Bodócz Tamás- Web Perfomance & Caching Issues

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  • 1. Web Performance Caching issues VESZPRM MEETUP: 2013. 02Presented by BociGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS

2. Why make performance test? reduce server load reduce latency reduce network traffic GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 3. Magic sentences www.balabit.comCache is King!Improve Performance by CachingH! UGUsing Web Server Cache to Boost PerformanceOENCall to improve browser caching T NOGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 4. Empty cache? first time users cleared cache (for ex. antivirus) resource got evicted update - content/page changes (flawed experiment) GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 5. Cache types www.balabit.comGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 6. Cache easy steps www.balabit.comGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 7. Cache next chance www.balabit.comGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 8. Cache low level www.balabit.comGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 9. Why should we know this? understand use cases (loading, cache warm-up, requestserving, content update) effects better plan for measurement define performance measurement & load test targets GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 10. Sample www.balabit.comGUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 11. Test with or without cache? www.balabit.comresponse time depend from time period and use cases: server load warm up cache load (application, proxy, browser) simple serve period (just dynamic content) content change partial cache load private content / dynamiy contentFOCUS YOUR BUSINESS ISSUES!make more test for check issues GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 12. In practice Web server web application benchmarking analyze your server side weakness analyze cache effects you shouldnt forget queries, rss, dynamic contents Response time analyzing analyze different page response time analyze different user iteration resp. time analyze different user mix (first time, return, clearcache) GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS 13. www.balabit.comThank you! Questions?GUARDING YOUR BUSINESS