Chasing for the Jewels

Chasing for the jewels

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Page 1: Chasing for the jewels

Chasing for the Jewels



















Page 2: Chasing for the jewels

It was a hot, dry day in Giza. Siblings Maahes and Aziza were wandering the desert, searching for food to bring back to their poor family. While they were walking along the desert Maahes stepped on a stone that lead to a secret passage way.

Page 3: Chasing for the jewels

All of a sudden a huge door arose, it had hieroglyphics on it. Maahes read aloud “King Tut’s Tomb.” Aziza gasped, they could not believe their eyes, they had just discovered King Tut’s Tomb!

Page 4: Chasing for the jewels

“ Should we go in?” asked Aziza with a hint of fear rushing through her body .

“Everyone in Egypt knows that Kings are buried with their jewels, maybe we can go in and get some and bring them home to our family.” Maahes replied hopefully. Aziza agreed to go in. As soon as she said that the door opened. The two siblings cautiously walked in only to find there are long passageways leading to unknown areas in the tomb.

“Let’s go back it will take forever to find the jewels.” said Maahes.

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The tomb began to rumble, Maahes and Aziza ran for the door, they were inches away the door closed with a big bang.

“Oh no, we’re trapped!” Said Aziza.

“Look!” said Maahes as he pointed to the door.

“What does it say?” Aziza asked

“To get out of this tomb you must find all the jewels and place them in their correct spot.” Maahes read aloud

Aziza began to panic, she was running all over the place when she tripped on a stone tablet.

Page 6: Chasing for the jewels

Maahes picked up the stone tablet

“It’s a map of the tomb and were the jewels are.” Maahes said.

“ It looks like there’s a bunch of tunnels but only one leads to the jewels.” Aziza said

They started down what they thought was the right tunnel, when they came to a big room with a bunch of doors. Each door had a color of the rainbow on it.

“The colors must represent a jewel” Aziza said as she gazed at the doors.

The red was for ruby, orange was the orange sapphire, yellow was citrine, green was emerald, blue was blue topaz, indigo was azurite, and lastly violet was amethyst.

“Let’s go in.” Maahes said.

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They walked in the first door, red. sitting on a pedestal was the ruby gem.“ooohh” Maahes and Aziza said simultaneously.“Well, let’s get it” Maahes said running over to it.“Careful, Maahes.” Aziza yelled after him.

They got the gem and went to get the others when they got them all but one, the Amethyst. They walked in and there was the gem but it was in the frame ofKing Tut's coffin. Maahes crept over and grabbed it quickly from the coffin.

“Ok, we got all the jewels let’s get out of here.” Maahes said.Right when he turned around the coffin shook as the top came off and themummy arose from the coffin.

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“M-m-m-Maahes?!” Aziza cried stuttering “Don’t look behind you.” He turned around and saw

“The Mummy!” he screamed “Aaagghh!”They started to run.

“Which tunnel do we take?” Aziza asked Maahes looked at the map.

“This one, hurry, he’s coming!” Maahes yelledThey ran down a tunnel and as they looked back they could see the

mummy running after them but then, “Splash!” they stopped and turned around.“What happened to the mummy?” Aziza asked

They walked back a few steps and saw a hole in the ground they looked down and there was the mummy in an alligator pit.

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“Well that’s the last of him, let’s get out of here.” Maahes said

They walked towards the door and put the jewels in the door. The door rumbled open.

“let’s go home.” Aziza said.

“Let’s take the jewels.” Maahes said

They grabbed the jewels and walked home and when they got there their parents cried out in joy.

“Maahes, Aziza, where have you been we were so worried?!”

“Oh my, were did you get such beautiful jewels?” there mother asked.

“It’s a long story but we will tell it another day.” They said together.