1 اﻟﺮﺣﻴ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﷲﺴﻢClinical Epidemiology and Control of Tetanus Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 2021 By: Hatami H. MD. MPH ﻛﺰاز ﻛﻨﺘﺮل و ﺑﺎﻟﻴﻨﻲ اﭘﻴﺪﻣﻴﻮﻟﻮژي وﻳﺪﺋﻮي ﻟﻄﻔﺎ92 ﻓﺮﻣﺎﻳﻴﺪ ﻣﻼﺣﻈﻪ ﻧﻴﺰ را اي دﻗﻴﻘﻪ

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بسم االله الرحمن الرحيمClinical Epidemiology

and Control ofTetanus

Shahid Beheshti Universityof Medical Sciences, 2021

By: Hatami H. MD. MPH

اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل كزاز

ي دئو

ا ويطف



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را ني

قه ادقي

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1) Incubation period2) Natural course 3) Geographical distribution4) Timeline trend5) Age, Gender, Occupation, Social situation6) Predisposing factors7) Susceptibility & Resistance8) Secondary attack rate9) Modes of transmission, period of communicability

Definition and public health importanceEtiologic agent

Clinical Epidemiology of Tetanus

Prevention: Primordial, primary, secondary, tertiary, Puaternary

مقدمه و معرفي بيماري -الف

قوعاپيدميولوژي توصيفي و و -ب

ج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل

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الف ـ مقدمه و معرفي بيماري

بهداشتي اهميت و تعريف ـ1اتيولوژيك عامل ـ 2(Case definition)ـ تعريف مورد 3

ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصيفي و وقوع(Occurrence)

ج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل

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1-1. Definition of Tetanusـ تعريف و اهميت بهداشتي 1

•Tetanus is a nervous system diseasecaused by a toxin (tetanospasmin) produced by Clostridium tetani (M2020).

•An infectious disease caused by contamination of wounds

• Greek words -“tetanos and teinein”, meaning rigid and stretched

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Anaerobic gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria

Spores found in soil, dust, animal feces; may persist for months to years

Multiple toxins produced with growth of bacteria

Tetanospasmin estimated human lethal dose = 150 ng

ـ عامل اتيولوژيك2

2-1. Etiologic agent

مقدار كشنده تتانواسپاسمين؟

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2-2. Tetanus Pathogenesis

Anaerobic conditions allow germination of spores and production of toxins.

Toxin binds in central nervous system

Interferes with neurotransmitter release to block inhibitor impulses.

Leads to unopposed muscle contraction and spasm.

نيممانعت توكسين از رفع انقباضات عضلا


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2-3. Tetanus Pathogenesis

نيممانعت توكسين از رفع انقباضات عضلا


رفع انقباض= انبساط

تحريك كننده


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2-4. Environmental resistance

• It develops a terminal spore that is extremely stable in the environment,

• Retaining the ability to germinate and cause disease indefinitely (M2020).

• Spores found in soil, dust, animal feces; may persist for months to years

ـ مقاومت محيطي عامل اتيولوژيك2

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ويژگي هاي مهم عامل عفونتزا

)Infectivity(ـ عفونتزايي 1)Pathogenicity( زايي آسيب ـ 2)Virulence( حدت ـ 3)Antigenicity( آنتي ژني خاصيت ـ 4)Immunogenicity( ايمني زايي خاصيت ـ 5

ـ عامل اتيولوژيك2

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(Case definition)تعريف مورد

Clinical or Laboratory Confirmation?• There are no laboratory findings characteristic

of tetanus.• Diagnosis is determined by clinical findings.• Acute onset of hypertonia and/or painful

muscular contractions (usually of the muscles of the jaw and neck), and generalized muscle spasms without other apparent medical cause.

ـ تعريف مورد كزاز3

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(Case definition)تعريف مورد

Confirmed Case Clinical evidence of illness without other

apparent medical cause

with or withoutIsolation of Clostridium tetani and

with or without history of injury.

ـ تعريف مورد كزاز3

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ريالف ـ مقدمه و معرفي بيما

ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصيفي و (Occurrence)وقوع

ج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل

بهداشتي اهميت و تعريف ـ1اتيولوژيك عوامل يا عامل ـ 2Case) مورد تعريف ـ 3 definition)

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ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصيفي و (Occurrence)وقوع

(Incubation period) دوره نهفتگي – 1 (Natural course)سير طبيعي – 2 (Geographical distribution)انتشار جغرافيائي – 3(Timeline trend)روند زماني – 4تاثير سن، جنس، شغل و موقعيت اجتماعي – 5 (Predisposing factors)تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده – 6 (Susceptibility & Resistance)حساسيت و مقاومت – 7 (Secondary attack rate)ميزان حمله هاي ثانويه – 8نحوه انتقال و دوره قابليت سرايت – 9

(Mode of transmission & period of communicability)

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1. Incubation period• Incubation period 8 days (range, 3-21 days)• Period of onset: is the time from first

symptoms to the reflex spasm.• In general, shorter incubation periods are

associated with more heavily contaminated wounds, more severe disease and a worse prognosis.

دوره كمون

1 day to several months

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Tetanus is divided into four clinical types:GeneralizedLocalizedCephalicNeonatal

سير طبيعي

2. Natural course

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Generalized tetanus: descending symptoms of trismus (lockjaw), difficulty swallowing, muscle rigidity, spasms

Spasms continue for 3-4 weeks; complete recovery may take months

Natural course .2سير طبيعيGeneralized tetanus

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Generalized tetanus in newborn infant* Infant born without protective passive immunity* High fatality rate without therapy* Estimated 270,000 deaths worldwide in 1998

WHO estimates that in 2015 , 34,019 newborns died from NT, a 96% reduction from the situation in the late 1980s.


Natural course .2سير طبيعيNeonatal tetanus

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Risus sardonicus: Contraction of the muscles at the angle of mouth and frontalis

Trismus (Lock Jaw): Spasm of Masseter muscles.

Opisthotonus: Spasm of extensor of the neck, back and legs to form a backward curvature.

Muscle spasticity

Natural course .2سير طبيعيNeonatal tetanus

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Risus sardonicus

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Trismus (Lock Jaw)

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Laryngospasm Fractures Hypertension Nosocomial infections Pulmonary embolism Aspiration Death

Natural course .2سير طبيعيComplications

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A period of onset of less than 48 hr is associated with the development of severe tetanus.

Prolonged muscular action causes sudden, powerful, and painful contractions of muscle groups. This is called tetany. These episodes can cause fractures and muscle tears.

If respiratory muscle is involved – apnoea.

Natural course .2پيش آگهيPrognosis

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The average mortality of tetanus is 45-55%

Neonatal tetanus: 60-70%

Most important factor influencing outcome is supportive care

Natural course .2پيش آگهيPrognosis

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Recovery from tetanus does not result in immunity or prevent recurrence,

Active immunization is indicated after recovery

Natural course .2ايمني بعد از بهبودي؟Immunity after recovery

ايمني بعد از بهبودي؟

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ساب كلينيكال(ميزان موارد بدون علامت(ميزان موارد حاد ميزان موارد مزمنميزان موارد بهبودي خودبخوديسير بعدي بيماري با درمان و بدون درمانميزان مرتاليتي و مربيديتيميزان مصونيت بعد از بهبودي

سير طبيعي

2. Natural course

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3. Geographical distribution

• Is an international health problem, as spores are ubiquitous.

• Occurs worldwide but is more common in hot, damp climates with soil rich in organic matter.

• More common in developing and under developing countries.

انتشار جغرافيايي

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3. Geographical distribution

• In developed countries tetanus is rare due to the availability of effective vaccines.

• In developing countries, neonatal tetanus can occur when there is failure of aseptic technique and mothers are inadequately immunized.

• In the United States, tetanus is more common in people older than 60 years, likely due to waning immunity (M2020).

انتشار جغرافيايي

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ـ روند زماني 4پاندمي ها ؟(Pandemics) اپيدمي ها ؟(Epidemics) طغيان ها ؟(Outbreaks) تناوب زماني ؟(Duration) الگوي فصلي ؟(Seasonality)

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4. Timeline trendSeasonality

اواخر تا بهار اواسط از بيماري موارد %60 حدود مي نمايد بروز تابستان

تاثير فصل

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اعيـ تاثير سن، جنس ، شغل و موقعيت اجتم 5تاثير سن فخفيو شديدو بدون علامت و با علامت، موارد بروزبر ميزان

)در نوزادان؟ در سالخوردگان؟( مرگو ميزان در بزرگسالان؟ در نوزادان؟(بر عوامل مذكور تاثير جنس(؟ شغل و موقعيت اجتماعي

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ـ تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده 6

عوامل فرهنگي و عقيدتير ايمني، زمينه هايي نظير ضعف ايمني، ابتلاء به بيماريهاي سركوبگ

مصرف داروهاي مضعف سيستم ايمنياسترس هاي مختلففقر و بي خانماني

عوامل تماسي عوامل ميزباني عوامل محيطي

عوامل تماسي عوامل ميزباني عوامل محيطي

تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده

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6. Predisposing factors

A penetrating injury – inoculation of C. tetani spores

Coinfection with other bacteriaDevitalized tissueA foreign bodyLocalized ischemia

تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده

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6. Predisposing factors

Tetanus develop in these clinical settings: Neonates, Obstetric patients, Postsurgical patients, Patients with dental infection, Diabetic patients with infected extremity ulcers, Patients who inject contaminated drugs

تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده

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يـ حساسيت و مقاومت در مقابل بيمار 7مقاومت طبيعيمصونيت اكتسابي بعد از ابتلاءمصونيت اكتسابي بعد از واكسيناسيون

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7. Susceptibility & Resistance

حساسيت و مقاومت

Tetanus develop in these clinical settings: Neonates, Obstetric patients, Postsurgical patients, Patients with dental infection, Diabetic patients with infected extremity ulcers, Patients who inject contaminated drugs

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8. Secondary attack rate

Is not contagious

ميزان حملات ثانويه

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9-1. Modes of transmission

Apparently trivial injuries Animal bites/human bites Open fractures Burns Gangrene In neonates usually via infected umbilical stumps Abscess Parenteral drug abuse

راه هاي انتقال و دوره قابليت سرايت

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9-2. period of communicability

• Is not contagious• No direct person–to-person


دوره قابليت سرايت

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9-3. Reservoir

C. tetani spores are widely distributed worldwide in soil or fomites contaminated with animal or human feces.

Spores are also detected in the intestines of animals and humans as normal, harmlessinhabitants.

مخزن كلوستريديوم تتاني

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يالف ـ مقدمه و معرفي بيمار

في ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصي) Occurrence(و وقوع

ج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل)Primordial( مقدماتي ـ 0)Primary( اول سطح ـ1 )Secondary( دوم سطح ـ 2 )Tertiary( سوم سطح ـ 3)Quaternary( چهارم سطح ـ 4

پيشگيري و كنترل

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كزازج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل

• Primordial Prevention: “…minimize hazards to health”• Primary Prevention:

Prevention of disease in “well” individuals• Reduce the incidence of disease• Secondary Prevention:

Identification and intervention in early stages of disease (usually at asymptomatic stage)

May improve effectiveness of intervention• Reduce the prevalence of disease• Tertiary Prevention:

Prevention of further deterioration, reduction in complications• Reduce the impact of complications • Quaternary Prevention

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1. Primary prevention

• Educate population• Immunoprophylaxis• Is recommended, starring at 2 months of

age, followed by additional doses after aninterval of 2 months.

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• All children should be immunized beginning at 2 months of age.

• A primary series consisting of: • 3 doses at 2, 4, and 6 months of age

زمان/ واكسيناسيون

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برنامه ايمنسازي كودكان در جمهوري اسلامي ايران

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برنامه ايمنسازي كودكان در جمهوري اسلامي ايرانماهگي 3-12مراجعه

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برنامه ايمنسازي كودكان در جمهوري اسلامي ايرانسالگي 1-6مراجعه

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Adverse Reactions Swelling, redness, and/or pain

Tetanuse Vaccineعوارض واكسن/ واكسيناسيون

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Tetanuse Vaccine

Contraindications and Precautions:ممنوعيت خاصي ندارد1.

موارد ممنوعيت واكسن؟

ممنوعيت واكسن/ واكسيناسيون

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Vaccination coverage

پوشش واكسن؟

• During 2019, about 85% of infants worldwide (116 million infants) received 3 doses of DTP3

• Protecting them against infectious diseases that can cause serious illness and disability or be fatal.

• By 2019, 125 Member States had reached at least 90% coverage of DTP3 vaccine.

Ref. Immunization coverage, Fact sheet, Updated July 2020


پوشش واكسن/ واكسيناسيون

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Vaccination coverage

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Chemoprophylaxis ونتعف با مبارزه جهت آنتي بيوتيك ها مصرف•

است لازم ،زخم محل بيماري زا پيشگيري در بيوتيك ها آنتي تاثير•

.مي باشد بحثي مورد مسئله كزاز در ي هايباكتر بردن بين از باعث پني سيلين،•

بر تاثيري هيچ ولي مي گردد رشد، حال زخم محل در شده ترشح توكسين يا اسپورها


پيشگيري و كنترل

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Tetanus prone wound

1. A wound sustained more than 6 hrbefore surgical treatment.

2. A wound sustained at any interval after injury which is:

• Puncture type• Shows much devitalized tissue• Is septic or is contaminated with soil

or manure.

زخم مستعد به كزاز


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زخم مستعد به كزازdevitalized tissue

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Tetanus Wound Managementاقدامات پيشگيرنده كزاز در زخمهاي مختلف

Vaccination History

Unknown or < 3 doses

3+ doses


Yes No

No* No


Yes Yes

No** No

Clean, minorwounds

All otherwounds

* Yes, if >10 years since last dose

وضعيت واكسيناسيون كزاز وضعيت بهداشتي محل زخم

** Yes, if >5 years since last doseزمان آخرين نوبت واكسني؟

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2. Secondary prevention

Diagnosis• Early detection and promptly treatment• There are currently no blood tests that

can be used to diagnose tetanus.• Culturing C. tetani is difficult and not

helpful (M2020)

• Diagnosis is done clinically.

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2. Secondary prevention

Differential diagnosis• Masseter muscle spasm due to dental

abscess • Dystonic reaction to phenothiazine• Rabies• Hysteria

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2. Secondary prevention

Treatment: 1. Neutralization of unbound toxin with

Human tetanus immunoglobulin 2. Prevention of further toxin production

by:-Wound debridement-Antibiotics (Metronidazole)

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2. Secondary prevention

Treatment: • The airway must be secured at the time of presentation.• Benzodiazepines provide the mainstay of symptomatic

therapy.• Passive immunization with human tetanus immune

globulin (HTIG) shortens the disease course and may lessen disease severity.

• Antibiotic therapy with metronidazole may improve outcomes (M2020).

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پيشگيري سطح سوم

3. Tertiary prevention

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اجتناب از انجام اقدامات و تشخيصي ـ درماني غيرلازمتحميل هزينه هاي ذيربط

پيشگيري سطح چھارم

4. Quaternary prevention

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:منابع مصوبمعرفي ران اپيدميولوژي و كنترل بيماري هاي شايع در اي

دكتر فريدون عزيزي: تاليفدكتر حسين حاتمي

دكتر محسن جانقرباني )1396چاپ چهارم سال (

كتاب جامع بهداشت عموميحسين حاتميدكتر : تاليف

دكتر سيدمنصور رضوي و همكاران

)1398چاپ چهارم سال (

ي دئو

ا ويطف



ه فحظ


را ني

قه ادقي

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TetanusReferences:• WHO, Fact sheet 2018.• WHO, Immunization coverage 2020.• Mandel 2020.• Harrison 2018.• Public Health Canada, 2019.• World Health Organization, Site, 2019,Tetanus and Tetanus

Toxoid, National Immunization CDC. • Ehsanur Reza, MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Surgery Unit III

MMCH • Sarika Gupta, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus.

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اي اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل بيماري ه)كزاز( عفوني

كآدرس اسلايدها و كتب الكتروني :در سايت هاي اينترنتي 🌴https://sites.google.com/site/drhatamilibraryدر سايت گوگل


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اي اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل بيماري ه)كزاز( عفوني

يوتيوب در كزاز كنترل و باليني اپيدميولوژي درس آموزشي فيلم هايبخش اول ويدئوي درس اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل كزاز


بخش دوم ويدئوي درس اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل كزازhttps://youtu.be/-R2FuU2j3Vs

بخش سوم ويدئوي درس اپيدميولوژي باليني و كنترل كزازhttps://youtu.be/MkAVAmSEfz0

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