirement.; J l e w a s a p^* Exalted tuieu^BKs <.&fo%4pfflt Ticonderoga aiid pSst Grand Knight of the Knights of Colum- bus of ficojnd>5ftjg#'' •>- > • v-- '• Survivrng^Wdihghiei, Mrs. Constance Provost, of North Syr- acuse, a sister, Mrs. Burtrus Mc- Continued on Column 7. See it all .; . Join in and live it dll as it' happens again . . . Exciting pag- eantry recreated by col- orful characters from America's past..« Ride the steam locomotive -"Old 44" with Casey Jones.. Help Marshall Wyatt Earpcapture the tfalton Boys Join the 7th U.S. Cavalry and get "real" en- listment papers on parchment suitable for, framing, * " —- ^Attend the Swift Eagles Pow Wow in the ' authentic Iroquois Indian Village Thrill to the -breathtaking excitement of 2 rodeos tiajly v - . See the Adirondack Farmers Museum r Feed wild ahd tame animals on the Wilder-, , ness Trail Get free ore samples at the Adirondack iron .' mine , s . Ride pomes,i horses, stagecoaches or the many different rides in the Carousel ride park See the steam-powered sawmill authentifc ice house. A wate/- * wheel powered grist mill being built, craft' shops> '. Country store and much*, much more, / » 8 Ttanartla Etetar^airwttwit •AdmiMtion » Wghtart W*n *6mumu*£ St*'* t 1 PAGE mmmmmmmmm approiimately 200 say* that the chain in 'norm** :-• ••'•••• v •'."^'..'-•lii'T ctructtrfes, Mrs. S many of them are only a piano and hoe, Thecokmyhad . ^ p w ^ w , attoetime but cost of alaeratic* and a change m the mudtfyg techniques nave brought ijhjjtt figure down- Mrs, Seigle, *I& ?polnted„oui that the oSt^unw? Residents of Ae Moses lud- ingtoii Ntosing home had fte >portBnity to go shopping •,, s *W!0i. $mm*m ; '»ev« laave the home. Alan Stem, di- the clothing into the home and let the residents selectftbinhis rack*- Of the 225 pieces brought into the home, women could choose "w type of gartijent e*c^pt bras and shoes and men could find any sype, of gMntent mefirMto Stern said; -Stem a l ^ l f e j ^ a SEXEttX P S^^ w I *S c e ^ ^ J * « r j » *• P«»iWi«ed«t th« Seatle IWSS 3 *Sf* ?•»**«««* a n Rene* Burkett,Betay Behxend, ( ^ d l S h e m «te« from this plctore Is Kellh Gates. Director Richard Kigey. ^ Seagh colony to offer three musicals to area audiences this swimmer -"iiinguigjsfthappy thing and "the performances IS sSgte Colony ut Sciroah l* "" *"" " ""* ^ 55HHSET V ^ get "' **? ^ f e *«" Singing ts primary>rpose of Most of the students attending d S f - K a e e J Si be aSs^Sed Sp ^T^ y 21*?* therSeagle Colony and ttts year are college age or have already SJ^B^JK 8 *^ ILE ^Sl %*wofiretracks responding 25 students are to study uider gtaduatef M7S Seagle^aid that S L S T r f ^ S l lamtl f °il he °? am ^J m V?% Johh Searie and the staff inckd- most of the studentehear «f the S n a f item £ n n » a 2 r f r f ^ J 0 ^^ Wa * er Je f er ^ th l & ing Richard Kagey,,stage director «>lonyfora former student or 5H£EL™5 K J S T ^ L S and VeGwce with 300. He • a W t e ^ & J S l SealS, ftom an instructor they may have ^M^SJSi!tSX ^T^ ^ *"X° "'WS * director oftthe .Vesper choir and m college All students* are hand fSVT^tTZ^^£ * M &«*««•««toput « e fire ^-%^,v^sfflk^..,-.*.,,•„- t .,., - - J5 John 5^^ has recent j re . year and has brought with him ••••••••••••••••••••••" tiredfromTrinity University after ^ eve , ral artists t0 take P art m ihe - - - - - . > prodcusts. used f&t tnahy of the #roi|Mibns ittp robe thafche said was S e s ® - h*ve been donated to <he 'csolonyv ed by his' mother who ^ ' ^ ^cW- She says that she usedtoh? in the itfes dir^etog |n a niwsinfe|iM(^hi shows "ne$auseyou eattt Alfrss afoeAlbany area, the onepiece princess in eotton v Shejsdded robe ties around the waste and % that thb production o^M^Faft fnlUengthandeasttycarelbrl M Ladyhad 159 costumes which cost the clothing Stem brought whit a total $13.19 hjm was easily caredforhe said, Mrs Seagfe also sajd, that H mostly double knits, foundation, the X»sc«f Seagle Thepuiposeoftheventtiresvas Association was formed Jh 1924 to to allow residents to purchase help students with s^holarshiiis clothing in a familar and relaxed and other financial offerings atmosphere. Often staff has to go Donations are accepted from m** anddoshoppmgforresiden#aha;- terested,people to help the stu- §o the residents do not ger^the'S ,*«,„*«, m „^*„- *«.„.- — - , -opportunity to select styles: and colors that they prefer and as Kathy Conerty, activities conselor said 'itsavesustinie." Reports iiave shown that the time needed for one person to go out and purchase the amounts that are often bought in one day of the ' cover up" would take seven days .Cover up is also thereputic, Mrs. Conerty says. "The service brings clothes to people who can't go out and is a form of reality or- ientation and sense stimulation that is often lacking for home Please turntopage 10. SPECIAL SELECTION Of OVER SIXTY BRAND NAME WATCHES plus many other Bargains throughout the store Rathbun Jewelers Open Thurs. Eve Downtown Ticonderoga lusicon July 2d an^^ft^i|dj|p3pt( undecided opajacttalktol^g^st^adnd "l^^iflfel^&^sfeaion- that students hayecome tothe Seagle 0 ^ | g | p . |Jouhdedin 1916 by: 65'# ; '^fagl#i?thetb'tigiaal. cdlo&^pl^lfetf in a building nowJ^|^.ilj%^%ag^.dfijfe in| ^h^'nf'iiaker-'' Mrsi Seagle pon^p^^ai^febuildmg' ,is - stil(Cca|(e;ift#&.WOrishon.- > ' Th^Mmmer session consists of 26 where he was head of the voice department. He will continue to When the car Seagle bought belieye^^^^uj^^eJrpeiaence foundipH,^!^ *WchVthey will be'b^^^l^tp^nB^ke^for^e various parts they desire, lito. S*ag^a#^that,;*itfr ; g^.^job:-., nlw.pn^lee^se^rier^an^"^ gp.^4n|h!i*^ne;njeeds'a*joh;'*' Tlie-;-^»t9^,:is 'ah' 'sttennpV-' at break^jg:;,th#!.circle. i ' M if*•':•'. ' ' Mrs. •Seagle also noted the l i ^ g situatibn at the colony. She said that "besides the music and acrta|»^^^tiOrif 'th«' students live <in^#^k' tbgethei'^ that .cre- ates • a' special enthusiasm and excellence which shows in each of NOW OPEN Arts & Crafts Shoppe! LaD lie's Lilliputians Handcrafted cloth & paper mache' SCULPTURES! needlecraft Each dollcraft woodcraft Hem leathercraft candles hapd-madb ceramics sfajqed glass b% macrame' .cjettielry local artists! pottery Stop in and Browse! OPEN 7 days a week - 10a.m. - eve's till 10p.m. 334 Montcalm Street 585-7715 Ticonderoga, New York OPEN July 4A 9:30 to 4:00 p.m. For Yoor Shopping Convenience IF ITS QUALITY YOU'RE LOOKING FOR FOURTH :.::.*' msmmsm Enjoy art instruction jn a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at •:X-' •• ••'»• : & & ^SM. 0 ^> <D Sfreef Road, Ticonderoga Commencing: July 14 Ending: August 23 Instructor: Verna Friedman Schulef The PURPOSE of this summer studio art workshop is to provide various art experiences for anyone Interested in developing both creative expression and an appreciation of the visual forms encountered in dally living: FORM, BALANCE, RHYTHM, COLOR, and TEXTUBE as found in nature, architecture, communication media and interior design. 1 Our basic attitude is that art Is more than ^ . mere technical feats of copying that art is the practice of "" creating forms expressive of-human-feeiing. The media .- used will include'pencil, Ink, charcoal, paint ^ciyiics, tempera, watercolor), wire, wood, printmaklngr and > mosaic. >. ^ 4 r " The PROGRAM will be conducted df? three levels: s . : " < ^-tevel I ,Elemehtary School aged children^ , ,< Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, 10 * 11:30 a.m. Level II* - Middle School aged children Monday* Wednesday, & Friday, 10 -,12a„m.* ; level III — Adult Level (including selected High School students) ' *** Monday, vyerJnesdayt & Frlcjay, 1-3 o.rn.> The studio's POLICIES wiliprovide, free of charge, basic att supplies* Additional studio tint* will be available ai a nominal fee. Additional art supplies will be available for purchase. - ' * - 5 '" s ,, The registration and deposit FEE for all levels Is $6.00. Participants pllj be billed for the balance;" Level 1 $1.75 der Instructional hour, JL**L1L--*&«> P*r histructlonal hour v * P Level III *- $2.25 per Instructional hoar MGISTEB at W)VESPOON[fat«*^tl» Grange Haul, Street R ' ' >* Sr- < " •> «f f '* HHBM^ fxegnun uajaf^iCj IWriM Folding Web Lawn and Lightweigiit Aluminum Frame Reg 6.44 Camper's Sterao Stove ft Combo Pak Reg 3.97 4.77 2.S8 in .»» m\- W& RegUffclt 3 decks >m Open Thursday night till 9 Family Size Foam Ice Chest RegZ77 Insulated Foam HotftCold 50 per Pkg. 7 oz. size Reg 57? 2/99* "Parldaie" Portable Saamer 2 Speed Reg 18.88 15.94 Assortment Guns—Boats Cars—Games Many More Ladies Sammor Sizes 2-4 1 ^ 1 2.00 For the whole family Zoris Sandals Summertime Favorites iooa 9iach Reg 9 % 200 ct Paper Napkins Perfect For a Home or Camp Reg 57? 2/99$ Famous Maker Special Purchase Sizes S1KJ Reg3.99r " 2.# Short Sleeve Values to 5.25 Sizes 8-18 S-M-L 2.99 2.99 Men's Knit Shirts Short Sleeve S-M-L-XL 2.97 •* *• f , > Bank Americard Master Giarge Lay-A-Way Newberry's Ticonderoga, N.Y. * <ip,:>*r - i^H' •m i

Obituaries LIVE ACTION - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1975-07-02/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · OQ "* DU°* «««"». day, ... on the committee, helping out

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•'-•frfflraj^flrinteix '

-r^fe?tfelfe| afei;'-;fe


i I 4 :- •

i* •I ! .1 . 1 ' i


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I «



' .'«, ' _ . . . . , interested women are cordially SOU J0UCh9d tO Sing invited.. Babies are always wel-

at Wesieyan Church C0We-

JttlHPEtOCA flfrfflMff


Soa Wftched, a contemporary ^«*. C i t i z e n s J u l y gospel singing and recording m e e t i n g Oft T u e s d a y group wdl he performing at the > * Ticonderoga Wesieyan Church,

Area students receive H-H. Tietenberg award

Elaine Marie St. Pierre, Crown Point; Kelli Otis, Elizabethtown;

**. -. . - . _ . _ Stephen Halt Keene Valley; ^ * i & £ 2 ^ V ? 2 ? ? 9 t Donald MarRwica^Westport; and

Willsjboro, aire the Harry H.

Houghton College, in mid-west- -:j u A . . ••--*'•'•:--'^**h"1 ' . ern New Y « * State awl was «^W AtfCff0O 0/* A t f | f c t @ Tietenberg was president of the formed to the spring of 1974 at County Fair GlVUnctS Essex County-q^aVplain Nati?»-under the direction of Mr. Ralph - . ^-. . a} Bankfrom 1959 wntjl his death Bresecker. Sincetaere formation,. . « » W a r w r n - B , ^ In 1967, the award has been the twelve-member t eamhas * ? grounds wUl beIfc**B*(Kof presented in his memory since traveled over 20 thousand aOies «>e.se<»ri<I ^ « i d 4-E; t c « # » 1967, to the senior who has shown staging before 35,000 different t S S f V ! 2*n4** A^g*8* *fe the greatest improvement in the people. » » a t . , i :2° IMfr ; ^ # P field of busines$ or wmmercial

Seelye wdl be auctioneer* v * s t „ a i e s . I n the case that there is Andrew Sprague^ vatagatoe novone qualified in those areas of

SfflSff^tWtt **•***"•**«8,ven *** which was used to send oh leader

.,._., _ to the National Leaderes Forum in w w Presbyterian Church v*fil hold an Washington,p.C^ atidaj$p to o e i n R u e AHmir. auction at the church on Satur- s e n d o n e c W & the+%l| eainp O Q "* D U ° * « « « " » . day, July 19, starting at 10 a.m. this year.

Refreshments will he soldi

through t ie veer*. Upon receipt of the award, Mrs. Davis said that the award "wij the nkfest thing that 1 have evei\received." She said that the work she has done "is something that J enjoy doing and never expected to get any« thing for." ;

• ' " •>?• ttXW'ptftfm

Hospital Notes

Moses Lwdiagtoo Hoapttal TkondcMga,NewYfck

Jane 33-29,1975 ., Members of the award com-mittee were Kitty Martin, J$l-dted /Wood, Iflttiae Bieke, and AdodwIoiwK Martha Bennett. Susan Kelly. Tkoaderoga,

. NY.; Kenneth Oaiet, Ttcottder* mtm Wmr graduated °**' S£; feLlS?00**1 ?***!&: from NavaJ fining ft^S&'feJS

Wthernee, NY.; Glen Tyrtfl,

n.ih« Theteaa l qnDOnda WtthCTbee. __*-NY.; EDea Offleo, Tlconderoga. ten «"* «•»•* **W* NY,; Mary CHJanto, Tieonderoga. «*• s _. _ * Bbts* ^ ^ ' ' , Moat of Christian Baby Boy, to Mr, and Mrs.



Port H e n % church to hold Auction July IS

The Session of the Port Henry

field of mathematics.

Bob Nelson receives IS In Bus. Admin.,

_, . Bob Nelson, sqn.»f Hazel and Donationsjwe JpreMnto being Dave Back, T|oci|Kderoga, recent-

accepted and fB5ftetift^ptatibn iy received his RS|degree in Bus-Dance at Youth Center may be."Sto^f^iMfca* taess Administration ftom the On WedneSdm Jul 2 • S £ ^ * ^ £ $ m ® $ f ' State U n i v ^ t y ^ f New York at on weanesoay, JUiy d erttve Ertension*r17hMslin.St., Oswego. Ion iSinow living in

A dance wttl be held in the WarrensDurg> WJ- ¥&§!. Syracuse, ^ewto|k, and is em-youth center rooms in the Civic v* ployed; as a clalnXf.idjustpT with. Building in Tieonderoga on July 2 SL Mary'SAUX* Vlfo A t h e Underwriter*? \ Adjusting " " ~ O A A ~ * " " Dinner, ^ / j p ^ \ ' " P W

st. Mary's Auaflisa :>wiii b? Georgette Alfano given S i « " i ! ! i i l ? , "^?r e r " award and scholarship Saturday, July 19th at 6 p.m. tn . .. r St. Mary"s School gym. Anyone Georgette Alfano, daughter of who would be interested in being Marika Alfano, Tieonderoga, and on the committee, helping out Anthony Alfano, Glens Falls, was that night, or contributing food awarded at the termination of her pleases call Joyce Mjaatvedt at" freshman year with the Black

fiSjm 8t00 p m*. to 10:30 p,m. '^Boxov" will provide music.

Students who had pictures taken at the Tieonderoga High School Junior Prom may call for them at the high school office betw - the hours of SiOO a.m. arH pan. at their conven­ient

Strawberry Social July 2, a t Methodist church


Severence, NV,! Mitri Wwght, ZHm BewWj, Port Henry, Mineville, NY.; Wandih Mea Fowsk ^w^TNoath ftodson* chem, <^rown,Pomt, *ry,! Mary Jo^ee f n u e n ^ J g e n e , Wenoy Ann Carey, Tieonderoga* NY.? Wbe i^Ms^be#®n, Florence Shawn Callahan, Hague, NY.> Banta,-1 WjllijOfOi JSurlpn Kosen^ Loretta Trainor< SchTOon lake, baum, ,Kwabethtow«. Veronica NY.;VjckeDetong,Ticqnderoga, Fitsgefa)d, Nfcw Russia John NY, t Wright, Moriah Center, Discharges^

Jacqudine Perkins, Crown Discharge*; * Paint, NY,; Terry burns, TtCon- Belle Wrisley, teiiiabethtown, deroga, JNlf.; Veril Frasier, Ha- Julia lesser, Keene.-Florence gue, NY*; Benjamin Stanley J^, Clark^ Westport, Thomas Rqtella, Crown Pomi, NY-J Nma 0'DeJIt Mineville, Friend Cross, ^ViUs-Ticqnde,roga, NY.; David Brown, boro, George Miner, Keene Val-Ticondetoga, NY., Susan Kelly, ley, Debra Cooke, lewis, Norman Tieonderoga, NY.; Mary Ann Cufctuig, Elizabethtowa^'Roberja Carey, tieonderoga, NY.; -Bar- Brough, Port Henry, ?ana Flem-bara Gemer-, Mmev|Ue, NY,; ings, Port Henry, Rodney Smith, Charles Coley, Crown Point, NY,; Westport. t


3347. Any help would be greatly appreciatd. Why don't you circle July 19th on your calendar and plan to attend. 'There win be a Strawberry

Social, Wednesday, July 2, at 5:30 p.m. at the First United T r a s h Pick Up S c h e d u l e Methodist Church, Wicker St.. for h o l i d a y W e e k e n d Tieonderoga. A n *-s-J—* -* All kinds of straw­berry desserts and beverages. $1.00 per person.

Watch Chapter National Honor Society Award of Merit and the Black Watch Chapter National Honor Society Scholarship award at Tieonderoga Central High Sch­ool. f

Hospi ta l Aux . elected new of f icers June 25

Navy Fireman Apprentice Gene L. Miner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Miner Sr. of Star Route, Newcomb, NY. was graduated from recruit training at the Naval \ Training. Center, Orlando, Flor ida.

Classes include instruction in seamanship, military regulations, |T firefighting, close order drill, first I n - . . ± _ Q a I aid and Navy history. I f i C / t i l G J7IV

LaLeche League to

The Moses Ludington Auxiliary and the

Due to the Fourth of July holiday the trash pick up for Village residents will be resche­duled as follows; The Thursday me* Wednesday, June 25, pick up will be made on Wednes- elected new officers for

meet at Bonnie Riper'S day.July 2nd. The Friday pick up 1975-1976 year. Also announced *^ will be made on Thursday, July at i n e dinner meeting was the

The regular monthly meeting of 3rd. the Ticonderoga LaLeche League win be held at 8 p.m. at the home Lake George water

„ „._,. [ e v e | read ing, June 27 of Mrs. Bonnie Riper, 33 Park Ave. This meeting is the first in a series of four meetings. It will cover the advantages of breast­feeding to mother and baby. All


S c h r o o n Lxijcje,*

Phbne 532 - 930O

Wed. thru Sat. July 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


at 7 & 9:15

.Sun. Mon. Tues.

July 6 - 7 - 8


—Faye Dunoway

at 7 & 9:15

The Lake George Park Com­mission reports that on Friday, June 27, the Lake George water level reading at Rogers Rock Gauge was 3.66 feet or 319.59 feet above mean sea level, a drop of .04 feet from last Friday.

Joseph Gamble named to Pottersville dean list

Joseph E. Gamble, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gamble, Pot­tersville, NY. has been named to the dean's list at Clarkson College for the spring semester, it has been announced.

Gamble is a freshman in math­ematics and earned a 3.25 index SflOW AuQUSt 14-16 or better to qualify.

auxiliary's annual Woman of the Year Award to Mrs. Bee Davis. Officers elected were Margaret Berner, president; Karen Evans, first vice president; Carol Gallant, second vice president; Adrienne Koerner recording secretary; Mary Forsythe, corresponding secretary and Margot Morhouse, treasurer.

The Woman of the Year Award was established in 1966 for the auxiliary member that has given long years of service to the auxiliary and the hospital. It is not a one year award, but rather a recognition award to an auxiliary member.

Mrs. Davis has served on several committees and has worked in the hospital shop

11th Paint &



Fish & Game Club Field Day August 24

The Ticonderoga Fish and Game Club will hold their annual Field Day at the Club House on the Chilson Hill in Ticonderoga. Day-long activities will conclude with the raffling of a "truckload of cheer" and the announcement of the winner of the Big Fish Contest.

The 11th Annual Paint and Palette Show will be held in Saranac Lake with proceeds to be donated to the Saranac Lake Skating Arena Fund.

Starts Wednesday

July 2 - 8

— - • • — — • — g i


No one under 17

admitted unless

accompanied by

parent or adult guardian


Rated I? 7U!




Other odolt classes available. For more rnlannationi phone 585—7586 •*

Norma Strong's School of Dance 18 Grace Avenue Ticonderoga

Obituaries Hawthorne

Percy T. Hawthorne, 77, pass­ed away Sunday, June 22, at the Moses Ludington Hospital after a

t short illness. He was a resident of the Town of Hague.

Hawthorne is survived by four nieces; Mrs. Lucille Clark of Cobleskill; Mrs. Evelyn McCabe, Whitestone; Mrs. Jean Imperati, Yonkers; and Mrs. Kathryn Cam-acho, Milford, Conn.v and several great nieces and nephew,

A funeral mass was celebrated at St. Mary's Church June 25, at 10:30 a.m. ' with interment in Alexandria Cemetery.

The Rosary was recited at 8:00 p.m. June 24, at Conner^ & Sons Funeral Home. ..

Funeral;» Services- weref hej^ TuesdajrpiTflne 24iMfe'S-.p^iai^t-Joh^-HerJBe^^lfej^if^of ffcolarf deroga; -iC|$^peyy ,_3[j VG^rgil: Lawre cfe. fficiatjed.,'-.: .-., ^vt *;; ... r>;BeJsb^ ijta j uda^J'J^di .

22 y!hV 'i'^o^P-' -httriing/^omei'' lbiKwrhg^a^n^^ul|e^s'^?:'v '""""



Restaurant- Bar & Cocktail Lounge


Catering to Small Parties, Weddings < Banquets* and Dinners

v Serving Brealtfqst'fc- Lunch -.Dinner

Specials Every Sunday

Rte. 9 Vz mile So. of Elizabethtown Tel. [518] 873-6383

. » - . . ' . * 1 . . . . • . .. . . . . . , . . ^ - 1 I . , ,t°~k * . . m d . . . . » . ^ . . ^


\*& ,4 6b *\i\

Intimate dining in a

distinctive atmosphere

Enjoy our upstairs pub

Route 9, Schroon Lake, N. Y. 2 tv$ies Soutffof $cii{Q&n Lake Village 2 Mfles Nofttitf^&merstate 87 c

For ReservatioK: 518-532-7847 • • ' • i * - V : ; ; - :

m Mastercharge .^i§iira^)||ard

The Portage Restaurant

& Continental Pub --, Fort Ann;; N X ; . * ^ "1Rte. 4 ancr^49;^ 'l Built on actual' fort site


I Lorraine & Joe Carbotti

Qwner-Managerfor 12 years • Wckick1ckic1rkick-k*'k-kick*Ak » * * * * * * • * • *



North Country Players Present

Indian Pageant

Community Building Lawn 8:30 p.m.


\ Donations requested

Coflni^ Jonas aha Annie' (Jeffrie) Her; bert» .' ,, . '-t •' , 3.-'

He leaves a -son, John, J." Herbert, Jr., Ticonderoga; four granddaughters, MiSS Lisa _ J-.; Herbert, Ticonderoga, « ^ ? | ^ 4 -da L. Blair, pss%|nnctS>n#^i, Mrs. Jane\iX i(GJ(ifrotdj.¥iJfi|Bapf; apolis, Inc.)! Mrs* JacqueMe E. Brown, 6lens Falli >*?~ '-

Interment will: be held in the Pachaug Cemetery, Jewett City,, Conn,, a* the convenience of the family; , ;"

Morton H. 'Miott, 8X, Wells Aves,

;EaSt,'N6rtK'SMciU.s%'''d1ea5 mere June 2&, j^%M^0:; ness. He w*s a|na'ri#;dil^cdiBr::

deroga, resident of Ticonderoga and Glens Falls until six years ago when he movedtft North Syracuse t6 live with his daughter,} ^;

He was assqciat<3d ,wpf» Grand '(Jnion, ftat&htiirgil district, Bnta, his retirement.; J l ewas a p^* Exalted tuieu^BKs<.&fo%4pfflt Ticonderoga aiid pSst Grand Knight of the Knights of Colum­bus of ficojnd>5ftjg#'' •>- > • v-- '• •

Survivrng^Wdihghiei, Mrs. Constance Provost, of North Syr­acuse, a sister, Mrs. Burtrus Mc-Continued on Column 7.

See i t all . ; . Join in and live it dll as it ' happens again . . . Exciting pag­eantry recreated by col­or fu l characters f rom America's p a s t . . « —

• Ride the steam locomotive -"Old 4 4 " with Casey Jones..

• Help Marshall Wyatt Earpcapture the tfalton Boys

• Join the 7th U.S. Cavalry and get "real" en­listment papers on parchment suitable for, framing, * " —-^Attend the Swift Eagles Pow Wow in the

' authentic Iroquois Indian Village Thrill to the -breathtaking excitement of 2 rodeos tiajly v - .

• See the Adirondack Farmers Museum r

• Feed wild ahd tame animals on the Wilder-, , ness Trail • Get free ore samples at the Adirondack iron . ' mine , s .

Ride pomes,i horses, stagecoaches o r the many different rides in the Carousel ride park

• See the steam-powered sawmill authentifc ice house. A wate/-

* wheel powered grist mill being built, craft' shops>

'. Country store and much*, much more,

/ »

8 Ttanartla Etetar airwttwit

•AdmiMtion »


W*n *6mumu*£

St*'* t 1

PAGE mmmmmmmmm

approiimately 200 say* that the chain in

'norm** :-• ••'•••• v •'."^'..'-•lii'T

ctructtrfes, Mrs. S many of them are only a piano and hoe, Thecokmyhad . ^ p w ^ w , at toe time but cost of alaeratic* and a change m the mudtfyg techniques nave brought ijhjjtt figure down- Mrs, Seigle, *I& ?polnted„oui that the oSt unw?

Residents of Ae Moses lud-ingtoii Ntosing home had fte >portBnity to go shopping

•,,s*W!0i. $mm*m ;'»ev« laave the home. Alan Stem, di-the clothing into the home and let the residents select ftbin his rack*-

Of the 225 pieces brought into the home, women could choose "w type of gartijent e*c^pt bras and shoes and men could find any sype, of gMntent mefirMto Stern said; -Stem a l ^ l f e j ^ a

SEXEttX P S ^ ^ w I * S c e ^ ^ J * « r j » * • P«»iWi«ed«t th« Seatle I W S S 3 * S f * ?•»**«««* an Rene* Burkett,Betay Behxend, ( ^ d l S h e m

«te« from this plctore Is Kellh Gates. Director |« Richard Kigey. ^

Seagh colony to offer three musicals to area audiences this swimmer -"iiinguigjs ft happy thing and "the performances

IS sSgte Colony ut Sciroah l * "" *"" " ""* ^ 5 5 H H S E T V ^ g e t " ' **? ^ f e *«" Singing ts primary>rpose of Most of the students attending d S f - K a e e J S i be aSs^Sed Sp^T^y 2 1 * ? *

therSeagle Colony and ttts year are college age or have already S J ^ B ^ J K 8 * ^ I L E ^ S l % * w o fire tracks responding 25 students are to study uider gtaduatef M7S Seagle^aid that S L S T r f ^ S l l a m t l f ° i l h e °? am^J mV?% Johh Searie and the staff inckd- most of the studentehear «f the S n a f item £ n n » a 2 r f r f ^ J 0 ^ ^ Wa*er J e f e r ^ t h l& ing Richard Kagey,,stage director «>lony for a former student or 5 H £ E L ™ 5 K J S T ^ L S

a n d VeGwce with 300. He • a W t e ^ & J S l S e a l S , ftom an instructor they may have ^M^SJSi!tSX ^T^ *"X° "'WS * director oftthe .Vesper choir and m college All students* are hand fSVT^tTZ^^£ * M & « * « « • « « to put « e fire

^-%^,v^sfflk^..,-.*.,,•„-t.,., - - J5 J o h n 5 ^ ^ h a s r e c e n t j r e . year and has brought with him ••••••••••••••••••••••" tired from Trinity University after ^eve,ral a r t i s t s t 0 t a k e Part m ihe

— - - - - - . • > prodcusts.

used f&t tnahy of the #roi|Mibns ittp robe thafche said was S e s ® -h*ve been donated to <he 'csolonyv ed by his' mother who ^ ' ^ ^cW-She says that she usedtoh? in the itfes dir etog |n a niwsinfe|iM(^hi shows "ne$auseyou eattt Alfrss a foe Albany area, the onepiece princess in eotton v Shejsdded robe ties around the waste and % that thb production o^M^Faft fnlUengthandeasttycarelbrl M Ladyhad 159 costumes which cost the clothing Stem brought whit a total $13.19 hjm was easily cared for he said,

Mrs Seagfe also sajd, that H mostly double knits, foundation, the X»sc«f Seagle Thepuiposeoftheventtiresvas Association was formed Jh 1924 to to allow residents to purchase help students with s^holarshiiis clothing in a familar and relaxed and other financial offerings atmosphere. Often staff has to go Donations are accepted from m** anddoshoppmgforresiden#aha;-terested,people to help the stu- §o the residents do not ger^the'S ,*«,„*«, m„^*„- *«.„.- — - , -opportunity to select styles: and

colors that they prefer and as Kathy Conerty, activities conselor said 'itsavesustinie." Reports iiave shown that the time needed for one person to go out and purchase the amounts that are often bought in one day of the ' cover up" would take seven days .Cover up is also thereputic, Mrs. Conerty says. "The service brings clothes to people who can't go out and is a form of reality or­ientation and sense stimulation that is often lacking for home Please turn to page 10.



BRAND NAME WATCHES plus many other

Bargains throughout the store

Rathbun Jewelers Open Thurs. Eve

Downtown Ticonderoga

lusicon July 2d an^^ft^i|dj|p3pt( undecided opajacttalktol^g^st^adnd

"l^^iflfel^&^sfeaion- that students hayecome tothe Seagle 0 ^ | g | p . |Jouhdedin 1916 by: 65'#;'^fagl#i?thetb'tigiaal. cdlo&^pl^lfetf i n a building nowJ^|^.ilj%^%ag^.dfijfe in| ^h^'nf'iiaker-'' • Mrsi Seagle p o n ^ p ^ ^ a i ^ f e b u i l d m g ' ,is -stil(Cca|(e;ift#&.WOrishon.- >'

Th^Mmmer session consists of

26 where he was head of the voice department. He will continue to When the car Seagle bought


foundipH,^!^ *WchVthey will be'b^^^l^tp^nB^ke^for^e various parts they desire, l i to . S*ag^a#^that,;*itfr;g^.^job:-., n lw.pn^lee^se^rier^an^"^ gp.^4n|h!i*^ne;njeeds'a*joh;'*' Tlie-;-^»t9^,:is 'ah' 'sttennpV-' at break^jg:;,th#!.circle.

i 'Mif*•':•'. ' '

• Mrs. •Seagle also noted the l i ^ g situatibn at the colony. She said that "besides the music and acrta|»^^^tiOrif 'th«' students live <in^#^k' tbgethei' that .cre­ates • a' special enthusiasm and excellence which shows in each of

NOW OPEN Arts & Crafts Shoppe!

LaD lie's Lilliputians

Handcrafted cloth & paper mache' SCULPTURES!

needlecraft Each dollcraft woodcraft Hem leathercraft candles hapd-madb ceramics

sfajqed glass b% macrame' .cjettielry local artists! pottery

Stop in and Browse! OPEN

7 days a week - 10a.m. - eve's till 10p.m.

334 Montcalm Street 585-7715 Ticonderoga, New York

OPEN July 4A 9:30 to 4:00 p.m. For Yoor Shopping Convenience



:.::.*' msmmsm

Enjoy ar t instruction jn a relaxed and fr iendly atmosphere at

•:X-' •• • • '» •

: • • & &


0 > <D

Sfreef Road, Ticonderoga

Commencing: July 14 Ending: August 23

Instructor: Verna Friedman Schulef The PURPOSE of this summer studio art workshop is to provide various art experiences for anyone Interested in developing both creative expression and an appreciation of the visual forms encountered in dally living: FORM, BALANCE, RHYTHM, COLOR, and TEXTUBE as found in nature, architecture, communication media and interior design.1 Our basic attitude is that art Is more than

^ . mere technical feats of copying — that art is the practice of "" creating forms expressive of-human-feeiing. The media

.- used will include'pencil, Ink, charcoal, paint ^ciyiics, tempera, watercolor), wire, wood, printmaklngr and

> mosaic. >. ^ 4r"

The PROGRAM will be conducted df? three levels: s.: " < • ^-tevel I — ,Elemehtary School aged children^ , ,<

Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, 10 * 11:30 a.m. Level II* - Middle School aged children

Monday* Wednesday, & Friday, 10 - ,12a„m.* „ ; l e v e l I I I — Adult Level (including selected

High School students) ' *** Monday, vyerJnesdayt & Frlcjay, 1 - 3 o.rn.>

The studio's POLICIES wiliprovide, free of charge, basic att supplies* Additional studio tint* will be available ai a nominal fee. Additional art supplies will be available for purchase. - ' * - 5 '" s

,, The registration and deposit FEE for all levels Is $6.00. Participants pll j be billed for the balance;"

Level 1 — $1.75 der Instructional hour, J L * * L 1 L - - * & « > P*r histructlonal hour v * P Level III * - $2.25 per Instructional hoar

MGISTEB at W)VESPOON[fat«*^tl» Grange Haul, Street R ' '

>* S r -< „ "

•> « f f '*

HHBM^ fxegnun uajaf iCj


Folding Web Lawn and

Lightweigiit Aluminum Frame

Reg 6.44

Camper's Sterao

Stove ft

Combo Pak

Reg 3.97

4.77 2.S8

i n .»»



RegUffclt 3 decks


Open Thursday night till 9

Family Size


Ice Chest


Insulated Foam

Hot ft Cold

50 per Pkg. 7 oz . s ize

Reg 57?


"Parldaie" Portable


2 Speed Reg 18.88


Assortment Guns—Boats Cars—Games

Many More

Ladies Sammor

Sizes 2-4

1 ^ 1


For the whole family

Zoris Sandals

Summertime Favorites

iooa 9iach

Reg 9%

200 ct

Paper Napkins

Perfect For a Home or Camp Reg 57?

2/99$ Famous Maker Special


Sizes S1KJ Reg3.99r "


Short Sleeve

Values to 5.25

Sizes 8-18 S - M - L

2.99 2.99

Men's Knit

Shirts Short Sleeve



•* * •

f , >

Bank Americard Master Giarge Lay-A-Way

Newberry's Ticonderoga, N.Y.

* <ip,:>*r -

i H'

• •m
