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Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

Physical and Cognitive Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Development in Middle


Chapter EightChapter Eight

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

I.I. Aspects of Physical DevelopmentAspects of Physical Development

A. GrowthB. Nutrition and Dentition

1.Malnutrition2. Obesity3. Tooth Development and

Dental CareC. Motor Development and

Physical Play

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

II.II. Health, Fitness, and SafetyHealth, Fitness, and Safety

A. Exercise: Maintaining Health and Fitness1. Competitive Sports

2. Children’s Understanding of Health and Illness

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

1. Acute and Chronic Medical Conditions2. Vision and Hearing Problems3. Asthma4. HIV and AIDS

B. Medical Problems

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

1. Increase in Frequency

C. Accidental Injuries

2. Common Causes of Serious Injury and Death

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

III.III. The Concrete Operational ChildThe Concrete Operational ChildA. Advances in Cognitive Abilities

1. Conservation2. Classification3. Seriation and Transitive Inference4. Numbers and Mathematics5. Distinguishing Between Fantasy

and Reality

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1. Morality of Constraint2. Morality of Cooperation

B. Moral Reasoning

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

IV.IV. Aspects of Cognitive DevelopmentAspects of Cognitive Development

A. Memory1. How Memory Works2. Metamemory: Understanding

Memory3. Mnemonics: Strategies for

Remembering4. External Aids5. Rehearsal6. Organization7. Elaboration

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B. Intelligence

1. Aptitude and Achievement Tests2. Group and Individual Tests

a. Otis-Lennon School Ability Test

b. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC - III)

c. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)

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3. Pros and Cons of Intelligence Testinga. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligencesb. Problems Assessing Aptitude

4. Ethnic and Cultural Differencesa. Genetic Differencesb. Environmental Differences

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

c. How Can Children of Asian Extraction Achieve So Much?

d. Role of Language

5. Cross-Cultural Testing

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

C. Language1. Vocabulary, Grammar, and Syntax

2. Pragmatics: Knowledge About Communication

3. Literacy and Social Interaction4. Second-Language Education

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

A. The ChildB. The ParentsC. The TeacherD. The Educational System

V.V. Influences on School AchievementInfluences on School Achievement

E. Enhancing Thinking Skills and Creativity

F. The Culture

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

VI.VI. Children with Special Educational Children with Special Educational Needs and StrengthsNeeds and StrengthsA. Children with Learning Problems

1. Mental Retardation2. Hyperactivity and Attention Deficits3. Learning Disabilities4. Educating Children with Disabilities

Copyright © 1998 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.

1. Lives of Gifted Children

B. Gifted, Creative, and Talented Children

2. Defining, Measuring, and Fostering Creativity

3. Educating Gifted, Creative, and Talented Children