anatomy phyisiology study guide

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 5e(Martini/Nath)

    Chapter 1 An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

    Multiple-Choice Questions

    1) Characteristics of most living organisms include the ability toA) grow and reproduce.

    B) respond and adapt to their environment.

    C) control the eternal environment.!) A and B only

    ") all of the above

    Answer# !

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-1

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +) ,nicellular organisms echange gas eliminate wastes and absorb nutrientsA) directly through their cell membranes.

    B) after some other organism processes them.C) with their comple organ systems.

    !) the same way as humans.

    ") all of the aboveAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-1

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ) *he waste products of metabolism are eliminated through the process ofA) assimilation.B) absorption.

    C) ecretion.

    !) digestion.") resorption.

    Answer# C

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-1&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    3) All of the chemical and physical changes ta'ing place in the body refers to

    A) systemic physiology.

    B) special physiology.C) cell physiology.

    !) metabolism.

    ") physiological chemistry.Answer# !

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-1&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    4) *he study of the first few wee's of life includesA) cytology.

    B) histology.

    C) embryology.!) physiology.

    ") medical anatomy.

    Answer# C!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    5) &tudying anatomy by focusing on one region of the body and focusing on everything in that

    region is called

    A) gross anatomy.B) surface anatomy.

    C) systemic anatomy.

    !) regional anatomy.") surgical anatomy.

    Answer# A

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    6) *he study of structures using special imaging techni7ues isA) surface anatomy.

    B) regional anatomy.

    C) surgical anatomy.!) medical anatomy.

    ") radiographic anatomy.

    Answer# "!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    8) *he study of function is to 99999999 as the study of form is to anatomy.

    A) physiology

    B) regional anatomyC) microscopic anatomy

    !) systemic anatomy

    ") radiographic anatomyAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-+&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    :) *he study of cells and cellular structures is calledA) gross anatomy.

    B) cytology.

    C) histology.!) organology.

    ") microbiology.

    Answer# B!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    10) 2n dealing with physiologyfunctionis related to

    A) form.

    B) location.C) si;e.

    !) cavity.

    ") system.Answer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-+&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    11) A gastroenterologist studies the human body mainly with an approach resembling

    A) gross anatomy.B) surface anatomy.

    C) microscopic anatomy.

    !) systemic anatomy.") regional anatomy.

    Answer# !

    !iff# +$earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# Critical *hin'ing < Clinical Applications

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    1+) *he branch of physiology that studies functions at the tissue level is called

    A) histophysiology.

    B) special physiology.C) system physiology.

    !) pathology.

    ") physiological chemistry.Answer# A

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-+&'ill $evel# Critical *hin'ing < Clinical Applications

    1) =hich of the following is an organ>A) blood

    B) heart

    C) peritoneum!) connective tissue

    ") mitochondrion

    Answer# B!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    13) A collection of cells that wor' together designates a?n)

    A) chemical.

    B) organ.C) tissue.

    !) organ system.

    ") none of the aboveAnswer# C

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    14) *he following is the simplest level of organi;ation#

    A) cellular.B) chemical.

    C) tissue.

    !) system.") organ.

    Answer# B

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    15) =hich of the following would be considered an organ>

    A) mitochondrion

    B) bloodC) fat

    !) s'in

    ") heart muscleAnswer# !

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    16) Cells are considered the smallest units of life becauseA) cells are composed of organelles each of which is responsible for a particular life-giving


    B) cells are composed of atoms which chemically are the smallest units of structure.C) cells are composed of molecules which chemically are the smallest units of structure.

    !) the cell is @%* considered the smallest unit of life.

    ") both A and CAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    18) *he fact that a single defective protein causes cystic fibrosis a multisystemic illness proves

    thatA) all organisms are composed of cells.

    B) all levels of organi;ation within an organism are interdependent.

    C) chemical molecules ma'e up cells.!) all cells are independent of each other.

    ") congenital defects can be life threatening.

    Answer# B!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-

    &'ill $evel# Critical *hin'ing < Clinical Applications

    1:) Covering protection from infection thermoregulation and hormone production are

    functions of which system>

    A) integumentaryB) muscular

    C) s'eletal

    !) nervous") none of the above

    Answer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-3&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +0) *he production of another human organism is the function of which of the following


    A) s'eletalB) reproductive

    C) respiratory

    !) lymphoid") cardiovascular

    Answer# B

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +1) (egulation of the body using rapid changes caused by electrical signals is characteristic of


    A) integumentary system.B) endocrine system.

    C) nervous system.

    !) cardiovascular system.") none of the above

    Answer# C

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-3&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ++) *he trachea and lungs are components of theA) endocrine system.

    B) digestive system.

    C) respiratory system.!) urinary system.

    ") lymphoid system.

    Answer# C!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +) *he pituitary and thyroid glands are components of the

    A) endocrine system.

    B) cardiovascular system.C) respiratory system.

    !) lymphoid system.

    ") digestive system.Answer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +3) as echange is a function of the

    A) cardiovascular system.

    B) lymphoid system.C) respiratory system.

    !) urinary system.

    ") both A and !Answer# C

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-3&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    +4) $ungs are to the respiratory system as the spleen is to theA) lymphoid system.

    B) urinary system.

    C) digestive system.!) cardiovascular system.

    ") muscular system.

    Answer# A!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    +5) ormones glands and target cells are associated with the

    A) s'eletal system.

    B) muscular system.C) integumentary system.

    !) endocrine system.

    ") all of the aboveAnswer# "

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-3&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    +6) =hich of the following is characteristic of the endocrine system>

    A) releases chemical messengers called neurotransmittersB) produces a more rapid response to body changes than the nervous system

    C) can produce effects that last for days or longer

    !) can produce an effect that involves only one tissue at a time") is an important thermoregulatory system

    Answer# C

    !iff# +$earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +8) =hich of the following are parts of a homeostatic mechanism>

    A) receptor

    B) control centerC) effector

    !) all of the above

    ") none of the aboveAnswer# !

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-4&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    +:) 2magine someone is cold and responds by putting on more clothes. *his regulationmechanism is an eample of

    A) negative feedbac'.

    B) positive feedbac'.C) homeostatic regulation.

    !) diagnostic regulation.

    ") a behavioral change and is not related to the internal environment.Answer# "

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-4

    &'ill $evel# Critical *hin'ing < Clinical Applications

    0) *he prevention of change and the shutdown of an overactive organ are eamples of

    A) positive feedbac'.B) homeostasis.

    C) negative feedbac'.

    !) effector control.") none of the above

    Answer# C

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-5

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    1) *he increasingly forceful labor contractions that lead to childbirth are an eample of thistype of mechanism#

    A) receptor activation.

    B) effector shutdown.C) negative feedbac'.

    !) positive feedbac'.

    ") none of the aboveAnswer# !

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-5

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +) =hich of the following is an eample of negative feedbac'>

    A) 2ncreased pressure in the aorta triggers mechanisms to lower blood pressure.

    B) A rise in blood calcium levels triggers the release of a hormone that further raises bloodcalcium levels.

    C) A rise in estrogen during the menstrual cycle increases the number of progesterone receptors

    in the uterus.!) 2ncreased blood sugar stimulates the release of a hormone from the pancreas that stimulates

    the liver to release blood sugar.

    ") A increase in body temperature triggers a neural response that initiates physiological changesto increase body temperature.

    Answer# A

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-5&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    ) A person who is lying on his or her stomach is said to be in the

    A) supine position.

    B) prone position.C) anatomical position.

    !) frontal position.

    ") sagittal position.

    Answer# B!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) =hich indicates the bac' of the body>

    A) anteriorB) posterior

    C) dorsal

    !) ventral") both B and C

    Answer# "

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    4) =hich of the following is M"!2A$ to the breast>A) sternum

    B) shoulder

    C) elbow!) digits

    ") 'nee

    Answer# A

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    5) *he wrist is considered 99999999 to the elbow.

    A) proimal

    B) distalC) lateral

    !) medial

    ") none of the aboveAnswer# B

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    6) *he navel is 99999999 to the chin.A) anterior

    B) superior

    C) posterior!) inferior

    ") medial

    Answer# !!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    8) =hich of the following regions corresponds to the groin>

    A) pelvic

    B) cephalicC) gluteal

    !) lumbar

    ") thoracicAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    :) 2n the terminology of planes and sections which eample includes two terms with identical

    meanings>A) frontalcoronal

    B) coronalhori;ontal

    C) e7uatorialcoronal!) sagittalmidsagittal

    ") none of the above

    Answer# A!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    30) =hich of the following regions corresponds to the foot>

    A) cervical

    B) brachialC) antebrachial

    !) femoral

    ") pedalAnswer# "

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    31) *his portion of the body contains the upper and lower limbs.A) appendicular

    B) thoracic

    C) aial!) dorsal

    ") ventral

    Answer# A!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3+) (eferring to the bac' means

    A) aial.

    B) appendicular.C) ventral.

    !) dorsal.

    ") thoracic.Answer# !

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) Anterior is to 99999999 as posterior is to dorsal.

    A) cranialB) ventral

    C) caudal

    !) inferior") medial

    Answer# B

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    33) %rgans that are protected by bone are found in what part of the body>

    A) aial

    B) appendicularC) ventral cavity

    !) superficial regions

    ") inferior portionsAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    34) A cut passing through the midline of the body that divides it into ,@"Q,A$ left and righthalves is 'nown as this type of plane#

    A) frontal.

    B) coronal.C) transverse.

    !) midsagittal.

    ") parasagittal.Answer# "

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    35) *he heart lungs and small intestine would be found in the

    A) dorsal body cavity.B) peritoneal cavity.

    C) pleural cavity.

    !) ventral body cavity.") abdominopelvic cavity.

    Answer# !

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-8

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    36) *he diaphragm separates the 99999999 cavity from the 99999999 cavity.A) pleuralD mediastinum

    B) thoracicD abdominopelvic

    C) pericardialD pleural!) abdominalD pelvic

    ") pericardial sacD pericardial

    Answer# B!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    38) *he heart is surrounded by the 99999999 membrane.

    A) pericardial

    B) peritonealC) visceral

    !) serous

    ") pleuralAnswer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3:) *he membrane covering the surface of the stomach is named theA) parietal pleura.

    B) visceral pleura.

    C) pericardial sac.!) visceral peritoneum.

    ") serous membrane.

    Answer# !!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    40) *he membrane covering the surface of the lung is referred to as the

    A) visceral pleura.

    B) parietal peritoneum.C) visceral pericardium.

    !) serous membrane.

    ") mediastinum.Answer# A

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    41) *he main function of a serous membrane is to

    A) reduce friction.B) protect organs.

    C) allow blood to pass.

    !) hold organs together.") fill empty spaces.

    Answer# A

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-8

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    4+) *he peritoneal cavity contains the

    A) heart.

    B) small intestine.C) lungs.

    !) uterus.

    ") thymus.Answer# B

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    4) Mary who is 5 months pregnant goes to her physician for a test to chec' the development ofher fetus. *he physician uses a device that employs sound waves to produce an image of the

    fetus. *his techni7ue is 'nown as

    A) an E-ray.B) a C* scan.

    C) an M(2.

    !) an ultrasound.") radiography.

    Answer# !

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    43) A diagnostic techni7ue that employs a radiodense dye inFected into blood vessels is calleda?n)

    A) angiogram.

    B) radiograph.C) C* scan.

    !) M(2.

    ") ultrasound.Answer# A

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-8

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    44) *he ventral body cavity contains the

    A) abdominal cavity.B) pericardial cavity.

    C) pelvic cavity.

    !) pleural cavity.") all of the above

    Answer# "

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    45) *he mediastinum separates 99999999 from the 99999999.

    A) the pleural cavityD coelom

    B) the thoracic cavityD peritoneal cavityC) one pleural cavityD other pleural cavity

    !) the abdominal cavityD pelvic cavity

    ") the pericardial sacD pericardial cavityAnswer# C

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-8&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    ill in the Blan' Questions

    1) *he study of body structure is called 9999999999999999999999999.

    Answer# anatomy!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +) *he branch of biological science that deals with how the 'idney functions is called

    9999999999999999999999999 physiology.

    Answer# renal!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-+

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ) A structure that senses change is called a 9999999999999999999999999.

    Answer# receptor!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-4

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) *he tendency for physiological systems to stabili;e internal conditions with respect to the

    eternal environment is called 9999999999999999999999999.

    Answer# homeostasis!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-4

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    4) 2n 9999999999999999999999999 feedbac' the initial stimulus produces a response that

    reinforces the stimulus.Answer# positive

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-5

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    5) A mechanism that brings the internal environment bac' to normal is a

    9999999999999999999999999 mechanism.

    Answer# negative feedbac'!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-5

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    6) A person lying face up in the anatomical position is said to be in the

    9999999999999999999999999 position.Answer# supine

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    8) *he forearm is called the 9999999999999999999999999.Answer# antebrachium

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    :) *he term 9999999999999999999999999 refers to the bac' of the 'nee.

    Answer# popliteal!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    10) *he term 9999999999999999999999999 refers to the wrist.

    Answer# carpal!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    11) A cut parallel to the midsagittal line would produce a 9999999999999999999999999 section.

    Answer# parasagittal or sagittal

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    1+) ,sing anatomical terms of direction supply the word that would ma'e the sentence correct.

    *he stomach is 9999999999999999999999999 to the lungs.

    Answer# inferior!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    1) ,sing anatomical terms of direction supply the word that would ma'e the sentence correct.

    *he 'nee is 9999999999999999999999999 to the foot.

    Answer# proimal!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    Matching Questions

    1) Match the item in the first column with its primary function in the second column.

    99999 1. atom A. group of cells

    99999 +. cell B. smallest level of organi;ation

    99999 . lungs C. organ system99999 3. heart and blood vessels !. organ

    99999 4. tissue ". individual living entity

    Answer# 1-B +-" -! 3-C 4-A

    !iff# +$earning %utcome# 1-

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    +) Match the organ system in the first column with its primary function in the second column.

    99999 1. integumentary system A. defense against infection99999 +. muscular system B. protection from environment

    99999 . endocrine system C. processing of food

    99999 3. cardiovascular system !. internal transport of materials99999 4. respiratory system ". elimination of ecess water

    99999 5. urinary system . production of se cells

    99999 6. reproductive system . support and protection99999 8. s'eletal system . delivery of air for gas echange

    99999 :. nervous system 2. locomotion and heat production

    99999 10. lymphoid system G. directing responses to stimuli99999 11. digestive system H. directing long-term changes

    Answer# 1-B +-2 -H 3-! 4- 5-" 6- 8- :-G 10-A 11-C

    !iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-3&'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    ) Match the organ system in the first column with the structure?s) found within that system inthe second column.

    99999 1. endocrine system A. arteries

    99999 +. urinary system B. liver99999 . digestive system C. pituitary gland

    99999 3. s'eletal system !. ligaments

    99999 4. circulatory system ". urethra

    Answer# 1-C +-" -B 3-! 4-A!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-3

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts16

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    3) Match the body region in the first column with the organ near it in the second column.

    99999 1. cranial A. liver99999 +. vertebral B. brain

    99999 . mammary C. urinary bladder

    99999 3. abdominal !. lungs99999 4. pelvic ". spinal cord

    Answer# 1-B +-" -! 3-A 4-C

    !iff# +$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    4) Match the body regions in the first column with the locations in the second column.99999 1. popliteal A. front of elbow

    99999 +. dorsal B. fingers or toes

    99999 . orbital C. bac' of 'nee

    99999 3. antecubital !. midline of bac'99999 4. digital ". eye

    Answer# 1-C +-! -" 3-A 4-B!iff# +

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

    "ssay Questions

    1) 2t is a warm day and you feel a little chilled. %n chec'ing your temperature you find that your

    body temperature is 1.4 degrees below normal. &uggest some possible reasons for this situation.

    Answer# *here are several reasons why your body temperature may have dropped. Iour bodymay be losing heat faster than it is being produced. *his however is more li'ely to occur on a

    cool day. Jarious chemical factors such as hormones may have caused a decrease in your

    metabolic rate and thus your body is not producing as much heat as it normally would.Alternatively you may be suffering from an infection that has temporarily changed the set point

    of the bodyKs Lthermostat.L *his would seem to be the most li'ely eplanation considering the

    circumstances given in the 7uestion.

    !iff# +$earning %utcome# 1-4

    &'ill $evel# + (eviewing Concepts

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    $abeling "ercises

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  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    Using the figure above, identify the labeled part.

    1) $abel A# 99999999Answer# Cephalon or head ?cephalic)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +) $abel B# 99999999

    Answer# Cranium or s'ull ?cranial)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ) $abel C# 99999999Answer# acies or face ?facial)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) $abel !# 99999999

    Answer# %ris or mouth ?oral)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    4) $abel "# 99999999

    Answer# Mentis or chin ?mental)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    5) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Ailla or armpit ?aillary)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    6) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Brachium or arm ?brachial)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +0Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    8) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Antecubitis or front of elbow ?antecubital)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    :) $abel 2# 99999999

    Answer# Antebrachium or forearm ?antebrachial)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    10) $abel G# 99999999

    Answer# Carpus or wrist ?carpal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    11) $abel H# 99999999

    Answer# alma or palm ?palmar)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    1+) $abel $# 99999999Answer# olle or thumb

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    1) $abel M# 99999999Answer# !igits ?phalanges) or fingers ?digital or phalangeal)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    13) $abel @# 99999999

    Answer# atella or 'neecap ?patellar)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    14) $abel %# 99999999

    Answer# Crus or leg ?crural)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +1Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    15) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# *arsus or an'le ?tarsal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    16) $abel Q# 99999999

    Answer# !igits ?phalanges) or toes ?digital or phalangeal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    18) $abel (# 99999999Answer# allu or great toe

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    1:) $abel 99999999

    Answer# es or foot ?pedal)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +0) $abel *# 99999999Answer# emur or thigh ?femoral)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +1) $abel ,# 99999999Answer# ubis ?pubic)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ++) $abel J# 99999999

    Answer# 2nguen or groin ?inguinal)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +) $abel =# 99999999

    Answer# Manus or hand ?manual)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ++Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +3) $abel E# 99999999

    Answer# *run'

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +4) $abel I# 99999999

    Answer# elvis ?pelvic)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +5) $abel # 99999999Answer# ,mbilicus or navel ?umbilical)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +6) $abel AA# 99999999Answer# Abdomen ?abdominal)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +8) $abel BB# 99999999Answer# Mamma or breast ?mammary)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +:) $abel CC# 99999999Answer# *horacis or thora chest ?thoracic)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    0) $abel !!# 99999999

    Answer# Cervicis or nec' ?cervical)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    1) $abel ""# 99999999

    Answer# @asus or nose ?nasal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    +) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Bucca or chee' ?buccal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    ) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Auris or ear ?otic)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) $abel # 99999999Answer# %culus or eye ?orbital or ocular)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    4) $abel 22# 99999999Answer# orehead ?frontal)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +3Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    Using the figure above, identify the labeled part.

    5) $abel A# 99999999

    Answer# &houlder ?acromial)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +4Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    6) $abel B# 99999999

    Answer# !orsum or bac' ?dorsal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    8) $abel C# 99999999

    Answer# %lecranon or bac' of elbow ?olecranal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    :) $abel !# 99999999Answer# $umbus or loin ?lumbar)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    30) $abel "# 99999999Answer# luteus or buttoc' ?gluteal)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    31) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# opliteus or bac' of 'nee ?popliteal)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3+) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# &ura or calf ?sural)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    3) $abel # 99999999

    Answer# Calcaneus or heel of foot ?calcaneal)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    33) $abel 2# 99999999

    Answer# lanta or sole of foot ?plantar)

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6&'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    +5Copyright / +010 earson "ducation 2nc.

  • 8/14/2019 anatomy phyisiology study guide


    34) $abel G# 99999999

    Answer# $ower limb!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    35) $abel H# 99999999Answer# ,pper limb

    !iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    36) $abel $# 99999999

    Answer# Cervicis or nec' ?cervical)!iff# 1

    $earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms

    38) $abel M# 99999999

    Answer# Cephalon or head ?cephalic)

    !iff# 1$earning %utcome# 1-6

    &'ill $evel# 1 (eviewing acts and *erms