Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014 1 ANTHROPOMETRY A. Practicum Purposes 1. Giving procedural thinking in performing analyzation and redesigning to students. 2. Mastering interaction between human and machine, tools, material and work environment. 3. Able to understand the existance of anthropometry data and use it to redesigning / rearrange work system. 4. Able to designing certain work station in certain work work environment. 5. Able to use anthropometry data in designing products using software AUTOCAD, Google SketchUp, 3Dmax, etc. B. INPUT AND OUTPUT Input: a) Steps of measuring body dimensions Output: a) Video record and data of anthropometry. C. TOOLS Tools and material used in this practicum such as : a. Weightscales b. Anthopometer c. Anthropometry chair d. Lenght measure tools / ruler e. Flexible curve f. Observation sheet D. PRACTICUM PROCEDURE a. Choosing object of obsevation and measure the anthropometry body dimension b. Note the data and record the process of measurement. c. Filling the observation sheet based on acquired anthropometry data.


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Modul Antropometri

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  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    ANTHROPOMETRY A. Practicum Purposes 1. Giving procedural thinking in performing analyzation and redesigning to students. 2. Mastering interaction between human and machine, tools, material and work

    environment. 3. Able to understand the existance of anthropometry data and use it to redesigning /

    rearrange work system. 4. Able to designing certain work station in certain work work environment. 5. Able to use anthropometry data in designing products using software AUTOCAD,

    Google SketchUp, 3Dmax, etc.


    a) Steps of measuring body dimensions


    a) Video record and data of anthropometry.

    C. TOOLS Tools and material used in this practicum such as :

    a. Weightscales b. Anthopometer c. Anthropometry chair d. Lenght measure tools / ruler e. Flexible curve f. Observation sheet D. PRACTICUM PROCEDURE

    a. Choosing object of obsevation and measure the anthropometry body dimension

    b. Note the data and record the process of measurement.

    c. Filling the observation sheet based on acquired anthropometry data.

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    E. REFERENCESS Niebel, B. & Freivalds, A., 2002. Methods, Standards and Work Design 11th ed.

    Recherche, 67, p.02. Purnomo, Hari. 2004. Antropometri dan Aplikasinya. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Nurmianto, E., 1996. Ergonomi Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Edisi pertama. Cet, 3. Roebuck, J.A., 1995. Anthropometric Methods: Designing to Fit the Human Body,

    Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Santa Monica, CA.

    Tayyari, F. & Smith, J.L., 1997. Occupational Ergonomics: Principles and Applications, Chapman & Hall.

    Wickens, C.D.; Lee J.D.; Liu Y.; Gorden Becker S.E. 2004. An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education Inc.

    F. THEORY 1. Anthropometry

    Antrhopometry derived from anthro means human and metry means size.

    Anthropometry can be interpreted as a study related to body dimension measurement.

    Basically there are any differences between human shape, size, height, weight in one

    and the others. Anthropometry data generally will be used as ergonomic interaction

    consideration. Acquired anthropometry data would be applicated widely such as :

    1. Design of work area (work station, cars interior , etc)

    2. Design of work tools (utensils, mechine, etc)

    3. Design of consumtives product (clothes, chair, table,etc)

    4. Design of physical environment

    Design of healthy and comfortable working tools or work station can be used to

    be working expectation. Therefore, the design should be costumized based on

    workers need so that can increasing work performance (Purnomo, 2013).

    Measurement of anthropometry devided into 2 classes, they are :

    1) Static Anthropometry: the measurement conducted to human body in

    stationary position.

    2) Dinamic Anthropometry: the body measurement conducted when body still in

    moving state, so that measurement more complex and more difficult to


  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    There are 3 fundamental law anthropometry data that used by ergonomic experts in

    designing product (Niebel & Freivalds 2002).

    a. Design to extreem, means that for designing work station or work environment

    using extreem anthropometry data.

    b. Design to adjustment, designer have to design adjustable tools dimension or

    certain facilities to users

    c. Design to wedely user, designer should using avarage anthropometry data in

    designing certain facilities dimension.

    Factors that makes variances of body dimension, there are (Wieckens et al, 2004): a) Age

    b) Sex

    c) Etnics and race

    d) Works/duty

    Aside from 4 factors above, there are certain condition that makes variability of

    body dimension bigger, such as :

    a. Difable

    b. Climate

    c. Pregnancy

    2. Designing Work Station Stages in worktation design concerning work space design with giving data

    anthropomotry consideration (Roebuck 1995), are :

    a. Estabilish requirement needs

    b. Define the user population

    c. Selecting used sample

    d. Determination data source (body data measure) and selecting used percentile


    e. Preparing used measuring instrument

    f. Colecting the data

    g. Data Processing

    h. Visualization design considering natural body posture, allowance in using

    clothes and space, and variance moves

    i. Analysis data result

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    3. Processing Anthropometry Data Several data procesing should be done in athropotry data (Nurmianto, 1996 %

    Tayyari, 1997) are :

    a. Data sufficiency test

    K = Confidance level

    If confidance level 99%, then k = 2,58 3

    If confidence level 95%, then k = 1,96 2

    If confidence level 68%, then k 1

    S = Degree of accuracy

    i. If N ' N (number of theoretical observations less than or equal to the actual

    observations), then the data is deemed to have sufficient confidence level and

    the desired degree of accuracy, so that the data can be processed.

    ii. But if otherwise, where N '> N (number of observations is greater than the

    number of theoretical existing observations), then the data are not sufficiently

    stated. Truly, the observational data must be augmented to be greater than the

    theoretical amount of observational data.

    b. Normality data test

    Normality test data is intended to show that the data samples come from

    populations that are normally distributed. The steps of processing normality data

    and percentile using SPSS as shown below:

    a) Input body dimension in data view panel

    b) Go to variable data view panel then column name replace with dimension


    c) Data processing :

    i. Click on analyze, select descriptive statistics, then explore

    ii. Input all variables as dependent variables

    ii. Checklist both in toolbox display

    iii. Click statistic : checklist descriptive, percentile, then continue

    iv. Click plots : checklist none in boxplots, stem and leaf in descriptive

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    v. Checklist normality with test, then continue

    vi. Click option : Checklist exclude cases listwise, then continue

    vii. Click continue. Result of data processing will be displayed.

    c. Uniformity data test

    Upper control limit / Lower control limit (UCL / LCL)

    UCL = kX LCL = kX = standard deviation

    d. Percentile

    Percentile is certain value that indicates certain percentage from certain people

    lower or in the measurements value (Tayyari & Smith 1997). For example, P5

    percentile will shows 95% population, the data is retrieved as shown below:

    Figure 1. Normal Distribution

    Generally, percentile used are :

    P5 = 645,1X

    P50 = X P95 = 645,1X It can also giving tolerance of differencesmay be found from available data in

    giving recomendation certain design (allowance).

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    Attachment of body dimensions

    Figure 2. Sitting position

    Figure 3. Standing position

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    Figure 4. Foot and Hand Dimension

    Figure 5. Head Dimension

    Table 1. Sit and Stand Measurement Discription

    No. Measured Dimension Symbol Description

    1 Upright Sitting High TDT

    Vertical height pedestal sit until tip of the head. Subject sitting upright and look straigh ahead make 90 degree angle.

    2 Sitting Soulder Height TBD Vertical height pedestal sit until prominent shoulder while sitting upright

    3 Sitting Eyes Height TMD Vertical height pedestal sit until eyes while sitting upright

    4 Shoulder Width LB Horizontal width between upper of the arm, subject sitting upright while the

  • Anthropomtry Modul Practicum 2013/2014


    No. Measured Dimension Symbol Description upper arms draw closer to the body and lower arms strtched forward

    5 Upper Shoulder Width LBA

    Horizontal width between upper prominent shoulder, subject sitting upright while upper arms draw closer to body and lower arms stretched forward

    6 Sitting Elbow Height TSD Vertical height of pedestal sit until down tip right elbow. Subject sitting upright and arms formed 90 degree of angle.

    7 Tight Thickness TP Lenght of surface until top of tight while subject sitting upright

    8 Popliteal Height TPO Vertical height floor until down tip of tight

    9 Buttock Popliteal PPO Horizontal lenght outer part of buttock until hollow part of knee. Tight and lower foot make a right angle

    10 Buttock Knee PKL Horizontal lenght outerpart of buttock until tip of knee. Tight and foot make a right angle

    11 Hip Width LP Horizontal width between outer hips side to side

    12 Lower arm lenght PLB Distance elbow until wrist while subject standing upright

    13 Standing Elbow Height TSB

    Vertical height floor until meeting point of upper arm and lower arm while subject standing upright and the arms hanging natural

    14 Arm Span RT

    Horizontal distance from longest tip left hand to the right hands while subject standing upright and both hands draw away from the body.

    15 Standing Eyes Height TMB Vertical height of floor until tip of the eye (near nose hip) while subject standing upright and look straight ahead.

    16 Body Height TBT Vertical height of down tip of feet until head tip while standing upright and look straight ahead

    17 Hand Reach JT

    Horizontal lenght of back until tip of midle finger while standing upright calves, buttocks, back closer to wall and hands stretched forward.

    18 Standing Shoulder Height TBB Vertical height floor until prominent shuolder while subject standing upright.

    19 Body Thickness TB Lenght of chest until back of the body horizontally.

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    Table 2. Head Anthropometry Measurement Description

    No Measured Dimension Symbol Description 20 Head Lenght PK Measure back tip of the head until front tip of the head.

    21 Head Width LK Measure from right side to left side of head

    22 Maximum Diameter from Jaw DMD Head diameter, measure from jaw to back part of the head

    23 Jaw until Top of the Head DPK Head diameter, measure from jaw to top of the head

    24 Ears to Top Head TPK Measure from center of ears to top of the head

    25 Ears to Back Part of The Head TBK Measure from center of the ears to back Part of the head

    26 Between Ears ADT Measure from left ears to the other side 27 Eyes to Top Head MPK Measure from eyes to top of the head 28 Eyes to Back Head MBK Measure form eyes to back of the head

    29 Between Eyes Pupils APM Measure from right eyes pupils to the other side 30 Nose to Top Head HPK Measure from nose to top of the head

    31 Nose to Back Head HBK Measure from nose to the back tip of the head 32 Mouth to Top Head MUPK Measure from Mouth to top of the head 33 Width Mouth LM Width of the mouth (side to side)

    Table 3. Standing Anthropometry Measurement Description

    No. Measured Dimensions Symbol Description

    34 Grip Height TGT Vertical lenght (height) hands grip while hands hanging free

    35 Thick of Stomach (Abdominal) TPT Horizontal lenght from back to stomach

    36 Knee Heigh TL Vertical lenght tip of the toes until knee while foot formed 90 degrees angle

    37 Elbow to Toes Lenght PSJ Horizontal lenght from elbow to midle finger while hand formed 90 degrees angle

    38 Length of upper arm PLA Measure the vertical distance, from the bottom of the forearm (hand-formed elbows) to shoulder top.

    39 Distance of right to the left hand JRT Measure the vertical handrails to the soles of the feet on the vertical hand position and body stand up straight.

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    No. Measured Dimensions Symbol Description


    Height of Hand Grip (Vertical Hand Position At Top And Standing Upright)

    TGB Measure the vertical handrails to the soles of the feet on the vertical hand position and body stand up straight.


    Height Hand Grip (Vertical Hand Position At Top And Sitting Upright)


    Measure the vertical distance of the hand grip to the pelvic floor during the upward vertical hand position and sitting up straight.

    42 Length shoulder to hand grip PBGT

    Measure the horizontal distance from the shoulder to the center of the hand grip. Subjects stood upright with legs, buttocks, back against the wall, arms stretched forward.

    43 The range of Hand Elbow RS Measure the horizontal distance from the elbow, the subject stood erect and both hands to form a horizontal elbow.

    44 Long arms (grip forward) PGT

    Measure the horizontal distance from the back to the center of the hand grip. Subjects stood upright with legs, buttocks, back against the wall, arms stretched forward.

    Table 4. Anthropometric Measurement of the Hands

    45 Length oh hand PT Measure the vertical distance from the middle of the finger to the wrist, when hand extended.

    46 Length of palms PTT Measure the vertical distance from the base of the palm to the wrist fingers, when hand extended.

    47 Length of the thumb PIJ Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the thumb to its base, when hand extended.

    48 Length of the index finger PJL Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the index finger to its base, when hand extended.

    49 Length of the middle finger PJT Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the middle finger to its base, when hand extended.

    50 Length of ring finger PJM Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the ring finger to its base, when hand extended.

    51 Length of little finger PJK Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the little finger to its base, when hand extended.

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    No. Measured Dimensions Symbol Description

    52 Height of bone segment TTR Measure the vertical distance from the floor to the bone segment / books finger (metacarpal).

    53 Height Floor Fingertips TUJ Measure the vertical distance from the floor to the tip of your fingers and hands while standing upright in normal position.

    54 Width of thumb LIJ Measure the horizontal distance at the joints between the bone segments of thumb.

    55 Thick of thumb TIJ Measure the thickness of thumb at the joints between the bones segment of thumb.

    56 Width of index finger LJL Measure the horizontal distance at the joints between the bone segments of index finger, which approach to the body.

    57 Thick of index finger TJL

    Measure the thickness of index finger at the joints between the bones segment of index finger, which is approach to the body

    58 Width of metacarpal LTM Measure the horizontal distance of the edge of the Metacarpal to the outer of the Metacarpal.

    59 Width of palm (to the thumb) LTB Measure the horizontal distance from the edge of the palm to the outer edge of the thumb.

    60 Thick of the metacarpal (Metacarpal)

    TTM Measure the vertical distance from the back of the hand to the Metacarpal, when the hand stretched.

    61 Thick Palms (Thumb Up) TTB Measure the vertical distance from the back of the hand to the bottom of the thumb when the hand outstretched.

    62 Maximum width LBMAX Measure the horizontal distance of the farthest from the thumb to the little finger.

    Tabel 5. Anthropometric Measurements of Feet

    No. Measured Dimension Symbol Description

    63 Length of feet PTI Measure the vertical distance (height) from the tip of the outer heel to toe.

    64 Length arm of feet PTLK Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the heel to the arm leg.

    65 Length foot to the little finger PKK Measure the vertical distance from the tip of the heel to the tip of the little finger.

    66 Width of foot LI Measure the vertical distance from the arm leg foot to the outer of foots sole.

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    No. Measured Dimension Symbol Description

    67 Width of arm leg LTI Measure the horizontal of the inner side of the foot to the outer part of the arm leg.

    68 Height of the ankle TMI Measure the vertical distance from the sole of foot to the lower part of the ankle, when subject stood upright.

    69 Height of middle part of foot TTI Measure the vertical distance from the sole of foot to the middle part of the foot, when the subject stood upright.

    70 Horizontal distance between the stalk ankle

    JHMI Measure the vertical distance from the sole of foot to the ankle.