1 t 1 i Ji tj J i- S B B j 8 E 8 3 I BUGGIES AND o HARNESS cheap for the next SO daysNj I HOMANS lMOHlt EL 1 5 i ffi5i i ffiiE ri fiiFi ffiiiri nIDSJ miriJ riiF riifiJ fiifiJ ffiiriJ rifFi ffiiifi fffiriJ rrni U LJU a 1 JlJ C CENTRAL RECORD LOUIS LANDRAMI Entered at the Port Office in Lancaster Kya Second Ctass Mail Matter Lancaster Ky August 28 1903 One of the many foolish moves made by organized labor is that to prevent any company or firm from keeping a black list In other it an employee is no good wordsI rascal an employer must not record of it The courts promptly- knocked the labor organizations mov into a cocked hat and very properl- so It is all right for laboring men t band themselves together to help aid and assist one another but when em ¬ ployees set themselves up to dictate to employers then the latter become disgusting to all right thinking peo ¬ pIe The labor organizations should be more careful to admit only gentle ¬ men into their ranks so when a con ¬ tract is made they can live up to it Organized labor is beginning to see that she must act on the square or lose out and as a natural result the unions are being more respected than when they wanted the earth and full ¬ ness thereof There is always two sides to every question and unless both sides tote fair the one inclined to act rascal will soon become a stench in the public nostrils Editor Tim Needham of the Will iamstown Courier is responsible for this one Another editor is suffer ¬ ing embarrassment through a careless compositor Up in another county the other day a fat girl was married to a well known young man and the edi ¬ tor wishing to say something to please all concerned spoke of the groom and his elegant bride Then th printer got in his work He made i elephant A Bristol Pa man weighing pounds died last week and it w necessary to use a derrick in lowering the casket into the grave If Fat went to heaven a special set of win doubtless had to be made for him thus causing extra work but if he went to the devil his Satanic majest- could accommodate him by firing him into one of the extra large furnaces kept ready for money sharks and mis- ers ¬ Our old chum Sam Menefee editor of the Danville Advocate is proving a hand and a half in the newspaper business as recent issues of that splendid paper go to show The Ad ¬ vocate has been published since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary and we have never seen it better or brighter than under the present management Heres to you Sam May your fondest expectations be fully realized Cincinnati police captains have been instructed to smell the breath off pa¬ trolmen as they are relieved from du ¬ tyThis is said to be a move to de ¬ tect drinking patrolmen but is more likely done to test the physical ability of the captains for anyone who can successfully withstand the smell of Cincinnati whisky coupled with sweitzer cheese is a good man sure The dull seasons come in every lineof business At this time of year the printing offices are on short graz- ing ¬ If cash dont begin to roll In soon we are going to buy upa lot of old pincushions and sell the stuffin for a new brand of breakfast food W c will then have more money than Car- ter ¬ had oats L I newspaper friends are congratu ¬ IHis editor Harry McCarty on the of a son at his house If the little fellow grows into as clever a man as is his daddy he will be a very useful citizen The biggest coward under the sun is the man who deserts his wire be ¬ cause he is too lazy to support her Barbourville News Yes and the most contemptible cuss loungesI I make ¬ silky oo newspaper mens pockets which the new crisp bills cause A certain Chicago undertaker backs his hearse up to a door and leaves it stand there until his bill is paid The scene is so grave that the money is soon forthcoming McCREAEY Miss Mamie Arnold is visiting her sister Mrs J B Saunders Miss Maud Perrin of Stanford is visiting Miss Bessie Gulley Misses Myrtle and Lelia Hendren o Madison county are visitors of Dir Roy Beazley Mrs Rosa Peel and children of Illin ¬ ois are visiting her mother Mrs Al mira Wearen tIr J B Bourne and wife visited their daughter Mrs Kinnaird Worner Sat- urday and Sunday Mrs Davis Sutton and daughter Lil lie May and Miss Emma Jones are vis- iting in Winchester Misses Jennie and Pearl Hardin who returt ° Mrs Margaret Stone of Madison and Mrs Jas Jackson and baby of Bud chias ¬ were Hardin last week gsBro Gillam is holding seriesof meet New Antioch and those who do not make an effort to hear his ex Breay t n BOURNE Miss Lucy Marsee spent Sunday with Miss Bertna Ham James Turner sold two mule colts to Jeff Dunn for 5100 J T Turner sold a nice buggy horse to Jeff Dunn for 105 Job Marsee sold 3 head of cattle to Danville parties at 2c Mr John Lane of Stone spent Sun ¬ wifes Mr and Mrs J B Bourne visited at McCreary Saturday and Sunday Mrs Manda Gildon of near Danville spent the latter part of last week with Job Marsee and wife Mr Joe Hendrickson and wife at- tended meeting at Hebron Sunday and dined with Mr and Mrs Job Marsee Misses Alice and Alice Vanderpool Mollie Crawford Vallie and Joe Dun- can ¬ visited Miss Loa Duncan Sunday I The Death Penalty A little thing sometimes results in death Thus a mere scratch insigni ¬ ficant cuts or puny boils have paid th death penalty It is wise to have Bucklens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality when Burns Sores s Ulcers and Piles threaten Only 25c at McRoberts Drug Store 1m Q e I rranite and Haiti I We are at all times prepared to offer the intheline Posts Coping etc etc Our line of designs are latest andwe can also prepare special ideas Presented by our customers We quptelthe lowest prices consistent with the finest qualities We erect work any wher- eSarrardiouijty Marble Works II f < fsrnQJORD ST8T > Ji 8 tUe r 7 < r- m t v x i 5 JLJt t PAINT LICK DIIssLaurabiurrpcontinuesqulteillDr ¬ dayWm Cottrell and wife are visiting a Conway Mrs Alvah Adams is visiting in Ha- ze Patch Mr Henry Moore has moved to the Spilman place Mrs Joe Arnald of Richmond is the guest of Mrs A Broadus Smith Engleman has recovered suf ¬ ficiently to be out again goneu to Jas Leavell and wife of Bryantsville visited relatives here recently It is reported that we are to have another doctor to locate in our city Mr Chas Higgins and wife of Rich ¬ mond were guests of Mrs Sue Wallace Saturday and Sunday Harry Francis has gone to StLnuis where he will till a position as secreta in the Worlds Fair buildings Mrs Minnie Summa who has bee visiting her sister Mrs Geo Pullins has returned to her home in Richmond I The Fox Studio oldess H Fox who for the past thirty has been connected with the same of art Mr Fox is not an ordinar photographer but is a designer portraits a famous water color pain er and stands preeminent in the world He is an artist by gift an talent while he conducts his studio for a commercial living Mr Fox has received words of praise and eulog- from the U S Government for hf highclass work He makes all of plain or fancy portraits of the fines- quality at the most reasonable prices Dank years an ThF been grouped at the end of each term He devotes his time and attention to hiKh3lass work only Any picture taken by Mr Fox is warranted to be perfect in pose and finish Frames mouldings engravings and easels areJ sold Mr Fox has served for twelve years under John Proctor as the offi ¬ cial geological photographer of the survey of Kentucky He is also the official photographer of the Q C Railroad and during the Worlds Fair at New Orleans photographed the en tire route Danville Advocate Mr Fox is in Lancaster every Fri day As frequently stated in TheC Record his work is giving universal satisfaction and he is kept very busy every trip His Lancaster gallery is the beSt equipped in the state and is handsomely furnished The Lancas ¬ ter people appreciate his good work and words of praise are heard on all hands 1f1 BRYANTSVILLE Miss Mittie Dunn is sick Mrs Sallie Welsh has been sick parties Dr Elliott and family are visiting his parents at North Middleton Mrs AS Ilaselden and Miss Ha1tle Licke is spending several days with relatives and friends at Columbia Mrs C F Ison is spending several days with her sister Mrs C J Arm ¬ strong and her mother Mrs Johnson Mrs Harris add Miss Jessie Shearer of Nicholasville have returned home after a weeks visit to Mrs B GMulllns Mr and Mrs Chas Jennings and MI spenSaturday J S HaseldenG Mayme is expected home this week from Lexington where she has been the guest of her aunt Mrs W J Woolfork Our last quarterly meeting forth s conference year will beheld at tbJsJ place Saturday and Sunday 29th an sideRev d preach All are cordially invited to attend Q lick relief fr Atfbma Saffereri Faleys and Tar affords i = medlatdeIiett6asthmasuifererSi i the tI stages and if taken in time wlUeflecj a cure CQ JEtora- v nice v 4- x Y Hon Harve Helm of Lincoln County II Interior JonrnalStanford has only one candidate for Congress nowHon Harvey Helm and in him we believe there is a sure winner An agreement Mrt ¬ ren Wednesday morning whereby the latter gentleman retired from the race To make a long story short this is the way the matter was settled Mr War ¬ ren selected Judge James P Bailey Messrs George B Cooper Wm S Burch and Epb Pennington to repre ¬ sent him and Mr Helm chose Messrs S T Harris R R Gentry J C Reid and Joe T Embry They meta t the courthouse and several votes were taken on the question as to which of the gentlemen should continue in the race The vote stood four to four for a number of ballots and then the change came Mr Helm received five votes to Mr Warrens three and all was over Mr Warren cordially accepted the ver- dict ¬ and as usual will be found battling for democracy in season and out While congratulating Mr Helm we feel decided sympathy for Mr Warren who parn What P C Woan Under the caption of Two Interp ¬ retations the Cincinnati TrmeStar beent wen askeds saidy Last t og upon me was Welld saw a an inside in big gold letters were P C wantp argumens pass ¬ tht man we dont doubt your intentions nor do we doubt that you saw the visions with the gold ¬ thee t convere t a I Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of a Doctor I am just up from a hard spell of flux dysentery says MrT A Pinner- a wellknown merchant of Drummond Tenn I used one small bottle of Cham Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without hay ¬ ing a doctor I consider it the best cholera medicine in the world There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for chl1I or adults It never tails and is pleas- ant to take For sale by alldruggists im I Stay In the South Men who leave the South today in the hope of bettering themselves areI acting directly contrary to common senseand are reversing the rule which is becoming more and more effective the rule of seeking the best opportu- nities ¬ in farming In the troublous time of twentyfive or thirty yearsago- it is not surprising that thousands of young men left their native States in the South At that time the door of opportunity might have appeared to be closed forever But conditions r have radically changed Now not on ¬ ly are there hundreds of opportunities where there was but one twenty five years ago but the chance to make op- portunities ¬ has been wonderfully in ¬ theSouth fore they give heed to fairy tales about Magr ¬ a aBad of Better Fight dt stub ¬ an on my right writes 3F Hughes of DuPont a and gaVe me up Everybody thought my time had comeAsalasti resort I tried Dr Kings New Discov ¬ ery for Consumption The benefits received was striking and I was on my feet In a few days Now Ive entirely regained my health It conquers all Lungtrubles Drug Store Price 50c and LOO Trial bottles free 1 m Coal When you want to get your mon ¬ TWiUiandbuT dthebesttba 1000J TWUH BM ii1jL ctt it o ty For years he has done yeoman serI vice and there has not been a cam ¬ paign in which he did not take front rank in the battle against the republ- icans No better democrat lives than this grand old war horse who is as active for democratic supremacy in his own defeat as he is in his victory Mr Helm will now begin an active campaign and It he does not land the nomination it will be a surprise and disappointment to many IIe is a splen- did young democrat and his class rec- ord ¬ and good work for the party he loves entitle him to anything he wants He represented Lincoln county in the Legislature with credit one term and is now rounding out his second term as county attorney which office he has filled most acceptably He is a gentle- man ¬ of commanding appearance is well educated can meet his opponents on the stump or in the bushes and in every way he is equipped to make the race for the high office he seeks We believe he has an excellent showing to oura cheers for the sterlingyoung democrat and abundant success to him W 8 BEAZIEY GC PARIS 1 Beazley Paris amI Cfflce over eL a store ThatSmooth FinishS- o much desired by allI men for their collars is given at this Laundry wantevidencesende will call for your work M LAUNDRY 51 53 TA Main St Phones 202 Lexington Ky H T LOGAN Agent Lancaster Kenucky POSTED The undersigned hereby give warn ¬ ing to all persons not to trespass upon our lands for hunting fishing or any purpose whatever as we will prose ¬ cute all offenders to the fullest extent of the law S F Embry Ed N B Price Dave Thompson Henry Cox- Lnclen Perkins David Stephens Mrs N BAnderson Clay Sutton- T L Broaddus- J W Sutton B L Kelly Mrs JH West Mrs F M Farra- LDavldson Jas R Henry W A Burton J C Hemphill Price Bros George Leavell W S Ferguson J M Grand WL Lawson W M R A Alex Wm Mahanj VA Robt Gulley W R Cook F J White J S Daniels Mrs P D Gill- Hemphill Walden Leslie Harber Administrarors Sale As administrator of Susan Miller deceased I will on Thursday Sept 3 1903 beginning at 10 oclock a m at her late residence near the Iron bridge on the Dix River and Lancaster turnpike in Garrard County Kysell to the highest and best bidder the personal property of said decedent consisting of I cow 1 buggy 1 set of harness 1 hog the household and kitchen furniture consisting of beds and bedding cook stove cooking vessels dishes etc Her late residence will be rented privately Possession given immediately after sale Terms For all sums of 30 or over a creditof 3 months will be given de cured by a good note payable to the nttromI John W Miller Adm of Susan Miller deceased We are prepared to do paper hang- ing and painting in the best style and at west reasonable prices See us be- fore ¬ placing your order Fine line of amplonbaiuLKcKll1lnBIOiL aa 5tf t t i l r jA IE r Farmers 4444440444444044bd44444444444 044 See us before ordering Fertilizer can save you money on EMPIRE GUA ¬ NO FERTILIZER 044444444C4444OCYO444444044004444T I Old and New < toGOrC O44OC OOOOOCd00a >GGGO SCHOOlBooks > > 0 Li MHOBERTS C i 0 F We are to stock and to the will make a of per cent on all e4 DRUGI OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO A Clearance Sa- leVEHICLES I 20 PER REDUCTION I detirmined reduce hurry matter I reduction TWENTY vehicles Remember this is for CASH or good negotiable paper No I old vehicles taken in on this sale Come early and get a Genuine Bargai- nKENTUCKY SUPPLY CO Successors to Bruce Bright Danville KentuckyO- p00000000000000000000000000000000000 0 5 Fresh 8Q IVa6in6 I I Virus All kind of STI g g = L FRISBIE I I Great CENT Disinfectants Drugstore WVCwvvrw cnvvtvvcnc awvvv aracamphRelieves SUN BURNCHAFIN8 Prickly Heat Insect Bites and Stings It to It Soothes It Cures Scidcaly In 25c see 4100 Bottler At aneeel Dru V n tt Ftir LS i i ° r

EMPIRE GUA SO FERTILIZER NO HOMANS lMOHlt JlJ L I JLJt …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z446g/data/0146.pdf · Bucklens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the best salve on earth and will prevent

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Page 1: EMPIRE GUA SO FERTILIZER NO HOMANS lMOHlt JlJ L I JLJt …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z446g/data/0146.pdf · Bucklens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the best salve on earth and will prevent


t1 i

Ji tjJ i-


B B j 8 E 8



HARNESScheap for the next SO daysNj

I HOMANS lMOHltEL 15 i ffi5ii ffiiEri fiiFi ffiiiri nIDSJ miriJ riiF riifiJ fiifiJ ffiiriJ rifFi ffiiifi fffiriJ rrniULJU a 1 JlJ C


Entered at the Port Office in Lancaster KyaSecond Ctass Mail Matter

Lancaster Ky August 28 1903

One of the many foolish movesmade by organized labor is that toprevent any company or firm fromkeeping a black list In otherit an employee is no good wordsI

rascal an employer must notrecord of it The courts promptly-knocked the labor organizations movinto a cocked hat and very properl-so It is all right for laboring men tband themselves together to help aidand assist one another but when em ¬

ployees set themselves up to dictateto employers then the latter becomedisgusting to all right thinking peo ¬

pIe The labor organizations shouldbe more careful to admit only gentle ¬

men into their ranks so when a con ¬

tract is made they can live up to itOrganized labor is beginning to seethat she must act on the square orlose out and as a natural result theunions are being more respected thanwhen they wanted the earth and full ¬

ness thereof There is always twosides to every question and unlessboth sides tote fair the one inclinedto act rascal will soon become a stenchin the public nostrils

Editor Tim Needham of the Williamstown Courier is responsible forthis one Another editor is suffer¬

ing embarrassment through a carelesscompositor Up in another countythe other day a fat girl was married toa well known young man and the edi ¬

tor wishing to say something to pleaseall concerned spoke of the groomand his elegant bride Then thprinter got in his work He made i


A Bristol Pa man weighingpounds died last week and it wnecessary to use a derrick in loweringthe casket into the grave If Fatwent to heaven a special set of windoubtless had to be made for himthus causing extra work but if hewent to the devil his Satanic majest-could accommodate him by firing himinto one of the extra large furnaceskept ready for money sharks and mis-ers


Our old chum Sam Menefee editorof the Danville Advocate is provinga hand and a half in the newspaperbusiness as recent issues of thatsplendid paper go to show The Ad¬

vocate has been published since thememory of man runneth not to thecontrary and we have never seen itbetter or brighter than under thepresent management Heres to youSam May your fondest expectationsbe fully realized

Cincinnati police captains have beeninstructed to smell the breath off pa¬

trolmen as they are relieved from du¬

tyThis is said to be a move to de ¬

tect drinking patrolmen but is morelikely done to test the physical abilityof the captains for anyone who cansuccessfully withstand the smell ofCincinnati whisky coupled withsweitzer cheese is a good man sure

The dull seasons come in everylineof business At this time of yearthe printing offices are on short graz-ing


If cash dont begin to roll In soonwe are going to buy upa lot of oldpincushions and sell the stuffin fora new brand of breakfast food Wcwill then have more money than Car-ter


had oats

L Inewspaper friends are congratu ¬

IHis editor Harry McCarty on theof a son at his house If the

little fellow grows into as clever aman as is his daddy he will be avery useful citizen

The biggest coward under the sunis the man who deserts his wire be ¬

cause he is too lazy to support herBarbourville News

Yes and the most contemptible cuss

loungesI I

make ¬silkyoonewspaper mens pockets which thenew crisp bills cause

A certain Chicago undertaker backshis hearse up to a door and leaves itstand there until his bill is paid Thescene is so grave that the money issoon forthcoming


Miss Mamie Arnold is visiting hersister Mrs J B Saunders

Miss Maud Perrin of Stanford isvisiting Miss Bessie Gulley

Misses Myrtle and Lelia Hendren o

Madison county are visitors of DirRoy Beazley

Mrs Rosa Peel and children of Illin ¬

ois are visiting her mother Mrs Almira WearentIr J B Bourne and wife visited their

daughter Mrs Kinnaird Worner Sat-urday and Sunday

Mrs Davis Sutton and daughter Lillie May and Miss Emma Jones are vis-iting in Winchester

Misses Jennie and Pearl Hardin whoreturt °

Mrs Margaret Stone of Madisonand Mrs Jas Jackson and baby of Budchias ¬

wereHardin last week

gsBro Gillam is holding seriesof meetNew Antioch and those who

do not make an effort to hear his exBreay t



Miss Lucy Marsee spent Sunday withMiss Bertna Ham

James Turner sold two mule colts toJeff Dunn for 5100

J T Turner sold a nice buggy horseto Jeff Dunn for 105

Job Marsee sold 3 head of cattle toDanville parties at 2c

Mr John Lane of Stone spent Sun ¬wifesMr and Mrs J B Bourne visited atMcCreary Saturday and Sunday

Mrs Manda Gildon of near Danvillespent the latter part of last week withJob Marsee and wife

Mr Joe Hendrickson and wife at-tended meeting at Hebron Sunday anddined with Mr and Mrs Job Marsee

Misses Alice and Alice VanderpoolMollie Crawford Vallie and Joe Dun-can


visited Miss Loa Duncan SundayI

The Death PenaltyA little thing sometimes results in

death Thus a mere scratch insigni ¬

ficant cuts or puny boils have paid thdeath penalty It is wise to haveBucklens Arnica Salve ever handyIts the best salve on earth and willprevent fatality when Burns Sores sUlcers and Piles threaten Only 25c atMcRoberts Drug Store 1 m


e I rranite and Haiti I

We are at all times prepared to offer theinthelinePosts Coping etc etcOur line of designs are latest andwe

can also prepare special ideas Presented byour customers We quptelthe lowest pricesconsistent with the finest qualities Weerect work any wher-

eSarrardiouijty Marble Works IIf< fsrnQJORD ST8T> Ji 8 tUer

7 <



v xi5



dayWmCottrell and wife are visiting a


Mrs Alvah Adams is visiting in Ha-ze Patch

Mr Henry Moore has moved to theSpilman placeMrs Joe Arnald of Richmond is the

guest of Mrs A BroadusSmith Engleman has recovered suf¬

ficiently to be out againgoneu to

Jas Leavell and wife of Bryantsvillevisited relatives here recently

It is reported that we are to haveanother doctor to locate in our city

Mr Chas Higgins and wife of Rich ¬

mond were guests of Mrs Sue WallaceSaturday and Sunday

Harry Francis has gone to StLnuiswhere he will till a position as secretain the Worlds Fair buildings

Mrs Minnie Summa who has beevisiting her sister Mrs Geo Pullins hasreturned to her home in Richmond


The Fox StudiooldessH Fox who for the past thirtyhas been connected with the sameof art Mr Fox is not an ordinarphotographer but is a designerportraits a famous water color painer and stands preeminent in theworld He is an artist by gift antalent while he conducts his studiofor a commercial living Mr Fox hasreceived words of praise and eulog-from the U S Government for hfhighclass work He makes allof plain or fancy portraits of the fines-quality at the most reasonable pricesDankyears anThFbeen grouped at the end of each termHe devotes his time and attention tohiKh3lass work only Any picturetaken by Mr Fox is warranted to beperfect in pose and finish Framesmouldings engravings and easels areJsold Mr Fox has served for twelveyears under John Proctor as the offi ¬

cial geological photographer of thesurvey of Kentucky He is also theofficial photographer of the Q CRailroad and during the Worlds Fairat New Orleans photographed the entire route Danville Advocate

Mr Fox is in Lancaster every Friday As frequently stated in TheCRecord his work is giving universalsatisfaction and he is kept very busyevery trip His Lancaster gallery isthe beSt equipped in the state and ishandsomely furnished The Lancas ¬

ter people appreciate his good workand words of praise are heard on allhands



Miss Mittie Dunn is sickMrs Sallie Welsh has been sickpartiesDr Elliott and family are visiting

his parents at North MiddletonMrs AS Ilaselden and Miss Ha1tleLickeis spending several days

with relatives and friends at ColumbiaMrs C F Ison is spending several

days with her sister Mrs C J Arm ¬

strong and her mother Mrs JohnsonMrs Harris add Miss Jessie Shearer

of Nicholasville have returned homeafter a weeks visit to Mrs B GMulllns

Mr and Mrs Chas Jennings and MI

spenSaturdayJ S HaseldenGMayme is expectedhome this week from Lexington whereshe has been the guest of her auntMrs W J Woolfork

Our last quarterly meeting forth sconference year will beheld at tbJsJplace Saturday and Sunday 29th an

sideRev dpreach All are cordially invited toattend

Q lick relief fr Atfbma SaffereriFaleys and Tar affords i=

medlatdeIiett6asthmasuifererSi ithe tI stages and if taken in timewlUeflecj a cure CQ JEtora-




x Y

Hon Harve Helm of Lincoln County II

Interior JonrnalStanford has onlyone candidate for Congress nowHonHarvey Helm and in him we believethere is a sure winner An agreementMrt¬

ren Wednesday morning whereby thelatter gentleman retired from the raceTo make a long story short this is theway the matter was settled Mr War¬

ren selected Judge James P BaileyMessrs George B Cooper Wm SBurch and Epb Pennington to repre ¬

sent him and Mr Helm chose MessrsS T Harris R R Gentry J C Reid andJoe T Embry They meta t thecourthouse and several votes weretaken on the question as to which ofthe gentlemen should continue in therace The vote stood four to four for anumber of ballots and then the changecame Mr Helm received five votes toMr Warrens three and all was overMr Warren cordially accepted the ver-


and as usual will be found battlingfor democracy in season and out Whilecongratulating Mr Helm we feeldecided sympathy for Mr Warren whoparn

What P C WoanUnder the caption of Two Interp ¬

retations the Cincinnati TrmeStarbeentwenaskedssaidyLast tog upon me wasWelldsaw a an

inside in big gold letters were P Cwantpargumenspass ¬thtman we dontdoubt your intentions nor do we doubtthat you saw the visions with the gold ¬thee tconvere t


Dysentery Cured Without the Aid ofaDoctor

I am just up from a hard spell offlux dysentery says MrT A Pinner-a wellknown merchant of DrummondTenn I used one small bottle of Cham

Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy and was cured without hay¬

ing a doctor I consider it the bestcholera medicine in the world Thereis no need of employing a doctor whenthis remedy is used for no doctor canprescribe a better medicine for bowelcomplaint in any form either for chl1Ior adults It never tails and is pleas-ant to take For sale by alldruggists


Stay In the SouthMen who leave the South today in

the hope of bettering themselves areIacting directly contrary to commonsenseand are reversing the rule whichis becoming more and more effective

the rule of seeking the best opportu-nities


in farming In the troubloustime of twentyfive or thirty yearsago-it is not surprising that thousands ofyoung men left their native States inthe South At that time the door ofopportunity might have appeared tobe closed forever But conditions r

have radically changed Now not on ¬

ly are there hundreds of opportunitieswhere there was but one twenty fiveyears ago but the chance to make op-


has been wonderfully in¬

theSouthfore they give heed to fairy tales aboutMagr ¬


aBad of Better Fightdt stub ¬

an on my rightwrites 3F Hughes of DuPont

a and gaVe me up Everybodythoughtmy time had comeAsalastiresort I tried Dr Kings New Discov ¬

ery for Consumption The benefitsreceived was striking and I was on myfeet In a few days Now Ive entirelyregained my health It conquers allLungtrublesDrug Store Price 50c and LOO Trialbottles free 1 m

CoalWhen you want to get your mon ¬

TWiUiandbuTdthebesttba1000J TWUH BM

ii1jL ctt ito

ty For years he has done yeoman serIvice and there has not been a cam ¬

paign in which he did not take frontrank in the battle against the republ-icans No better democrat lives thanthis grand old war horse who is asactive for democratic supremacy inhis own defeat as he is in his victoryMr Helm will now begin an activecampaign and It he does not land thenomination it will be a surprise anddisappointment to many IIe is a splen-

did young democrat and his class rec-


and good work for the party heloves entitle him to anything he wantsHe represented Lincoln county in theLegislature with credit one term andis now rounding out his second termas county attorney which office he hasfilled most acceptably He is a gentle-man


of commanding appearance iswell educated can meet his opponentson the stump or in the bushes and inevery way he is equipped to make therace for the high office he seeks Webelieve he has an excellent showing toouracheers for the sterlingyoung democratand abundant success to him


Beazley Paris

amICfflce overeL a store


FinishS-o much desired by allImen for their collars isgiven at this Laundry

wantevidencesendewill call for your work

M LAUNDRY51 53 TA Main St

Phones 202 Lexington Ky

H T LOGAN AgentLancaster Kenucky

POSTEDThe undersigned hereby give warn ¬

ing to all persons not to trespass uponour lands for hunting fishing or anypurpose whatever as we will prose ¬

cute all offenders to the fullest extentof the law

S F EmbryEd N B PriceDave ThompsonHenry Cox-

Lnclen PerkinsDavid StephensMrs N BAndersonClay Sutton-T L Broaddus-J W SuttonB L KellyMrs JH WestMrs F M Farra-LDavldsonJas R HenryW A BurtonJ C Hemphill

Price BrosGeorge LeavellW S FergusonJ M GrandW L LawsonW MR A

AlexWm MahanjV ARobt GulleyW R CookF J WhiteJ S DanielsMrs P D Gill-

Hemphill WaldenLeslie Harber

Administrarors Sale

As administrator of Susan Millerdeceased I will on

Thursday Sept 3 1903

beginning at 10 oclock a m at herlate residence near the Iron bridge onthe Dix River and Lancaster turnpikein Garrard County Kysell to thehighest and best bidder the personalproperty of said decedent consisting ofI cow 1 buggy 1 set of harness 1 hogthe household and kitchen furnitureconsisting of beds and bedding cookstove cooking vessels dishes etc Herlate residence will be rented privatelyPossession given immediately aftersale

Terms For all sums of 30 or overa creditof 3 months will be given decured by a good note payable to thenttromIJohn W Miller Adm of Susan Millerdeceased

We are prepared to do paper hang-ing and painting in the best style andat west reasonable prices See us be-


placing your order Fine line ofamplonbaiuLKcKll1lnBIOiL

aa 5tf

t t i l


jA IErFarmers4444440444444044bd44444444444 044

See us before ordering

Fertilizer can save you

money on EMPIRE GUA ¬



IOld and New< toGOrC O44OC OOOOOCd00a >GGGO

SCHOOlBooks> > 0




0 F

We are tostock and to the willmake a of percent on all



A Clearance Sa-


detirmined reducehurry matterI reduction TWENTYvehicles Remember

this is for CASH or good negotiable paper No

I old vehicles taken in on this sale Come earlyand get a Genuine Bargai-


Successors to Bruce Bright

Danville KentuckyO-

p00000000000000000000000000000000000 05


IVa6in6 I

I VirusAll kind of

STI g g =







WVCwvvrw cnvvtvvcnc awvvv

aracamphRelievesSUN BURNCHAFIN8

Prickly Heat Insect Bites and Stings Itto It Soothes It CuresScidcaly In 25c see 4100 Bottler At aneeel Dru


n tt

Ftir LS i i °r