1 'W *\V < i n •i 4 at ? < ( i *? }5« !#••« I 1 11* W s? 4 if,' :f8P 81 SI SeSfc GEO. A. DALY. JLJ S&tl&iL-lfa 1 irair !3s is 4-1 t^aca- ^ v*-ng~ 3HST 5= ^ ^ ^ fvacwr TATTTTFT&IXTT. Tiist JPA A R.I:NI5BI- -^U<-B-- ft -e- ,T^. Ty-. ~T«- if 'nsi-i 1 "•£ *"..•- 2T. get m ii: >nv'tm*a £«serr 3-?j &bz 'if ua&zj$a& c?v Ose- i»«ao«s; -.fcs% aut Stan. «. : ST i X &umzrTjKttyi T«k £'• -* lzzzcjzz:% \ h- 2*« ••si tK "See - ^asjifSKriL *^ T " ia •* •><&•• :i ^ S'sr st :3M. x^era^ --* <-...-- -y s- t3II5KdI*2"' Slit SI ^iex XftrSt »' rfe *«* ! jiv.r. ' v.w?' v •-•- yvrnsa^A, A jpzcZesnss. w* a ir ^. :/inf .^: yj*&zi si. -3it nsrar «r* taa; *-•:/•..•-« .--^ u~. 'Sot -sate y? •Krvcatans'j;W 5«£ «c "^ c - '•^•^ 3Uk '"' . - . aa: j;;< »•:- » -• •iift^rinutjxet -a >_.**-£»» . w; . ,. . 3% 3K«t fCvSfBt vi- tSSEfc- s?>ca»<7 »•-'.! «*• ' K: .-..•n isxir.iu vii'-.-r'. ~&.IOza: Hi-ttasss* ai<t **.• n % i. . 'j- -saii^itasKrt. 5tr iT<t«r- "2"** »' ir,;!5 - r 4 -a«*n: .-x tift xri~ i-iif -j^-yai *233Zf£2$ ZfZWJ'-* \% Cflv) .roi!^ ^hoes \\ omen pr* ' / t^r .: v\ r :•- ;ni? ; f -"it? -i^- '**T v*"-- w: rr^:*— ' x . j..r~ ;i;( !, ^.r.: .;-» 1i-.<v iSUUtS Si" '^' 1 - ... i: ^"iCC O. 'r.K. l,± "t. IT* " - * :,»r> :su—.j'Tisu" .:•; 1vra -.•A-; *i.s ?r.r".c4 J? Wif**'. ' V '" T TIC T*iK i*£>x?- ~x A.iieex'K C. *•" -r-> at ta&e ?-wrti w^r^f r%5>iVicsr •iisataet. sttcvt ztiivre TIFTLGJX-T: I5«R ACXTSSK^' 3%x£asz 'X ?3ft t-X-j, Ajfersisa. ^"5»£ iait =hvrwt T%,-^ at in. *jr£«r- aiass ,«tii t-w; j 1 sts>, <:», ztsj'r sr iStft 'itr S*: isa i n&n^/yiS: 2&fc*5VtT7' 'jf -*X TSflSSC- 3»5SiiSSTfc.. Is *in* -f.:r-«S3S*C -SC 1 -r yy/; v.'Xni", -vx'i- i •zsxn.is&sii ZS^L : tana:-*: •• , * -H- I? 341 * K%rit iar** •jr.*-- : rtf.-iruw igiii .irt i: ^'- '.t. i-'f ".is:' ^ir.%r *seii y -•-*.. '-iit" •jiaszi*,? •> ta#t , 5s£j ytysssg i?x>zrk "X O&xr «• 4 •-• 'j-a; var-6% r*^gr€j«bii '»•€ -pzrzj.. s -L'xj^SXL -<xf. L... ~ ! * Kf-lj. at rift ti'rt tJEii 5wri -»5sr--fet %r» aiftx TB'iifn. 'xxryjnTj-, acfeiiea^ "^-T- int f"^3i ia*j v. y* VU'i —> Wje&a. Smca s."-'t v '' : tr - 4;r ' ^ Tif: IT Ift-aa? HGT&A -i <sv. iu "I2';><SS'^ .'*-5. ii -W --•'- r '- ,i ^J5sUli'^ 1 " _l" *K7 £.-% ".'• "Jiiv vi 'W-- S>IStS2B»3tS: ''X •y,«w: -sxyarr* -tJfc-.n rt I>'. «tisar^ ^xsesKasst i^ra r <sf ?^'.'Ke SS.- »»: tSt?- 3652 :r ^ 3D ^ i 7 V> ' t3t - ^ -^St- iriex it *«* £ ®: «- >_ ^esssi. aa .v'rrk&sf 43cr s.TS.'i.".'a* %a-ja Ssr ta«: sc *42-4.. ® ^ s^tksa2£s :*--s»- ayt s. JS- *2K i«xr€ 'Z5sw*. i.'vyst scA^-ter^ t&fct H»2X -,s£"V; WK»ISES Vi "•2>vi ~."ZKi.-r;'.Z ZZit '.^r *a:p*KE4»rT* VE't 3DSX TTiae'* ^ -»5i ^ *a.s»e *32&-ta«r^sre ~r3sx&''jzr* *f. -&n vszzsZ ^ ta% rf: tSi» v; -z r-sts> '.c p»cc- ISTO ».0.1iitli"Jl F*f * W«tk 7?- m«:«eafc !»x i»i- Cta;ii:vsrj5i^> rfiuas'i wif L^^.' TbVAfJk. •»'SJ. ; *-!»i v. tbspBSt yy»* frvx.. J" 'it t»;«t V-»* •. : -!* ''5»x itisi -saas ia<t r^.-* Vi "iirt VI' t 4.Kt- mbz&jjiz&i. If. i *«**: ^ip«u/sC- tivt-'t IkI- iv •musm: Tiiitssa £ tr^ Tin«awsa& isv * - vwsi veu6ifca«c 7^- •vu? >wir. t jjar^sr J'-.T ^ 4,' THE STORE WITH THE 600D5 THE 600DS WITH THE PRICE Because of its t>ro&d. codpr©li©iisi'V6 liugg Merchandise this store is increasing month af month, fulfilling its mission and purpose -that bringing to Aberdeen's trading public merely dise in as great volume as possible and at pr' ( permissible only to large selling. In evidence of what the Large Way camy crice making we submit the following items; •» ?W. taKSG£». il- C^fe-3BSSf •SfSs*. sa^T TCi.». viAZ&z';-! tx- rs&i 4f/vrs £%r 4. sMrw sfcfea hi atssafic?^ xobVj^n-,. Osft siyt a&y* v„ ?•'. far 5^ tfeft 4&C5%gft .'%VJC, Kr, Whse r>»ee£ s. z&n&ofszt. i'sx.*s. 'f. ^ t&ft -fjtf. Hit 'js2£*&& t Viv^'/zSttA v> of t&t cstj ife% % %^*icST fer s ivr^f ". \:yr: < . v=r to i p<r;- TSr-f: 'A' KSffc-t^itr tist" v~f.~*v if-in ' ar. TSbb.trj.i. ;.i.—A J«r, ',<?»«! v-„rcayL aai T&t wt© Sam is £otse- t5Er:a? ' '**??*• f-.KI r.T^_ Tie*: '5#SU5^ ;2&fe f^irt a^jjSsss;. fjzzz-gzi ^ TWi31 « te< S-vsaa»t is tib'i-% cctr vstss -fc «»£ tsau-vec* «< Jesst x;ir> -.^s: *Si "szasj,**-. -.r.*irL.r ^ BC * £ - ti-a r«r. b»st tstrt ,sre ? &b£kjscjej!s& sw </ X-tzt Scx,caj erasf- <r^ I>r- i, W. 'tz.rs/r snZ 'gfT^r veart ^>6 c of ac«3£%(e or ,: ar> Ss«&%* 4t t&e 5L E, e&srcb at - : ^ 1^6^* is swi ^ '/axk. SMfcia^r Eip^i to Oaatl>«rtais% Clb^rESi a<9«i l>«aurrfc<Kai B^wwiy for Osmmk Hatiaw in CfetirfraH ' ^ > .•»»:• QtitaL'^Kra^a."* CcsSt. Izsu'lj ?•%.?>.'" &ijt Kr%. ^ E. 3fo§iW:»ads» Texat "¥t j «® T t i% &•. »3 o5»- «feSMrw&. f* '£ar%.-j«i*f 'jys« ^s«Sk£s«i &r ste hy w wervbtl'aEJSJjg' f^ror of 'itj fcrcakfej^f owe i'^rttr i prrsys*Aii*A 5>«dor^ vie ,yyc ci! to es vsr h?to a tfer% ?%r* «w 4 .act wits tbe A'^rtezn f sz>; v/Ztyuij to for- ^.s Wr^. for ^ t^rrs tfere^ year*, Mr. Whtft 8^:0 i vj hi*, vott feb d«tfcrssi- «6» not to *4«3c,t»a, er^s m^i- ., rectiy.aaiy c.xXf^mt/a o# c//o- troi of tfoe of the citj j Tk is%J3% :-2r<%Tae JB tii ^utc-1 cstf >/aos:l^ k* oars : ^ f««r aMers^eB as tisss «csty; ^ ^g,.^ i%itcsyf ^st. Tk re»^-cerlAiBiy crjitalizeG. $o«nsatl ChaB^ukiaft If : f! ?is?«3ts<»#j it *-01 stiwiir* F^»r K& sj 5.3 «rc^|SK("b.. :t bt a c/yss&d! tlsat wi3 firor tfcef^ 1 " '^*^'-is Gz.» cosspacy crthzzi; SasuS the >%- ! wtrnv tuttfT KPOST pk isart electric H^fet _ at .'/At or feh&H thery b&Te £&£ f I SwrSfaerB .,. c/st f /jt ceot-fe per tbs«s%n4 |i wl*as^ * at for twenty rear* to^ f5e 7 ' ' ios£L*:::. }h:za.. FEU. JWTO SOIUM6 T*J.K Jtp'-. vr- ?.-v t v Etfgt Ca-soe Feeder* Sc*tdei ts Fv,_ . i. >:• 3'. '•'. ji &««*•< st Peirin, Its, *&» Ainrti t— Js&as Harcj-, ''W?^ V>'zjzz&?, :XtJ, ttr* HrjS®, a *iT» F»ar. V/ MARKET QUOTATIONS. Wr«ert. Jffcs.^a>g:t», Apr:, it.— V."i.%s.r- Ife;-', t: 75. Q '.J 'y^; J-'I'J, 51*1 Ses*-, OB srs£k—•;?<•,. i «r«t» w* Ki«le '7.^Z*5£l Hext Octor/tr the j&arH fc *- vsa&fei 5s cA&zii ^trv.t witt t '«rfe. G«| SS^«X*^ « 2i 5VT coajp^cy -to fsrcsxfe ekctrk | *iS«T ?«>« «fe«s «k« &osr<4* «*y« for Ikto &s4 other fetreH* - f a!r ' few ««« Vsfi- 4) ^ . , I«? S8#» K*r4?' fcrtn wtflecrtyezpir^ foe At*r-\*^ h , »« : x«,i^ r* aeen company «» %-,'tbost a «/«r- |2 tSonien^ turn*: So. i S'JrjJ-r' IraociiiM, <irAtne 'mioe»t an^erl —— f tLSi%. . ' i *1\A mmA Tfrnm*. « a J/ermttoniy, s "V.'<^. ; , irerfi, fits?** S- Ivz&ri | DvSeti Wheat and Fisx. It win be reroe»Jbere4 tbati ^ n.—vrbea.-— 1 ?<> a.TiTfe abotit tv/o year* a«o tb- F **** r 7" "> «« ®*« to-h K "- 1 Os .r-^£- ' t ^ UitoTYstA, ta] mv tJ^ast tar! J®0- J ifwtiiws, tiM%; So •> Str*> txmp!t.nj «ecore4 the p&*«a#e of: &»«)»»( s* t?ur fc^»ss« *|«ss. Hay, iijk^;* two ordinance* ^rantine a. .7' mu % v ^Ae/w. n -4%s2& 1 /fa Bt&ad^zd tad; .-t^r., £>^ ; .' r'Ja.i—To >•- ; -ML. twenty year's fraacbi«e for elect-; rk Siifbtin# and atw for lt|iffatfi5j£. Tbesve <"/rdin^rj/je>;' r-^ry/s, itxtf&r-Ut tfe^ :jtf!X*x t*vA &T. e *rr>iti!/% Win f/% afcfcte Jawwra. •//•erfc referred f/axk to the pe^/pJe j Pr?-^ '/,'%•?. ^ xv* ti-w&ji and delftatfjd, 1 visAee**I i1W 'M Karsi W£&ka wThe vote by v/bicb tbe^ or-! *'*»">'i™****# dinances. pss>.^ed t.be oancii I '«>» nr»«it ., fcVyxl (, to 2. the tv/o aldermen I >^6 "5^"? ^ and W. G. Wei?*.. s ftsd I fis4 <wt ^ ' tt/- Hittftri iUrt Cost of (iaz Productiofl Ju«t at tbm time when tbe Aberdeen Oa* company tak-» inif a band in city politic* with j tbe determation to aecure con- trol of tbe council, Me figurea a* to tbe coat of gas. production would not be untimely. The New York htate le^wlature at prettent probing tbe *ecrets of tbe tru»t wbich control* the liifbting of New York city. The legislative committee in Hitting in tbe city and making a thorough investigation. Tbe moHt startling di»ck>harfc yet made in tbe coat of tbe pro- duction of 1000 feet of gaa. Num- erouw officials of tbe various companies have testified, as to tbe cost and tbe figures vary Kxf^rr^w^e $* tfi* extract <A mtttxr- llf#. lir/wt-. 1905 APRIL 1905 Sa. Mo. TU. We. Th. Ft. Sa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 t6 Tv 18 19 20 21 22 _23_ 24 25 26 27 28 29 Send in your »ubscription to tb« Db*w«at today Tbr#* DiOQtb« for 26 Mote. **»«. «i track «cd May, »; 27%; SfeK- axid Ocs„ St Piui Union Stock Yarsi*. St. Pfc3i, Aj.-rtl II.—C&Ujfr—G<xxJ u, efccAyi x!j&rz, IZM&Z.'Z- eojaacjii to |4/»@<.75; g/»i to r:hm<e co*i awdiKttars. ^.?5^4.25; V«als, •4-75- liog£—IS.IS® 5.«j. Sis&ep—O'x-i to «fecfefe w^.tens acd yearHsgs, J4.40 %f*A to c-isok-e native i aED; , Chicago Union Stock Yard*. Cfcfcago, April 11.—Cattle—Ox>d to Ifftojfe |i/y^6.75; poor to m&- dbtw, t^O^.v.75; stockerg and /&e<j ers:, t-.'js%jf:jJ>f); cowa and hfeifers, J2 . "&®5.75; calves, 13.00^6.25. Hoge— Mi**d and bmehem. $5.50^5.55; go-w to r-boice heavy, *[email protected]; lie-it »5^©5.f52%. Sheev—Good to cfaoi- WfetherB, ?5.7r,®6.10; Western shet-' fS/jO&g.lu; native laraba, t4.50@7 50 Wentem, ?4.7r,^7.C5. Chicago Crain and Provisions. , A f' ril 11. Wheat—May, •,',* ^ u '>'. 8714c; Sept., fe2i^fc Corn—April, 47%r- May ??* C: ly ' 4S %««?4c; Sept., 48 %f -' 2iSSS'* 301 t C; J ,Uly ' 2&%C: Sei ' 1 " Pork—May. 112 J»ir, iiwmb.,,, ¥u,_cS, MS rfjr';, ,'. U7: so»ik»«t,™: 11^22. April, *1.23; May, $1.23. Butter S "SS5vu @2 l c: I dalrie *' 2 '>® 1^' ^ C ' Poultry-Turkeys, ' klck «n*, 1314c; sprlnga, 1314c. A Great Seie cf icdies* Skirts T * j k>3 1: tiiiC-i :<£s~ * - tBit L*: *'IT±. : -: :.c. ^ ^ : rr- * Vr'. i* : S3.50 S5.00 Embroideries per \ d. 7c T C* " 'I: -J C I 1^ */ ^ " --Zr:z.'~ o: iTZ'z-rc.i-i-.r.'i-- -.-. iv^rr j'irc •x-e r i-.-> ;- •; ^rdlcv- of ;••-—• v. s... —cr: * ~ A - .-. •- 7c A Catching Mitt t-ree with each pair c-f bovs* 7.*- T,.r tBc ^c'ceir :or tbe -vnev :o >e bac. ---.- the eeit* is ^ra* ; » ~ Ladies' Black Sau Petticoats sew ooes receive-i ; >titcbed %eaiss and bo r _ T r_ -d these Petticoats made *. -.hitj too bare been grer —- ch superior. SIJ Barpi i s* './lists at $2.00 Each >e*e Waists are made of bhr at: t-d -suk that yoo would coc>id-* it Sflfc per yard, and it woa':-i : *&t:r yards to make the «••:>:. :> are each S2. Yoa can figure -.: .?'- v -* one way—yours. White Waist Pattern An-c-tber lot of tbose embroid-.r.: •• i.-t patterns asade of Persian ii :. -sc some of these about two months a? -c- >:nce hare been trying to be 7 are very attractive, and at tbe p::a :t v.;;; list jj.Qt a few hours. SIJ VV. B. Corsets 65c fo close all styles and prices oi W. corsets we offer our entire stock, rargiag ?rice from $1.00 to $2.00. Each AN! SHIP i^5'; J J l .Vjl'. ll 5 T * knwtfcw osr on •MMKSSaESggS CARPETS, RUGS, SHADES sHr "" r ''''C , .r:rr2,r; questions you are probably now asking. We Have Several Answers Ready In buying Carpets, Rues or <*h Q h the transaction is the getting of th a **** Un P ortai,t part . is where we make strong cl aims e £ pr ° perl y mt ^e- ^ bt "1 machinery for Carpet. Rue anrt q h 7* the late8t impr0 'j look after this department of o l h ^ 0Ur men "" are specialists. They know h usme ss, do nothing else. TM furnishing goods is the mnat ° W 0Ur present stowing of all ho« believe we can offer you a hott° mplete we ^ ave ®ver made and ' Bugs, Shades, Lace Curtains^ er 8el ection of Carpets of aU kiad than you have ever seen in Aberdeen G0<>d8 - and Linoler J '\ + t *£#$

CARPETS, RUGS, AN! · 1 'W *\V < i n •i 4 at ? < (i *? }5« !#••« I 1 11* W s? 4 if,' :f8P 81 SI SeSfc GEO. A. DALY. JLJ S&tl&iL-lfa 1 irair !3s is 4-1 t^aca- ^ v*-ng~

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Page 1: CARPETS, RUGS, AN! · 1 'W *\V < i n •i 4 at ? < (i *? }5« !#••« I 1 11* W s? 4 if,' :f8P 81 SI SeSfc GEO. A. DALY. JLJ S&tl&iL-lfa 1 irair !3s is 4-1 t^aca- ^ v*-ng~

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:f8P 81

SI SeSfc

GEO. A. DALY. JLJ S&tl&iL-lfa

1 irair !3s is 4-1 t^aca- ^ v*-ng~ 3HST 5= ^ ^ ^ fvacwr

• TATTTTFT&IXTT. Tiist JPA A R.I:NI5BI- -^U<-B--ft -e- ,T^. Ty-. • ~T«- if

'nsi-i1 "•£ *"..•-2T.

get m ii:

>nv'tm*a £«serr 3-?j&bz 'if ua&zj$a& c?v

Ose- i»«ao«s; -.fcs% aut Stan. «.

: ST i X

&umzrTjKttyi T«k £'• -*

lzzzcjzz:% \ h- 2*«

••si tK "See - ^asjifSKriL

*^T " ia •* •><&•• :i ^ S'sr st :3M. x^era^ --* <-...-- -y s-t3II5KdI*2"' Slit SI ^iex t» XftrSt »' rfe *«*! • jiv.r. ' v.w?' v •-•-yvrnsa^A, A jpzcZesnss. w* a ir .:/inf. : yj*&zi si. -3it nsrar «r* taa; *-•:/•..•-« .--^ u~. 'Sot -sate y? •Krvcatans'j;W 5«£ «c "^c- '•^• 3Uk'"' • . - . aa: j;;< »•:- » -• • •iift^rinutjxet -a >_.**-£»» .w;. ,. . 3% 3K«t fCvSfBt vi- tSSEfc- s?>ca»<7 »•-'.! • «*•

' K: .-..•n isxir.iu vii'-.-r'.

~&.IOza: Hi-ttasss* ai<t **.• n % i. . 'j- -saii^itasKrt. 5tr iT<t«r- "2"** »'ir,;!5 -r 4

-a«*n: .-x tift xri~ i-iif -j^-yai

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t^r .: v\ • r :•-;ni?;

f -"it? -i^-'**T v*"--

w: rr^:*— 'x

. j..r~;i;(!, ^.r.: .;-» 1i-.<v iSUUtS Si" • ' '1-... i: ^"iCC O. 'r.K.

l,± • "t. IT* " - * :,»r> :su—.j'Tisu" •

. : • ; 1 v r a • -.•A-; *i.s ?r.r".c4

J? Wif**'. ' V'"T

TIC T*iK i*£>x?- ~x A.iieex'K C. *•" -r->

at ta&e ?-wrti w^r^f r%5>iVicsr •iisataet. sttcvt ztiivre TIFTLGJX-T: I5«R ACXTSSK ' 3%x£asz 'X ?3ft t-X-j, Ajfersisa. ^"5»£ iait =hvrwt T%,-^ at in. *jr£«r-aiass ,«tii t-w; j1sts>, <:», ztsj'r sr iStft 'itr S*: isa i n&n^/yiS: 2&fc*5VtT7' 'jf -*X TSflSSC-

3»5SiiSSTfc.. Is *in* -f.:r-«S3S*C -SC 1

-r yy/; v.'Xni", -vx'i- i •zsxn.is&sii ZS^L :

tana:-*: ••,* -H- I?341* K%rit iar** •jr.*-- : rtf.-iruw igiii .irt i: '- '.t. i-'f ".is:' ^ir.%r *seii y -•-*.. '-iit" •jiaszi*,? • >

ta#t ,5s£j ytysssg i?x>zrk "X O&xr «• 4 •-• 'j-a; var-6% r*^gr€j«bii '»•€ -pzrzj.. s -L'xj SXL -<xf. L... ~!* Kf-lj.

at rift ti'rt tJEii 5wri -»5sr--fet %r» aiftx TB'iifn. 'xxryjnTj-, acfeiiea^ "^-T- int f"^3i ia*j v.

y* VU'i

—> Wje&a. Smca s."-'t v'': tr-4;r' ^ Tif: IT Ift-aa? HGT&A -i <sv. iu "I2';><SS' .'*-5. ii -W --•'-r'-,i ^J5sUl i '^ 1 " _l" *K7 £.-% ".'• "Jiiv vi 'W--

S>IStS2B»3tS: ''X •y,«w: -sxyarr* -tJfc-.n rt I>'. «tisar^ ^xsesKasst i^ra r <sf ? '.'Ke SS.- »»: tSt?- 3652 :r^3D i7 V>' t3t- ^ -^St-

iriex it *«* £ ®: «- >_ ^esssi. aa .v'rrk&sf 43cr s.TS.'i.".'a* %a-ja Ssr ta«: sc *42-4.. ® ^ s^tksa2£s :*--s»-ayt s. JS- *2K i«xr€ 'Z5sw*. i.'vyst scA^-ter^ t&fct H»2X

-,s£"V; WK»ISES Vi "•2>vi ~."ZKi.-r;'.Z ZZit '. r

*a:p*KE4»rT* VE't 3DSX TTiae'* ^ -»5i ^ *a.s»e *32&-ta«r^sre

~r3sx&''jzr* *f. -&n vszzsZ ^ ta% rf: tSi» v; -z r-sts> '.c p»cc-

ISTO ».0.1iitli"Jl

F*f * W«tk 7?- m«:«eafc !»x i»i-

Cta;ii:vsrj5i^> rfiuas'i wif L^^.' TbVAfJk. •»'SJ.; *-!»i v. tbspBSt yy»* frvx.. J" 'it t»;«t V-»* •. :-!* ''5»x itisi -saas ia<t r^.-* Vi "iirt VI' t

4.Kt- mbz&jjiz&i. If. i *«**: ^ip«u/sC- tivt-'t IkI- iv •musm: Tiiitssa £ tr^ Tin«awsa& isv * -vwsi veu6ifca«c 7^-•vu? >wir. t jjar^sr J'-.T ^ 4,'


Because of its t>ro&d. codpr©li©iisi'V6 liugg Merchandise this store is increasing month af month, fulfilling its mission and purpose -that bringing to Aberdeen's trading public merely dise in as great volume as possible and at pr'( permissible only to large selling.

In evidence of what the Large Way camy crice making we submit the following items; •»

?W. taKSG£». il- C^fe-3BSSf •SfSs*. sa^T TCi.». viAZ&z';-! tx-rs&i 4f/vrs £%r 4. sMrw sfcfea hi atssafic?^ xobVj n-,.

Osft siyt a&y* v„ ?•'. far 5^ tfeft 4&C5%gft .'%VJC,

Kr, Whse r>»ee£ s. z&n&ofszt. i'sx.*s. 'f.

^ t&ft -fjtf. Hit 'js2£*&& tViv^'/zSttA v>

of t&t cstj ife% % %^*icST fer s ivr^f

". \:yr: <. v=r to i p<r;-TSr-f: 'A' KSffc-t^itr tist"

v~f.~*v if-in ' ar. TSbb.trj.i. ;.i.—A J«r,

',<?»«! v-„rcayL aai T&t wt© Sam is £otse- t5Er:a?' '**??*• f-.KI r.T^_ Tie*: '5#SU5^ ;2&fe f^irt a^jjSsss;. fjzzz-gzi ^ TWi31« te<

S-vsaa»t is tib'i-% cctr vstss -fc «»£ tsau-vec* «< Jesst x;ir> -.^s: *Si "szasj,**-. -.r.*irL.r ^BC*£-

ti-a r«r. b»st tstrt ,sre ? &b£kjscjej!s& sw </

X-tzt Scx,caj erasf- • <r^ I>r- i, W. 'tz.rs/r snZ 'gfT^r veart ^>6 c of ac«3£%(e or,:

ar> Ss«&%* 4t t&e 5L E, e&srcb at -: ^ 1^6^* is swi ^ '/axk.

SMfcia^r Eip^i to Oaatl>«rtais% Clb^rESi a<9«i l>«aurrfc<Kai

B^wwiy for Osmmk Hatiaw in CfetirfraH

' > .•»»:• QtitaL' Kra^a."* CcsSt.

Izsu'lj ?•%.?>.'" &ijt Kr%. ^ E. 3fo§iW:»ads» Texat "¥t

j «®Tt i% &•. »3 o5»- «feSMrw&. f* '£ar%.-j«i*f 'jys« ^s«Sk£s«i &r ste

• hy w wervbtl'aEJSJjg' 5» f^ror of 'itj

fcrcakfej^f owe i' rttr i prrsys*Aii*A

5>«dor^ vie ,yyc ci! to es vsr h?to a tfer% ?%r* «w4.act wits tbe A' rtezn fsz>; v/Ztyuij to for-

^.s Wr^. for ^ t^rrs tfere^ year*, Mr. Whtft 8^:0 i

vj hi*, vott feb d«tfcrssi-«6» not to *4«3c,t»a, er^s m^i- ., rectiy.aaiy c.xXf^mt/a o# c//o-troi of tfoe of the citj j

Tk is%J3% :-2r<%Tae JB tii ^utc-1 cstf >/aos:l^ k* oars : ^ f««r aMers^eB as tisss «csty; ^ g,.^ i%itcsyf ^st. Tk re»^-cerlAiBiy crjitalizeG. $o«nsatl ChaB^ukiaft If

: f! ?is?«3ts<»#j it *-01 stiwiir* F^»r K& sj 5.3 «rc^|SK("b..

:t bt a c/yss&d! tlsat wi3 firor tfcef^ 1 " ' * '-is Gz.» cosspacy

crthzzi; SasuS the >%-! wtrnv tuttfT KPOST pk isart electric H^fet _

at .'/At or feh&H thery b&Te £&£ f I SwrSfaerB .,. c/st f/jt ceot-fe per tbs«s%n4 |i wl*as^ *

at for twenty rear* to f5e7 ' ' ios£L*:::.

}h:za.. FEU. JWTO SOIUM6 T*J.K

Jtp'-. vr-?.-v

t v Etfgt Ca-soe Feeder* Sc*tdei ts Fv,_

. i. >:• 3'. '•'. ji

&««*•< st Peirin, Its, *&» Ainrti t— Js&as Harcj-,

''W? V>'zjzz&?,

:XtJ, ttr* • HrjS®, a*iT» F»ar.



Jffcs.^a>g:t», Apr:, it.— V."i.%s.r-Ife;-', t: 75. Q '.J 'y^; J-'I'J, 51*1 Ses*-, OB srs£k—•;?<•,. i

«r«t» w* Ki«le '7.^Z*5£l Hext Octor/tr the j&arH fc*- vsa&fei 5s cA&zii

^trv.t witt t'«rfe. G«| SS^«X*^ « 2i 5VT coajp^cy -to fsrcsxfe ekctrk | *iS«T ?«>« «fe«s «k« &osr<4* «*y«

for Ikto &s4 other fetreH* - fa!r' few ««« Vsfi-4) ^ . , I«? S8#» K*r4?' fcrtn wtflecrtyezpir^ foe At*r-\*^h, »« : x«,i^ r*

aeen company «» %-,'tbost a «/«r- |2 tSonien turn*: So. i S'JrjJ-r' IraociiiM, <irAtne 'mioe»t an^erl —— f tLSi%. . ' i *1\A mmA Tfrnm*. « a J/ermttoniy, s "V.'<^.;, irerfi, fits?** S- Ivz&ri | DvSeti Wheat and Fisx.

It win be reroe»Jbere4 tbati ^ n.—vrbea.-—1?<> a.TiTfe

abotit tv/o year* a«o tb- F****r 7" "> «« ®*« to-hK"- 1 Os .r-^£-' t ^ UitoTYstA, ta] mv tJ^ast tar! J®0- J ifwtiiws, tiM%; So •> Str*> • txmp!t.nj «ecore4 the p&*«a#e of: &»«)»»( s* t?ur fc^»ss« *|«ss. Hay, iijk^;* two ordinance* ^rantine a. .7'mu% v^Ae/w.n-4%s2&1/fa Bt&ad^zd tad; .-t^r., £> ;.' r'Ja.i—To >•-; -ML. twenty year's fraacbi«e for elect-; rk Siifbtin# and atw for lt|iffatfi5j£. Tbesve <"/rdin^rj/je>;' r-^ry/s, itxtf&r-Ut tfe^ :jtf!X*x t*vA &T.

e *rr>iti!/% Win f/% afcfcte Jawwra. u« •//•erfc referred f/axk to the pe /pJe j Pr?- '/,'%•?. xv* ti-w&ji and delftatfjd, 1 visAee**I i1W 'M Karsi W£&ka w*»

The vote by v/bicb tbe^ or-! *'*»">'i™****# dinances. pss>.^ed t.be oancii I '«>» nr»«it ., fcVyxl (, to 2. the tv/o aldermen I >^6

"5^"? and W. G. Wei?*.. s ftsd I fis4 <wt ^ ' tt/- Hittftri iUrt

Cost of (iaz Productiofl Ju«t at tbm time when tbe

Aberdeen Oa* company i» tak-» inif a band in city politic* with j tbe determation to aecure con­trol of tbe council, Me figurea a* to tbe coat of gas. production would not be untimely. The New York htate le^wlature i« at prettent probing tbe *ecrets of tbe tru»t wbich control* the liifbting of New York city. The legislative committee in Hitting in tbe city and making a thorough investigation.

Tbe moHt startling di»ck>harfc yet made in tbe coat of tbe pro­duct ion of 1000 fee t of gaa . Num-erouw officials of tbe various companies have testified, as to tbe cost and tbe figures vary

Kxf^rr^w^e $* tfi* extract <A mtttxr-llf#. lir/wt-.

1905 APRIL 1905

Sa. Mo. TU. We. Th. Ft. Sa.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

t6 Tv 18 19 20 21 22 _23_

24 25 26 27 28 29

Send in your »ubscription to tb« Db*w«at today Tbr#* DiOQtb« for 26 Mote.

**»«. «i track «cd May, »; 27%; SfeK- axid Ocs„ St Piui Union Stock Yarsi*.

St. Pfc3i, Aj.-rtl II.—C&Ujfr—G<xxJ u, efccAyi x!j&rz, IZM&Z.'Z- eojaacjii to

|4/»@<.75; g/»i to r:hm<e co*i awdiKttars. ^.?5^4.25; V«als, •4-75- liog£—IS.IS® 5.«j. Sis&ep—O'x-i to «fecfefe w^.tens acd yearHsgs, J4.40

%f*A to c-isok-e native iaED;,

Chicago Union Stock Yard*. Cfcfcago, April 11.—Cattle—Ox>d to

Ifftojfe |i/y^6.75; poor to m&-dbtw, t^O^.v.75; stockerg and /&e<j ers:, t-.'js%jf:jJ>f); cowa and hfeifers, J2 . "&®5.75; calves, 13.00^6.25. Hoge— Mi**d and bmehem. $5.50^5.55; go-w to r-boice heavy, *[email protected]; lie-it »5^©5.f52%. Sheev—Good to cfaoi-WfetherB, ?5.7r,®6.10; Western shet-' fS/jO&g.lu; native laraba, t4.50@7 50 Wentem, ?4.7r,^7.C5.

Chicago Crain and Provisions.

,Af'ril„ 11. Wheat—May, •,',* ^u'>'. 8714c; Sept., fe2i^fc Corn—April, 47%r- May ??*C: w°ly' 4S%««?4c; Sept., 48%f-' 2iSSS'* 301tC; J,Uly' 2&%C: Sei'1" Pork—May. 112 J»ir, iiwmb.,,, ¥u,_cS, MS rfjr';, ,'.U7: so»ik»«t,™: 11^22. April, *1.23; May, $1.23. Butter S "SS5vu@2lc:

Idalrie*' 2'>® 1 ' ^C' Poultry-Turkeys, ' •klck«n*, 1314c; sprlnga, 1314c.

A Great Seie c f icdies* Skirts

T * j k>3 1: tiiiC-i :<£s~ * - tBit L*: *'IT±.

: -:

:.c. ^ ^ : rr- * Vr'.

i* :


S5.00 Embroideries per \ d. 7c

T C* " 'I: -J C I 1 */ " --Zr:z.'~ o: iTZ'z-rc.i-i-.r.'i-- -.-. iv^rr j'irc •x-e r i-.-> ;- •; ^rdlcv- of ;••-—•

v. s... —cr: * ~ A — - .-. •-

7c A Catching Mitt t-ree

with each pair c-f bovs* 7.*- T,.r

tBc ^c'ceir :or tbe — -vnev :o >e bac. ---.-the eeit* is ^ra*;» ~

Ladies' Black Sau

Petticoats sew ooes receive-i

; >titcbed %eaiss and bor_Tr_ -d these Petticoats made *. -.hitj too bare been grer —- ch superior.


Barpi i s*

'./lists at $2.00 Each >e*e Waists are made of bhr at: t-d -suk that yoo would coc>id-* it Sflfc per yard, and it woa':-i : *&t:r yards to make the «••:>:.

:> are each S2. Yoa can figure -.: .?'- v-* one way—yours.

White Waist Pattern An-c-tber lot of tbose embroid-.r.:

•• i.-t patterns asade of Persian ii :. -sc some of these about two months a? -c- >:nce hare been trying to

• be 7 are very attractive, and at tbe p::a :t v.;;; list jj.Qt a few hours.


VV. B. Corsets 65c fo close all styles and prices oi W.

corsets we offer our entire stock, rargiag ?rice from $1.00 to $2.00. Each


SHIP i^5';JJl.Vjl'.ll5T* knwtfcw osr on •MMKSSaESggS


sHr "" r''''C,.r:rr2,r; questions you are probably now asking.

We Have Several Answers Ready In buying Carpets, Rues or <*h Q h „

the transaction is the getting of th a **** UnPortai,t part. is where we make strong claims

e£pr°perly mt e- ^bt "1 machinery for Carpet. Rue anrt qh 7* the late8t impr0'j look after this department of ol h ^ 0Ur men "" are specialists. They know h usmess, do nothing else. TM furnishing goods is the mnat °W 0Ur present stowing of all ho« believe we can offer you a hott°mplete we ^ave ®ver made and ' Bugs, Shades, Lace Curtains^er 8election of Carpets of aU kiad

than you have ever seen in Aberdeen G0<>d8- and Linoler

J'\ + t*£#$