March 2011 Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Child Health Network. The newsletter will be circulated regularly to provide updates and information to support allied health professionals who work with children. NSW Child Health Networks Issue 30 Allied to Kids Website has Arrived! The Allied Health Educators are pleased to announce the launch of the Allied to Kids website. Maree and Sonia have worked on the webpages with Louise Austin, Resource Manager for the Northern CHN. The webpages provide Allied Health professionals working with children with an education and clinical resource tool. Information available on the webpages includes links to the Allied Health Telehealth calendar, listings of some upcoming workshops and links to relevant resources and sites. If you are aware of information that you feel would be of benefit to other Allied Health professionals working with children please email one of us with the details. Any feedback about the webpages would also be greatly appreciated. You can visit the site at http://www.nchn.org.au/a2k/index.html . Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Inside this issue: Allied to Kids Website Allied to Kids Website Allied to Kids Website Allied to Kids Website 1 Listserves & HSNet Listserves & HSNet Listserves & HSNet Listserves & HSNet 2 AH Workshops 2011 AH Workshops 2011 AH Workshops 2011 AH Workshops 2011 2 Welcome to the new Welcome to the new Welcome to the new Welcome to the new WCHN AHE WCHN AHE WCHN AHE WCHN AHE 2 Rosie to Rwanda Rosie to Rwanda Rosie to Rwanda Rosie to Rwanda 3-4 Child Child Child Child Focused Focused Focused Focused Parenting Parenting Parenting Parenting Following Following Following Following Parental Parental Parental Parental Separation Separation Separation Separation or or or or Divorce Divorce Divorce Divorce 4 Child Cancer Child Cancer Child Cancer Child Cancer Survi Survi Survi Survivors: Dietary vors: Dietary vors: Dietary vors: Dietary Intake after Intake after Intake after Intake after Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment 5 Hanen’s New Hanen’s New Hanen’s New Hanen’s New “Talkability” Program “Talkability” Program “Talkability” Program “Talkability” Program 6 Events & Resources Events & Resources Events & Resources Events & Resources 7-16 Positions Vacant Positions Vacant Positions Vacant Positions Vacant 16-17 17 17 17

Allied to Kids Website has Arrived! - NCHN · Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Child Health Network. The newsletter will be ... IT/photographer and me, the physiotherapist

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Page 1: Allied to Kids Website has Arrived! - NCHN · Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Child Health Network. The newsletter will be ... IT/photographer and me, the physiotherapist

March 2011

Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Child Health Network. The newsletter will be

circulated regularly to provide updates and information to support allied health

professionals who work with children.

NSW Child Health Networks

Issue 30

Allied to Kids Website has Arrived! The Allied Health Educators are pleased to announce the launch of the Allied

to Kids website. Maree and Sonia have worked on the webpages with Louise

Austin, Resource Manager for the Northern CHN. The webpages provide

Allied Health professionals working with children with an education and

clinical resource tool. Information available on the webpages includes links

to the Allied Health Telehealth calendar, listings of some upcoming

workshops and links to relevant resources and sites.

If you are aware of information that you feel would be of benefit to other

Allied Health professionals working with children please email one of us with

the details. Any feedback about the webpages would also be greatly


You can visit the site at http://www.nchn.org.au/a2k/index.html.

Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:

Allied to Kids WebsiteAllied to Kids WebsiteAllied to Kids WebsiteAllied to Kids Website 1111

Listserves & HSNetListserves & HSNetListserves & HSNetListserves & HSNet 2222

AH Workshops 2011AH Workshops 2011AH Workshops 2011AH Workshops 2011 2222

Welcome to the new Welcome to the new Welcome to the new Welcome to the new WCHN AHEWCHN AHEWCHN AHEWCHN AHE


Rosie to RwandaRosie to RwandaRosie to RwandaRosie to Rwanda 3333----4444

ChildChildChildChild FocusedFocusedFocusedFocused ParentingParentingParentingParenting FollowingFollowingFollowingFollowing ParentalParentalParentalParental SeparationSeparationSeparationSeparation orororor DivorceDivorceDivorceDivorce


Child Cancer Child Cancer Child Cancer Child Cancer SurviSurviSurviSurvivors: Dietary vors: Dietary vors: Dietary vors: Dietary Intake after Intake after Intake after Intake after TreatmentTreatmentTreatmentTreatment


Hanen’s New Hanen’s New Hanen’s New Hanen’s New “Talkability” Program“Talkability” Program“Talkability” Program“Talkability” Program


Events & Resources Events & Resources Events & Resources Events & Resources 7777----11116666

Positions Vacant Positions Vacant Positions Vacant Positions Vacant 11116666----17171717

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Welcome to the new WCHN Allied Health Educator

Carmel Blayden will commence in the role of WCHN Allied Health Educator on the 28th March 2011.

Many of you may remember Carmel from her work in the ‘Supporting Allied Health

Professionals Working with Children’ project (2007-2009).

With a background in Occupational Therapy, she has worked in paediatrics for

approximately 20 years. Carmel is currently based in Orange, NSW. Carmel’s

passions include working from a multidisciplinary perspective, working in partnership

with families and advocating for Allied Health services within the community.

Carmel is keen to work collaboratively with her GESCHN and NCHN Allied Health Educator

colleagues to develop multidisciplinary education and training packages for paediatric Allied Health

Professionals across NSW.

Listserves and HSNet As mentioned in the February 2011 edition of Allied to Kids, Paediatricots changed over from an email listserve

to HSNet in late 2010. HSNet has been a much more user-friendly option for the OTs, using a website to

network rather than clogging email inboxes. As a result of the success of HSNet, the steering committee for the

AHE Program made the decision to move all listserves over to this system. Members of Paedpt were notified of

the changeover via email on Monday 23rd February and members of Peaddiet were notified via email on

Monday 28th February. Members of Paedpsych, Paedsocwk and Paedspeak will be notified over the coming

weeks about the changeover.

If you are not currently a member of the HSNet groups but would like to be, send an email to

[email protected].

Allied Health Workshops 2011 During February you will have received notification of some workshops that have been organised. Interest in

the workshops has been overwhelming! A number of other workshops are also currently being organised and

information will be distributed as it comes to hand. The workshops are also advertised on the Allied to Kids


WorkshopWorkshopWorkshopWorkshop LocationLocationLocationLocation DateDateDateDate Workshop ContentWorkshop ContentWorkshop ContentWorkshop Content

Cerebral Palsy SCH March 18 This one-day workshop will focus on managing CP across the years and supporting children from tertiary care to the child’s local are.

Goulburn May 6

Brain Injury & Rehabilitation

Prince of Wales

May 6 This one-day workshop will focus on assisting children with transition to school and supporting children from tertiary care to the child’s local area. It will examine how to provide services that are not clinically based. Participants will be provided with information about useful resources for their departments.

Date and venue of second workshop to be confirmed

Paediatric Feeding

Dates and venues to be confirmed

This two day workshop will focus on managing tricky feeders. Topics covered will include medical issues, nutrition assessment and feeding assessment, multidisciplinary management and issues relating to specific populations.

All workshops will have a multidisciplinary focus with clinical scenarios and hypothetical cases. Workshops

will be free for NSW Health employees. Please note that places are limited and priority will be given to NSW

Health employees. For further information please email your Allied Health Educator (details can be found on

page 7).

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Rosie to Rwanda

Rosie Day, Physiotherapist in Paediatrics, John Hunter Children’s Hospital

I was part of the Operation Open Heart Rwanda Team in November 2010. We had a successful trip with 22

children between the ages of 1 and 16 years old having heart surgery. Operation Open Heart Rwanda has

achieved 117 operations in the 5 years since it began. Operation Open Heart is the only service providing

paediatric heart surgery in Rwanda. We liaise closely with Dr Josef, the only paediatric cardiologist in Rwanda.

Dr Josef put forward a long list of potential candidates. OOH cardiologist Andrew arrived in Kigali a week

before the rest of the team to assess the potential patients and had the heart breaking job of deciding who

the lucky ones are this year.

The team arrived in Kigali after 24 hours of travel and half of us without our luggage (a common occurrence

apparently). We caught up on some sleep before meeting the rest of the team. There were 40 in total- 2

surgeons, 2 anaesthetists, 2 perfusionists (they look after the heart bypass), Intensivist (ICU Dr), theatre

nurse, anaesthetic nurses, ICU nurses, ward nurses, pharmacist, pathologist, biomedical engineer,

IT/photographer and me, the physiotherapist. I headed of to see the gorillas with 6 other colleagues while

the others waited for the last of the medical supplies to arrive and to set up at King Fiscal Hospital.

The gorilla experience was memorable with the silverback coming within ½ metre of us. We spent an hour

watching and photographing about 11 gorillas. They were fairly uninterested in us.

Back in Kigali the lost luggage and last medical supplies had arrived and we were ready to go. You learn that

things never go smoothly. Norbert our first case was open on the table when it was discovered that the wall

oxygen was only 35% instead of 100%. Some quick resourcing and we had found a private supplier of oxygen

cylinders. Norbert was open on the table for an extra long time as a consequence and took about 4 days

before we finally got a smile out of him. Melissa was the second case on day 1 and because of the oxygen

issue we were unable to do the next 2 cases (therefore 2 kids would miss out on their surgery). We had 6

days of surgery with the goal of doing 25 operations.

Most of the kids were out of ICU and on the ward the day after

surgery allowing a continual flow through from theatre to ICU.

Another day we could only do 3 cases instead of 4 as ICU was

backed up with some sick kids. You realize what a juggling act it can

be to achieve such complicated surgery in such a short time.

Unfortunately we lost one patient- a beautiful 16 year old girl, Rose

48 hours after her surgery. The team took it pretty hard. It was only

the second post-op death in 5 years.

Most of the kids were out of ICU and on the ward the day after surgery allowing a

continual flow through from theatre to ICU. Another day we could only do 3 cases

instead of 4 as ICU was backed up with some sick kids. You realize what a juggling act

it can be to achieve such complicated surgery in such a short time. Unfortunately we

lost one patient- a beautiful 16 year old girl, Rose 48 hours after her surgery. The team

took it pretty hard. It was only the second post-op death in 5 years.

Princess AlainePrincess AlainePrincess AlainePrincess Alaine, 15, 15, 15, 15 months oldmonths oldmonths oldmonths old, day, day, day, day 1 post 1 post 1 post 1 post

repair of ventricular septal defect (VSD)repair of ventricular septal defect (VSD)repair of ventricular septal defect (VSD)repair of ventricular septal defect (VSD)

Most of the kids were out of ICU and on the ward the day after surgery allowing a

continual flow through from theatre to ICU. Another day we could only do 3 cases

instead of 4 as ICU was backed up with some sick kids. You realize what a juggling act

it can be to achieve such complicated surgery in such a short time. Unfortunately we

lost one patient- a beautiful 16 year old girl, Rose 48 hours after her surgery. The team

took it pretty hard. It was only the second post-op death in 5 years.

My first day at work was fairly quiet with only Melissa and Norbert to hassle but it slowly

built over the week. I also spent some time with 2 of the local physiotherapists. Part of

the goal of OOH is to work alongside the local staff to up skill them.

JeanJeanJeanJean, 15, 15, 15, 15 months months months months

oldoldoldold, day, day, day, day 2222 post post post post

coarctation coarctation coarctation coarctation repairrepairrepairrepair

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Rosie to Rwanda Continued

There was copious amounts of blowing- bubbles, party blowers and

kazoos. Also balloon tennis, basketball, beach balls, soccer, hand

ball, cricket and AFL were all attempted with the kids as they became

more mobile.

Some of the kids managed to walk down 4 flights of stairs for a kick

of soccer only 3 days after their surgery. By the time surgery was

finished we had enough kids able to make it down the stairs for a

game of soccer with the theatre staff. The theatre crew had seen

most of the kids either being put to sleep or open on the table so it

was a great opportunity to see how well the kids were now doing.

All too quickly the 9 days were up and we were saying goodbye to the

kids, their family and the local staff. The team will be back again next

year to do it all again and so might I. Thank you so much to all the

generous people who donated money which made it possible for me

to go.

Rosie pictured with Rosie pictured with Rosie pictured with Rosie pictured with MelissaMelissaMelissaMelissa andandandand Mwevi, Mwevi, Mwevi, Mwevi,

7 years old, Angeline, Norbert and 7 years old, Angeline, Norbert and 7 years old, Angeline, Norbert and 7 years old, Angeline, Norbert and

Renovat, 15 years oldRenovat, 15 years oldRenovat, 15 years oldRenovat, 15 years old


The Child & Family Mental Health Service of The Child & Family Mental Health Service of The Child & Family Mental Health Service of The Child & Family Mental Health Service of

Sydney Children’s & Prince of Wales Hospitals Sydney Children’s & Prince of Wales Hospitals Sydney Children’s & Prince of Wales Hospitals Sydney Children’s & Prince of Wales Hospitals


Child Focused Parenting Following Parental Separation or DivorceChild Focused Parenting Following Parental Separation or DivorceChild Focused Parenting Following Parental Separation or DivorceChild Focused Parenting Following Parental Separation or Divorce

WHEN: WWWWednesdayednesdayednesdayednesday 16161616thththth MMMMarcharcharcharch from 7pm from 7pm from 7pm from 7pm –––– 9999pmpmpmpm

WHERE: 40 A40 A40 A40 Ardenrdenrdenrden SSSStttt, C, C, C, Clovellylovellylovellylovelly

WITH: Carolyn Campbell (Family Therapist) & Nora O’Loughlin (Social Worker)


• Parents who have separated in the last 12 months12 months12 months12 months • Age Range of Children 0 0 0 0 ----12yrs12yrs12yrs12yrs • Parents in catchment areas of Botany, City of Sydney, Randwick, Waverley, WoollahraBotany, City of Sydney, Randwick, Waverley, WoollahraBotany, City of Sydney, Randwick, Waverley, WoollahraBotany, City of Sydney, Randwick, Waverley, Woollahra

COST: FFFFreereereeree

CONTACT: Nora O’Loughlin 9315 7123 to register as places are limited.Nora O’Loughlin 9315 7123 to register as places are limited.Nora O’Loughlin 9315 7123 to register as places are limited.Nora O’Loughlin 9315 7123 to register as places are limited.

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Child Child Child Child CCCCancer ancer ancer ancer SSSSurvivors:urvivors:urvivors:urvivors: Dietary Dietary Dietary Dietary IIIIntake ntake ntake ntake afterafterafterafter TTTTreatmentreatmentreatmentreatment

Jennifer Cohen, Masters (Nutr & Diet)1; Claire E Wakefield, PhD 1,2; Catharine Fleming BSc (Hons)1;

Rebecca Gawthorne BSc (Hons) 3; Linda Tapsell PhD3; Richard J Cohn MD1,2

The Behaviour Science Unit in the Centre for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Sydney

Children’s Hospital was established in 2001. The centre focuses on research covering nutritional

and psycho-social aspects of the paediatric cancer journey, from diagnosis to survivorship and

bereavement. The following study was funded by the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Background: Background: Background: Background: Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk of endocrine, metabolic and cardiovascular

complications such as obesity, type II diabetes and osteoporosis which have the potential to, in part, be

controlled with dietary interventions. To allow the development of appropriate dietary interventions for

younger cancer survivors (< 13 years of age), data on their dietary intake as well as information on parental

nutrition views and practices will need to be assessed.

Methods: Methods: Methods: Methods: Dietary intake of 50 child cancer survivors (CCS) was assessed with a 3-day food diary (parent

report). Parent child feeding practices were assessed with the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). Survivors

were less than 13 years old and less than 5 years post treatment completion.

Results:Results:Results:Results: Although only 4% of participating CCS were overweight, 54% of were consuming above their

estimated energy requirements. 50, 32 and 44% of children did not meet requirements for folate, calcium

and iron respectively. There was a significant trend for increasing BMI z-scores from diagnosis to time of

assessment. Results from the CFQ showed that parents are more likely to use a restrictive form of parenting

to control their child’s food intake.

Discussion:Discussion:Discussion:Discussion: Although this group were not overweight, they were displaying excessive energy intake and poor

dietary habits. Parents’ restrictive feeding style may be contributing to these habits. Early interventions

targeting the dietary intake of young survivors and associated parent feeding practices may prevent some of

the deleterious long term effects associated with childhood cancer therapy.

If you would like any information on our research centre or studies please contact

Catharine Fleming at the CCC&BD at Sydney Children’s Hospital

[email protected].

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Hanen’s New “Talkability™” Program

(Helen Tootill, Speech Pathologist, Rural Primary Health Services Program, Macksville Community Health)

The first training in Australia for Hanen qualified Speech Pathologists occurred in December 2010. The

Talkability program & guidebook is aimed at parents of 3-7 year olds with High Functioning Autism (HFA),

Aspergers or Social Communication difficulties. These children are typically verbal and intelligent but are still

disabled by social difficulties that frequently lead to anxiety & low self esteem. Making friends is terribly hard

& so relationships are limited.

The program is based on latest evidence around ‘Theory of Mind’ & social thinking (Baron-Cohen, Leslie &

Frith-1985, Hutchins & Prelock-2008) Theory of Mind refers to an individual’s ability to understand what

another person feels, thinks or knows. It is a crucial part of our interactions & can be the key that determines

if a human exchange is successful or unsuccessful. It appears to be a fundamental difficulty in children with


People with social communication problems often have limited eye contact. So to a communication partner a

person with HFA & poor eye contact may appear rude or disinterested. On the other hand the person with HFA

is missing out on vital clues that come from watching the others eyes. A lovely example of a Hanen game to

start teaching children about the importance of eye contact is called “Watch my eyes to find the surprise” In

this game the adult hides a surprise out of sight while the child closes their eyes. The child opens their eyes &

needs to watch the adult’s eyes as they eye point to the location of the treat. The child can then look in the

right place for the surprise & of course their eye contact is rewarded.

Most Hanen programs are designed as parent or carer training programs. Parents attend group sessions run

by the trained Speech Pathologist. Home visits also occur where parents are videoed practising techniques

from the sessions. The therapist & parent review the video together giving feedback on the interactions &

child responses – making plans as to what activities & techniques they will try or revise for next time.

The guidebook helps communicate ideas behind Theory of the Mind to parents in

easy language. It shows parents how to help their child take appropriate turns in

conversation, how to help them ‘tune in’ to what people say without words &

understand how others feel so the child can respond. It has an excellent section

on helping children make friends.

One strategy uses the acronym ‘ICE’ to scaffold the most important structure of a

conversation (Initiate, Continue, End) Different tips are given to help start a

conversation, keep it going it as well as appropriate ways of ending a conversation

– helpful for lots of kids – such as those that launch into the middle of some

complex topic before you’ve had chance to say ‘Hi’ (ring any bells?).

Hanen is a Canadian Not for Profit organisation whose mission is to provide training and resources to the

adults/carers in the lives of young people who have language/communication difficulties or are at risk of

developing these difficulties.

While its training is mainly for Speech Pathologists there are many fantastic resources available generally.

The new website is now revealed at www.hanen.org

A PDF Summary of research supporting this program can be found on this page


The guidebook mentioned above and Hanen’s other resources are available through their website or through

Dart products at www.dartproducts.com.au.

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Sonia Hughes NCHN Allied Health Educator

Phone: 02 6592 9623 / 0243 823633

Email: [email protected]

Sensory Processing Treatment WorkshopSensory Processing Treatment WorkshopSensory Processing Treatment WorkshopSensory Processing Treatment Workshop

Presented by Presented by Presented by Presented by Lisa Scott and SLisa Scott and SLisa Scott and SLisa Scott and Suzanne Wakefielduzanne Wakefielduzanne Wakefielduzanne Wakefield

May 12May 12May 12May 12thththth ---- 14141414thththth 2011201120112011 Highett in Southern Metropolitan MelbourneHighett in Southern Metropolitan MelbourneHighett in Southern Metropolitan MelbourneHighett in Southern Metropolitan Melbourne

Course covers theory and treatment ideas for children with

sensory processing disorders. For further details email [email protected]

Supporting Allied Health

Professionals Working with Children

Events & ResourcesEvents & ResourcesEvents & ResourcesEvents & Resources 2020202011111111 …………

Carmel Blayden

WCHN Allied Health Educator

Commencing 28th March 2011

Jenny Nicol & Maree Doble GESCHN Allied Health Educator

Phone: 02 9382 4471

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

24242424thththth National Conference National Conference National Conference National Conference

Making Evidence WorkMaking Evidence WorkMaking Evidence WorkMaking Evidence Work::::

Informing Practices Organisations and the ProfessionInforming Practices Organisations and the ProfessionInforming Practices Organisations and the ProfessionInforming Practices Organisations and the Profession

29292929thththth June June June June –––– 1111stststst July 2011July 2011July 2011July 2011

Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition CentreGold Coast Convention and Exhibition CentreGold Coast Convention and Exhibition CentreGold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre

Program is now available on the websiteProgram is now available on the websiteProgram is now available on the websiteProgram is now available on the website

For more information visit http://ausotconference.com.au/

Secondment opportunities available until June 2011!

Secondments are available across the state in the NSW Child Health Network Secondment Program. A secondment involves hands on clinical work alongside the expert clinician. Resources and ongoing support are provided to meet your specific learning objectives. Placements can be discipline and/or clinically specific, and available to all Allied Health Professionals for 1 – 2 and up to 5 days.

Funding is currently available (until June 2011) through the Allied Health Educators to go towards the cost of backfill, as well as reasonable travel and accommodation expenses. To discuss the program criteria and process for application contact one of your Allied Health Educators; Maree or Sonia for more information.

Submissions for Future Editions of Allied to Kids

Let us know about your workshops, new programs, events, research or positions vacant. Clinical articles need to

be evidence based with a relevant (albeit short) reference list. Submissions can be sent to Maree or Sonia (email

details are listed above) and need to be received no later than the 25th of each month to ensure inclusion in the

following month’s edition. Remember, Allied to Kids is a newsletter for paediatric Allied Health Professionals by

paediatric Allied Health Professionals.


Women’s & Children’s Hospitals AustralasiaWomen’s & Children’s Hospitals AustralasiaWomen’s & Children’s Hospitals AustralasiaWomen’s & Children’s Hospitals Australasia

2011 Conference2011 Conference2011 Conference2011 Conference

21212121stststst –––– 23232323rdrdrdrd NovemberNovemberNovemberNovember The Stamford Grand Adelaide, Glenelg, South AustraliaThe Stamford Grand Adelaide, Glenelg, South AustraliaThe Stamford Grand Adelaide, Glenelg, South AustraliaThe Stamford Grand Adelaide, Glenelg, South Australia

Abstracts close 13th June

For information email [email protected]

For more details about any of the information

included in this newsletter, or if you have

something you would like included in a future

edition, please contact one of us.

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StateStateStateState----wide TeleHealth Education Opportunitieswide TeleHealth Education Opportunitieswide TeleHealth Education Opportunitieswide TeleHealth Education Opportunities Available to allied health professionals who provide services through NSW Health

NSW Child Health Network Allied Health Telehealth EducationNSW Child Health Network Allied Health Telehealth EducationNSW Child Health Network Allied Health Telehealth EducationNSW Child Health Network Allied Health Telehealth Education

MarchMarchMarchMarch 8888 Oppositional Defiance DisOppositional Defiance DisOppositional Defiance DisOppositional Defiance Disorderorderorderorder Dr Lisa Parker, Psych (SCH)Dr Lisa Parker, Psych (SCH)Dr Lisa Parker, Psych (SCH)Dr Lisa Parker, Psych (SCH) MarchMarchMarchMarch 22222222 Severe Speech DisordersSevere Speech DisordersSevere Speech DisordersSevere Speech Disorders Bronwyn Carrigg, SP (SCH) Bronwyn Carrigg, SP (SCH) Bronwyn Carrigg, SP (SCH) Bronwyn Carrigg, SP (SCH)

Dr Elise Baker, SP (USYD)Dr Elise Baker, SP (USYD)Dr Elise Baker, SP (USYD)Dr Elise Baker, SP (USYD) April 5April 5April 5April 5 Brain Injury in the Rural SettingBrain Injury in the Rural SettingBrain Injury in the Rural SettingBrain Injury in the Rural Setting Sarah Massey,Sarah Massey,Sarah Massey,Sarah Massey,

Paed Rehab Coordinator (HNELHN)Paed Rehab Coordinator (HNELHN)Paed Rehab Coordinator (HNELHN)Paed Rehab Coordinator (HNELHN) April 19April 19April 19April 19 Sensory Processing (Winnie DunSensory Processing (Winnie DunSensory Processing (Winnie DunSensory Processing (Winnie Dunn Course)n Course)n Course)n Course) Debbie Hopper, OT (HNELHN)Debbie Hopper, OT (HNELHN)Debbie Hopper, OT (HNELHN)Debbie Hopper, OT (HNELHN)

Allied Health TeleHealth will be from 1.00-2.00pm. Contact Chloe Travers ([email protected]) if you would like to link into the sessions.

Sydney Children's Hospital Medical Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Medical Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Medical Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Medical Grand Rounds

The SCH Medical Grand Rounds Education Program is held each Wednesday, 1:00 Wednesday, 1:00 Wednesday, 1:00 Wednesday, 1:00 ---- 2:002:002:002:00. Upcoming sessions:

9th March C-change/Staff Engagement Presented by: UNSW Analysis Team

16th March TBA

23rd March TBA

30th March When Gut Meets Brain Presented by: Alexandra Johnson and Keith Ooi

To book into a session or participate in the WebEx trial contact Katy on 9382 1641 or via [email protected]. To view previous sessions on the SESIAHS intranet go to http://sch.sesahs.nsw.gov.au/education/video/.

Sydney Children's Hospital Mental Health Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Mental Health Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Mental Health Grand RoundsSydney Children's Hospital Mental Health Grand Rounds

The SCH Mental Health Grand Rounds Education Program is held fortnightly on Monday, 1:00 Monday, 1:00 Monday, 1:00 Monday, 1:00 ---- 2:002:002:002:00. Details of upcoming Mental Health Grand Rounds sessions will be distributed by email and included in the Allied to Kids newsletter. Upcoming sessions:

No details available at the time of distribution.

To view previous sessions on the SESIAHS intranet go to http://sch.sesahs.nsw.gov.au/education/video/.

John Hunter Children’s Hospital Paediatric Grand RoJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital Paediatric Grand RoJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital Paediatric Grand RoJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital Paediatric Grand Roundsundsundsunds

The JHCH Paediatric Grand Rounds Education Program is held each TuesTuesTuesTuesday, 1:00 day, 1:00 day, 1:00 day, 1:00 ---- 2:002:002:002:00. Upcoming session topics include (more specific details are released one week prior to the session):

8th March Quality

15th March Surgery

22nd March Oncology

29th March Neurology

5th April General/Community

For instructions on how to view these sessions online or to access previous sessions, please email [email protected] or call 6592 9623.

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Occupational Therapy Approaches with Children and Adolescents with ASD Occupational Therapy Approaches with Children and Adolescents with ASD Occupational Therapy Approaches with Children and Adolescents with ASD Occupational Therapy Approaches with Children and Adolescents with ASD

9999thththth –––– 11111111thththth May 2011, Townsville, QLDMay 2011, Townsville, QLDMay 2011, Townsville, QLDMay 2011, Townsville, QLD Three Day Workshop and Peer Mentoring Program

The workshop aims to enhance the skills of occupational therapists who offer services to children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by providing information on:

• the occupational impact of the core features of ASD and associated cognitive, sensory, motor and psychological features

• interventions commonly used with children and adolescents with ASD

• evidenced-informed occupational therapy information gathering and intervention strategies for children and adolescents with ASD

• OT approaches specific to different stages and contexts in the life of a child or adolescent with ASD

For further details please email [email protected]

Picky Eaters vs. Problem FeedersPicky Eaters vs. Problem FeedersPicky Eaters vs. Problem FeedersPicky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

The Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS)The Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS)The Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS)The Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding WorkshopApproach to Feeding WorkshopApproach to Feeding WorkshopApproach to Feeding Workshop

Basic 3 day CourseBasic 3 day CourseBasic 3 day CourseBasic 3 day Course Tuesday 9th August – Thursday 11th August 2011

2 days of Special Interest Training2 days of Special Interest Training2 days of Special Interest Training2 days of Special Interest Training Friday 12th August & Saturday 13th August 2011

VenueVenueVenueVenue Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Education Centre, Bowen Bridge Road, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland

CostCostCostCost Basic 3 day course: $699.00 (Incl GST)

Special interest days: $260.00 (Inc GST) per day Basic 3 day plus 2 special interest days: $1,159 (save $60)

Registration closes Friday 22nd July 2011 – Limited seating available

For further details please visit


The Inaugural SpineCare ConferenceThe Inaugural SpineCare ConferenceThe Inaugural SpineCare ConferenceThe Inaugural SpineCare Conference

Innovation and Practice in Childhood Spinal ConditionsInnovation and Practice in Childhood Spinal ConditionsInnovation and Practice in Childhood Spinal ConditionsInnovation and Practice in Childhood Spinal Conditions “Laying the Foundations”“Laying the Foundations”“Laying the Foundations”“Laying the Foundations”

March 10March 10March 10March 10thththth & 11& 11& 11& 11tttthhhh 2011201120112011 Daltone House, SydneyDaltone House, SydneyDaltone House, SydneyDaltone House, Sydney

The conference program will showcase four international keynote speakers, world renowned for their exemplary research and clinical excellence in the field of paediatric spinal cord injury. It will also feature a collection of paediatric spinal hypotheticals presented by Dr Norman Swan, multi-award winning producer, broadcaster and investigative journalist. Get ready to be entertained and have your thoughts stimulated by actors and a panel of experts.

For further information visit: http://www.spinecareconference.org.au

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Sydney Nutrition Update DaySydney Nutrition Update DaySydney Nutrition Update DaySydney Nutrition Update Day

Tuesday 19Tuesday 19Tuesday 19Tuesday 19thththth April 2011April 2011April 2011April 2011 Waterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic ParkWaterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic ParkWaterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic ParkWaterview Convention Centre, Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park

Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: $44 (incl GST)$44 (incl GST)$44 (incl GST)$44 (incl GST) $22 for Nutrition Society members$22 for Nutrition Society members$22 for Nutrition Society members$22 for Nutrition Society members Registrations close 15Registrations close 15Registrations close 15Registrations close 15thththth April 2011April 2011April 2011April 2011

Presenting international speaker Professor Flavia Indrio (Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition) from the University of Bari, Italy and keynote speaker Professor Peter Davies the Director of The Children’s Nutrition Research Centre in Queensland.

For moFor moFor moFor more information email:re information email:re information email:re information email: [email protected]

Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy & DevelopmentalTreatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy & DevelopmentalTreatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy & DevelopmentalTreatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy & Developmental

Disabilities Disabilities Disabilities Disabilities –––– Perth 2011Perth 2011Perth 2011Perth 2011 Margaret Mayston, PhD, AM Senior Tutor Bobath Centre LondonMargaret Mayston, PhD, AM Senior Tutor Bobath Centre LondonMargaret Mayston, PhD, AM Senior Tutor Bobath Centre LondonMargaret Mayston, PhD, AM Senior Tutor Bobath Centre London

Neuroscience Workshop Neuroscience Workshop Neuroscience Workshop Neuroscience Workshop 1111stststst & 2& 2& 2& 2ndndndnd April 2011, 9am April 2011, 9am April 2011, 9am April 2011, 9am –––– 5.00pm (5.00pm (5.00pm (5.00pm (TBCTBCTBCTBC)))) The Centre for Cerebral The Centre for Cerebral The Centre for Cerebral The Centre for Cerebral Palsy, 106 Bradford St Coolbinia WA Palsy, 106 Bradford St Coolbinia WA Palsy, 106 Bradford St Coolbinia WA Palsy, 106 Bradford St Coolbinia WA

CostCostCostCost: $450.00 (includes all course notes; lunch, morning/afternoon tea; 12 month membership to ABNDTA) Applications close 15Applications close 15Applications close 15Applications close 15thththth March 2011March 2011March 2011March 2011

Bobath Refresher Course Bobath Refresher Course Bobath Refresher Course Bobath Refresher Course ---- April 2011(Dates TBC)April 2011(Dates TBC)April 2011(Dates TBC)April 2011(Dates TBC) The Refresher Course offers the opportunity to review and update course members understanding of the Bobath concept. Content will include aspects of classification of cerebral palsy, assessment, problem solving and treatment planning from both a theoretical point of view and during hands-on therapy sessions.

CostCostCostCost: Registration $1500 (includes GST & membership of ABNDTA) Applications close 28Applications close 28Applications close 28Applications close 28thththth February 2011February 2011February 2011February 2011

For registration forms and further information on either workshop, visit www.abndta.asn.au

Back to Basics Developmental Physiotherapy CourseBack to Basics Developmental Physiotherapy CourseBack to Basics Developmental Physiotherapy CourseBack to Basics Developmental Physiotherapy Course

6666thththth –––– 10101010thththth JuneJuneJuneJune 2011201120112011 Royal Children’s Hospital, BrisbaneRoyal Children’s Hospital, BrisbaneRoyal Children’s Hospital, BrisbaneRoyal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane

Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: $$$$700700700700 (incl GST)(incl GST)(incl GST)(incl GST) Expressions of interestExpressions of interestExpressions of interestExpressions of interest close 15close 15close 15close 15thththth ApriApriApriApril 2011l 2011l 2011l 2011

To obtain a copy of the expression of interest form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the expression of interest form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the expression of interest form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the expression of interest form or for further details email [email protected] or

phone Jacqueline on 07 3636 8506

Burns Rehabilitation ManagementBurns Rehabilitation ManagementBurns Rehabilitation ManagementBurns Rehabilitation Management

19191919thththth & 20& 20& 20& 20thththth MayMayMayMay 2011201120112011 Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde, SydRoyal Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde, SydRoyal Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde, SydRoyal Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde, Sydneyneyneyney

Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: $$$$80808080 ((((for both daysfor both daysfor both daysfor both days)))) $50 (for one day)$50 (for one day)$50 (for one day)$50 (for one day) RegistrationsRegistrationsRegistrationsRegistrations close 1close 1close 1close 13333thththth April 2011April 2011April 2011April 2011

To obtain a copy of the registration form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the registration form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the registration form or for further details email To obtain a copy of the registration form or for further details email [email protected] or

phone Anne on 02 9926 5641

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Celebrating 80 years of Speech Pathology at…

Did you know that Speech Pathology in Australia started at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children

(now known as The Children’s Hospital at Westmead) in 1931?

To celebrate this milestone, we will be hosting a series of workshops delivered by local and internationally renowned

guest speakers. Below is an outline of scheduled events for our anniversary celebrations. Each event will be advertised

individually prior to registration with further details.

Upcoming events for 2011

DateDateDateDate TopicTopicTopicTopic Guest SpeakerGuest SpeakerGuest SpeakerGuest Speaker

Monday May 9th Voice Problems in Children: Demystifying

diagnosis and management

Dr Cate Madill, Speech Pathologist

Dr John Curotta, ENT

Friday September 2nd Language Development & Language

Disorders: Applying 21st Century

Knowledge to 20th Century problems

Dr Patricia Eadie, Speech Pathologist

Wednesday September 7th Talk to the expert! Expanding our

knowledge in paediatric feeding and

Modified Barium Swallow

Professor Joan Arvedson, Speech


Thursday September 8th MBS Masterclass Professor Joan Arvedson, Speech


Further InformationFurther InformationFurther InformationFurther Information Contact Noella Phillips, Speech Pathology Administrative Assistant T: (02) 9845 2076 | e: [email protected] | f:(02) 9845 2078

Paediatric Voice: Updating & Upskilling SPaediatric Voice: Updating & Upskilling SPaediatric Voice: Updating & Upskilling SPaediatric Voice: Updating & Upskilling Speech Pathologistspeech Pathologistspeech Pathologistspeech Pathologists

Presented by Presented by Presented by Presented by Cate Madill, Speech Pathologist, University of SydneyCate Madill, Speech Pathologist, University of SydneyCate Madill, Speech Pathologist, University of SydneyCate Madill, Speech Pathologist, University of Sydney,,,, & & & & Dr John Curotta, ENT surgeon, The Children’s Hospital at WestmeadDr John Curotta, ENT surgeon, The Children’s Hospital at WestmeadDr John Curotta, ENT surgeon, The Children’s Hospital at WestmeadDr John Curotta, ENT surgeon, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

MondayMondayMondayMonday May 9May 9May 9May 9thththth 2011:2011:2011:2011: 8.30am – 4.00pm Registration:Registration:Registration:Registration: 8.00 – 8:30am; Location:Location:Location:Location: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

This interactive workshop has been specifically designed for Speech Pathologists working with children with voice

disorders. It will provide an overview of a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of paediatric

voice disorders. Protocols and assessment procedures specific to this population will be examined, and an alternative approach to differential diagnosis will be presented. The event will have a seminar/workshop approach throughout.

Participants will be encouraged to engage in activities and there will be plenty of opportunities for questions & discussion.

Topics to be covered include: Topics to be covered include: Topics to be covered include: Topics to be covered include:

• Incidence & prevalence of voice disorders

• Disorder types and symptoms

• Treatment of paediatric voice disorders

• Outcomes of treatment

Registration DetailsRegistration DetailsRegistration DetailsRegistration Details Early Bird registration by Friday 8th April:Early Bird registration by Friday 8th April:Early Bird registration by Friday 8th April:Early Bird registration by Friday 8th April: $220 (incl GST) for Speech Pathologists; $100 (incl GST) for Students Final registration by Monday 2nd May:Final registration by Monday 2nd May:Final registration by Monday 2nd May:Final registration by Monday 2nd May: $250 (incl GST) for Speech Pathologists;

$125 (incl GST) for Students Further InformationFurther InformationFurther InformationFurther Information Contact Gloria Tzannes, Senior Speech Pathologist

T: (02) 9845 2076 | f:(02) 9845 2078 e: [email protected]

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Australasia Pacific

Play Therapy Association

Play Therapy ConferencePlay Therapy ConferencePlay Therapy ConferencePlay Therapy Conference

Building Healing RelationshipsBuilding Healing RelationshipsBuilding Healing RelationshipsBuilding Healing Relationships

AugustAugustAugustAugust 18181818 ---- 19191919 2011201120112011 Four Points Sheraton, Geelong, VICFour Points Sheraton, Geelong, VICFour Points Sheraton, Geelong, VICFour Points Sheraton, Geelong, VIC

Call for papers closes 31Call for papers closes 31Call for papers closes 31Call for papers closes 31stststst MarchMarchMarchMarch

Full program will be available from May 2011Full program will be available from May 2011Full program will be available from May 2011Full program will be available from May 2011

This conference brings together clinicians, professionals,

researchers and educators who work with children and

use play therapy and related techniques to help children

overcome traumas and facilitate children’s development.

The focus will be on relationships between therapists and

their clients, family relationships and relationships within

the community.

More information visit: www.appta.org.au

Email enquiries regarding the submission process to:

[email protected]

Presentations and photos from the Rural and Remote Health Conference in Albury 2010 are now available on the NSW Institute of Rural clinical Service and Teaching website: http://www.ircst.health.nsw.gov.au/nested_content/home_sub_menu/quick_links_to_projects2/conference The latest edition of their newsletter is available at: http://www.ircst.health.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/133071/IRCSTWhile_Vol_16.pdf

Circle of Security Parenting Program

Circle of Security Parenting Training©Circle of Security Parenting Training©Circle of Security Parenting Training©Circle of Security Parenting Training© and Circle of Security Parenting© DVDand Circle of Security Parenting© DVDand Circle of Security Parenting© DVDand Circle of Security Parenting© DVD

Presented by Circle of Security® co-originator

Glen Cooper

May 23 May 23 May 23 May 23 ----26, 201126, 201126, 201126, 2011

Harbour View Function CentreHarbour View Function CentreHarbour View Function CentreHarbour View Function Centre Queens Warf, Newcastle NSWQueens Warf, Newcastle NSWQueens Warf, Newcastle NSWQueens Warf, Newcastle NSW

Circle of Security®Circle of Security®Circle of Security®Circle of Security® has created a new DVD parenting

education program offering the core components of the

evidence-based and internationally acclaimed COS®®®®

protocol. This 4-Day seminar trains professionals to use

an eight-chapter DVD to educate parents and caregivers.

Cost: $1000 U.S. (includes COS Parenting© DVD, COS

Parenting Training© Manual, Parent Handouts, License to

use the above materials to teach COS Parenting© to

caregivers*). $100 U.S. discount with full payment by

April 28th.

More information contact: Rebecca Ferbrache Ph (02) 49 246 550 Fax: (02) 49 246 561 Mobile: 0438 171 499

Critical Care Conference in the Vineyards

28282828thththth & 29& 29& 29& 29thththth AprilAprilAprilApril

Mercure Resort, Hunter Valley GardensMercure Resort, Hunter Valley GardensMercure Resort, Hunter Valley GardensMercure Resort, Hunter Valley Gardens Pokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSWPokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSWPokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSWPokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSW

Registrations close 15Registrations close 15Registrations close 15Registrations close 15thththth April 2011April 2011April 2011April 2011

Cost: $270 (Early Bird prior to 11Cost: $270 (Early Bird prior to 11Cost: $270 (Early Bird prior to 11Cost: $270 (Early Bird prior to 11thththth March)March)March)March) $300 (Full fee for two days)$300 (Full fee for two days)$300 (Full fee for two days)$300 (Full fee for two days)

This critical care conference has been organised by

Hunter New England Health professionals to provide

insight into surrounding institutions and their professional

developments in relation to critical care.

Conference enquiries phone: Karen Chronister 02 4921 4783 [email protected]


Kelvin Smith

02 4985 5283

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Children’s Place on the AgendaChildren’s Place on the AgendaChildren’s Place on the AgendaChildren’s Place on the Agenda Past, present and futurePast, present and futurePast, present and futurePast, present and future

28282828thththth –––– 29292929thththth July 2011July 2011July 2011July 2011 Dockside, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, SDockside, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, SDockside, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, SDockside, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSWydney, NSWydney, NSWydney, NSW

First AnnouncementFirst AnnouncementFirst AnnouncementFirst Announcement

For further details visit:


The Introduction to the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)

Dr Kylie Gray Dr Kylie Gray Dr Kylie Gray Dr Kylie Gray &&&& Deborah SweeneyDeborah SweeneyDeborah SweeneyDeborah Sweeney

22227777thththth & & & & 28282828thththth May, 2011May, 2011May, 2011May, 2011

Griffith University EcoCentre, BrisbaneGriffith University EcoCentre, BrisbaneGriffith University EcoCentre, BrisbaneGriffith University EcoCentre, Brisbane

The Introduction to the ADOS workshop is intended for clinicians interested in using the ADOS. It provides an introduction to the ADOS as an assessment tool, and is a first step for researchers in the process for establishing reliability. It uses a mixture of large group lecture, demonstration, and scoring, as well as a live demonstration of the ADOS.

ADOS workshops are designed for psychologists, paediatricians, and psychiatrists. Speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and doctoral students who have experience in standardised assessment measures are also able to attend the training workshops. RegistrationRegistrationRegistrationRegistration

Early Bird Early Bird Early Bird Early Bird (25th March 2011): $745 (GST inc) Standard Standard Standard Standard (after 25th March 2011): $845 (GST inc)

For more information go to: www.zimei.com.au

Understanding Visual Perceptual Skills in Children

Dr Chris Chapparo Dr Chris Chapparo Dr Chris Chapparo Dr Chris Chapparo

March 21st 23rd, 2011March 21st 23rd, 2011March 21st 23rd, 2011March 21st 23rd, 2011

The Stage Conference CentThe Stage Conference CentThe Stage Conference CentThe Stage Conference Centre, SUV, Sydneyre, SUV, Sydneyre, SUV, Sydneyre, SUV, Sydney

The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to study visual perception and visual perceptual deficits that are commonly found in children with learning difficulties, including children with disabilities such as autism or Aspergers syndrome and intellectual impairment.

Visual perception will be examined from a theoretical, neuroscience and occupational performance perspective. Suggestions for methods of assessment and intervention within the context of school occupations will be presented. RegistrationRegistrationRegistrationRegistration Standard Standard Standard Standard (after 25th March): $750 (GST inc)

For more information go to: www.zimei.com.au

Registration available from March 2011Registration available from March 2011Registration available from March 2011Registration available from March 2011

For further details visit http://www.rhrc.com.au/

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Australian Childhood Foundation 2011 International Seminar SeriesAustralian Childhood Foundation 2011 International Seminar SeriesAustralian Childhood Foundation 2011 International Seminar SeriesAustralian Childhood Foundation 2011 International Seminar Series

The Body Remembers: Practical Therapeutic Applications of the Neurobiology of TraumaThe Body Remembers: Practical Therapeutic Applications of the Neurobiology of TraumaThe Body Remembers: Practical Therapeutic Applications of the Neurobiology of TraumaThe Body Remembers: Practical Therapeutic Applications of the Neurobiology of Trauma

2 day workshop with Babette Rothschild2 day workshop with Babette Rothschild2 day workshop with Babette Rothschild2 day workshop with Babette Rothschild

PPPPerth 13erth 13erth 13erth 13thththth & 14& 14& 14& 14thththth JuneJuneJuneJune Adelaide 16Adelaide 16Adelaide 16Adelaide 16thththth & 17& 17& 17& 17thththth JuneJuneJuneJune Melbourne 23Melbourne 23Melbourne 23Melbourne 23rdrdrdrd & 24& 24& 24& 24thththth JuneJuneJuneJune Brisbane 27Brisbane 27Brisbane 27Brisbane 27thththth & 28& 28& 28& 28thththth JuneJuneJuneJune Sydney 30Sydney 30Sydney 30Sydney 30thththth June & 1June & 1June & 1June & 1stststst JulyJulyJulyJuly

The practical workshop will equip participants with the principles and tools for reducing, containing and halting

traumatic hyper-arousal. It is consistent with and a useful adjunct to all methods of psychotherapy and

specialised trauma therapies.

It will enable participants to read and interpret the signals of a dysregulated autonomic nervous system in

individuals who have experienced trauma. It will use real life videos of therapeutic sessions to illustrate the

significance of safe approaches to trauma intervention. The workshop is filled with examples of useable tools

that have been developed by Babette over two decades.

For mFor mFor mFor more information visit:ore information visit:ore information visit:ore information visit: http://www.childhood.org.au/page.aspx?pageID=2005

Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Birth and BeyondCleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Birth and BeyondCleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Birth and BeyondCleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Birth and Beyond

2 day workshop for Speech Pathologists2 day workshop for Speech Pathologists2 day workshop for Speech Pathologists2 day workshop for Speech Pathologists

Thursday 14Thursday 14Thursday 14Thursday 14thththth & Friday 15& Friday 15& Friday 15& Friday 15thththth April 2011April 2011April 2011April 2011 Education Centre, Woolworths Medical Building, Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, Education Centre, Woolworths Medical Building, Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, Education Centre, Woolworths Medical Building, Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, Education Centre, Woolworths Medical Building, Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, QLD QLD QLD QLD

By attending this workshop you will gain skills and knowledge in the management of patients with cleft palate,

craniofacial anomalies and velopharyngeal dysfunction including information related to;

• support needs of families at diagnosis

• referral processes to tertiary services

• feeding problems and solutions

• communication assessment including language and literacy skills

• speech therapy options and techniques

• diagnostic tests used with this population such as nasometry, videofluoroscopy and nasendoscopy

• interpretation of assessment results and how they affect therapy and/or surgical management of children

with velopharyngeal dysfunction

A practical real-child approach will be highlighted with a series of case study presentations highlighting both

diagnostic and management dilemmas of complex children.

This workshop is designed to develop practical skills and is limited to maximum 15 participants.

Clinicians will be invited to present cases from their local clinics for discussion.

For more information For more information For more information For more information emaemaemaemailililil:::: [email protected] or [email protected]

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Critical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled TrialsCritical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled TrialsCritical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled TrialsCritical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled Trials

Thursday 28Thursday 28Thursday 28Thursday 28thththth April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) –––– Coffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSW Friday 29Friday 29Friday 29Friday 29thththth April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) April 2011 (8.30am to 12.30pm) –––– University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD

ImplemenImplemenImplemenImplementing Evidence into Practiceting Evidence into Practiceting Evidence into Practiceting Evidence into Practice

Thursday 28Thursday 28Thursday 28Thursday 28thththth April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) –––– Coffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSWCoffs Harbour Racing Club, Coffs Harbour, NSW Friday 29Friday 29Friday 29Friday 29thththth April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) April 2011 (1pm to 4pm) –––– University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLDUniversity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD

For more information email:For more information email:For more information email:For more information email: [email protected]

5555thththth NSW Rural Allied Health Conference 2011NSW Rural Allied Health Conference 2011NSW Rural Allied Health Conference 2011NSW Rural Allied Health Conference 2011

Strong Foundations in Sifting SandsStrong Foundations in Sifting SandsStrong Foundations in Sifting SandsStrong Foundations in Sifting Sands

Preliminary NotPreliminary NotPreliminary NotPreliminary Noticeiceiceice

9999thththth –––– 1tth November 20111tth November 20111tth November 20111tth November 2011

Glasshouse, Port Macquarie NSWGlasshouse, Port Macquarie NSWGlasshouse, Port Macquarie NSWGlasshouse, Port Macquarie NSW

Call for abstracts opens 1Call for abstracts opens 1Call for abstracts opens 1Call for abstracts opens 1stststst March and closes 30March and closes 30March and closes 30March and closes 30thththth JuneJuneJuneJune

More details available at More details available at More details available at More details available at http://www.hotelnetwork.comhttp://www.hotelnetwork.comhttp://www.hotelnetwork.comhttp://www.hotelnetwork.com.au/conferences/conferences/ruralhealth2011.au/conferences/conferences/ruralhealth2011.au/conferences/conferences/ruralhealth2011.au/conferences/conferences/ruralhealth2011

To be added to the mailing list To be added to the mailing list To be added to the mailing list To be added to the mailing list please please please please send an email tosend an email tosend an email tosend an email to:::: [email protected]

Speech Sound Disorders The Basics and Beyond II

Dr Caroline BowenDr Caroline BowenDr Caroline BowenDr Caroline Bowen November 2011, BrisbaneNovember 2011, BrisbaneNovember 2011, BrisbaneNovember 2011, Brisbane

Expressions of Interest SoughtExpressions of Interest SoughtExpressions of Interest SoughtExpressions of Interest Sought

This two day workshop will provide speech pathologists with an up to date exploration of theoretically sound, evidence based speech assessment, differential diagnosis, goal setting, target selection, and above all, therapy for children with speech sound disorders.

For more information go to: http://www.zimei.com.au/fliers/Speech_Sound_Disorders_Workshop.pdf

For more information go to: http://www.alloccasionsgroup.com/AGOSCI2011

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Positions VacantPositions VacantPositions VacantPositions Vacant

ASD: Diagnosis & Treatment, Workshop 1

ASD: Diagnosis & Treatment, Advanced Workshop

Girls & Women with Asperger’s Syndrome

Succeeding with Asperger’s Syndrome in the Teens

Various VenuesVarious VenuesVarious VenuesVarious Venues

For further information go to: http://www.mindsandhearts.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80&Itemid=199

M I N D S & H E A R T S



The Deputy Head of Department plays a significant leadership role in Occupational Therapy through assisting

the Occupational Therapy Manager in the day to day management (40%) of occupational therapy staff and

services across the hospital, while maintaining a clinical role (60%) in a specified area. Management duties

include assistance with budget management, data collection and statistical reporting, staff recruitment and

personnel management. The deputy contributes to programme reviews and service development and updates

occupational therapy policies and procedures. Responsibilities also include liaison with designated hospital

clinical units, and coordinating quality improvement activities in the department.

Position closes 14141414thththth March 2011March 2011March 2011March 2011. To enquire about this position please contact Emma Geor on 9845 3369.

For further details or to apply online visit http://nswhealth.erecruit.com.au/ViewPosition.aspx?Id=13506.

Introduction to Clinical Education Workshop

Thursday 7Thursday 7Thursday 7Thursday 7thththth April 2011, 9.30am to 4pmApril 2011, 9.30am to 4pmApril 2011, 9.30am to 4pmApril 2011, 9.30am to 4pm

Sydney University (Lidcombe Campus), F Block, Room F126Sydney University (Lidcombe Campus), F Block, Room F126Sydney University (Lidcombe Campus), F Block, Room F126Sydney University (Lidcombe Campus), F Block, Room F126

This workshop is specifically designed for speech pathologists who have not supervised students before or

who have never completed a clinical education workshop.

The workshop will cover areas such as models of clinical education, managing placements, giving and

receiving feedback, learning styles and their application to clinical education and an introduction to

COMPASS®: Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology.

For further information please email: [email protected]

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The Department Head (Manager) provides leadership to the members of the staff (14.1 FTE’s) and manages,

coordinates, and administers the Department to ensure provision of a comprehensive Occupational Therapy

service for children and young people. The Occupational Therapy Manager develops strategies and policies to

ensure quality Occupational Therapy practice, ensure professional development and to attract and retain

quality staff in a challenging work environment. The Manager works collaboratively with the Deputy Manager

of the Occupational Therapy department. Ensure an effective learning environment for all staff and students

within the Occupational Therapy department. Act as a state wide clinical resource and consultant for health

and other professionals in the tertiary Occupational Therapy management of children. Maintain a clinical

Occupational Therapy load as negotiated with the Director of Community and Ambulatory Care. Assist with

cover across the Occupational Therapy department as required.

Position closes 20202020thththth March 2011March 2011March 2011March 2011. To enquire about this position please contact Virginia Binns on 9382 1055.

For further details or to apply online visit http://nswhealth.erecruit.com.au/ViewPosition.aspx?Id=16782.




Kurrajong Early Intervention Service (KEIS) is a leading edge Early Childhood Intervention Service with an

outstanding reputation for excellence in the provision of family centred service delivery. Griffith Early

Intervention Service falls under the umbrella of KEIS.

The therapists will work as part of a committed, enthusiastic, transdisciplinary team consisting of

Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Educators, Family Support Workers and Speech Pathologists. The

early childhood intervention team provides a support and therapy service to families and their children (birth –

school age) with disabilities and/or developmental delays.

An information package must be obtained in order to apply. For further information about the positions and

obtain an information package phone Susan Macgillycuddy (Service Manager) on 02 69262466 and refer to

www.kurrajongwaratah.org.au. Applications must be received by the 21st March 2011 and can be sent to:

Mr Ray Carroll

Deputy CEO of Kurrajong Waratah

P O Box 8576





The University of Sydney on campus clinic (Communication Disorders Treatment and Research Clinic-CDTRC)

is seeking expressions of interest for a 0.7 FTE vacancy for a temporary clinical educator/speech pathologist

until 16th December 2011. There are six to eight Speech Pathology Clinical Educators who work within the

clinical education team to provide quality clinical services to adults and children through the education of

undergraduate and masters students. The CDTRC operates 50 weeks per year, Monday-Friday from 8am -

6pm. Clients live in all areas of NSW and approximately 50% are from non-English speaking backgrounds.

The CDTRC has a strong ethos of evidence based practice. At least 3 years clinical experience is required and

previous clinical education experience highly desired. There is the possibility of further offers of employment

or increased hours subject to funding and need.

For further information please contact Dr Alison Purcell, Speech Pathology Clinical Coordinator on (02) 9351

9335 or [email protected]