Avantgarde and Underground Introduction into the Critical Theory and History in Czechoslovakia 1930´s – 1968

Avantgarde and Underground

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Avantgarde and Underground. Introduction into the Critical Theory and History in Czechoslovakia 1930´s – 1968. Avantgarde in the 20´s. Dada, Surrealism Duchamp, Fountain Zurich 1916-1922, anti-art rational thought and burgeois values brought terrifying conflict upon the world - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Avantgarde and UndergroundIntroduction into the Critical Theory and History in Czechoslovakia1930s 1968Avantgarde in the 20sDada, SurrealismDuchamp, Fountain

Zurich 1916-1922, anti-artrational thought and burgeois values brought terrifying conflict upon the world Bankruptcy of existing style of art expressionTristan Tzara - manifesto 1918

Make it new! (Ezra Pound)Rejection of tradition, enlightenment and God.Nietzsche, Beckett

Avant-gardeThe hall-mark of modernismexperimental, innovative art, culture and politicsradical social reformsart for arts sake expanding frontierssubcategory of BohemianismSurrealism Developed out of dada in the 1920s, manifest by Andre BretonAutomatic writing

Dal in Paris with his Pet Anteater

Situationist International (SI)

1957-1972experiences of life being alternative to those admitted by the capitalist order construction of situations, Guy Debord The Society of the Spectacle 1967: Media show a fake reality in order to mask the real capitalist degradation of human lifeTheorists: Frankfurt School

1923 left-wing German-Jewish intellectuals analyzing culture in the condition of mass productionTheodore Adorno (1903-1970), Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), Herbert Marcuse (1889-1978), Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). disbelief in scientific and rational progressTechnology used to propagate ideology through mass cultureAfter TV - the working class has been pacified into accepting capitalism no social revolution possibleErich Fromm, The Art of LovingUndeground1. WWII: an underground organization of a conquered country engaging in sabotage and secrete operations against occupation forces and collaborators (Websters New E Dictionary, 1995)2. "the underground against the totalitarian regimes 1948-19893. subcultural and civic underground.Against consumer society, multinational corporations, neo-liberal capitalism, etc.

Avantgarde in Czechoslovakia after 1945Honza KrejcarovMilena Jesensk (Ravensbrck) and Jaroslav Krejcar (Devtsil)Femme fatale, bohemian lifestyleHrabal: swan with a broken wingWithout quest for meaning there is no ethics

To follow ones bliss is depressing: we can strive for pleasure in small things as biological needs, which though, does not provide satisfaction of the meaning of existence. Nothing we do for ourselves solves the basic need for meaning, because egoism is pointless. (Bondy)

Egon BondySpiritual father of the Czech Underground1949, surrealist Jewish Names with Honza Krejcarov protesting against communist antisemitism by taking Jewish sounding pseudonymes1970s friends with Magor, PPU sing his poems and textsAgainst real socialism, against consumer society

Hrabal, Medek, Boudnk

3 Seasons in the Hell

Signed Charter 1977Egon Bondysecret lectures in apartments on art, buddhism, philosophy (Milan Machovec and Milan Balabn religion)History of Philosophy not first hand sources, cheap weapon to criticssupported the generation of Jchym Topol, Ivan Lamper, Vt Kremlika, Karlk, Plack, Krchovsk: underground publishing Meetings NERUDOVA 51

1950sPersecutions of the ChurchAntisemitic processes (Slnsk)...1956 Khrushchev criticism of Stalins cult situation released

1968Soviet Invasion, August 21Jan Palach, 1969 burrial anticommunist demostration

Karel Kryl Protest Song, 1968-1969Brother, Close the Door

The Begginigs of Czech UndegroundThe Primitives Group, 1966-69Psychedelic performancesHendrix, Doors, Fugs, Mothers of InventionMagor art student1968 Fish Fest1969 Bird Fest

Plastic People of the UniversePsychedelic Velvet UndegroundMagor

1967 1st CS Beat FestHippiespopular artistic creativityOlympic, Blue EffectBlack concerts (marriages)1974 Massacre in BudjoviceCommission for protection of public orderGestapo practices of the police, traumatizingPatokaCharter 77

StB ActionsJi GansJewish, parents perished in concentration campsAlmost blindAccused for spying in esk BudjoviceListened to jazzrock music friends with the American diplomat since 1965Surrounded by young people that wanted to listen to the music Sentenced to death in 1976 for moral distorsion of youth, tortured