BOOKLET - Waste or Opportunity

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  • 1By RichaRd Laycock

    MasteRs of aRchitectuRe

    yeaR 2 - seMesteR 1

  • 2

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  • 5ContentsiNtRoductioN




    the GRid



    aRea Vs scaLe

    Waste systeMs

    BioLoGicaL Vs MaN Made

    Nyc Waste 2013

    Mt faciLities

    out of state LaNdfiLLs


    dos eXPeNdituRe

    Waste stReaMs

    LaNdfiLLed VoLuMes

    VeRticaL scaLe

    hoRiZoNtaL scaLe

    NeW yoRks soLutioNs

    the BLooMBeRG PLaN

    MaRiNe tRaNsfeR statioNs

    the PLaNNed Mts LocatioN


    fResh kiLLs

    tyPes of LaNdfiLLs


    0 30 yeaR PLaN

    hoW they WoRk

    LocatioN ReQuiReMeNts

    desiGN PaRaMeteRs

    daiLy oPeRatioNs

    GRouNdWateR MoNitoRiNG

    cLosuRe & Post cLosuRe


    Leachate tReatMeNts

    LaNdfiLL issues


    fuN MateRiaL facts

    NoNe decoMPosaBLe

    coMPosite MateRiaLs

    Waste MaNaGeMeNt

    Nyc MaJoR PRoBLeMs

    soLutioN to the PRoBLeMs

    desiGN BRief Phase 1

    Waste MaNaGeMeNt systeMs


    RecycLiNG PLastic Mike BiddLe

    autoMated sePaRatioN techNoLoGies

    diRk VaN deR kooiJ



    PRoBLeMs With PLastic oiL & PLastic

    LaNdfiLL aiRPoRt

    Phase 1 MachiNe

  • 6

  • 7Manhattan is Currently on the verge of Massive Change.

    the driver for this Change has Manifested itself in the forM of landfills reaChing CapaCity Coupled with rising Costs of both transporting and disposing of waste out of state.

    equally distressing yet disConneCted to this probleM is widespread flooding with the future not looking so bright. the eMinent threat of rising sea levels is just another blow to the

    Major City.

    this investigation analyses the Current systeMs of waste disposal seeking preCedents showing future teChnologies Capable of dealing with waste differently.

    following on froM the researCh, the design will ConneCt the issues above.....


  • 8

  • 9new yorka City that never sleeps

  • 10

    geographiCal loCation








    new york City

    NeW yoRk city is Located oN oNe of the WoRLds LaRGest NatuRaL haRBouRs, cooRdi-

    Nates 40.6700 N, 73.9400 W









    tRoPic of



    tRoPic of




  • 11

    new york state

    new york City

  • 12

  • 13

    CliMatean ever Changing influenCe

  • 14

    CLlMATE - MACROLoWeR hiGheR LoWeR hiGheR

    LoWeR hiGheR LoWeR hiGheR

    hurriCane risk tornado risk

    earthquake risk flood risk

  • 15

    j f M a M j j a s o n d

    30 c

    20 c

    10 c

    0 c

    -10 c

    j f M a M j j a s o n d

    100 MM

    75 MM

    50 MM

    25 MM

    0 MM

    MiNiMuM & MaXiMuM aVeRaGe teMPeRatuRe thRouGhout the Last 10 yeaRs


    MiNiMuM & MaXiMuM aVeRaGe PReciPitatioN thRouGhout the Last 10 yeaRs


  • 16

  • 17

    historyManhattans boundarys have expanded over the last 250 years

    Manhattan was onCe a thin, Marshy outCropping that proteCted the Mainland froM the oCean.

  • 18

    Castello Map - 1660the casteLLo MaP has BeeN oVeRLaid oN the cuRReNt MaP oN MaNhattaN Which is the eaRLiest kNoWN MaP of the

    city, datiNG Back to 1660. WaLL stReet Was the siNGLe foRtified Road, WhiLe eVeRythiNG NoRth of caNaL Was eitheR

    WiLd oR faRMLaNd. oNLy thiRty yeaRs LateR, the city BeGaN its fiRst aRtificiaL iNfiLL PRoJect: the coNstRuctioN of

    NeW PieRs aLoNG its BaNks.

  • 19

    ratzer Map - 1770the RestoRied RatZeR MaP, fRoM 1770 shoWs hoW MaNhattaN Looked Just BefoRe uRBaNiZatioN took hoLd.

    the dutch GRid of 1623 iN the south -- a Neat syMMetRicaL PatteRN, aNd its GRoWth By the additioN of otheR PaRtiaL GRids

  • 20

  • 21

    17th Century the great grid of the 1811 CoMMissioners plan,

    the Model that will regulate the final and ConClusive oCCupanCy of Manhattan, a Matrix that Captures, at the saMe tiMe, all reMaining territory and

    all future aCtivity on the island. - reM koolhaas,

    the plan was designed to resolve the probleMs of Congestion produCed by a patChwork of partial grid systeMs ConneCted by narrow and winding streets, and by the irregular and

    non-Coordinated property boundaries.

    the reCtangular bloCks, long and narrow, are defined by 155 east-west Cross streets, 61M apart and 18M wide, with the exCeption of 15 wider streets within this Matrix, 20

    streets and the bloCks in between Cover the length of 1.6 kM.

  • 22

    1904 Map By 1900, the oRiGiNaL footPRiNt of the city had eXPaNded outWaRds By aLMost 1,000 feet oN each side. this 1904

    MaP shoWs us doZeNs of stReetcaR Routes aRouNd the citya VestiGe of PuBLic tRaNsPoRtatioN LoNG foRGotteN.

  • 23

    Manhattan in 1946 BustLiNG With the Post-WaR ecoNoMic BooM. east RiVeR dRiVe (LateR, fdR dRiVe) Was BuiLt aLoNG its easteRN edGe, Which

    ReQuiRed thousaNds of toNs of LaNdfiLL. Most of the citys PuBLic housiNG PLotsthe oNes that fLooded duRiNG huRRicaNe

    saNdyWeRe BuiLt oN LaNd cReated duRiNG this eRa.

  • 24

    Manhattan 1650 - 1980 MaNhattaN is BuiLt as aN aRtifi ciaL sPace, oN a GRid that is iMPRiNted oN the GRouNd aNd iGNoRes the NatuRe of the isLaNd. yet, the GRid itseLf

    ReMaiNs oPeN aNd eXPaNdaBLe, WhiLe its BouNdaRies aRe deteRMiNed By the edGes of the isLaNd, the GRid eXPaNds as the coastLiNe MoVes outWaRd

    With aRtificiaL eXteNsioNs. the GRidded isLaNd caN thus Be Read as a saMPLiNG of a ViRtuaLLy uNLiMited GRid.


  • 25

  • 26

  • 27

    a RecoNNaissaNce study Was PeRfoRMed to MaP the distRiButioN of histoRic LaNdfiLLs WithiN the fiVe BoRouGhs of NeW yoRk. to PRePaRe aN eVaLuatioN

    of the PRoGRessioN of LaNd-fiLLiNG actiVity thRouGhout tiMe, aNd PRoVide a histoRic fRaMeWoRk of LaNdfiLL disPosaLs of oNe tyPe fiLL MateRiaL.

    history of nyC landfill

  • 28

    1891 - 1900duRiNG the Last thRee ceNtuRies, LaNd-fiLLiNG has BeeN PRacticed eXteNsiVeLy WithiN NeW yoRk city. eXcaVatioN

    MateRiaLs, coNstRuctioN aNd deMoLitioN deBRis, dRedGe sPoiL aNd soLid Waste haVe tyPicaLLy BeeN aPPLied to

    LoW-LyiNG tidaL WetLaNds, shoaLs aNd oPeN WateR aReas that WeRe aBuNdaNt aLoNG the PeRiPheRy of the city s

    fiVe BoRouGh. MaP shoWiNG LocatioN of BaRGe-fed LaNd fiLLed PRioR to 1891 - 19001891 - 1900

    1. NeWtoWN cReek

    2. dutch kiLLs

    3. RaVeNsWood

    4. 135th aNd haRLeM RiVeR

    5. GoWaNus 3





  • 29

    iN 1895 a Waste MaNaGeMeNt PLaN Was iNstituted iN NeW yoRk city that cuRtaiLed oceaN duMPiNG aNd

    shifted the Waste stReaM to LaNd disPosaL. the PRoGRessiVe LaNdfiLL actiVity duRiNG this tiMe is aN estiMat-

    ed 7,240 acRes. MaP shoWiNG LocatioN of BaRGe-fed LaNd fiLLed PRioR to 1891 - 1900 aNd 1924 NuMBeR

    1-4 aRe BaRGe-fed aNd 5 iN a RaiLWay-fed LaNdfiLL

    1. haRts isLaNd

    2. cRoMWeLL cReek

    3. staPLetoN

    4. coNeys isLaNd

    5. JaMaica Bay



    3 5 6

    1900 - 1924

    1900 - 1924

  • 30

    LaNdfiLL actiVity fRoM 1924 to 1954 -1957 iNcReased eNoRMousLy as shoW By fiGuRe 4. this Was doWN to aN

    iNcRease iN PoPuLatioN aNd iMPRoVed MeaNs of oVeRLaNd tRaNsPoRtatioN. duRiNG the 1930s the citys Waste

    disPosaL focus Was cLeaRLy oN WetLaNd RecLaMatioN By fiLLiNG With soLid Waste Which Led to hiGhWays, PaRks

    aNd aiRPoRts such as Jfk

    1. RikeRs isLaNd

    2. coRoNa

    3. oRchaRd Beach

    4. LaGuaRdia aiRPoRt

    5. Jfk aiRPoRt

    6. eastchesteR Bay

    7. JaMaica Bay

    8. GReat kiLLs

    9. fResh kiLLs

    9 8








    1924 - 1957

  • 31

    the LocatioN of NeW LaNdfiLLs oPeRated BetWeeN 1954 - 1957 - PReseNt is aPPRoXiMateLy 8,270 aceRs of

    LaNd fiLLed duRiNG this tiMe iNteRVaL.

    1. fResh kiLLs LaNdfiLL

    2. PeLaM Bay LaNdfiLL



    1954 - present

  • 32

    the MethodoLoGy used iN this study Was usefuL iN ideNtifyiNG oVeR

    45,500 acRes of LaNdfiLLed aRea WithiN the LiMits of NeW yoRk city


  • 33

    ConClusiondeteRMiNatioN of the NatuRe of fiLL MateRiaL at LaNdfiLL sites is BeyoNd the scoPe of this study

    PRioR to 1900, LaNdfiLL actiVity Was coNceNtRated aLoNG the shoReLiNes suRRouNdiNG heaViLy PoPuLated aReas of MaNhattaN aNd

    NoRth-WesteRN BRookLyN. aPPRoXiMateLy 6,740 acRes of LaNd fiLLed PRioR to 1891-1900 WeRe ideNtified

    BetWeeN 1891-1900 aNd 1924, iMPRoVed Waste tRaNsPoRt Methods eNaBLed fiLL actiVity to sPRead outWaRd to the south-WesteRN BRoNX

    aNd southeRN BRookLyN. aPPRoXiMateLy 7,240 acRes of LaNd fiLLed PRioR to WeRe ideNtified

    BetWeeN 1924 aNd 1954-1957, soLid Waste LaNdfiLLiNG of tidaL WetLaNds Was iNteGRated With a PoLicy of iNfRastRuctuRe deVeLoPMeNt.

    this hiGhLy focused iNitiatiVe Led to a PeRiod of LaNd RecLaMatioN that is uNPaRaLLeLed iN the citys histoRy. aPPRoXiMateLy 23,400 acRes of

    LaNd fiLLed duRiNG this tiMe PeRiod WeRe ideNtified.

    ReceNt tReNds iNcLude the PRoGRessiVe cLosuRe aNd coNsoLidatioN of city LaNdfiLLs aNd VeRticaL eXPaNsioN of the ReMaiNiNG sites. iN 1991,

    oNLy oNe LaNdfiLL oPeRated BetWeeN the BoaRdeRs of NeW yoRk city. BetWeeN 1954-1957 aNd PReseNt aPPRoXiMateLy 8,270 acRes of LaNd

    fiLLed WeRe ideNtified.

  • 34

  • 35

    present250 years later the population has booMed and a City existed was alMost unreCognisable.

  • 36




    staten island


    NeW yoRk city coNsists of fiVe BoRouGhs, each of Which is a couNty of NeW yoRk

    state. the fiVe BoRouGhs WeRe coNsoLidated iNto a siNGLe city iN 1898

    density of nyC boroughs the PoPuLatioN of NeW yoRk city as of 2012 Was 8.7 MiLLioN PeoPLe With aN aVeRaGe

    deNsity of 20,000 PeoPLe PeR sQuaRe MiLe With MaNhattaN aNd the BRoNX aNd PaRts

    of QueeNs aNd BRookLyN soMe ceNsus tRacts is hiGheR theN 100,000 PeR sQ kiLoMetRe

  • 37


    the PoPuLatioN of NeW yoRk city By BoRouGhs 2012





    bronx population1,408,239

    state island population470,728

    brooklyn population2,566,824

    queens population2,273,151

    Manhattan population1,619,263

    0 % 5.6% 16.8% 19.4% 27.3% 30.1%

    2.50 MiLLioN

    2.25 MiLLioN

    2.00 MiLLioN

    1.75 MiLLioN

    1.5 MiLLioN

    1.25 MiLLioN

    1 MiLLioN

    0.75 MiLLioN

    0.5 MiLLioN

    MiLLioN PeoPLe

    PeRceNtaGe of Nyc


  • 38

    Nycs fiVe BoRouGhs haVe a totaL LaNd aRea of 667 sQuaRe kiLoMetRes With a fuRtheR

    117.3 sQuaRe kiLoMetRes of WetLaNd aNd shoRes With LoW LeVeLs of WateR.

    bronx109 sq kiloMetres

    state island153 sq kiloMetres

    brooklyn 181 sq kiloMetres

    queens282 sq kiloMetres

    Manhattan57 sq kiloMetres






    0 % 7.3% 13.9% 19.6% 23.2% 36.1%














    PeRceNtaGe of Nyc

    area kM2

  • 39

    density of boroughsWheN the PoPuLatioN fiGuRes aRe oVeRLaiN it shoWs staRtLiNG ResuLts that 28,408 PeoPLe LiVe iN 7.3%

    Nyc LaNd aRea.

    bronx12,191 people sq kiloMetre

    state island3, 076 people sq kiloMetre

    brooklyn 14,181 people sq kiloMetre

    queens8,060 people sq kiloMetre

    Manhattan28,408 people sq kiloMetre

    deNsity of BoRouGhs

    0k 5k 10k 15k 20k 25k 30k

  • 40

  • 41

    why statistiCs are iMportantpeople waste

  • 42

  • 43

    waste systeMs

  • 44


    biologiCal Closed loop systeMBioLoGicaL systeMs aRe as a coG iN a MachiNe, each systeM feeds aNotheR,

    Waste is Not Waste, its siMPLy fueL foR aNotheR systeM. these syMBiotic

    ReLatioNshiPs aRe the key to deaLiNG With Waste.

  • 45

    Man-Made linear systeMiN a LiNeaR systeM Waste is seeN as a PRoduct With No VaLue, a ResouRce We

    WaNt RiG off. VaLue BecoMesW the cuRReNcy By Which We deteRMiNe Waste

  • 46

    NeW yoRk city is LookiNG foR aN ecoNoMicaLLy ViaBLe soLutioNs to a huGe PRoBLeM

    nyC - waste - 2013

    8 Million people 1000s businesses ConstruCtion projeCts

    visitors dos - 13,000 tons36,200 tons

    Nycs has oVeR 8 MiLLioN ResideNts Who MiGRate

    to the city daiLy

    1000s of BusiNesses GeNeRate a MassiVe aMouNt of

    Waste Which is Not see as a PRoBLeM

    Nycs coNstRuctioN iNdustRy PRoduces Waste iN

    the foRM of RuBBLe

    Nycs has oVeR 130,000 touRists eVeRy day Visit-

    iNG the city this fiGuRe does Not iNcLude ResideNts

    Who MiGRate to the city daiLy

    PRoduciNG oVeR 36,200 toNs of Waste daiLy is aN

    aLaRMiNG issue

    the citys dePaRtMeNt of saNitatioN deaLs With

    13,000 toNs of Waste eVeRy day

  • 47

    private CoMpanies

    the ReMaiNdeR is deaLt With By PRiVate caRtiNG


    landfill dependenCy

    duRiNG the tWeNtieth ceNtuRy the city ReLied oN a

    NuMBeR of LaNdfiLLs foR GaRBaGe disPosaL

    freshkills Closes

    iN deceMBeR 2001 the citys Last GaRBaGe duMP,

    fReshkiLLs LaNdfiLL oN stateN isLaNd cLosed

    ColleCtion Costs disposal Costs transport Costs

    $658M 2000

    $1.25b 2012

    the citys aNNuaL BiLL foR coLLectiNG ResideNtiaL

    tRash JuMPed fRoM 658 MiLLioN iN 2000 to 1.25

    BiLLioN doLLaRs iN 2008,

    $300M 2005

    $400M 2013

    the citys aNNuaL BiLL foR disPosiNG of the Waste has

    JuMPed fRoM 300 MiLLioN iN 2005 to 400 MiLLioN


    Most of the hiGheR costs aRe due to tRaNsPoR-

    tatioN costs aNd PayiNG otheR states to LaNdfiLL

    Nyc Waste.

  • 48

    the city has BeeN GatheRiNG its RuBBish at theses sPecific Loca-tioNs aNd siMPLy tRuckiNG its Waste to LaNdfiLLs iN NeiGhBouR-iNG states, MaNy of Which aRe aLso NeaRiNG caPacity.

    nyC Mt stations01. MN - West 135th stReet02. MN - east 91st stReet 03. MN - West 59th stReet04. MN - GaNseVooRt05. BX - south BRoNX06. QN - NoRth shoRe07. Bk - GReeNPoiNt08. Bk - haMiLtoN aVeNue09. Bk - southWest BRookyLN10. si - fResh kiLLs

  • 49

    out of state waste ManageMent

    this ResuLts iN LaNd-fiLLiNG RuBBish out of state. But doiNG so is PRo-hiBitiVeLy eXPeNsiVe aNd eNViRoNMeNtaLLy uNsouNd, so iN 2006 the city deVised a 20-yeaR soLid Waste MaNaGeMeNt PLaN.

    nyC Mt stations

  • 50

    infrastruCture required

    uNifoRMed saNitatioN WoRkeRs aNd suPeRVisoRs ciViLiaN WoRkeRs

    coLLectioN tRucks MechaNicaL stReet sWeePeRs

    the dePaRtMeNt seRVes the city out of 59 distRicts, usiNG aPPRoXiMateLy 5,700 VehicLes that iNcLude aNd oVeR 9245 WoRkeRs

    7,197 2,048

    2,230 450

  • 51

    sPeciaLiZed coLLectioN tRucks saLt/saNd sPReadeRs

    fRoNt eNd LoadeRs VaRious otheR suPPoRt VehicLes

    275 365

    298 2,360

  • 52

    the departMent of sanitation annual bill for ColleCting and disposing residential trash juMped froM about $658 Million in 2000 and to about one and a quarter billion dollars in today.

    the Cost of disposal has grown froM $300 Million in 2005 to about $400 Million today.

  • 53

    the ResuLtiNG issues, LaNd-fiLLiNG GaRBaGe out of state. But doiNG so is PRohiBitiVeLy eXPeNsiVe

    aNd eNViRoNMeNtaLLy uNsouNd, so iN 2006 the city deVised a 20-yeaR soLid Waste MaNaGeMeNt


    dep of sanitation expenditure

    1998 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    1.75 BiLLioN

    1.5 BiLLioN

    1.25 BiLLioN

    1 BiLLioN

    750 MiLLioN

    500 MiLLioN

    711 MiLLioN

    1.27 BiLLioN

  • 54

    waste streaMs

    this GeNeRic Waste tyPes MeNtioNed aRe Not sPecific to NeW yoRk, hoWeVeR

    they aRe PReseNt thRouGhout out PLaNet

    agriCultural aniMal by-produCts (abps)


    Catering paCkaging

    this is GeNeRaLLy Waste that caN Be coMPosted But

    LaWs dePict What caN aNd caN Not Be coMPosted

    aNiMaL Bodies, PaRts of aNiMaLs, PRoducts oBtaiNed

    fRoM aNiMaLs that aRe Not fit oR iNteNded foR hu-

    MaN coNsuMPtioN.

    BioLoGicaL Waste iNcLudes, But is Not LiMited to; PetRi

    dishes, suRGicaL WRaPs, cuLtuRe tuBes, syRiNGes, Nee-

    dLes, BLood ViaLs, aBsoRBeNt MateRiaL, PeRsoNaL PRo-

    tectiVe eQuiPMeNt aNd PiPette tiPs.

    aLL Waste food iNcLudiNG used cookiNG oiL oRiG-

    iNatiNG iN RestauRaNts, cateRiNG faciLities aNd

    kitcheNs, iNcLudiNG ceNtRaL kitcheNs aNd house-

    hoLd kitcheNs

    Refuse-deRiVed fueL (Rdf) is a fueL PRoduced By

    shReddiNG aNd dehydRatiNG soLid Waste.

    PackaGiNG is the techNoLoGy of eNcLosiNG oR PRo-

    tectiNG PRoducts foR distRiButioN, stoRaGe, saLe,

    aNd use. LaMiNated caRd, PLastics, Wood, MetaLs

    refuse derived fuel(rdfs)

  • 55


    Wood Waste coMes fRoM VaRious BusiNess sectoRs

    aNd iNcLudes LocaL authoRity Waste. it caN Be Made

    uP of tReated aNd uNtReated Wood.


    coNstRuctioN Waste coNsists of uNWaNted Mate-

    RiaL PRoduced diRectLy oR iNcideNtaLLy By the coN-

    stRuctioN oR iNdustRies.


    haZaRdous Wastes aRe MateRiaLs that eXhiBit oNe

    oR MoRe of the tRaits, iGNitaBLe, ReactiVe, coRRosiVe,


    eleCtriCal (weee)

    end of lift vehiCles(elvs)

    eLectRoNic Waste, e-Waste, e-scRaP, oR eLectRoN-

    ic-disPosaL, Waste eLectRicaL aNd eLectRoNic eQuiP-

    MeNt (Weee) descRiBes discaRded eLectRicaL oR

    eLectRoNic deVices

    euRoPeaN LeGisLatioN is PushiNG foR 85% of the

    coNteNt of eNd-of-Life VehicLes to Be RecycLed.


    3,261,750 tonsper year is exported

    froM the City

  • 56

    land-filling this voluMe of waste shows a Major laCk of ConCern regarding not only the future of resourCes, it represents a

    disConneCted soCiety inCapable of siMple probleM solving

    LANDFILLED VOLUMES the GRaPhs RePReseNts a VoLuMetRic disPLay iN toNs of Waste tyPoLoGies cuRReNtLy BeiNG seNt to LaNdfiLL eVeRy day

  • 57

    land-filling this voluMe of waste shows a Major laCk of ConCern regarding not only the future of resourCes, it represents a

    disConneCted soCiety inCapable of siMple probleM solving


  • 58


    T PYR



    L TOW



    RE ST









    EI 10



    LD TR

    ADE C




    IS TO


    CN TO



    TV M





    IO M


















    111 DAYS

    100 DAYS

    89 DAYS

    78 DAYS

    67 DAYS

    56 DAYS

    45 DAYS

    33 DAYS

    22 DAYS

    11 DAYS

    if the Waste Was stacked iN a toWeR Which Was 30 X 30 sQuaRed PLaced iN oNe toN BoXes each oNe MeteR X 1 MeteR the toWeR WouLd Reach 1kM WithiN 111 day, oVeR 3kM a yeaR.

  • 59

    Horizontal sCaleif the Waste Was PLaced iN oNe toN BoXes each 1 X 1 MeteR the totaL aRea coVeRed WouLd Reach 6kM2 WithiN 2 MoNths Which haPPeNs to With the Width of MaNhattaN.

    6 Months 12 Months

    24 Months 48 Months

    totaL aRea of 14 kM2 eQuiVaLeNt to 1.2 MiLLioN toNs. totaL aRea of 30 kM2 eQuiVaLeNt to 2.5 MiLLioN toNs.

    totaL aRea of 60 kM2 eQuiVaLeNt to 7.4 MiLLioN toNs. totaL aRea of 120 kM2 eQuiVaLeNt to 14.8 MiLLioN toNs.

  • 60

  • 61

    Mayor blooMbewrg devised a 20 year waste ManageMent plan whiCh Created eConoMiCally viable ways of dealing with the voluMe of waste being produCed.

    new yorks solution

  • 62

    the blooMberg planiN his fiRst teRM, MayoR MichaeL BLooMBeRG MaPPed out aN eQuitaBLe PLaN

    the coMPLeX PRoPosaL Was desiGNed to Make each BoRouGh take caRe of its

    oWN tRash. esseNtiaLLy thRoWiNG MicRo GaRBaGe tRaNsfeR statioNs iN to

    the MiX

    it Was aLso suPPosed to heLP LiMit Noisy GaRBaGe tRucks aNd LiMit the dis-

    taNces to Reach MaRiNe BaRGes, RaiLWays oR out-of-state tRash faciLities.






    distriCts of nyC

  • 63

    01. MN - West 135th stReet02. MN - east 91st stReet 03. MN - West 59th stReet

    Marine transfer stations

    PLaNNiNG Mt statioN

  • 64

    each distRict Needs to deaL With theiR oWN RuBBish. this MeaNs ReoPeNiNG

    aNd dRaMaticaLLy eXPaNdiNG aN Mts iN the uPPeR east side of MaNhattaN

    that feLL iNto disuse iN 1999.

    the RaMP that Leads to the Mts cuts the a sPoRt aNd fitNess ceNtRe GRouNds iN tWo. so iN additioN

    to the Noise aNd PoLLutioN the estiMated 200 tRucks that WiLL deLiVeR GaRBaGe to the Mts eVeRy day,

    LocaLs aLso feaR foR the chiLdReNs safety.

    the planned Mts loCation

  • 65

    ResideNts foR saNe tRash soLutioNs, a

    20,000-MeMBeR stRoNG coMMuNity GRouP that

    Was foRMed to stoP the duMP fRoM haPPeNiNG.

    oNe of theiR MaiN oBJectioNs is that the PRoPosed

    site is diRectLy oPPosite asPhaLt GReeN,

    asphate green Marine transfer station

    the iNdustRiaL PLaNt WheN the oLd Mts Was

    fiRst iN use, this site is No LoNGeR iN use aNd

    thus has attRacted a Vast chiLdReN as a safe

    PLace to Be.

    stanley M. isaaCC neighbourhood Centre

    theRe aRe aLso feaRs foR the heaLth of the eLdeRLy

    coMMuNity Who coNGReGate at the staNLey M. isaacs

    NeiGhBouRhood ceNtRe aNd the thousaNds of LoW iN-

    coMe MiNoRities Who LiVe iN a PuBLic housiNG PRoJect,

    Both of Which aRe MiNutes aWay fRoM the Mts site.

  • 66

  • 67

    the governMent proposal

    new high-teCh low sMell faCilities

    the MiChael blooMberg proMise

    Mts are positioned in lower-inCoMe CoMMunities

    brooklyn queens the bronx staten island

  • 68

    the arguMent

    it is tiMe for residents in that neighbourhood to aCCept a share of the Citys gar-bage probleM.

    the City should build a Modern, environMentally sound faCility at 91st street to transfer trash froM Manhattan to barges on the east river. that trash, estiMated

    at up to 1,800 tons a day, would then go by barge to other states.

  • 69

    deputy Mayor Cas holloway states that the City has had to fight off lawsuit after lawsuit with every frivolous arguMent under the sun froM those opposing the

    91st street faCility.

    those delays have helped push the Cost for building the station froM $125 Million in 2006 to about $226 Million now.

  • 70

    an earlier trash station at that site, whiCh was Closed in 1999, was badly designed so that truCks idled along york avenue.

    the new faCility, Mr. holloway said, has been designed to reduCe the Congestion probleM with longer raMps leading to the faCility, whiCh sits on the eastern side of franklin d. roosevelt drive. the plans also Call for higher noise-bloCking walls

    along the raMps.

  • 71

    this terMinal is an integral part of the Citys 20-year waste ManageMent plan. john doherty, the sanitation CoMMissioner, told CritiCs at a hearing,

    we will not entertain any Changes to what is a fair and thoughtful, borough-based approaCh that was founded on the prinCiples of environMental equity for all new yorkers. environMental equity, in this Case, Means that the upper east side of

    Manhattan has to do its part.

  • 72

    fundaMental probleMs

    other Major Cities have draMatiCally reduCed their waste by inCreasing their reCyCling and CoMposting efforts and enCouraging Mindfulness when it CoMes to throwing things away.

    in new york, however, the Culture is suCh that Many people think nothing of eating out twiCe a day and ordering in a third Meal at hoMe, despite the Mountains of refuse generated

    froM suCh a lifestyle.

  • 73

    while the City is not responsible for the wasteful ways of its Citizens, ad-voCates insist that unless it leads the way, it will be iMpossible to Change

    new yorkers disposable Mentality.

  • 74

    to be fair to the City, its 20 year plan does involve waste reduCtion efforts and goals to signifiCantly inCrease reCyCling diversion rates. Currently only 15% of new yorks resi-

    dential waste is reCyCled down froM a peak of 23% in 2001 and reCyCling is still optional for CoMMerCial entities whiCh generate nearly 75% of the Citys trash total.

  • 75

    advoCates also beMoan the laCk of publiC reCyCling faCilities, whiCh they say sends a Con-fusing Message to people about the neCessity of reCyCling. there are Currently less than 1,000 reCyCling bins in publiC plaCes CoMpared to around 25,000 waste baskets. so

    while in their hoMes, new yorkers Must reCyCle plastiC bottles or faCe a fine, out on the street its okay to throw the saMe bottle in the trash. there is also virtually no Curbside

    or doMestiC CoMposting opportunities so Most food and organiC waste stills ends up in landfills.

  • 76

    the Citys long-terM plan is to reduCe Costs by reCyCling More, reduCing waste and build-ing a waterfront waste transfer systeM less dependent on truCks and able to use Contain-

    ers to ship garbage by barge and train further away to Cheaper duMp-sites.

  • 77

    it is hard to iMagine a More environMentally daMaging waste-ManageMent systeM than the one situated in new york.

  • 78

  • 79

    unfortunately the 20 year plan neither targeted the sourCe of the waste nor did it fix the issue of what to do with it onCe its being ColleCted.

  • 80

  • 81

    landfillsa governMent funded worldwide aCCepted design solution to our waste probleMs

  • 82

  • 83

    fresh kills landfilluntil little over a deCade ago, nearly all of new yorks waste ended up in the

    fresh kills landfill in the borough of staten island.

    when it reaChed CapaCity in 2001 it was Closed and sealed.

  • 84

    type of landfillModeRN LaNdfiLLs aRe hiGhLy eNGiNeeRed faciLities that aRe Located, desiGNed,

    oPeRated, aNd MoNitoRed to eNsuRe coMPLiaNce With fedeRaL ReGuLatioNs.

    ash Monofill ConstruCtion &deMolition (C&d)


    BottoM ash MeaNs the ash Residue ReMaiNiNG

    afteR coMBustioN of soLid Waste oR soLid Waste

    iN coMBiNatioN With fossiL fueL iN a soLid Waste

    iNciNeRatoR that is dischaRGed thRouGh aNd fRoM

    the GRates, coMBustoR oR stokeR.

    coNstRuctioN aNd deMoLitioN deBRis is uNcoN-

    taMiNated soLid Waste ResuLtiNG fRoM the coN-

    stRuctioN, ReModeLiNG, RePaiR aNd deMoLitioN of

    utiLities, stRuctuRes aNd Roads; aNd uNcoNtaMi-

    Nated soLid Waste ResuLtiNG fRoM LaNd cLeaRiNG.

    such Waste iNcLudes, But is Not LiMited to:

    the foRMs of such Wastes aRe eXeMPLified By But

    Not LiMited to: LiQuids such as acids, aLkaLis,

    caustics, Leachate, PetRoLeuM (aNd its deRiVatiVes),

    aNd PRocesses oR tReatMeNt WasteWateRs; sLudGes

    Which aRe seMi-soLid suBstaNces ResuLtiNG fRoM

    PRocess oR tReatMeNt oPeRatioNs oR Residues fRoM

    stoRaGe oR use of LiQuids; soLidified cheMicaLs,

    PaiNts oR PiGMeNts; aNd dRedGe sPoiL GeNeRated By

    MaNufactuRiNG oR iNdustRiaL PRocesses, fouNdRy

    saNd, aNd the eNd oR By-PRoducts of iNciNeRatioN

    oR otheR foRMs of coMBustioN.

  • 85

    gas reCovery MuniCipal solid waste

    LaNdfiLL Gas RecoVeRy faciLity MeaNs a faciLity

    iN Which Gases PRoduced fRoM the decoMPo-

    sitioN of soLid Wastes aRe coLLected foR the

    PuRPose of eNeRGy RecoVeRy.

    MuNiciPaL soLid Waste MeaNs coMBiNed

    househoLd, coMMeRciaL aNd iNstitutioNaL Waste

    MateRiaLs GeNeRated iN a GiVeN aRea.

  • 86

    transforMationat 2,200 acRes, fReshkiLLs PaRk WiLL Be aLMost thRee tiMes the siZe of ceNtRaL

    PaRk aNd the LaRGest PaRk deVeLoPed iN NeW yoRk city iN oVeR 100 yeaRs.

    the tRaNsfoRMatioN of What Was foRMeRLy the WoRLds LaRGest LaNdfiLL iNto a PRoductiVe aNd BeautifuL cuLtuRaL destiNatioN

    WiLL Make the PaRk a syMBoL of ReNeWaL aNd aN eXPRessioN of hoW ouR society caN RestoRe BaLaNce to its LaNdscaPe.

  • 87

    this MethaNe, eNouGh to heat aPPRoXiMateLy 22,000 hoMes, is soLd to NatioNaL GRid aNd the city GeNeRates aPPRoXiMateLy $12

    MiLLioN iN aNNuaL ReVeNue fRoM the saLe of that Gas. Gas RecoVeRy aNd saLe WiLL coNtiNue uNtiL the aMouNt of Gas PRoduced By the

    LaNdfiLL is sMaLL eNouGh as to No LoNGeR Be ecoNoMicaLLy ViaBLe, at Which PoiNt it WiLL Be BuRNed off at fLaRe statioNs oNsite.

    0-30 year plan

    existing habitats

    phase three

    phase one phase two

    phase four Mature bioMatrix

    With the heLP of adVaNced LaNdfiLL Gas coLLectioN iNfRastRuctuRe thRouGhout the

    LaNdfiLL, theRe aRe actiVeLy haRVestiNG MethaNe fRoM the decoMPosiNG Waste.

  • 88

    how they work

    WeLLs aNd PRoBes to detect Leachate

    oR MethaNe Leaks outside LaNdfiLL

    Lechate PuMPed uP to stoRaGe taNk foR

    safe disPosaL

    WheN LaNdfiLL is fuLL LayeRs of soiL aNd

    cLay seaL iN tRash

    PiPes coLLect eXPLosiVe MethaNe

    Gas,Which is used as fueL to GeNeRate


    cLay aNd PLastic LiNiNG to PReVeNt Leaks



    sythetic LiNeR




    PiPes coLLect Leachates fRoM BottoM of



    BioLoGicaL Leachate PLaNt

  • 89


    aNy LaNdfiLL WithiN 10,000 feet of a RuN Way

    Must deMoNstRate the LaNdfiLL does Not Pose a BiRd

    haZaRd, aiRPoRts Must Be Made aWaRe of LaNdfiLLs

    WithiN a 5 MiLe Radius


    if LaNdfiLLs aRe Located WithiN a 100 yeaR fLood-

    PLaiN it Must Not RestRict the fLoW of the 100 yeaR

    fLood oR aLLoW Wash out of soLid Waste


    LaNdfiLLs aRe Not PeRMitted to BuiLd oR eXPaNd

    iN to WetLaNds. uNLess No sittiNG aLteRNatiVe is


    fault areas seisMiC iMpaCt zones

    NeW LaNdfiLLs aRe GeNeRaLLy PRohiBited WithiN 200

    feet of fauLt aReas that haVe shifted siNce the Last

    ice aGe.

    if a LaNdfiLL it to Be BuiLt WithiN a seisMic iMPact

    ZoNe its coNtaiNMeNt stRuctuRe, LiNeRs, Lea-

    chate coLLectioN systeMs Must Be desiGN to Resist

    GRouNd MotioN

    unstable area

    loCation requireMentsReGuLatioNs ReGaRdiNG LaNdfiLL desiGN, sites aNd oPeRatioN haVe BecoMe Much MoRe stRict as faiLuRe to coN-

    tRoL oR MaNaGe the LaNdfiLL coRRectLy couLd Lead to aN eNViRoNMeNtaL disasteR.

    LaNdfiLLs stRuctuRaL iNteGRity Must Not Be coM-

    PRoMised By the destaBiLisiNG eVeNts, heaVy RaiN-

    faLL, fast foRMiNG siNk hoLes, RockfaLLs, LiQuefac-

    tioN of the soiL

  • 90

    epa perforManCe standards

    ePa PeRfoRMaNce staNdaRds i.e, MaXiMuM coN-

    taiNMeNt LeVeLs (McLs) WiLL Not Be eXceeded


    the hydRoLoGicaL coNditioNs of the faciLity caN

    aLLoW eXcess oR stoP WateR PeNetRatiNG the LaNd-

    fiLL. this Needs to Be desiGNed to aLLoW fuLL coN-


    surrounding land

    the hydRoLoGicaL coNditioNs of the suRRouNdiNG

    LaNd caN haVe huGe effect oN the Way WateR MoVe

    aRouNd the site aNd as such aNy site choseN Must

    Which take this iN to coNsideRatioN

    loCal CliMate voluMe of leaChate

    the LocaL cLiMate, teMPeRatuRe & huMidy haVe

    huGe effects oN the LaNdfiLLs aBiLity to PRoduce Vi-

    aBLe eNeRGy iN the foRM of Gas.

    the VoLuMe of Leachate PRoduced By aNy LaNd-

    fiLL is diRectLy ReLated aMouNt of WateR MoViNG

    thRouGh the LaNdfiLL

    type of leaChate

    landfill design paraMeterssiNce GRouNdWateR aNd suRface WateR systeMs suPPLy 60 PeRceNt

    of the dRiNkiNG WateR its cRiticaL this is Not coNtaMiNated

    the tyPe of Leachate PRoduced By aNy LaNdfiLL

    is diRectLy ReLated to the QuaNtity aNd QuaLity

    of the MateRiaL aNd aMouNt of WateR MoViNG

    thRouGh the LaNdfiLL

  • 91

    lining systeMs

    leaChate ColleCtion

    the coMPoseR LiNeR systeM coMBiNes aN uPPeR LiNeR of a syNthetic fLeXiBLe

    MeMBRaNe aNd a LoWeR LayeR of soiL at Least 2 feet thick With a hydRauLic

    coNductiVity of No GReateR thaN 1 X 10-7 cM/sec.

    the Leachate coLLectioN systeM Must Be desiGNed to keeP the dePth of the

    Leachate oVeR the LiNeR to Less thaN 30 ceNtiMetRes.

    MaxiMuM ContaMinant levels

  • 92

    regulating hazardwaste

    a PRoGRaM Must Be set uP to detect aNd PReVeNt

    disPosaL of haZaRdous Wastes aNd PoLychLoRiNat-

    ed BiPheNyL (PcB) Wastes

    Cover Material

    LaNdfiLLs Must Be coVeRed With a Least 6 iNches

    of eaRtheN MateRiaL at the eNd of each oPeRatiNG

    day to coNtRoL VectoR, fiRes, odouRs, LittLe aNd

    scaVeNGiNG, otheR coVeRs May Be used if desiGN



    VectoRs aRe RodeNts, iNsects, BiRds oR aNy aNiMaL

    that is caPaBLe of tRaNsMittiNG disease to huMaNs,

    aPPLicatioN of coVeR MateRiaL stoPs VectoRs

    explosive gases air quality

    a PRoGRaM to check MethaNe Gas eMissioNs at Least

    eVeRy thRee MoNths, if LeVeLs aRe hiGh a Re-Media-

    tioN PLaN Must Be Made WithiN 60 days

    oPeN BuRNiNG of Waste is Not PeRMitted, hoWeVeR,

    diseased tRees, eMeRGeNcy cLeaN uPs Must coMPLy

    With state LaWs


    landfill daily operationsthe oPeRatioN of LaNdfiLLs coVeR a RaNGe of PRoceduRes

    LaNdfiLLs Must Be coNtaiNed fRoM iLLeGaL duMPiNG

    aNd uNauthoRised VehicuLaR access to PReVeNt

    PuBLic eXPosuRe

  • 93

    storM waterrun-on/run-off

    the LaNdfiLL Must haVe a MaiNtaiN coNtRoL systeM

    desiGN to PReVeNt stoRM WateRs fRoM RuNNiNG oN

    to the actiVe PaRt of the LaNdfiLL. the systeM Must

    Be aBLe to coPe With the WoRst case sceNaRios

    surfaCe waterproteCtion

    LaNdfiLLs Must Not ReLease PoLLutaNts iN to WateR

    Bodys aNd WetLaNds Which WouLd VioLate the

    cLeaN WateR act.


    LaNdfiLLs WiLL Not accePt LaRGe BuLk NoNe coN-

    taiNeRiZed LiQuids. uNLess they aRe siMiLaR iN siZe to

    those fouNd iN househoLd Waste such as cLeaNiNG

    autoMotiVe use etc..

    reCord keeping

    LaNdfiLLs tyPoLoGy RecoRds Must Be keeP aNd acces-

    siBLe at aLL tiMe foR the safety of those WoRkiNG

    aNd LiViNG NeaR the sites.

    speCifiC reCords LocatioN RestRictioN, deMoNstRatioNs. PRoceduRes foR eXcLudiNG, haZaRdous Waste. Gas MoNitoRiNG ResuLts. Leachate oR Gas coNdeNsate systeM desiGN docuMeNtatioN GRouNd WateR MoNitoRiN aNd coRRectiVe data aNd deMoNstRa-


    cLosuRe aNd Post cLosuRe PLaNs cost estiMates aNd fiNaNciaL assuRaNce docuMeNtatioN

  • 94

    groundwater Monitoringground Monitoring

    GRouNd WateR MoNitoRiNG is caRRied out usiNG a

    seRies of WeLLs PositioNed thRouGhout the LaNdfiLL

    saMpling prograM

    saMPLes aRe takiNG at Least tWice a yeaR to access

    the QuaLity of the uP-Most aQuifeR BeNeath the

    LaNdfiLL BouNdaRy

    zero toleranCe

    the saMPLes Must deMoNstRate that No MiGRatioN

    of coNstitueNts fRoM the uNit WiLL occuR duRiNG

    the uNits Life iNcLudiNG the cLosuRe aNd Post-cLo-

    suRe caRe PeRiod.

    deteCtion assessMent Monitoring

    GRouNd WateR Must Be saMPLed aNd aNaLysed foR

    sPecific coNstitueNts. if siGNificaNt GRouNdWateR

    coNtaMiNatioN is detected theN states Must Be No-

    tified aNd BeGiN assessMeNt MoNitoRiNG

    the PuRPose of assessMeNt MoNitoRiNG is to de-

    teRMiNed the NatuRe aNd eXteNt of the coNtaM-


    sourCe of ContaMination

    deteRMiNiNG the souRce of the coNtaMiNatioN is

    key as the LaNdfiLL MiGht Not Be the souRce.

  • 95

    CorreCtive aCtion

    coRRectiVe actioN iNVoLVes eVaLuatiNG PoteNtiaL

    ReMedies, hoLdiNG PuBLic MeetiNGs to discuss the

    PoteNtiaL. oNce the ReMedy has BeeN seLected the

    oWNeR of the LaNdfiLL is ResPoNsiBLe foR caRRyiNG

    Monitoring prograM

    duRiNG this PeRiod the a GRouNd WateR MoNitoR-

    iNG PRoGRaM Must Be estaBLished to MeasuRe the

    effectiVeNess of the ReMidy.


    the LaNdfiLL oWNeR Must coNtiNue the coRRectiVe

    actioN uNtiL coMPLiaNce With the cLeaN-uP staNd-

    aRd has BeeN Meet foR thRee coNsecutiVe yeaRs

  • 96

    Closure & post-Closure CarespeCifiC standards

    oWNeRs/oPeRatoRs Must foLLoW ceRtaiN PRoce-

    duRes WheN cLosiNG a MuNiciPaL LaNdfiLL.

    state notified

    the state WheRe the LaNdfiLL Resides Must Be Noti-

    fied PRioR to the cLosuRe

    Closure plan

    a cLosuRe PLaN Must Be PRePaRed iN accoRdaNce

    With state LaW.

    final Covers independent engineer

    the fiNaL coVeR Must coNsist of at Least 18 iNchs of

    eaRtheN MateRiaL of a sPecified PeRMeaBiLity, With aN

    eRosioN LayeR at Least 6 iNches thick

    aN iNdePeNdeNt eNGiNeeR Must ceRtify that the

    cLosuRe Was coNducted iN accoRdaNce With the


    the deeds

    the deed to the PRoPeRty Must Note that the PRoP-

    eRty Was used as a LaNdfiLL aNd that futuRe use is


  • 97

    30 year......

    the oWNeR of the LaNdfiLL is ResPoNsiBLe foR the

    iNteGRity of the LaNdfiLL foR 30 yeaRs afteR the cLo-

    suRe of the LaNdfiLL.


    aLL MaiNteNaNce WiLL Be Paid foR By the oWNeR of

    the LaNdfiLL. foR this ReasoN oWNeRs Must deMoN-

    stRate fiNaNciaL ResPoNsiBiLity foR the LaNdfiLL.

    integrity of Cover

    the fiNaL coVeR Must Be desiGNed aNd coNstRuct-

    ed to haVe a PeRMeaBiLity Less thaN oR eQuaL to the

    BottoM LiNeR systeM

    Monitoring ground Monitoring Methane

    GRouNd WateR Must Be MoNitoRed oVeR a 30 yeaR

    PeRiod afteR the cLosuRe of the LaNdfiLL

    MethaNe LeVeLs Must Be MoNitoRed oVeR a 30 yeaR

    PeRiod afteR the cLosuRe of the LaNdfiLL

    leaChate ManageMent

    Leachate MaNaGeMeNt systeM Must Be MoNitoRed

    oVeR a 30 yeaR PeRiod afteR the cLosuRe of the


  • 98

    osMosis is the MoVeMeNt of WateR fRoM aN aRea of LoW soLute coNceNtRatioN to aN aRe

    of hiGh soLute coNceNtRatioN

    treatMents - osMosis

    seMi - perMeable MeMbrane

    coNceNtRated suGaR


    diLute suGaR


    WateR MoLecuLes suGaR MoLecuLes


    MoRe WateR is dRaWN iN to the

    coNceNtRated soLutioN

    WateR is diRectLy iNVoLVed iN MaNy key BiocheMicaL ReactioNs, these

    PRoPeRties MeaN that WateR MoLecuLes caN Pass thRouGh ceLLuLaR

    MeMBRaNes But aLso foRM soLutioNs With ioNs aNd PoLaR MoLecuLes.

    otheRWise kNoWN as osMosis. PReVeNtiNG the Loss oR GaiN of

    too Much WateR thRouGh osMosis is ofteN aN iMPoRtaNt chaL-


  • 99


    WateR MoLecuLes fLoWs fRoM aReas of hiGh coN-

    ceNtRatioN to aReas of LoW coNceNtRatioN


    osMotic PRessuRe is the PRessuRe ReQuiRed to stoP

    WateR fLoW aNd Reach eQuiLiBRiuM

    reverse osMosis

    By aPPLyiNG PRessuRe GReateR that the osMotic PRes-

    suRe, fLoW of the WateR is ReVeRsed. WateR BeGiNs

    to fLoW fRoM hiGheR coNceNtRatioN to LoWeR.

  • 100

    laCk of irrigation

    WateR is the PRiMaRy cLeaNsiNG PuRifyiNG aNd

    LaNdfiLL RotatioN Method, hoWeVeR MaNy oLdeR

    LaNdfiLLs, faiL at PRoVidiNG WateR WheN its Needed


    laCk of oxygen

    oXyGeN is the PRiMaRy Life souRce used By the Mi-

    cRooRGaNisMs as they feed off out Waste RecycLe

    Waste iN to Gass.

    laCk of MiCrobes

    as a diRect ResuLt of Lack of WateR aNd Lack of

    oXyGeN theRe is a Reduced VoLuMe of MicRoBes aNd

    thus MateRiaLs aRe Not BReakiNG doWN.

    ineffeCtive degeneration Materials not sorted

    the Lack of desiGN WithiN these key systeM is cRe-

    atiNG a fuNdaMeNtaL fLaW With the WhoLe coNcePt

    of LaNd-fiLLiNG.

    as MateRiaLs aRe Not soRted BefoRe BeiNG LaNd-

    fiLLed uP to 65% is BioMass aNd a fuRtheR 25% is

    PLastic. RecycLe iNceNtiVes Need to Be iNPLaMeNted

    eaRLieR iN the systeM

    65% is bioMass

    BioMass caN Be used to GeNeRate NeW iNcoMe

    stReaMs iN the foRM of soLid fueL.

    landfill issues

  • 101

    Cost to design

    RetRofittiNG aNd Re-MediatiNG PooRLy iMPLeMeNted

    systeMs cReate does MoRe haRM theN Good.

    MaintenanCe Cost

    siNce oLdeR systeM aNd MaNy NeWeR systeM stiLL

    haVe fuNdaMeNtaLLy PooR PLaNNiNG they aLWays

    ResuLt iN hiGh PRoLoNGed MaiNteNaNce costs

    environMent Cost

    the eNViRoNMeNtaL cost oNLy BecoMes cLeaR WheN

    its too Late aNd thus We Need to act NoW aNd de-

    siGN NeW systeMs aWay fRoM ResouRces

    reduCe reuse

    aLL thouGh the cuRReNt tReNd is to Reduce, this

    Needs to haPPeN at a MicRo scaLe With iNdiViduaLs

    deaLiNG With theiR Waste PRaGMaticaLLy

    ReusiNG Needs to BecoMe PRofitaBLe With iNceNtiVe

    scheMes desiGN to coLLect PRoducts BefoRe they

    aRe LaNdfiLLed.


    RecycLiNG Needs to BecoMe MoRe they a GiMic. a

    at MicRo scaLe aLL thiNGs aRe Made fRoM eLeMeNts

    aNd RiGht NoW thRouGh adVaNces iN techNoLoGy

    We caN RecycLe aLL MaNoR of thiNGs, hoWeVeR it

    cuRReNtLy soMeoNe eLses PRoBLeM

  • 102

  • 103

    Materalsall Materials have their own individual properties

    this seCtion looks at the deCoMposition of Materials through MiCro-organisMs

  • 104

    fun Material faCts if you Put these iteM iN a LaNdfiLL NoW, they WouLd decoMPose By:

    next Month next year

    2060 ad 2560 ad

    PaPeR BaGs deGRade VeRy QuickLy due to the NatuRe of the PRoduct its easiLy BRokeN doWN By NatuRaL coNditioNs. 1 MoNth

    WooL socks deGRade at a ReasoNaBLe Rates aNd uNdeR NatuRaL coNditioNs WiLL Be coMPLeteLy BRokeN doWN By the MicRo oRGaNisMs. 1 yeaR

    aLuMiNiuM caNs deGRade due to the coNdi-tioNs WithiN a LaNdfiLL aNd a hiGh BuiLd uP of toXiNs aNd acids. 50 yeaRs

    NaPPys By theRe VeRy NatuRe aRe desiGNed foR a siNGLe use hoWeVeR the fuLL deGRadatioN is a dif-feReNt stoRey takiNG uP to 500 yeaRs

  • 105

    3010 ad 1,002,010 ad

    1,500,000 ad 7,500,000,000 ad

    PLastic BaGs By theRe VeRy NatuRe aRe PooRLy de-siGN aRe fLiMsy aNd BRake NoRMaLLy afteR a siNGLe use hoWeVeR the fuLL deGRadatioN is a diffeReNt stoRey. 1000 yeaRs

    PLastic BeakeRs aRe NoRMaLLy Made foR duRaBLe tyPes of PLastic With coMPLeX cheMicaL stRuc-tuRes aNd as such aRe VeRy haRd foR MicRoBes to BReak doWN. 1 MiLLioN yeaRs

    PoLystyReNe is a coMPLeX MiX of cheMicaL stRuc-tuRes aNd as such aRe iMPossiBLe foR MicRoBes to BReak doWN. 7.5 BiLLioNs yeaRs

    GLass BottLes aRe Made usiNG siMPLe MateRiaLs But Because the BoNds aRe PRoduced uNdeR eXtReMe heat its NeaR iMPossiBLe to foR oRGaNisMs to BReak the BoNds doWN. 1.5 MiLLioNs yeaR

  • 106

    none deCoMposable

  • 107

    the figures show the reasoning why landfills reaCh CapaCity sinCe alMost half the iteMs plaCed in a landfill do not degrade

    in a tiMe-sCale we Can ConCeive.

    none deCoMposable

  • 108

  • 109

    waste ManageMentkey features have been extraCted froM how we deal with waste

    and the design CoMplexities of landfills

  • 110

    nyCs Major probleMsthe sCale of the situation seeMs inCoMprehensible

    the solution requires the designer to have a vast overview of all systeMs

    unfortunately all systeMs in plaCe are equally out of date

    poorly designed systeMs have been build upon and as suCh replaCing theM would be Costly

    teChnologiCal advanCes that Can deal with the waste types, loads are not in plaCe

    open sourCe up-CyCling Methodologies are just not in plaCe.

  • 111

    solution to the probleMnyC needs a systeM reboot

    they need to address the way they deal with waste

    innovative ideas need to be gathered and tested for eligibility

    Materials need to be sorted, resourCes should not be buried due to poor ManageMent

    attitudes MuCh Change for all parties involved.

    waste prevention is diffiCult beCause it requires Control of all the systeMs

    the solution lies with Control & waste ManageMent is key

  • 112

    whats neededBRiNGiNG iN to PLay NeW hiGh tech systeMs Which

    feed the MicRoBes Like a coLoNy of NaNo MachiNes

    diGestiNG the Waste aNd PRoduciNG MethaNoGeNtic

    Gasses iN the PRocess.

    iMproved systeMsusiNG What We kNoW aBout MaNy systeMs aNd uti-

    LiZiNG this to cReate iMPRoVed systeMs

    open-sourCe datafiNdiNG NeW ideas is easy WheN suRfiNG the iNteR-

    Net But BRidGiNG MuLtiPLe disciPLiNes is coMPLeX to

    say the Least. oPeN-souRce R&d hoLds to key to

    this PRoBLeM

    proCessing Materials Creating linksMateRiaLs Need to Be assessed BefoRe they eNd uP iN

    a LaNdfiLL as sPace is a LiMitiNG factoR With a GRoW-

    iNG PoPuLatioN

    as MateRiaLs aRe Not soRted BefoRe BeiNG LaNd-

    fiLLed uP to 65% is BioMass aNd a fuRtheR 25% is

    PLastic. RecycLe iNceNtiVes Need to Be iMPLeMeNted

    eaRLieR iN the systeM, oPeN-souRce PRoVides a Way

    of fiNdiNG out What is iN the systeM.

    produCts froM wasteBioMass caN Be used to GeNeRate NeW iNcoMe

    stReaMs iN the foRM of soLid fueL. Gasses aRe Re-

    Leased fRoM the MicRoBes that feed off the Waste,

    What eLse caN We use

    design brief

  • 113

    positioningLaNdfiLLs of the futuRe WiLL No LoNG Be ReGaRded as

    a cheaP aLteRNatiVe to deaLiNG With out Waste they

    couLd BecoMe LaNdMaRks theMseLVes

    integrationhoW it coNNects to the city is cRuciaL foR seRVic-

    iNG aNd safety foR the city shouLd coMe fiRst.

    forMthe foR WiLL take adVaNtaGe of the eNViRoNMeNtaL

    coNditioNs, heatiNG aNd cooLiNG WheRe its Needed

    Via PassiVe systeMs.

    Materials adaptationMateRiaLs aRe the key to a sustaiNaBLe futuRe, the

    MateRiaLs used foR cLaddiNG shouLd Be RecycLaBLe

    hoW it chaNGes to deaL With NeW Waste tyPoLo-

    Gies aNd NeW techNoLoGies/ couLd this Be a PLuG

    iN city.

    reusable energythe BioLoGicaL WoRLd Which eNcoMPasses ouR

    eVeRy MoVe is LitteRed With eXaMPLes of syMBiotic

    ReLatioNshiPs With coMPLeX fRaMeWoRks that Re-

    use each otheR Waste aNd eNeRGy.

  • 114

  • 115

    if we Can give waste a value then attitudes would not be so quiCk to disCard of the resourCe.

  • 116

    waste ManageMent systeMs






    theRe WeRe 26 actiVe MuNiciPaL soLid Waste LaNdfiLLs, 16 actiVe iNdustRiaL/coMMeRciaL Waste LaNdfiLLs,

    12 coNstRuctioN aNd deMoLitioN (c&d) LaNdfiLLs, aNd 5 actiVe LoNG isLaNd LaNdfiLLs.

    PReVeNtioN of PRoductioN seeMs the

    oBVious choice, hoWeVeR this WouLd

    ReQuiRed a huGe Push fRoM GoVeRNMeNts

    to eNfoRce a BaN oN NoNe RecycLaBLes

    Current foCus

    the cuRReNt focus is toWaRds RecycLiNG

    Waste PRoducts hoWeVeR this is Not fuLLy

    ResoLVed aNd as such the aRe stiLL MaNy

    foRMs of Waste eNdiNG uP iN LaNdfiLLs

    the coNcePt of uP-cycLiNG uses the idea of

    RecycLiNG But Without the iNdustRiaL PRo-

    cess of RefoRMiNG, RecycLiNG caN Be tuRNiNG

    a used WateR BottLe iN to a taBLe.

    iN 2012, 10.7 MiLLioN toNs of soLid

    Waste WeRe disPosed of iN NeW yoRk

    state LaNdfiLLs,

  • 117

    option 1inCentive sCheMe

    PeoPLe, iNdiViduaLs, coMPaNys WiLL ReceiVe a PRice PeR kG foR MateRiaLs RecycLed


    - systeM Need coMPLeX RuLes, utiLiZiNG seVeRaL BiN tyPoLoGies- it Needs to Be MoNitoRed cLoseLy- hoW do you coNtRoL What eNteRs the systeM - WheRe WouLd the Waste Go- hoW WouLd it Be PRocessed


    - stoRaGe foR iNdiViduaL Waste oN stReet coRNeRs With seVeRaL BiN tyPes- site ReQuiRed foR stoRaGe aNd PRocessiNG of Waste- the systeM WouLd ReQuiRe MaNuaL iNteRVeNtioN at MuLtiPLe staGes- coNtRoLLiNG huMaN iNteRactioN With haRMfuL toXiNs- fuRtheR RefiNeMeNt systeMs to cReate/PuRify ResouRces

  • 118

    option 2Current systeM

    GoVeRNMeNt PRessuRe to BaN the use of NoNe RecycLaBLes, issues With this BeiNG is (NoNe RecycLaBLes) actuaLLy MeaNs too eXPeNsiVe to cuRReNtLy RecycLe (ie its cheaPeR to use ViRGiN MateRiaL)


    - We coNtiNue to MiNe ViRGiN ResouRces aNd BuRy theM afteR a siNGLe use- Loss of haBitatioN foR aNiMaLs aNd ouRseLVes- PooR aiR QuaLity- MaJoR food coNceRNs- dePLeted food stocks aNd coNtaMiNated oceaNs due to Leachates

    ReQuiRiNG -

    - BioReMediatioN- MiNiNG ouR LaNdfiLLs foR ResouRces- cReate coMPLeX systeMs of siViNG thRouGh ouR PuRified Waste - aLL of this, iN seaRch of ResouRces We MaNaGed PooRLy- fuRtheR RefiNeMeNt systeMs to cReate/PuRify ResouRces

  • 119

    option 3autoMated resourCe Mining

    autoMated soRtiNG is aLReady BeiNG utiLised oN a NuMBeR of PRocesses Which uNtiL VeRy ReceNtLy WeRe hiGhLy iNteNsiVe LaBouReRs PRoceduRes.


    - Need to ideNtify 2.4 MiLLioN toNs of Waste eVeRy yeaR- MachiNe Need a PoWeR souRce- MachiNe Needs a Way of distRiButiNG MateRiaLs- hoW BiG is this MachiNe? - WheRe shouLd it Be PositioNed


    - NetWoRk of sMaLLeR MachiNes seRViNG the MasteR MachiNe- autoMated soRtiNG - sePaRatiNG techNoLoGies- seRies of autoMated coNVeyoR BeLts to MoVe MateRiaLs- stoRaGe uNits caPaBLe of deaLiNG With VoLuMes BeiNG PRoduced- fuRtheR RefiNeMeNt systeMs to cReate/PuRify ResouRces

  • 120

  • 121


  • 122

    reCyCling plastiC90 % of Metals are reCovered

    less than 5 % of plastiC is aCtually reCyCled if it Makes it to a reCyCling Centre,

    Most plastiC is inCinerated or landfilled

    Most people think plastiC is a throw away Material with very little value, but aCtually plastiCs are several tiMes More valuable than steel and there is More plastiC produCed and

    ConsuMed around the world on a voluMe basis every year then steel

    so why is it not reCyCled? well beCause Metals are predoMinantly easy to reCyCle froM one another and other Material, plasiCs are MuCh More diffiCult to sort.

    Metals have different densitys, different eleCtriCal and MagnetiC properties,

    and different Colours Making theM very easy for MaChines to separate.

    plastiCs have overlapping densitys over a very narrow rangeidentiCal or very siMilar eleCtriCal or MagnetiC properties

    any plastiC Can be any Colour

  • 123

    the tRaditioNaL Way to Make PLastic is With oiL

    oR PetRocheMicaLs

    you BReak doWN the MoLecuLes aNd RecoMBiNed

    theM iN VeRy sPecific Ways to Make aLL the WoN-

    deRfuL tyPes of PLastic that We each eNJoy

    PeLets aRe PRoduced aNd soLd foR the ReMoLdiNG

    of PRoducts.

    Waste is PLeNtifuL aNd GRoWiNG iN suPPLy

    LoWeR cost aNd Not tied to oiL

    LoWeR caPitaL costs

    80 - 90 PeRceNt LoWeR eNeRGy

    MoRe fLeXiBLe PLaNt

    saVes 1-3 toNs of co2 toN PLastic

    cLoses the LooP oN RecycLed PLastics

    sustaiNaBLe PRoduct

    future of Making plastiC

    traditional way of Making plastiC

  • 124

    autoMated separation teChnologiesWaste disPosaL coMPaNies deaLiNG With the soRtiNG of MateRiaLs WiLL coMMoNLy use oNe oR MoRe of these fiVe Methods:

    these sePaRate MateRiaLs accoRdiNG to theiR PaRticLe siZe. Waste is fed iNto a LaRGe RotatiNG dRuM Which is PeRfoRated With hoLes of a ceR-taiN siZe. MateRiaLs sMaLLeR thaN the diaMeteR of the hoLes WiLL Be aBLe to dRoP thRouGh, But LaRGeR PaRticLes WiLL ReMaiN iN the dRuM.

    this Method is sPecificaLLy foR the sePaRatioN of MetaLs. aN eddy cuRReNt occuRs WheN a coN-ductoR is eXPosed to a chaNGiNG MaGNetic fieLd. Put siMPLy, it is aN eLectRoMaGNetic Way of di-VidiNG feRRous aNd NoN-feRRous MetaLs.

    MateRiaL is seNt aLoNG a coNVeyoR BeLt With a seRies of seNsoRs uNdeRNeath. these seNsoRs Locate diffeReNt tyPes of MetaL Which aRe theN sePaRated By a systeM of fast aiR Jets Which aRe LiNked to the seNsoRs.

    troMMel separators eddy Current separator

    induCtion sorting

  • 125

    autoMated separation teChnologies

    (NiR) WheN MateRiaLs aRe iLLuMiNated they MostLy RefLect LiGht iN the NeaR iNfRaRed WaVe-LeNGth sPectRuM. the NiR seNsoR caN distiN-Guish BetWeeN diffeReNt MateRiaLs Based oN the Way they RefLect LiGht.

    X-Rays caN Be used to distiNGuish BetWeeN dif-feReNt tyPes of Waste Based oN theiR deNsity.

    near infrared sensors x-ray teChnology

  • 126

    dirk van der kooijdesiGNeR diRk VaN deR kooiJ used his faMous 3d PRiNtiNG RoBot NaMed faNuc to cReate

    sustaiNaBLe desiGN iNNoVatioN, the RoBot Makes fuRNituRe fRoM RecycLed fRidGes aNd e-Waste

    e-Waste is used as a souRce of MateRiaL iNcoMe the PLastic is shRedded, cLeaNed aNd sePaRated usiNG a NuMBeR of autoMated

    systeMs aNd stoRed Ready foR use

    the stoRed PLastic is the BaGGed aNd takeN to the RoBot the RoBot uses a seRies of cad softWaRe PackaGes to tRaNsLate a GiVeN desiGN

    iN to sLices kNoWN as G-code Which is the seNt as coMMaNds to the RoBot

  • 127

    the G-code sLices aRe a Path Which the RoBotic aRM foLLoWs WhiLst

    eXtRudiNG the MeLted PLastic

    the sLices PRoduce a 3 diMeNsioNaL oBJect Which is BuiLt uP oVeR a NuMBeR

    of LayeRs

    WheN the oBJect has BeeN PRiNted the fiNaL PoiNt caN Be Pushed doWN

    to cReate a sMooth fiNish.

    the fiNaL oBJect, chaiR is a fuLLy fuNctuNaL chaiR Which is PRiNtiNG usiNG

    Waste MateRiaLs.

  • 128

    d- shape

    CoMputer Model - Meshed

    large sCale 3d printer

    the NeW 3d cad softWaRe aLLoWs aRchitects to coNceiVe aNd desiGN coNstRuctioNs easiLy, But eXistiNG BuiLdiNG Meth-ods do Not aLLoW the fuLL PoteNtiaL of the NeW desiGN softWaRe to Be achieVed. d-shaPe is a NeW RoBotic BuiLdiNG systeM usiNG NeW MateRiaLs to cReate suPeRioR stoNe-Like stRuctuRes. this is siMiLaR to What aN iNk-Jet PRiNteR does oN a sheet of PaPeR.

  • 129

    this NeW MachiNeRy eNaBLes fuLL-siZe saNdstoNe BuiLd-iNGs to Be Made Without huMaN iNteRVeNtioN, usiNG a steReo-LithoGRaPhy 3-d PRiNtiNG PRocess that ReQuiRes oNLy saNd aNd aN iNoRGaNic BiNdeR to oPeRate. aLLoW-iNG a LeVeL of PRecisioN aNd fReedoM of desiGN uNheaRd of iN the Past.

    eXistiNG MateRiaLs such as ReiNfoRced coNcRete aNd MasoNRy is eXPeNsiVe aNd iNfLeXiBLe. to BuiLd a coMPLeX coNcaVe-coNVeX suRfaces WouLd ReQuiRe the PRe-faBRi-catioN of eXPeNsiVe foRM-WoRks aNd caGes, the MouNt-iNG of coMPLicate scaffoLdiNG aNd theN the MaNuaL castiNG. this is VeRy eXPeNsiVe.

    the PRocess BeGiNs With a 3d coMPuteR ModeL iN a stL fiLe foRMat. this is iMPoRted iNto the coMPut-eR PRoGRaM that coNtRoLs d-shaPes PRiNteR head. duRiNG the PRiNtiNG of each sectioN a stRuctuRaL iNk is dePosited By the PRiNteRs NoZZLes oN the saNd. the soLidificatioN PRocess takes 24 houRs

    the BiNdeR tRaNsfoRMs aNy kiNd of saNd iNto a MaR-BLe-Like MateRiaL aNd With a ResistaNce aNd tRactioN Much suPeRioR to PoRtLaNd ceMeNt, so Much so that theRe is No Need to use iRoN to ReiNfoRce the stRuctuRe. this aRtificiaL MaRBLe is iNdistiNGuishaBLe fRoM ReaL MaR-BLe aNd cheMicaLLy it is oNe huNdRed PeRceNt eNViRoN-MeNtaLLy fRieNdLy.

    aLLoWs MoRe adVaNced desiGN aNd coNstRuctioN.

    fouR tiMes fasteR thaN tRaditioNaL BuiLdiNG Meth-ods.

    30%-50% LoWeR thaN MaNuaL Methods.

    No huMaN iNteRVeNtioN MeaNs suBstaNtiaLLy Reduced Risk of accideNts.

    the systeM Current systeMs

    the proCess new Materials


  • 130

    POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITEScoMPosite aRe MateRiaLs coMPosed of tWo oR MoRe distiNct Phases.(MatRiX Phase aNd disPeRsed Phase) aNd haViNG BuLk PRoPeRties siGNificaNtLy diffeReNt fRoM those of aNy of the coNstitueNts. MatRiX Phase is the PRi-MaRy Phase haViNG a coNtiNuous chaRacteR. MatRiX is usuaLLy MoRe ductiLe aNd Less haRd Phase. it hoLds the disPeRsed Phase aNd shaRes a Load With it Which May Be cheMicaLLy diffeReNt fRoM each otheR.

    the diffeReNt systeMs aRe coMBiNed to achieVe a systeM With GReateR stRuc-tuRaL oR fuNctioNaL PRoPeRties of the coNstitueNt aLoNe. esseNtiaLLy the suM WhoLe is GReateR theN the suM of the PaRts

    laMinar reinforCeMent partiCle reinforCeMent flake reinforCeMent

    Continuous woven fibre disContinuous fibre reinforCeMent skeletal reinforCeMent

    coMPosites iN stRuctuRaL aPPLicatioNs haVe the foLLoWiNG chaRacteRistics:

    . they GeNeRaLLy coNsist of tWo oR MoRe PhysicaLLy distiNct aNd MechaNi-caLLy sePaRaBLe MateRiaLs.

    . they aRe Made By MiXiNG the sePaRate MateRiaLs iN such a Way as to achieVe coNtRoLLed aNd uNifoRM disPeRsioN of the coNstitueNts.

    . they haVe suPeRioR MechaNicaL PRoPeRties aNd iN soMe cases uNiQueLy diffeReNt fRoM the PRoPeRties of theiR coNstitueNts


  • 131

    GLass-fiBRe ReiNfoRced PoLyMeRs (GRPs) aRe fouNd thRouGhout these iNdustRies.

    iN coMMeRciaL aiRLiNes, sPace shuttLe aNd sateLLite systeMs, MaRiNe: Boat Bodies, caNoes, kayaks, aNd so oN as WeLL as autoMotiVe: Body PaNeLs, Leaf sPRiNGs, dRiVe shaft, BuMPeRs, dooRs aNd RaciNG caR Bodies.

    sPoRts Goods: GoLf cLuBs, skis, fishiNG Rods, teNNis Rackets

    BuLLetPRoof Vests aNd otheR aRMouR PaRts.

    cheMicaL stoRaGe taNks, PRessuRe VesseLs, PiPiNG, PuMP Body, VaLVes,

    BioMedicaL aPPLicatioNs: MedicaL iMPLaNts, oRthoPaedic deVices, X-Ray taBLes.

    BRidGes Made of PoLyMeR coMPosite MateRiaLs aRe GaiNiNG Wide accePtaNcedue to theiR LoWeR WeiGht, coRRosioN ResistaNce, LoNGeR Life cycLe, aNd LiMited eaRthQuake daMaGe.

    eLectRicaL: PaNeLs, housiNG, sWitchGeaR, iNsuLatoRs, aNd coNNectoRs.aNd MaNy MoRe.

    NatuRaL fiBeR coMPosites GLass, caRBoN, keVLaR, aNd BoRoN fiBRes aRe BeiNG used as ReiNfoRciNG MateRiaLs iN fiBRe ReiNfoRced PLastics, Which haVe BeeN WideLy accePted as MateRiaLs foR stRuctuRaL aNd NoN-stRuctuRaL aPPLicatioNs

    desiGNiNG With GRP

    Like aLL tRaditioNaL MateRiaLs of coNstRuctioN, GRP aLso has aN iNheReNt LiMitatioN it has a LoW ModuLus of eLasticity (stiffNess). hoWeVeR, this dRaWBack has BeeN successfuLLy oVeRcoMe By stRuctuRaL desiGN eNGiNeeRs oVeR the yeaRs thRouGh effectiVe use of the PRiNciPLes of GeoMetRy.

    if GRP is to Be successfuLLy used iN Load BeaRiNG coMPoNeNts iN coNstRuc-tioN, its stRuctuRaL foRM Must Be choseN as to oVeRcoMe the aPPaReNt Lack of stiffNess iN the oVeRaLL stRuctuRe.

    the ReQuiRed RiGidity of the stRuctuRe is theN deRiVed fRoM its shaPe RatheR thaN fRoM the MateRiaL the stReNGth of the stRuctuRe is, of couRse, oNLy a fuNctioN of the stRuctuRe of the MateRiaL.

    GRPs GRP aPPLicatioN iN the eNeRGy iNdustRy

    With its coRRosioN-ResistaNt, sLiP-ResistaNt, fLaMe ReduNdaNcy, iMPact aBsoRBeNcy, NoN-coNductiVity, hiGh stReNGth-to-WeiGht PRoPeRties Which had Made theM uNiQue iN the ReNeWaBLe eNeRGy GeNeRatioN foR use as tuRBiNe BLades

  • 132

  • 133

    Just to BuiLd the 4 kiLoMetRes LoNG isLaNd caLLed foR 21 MiLLioN cuBic MetRes of LaNdfiLL PLus the assistaNce of 80 shiPs, theN theRe Was the

    sMaLL MatteR of coNNectiNG the aiRPoRt to the MaiNLaNd By Way of a 3 kiLoMetRes BRidGe. iN totaL the PRoJect has so faR cost aRouNd

    $20 BiLLioN, But has aLReady saVed soMe eXPeNse By suRViViNG Both aN eaRthQuake aNd a tyPhooN iN the Last 15 yeaRs, iN additioN BeiNG

    oPeN 24 houRs a day due to its LocatioN.

    goMi - landfills

  • 134

    WheRe do you LaNd a PLaNe WheN youVe RuN out of sPace - JaPaNs aNsWeR, a fLoatiNG aiRPoRt

    began 1987

    1987 - coNstRuctioN of the WoRLds BiGGest MaN

    Made isLaNd of its tiMe BRoke GRouNd oN WateR 18

    MeteR deeP iN the MiddLe of osaka Bay

    the proposal

    5kM fRoM shoRe aNd coNtaiNs 530 hectoRs of

    LaNdfiLL 4 kM LoNG aNd 1200 MeteRs Wide BiG

    eNouGh to sWaLLoW uP the eNtiRe doWN toWN

    aRea of osaka


    the BottoM of osaka Bay is Made of soft cLay

    that is LikeLy to siNk uNdeR the WeiGht of the

    PRoPosed aiRPoRt

    teChnology retaining wall

    to soLVe the PRoBLeM kaNsai eNGiNeeRs tuRNed to

    a NeW saNd dRaiNiNG techNiQue to sPeed uP the

    siNkiNG By suckiNG the WateR out of the saNd.

    fiRst aN eLeVeN kM seaWaLL of coNcRete BLocks

    outLiNed the shaPe of thiNGs to coMe, this Mas-

    siVe eNcLosuRe keePs the WateR oN the outside


    theN 80 BaRGes PLouGhed iN duMPiNG 180

    MiLLioN cuBic MeteRs of LaNdfiLL iNside the sea

    WaLL, eNouGh to BuiLd the GReat PyRaMid of GaZa

    70 tiMes.

    kansai - landfill airports

  • 135

    CoMputer Models

    usiNG the tech of the tiMe eNGiNeeRs MoNitoRed

    aNd MeasuRe the LayeRiNG of the LaNd MakiNG suRe

    the fiLL Was coMPactiNG eQuaLLy Rate to PReVeNt

    uNeQuaL siNkiNG


    Just as the face of the isLaNd staRted to PoP out

    fRoM the WateR coNstRuctioN BeGaN siMuLtaNe-

    ousLy oN tWo MaJoR aiRPoRt LaNdMaRks

    the building

    the teRMiNaL had to Be LiGht eNouGh to keeP

    settLiNG to a MiNiMuM, ReNZo PiaNos PRoPosaL, a

    WiNG shaPed teRMiNaL Made fRoM steeL aNd GLass,

    NeaRLy 1 MiLe LoNG,

    aCCess bridge

    the NeXt cRuciaL chaLLeNGe iN coMPLetiNG this

    aiRPoRt Was the uLtiMate QuestioN of access - the

    aNsWeR Was the skyGate BRidGe this Was doNe By

    the use of fLoatiNG cRaNes.

    today its the WoRLds LoNGest douBLe deckeR

    tRuss BRidGe, at 3750M LoNG it caRRies 6 LaNes of

    tRaffic oN toP aNd tWo tRaiNs BeLoW, Just heiGh

    eNouGh foR Boats to Pass uNdeR yet LoW eNouGh


    fiNaLLy afteR 7 LoNG yeaRs of dRaiNiNG, duMPiNG

    aNd desiGNiNG oN What - oPeN foR BusiNess oN

    sePteMBeR 4th 1994. iN the fiRst MoNth aLoNe

    10,000 PeoPLe PeR day caMe to the aiRPoRt.

  • 136


    1 MiLLioN WoRkeRs,

    200 MiLLioN MetRic toNes of MateRiaL

    10 MiLLioNs houRs of haRd LaBouR

    RecLaiMed the sea aNd oPeNed uP the skys


    the isLaNd is siNkiNG iN to the WateR, aNd siNkiNG

    a LittLe fasteR theN aNticiPated, duRiNG coNstRuc-

    tioN the saNd dRaiNiNG aPPeaRed to take caRe of

    stReNGtheNiNG the Bays fiRst LeVeL of soft soiL,

    soil types

    uNfoRtuNateLy it Was the deePeR stuff, the soiL

    they couLd Not dRaiN that WouLd BecoMe a PRoB-

    LeM (deLuViuM soiL)

    guestiMating 8 Meters

    eNGiNeeR had to estiMate the deGRee of settLiNG

    that WouLd occuR, By 1999, oN the aiRPoRts 5th

    BiRth day it BecaMe aPPaReNt that the GuestiMatiNG

    Was Way off

    the eNtiRe isLaNd had aLReady suNk oVeR 8 MeteRs

    - aGiNG the aiRPoRt 40 yeaRs ahead of schedueL,

    ConCern 1

    WiLL the isLaNd siNk Be RecLaiMed By the sea

    7 yeaRs LateR the WoRLd had its fiRst iNteRNatioNaL aiRPoRt fLoatiNG out iN the MiddLe of the sea, aLL By

    itseLf. the aiRPoRt haNdLes MoRe thaN 300 PasseNGeRs a Week & is oPeN 24 houRs a day

  • 137

    ConCern 2

    What does aLL the siNkiNG doWN BeLoW MeaN foR

    the stRuctuRes uP aBoVe


    eNGiNeeR GaVe a LittLe Lift to the 900 suPPoRt

    coLuMNs that hoLd the teRMiNaL uP, each coLuMN

    is eQuiPPed With a seNsoR thats coNNected to a

    coMPuteRised systeM.

    Manned response

    WheN the isLaNd shifts, the systeM shifts WheRe

    the PoWeR LiftiNG Must take PLace aNd techNiciaNs

    Rush iN.

    hydrauliC jaCks void

    hydRauLic Jacks each caPaBLe of LiftiNG 300 toNes

    aRe iNseRted BetWeeN the fLooR aNd the coLuMN iN

    QuestioN, theN the huGe suPPoRt is Lifted aNd MetaL

    PLates aRe added oNe at a tiMe to Raise the uPPeR

    fLooRs Back to LeVeL oNce aGaiN,

    WheN this JackiNG uP PRoceduRe is doNe the

    BaseMeNt fLooR ReMaiNs at the saMe LeVeL WhiLst

    the otheR LeVeLs aRe Raised uP. WaLL WeRe huNG

    fRoM the ceiLiNG aNd ac ductiNG aRe BoLted to

    the ceiLiNG, staiRcases Get aN eXtRa steP oR tWo

    sinking slowing

    siNkiNG has sLoWed the 5cM a yeaR coMPaRed to

    the 5cM a MoNth duRiNG coNstRuctioN

  • 138


    iN 1995 a 7.2 eaRth Quake hit JaPaN Just 12 kM

    fRoM kaNsai aiRPoRt. the aiRPoRt Was Left iNtact

    shoWiNG the adVaNces stRuctuRaL desiGN Which

    stood stRoNG.

    a City at sea

    as the aiRPoRt staNds aLoNe iN the MiddLe of

    the oceaN it Needs to Be seLf sufficieNt, the

    iNfRastRuctuRe is MoRe Like a city thaN a aiRPoRt.

    own power plant

    it has its oWN PoWeR PLaNt Which uses

    iNciNeRatioN of Waste stReaMs PRoVided By kaNsai

    cLeaN ceNtRe, WhiLst RecycLiNG as Much as PossiBLe

    CirCulation travel Methods

    thousaNds of PassaNGeRscoMe thRouGh this

    fLoatiNG MetRoPoLis aNd PLaNNeRs desiGNed a

    MyRiad of Mass tRaNsPoRtatioN to BRiNG PeoPLe to

    aNd fRoM the aiRPoRt fRoM aLL oVeR WesteRN JaPaN

    JaPaNs RaiLWay coMMuteR tRaiNs Make seVeRaL

    stoPs foR PeoPLe Who WoRk at the aiRPoRt,

    hiGh sPeed feRRys BRiNG iN aiR tRaVeLLeRs fRoM

    koBe acRoss the Bay.

    traffiC Centres

    state of the aRt tRaffic ceNtRe With oVeR 40

    ReMote coNtRoL caMeRas Which eNaBLe officeRs to

    keeP aN eye oN a MaNaGe eVeRythiNG fRoM tRaffic

    JaMs to eMeRGeNce situatioNs

  • 139


    fueL deLiVeRy PiPes With fLeXiBLe JoiNts aLLoW safety

    fRoM siNkiNG LaNd aNd eXtReMe WeatheR


    the Most adVaNced BaGGaGe coNtRoL systeMs iN

    the WoRLd, 10,000 Piece Pass thRouGh each day

    With the MuLti-fLooR desiGN it MeaNs GettiNG

    cReatiVe WheN it coMes to haNdLiNG eXcess

    Conveyor belts

    hiGh tech sPiRaL deLiVeRy systeM coNVeyoR BeLts

    soRt cases accoRdiNG to destiNatioN BaGGaGe With


    organised typhoons

    the BuiLdiNG is VeRy WeLL oRGaNised aNd as such

    ciRcuLatioN thRouGh aNd aRouNd the aiRPoRt is

    WeLL coNsideRed

    tyPhooNs Which GeNeRates WiNds uP to 190MPh

    BRiNGiNG aLoNG daMaGiNG hiGh tides, seNsatiVe

    MoNitoRiNG systeMs Which uPdate eVeRy 30

    MiNutes, PRoVide VaRyiNG WiNds iNfoRMatioN at

    MuLtiPLe heiGhts foR Jets to fLy oVeR.


    WiNdoWs aRe aLL heLd iN PLace With fLeXiBLe


  • 140

  • 141

    OIL RIG TECHNOLOGYoil rigs operate in a harsh environMent and its their ability to do so

    whiCh Makes theM an ideal Candidate to investigate

  • 142

    drill - ship drilling barge

    dRiLLiNG BaRGes aRe MostLy used foR shaLLoW dRiLLiNG iN NoN-oceaN WateRs

    such as Lakes.

    coNsistiNG of a fLoatiNG BaRGe With dRiLLiNG eQuiPMeNt.

    tuGBoats toW the PLatfoRM out to the site,

    aNchoRs hoLd it iN PLace.

    oNLy suitaBLe foR caLM WateRs.

    aN oceaN-GoiNG VesseL With a dRiLLiNG PLatfoRM iN the MiddLe.

    the dRiLL stRiNG eXteNds doWN to the oceaN fLooR thRouGh a MooN hoLe.

    they use dyNaMic PositioNiNG eQuiPMeNt to keeP aLiGNed With the dRiLL site.

    this eQuiPMeNt uses sateLLite iNfoRMatioN aNd seNsoRs oN the suB-sea dRiLL-

    iNG teMPLate to keeP tRack of the dRiLLiNG LocatioN.

    eLectRic MotoRs oN the uNdeRside of the huLL coNstaNtLy MoVe the shiP to

    keeP it LiNed uP With the WeLL.

    this aPPRoach aLLoWs oiL coMPaNies to Reach dePths of uP to 6,000 feet

    (1,829 MeteRs).

  • 143

    seMi - subMerged jaCk - up

    Jack-uPs ReseMBLes a dRiLLiNG BaRGe But coMBiNes stRuctuRaLLy suPPoRtiNG LeGs

    oNce this PLatfoRM Reaches the dRiLLiNG site, it caN LoWeR thRee oR fouR MassiVe

    LeGs iNto the WateR uNtiL they touch the BottoM.

    they Lift the PLatfoRM out of the WateR Which PRoVides a Much MoRe staBLe

    eNViRoNMeNt fRoM Which to dRiLL.

    the LeGs staBiLiZe the PLatfoRM aGaiNst WiNds aNd Lift it aBoVe PitchiNG WaVes But

    the desiGN has its LiMits as deePeR WateRs ReQuiRe iMPRacticaLLy LaRGe LeGs.

    seMi suBMeRsiBLe RiG faciLities aRe eLeVated oN stiLts huNdReds of feet aBoVe

    PoNtooN Like BaRGes.

    afteR ReachiNG the dRiLL site, the cReW fLoods the BaRGes With WateR. the

    BaRGes siNk WhiLe the PLatfoRM ReMaiNs eLeVated aBoVe the WateR oN stiLts

    esseNtiaLLy siNkiNG the RiG iNto oRdeR to aNchoR it.

    to ReLocate the RiG the cReW PuMPs the WateR out causiNG it to fLoat Back

    uP to the suRface

    it eXPeRieNces MoRe hoRiZoNtaL MotioN aNd a ceRtaiN deGRee of VeRticaL

    MotioN, But it aLLoWs oiL coMPaNies to dRiLL at dePths of uP to 7,000 feet

    (2,134 MeteRs), WeLL oVeR a MiLe (1.6 kiLoMeteRs) BeNeath the WaVes.

  • 144

  • 145

    phase 1 - the MaChines

  • 146

    building prograMthe BuiLdiNGs is a ResPoNse to the cRiticaL issues GeNeRated By the Way Waste is cuRReNtLy BeiNG deaLt With aNd

    seeks to ReVoLutioNiZe the Way We PRocess Waste.









    sectioN _1.0 shoWs a fLoW chaRt MaPPiNG the PRoceduRes iNVoLVed iN PRocessiNG Waste.

  • 147

    faCtory biologiCal waste bio-digestion

    waste in

    sort proCess

    sorted waste out



    sectioN _2.0 shoWs a fLoW chaRt MaPPiNG the coNNectioNs diffeReNt systeMs Need

    systeM flow Chart

  • 148

    delivery spaCe storage spaCe sorting faCility

    MoveMent faCilities bio-digestor

    13,000 M2 PeR day91,000 M2 PeR Week

    the Gates Need to Be aBLe to haNdLe 312,000 toNs PeR houR. these aRe the Loads deLiVeRed By BaRGe daiLy. the systeM Needs to Be Quick to PReVeNt heaVy tRaffic.

    the systeM Needs to Be aBLe to haNdLe the Loads BeiNG deLiVeRed daiLy. scaLe of autoMated soRtiNG MachiNe is cRit-icaL. each Waste stReaM is a diffeReNt QuaNtity. the GRaPh RePReseNts a suR-Vey study Which detaiLed the Waste tyPoLoGy, the totaL ReMaiNs the saMe 91,000 M2 PeR Week

    this sPecific PRoJect is focused to-WaRds Bio-diGestioN. foR this ReasoN a LaRGe stoRaGe toWeR WiLL Be coN-stRucted to PRocess the BioMass.

    the Bio-diGestoR ReQuiRes hiGhLy coMPLicated systeMs to MoNitoR the coNditioNs iNside aNd PRoMote hiGh LeVeLs of MicRoBiaL Life Which iN tuRN BReak doWN the BioMass aNd PRoduce

    Monitoring / plant rooMiN oRdeR foR the systeM to WoRk it WiLL Need to Be MoNitoRed By seRVice eNGiNeeR aNd this ReQuiRes haBitaBLe sPaces Which aRe sheLteRed fRoM the coNditioNs oN the factoRy fLooR.

    faCtory Monitoring bio-digestionMaNNedsPeciaL suits to Be WoRNoXyGeN/aiReNeRGyheatGeNeRate heatcooLiNGVeNtiLatioNLiGhtiNGuNiNteRRuPted VieWsiNsuLatioNWateRPRoofiNG

    spaCial requireMents

    spaCial requireMents

  • 149

    waste in sorted waste out




    Control Monitoring







    spaCial planning seCtion

    MethaNe is coLLected fRoM the toP of the toWeR as RisiNG Gas. this is theN PuMPed Back to the factoRy fLooR foR soRted Waste out

    the uNMaNNed access shaft acts as a deLiVeR Path foR BioLoGicaL Waste WheN eNteRs the toWeR at the toP

    the coNtRoL ceNtRe is PositioNed BetWeeN the tWo systeMs to accuRateLy MoNitoR the eXchaNGe of MateRiaLs BetWeeN the tWo aNd haVe eQuaL VieWiNG of Both eNteRiNG aNd eXitiNG feRRys Loaded With caRGo.

    the factoRy is Located oN the GRouNd fLooR Which aLLoWs easy access foR aLL BaRGes aNd Reduces the eNeRGy By PRocess-iNG it at oNe LeVeL

    the PRocessiNG ceNtRe deaLs With the MateRiaLs ReQuiRed to GRoW the toWeR.its BeeN PositioNed GiVe it diRect access to MateRiaL thRouGh the factoRy fLooR aNd has a diRect Route thRouGh the seRVice shaft PassiNG thRouGh the coNtRoL ceN-tRe aLLoWiNG accuRate MoNitoRiNG of aLL MateRiaLs eXchaNGe

  • 150

    Proposition ARC ( AUTOMATED RECYCLING CENTRE) _01 - transporting waste _0.2 - linear systeM

    _03 - ColleCt Methane _04 - ColleCt CoM-

    Waste is tRaNsPoRted By BaRGe iN coNtaiNeRs to the site aNd is Lifted By a hydRauLic aRM Which aLLoWs BaRGes to dRoP off Loads Without the Need to dock.

    the LiNeaR dRoP of aNd coLLectioN stRiP acts as a RuNWay Which sPecific distRicts WouLd Be sched-uLed to dRoP off Waste to a RidGed tiMetaBLe.

    dRoP off PoiNt coLLectioN PoiNt

    the stRuctuRe aLLoWs easy coLLect of MethaNe Gas thRouGh a seRies of cyLiNdeRs PositioNed oN the Roof of the toWeR.

    coMPost accuMuLates at the Base of the stRuctuRe aNd coNtiNues its JouRNey as a RecycLed PRoduct.

  • 151

    _05 - vertiCal MoveMent

    _07 - aerate CoMpost _08 - hydrate CoMposted Material

    _06 - separate solid/

    the sePaRated Waste is MoVed VeRticaLLy usiNG a sPi-RaL coNVeyoR Which WouLd oN the saMe PRiNciPLes as aRchiMedes scReW.

    the stRuctuRe of the toWeR BecoMes the MechaNisM Which Both suPPoRts the Loads eQuaLLy aNd fiLteRs LiQuid toXiNs Which BuiLd uP iN the coMPoseR. the systeM is seLf cLeaNiNG aNd seLf ReVitaLisiNG.

    the coMPost is aeRated as tuRNiNG the MateRiaLs is the Best Way to suPPLy the NutRieNts to MicRo - oRGaNisMs thRouGhout the coMPoseR

    RaiN WateR acts as a MediuM to Both MiX the oRGaN-ic MateRiaL aNd fiLteRs toXiNs fRoM the coMPosted MateRiaL. the systeM aLLoWs foR RaiNWateR to PeNe-tRate if MoistuRe LeVeLs faLL oR toXiN LeVeL Rise.

  • 152

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