Cell Division Cell Division (/cellbiology/index.php/File:Historic_1882_mitosis_drawing.jpg) (/cellbiology/index.php/File:Cell_division_- _3_types.jpg) Historic Historic 1882 mitosis drawings

Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

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Page 1: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

Cell Division

Cell Division




Historic Historic 1882 mitosis drawings

Page 2: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

IntroductionHow does one cell become two?

MCB - stages of mitosis and cytokinesis (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21537/)

Cell Cycle (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A213&rendertype=figure&id=A215) |Movie of mitosis in the embryo (/cellbiology/images/e/ee/Embryo_mitosis.mov)

Lecture Slides: 2017 Lecture PDF (/cellbiology/images/2/26/2017_Cell_Division.pdf)


Movie - ASCB Mitosis in a Vertebrate Cell (http://www.ascb.org/ivl/design/celldivision.html)JCB - Movie Collection Mitosis (http://jcb.rupress.org/misc/annotatedvideo.shtml#Mitosis) | Cytokinesis(http://jcb.rupress.org/misc/annotatedvideo.shtml#Cytokinesis)

2016 (https://cellbiology.med.unsw.edu.au/cellbiology/index.php?title=Cell_Division&oldid=77614) | Lecture- Cell Division (/cellbiology/index.php/2009_Lecture_16) 2008 ANAT3231 Lecture PDF lecture14-15 1slide/page (view) (http://cellbiology.med.unsw.edu.au/units/pdf/08L14-15s1.pdf) | 4 slides/page (print)(http://cellbiology.med.unsw.edu.au/units/pdf/08L14-15s4.pdf) | 6 slides/page (print)(http://cellbiology.med.unsw.edu.au/units/pdf/08L14-15s6.pdf) | text (print)(http://cellbiology.med.unsw.edu.au/units/pdf/08L14-15txt.pdf)

Links: Mitosis (http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Cell_Division_-_Mitosis) | Meiosis(http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Cell_Division_-_Meiosis)

MBoC4: Mitosis (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26934) | Meiosis(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26840)

ObjectivesUnderstanding of the main stages of cell divisionUnderstanding of cytokinesisUnderstanding of chromosome structureBroad understanding of the differences between mitosis and meiosis

including sex differences

Cell DivisionCell Division Milestones (http://www.nature.com/celldivision/milestones/index.html)Recent Nobel Prizes- 2001 Cell Cycle, 2002 Cell Death

Features 2 mechanical processes

Mitosis segregation of chromosomes and formation of 2 nucleiCytokinesis splitting of the cell as a whole into 2 daughter cells

TextbooksEssential Cell Biology (Alberts) Chapter 17Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts) – Chapter 17,18The Cell – Chapter 14,15Molecular Cell Biology – Chapter 13

Page 3: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

Binary FissionProkaryotes – And EukaryotemitochondriaAsexual reproduction - replicatesoriginal cell to produce two identicalcellsGrow in numbers exponentially

adequate nutrients and a fast lifecyclesingle organism can multiply intobillions

High mutation rate of bacteria(fission = splitting of something into itsparts)

(/cellbiology/index.php/Bacteria_Cell_Division_Movie_1) Bacteria DivisionPage (/cellbiology/index.php/Bacteria_Cell_Division_Movie_1) | Play(/cellbiology/images/2/21/Bacteria_cell_division_1.mp4)

Cell LifespanBody cell types – About 210 typesLifespan – Born, Differentiate, Function, Divide or Die

Cell Types

Neutrophil – 6-7 hours circulating – 4 days in tissueRed blood cell – 120 daysBrain neuron, heart – 50 - 100 years

Cell ChangesNucleus

Chromosome condensationNuclear envelope breakdown

CytoplasmCytoskeleton reorganizationSpindle formation (MT) Contractile ring (MF)Organelle redistribution

Mitosis EnergyCell division uses up a lot of energy, so cells ensure they have enough resources to complete the jobbefore committing to it.

Mitosis PhasesBased on light microscopy of living cells light and electron microscopy of fixed and stained cells5 Phases - prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

Cytokinesis 6th stage overlaps the end of mitosisMBC The stages of mitosis and cytokinesis in an animal cell (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5500)


not a mitotic phase (discussed in cell cycle)Chromosomes dispersed in nucleusGene expressionCytoskeleton and cell organelles - Distributed and functioningMitochondria undergo independent proliferation/division

Page 4: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

Chromosome Changes



2 telomeres, centromere, replication originsTelomere- at ends of chromosome (bacterial DNA circular)Centromere- holds duplicated DNA togetherKinetochore - protein complex forms around the centromere forms during mitosisChromatin - DNA packed by DNA binding proteins (histones and non-histones) form 30nm DNA fibre2 types of chromatin in interphase nuclei (based on cytology)

heterochromatin - highly condensed (restricted gene transcription)euchromatin - less condensed (gene transcription)


Page 5: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)


at ends of all chromosomes (not bacterial DNA circular)roles in chromosome replication and maintenancereplication

for replicating the ends of linear chromosomesmaintenance

proposed to provide each cell with a replication counting mechanism that helps prevent unlimitedproliferation

each cell division shortens telomere 50–100 nucleotidesDNA 100s to 1,000s repeats of a simple-sequence containing clusters of G residues (humans AGGGTT)Telomerase enzyme maintains length

Nature News 2010 (http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101128/full/news.2010.635.html)



directs movement of each chromosome into daughter cells every time a cell dividescentromere embedded in heterochromatinsatellite DNA sequences (AT-rich) repeated many thousands of timesproteins assemble on this to form Kinetochore

attachment site for spindle microtubules

Page 6: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

Links: MBOC - Centromere (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?&rid=mboc4.figgrp.672)

Replication Origins


DNA replication initiates at multiple origins (ori)in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNAmultiple origins in eukaryotes (human genome about 30,000 origins)each origin produces two replication forks (moving in opposite directions)


ProphaseChromosome DNA has been earlier duplicated (S Phase)Chromosomes begin condensingChromosome pairs (chromatids) held together at centromereMicrotubules disassembleMitotic spindle begins to form

Spindle Apparatus3 sets of microtubules - (+) ends point away from centrosome at each pole.

1. astral microtubules - anchor the pole end in position2. kinetochore microtubules - connected to chromosomes3. polar microtubules - form the structure of the spindle apparatus

Page 7: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Mammalian_cell_-_prophase.jpg)Mammalian cell - prophase

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Mitosis_-_Metaphase.jpg)Mitosis - Metaphase

Spindle Apparatus EM(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mboc4&part=A3349&rendertype=figure&id=A3350) |Spindle Apparatus(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5505) |MBC Movie- Microtubule dynamics during mitosis(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5514)

At end of prophase nuclear envelope breaks down

PrometaphaseMicrotubules now enter nuclear regionNuclear envelope forms vesicles around mitotic spindleKinetochores form on centromere attach to some MTs ofspindle

Dynamic instability and the capture of chromosomes(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5520)

Centromeric attachment of microtubules(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5509)

At end of prometaphase chromosomes move to metaphaseplate

MetaphaseKinetochore MTs align chromosomes in one midpointplane

Proposed alternative mechanisms for chromosomecongression (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5522)

Metaphase ends when sister kinetochores separate

AnaphaseSeparation of sister Kinetochoresshortening of Kinetochore microtubules pullschromosome to spindle pole

Experiment - during anaphase A chromosomes movepoleward along stationary kinetochore microtubules, whichcoordinately disassemble from their kinetochore ends(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5526)

Anaphase ends as nuclear envelope (membrane) begins toreform

TelophaseChromosomes arrive at spindle polesKinetochore MTs lostCondensed chromosomes begin expanding


Page 8: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Chromosome_motility_anaphase.jpg)Chromosome motility anaphase

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Mitosis_-_Telophase.jpg)Mitosis - Telophase

Continues through cytokinesisLinks: Figure 19-41 Microtubule dynamics during mitosis(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5514) |Figure 19-34. The stages of mitosis and cytokinesis in ananimal cell (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5500) |Cytokinetic abscission: cellular dynamics at the midbody(http://www.cell.com/trends/cell-biology/fulltext/S0962-8924(09)00158-5)

CytokinesisDivision of cytoplasmic contentsContractile ring forms at midpoint under membraneMicrofilament ring - contracts forming cleavage furrow

myosin II is the motorEventually fully divides cytoplasm

Links: Cytokinesis(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=cooper&part=A1790&rendertype=figure&id=A1802) |Cytokinesis in Plants(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mboc4&part=A3381&rendertype=figure&id=A3396)

Cell OrganellesMitochondria

Divide independently of cell mitosisdistributed into daughter cells

Peroxisomeslocalise at spindle poles


Endoplasmic Reticulum


Page 9: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Post-mitotic_Golgi_stack_formation.png)Post-mitotic Golgi stack formation

2 processes - disassembly and reassemblyGolgi stack undergoes a continuous fragmentationprocessfragments are distributed into daughter cellsare reassembled into new Golgi stacks


Unstacking - mediated by two mitotic kinases (cdc2 andplk)Vesiculation - mediated by COPI budding machineryARF1 and the coatomer complex


Fusion - formation of single cisternae by membranefusionRestacking - requires dephosphorylation of Golgistacking proteins by protein phosphatase PP2A

Danming Tang, Kari Mar, Graham Warren, Yanzhuang WangMolecular mechanism of mitotic Golgi disassembly andreassembly revealed by a defined reconstitution assay. J.Biol. Chem.: 2008, 283(10);6085-94 PubMed 18156178(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18156178)

Interkinetic NuclearMigration

Interkinetic Nuclear Migration (INM) - mitosis occur atapical surface of elongated epitheliumoccurs in pseudostratified epithelia (PSE) - e.g. trachea(https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/images/0/0a/Trachea_histology_01.jpg), ductusepididymidis (https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/File:Testis_histology_015.jpg),developing neuroepithelium(https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/Interkinetic_Nuclear_Migration_Movie).apico-basal polarity, generally more elongated and nuclei are more densely packed.

Mitosis and Meiosis

Page 10: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

(/cellbiology/index.php/File:Mitosis_meiosis1.jpg) Progeny

Mitosis 2 Daughter cells identical to parent (diploid)

Meiosis Germ cell division (haploid)

Reductive divisionGenerates haploid gametes (egg, sperm)Each genetically distinct from parentGenetic recombination (prophase 1)

Exchanges portions of chromosomes maternal/paternal homologous pairsIndependent assortment of paternal chromosomes (meiosis 1)

Cell Birth - Mitosis and Meiosis 1st cell division- Meiosis

Homologous chromosomes pairing unique to meiosis

Each chromosome duplicated and exists as attached sister chromatids before pairing occursGenetic Recombination shown by chromosomes part red and part black

chromosome pairing in meiosis involves crossing-over between homologous chromosomes(For clarity only 1 pair of homologous chromosomes shown)

Comparison of Meiosis/MitosisAfter DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametesEach diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm) 1 haploid cell (egg)Each diploid cell mitosis produces 2 diploid cells

Male and Female Meiosis

Page 11: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)


Page 12: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)


Links: Gametogenesis (http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=BGDA_Practical_3_-_Gametogenesis)

AbnormalitiesMeiotic Nondisjunction

Occurs when homologues fail to separate during meiotic division I or IIDown SyndromeCaused by an extra copy of chromosome 21

Nondisjunction (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A3575&rendertype=figure&id=A3577)

Chromosomal TranslocationsPhiladelphia chromosomeChronic myelogenous leukemia

Piece of Chr9 exchanged with Chr22 Generates truncated ablOverstimulates cell production

Meiosis Sex DifferencesFemale (oogenesis)

Meiosis initiated once in a finite population of cells

Page 13: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

1 gamete produced / meiosisCompletion of meiosis delayed for months or yearsMeiosis arrested at 1st meiotic prophase and reinitiated in a smaller population of cellsDifferentiation of gamete occurs while diploid in first meiotic prophaseAll chromosomes exhibit equivalent transcription and recombination during meiotic prophase

Male (spermatogenesis)

Meiosis initiated continuously in a mitotically dividing stem cell population4 gametes produced / meiosisMeiosis completed in days or weeksMeiosis and differentiation proceed continuously without cell cycle arrestDifferentiation of gamete occurs while haploid after meiosis ends

Sex chromosomes excluded from recombination and transcription during first meiotic prophase

References1. Russan NM. Let's Build a Spindle. ASCB Image & Video Library. 2008;CYT-190. Available at:

http://cellimages.ascb.org/u?/p4041coll12,521 (http://cellimages.ascb.org/u?/p4041coll12,521)

TextbooksEssential Cell Biology

Essential Cell Biology Chapter 17

Molecular Biology of the CellAlberts, Bruce; Johnson, Alexander; Lewis, Julian; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Walter, Peter New York andLondon: Garland Science; c2002

Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th ed. - IV. Internal Organization of the Cell Chapter 17. The Cell Cycle andProgrammed Cell DeathThe Cell Cycle and Programmed Cell Death (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?db=Books&rid=mboc4.chapter.3167)An Overview of the Cell Cycle (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?db=Books&rid=mboc4.section.3169)Figure 17-1. The cell cycle (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?db=Books&rid=mboc4.figgrp.3168)

Molecular Cell BiologyLodish, Harvey; Berk, Arnold; Zipursky, S. Lawrence; Matsudaira, Paul; Baltimore, David; Darnell, James E. NewYork: W. H. Freeman & Co.; c1999

Figure 19-41 Microtubule dynamics during mitosis (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5514)Figure 19-34. The stages of mitosis and cytokinesis in an animal cell(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=mcb&part=A5499&rendertype=figure&id=A5500)

The Cell- A Molecular ApproachCooper, Geoffrey M. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc.; c2000

The Cell - A Molecular Approach - IV. Cell Regulation Chapter 14. The Cell CycleThe Eukaryotic Cell Cycle (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?db=Books&rid=cooper.section.2433)Figure 14.1. Phases of the cell cycle (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?db=Books&rid=cooper.figgrp.2435)

Search Online Textbooks

Page 14: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)

"cell division" Molecular Biology of the Cell (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=cell+division+mboc4) | Molecular Cell Biology(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=cell+division+mcb) | The Cell- Amolecular Approach (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=cell+division+cooper) | Bookshelf (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=cell+division)"mitosis" Molecular Biology of the Cell (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=mitosis+mboc4) | Molecular Cell Biology(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=mitosis+mcb) | The Cell- Amolecular Approach (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=mitosis+cooper) | Bookshelf (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=mitosis)"meiosis" Molecular Biology of the Cell (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=meiosis+mboc4) | Molecular Cell Biology(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=meiosis+mcb) | The Cell- Amolecular Approach (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=meiosis+cooper) | Bookshelf (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Books&cmd=search&term=meiosis)


PubMedPubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 18 million citations fromMEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1948. PubMed includes links to fulltext articles and other related resources. PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed)PubMed Central (PMC) is a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S.National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) allowing all users free access tothe material in PubMed Central. PMC (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=PMC)Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a comprehensive compendium of human genes andgenetic phenotypes. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all knownmendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=omim)Entrez is the integrated, text-based search and retrieval system used at NCBI for the major databases,including PubMed, Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures, Complete Genomes, Taxonomy,and others Entrez (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?itool=toolbar)

Search Pubmed"cell division" Entrez all databases (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?itool=toolbar&cmd=search&term=cell+division)"mitosis" Entrez all databases (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?itool=toolbar&cmd=search&term=mitosis)"meiosis" Entrez all databases (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?itool=toolbar&cmd=search&term=meiosis)"cyokinesis" Entrez all databases (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery?itool=toolbar&cmd=search&term=cyokinesis)

ReviewsThe great divide: coordinating cell cycle events during bacterial growth and division. Haeusser DP, Levin PA.Curr Opin Microbiol. 2008 Apr;11(2):94-9. Epub 2008 Apr 7. Review. PMID: 18396093(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18396093) | PMC(http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=18396093)Cell cycle studies based upon quantitative image analysis. Stacey DW, Hitomi M. Cytometry A. 2008Apr;73(4):270-8. Review. PMID: 18163464 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18163464)Analysis of cell cycle phases and progression in cultured mammalian cells. Schorl C, Sedivy JM. Methods.2007 Feb;41(2):143-50. Review. PMID: 17189856 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17189856)

Page 15: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)


Cell cycle regulation of DNA replication. Sclafani RA, Holzen TM. Annu Rev Genet. 2007;41:237-80. Review.PMID: 17630848 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17630848)

External LinksASCB iBioSeminars - Separating Duplicated Chromosomes by Dick McIntosh - Part 1: Preparing for CellDivision (http://www.ibioseminars.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=69&Itemid=66) |Part 2: Understanding Mitosis through Experimentation (http://www.ibioseminars.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=70) | Part 3: Moving Chromosome to the Spindle Poles:the mechanisms of anaphase A (http://www.ibioseminars.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=71)McGraw-Hill Animation comparing Mitosis and Meiosis (http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/0072437316/120074/bio17.swf::Comparison%20of%20Meiosis%20and%20Mitosis)Salmon Lab Mitosis Movies (http://www.bio.unc.edu/faculty/salmon/lab/moviesmitosis.html)

2017 Course ContentLectures: Cell Biology Introduction (/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Biology_Introduction) | CellsEukaryotes and Prokaryotes (/cellbiology/index.php/Cells_Eukaryotes_and_Prokaryotes) |Cell Membranes and Compartments(/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Membranes_and_Compartments) | Cell Nucleus(/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Nucleus) | Cell Export - Exocytosis(/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Export_-_Exocytosis) | Cell Import - Endocytosis(/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Import_-_Endocytosis) | Cytoskeleton Introduction(/cellbiology/index.php/Cytoskeleton_Introduction) | Cytoskeleton - Microfilaments(/cellbiology/index.php/Cytoskeleton_-_Microfilaments) | Cytoskeleton - Microtubules(/cellbiology/index.php/Cytoskeleton_-_Microtubules) | Cytoskeleton - Intermediate Filaments(/cellbiology/index.php/Cytoskeleton_-_Intermediate_Filaments) | Cell Mitochondria(/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Mitochondria) | Cell Junctions (/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Junctions) | ExtracellularMatrix 1 (/cellbiology/index.php/Extracellular_Matrix_1) | Extracellular Matrix 2(/cellbiology/index.php/Extracellular_Matrix_2) | Cell Cycle (/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Cycle) | Cell Division |Cell Death 1 (/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Death_1) | Cell Death 2 (/cellbiology/index.php/Cell_Death_2) | Signal 1(/cellbiology/index.php/Signal_1) | Signal 2 (/cellbiology/index.php/Signal_2) | Stem Cells 1(/cellbiology/index.php/Stem_Cells_1) | Stem Cells 2 (/cellbiology/index.php/Stem_Cells_2) | Development(/cellbiology/index.php/Development) | 2017 Revision (/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Revision)

2017 Laboratories: Introduction to Lab (/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Lab_1) | Fixation and Staining(/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Lab_2) |

2017 Projects (/cellbiology/index.php/ANAT3231_Projects_2017): Group 1 - Delta(/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Group_1_Project) | Group 2 - Duct (/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Group_2_Project)| Group 3 - Beta (/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Group_3_Project) | Group 4 - Alpha(/cellbiology/index.php/2017_Group_4_Project)

Dr Mark Hill 2015, UNSW Cell Biology - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G

Categories (/cellbiology/index.php/Special:Categories): Science-Undergraduate (/cellbiology/index.php/Category:Science-Undergraduate)2017ANAT3231 (/cellbiology/index.php/Category:2017ANAT3231)

This page was last modified on 4 May 2017, at 02:39.


Page 16: Cell Division - CellBiology · After DNA replication 2 nuclear (and cell) divisions required to produce haploid gametes Each diploid cell in meiosis produces 4 haploid cells (sperm)