- - - Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown Worn by Bride Mary Ann Diem Wed to Mr. Weber A Chantilly lave gown over lus- trous satin was worn by Miss Mary Ana Diem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Diem, of Larchmont Rd., when she became- the bride at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in St Joseph's Church, University Heights, of 2d Lt. Gerald V. Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Weber, of Elm SL The town was fashioned on Gre- cian lines, and styled with a sweet- heart neckline, pointed sleeves and a satin skirt terminating in a chapel length train. A veil of imported French illusion was caught to a bon- net of shirred matching illusion, sprayed with pearls. She carried a prayer book covered with white satin and adorned by a white orchid. Miss Anne M. Striegel, maid of honor, wore a floor length blue gown, fashioned with a lace bodice and a net skirt, with a matching lac* cape. Miss Joan Weber and Miss Dorothy I. Doyle, bridesmaids, were attired in yellow and carried colonial bouquets. Daniel F. Craft was best man and the ushers were Joseph R. Arnica and J. Robert Rodger*. The bride's mother favored a frock of sheer French blue crepe, complemented by a corsage of pink roses. The mdther of the bride- groom chose a sheer navy blue crepe with white accessories and a corsage of white and yellow roses. For traveling, the bride wore a pink linen suit with navy and white accessories and a white orchid. The couple will reside in Fredericksburg, Va, where the bridegroom is sta- tioned. Engagements Tea-Told Tales Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brucker Good of Woodward Ave., announce the arrival of their second child, Peter Richard, born on Friday, May 15. Mrs. Good, whose other child is Mary Elizabeth, is the former Miss Marie Sapowitch. Mr. and Mrs. David Fernow, of Williamsville, are receiving congrat- Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Danahy uiations on the birth of a daughter, Jr., of Lancaster Ave., are receiving Lisa, on Friday, May 22, at the Chil- congratulationt on the arrival of their Idren's Hospital. fourth child, Anne O'Brien Danahy, •/-• born on Stindav, May 10, at the o . r>% . rr> Children's Hoaniiai, Sanctuary Chapter Tea Episcopal Bishop Lauriston L. Scaife will speak at the spring tea to be given by the Sanctuary Chapter of St. Philip's Episcopal Church from 4 to 6 o'clock tonight at the parish house in Goodell St. Miss Clara L. Payne will introduce the bishop. President, Mrs. Mabell DeFrank, will pour, assisted by Mrs. Jennie Dickson. BUFFALO COURIER-EXPRESS, Sunday, May It, 1953 3-C Main at Huron, DOWNTOWN BUFFALO OPEN MONDAYS 11:30 A. M. TO 9 P. MRS. GERALD V. WEBER Photo by Clyde R. Telaak MRS. FRANCIS UNDERBILL MACY Photo by Jay Te Winburn Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shields, of Hastings Ave, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Pris- eilla, to L. Nelson Ellsworth Jr., son of Mr. Ellsworth, of Winston Rd., and the late Mrs. Ellsworth. Miss Shields is a graduate of Mt Mercy Academy. Her fiance is a graduate of Canisius College. An early winter wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ring, of Alsace Ave., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Frances K., to William J. Roloff, of Victory Ave., Lackawanna, son of Robert H. Harr and the late Mrs. Harr. Mr. Roloff recently returned from Germany, after two years with the Army. The wedding will take place on Sept 19 at St Thomas Aquinas Church. INVESTIGATE! fi^L V W o * You Enroll In Just Any CHARM SCHOOL! The Ferret School > is the only Buffalo modeling school licensed by the N. Y. State Board of Education! Instructors also licensed! Established since M3t • Cktssas now forming for ... - - -. i rter gins, I rnvcjtt) ansirucnons owo Cours— in setf-improvement and i irofaiainnnl mock lino WI^J ft#f wF*^S^nPlWBWMS Wwrm^m^rm^^WM • Open Moo. thru Fri., 10.30 o. m. to T p. m. r ^ FotToI School of Charm and Modeling I 171 0•*•—». MS* 111, MO. *m Anne Scibetta, Joseph Ogorek Wed Saturday Mrs. Charles J. Scibetta, of East North St., announces that the mar- riage of her daughter, Miss Anne Joan Scibetta, Courier-Express staff reporter, to Joseph Jacob Ogorek, of May St, will take place at a Nuptial Mass at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Boniface Church. The Rev. Joseph Spahn will perform the wedding ceremony. Miss Joan C. Maggio will be her aunt's maid of honor and bridesmaids will be Miss Barbara R. Serio and Miss Rita I. Smith, of Jrbenezer. Richard L. Ogorek will attend his brother as best man. Ushers will be Anthony F. Wojtan and Norbert M. Kotas. A reception will be held from 3 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Club in Delaware Ave. Joanna Rogers, Francis Macy Are Married in New York Wrigglesworth-Weigand En route to the Adirondack Moun- tains are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wrigglesworth, who were married yesterday morning at SL Gerard's Church. The bride is the former Miss Jeanette Ann Weigand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weigand, of Bailey Ave. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Grigs- by, of Koester SL The Rev. Joseph Garin officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in Chantilly lace over satin styled with a mandarin col- lar, lace sleeves and a panel of nylon tulle in the lace skirt. Sequins trimmed the gown. French illusion veiling was caught to a matching lace cap. She carried white carnations, lilies of the valley and white orchids. Miss Dolores Weigand, maid of honor for her sister, chose a yellow gown of nylon net over taffeta. Her headpiece was a cluster of flowers and a nose veil and she carried a bas- ket of orchid iris, carnations and yel- low tulips. In matching gowns of orchid and green were the bridesmaids. Mist Lor- raine Weigand, another sister, Miss Patricia Grigsby, sister of die bride- groom; Mrs. Marion Kostek and Miss Christine Cioch. Miss Nancy Carol Lombard, flower girl, wore orchid. William Grigsby was his brother's ring-bearer. Clifford Wrigglesworth was best man foe his brother. Ushers were Edward Clayback, Russell Kerr, Stephen Kostek and Thomas Mc- Carthy. After June 9, the bridal couple will 'be at home at 28 Avon Rd. A former Buffalonian, Miss Jo- anna Rogers, daughter of Mrs. Mar- garet JCiosey Rogers and Hartley Rogers, was married yesterday after- noon in the chapel of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, to Francis Underbill Macy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams Macy, of Winnetka, 111. Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell performed the ceremony. A reception took place at One A East 77th SL Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of mousseline de soie over white satin, fashioned with a tight bodice and bouffant skirt. The lace collar was matched by a lace cap edged in niching and seed pearls, with a fingertip veil. Miss Mollie Pope Kramer, of Washington, D. C , was maid of honor and the bride's only attendant. She wore a gown" of pink organdy and a picture hat offset by white em- broidery and flowers. John W. Macy Jr. was best man for his brother. The ushers were Hartley Rogers Jr., John Stratford Rogers, brothers of the bride, and Bradford Macy, brother of the bridegroom. The bride, a graduate of the Lycee Francais, New York, and of Welles- ley College, also studed in France at the University of Bordeaux. Mr. Macy received degrees from Wesleyan and Harvard universities, and is work- ing on an Air Force project at the Library of Congress. After a wedding trip to Mexico, the couple will make their home in Washington. Mrs. Macy is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. N. Osborne Siegfried, of Bryant St. MISS GOODRICH ENGAGED Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Clarence Good- rich, of Springville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Man- lynn Grace, to Ralph David Fenske, son of the Rev. and Mrs, Herman A. Fenske, of McKtnley Pky. The wedding will take place Jury 25, at the First Presbyterian Church, Spring- ville, with a reception after the cere- mony at the future brides home. Photo by Towne Studio 567 MAIN STREET floating leatherettes Dynell white nylon mesh with' white calf trim. 15.95 special purchase! oung lady-like cottons e for sun and Sundaysi 3.49 usually 4.98 to 5.98 Big siaters love to put on grown-up airs, love to wear these bare-arm belles, quite a> fashionable as mother's! Both beautifully washable, color-fast, shrink-resisUnt in sizes 7 to 14. Children's World, Fifth Floor. * a. Woven seersucker scoop; whirlaway skirt trimmed with a fish-net pocket, pink, blue or grey stripes. b. Polished gingham; Dan River Wrinkle-shed with Tyrolean embroidery; navy, red, brown or green. Write, or phono MOhawk 2000% Stating S*cond Color Choic* Harper white mesh with tan calf trim 14.95 I Cod white nylon mesh and supple leather mak\e light of summer by making a lot of comfort! "talk of the town" in a new cotton print, at a new little price! 5.98 Return engagement of the season's hit shape, done now in a fleur de lis print! Deftlv gathered from a choir boy yoke, let loose in a sweep-the-town skirt . . . and very much a find at this price! By CAPER, in Sanforized white cotton with black, red, navy or green. 10 to 18. Daytime Dresses, Second Floor. Write, or phono MOhawk 2000% Stating Second Color Choic*. leated empire gown . classic column in misty nylon tricot! 5.99 Recapturing the mood of the Empire era: the columned gown with its deep elasticized midriff that follows your e\ery motion! So very modern: it* care-free nylon ways, its unusual little price. By G.M.C., in white, pink or blue, sizes 32 to 40. Lingerie, Street Floor. Write, or phono MOhawk 2000% . • • marked for a city summer! Back on the city scene, and welcome .". . summer whites done in the sophisticated manner recently re- served for black! Witness our three Carmelletes, "shoes for the lovely" . . . important designs, openly expressed. Shoe Salon, Street Floor. top to bottom: Lattice: white kid anklet, high or med. heel 1 1 . 9 5 Circlet: white nylon mesh on white suede 11.95 Bandette white kid sandal, also in pink with white 12*95 ir switchboard opens at 9 A. M. Monday * OPPENHEIM COLLINS DOWNTOWN BUFFALO I ij*ijttj^^jjil|ilij| . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown OPEN MONDAYS 11:30 A. M. Worn ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown Worn by Bride Mary Ann Diem Wed to

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Page 1: Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown OPEN MONDAYS 11:30 A. M. Worn ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown Worn by Bride Mary Ann Diem Wed to

- - - —

Chantillv Lace Wedding Gown Worn by Bride

Mary Ann Diem Wed to Mr. Weber

A Chantilly lave gown over lus­trous satin was worn by Miss Mary Ana Diem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Diem, of Larchmont Rd., when she became- the bride at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in St Joseph's Church, University Heights, of 2d Lt. Gerald V. Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Weber, of Elm SL

The town was fashioned on Gre­cian lines, and styled with a sweet­heart neckline, pointed sleeves and a satin skirt terminating in a chapel length train. A veil of imported French illusion was caught to a bon­net of shirred matching illusion, sprayed with pearls. She carried a prayer book covered with white satin and adorned by a white orchid.

Miss Anne M. Striegel, maid of honor, wore a floor length blue gown, fashioned with a lace bodice and a net skirt, with a matching lac* cape. Miss Joan Weber and Miss Dorothy I. Doyle, bridesmaids, were attired in yellow and carried colonial bouquets.

Daniel F. Craft was best man and the ushers were Joseph R. Arnica and J. Robert Rodger*. The bride's mother favored a frock of sheer French blue crepe, complemented by a corsage of pink roses. The mdther of the bride­groom chose a sheer navy blue crepe with white accessories and a corsage of white and yellow roses.

For traveling, the bride wore a pink linen suit with navy and white accessories and a white orchid. The couple will reside in Fredericksburg, Va, where the bridegroom is sta­tioned.


Tea-Told Tales

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brucker Good of Woodward Ave., announce the arrival of their second child, Peter Richard, born on Friday, May 15. Mrs. Good, whose other child is Mary Elizabeth, is the former Miss Marie Sapowitch.

Mr. and Mrs. David Fernow, of Williamsville, are receiving congrat-

Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Danahy uiations on the birth of a daughter, Jr., of Lancaster Ave., are receiving Lisa, on Friday, May 22, at the Chil-congratulationt on the arrival of their Idren's Hospital. fourth child, Anne O'Brien Danahy, •/-• born on Stindav, May 10, at the o . r>% . rr>

Children's Hoaniiai, Sanctuary Chapter Tea Episcopal Bishop Lauriston L.

Scaife will speak at the spring tea to be given by the Sanctuary Chapter of St. Philip's Episcopal Church from 4 to 6 o'clock tonight at the parish house in Goodell St. Miss Clara L. Payne will introduce the bishop.

President, Mrs. Mabell DeFrank, will pour, assisted by Mrs. Jennie Dickson.



OPEN MONDAYS 11:30 A. M. TO 9 P.

MRS. GERALD V. WEBER Photo by Clyde R. Telaak


Mr. and Mrs. William J. Shields, of Hastings Ave, announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Mary Pris-eilla, to L. Nelson Ellsworth Jr., son of Mr. Ellsworth, of Winston Rd., and the late Mrs. Ellsworth. Miss Shields is a graduate of Mt Mercy Academy. Her fiance is a graduate of Canisius College. An early winter wedding is planned.

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ring, of Alsace Ave., announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Frances K., to William J. Roloff, of Victory Ave., Lackawanna, son of Robert H. Harr and the late Mrs. Harr. Mr. Roloff recently returned from Germany, after two years with the Army. The wedding will take place on Sept 19 at St Thomas Aquinas Church.


Enroll In Just Any


The Ferret School > is the only Buffalo modeling school licensed by the N. Y. State Board of Education!

Instructors also licensed!

Established since M3t • Cktssas now forming for

... - - - . i rter gins, I

rnvcjtt) ansirucnons owo • Cours— in setf-improvement

and i irofaiainnnl mock lino W I ^ J ft#f wF*^S^nPlWBWMS Wwrm^m^rm^^WM

• Open Moo. thru Fri., 10.30 o. m. to T p. m.

r ^ FotToI School of Charm and Modeling

I 171 0 •*•—». MS* 111, MO. * m

Anne Scibetta, Joseph Ogorek Wed Saturday

Mrs. Charles J. Scibetta, of East North St., announces that the mar-riage of her daughter, Miss Anne Joan Scibetta, Courier-Express staff reporter, to Joseph Jacob Ogorek, of May St, will take place at a Nuptial Mass at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Boniface Church. The Rev. Joseph Spahn will perform the wedding ceremony.

Miss Joan C. Maggio will be her aunt's maid of honor and bridesmaids will be Miss Barbara R. Serio and Miss Rita I. Smith, of Jrbenezer. Richard L. Ogorek will attend his brother as best man. Ushers will be Anthony F. Wojtan and Norbert M. Kotas.

A reception will be held from 3 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Club in Delaware Ave.

Joanna Rogers, Francis Macy Are Married in New York

Wrigglesworth-Weigand En route to the Adirondack Moun­

tains are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wrigglesworth, who were married yesterday morning at SL Gerard's Church. The bride is the former Miss Jeanette Ann Weigand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weigand, of Bailey Ave. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Grigs-by, of Koester SL The Rev. Joseph Garin officiated.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in Chantilly lace over satin styled with a mandarin col­lar, lace sleeves and a panel of nylon tulle in the lace skirt. Sequins trimmed the gown. French illusion veiling was caught to a matching lace cap. She carried white carnations, lilies of the valley and white orchids.

Miss Dolores Weigand, maid of honor for her sister, chose a yellow gown of nylon net over taffeta. Her headpiece was a cluster of flowers and a nose veil and she carried a bas­ket of orchid iris, carnations and yel­low tulips.

In matching gowns of orchid and green were the bridesmaids. Mist Lor­raine Weigand, another sister, Miss Patricia Grigsby, sister of die bride­groom; Mrs. Marion Kostek and Miss Christine Cioch. Miss Nancy Carol Lombard, flower girl, wore orchid. William Grigsby was his brother's ring-bearer.

Clifford Wrigglesworth was best man foe his brother. Ushers were Edward Clayback, Russell Kerr, Stephen Kostek and Thomas Mc­Carthy.

After June 9, the bridal couple will 'be at home at 28 Avon Rd.

A former Buffalonian, Miss Jo­anna Rogers, daughter of Mrs. Mar­garet JCiosey Rogers and Hartley Rogers, was married yesterday after­noon in the chapel of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, to Francis Underbill Macy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams Macy, of Winnetka, 111. Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell performed the ceremony. A reception took place at One A East 77th SL

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of mousseline de soie over white satin, fashioned with a tight bodice and bouffant skirt. The lace collar was matched by a lace cap edged in niching and seed pearls, with a fingertip veil.

Miss Mollie Pope Kramer, of Washington, D. C, was maid of honor and the bride's only attendant. She wore a gown" of pink organdy and a picture hat offset by white em­broidery and flowers. John W. Macy Jr. was best man for his brother. The ushers were Hartley Rogers Jr., John Stratford Rogers, brothers of the bride, and Bradford Macy, brother of the bridegroom.

The bride, a graduate of the Lycee Francais, New York, and of Welles-ley College, also studed in France at the University of Bordeaux. Mr. Macy received degrees from Wesleyan and Harvard universities, and is work­ing on an Air Force project at the Library of Congress.

After a wedding trip to Mexico,

the couple will make their home in Washington. Mrs. Macy is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. N. Osborne Siegfried, of Bryant St.

MISS GOODRICH ENGAGED — Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Clarence Good­rich, of Springville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Man-lynn Grace, to Ralph David Fenske, son of the Rev. and Mrs, Herman A. Fenske, of McKtnley Pky. The wedding will take place Jury 25, at the First Presbyterian Church, Spring­ville, with a reception after the cere­mony at the future brides home.

Photo by Towne Studio




Dynell white nylon mesh with' white calf

trim. 15.95

special purchase!

oung lady-like cottons

e for sun and Sunday si

3.49 usually 4.98 to 5.98

Big siaters love to put on grown-up airs, love to wear these bare-arm belles, quite a> fashionable as mother's! Both beautifully washable, color-fast, shrink-resisUnt in sizes 7 to 14. Children's World, Fifth Floor. * a. Woven seersucker scoop; whirlaway skirt trimmed

with a fish-net pocket, pink, blue or grey stripes. b. Polished gingham; Dan River Wrinkle-shed with

Tyrolean embroidery; navy, red, brown or green. Write, or phono MOhawk 2000%

Stating S*cond Color Choic*

Harper white mesh

with tan calf trim



Cod white nylon

mesh and supple leather mak\e

light of summer by

making a lot of comfort!

"talk of the town" in a new cotton print,

at a new little price!

5.98 Return engagement of the season's hit shape, done now in a fleur de lis print! Deftlv gathered from a choir boy yoke, let loose in a sweep-the-town skirt . . . and very much a find at this price! By CAPER, in Sanforized white cotton with black, red, navy or green. 10 to 18. Daytime Dresses, Second Floor.

Write, or phono MOhawk 2000% Stating Second Color Choic*.

leated empire gown

. classic column in misty nylon tricot!

5.99 Recapturing the mood of the Empire era: the columned gown with its deep elasticized midriff that follows your e\ery motion! So very modern: it* care-free nylon ways, its unusual little price. By G.M.C., in white, pink or blue, sizes 32 to 40. Lingerie, Street Floor.

Write, or phono MOhawk 2000%

. • • marked for a city summer!

Back on the city scene, and welcome .". . summer

whites done in the sophisticated manner recently re­

served for black! Witness our three Carmelletes,

"shoes for the lovely" . . . important designs, openly

expressed. Shoe Salon, Street Floor.

top to bottom:

Lattice: white kid anklet, high or med. heel 1 1 . 9 5

Circlet: white nylon mesh on white suede 1 1 . 9 5

Bandette white kid sandal, also in pink with white

12*95 ir switchboard opens at 9 A. M. Monday



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