AP BIOLOGY FINAL EXAM REVIEW 1. A hypothesis a testable prediction 2. The control is the standard for comparison in an experiment 3. Know dependent and independent variables 4. A factor that does not change in an experiment is a constant. 5. An experiment is an organized process to gather observations. 6. A law is a rule or principle that describes the behavior of something in nature. A theory is an explanation of an observation. 7. Pure science is done to advance our knowledge. 8. A tissue is a group of cells that perform the same function. 9. Chemical digestion is the breakdown of food by enzymes. For example, proteins are digested by enzymes released by the stomach (pepsin) small intestine and pancreas. 10. Proteins are made up of amino acids. 11. Bile is made in the liver. It is stored in the gall bladder and it emulsifies fats. 12. Digested food is absorbed through the small intestine. The undigested mass is stored in the large intestine (rectum) 13. Blood goes to right of heart from right ventricle to the lungs where gas exchange takes place. Then it goes to left side of heart and to the body via the aorta. 14. Arteries carry oxygenated blood, veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. Capillaries is where gas exchange takes place. They are very thin vessels. 15. White blood cells help to fight infection. Platelets help control bleeding. 16. mRNA carries the genetic code in codons (3 bases). tRNA can only bond with one specific type of amino acid. 17. A pairs with Thymine (T). Cytosine (C) pairs with Guanine (G). 18. New DNA is made by replication. mRNA is made by transcription. The mRNA message is translated into a protein.

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1. A hypothesis a testable prediction

2. The control is the standard for comparison in an experiment

3. Know dependent and independent variables

4. A factor that does not change in an experiment is a constant.

5. An experiment is an organized process to gather observations.

6. A law is a rule or principle that describes the behavior of something in nature. A theory is an

explanation of an observation.

7. Pure science is done to advance our knowledge.

8. A tissue is a group of cells that perform the same function.

9. Chemical digestion is the breakdown of food by enzymes. For example, proteins are digested

by enzymes released by the stomach (pepsin) small intestine and pancreas.

10. Proteins are made up of amino acids.

11. Bile is made in the liver. It is stored in the gall bladder and it emulsifies fats.

12. Digested food is absorbed through the small intestine. The undigested mass is stored in thelarge intestine (rectum)

13. Blood goes to right of heart from right ventricle to the lungs where gas exchange takes place.

Then it goes to left side of heart and to the body via the aorta.

14. Arteries carry oxygenated blood, veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. Capillaries is

where gas exchange takes place. They are very thin vessels.

15. White blood cells help to fight infection. Platelets help control bleeding.

16. mRNA carries the genetic code in codons (3 bases). tRNA can only bond with one specifictype of amino acid.

17. A pairs with Thymine (T). Cytosine (C) pairs with Guanine (G).

18. New DNA is made by replication. mRNA is made by transcription. The mRNA message istranslated into a protein.

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19. Enzymes, such as excision repair enzymes, repair damaged DNA.

20. Helicase unzips DNA during replication. DNA polymerase makes the new DNA strand.

21. The genetic code is determined by the sequence of bases in the DNA.

22. The two identical parts of a chromosome are called chromatids.

23. Synapsis occurs in prophase I of meiosis I. This is when crossing over can occur.

24. Sex cells are called gametes and are produced in the gonads during meiosis.

25. Know what happens during interphase, G, S and G2.

26. Mitosis produces body or somatic cells.

27. Haploid- half the # of chromosomes.

Diploid- double the haploid

28. According to Mendel, factors or genes segregate during meiosis.

29. A testcross is performed to determine an unknown genotype by crossing it with a

homozygous recessive individual. Example:

30. A: monohybrid crosses involve, two individuals with a single contrasting trait. Dihybrid

crosses involve two contrasting traits.

31b. A deletion results when apiece of a chromosome breaks off and is lost.

31. A frame shift mutation is a type of point mutation.

32. A pedigree is a family record that indicates the occurrence of a trait.

33. Monosomy – only 1 chromosome of the homologous pair is present in the individual.Trisomy- results in an extra chromosome.

34. Sex linked traits in humans- hemophilia, color- blindness, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

35. Ultrasound can show an image of an unborn baby.

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36. Carcinogen- cancer causing substance.

37. Uncontrolled cell division causes tumors.

38. The peppered moth provided evidence for natural selection.

39. Lamarck proposed a mechanism for the inheritance of acquired traits.

40. Evolution- species change over time.

41. Fossils are found mostly in sedimentary rock.

42. Morphological species concept classifies organisms on the basis of their looks.

43. Mutation- a change in a gene

44. Gene pool- the collection of all genes in a population.

45. Hybrids- offspring of two morphologically dissimilar organisms.

46. Random selection results in higher recombination rates

47. Hardy Weinberg explains genetic equilibrium. For this equilibrium to be maintained

population: 1. Must be large 2. No migration 3. Random mating 4. No natural election 5. No


48. Geographic isolation occurs when populations are physically separated.

49. Evolution could be gradual or punctuated. Gradual occurs slowly over time. Punctuated

equilibrium results in very fast evolution.

50. Types of natural selection:

1. Sexual

2. Disruptive

3. Directional

4. Artificial

5. Stabilizing

51. Adaptive radiation (Darwin’s Finches): one species form many. Convergent evolution: whenorganisms of very different species look alike because they share a common environment.

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52. Natural selection states that evolution depends on the favorable adaptations that the organism


53. Mendel’s factors are genes or alleles. 

54. Inbreeding can result in desirable traits.

55. Genes control the making of proteins in an individual.

56. Gene expression- making of protein

57. The gene for eye color in drosophila melanogaster is found on the sex chromosomes.

58. Somatic cell mutations are not passed on to offspring.

59. Autosomes are chromosomes that code for the traits other than gender. They are found in

both germ cells and somatic cells.

60. Failure of homologous chromosomes to separate at meiosis is called non-disjunction.

61. The expression of sex-limited genes is controlled by hormones.

62. Polygenic traits are controlled by many genes. Ex: skin color, height, and eye color.

63. Punnet square determines out comes of genetic crosses.

64. DNA stores information that direct activities of a cell.

65. The rings of DNA are made up of nitrogen bases.

66. Meiosis produces four haploid nuclei.

67. A sexual reproduction occurs by mitosis. Sexual occurs by meiosis.

68. DNA is double stranded. RNA is single stranded.

69. mRNA is the template for DNA during protein synthesis. Transcription: Is when a segment

of DNA is copied to mRNA and it occurs in nucleus. Translation: the assembling of proteins and

it occurs in cytoplasm (ribosome)

70. Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to make proteins.