Issue #47 Page Issue Number 47 An International Boomerang Newsletter March 1998 1 BOOMERANG ART by Patrick Cardiff Patrick Cardiff of Suncook, New Hampshire makes some of the most beautiful art boomerangs in the world. Prices start at about $60. Pat encourages his customers to send in photographs of their fa- vorite animal, person or theme. Patrick Cardiff 159 Buck Street Suncook, NH 03275

BOOMERANG ART by Patrick Cardiff

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Page 1: BOOMERANG ART by Patrick Cardiff

Issue #47 Page

Issue Number 47 An International Boomerang Newsletter March 1998


BOOMERANG ART by Patrick Cardiff

Patrick Cardiff of Suncook, NewHampshire makes some of themost beautiful art boomerangs inthe world. Prices start at about$60. Pat encourages his customersto send in photographs of their fa-vorite animal, person or theme.

Patrick Cardiff159 Buck Street

Suncook, NH 03275

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USBA MembershipP. O. Box 182

Delaware, OH 43015

Billionaire John W. Kluge do-nated more than $5,000,000 inAustralian Aboriginal Art to theUniversity of Virginia. The uni-versity is trying to figure outwhere to store the exhibit of 1,570paintings, carvings, tools and cere-monial artifacts. This collection isknown as the Kluge-Ruhe Collec-tion because more than 900 itemscame from the Edward Ruhe col-lection. Edward Ruhe, was a pro-fessor at the University of Kansaswho passed away in 1989. Ed-ward is Ben Ruhe’s brother anduncle to Barnaby Ruhe & Larryand Peter Ruhf. Remember the article about PatCardiff in Boomerang News #46?This issue was mailed on 10 Feb-ruary. Upon returning home thatevening, there was a message tocall Pat Cardiff at a local AnnArbor phone number! Pat was unaware that I had written an

articleabout him

in BN #46. Patwas visiting his fian-

cee’s parents in Ann Ar-bor. Pat married his fian-

cee, Holly, on Friday, 13February, and I was able tomeet the couple on two pleas-ant evenings of boomerangchat before the wedding. I hadnever held a Cardiff boome-rang in my hands prior to thismeeting. I couldn’t resist pur-chasing three beauties that Pathad brought with him. Pat isan incredible artist who sellshis sculptured works of art atvery reasonable prices. Pat en-

News From The:

n January, I received a callfrom an excited Stuart Joneswho found a new boomerang in alocal kite shop. Stuart’s com-ment’s were “Good returns inlight winds with a 10 metrerange”. Actually, Stuart’s com-ment’s are an understatement!The editor tried this tri-blader(pictured below) and found it tobe the best short range boome-rang in it’s class. It is made outof a polystyrene plastic with cam-ber and dihedral pressed into theblades. This boomerang is aWindsports (Colorado Boome-rangs) product called BiRdZ.You can write and ask for a cata-log of Windsports products at:

Windsports, Inc.407 W. Tomichi Ave.Gunnison, CO 81230

The Win-ter issue of ManyHappy Returns (MHR)was mailed out in Febru-ary. The major theme for thisissue was boomerang con-struction with plans for threedifferent models and an excel-lent article by Dr. Fred Malm-berg. My favorite article wasabout Dogs and Cats whocatch boomerangs for sport.BN readers can get a oneyear subscription to MHRby joining the USBA. Thedues for USA and Canadianthrowers are $15 ($20 over-seas). Send your payment inUSD, made out to “USBA”to the following address:


courages his customers to chal-lenge him with photos of animals,people or other themes for him topaint. Before Pat left my home, Icommissioned him to paint twoboomerangs of Toby, my favoriteboomerang catching dog. I willpublish photographs of theseboomerangs in a future issue ofBoomerang News when they arecompleted. I found Pat and Holly to be anabsolutely charming couple whowill brighten up New Englandevents over the next couple ofyears. After that, Pat and Hollyplan to move to Ann Arbor, Mich-igan. You can write Pat at the ad-dress on the cover of this issue. The boomerang world is suf-fering the loss of yet anotheryoung boomeranger. BrendaMiller, a thrower from Temper-ance, Michigan, was a hard work-er who helped produce several is-sues of MHR in the 1980s. Shealso helped tournament directorsrun several Midwest tournaments.Brenda passed away on 15 Janu-ary at the age of 34 from compli-cations resulting from Cystic Fi-brosis. Contributions in memoryof Brenda Miller can be mailedto:

University of MichiganCystic Fibrosis Center

P. O. Box 07181500 E. Medical Center Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0718

Many thanx to Pat Cardiff& H.L. Mayhew for sending

in the Herman cartoon.

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Issue #47 Page

Many thanx to John Flynnfor sending us the photograph(below) of Carl Naylor, throw-ing with Ben Ruhe, John Flynn,Bob Foresi, Eric Darnell andBarnaby Ruhe in the 1980s. John Flynn of “Active Ver-mont” has recently issued a 1998wholesale price list with a largeselection of RANGS brandboomerang products that includesplastic booms: Hornet, Super-Hook, RadRang and Baby BoomaII as well as wooden booms: Sur-faRang; Hummingbird, Kooka-burra and others. Wood modelsare either finished in Fluorocol-ors or have mock inlay decora-tions. Rangs brand boomerangshave a range of 25 - 50 metres.Active Vermont also carries a lineof helmets and accessories.You can contact Active Vermont

The Australian CatalogueCompany publishes a nifty littlebooklet titled “The Down UnderGuide” which acts as a resourcelisting for Aussies and Kiwis liv-ing in the USA. This 24 page


at the information listed on hisnew business card, shown above.Free shipping on larger wholesaleorders. Call for a 1998 wholesalelisting of Rangs boomerang prod-ucts today.

Faces From the Past (L to R): Carl Naylor, Ben Ruhe, John Flynn, Bob Foresi, Eric Darnell, Barnaby Ruhe

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Kevin Moran (Capt.), NickGottschalk, Craig Carter, TrentCarter & Miles Jorgensen. Athird team from North Queens-land, headed by Marek Waskie-wicz, is also a possibility. Brother Brian Thomas hasfound yet another Australianstamp with a boomerang on it.Look on the crest of the Black-town logo above. Brother Brian Thomas wentto the circus in January for thefirst time in 50 years and was sur-prised to find a clown, namedGary Broadbent Brophy, per-forming with boomerangs. RogerPerry taught Gary to throw inPerth 6 years ago. Gary uses bothV-rangs, cross sticks and pinwheels to perform doubling,tripling and on-the-hat catching.Brian was really impressed. Thecircus act is currently touring inJapan. At The 9th Annual Blue Moun-tains Boomerang Championships,held on 9 November 1997, RobCroll took first places in the fol-lowing events: Accuracy (39);Aussie Round (68); and MTA(37.17). Peter Lewry took firstplace in the remaining event:Same Boomerang (39). The La-

booklet is also available on the in-ternet at The Australian CatalogueCompany’s web page (BN46; P7).Categories listed in the guide in-clude: boomerangs, other AussieProduct catalogs, Aboriginal finearts, foods, music (lots of didjeri-doo suppliers and performers), so-cial clubs, and more. The guide isfree upon request with any cata-logue order. To request a cata-logue of Australian CatalogueCompany products, call (919)-878-8266 or write to:

The Australian Catalogue Co.7605 Welborn St., Ste. 112

Raleigh, NC 27615

Congratulations to Pat Steig-man who was featured in the 2February edition of “The TylerMorning Telegraph”, a newspaperfrom Tyler Texas. The focus ofthe article was about Pat’s hobbyand the display he put on in theTyler Public Library (see BN46). Congratulations to Tom Co-nally for being featured in the 16February edition of the “Burling-ton Times-News” of Burlington,NC. Tom is well known for his“Flying Frog” boomerang prod-ucts (see BN46 P7). On 4 February, Dean Kellyfound a 1950 vintage, mint condi-tion, cardboard Coca-Cola crossstick boomerang on an internetauction page featuring Coca-Colamemorabilia. There was a mini-mum bid of $25 on the cross stick.The final bid is not known. Did anyone see the ad for GTGlobal in the 19 February editionof The Wall Street Journal. Itused the inexpensive red tip ply-wood commercial boomerang inthe ad. Chevron Oil will do a littlebetter. The Company rented sever-al boomerangs from the Max Hoe-ben collection for a photo shoot inlate February. Look for the adsometime in March. Steve Conaway has redesignedhis Doublers, Jugglers, and addeda new Trick Catch boomerang to


his catalog. All of these are madeof ultra-thin G-10 material. Dou-blers and Jugglers are $42. TheTrick Catch is $21. Also new tothe catalog is the Classic Hookand a brand new design called"Xanadu". The Classic Hook(Herb Smith design) is made fromG-10 with carbon-fiber and is ca-pable of a range of 60 - 100 me-tres, depending on tune and throw-er. The Price is $40. Xanadu is avery accurate Aussie Roundboomerang. It is also made fromG-10 with carbon-fiber. Thisboomerang has unequal armlengths, differing cord widths andcompetition airfoils. It achieves 50meters in extremely calm condi-tions and yet can handle wind verywell. The price of Xanadu is $30.You can find out more about Abo-riginal Steve Boomerang Productsby writing to:

Steve ConawayAboriginal Steve's Boomerangs

121 Oakdale Ln.Fillmore, CA 93015

Tom Risher has decided toclose the post office box he usesfor The Greyford Company. Youcan still order Greyford boome-rangs by writing to Tom’s homeaddress. Tom has a few mint con-dition Gel Boomerangs, (priced$20 - $25) that he will sell to inter-ested parties. Write to:

Tom Risher11918 Greyford St. Apt. 3Whittier, CA 90606-2457

Two Aussie teams will com-pete in the 1998 World Cup.Team 1will include: DavidSchummy, Bruce Carter & JohnWilson. Bob Burwell, AdamCarroll and Ian Sproul are possi-ble additions. Rob Croll has re-tired from competition and willnot be traveling to the USA in1998. Team 2 throwers include:

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dies champion was MargaretPatterson. The Junior and GirlsChampion was Kellie Lewry. At the 1998 Seamist VictorianChampionships, Rob Croll tookfirst place in Fast Catch (43.46)and Aussie Round (31) in awfulweather conditions. RichardBarras took first in Accuracy(22). MTA and Trick Catchingwere cancelled. Top three overallplacings went to: (1) Rob Croll;(2) Bruce Carter; and (3) Rich-ard Barras.


Hopefully our British readers willkeep us informed on the progressof this nationwide boomerangevent. Martin Laslett is a Britishprogrammer who has written aboomerang flight simulator, basedupon the works of Felix Hess.Unfortunately, his program re-quires the use of MATLAB, asoftware computational engine torun the flight simulator. If youhave MATLAB on your computerand would like more informationabout Martin’s flight simulator,email Martin at: [email protected] Congratulations to JosephTyler of London for being award-ed U.S. Design Patent # 389,878for his ornamental indoor boome-rang. For more info, write to:

Joseph C. Tyler60 Effra Court

Brixton HillLondon SW2 1RBUnited Kingdom

At The 1998 NSW StateChampionships, held on 1 Febru-ary, Brother Brian Thomas tookfirst in Accuracy (39) and SameBoomerang (35). GünterWandtke took firsts in MTA(23.16) and Fast Catch (39.00).Terry Patterson won AussieRound with 37 points. The topthree overalls included: (1)Günter Wandtke; (2) TonyButz and (3) Brother BrianThomas. The overall LadiesChampion was Shirley Lewry.The Junior Champion was Mi-chael Lendrum.

Gerhard Bertling sent ingraphics (see photo, left) of 3multi-bladed boomerangs that aremanufactured in Russia (top 2)and Taiwan (bottom). Theboomerangs are made out of apolypropylene plastic material.

Returning home to British Co-lumbia on 17 February, Canadiansnowboard gold medalist RossRebagliati was greeted in Van-couver by his Mom ... who washolding a large, traditional Aus-tralian boomerang. She explainedit was symbolic of his gold medalthat left him and then returned.Ross’s medal was temporarilyyanked because his blood testshowed concentrations of Mari-juana. The Olympic committeereturned the medal because Mari-juana is not considered a perfor-mance enhancing drug (or is it?).

Robert Uhlig, a technologycorrespondent from The DailyTelegraph in London is preparinga feature article on buildingboomerangs for long distancethrowing. The Daily Telegraph(readership 2.5 million) holds anannual mass-participation publicscience experiment in collabora-tion with the BBC. This yearthere are plans to beat theBoomerang L/D world record. U.S. Design Patent # 389,878Bulgarian Multi-bladers

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Jay Butters has won The OldWarden Autumn Throw-In, heldon 28 September 1997. Jay tookfirst place overall with wins in Ac-curacy (34); MTA (33.36 using aBailey Wind Sailor); and FastCatch (35.29). Sean Slade won amodified 30 metre Aussie Roundevent with 58/80 points. Did any of the readers read theWinter 1998 issue of The BBSJournal? There was an excellentarticle on “Underhanded Boome-rangs” by Bill Rusky, with com-ments by Richard Harrison, andJim Nieberding. Plans for lots ofboomerangs, including an origamiboomerang, as downloaded fromthe WWW, were included in thisexcellent issue.

LMI & Fox is a well organizedFrench company that takes thebest French/Swiss designs andmakes lower cost, high perfor-mance plastic replicas. Recently,LMI & Fox procured ownership ofthe famous Spinback 44 & Spin-back 55 boomerangs (pictured be-low right). These models wereoriginally produced by Jean-Louis Leyrat-Savin of TomahawkBoomerangs. They were ratedhighly by American throwers likeCarl Naylor and Al Gerhardsand are regular products in TheBoomerang Man. catalog. With arange of more than 50 metres, theSpinback 55 is an old standby forthe Aussie Round event and is stillused regularly by throwers wholike a heavy omega boomerangwith an eye-popping range. Theflight is low and very circular andseems to return best in light winds,but this model has good wind re-sistance as well. The Spinback 44 is a “U” shapemade out of the same (black) glassfibre material as Spinback 55, butwith slightly less range. The Spin-back 44 is also available in abright yellow polypropylene mate-rial that is less heavy and easier tocatch, making it ideal for the lessexperienced thrower.


LMI & Fox also has a newfour bladed Fast Catch trainer(pictured right) called “Sky-Blader”. It was designed byYannick Charles and is availa-ble in both LH and RH and inpolypropylene, glass fibre or car-bon fibre ma-terials. Theeditor sam-pled a poly-propylene RH Skyblader andfound it to be extremely easy tocatch and plenty fast enough touse in competition for either En-durance or a first (safe) round ofFast Catch, unless you areAdam Ruhf. This boomerangdoesn’t show it’s true potential inan unaltered state. The competi-tion jock will want to buy about adozen of these and modify them indifferent ways to accelerate theirperformance. Imagine whatsharper leading edges, narrowerchords and wind resistance holeswill do to this boomerang in com-petition? You can find out moreabout the Skyblader, Spinback 44,Spinback 55 and other LMI & Foxboomerang products by contactingJean-Louis Orgueil by email [email protected] or by writing tothe following address:

Jean-Louis OrgueilLMI & Fox Co.

11 rue de Docteur LaPeyre32500 Fleurance



maintains acomprehensive listing of WorldRecords indicating the following:

Michel DuFayard - Long Dis-tance at 149.12 metres

Adam Ruhf - Fast Catch at14.60 seconds

Adam Ruhf and YannickCharles - Endurance with 76catches

Eric Darnell - MTA100 at 104.87seconds

Moleman - Australian Roundwith 95 points

Yannick Charles - MaximumNumber of Catches at 1251.

Günter Möller is compiling aglobal listing of boomerangers,who work as teachers. If you areboth a teacher and a boomerang-er, please send Günter an answerto the following questions:1: Do you like/make/throwboomerangs?2: Do you teach in school/College/University? 3: Do you want to be on the list? Please mail/email Günter yourname, age, address, email, profes-sion with title/school to:

Günter MöllerTapir Sport Boomerangs

Wilhelm - Busch - Straße 2841541 Dormagen

Germany<[email protected]>LMI & Fox Spinback Booms

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Pere Vives is not only a Span-ish boomerang thrower, but hemakes them as well. Pere sent theeditor a sample of his traditionalmodel (see below) to review inBoomerang News. This boome-rang, called “RANG-BÓ” has anextra wide chord with a 90° anglebetween the blades. It is made outof a very light (4 ply) plywood.The finish is a rather attractivesee-through lacquer that transi-tions from red on the tips to yel-low at the elbow. The flight rangeis about 25 metres. The boome-rang likes to climb high and stayhigh, losing spin just at the end ofthe flight because of air drag andlow inertial mass properties. Thisis not an exciting competitionproduct, but it makes a goodsports boomerang. If you collectboomerangs from different coun-tries, like I do, you will want toget one for your very own. If youwant to find out more aboutRANG-BÓ boomerang products,email Pere at: [email protected] write to:

Pere VivesBoomerang Club Keno Tse Was-t'ha

Calle Verdaguer,7608205 Sabadell


Check out Chicago Bob‘s com-prehensive web page with every-thing relating to the World Cup athttp://www.htc.net/~chibob/worldcup.html Additional detailscan be found on the web pages:http://users.aol.com/tbrang2/World_Cup98.html and http://users.aol.com/tbrang2/World_Cup98_2.html All team organizers need tocommunicate with Tom Fitzge-rald . Tom has email at: [email protected] You can also call(314) 839-1604 or write to:

Tom Fitzgerald1159 Holly River Dr.

Florissant, MO 63031

The USBA has recently ac-quired the USBA domain name“USBA.org”. If you have a com-puter capable of acting as a serverfor the USBA, please email TonyBrazelton at: [email protected] Dallan Reese found a newboomerang web page by boome-ranger Jens Krabbe at: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/6402/jkbooms.htm Tibor Horvath has added aweb page loaded with photographsand descriptions of Herb Smith

boomerangs at: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/2732/ Pat Steigman found a ratherbizarre web page where you useyour psychic powers to straightenout a boomerang. If you try real-ly hard, you can do it: http://www.skeptics.com.au/features/weird/boomer/boomerang.htm You can still purchase one ofthose official Canadian Team T-shirts. See details, including aphoto at: http://www.fqjr.qc.ca/boomerang_tshirt.html LMI Fox has a new web page.The French language web page isat: http://www.frenchcom.com/lmifox.htmThe English language web pageis at: http://www.frenchcom.com/lmi/htm/fox-uk.htm Luftikus is a German kite storethat has a cardboard cross stickfor sale on their web page with aneat animated gif: http://home.t-online.de/home/Luftikus.kite/bumerang.htm Jim Mayfield sent us noticethat Colorado Boomerangs has anew web page at: http://www.coloradoboomerangs.com Make sure that you send Da-vid Smith an email message tell-ing him how you like the Colora-do Boomerangs web page at:[email protected] Barnaby Ruhe now has emailat: [email protected] Richard Pollock-Nelson hasposted a “Contents Page” for theBoomerang News Archives. Youcan find a link to the BoomerangNews archives by going to: http://members.aol.com/pollocknel/index.htm You can find links to all webpages mentioned in this and pastissues of BN at: http://ic.net/~tbailey/Boomerang.html

With the World Cup takingplace in late July, a real possibili-ty exists that the USBA Nationalscould be held earlier than usual in1998. American boomerangersRANG-BÓ Boomerang by Pere Vives of Spain

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tion will be available in earlyMarch 1998. The bid sheet mustbe returned by 15 April 1998. No-tification of winning bids will takeplace on 1 May 1998. To previewthe auction on the WWW, go to:http://users.aol.com/tbrang2/auction.html

This publication is producedmonthly. Every issue is packedwith 8 pages containing all the in-formation you need to stay currentin the ever changing world ofboomeranging. The distribution

of BN currently stands at 158USA and 72 overseas subscribers.Eight issues of “BoomerangNews” costs only $10 in the USA;$12 in Canada and $20 overseas.You can subscribe by sending pay-ment (make check or M.O. out toTed Bailey) with your name, ad-dress & phone number to:

Ted E. BaileyP. O. Box 6076

Ann Arbor, MI 48106

email: [email protected]://ic.net/~tbailey/Boomerang.html

who wish to serve on the USBABoard of Directors need to startthinking about their strategies forrunning for office. Details forboth the Nationals and how to getyour name on the ballot will mostcertainly be released by the USBAin the near future. Put together aresume to sell your self to votingUSBA members. For those of youwho complain the most about theaction (or inaction) of the currentUSBA board of directors, this isyour chance to find out how muchwork being on the board really is. Bid sheets for the Spring auc-

Boomerang News Calendar of EventsNorth America16 May 1998 Toss Across America Betsylew Miale-Gix 425-485-1672 3351 236th St. S.W.; Brier, WA 98036-842116 May 1998 MI Toss Across America Norm Kern 810-451-4928 1640 Haynes St.; Birmingham, MI 48009-681924 May 1998 Gateway Classic Tom Fitzgerald 314-839-1604 1159 Holly River Dr.; Florissant, MO 6303119 June 1998 Summer Solstice Throw Norm Kern 810-451-4928 1640 Haynes St.; Birmingham, MI 48009-681926 Jul-2 Aug ‘98 World Cup Championships Tom Fitzgerald 314-839-1604 1159 Holly River Dr.; Florissant, MO 6303129 August ‘98 Emmaus Day & Night T1 Dr. Barnaby Ruhe 610-967-3683 4926 S. 5th St.; Emmaus, PA 1804930 August ‘98 Emmaus Day & Night T2 Mike Barrett 610-282-4913 5067 Homestead Dr.; Coopersburg, PA 180366 Sept. 1998 4th Illinois Classic Comp. Tony Brazelton 217-352-6184 2405 Lawndale Drive; Champaign, IL 6182113 Sept. 1998 10th Novice Tournament Norm Kern 810-451-4928 1640 Haynes St.; Birmingham, MI 48009-681912/13 Sept. ‘98 2nd Outer Banks Comp. John Koehler 757-437-1185 210 60th St.; Virginia Beach, VA 2345127 Nov. 1998 Michigan Turkey Toss Norm Kern 810-451-4928 1640 Haynes St.; Birmingham, MI 48009-6819

Overseas1 March ‘98 Central Coast Champs Br. Brian M. Thomas (02) 9369 0675 131 Birrell St; Waverley NSW 2024; Australia7/8 March ‘98 Long Distance Comp. Markus Peissard 026/418 2222 Tannenweg 3, 1734 Tentlingen, Switzerland29 March ‘98 Eastern Suburbs Champs Br. Brian M. Thomas (02) 9369 0675 131 Birrell St; Waverley NSW 2024; Australia26 April 1998 Old Warden Spring Throw Edward Cadman 44 (1449) 49 67 15 42 Thurlow Court; Stowmarket; Suffolk IP14 1HZ; UK26 April 1998 Queensland Regional David Schummy (07) 3849 8164 18 Dalhousie Ct.; Rochedale So.; Qnsd 4123; Australia2/3 May 1998 First Midlands Comp. Martin Laslett 0121 443 4783 6 All Saints Road; Kingsheath; Birmingham B14 7LL; UK2/3 May 1998 2nd Bielefelder Maitreff Lothar Haase 49 (5221) 85 50 70 Kattenschling 24; 32049 Herford; Germany2/3 May 1998 Aussie National Comps. Br. Brian M. Thomas (02) 9369 0675 131 Birrell St; Waverley NSW 2024; AustraliaXX May 1998 4th Düren City Champs Heinz-Willi Dammers 49 (2421) 68 00 63 Am Wingert 84; 52355 Düren; Germany9/10 May 1998 North Germany Comp Jürgen Küster +49 (5741) 12414 Linkestraße 3; 32312 Lübbecke; Germany23 May 1998 Over 40 Competition Bruno Müller +49 (6232) 70494 Winterheimer Straße 27; 67346 Speyer; Germany30/31 May 1998 Torneo Nazionale Roma B Maurizio Saba +31 (6) 653 8053 Via del trullo 122; 00148 Roma; Italy30 M/1 Jun ‘98 22.nd Amstelveen Comp Erik Leferink +31 (70) 329 7857 Remmersteinstraat 157; NL-2532 AZ Den Haag; Holland30 M/1 Jun ‘98 Rennes Team Comp F. Resmond-Richard ??? 99 84 61 48 17, Square A. Fergent, Appt. 93; 35000 Rennes; France7 June 1998 Oxley Creek Comp. Dean Hopton (07) 3277 7889 33 Chalfont St.; Salisbury 4107; Queensland; Australia7/8 June 1998 Travemünde Beach Cup Eckhard Mawick +49 (451) 70 51 81 Wakenitzmauer 64; D-23552 Lübeck; Germany13/14 June ‘98 9th Torneo Italiano Boom Mario Crescimbeni (39) 45 80 090 80 Via Venturelli, 2; 38128 Verona; Italy19/21 June ‘98 1998 AMSBC Heikki Niskanen +358 17 2633211 Tasavallankatu 10 a 1, 70620 KUOPI; Finland27/28 June ‘98 British Nationals & Int’l Edward Cadman 44 (1449) 49 67 15 42 Thurlow Court; Stowmarket; Suffolk IP14 1HZ; UK27/28 June ‘98 19th German Nationals Eckhard Mawick +49 (451) 70 51 81 Wakenitzmauer 64; D-23552 Lübeck; Germany11/12 July 1998 1st Aalen Competition Peter Dürr +49 (7963) 1311 Eichenstraße 33; 73486 Adelmannsfelden; Germany29/30 Aug 1998 DBC Birthday Party Eckhard Mawick +49 (451) 70 51 81 Wakenitzmauer 64; D-23552 Lübeck; Germany29/31 Aug 1998 Trefriw BBS Competition Jay Butters 44 (1492) 64 10 09 Garmon View; School Hill; Trefriw; N. Wales LL27 0NJ; UKXX Sept. 1998 7th Berlin Championships Gerhard Bertling +49 (30) 215 3008 Potsdamer Str. 150; 10783 Berlin; GermanyXX Sept. 1998 Old Warden Fall Throw Edward Cadman 44 (1449) 49 67 15 42 Thurlow Court; Stowmarket; Suffolk IP14 1HZ; UKXX Sept. 1998 Blacktown Championships Peter Lewry +61 (2) 96 22 29 27 12 Burke St.; Blacktown NSW 2148; Australia19/20 Sept. ‘98 12th Swiss Nationals Ruedi Salzmann +41 (3441) 11708 Bernstraße 28; 3324 Hindelbank; Switzerland 15 Nov. 1998 Blue Mtn. Championships Br. Brian M. Thomas (02) 9369 0675 131 Birrell St; Waverley NSW 2024; Australia24/25 July '99 Boomerang Cup Eckhard Mawick +49 (451) 70 51 81 Wakenitzmauer 64; D-23552 Lübeck; GermanyDecember ‘99 Int’l Millenium Throw Earl Tutty +64 3 384 5405 17 Truscotts Rd.; Heathcote Valley; Christchurch 2; NZ2000 World Cup Championships Rob Croll (03) 9887-5085 5 Tyson Ct.; Wantirna South; Victoria 3152; Australia