Pakistan American Business Associaon 9302 Old Keene Mill Road, Burke, VA 22150 January 2017 Page 2 New Year Resoluons Page 4 2016-Elecons Page 6 Buying a New House Contents ….. Page 7 Hiring new Employees Issue No. 25 Page 5 Pakistani Investors and Immigraons www.pabausa.org Fresh starts, new beginnings and new hopes are what come to my mind every time we are blessed with a new year. This year is no exception. I and my colleagues at PABA have been discussing several exciting plans and we are very confi- dent that we will have many things to celebrate this year. The year 2016 was another successful year for PABA. We achieved a singular distinction of celebrating Pakistan’s Inde- pendence Day at NASDAQ - the hub of global trading – for the second consecutive year. The event was a resounding success and attended by several important business people. We also hosted business and academic delegations from Pa- kistan and introduced them to their counterparts here in line with our efforts to promote linkages between the two countries and the people. The New Year brings more opportunities for us. We are hosting our annual PABA re- ception this month which will be attended by noted political, social and business person- alities, in addition to PABA’s long-standing members. The January 17 event will be an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and renew the old ones. I am very confident that together we will have several new opportunities to discuss and come up with plans that will benefit us all. A very Happy New Year to you all! M Siddique Sheikh Page 8 Paying For College Page 9 Chamber Membership M. Siddique Sheikh, Chairman & Founder PABA

A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

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Page 1: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

Pakistan American Business Association

9302 Old Keene Mill Road, Burke, VA 22150

January 2017

Page 2

New Year Resolutions

Page 4


Page 6

Buying a New House

Contents …..

Page 7

Hiring new


Issue No. 25

Page 5

Pakistani Investors and Immigrations


Fresh starts, new beginnings and new hopes are what come

to my mind every time we are blessed with a new year. This year is no exception. I and my colleagues at PABA have been discussing several exciting plans and we are very confi-dent that we will have many things to celebrate this year. The year 2016 was another successful year for PABA. We achieved a singular distinction of celebrating Pakistan’s Inde-pendence Day at NASDAQ - the hub of global trading – for the

second consecutive year. The event was a resounding success and attended by several important business people. We also hosted business and academic delegations from Pa-kistan and introduced them to their counterparts here in line with our efforts to promote linkages between the two countries and the people. The New Year brings more opportunities for us. We are hosting our annual PABA re-ception this month which will be attended by noted political, social and business person-alities, in addition to PABA’s long-standing members. The January 17 event will be an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and renew the old ones. I am very confident that together we will have several new opportunities to discuss and come up with plans that will benefit us all.

A very Happy New Year to you all!

M Siddique Sheikh Page 8

Paying For College

Page 9

Chamber Membership

M. Siddique Sheikh,

Chairman & Founder PABA

Page 2: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

Continued on Page - 4

The New Year is a time for renewal. It is a time to review the substance of our lives, to reflect on our values and

our challenges, perhaps to shift direction, perhaps to plunge ahead with energy.

Nowhere is this exercise – this review - more important than between parent and child. Educators everywhere will agree that the bonds within our families are the true source of doing well in school and indeed in life. So, let me chal-lenge our parent readers to dedicate time with your kids on renewal. Might I suggest as a priority New Year’s resolu-tion for each and every parent to dedicate time to reflect on life’s values with our most precious gift – our children.

As the father of two and grandfather of four, I recognize that kids react to “quality time” very differently. No matter how they react though, I am certain that our children truly love the time they spend with us on serious matters. So, don’t let attitude fool you. The conversations between you and your child are “sinking in.” Stay with it!

Here are some subjects for you to consider in this annual heart to heart.

One is a reflection on kindness towards others. It is easy to be kind when we are with people we enjoy – but what about towards people who are different?

Another subject I like to talk about is how our brain works. I think it is a picture making machine and that the “pictures” that we hold in the minds eye tend to predict some of our future experience. What do you think?

An interesting book to read about this is an old one, Psyco-Cybernetics written in 1960 by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. You can get one used on Amazon for about a dime. In this book, Dr. Maltz poses that the brain is a computer that we can program ourselves – and that in fact we do by virtue of the pictures we see in our brain and the conversations we have with ourselves.

Making sure that what we habitually “see” and “say” supports our lives is something that has made a made a positive

difference in my life and the lives of many of my students – and my children.


It’s a New Year – Time for Some Resolutions!

By William “Bill” Reeder

Continued on Page - 4

Page 3: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

Continued on Page - 4

The 2016 election year may best be remembered as

the one when the leading political observers and the

polling industry dropped the ball. The surprise victory

of Republican Donald J. Trump over Democrat Hilla-

ry Clinton in the Electoral College for many has called

into question the utility of the media industry’s heavy

reliance on expert predictions and popular opinion


In fact, whereas most political observers indeed got it very

wrong, the polls were not as bad as many have suggested.

Where polling went bad in this election cycle was largely

in a number of individual states that mattered most to the

Electoral College outcome.

Almost all of the national pundits predicted a Hillary

Clinton victory in the Electoral College. Their predictions were bolstered by state-level opinion polls that continuously projected

easy Clinton wins in such states as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

The reporting of these polls was not without political importance, as the Clinton campaign, sure of easy victories in those states,

shifted its attention away from them and lost much-needed opportunity to make appeals to the very voters who ultimately tilted

the election to her opponent.

Not all of the state polls were off the mark. The Washington Post-Schar School Virginia poll had Clinton up by 6% just ten days

before the election and she won the state by about 5%. The website 538 ranked the Washington Post polling (collaborating with

ABC News in national polls and the Schar School in Virginia polls) as the only A+ rated.

And indeed the national polls were actually quite good this year, despite much of the critical reaction. On the national popular

vote, most of the polls were accurate in their projections of Clinton bettering Trump by a few percentage points.

The authoritative Cook Political Report examined the totality of national polls and found that they were considerably more accu-

rate in 2016 than in 2012. The difference was that in 2012, the polls, the popular vote and the Electoral vote outcomes all aligned,

unlike the case in 2016. That the polling percentages were less accurately predictive of the actual results than in 2016 went largely

unnoticed because the projected winner (Barack Obama) actually won the election in 2012.

So what happened with the polls in the critical upper-Midwest states that caused almost everyone to miss the possibility of a

Trump win?

There is no definitive proof, but it is safe to suggest that it was a combination of factors including some polling errors such as un-

dercounting likely Republican voters, a failure to capture a late surge for Trump, and the fact that some amount of Trump voters

did not report their voting preferences to pollsters.

On the latter, it appears there really was a “shy Trump voter” phenomenon – voters who intended to vote for him but would not

admit it publicly given a national narrative that Trump voters were generally uneducated and unsophisticated.


Reflections on the 2016 Election: Predictions, Polls, and other Blunders By Mark Rozell

Continued on Page - 4

Page 4: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

We need to make programming our OWN brains a habit in order to counter balance negative thoughts and experiences that come our way.

Speaking of habits, something else to consider for your conver-sations is the value of making little changes in your life – NOT just big ones.

Here the book to read is One Small Step Can Change Your Life, by Robert Maurer. The author applies the techniques of the Kaizen method (this is a Japanese word) used in major manu-facturing to daily life. He lays out how it is little steps that actu-ally lead to success. This is especially valuable in establishing good study habits or healthy eating and exercise.

Talking about life values is a must in my view. What are they? Where do they come from? How are they expressed in our life plans and activities? Trust me, even a 5 -year old will enjoy this conversation, as will your 15-year old and your 25-year old. Don’t chicken out.

Finally, what is happiness?

What is going on when one is truly happy? Is it when I buy something new? Is it when I excel? Is it when I help someone else? What will instill happiness even in difficult circumstanc-es? After all, life does “happen.” But are we victims of circum-stance or not?

I once wrote the world-renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking a letter and asked him what he thought was the most important question facing us in the world. If you have not heard of him

look up his story on Google. He is considered the greatest liv

ing scientific mind – and he has severe paralysis, which leaves him immobile in a wheelchair.

He actually wrote me back and his answer was “Am I (Stephen Hawking) free – or am I bound by my wheelchair and my dis-ease? “

In other words, are we all free from our circumstances or do they bind us? Clearly he thinks there is choice, even in the face of dire adversity. It is an inspiring question to answer.

Your New Year’s heart-to-heart with your kids can be about anything. Children are really smart and deeply aware.

Beyond the things you discuss will be the bonds that you will forge. These bonds will sustain your child throughout the school year and beyond.

What I would enjoy would be hearing how your conversation actually goes. What questions did you ask, what did you dis-cuss?

There is no “right” thing to talk about. But it is right that you do. Happy New Year!

Continued From Page - 2

The author, William “Bill” Reeder, is Professor

and Heritage Chair, George Mason University.

In Virginia, we should not be surprised that people lie to pollsters when they think their true choices might make them seem somehow unsophisticated. The phenomenon first gained public attention during the Virginia governor’s race in 1989, when pre-election polls indicated Democrat Douglas Wilder had a comfortable lead and the exit polls as well had him winning by a substantial margin. But when the votes were counted, Wilder won by the closest margin in state history at the time.

Thus was born the phrase “the Wilder effect.”

Pollsters have been misled many times actually, leading some political observers to call into question the true value of the indus-try. If the past is any indication, politicians and news organizations will engage in a period of soul-searching about their heavy reliance on public opinion polls, but it is unlikely that the media will turn away ultimately from constantly reporting them. The “horse-race” aspect of election coverage is too tempting and profitable to news organizations.

The key therefore is for national news organizations especially to pay careful attention to the quality of polls in the states. Some are good, some are low-cost operations without much quality control. Reporting good polls has its place in campaign coverage. It just needs to be done carefully with the recognition that the reporting news organizations are leveraging their own reputations in their reliance on various polls.


…… Continued from Page - 3

The author, Mark J. Rozell, is Dean, Schar School of Policy

and Government Ruth D. and John T. Hazel Chair in Public

Policy George Mason University

Page 5: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

One of the biggest obstacles to international business is dealing with each country’s immigration laws. Immi-gration laws are aggressively enforced in the United States, but there are many immigration pathways open to Pakistani investors and companies.

First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader visas and “E2” investor visas. The “E1” trader visa is for Pakistani citizens coming to the United States to conduct international trade between Pakistan and the United States.

For example, a clothing manufacturer in Pakistan might send an employee to the United States on an “E1” visa to set up trade relationships with American companies. The “E2” investor visa is for Pakistani citizens who are coming to the United States to manage investments. For example, a Pakistani architect might invest his money in an American architectural firm and come to the United States on an “E2” visa to manage the firm.

Second, Pakistani companies can use “L” visas to transfer employees to the United States. The employee must have worked abroad continuously for one year at a parent, branch, affiliate, or subsidiary of a United States company.

The employee must be a manager, executive, or work in a position involving specialized knowledge. If a Pakistani company doesn’t yet have an office in the United States, the “L” visa can be used to send someone to the United States to set up a new parent, subsidiary, branch, or office of the Pakistani company.

Third, the “H1B” visa is available to Pakistani citizens who work in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires highly specialized knowledge and a bachelor’s degree as the normal requirement for the job.

The best examples of specialty occupations are professions such as accountants, pharmacists, computer programmers, teachers, and financial advisors. The biggest drawback to “H1B” visas is that only 85,000 are available each year, and companies need to apply the week of April 1 for a chance at receiving one.

Investors should also be familiar with the “EB5” investor visa program, which leads to permanent residence, unlike the nonimmigrant visas discussed above. Through the “EB5” program, an investor who commits $500,000 and creates ten jobs can receive permanent residence.

Most “EB5” investors don’t actively manage the investment, and most investors receive the principal back after sever-al years.


By Hudaidah Bhimdi

Hudaidah Bhimdi is part of an experienced team of immigration attorneys at Murray

Osorio PLLC in Fairfax, Virginia at 703-352-2399 or [email protected].

Page 6: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

For most, if not all, buying ones’ own home is a life-

time dream, especially so if this is your first. But, this

dream could well turn into a nightmare if you have not done your homework properly and made neces-

sary financial calculations. It is very important to set your priorities while making a final decision which

should be made only when you are financially pre-

pared to do so, rather than doing so on the considera-tions of interest rate and low house prices.

If you are buying a house on mortgage, as is the case with most of the people, it is very important to under-stand how mortgage rates work to avoid being landed in

a situation where you find yourself struggling with making monthly payments. It is, therefore, essential to keep certain things in mind.

Calculating Your Monthly Mortgage Payments: One of the most important factors to consider when buying a new home is affordability. As a general rule, mortgage payments should not exceed 25-30 percent of your monthly

take-home pay.

The best way to know what you can afford is to determine the possible payment range by comparing the price of the

home with other essential ingredients.

Figure Out How Much You Want To Borrow: Your first step to calculating your monthly mortgage

payment is knowing how much you want to borrow. This can be determined by subtracting your down payment mount

from the purchase price of the home, which will give you the amount that you will need to request from a lender.

Know Your Rates: The next step is to determine the current interest rates for the purchase of a home. Rates

vary and may change often, so check with your lender for current rates. It's worth noting that the interest rates you re-

ceive will, in part, be based on your credit history. This means that knowing your FICO score and credit rating will

give you a good idea as to how your interest rates will be calculated.

Choose Your Loan Term: Your monthly mortgage payments will be determined by a number of factors,

including the term of your loan. If you were to borrow $250,000, your monthly payments would be less with a 30-year

mortgage than with a 15-year mortgage. The reason is because it would take larger monthly payments to get the loan

paid off quicker, which is why you will need to select a loan term before calculating your payments.

Additional Costs To Consider : Your total mortgage payment will include taxes, homeowner's insurance

and possibly even private mortgage insurance (PMI) if you provide less than 20 percent down and your loan requires it.

Facts & Figures: Now that you know how much you need to borrow, have chosen your loan term and are

familiar with the current interest rates, it's time to calculate your payment. Most lenders offer a mortgage calculator on

their Web site or you can get an estimate by speaking with your lender. If you still need help in calculating your poten-

tial monthly mortgage payments, don't hesitate to ask your REALTOR, mortgage broker or lender.


Buying a House: Calculating Your Mortgage By Haseeb Javed

Haseeb Javed is associated with Keller Williams Realty, licensed in Virginia. He is also the member of PABA. His contact number is 703-850-7621. [email protected]

Page 7: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

The importance of having suitable employees for a business can hardly be exaggerated. Owners make plan, they exe-

cute. While an oversight is inevitable, you cannot watch your business 24/7 and need people you can trust to run the

day-to-day affairs. Finding an apt person thus becomes critical to your business plans.

You will be lucky to find a Mr. Perfect and often need to compromise on certain qualities, depending upon the na-

ture of your business. A candidate for a Call Center may have excellent communication skills but may lack the technical

know-how for the job. You may like to hire him as a little on-the-job training can tailor him or her to your need.

While you can be flexible on many variables – best skills, experiences and ability – there are certain elements which,

I think, are absolutely essential for hiring best workers.

For me, loyalty is first and foremost. No matter how talented a person is, if he is not honest and trustworthy, you

don’t need him. A loyal person is the one who considers your interests as his and has the courage to share his mistakes and

failures. Those who hide wrongs can become your biggest liability. Do a background check. Ask the candidate for former

employers and colleagues as references on the application/resume may have a biased opinion. It is important not to penalize

your honest employees as long as they are doing the job.

Look for a candidate who is serious about working for the long term and not just using the opportunity as a tempo-

rary reprieve. A less-skilled candidate looking for a long-term career in your company is better than a skilled worker who

just want to use your offer as a short-term venture. Long-term employees would be an asset for your growth and expansion

plan as they have a better understating of the company and its work ethics. While outside hiring for higher management and

future leadership positions is always an option, exiting ones could serve your better.

An ideal candidate is the one who is punctual and regular. If there is a tie between the two bests, prefer the one who

lives nearest to the job location. A punctual employee is reliable and resourceful and can best serve your business.

Other qualities that you may like to see in a candidate is his willingness to accept responsibility and his ability to

handle extra work assignments. An ideal employee should be able to plan and think ahead, be open to innovative ideas, and

has a positive attitude. Employees who are stagnant and stereotyped will not help.

And last, but not the least, you need someone who is able to handle the job on his own. Being the owner of the com-

pany or organization, you have your own tasks to accomplish and may not want to get involved in micromanagement. If you

are delegating authorities to individuals, they need to execute plans and orders, and not burden you with HOW question.

However, especially in a small business, it is good to be involved in day-to-day business with an aim to train new employ-

ees. “Training, Education and Communication” for me are the key words when it comes to employees.


By M. Siddique Sheikh

Page 8: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

Earlier in my career, I was the Director of the Sallie Mae Trust for Education. Sallie Mae, As you may know was for years the nation’s primary source for student loans.

Today, most students arrange for loans through the federal government direct loan program, but while I was at Sallie Mae, we routinely researched the value of education versus its cost.

What was becoming clear, even back then, was that states were going to significantly reduce support for Universities, and that tuition would rise rapidly. And, that has happened.

Today, college is one of the most expensive investments families make. And, more and more, the issue of value-versus-cost is foremost in the minds of both parents and students.

As a former Dean at George Mason University, I know first hand how difficult it is to afford the education that our students need and deserve.

So what to do? Let me speak openly about finances. For most students, if at all possible, you should apply to a public university in your own state. In-state tuition is significantly more affordable than either out-of-state or private university tuition.

This does not mean you shouldn’t apply to a famous private school – and, some of these schools have large endowments and can often significant-ly discount tuition.

BUT – if you are not one of the lucky ones who are offered a big discount, then my advice is absolutely go to a state school where you live.

You will pay much less and, in Vir-ginia and Maryland ALL of our state schools are excellent - you will receive a spectacular education wherever you go!

Large or small, legacy or new - all of them are first class. Of course, I’m a little prejudice – and hope you will consider George Mason; we work hard at providing great educational value.

Here in Virginia there is a second truly significant option, which I think pro-vides a spectacular pathway to a world-class education.

We are blessed with one of the top three community colleges in the United States. The Northern Virginia

Community College is a GREAT system. And, it is even more afforda-ble that our four year schools. If

money is an important consideration for your fam ily, or perhaps if you are worried about being accepted into a four-year school, by all means consid-er starting at NOVA!

And, if you maintain a B average, you can transfer into ANY state school in the Commonwealth to finish your degree!

Students who transfer from NOVA graduate faster than students who enter as freshmen, and often earn higher starting wages when they graduate.

And, NOVA students have much less student debt. There are many reason this is the case – but I sincerely hope that you will recognize how valuable the community college pathway might be for you.

I am a product of the community college myself – so I know what I’m talking about. And, I became a Dean.


By William “Bill” Reeder

Page 9: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

Joining the Chamber is one of the best moves a business owner can make. Why?

The benefits of Chamber membership are endless. Although Chambers may differ from location to location, they usually have a

common goal…helping businesses and communities succeed. Whether promoting the community, representing the voice of

businesses to lawmakers, or providing networking opportunities, the Chamber is here for its members.

When my company Management and Training Consultants, Inc. (MTCI) joined the Prince William Chamber of Commerce in

2009, after moving our Headquarters from Texas back to this area, little did I realize the positive impact that Chamber member-

ship would have on MTCI. Developing relationships and partnerships within the community has truly been rewarding.

The Chamber is here to help us succeed in our goals, whether it be through developing partnerships with other businesses, net-

working opportunities or just simple visibility, the Chamber is here to help us succeed.

Advocacy is a huge benefit of Chamber membership. When Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015

allowing sole source authority into the Women Owned Small business program, we were excited. We knew this would help our

business but also realized there would still be a lot of work to do before implementation.

We wanted to be a part of that change but navigating through it all was overwhelming. We decided to reach out to the Chamber

for help and contacted Brendon Shaw, Director of Government Relations. Within a week, Brendon was able to get us a meeting

with Congressman Wittman and Congresswoman Comstock to share our story and seek their guidance on the way forward.

There’s still a lot of work to do, but it was through the Chamber we were able to tell our story. Chamber membership increases

consumer confidence, increases visibility and increases resources for business growth. Like I said, joining the Chamber is one of

the best business moves a business owner can make. I know for MTCI, it’s been a wonderful business move.


Why Chamber membership?

By Dalena Kanouse

Management and Training Consultants, Inc. (MTCI) is a Woman-Owned Small Busi-

ness (WOSB) and specializes in human capital management, training support and

delivery, and program management. Visit us online at www.mtci.us. Contact us at

888-680-7888 or via email at [email protected]

Page 10: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader


PABA Helping Connect Pakistani Students to US Higher Education Centers

With our social system gone berserk, moral values having nose-dived and social justice at an all-time low, the best

we do is point fingers. Terrorism, nationalism and extremism have been scratching the delicate fabric of peace


The human psychology is extensively complicated. Negativity is always easier to be inculcated but “education” can

do wonders. Nurturing the young minds for the peaceful global ties between different nations can prove to be im-

mensely helpful.

Pakistan American Business Association was set up in 1986. It has been striving for the cultural, educational, busi-

ness, trade and commercial ties between American and Pakistani entrepreneurs ever since.

PABA had taken an initiative recently for the educational collaboration between Virginia based George Mason Uni-

versity and National University of Science and Technology Islamabad where GMU hosted a summer school for a

delegation of selected students from NUST recently. The program was based on promoting higher learning in the

fields of research and policy and providing higher educational opportunities to the students to Pakistan.

Education can be used as a bridge between two cultures focusing on “love & peace” as emphasized by Mr. Sheikh,

the chairman of PABA and board of visitors of GMU. The collaboration is immensely benefiting the students and

scholars from Pakistan.

PABA has been working on various programs at these fronts which are definitely contributing to the cause of a

peaceful and interconnected world. In short, NUST and GMU shall be working on further exchange and collabora-

tion initiatives between their institutions, faculties, students, research programs, and centers. This would be based at

not just government but individual level as well.

By Hamza Mehsud

Hamza Mehsud is a Pakistani student who is studying in George

Masson University on scholarship

Page 11: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader


PABA members with Police Chief FCPD at Diversity Council Committee meeting

PABA Team with Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi at PABA’s Opening Bell Ceremony at NASDAQ

PABA Chairman with Congressman Rob Wittman and former Congressmen Tom Davis and Frank Wolf

Chairman Sharon Bulova presenting Proclamation Plaque to Mr. & Mrs. Sheikh at their 40th wedding anniversary

Group photo taken after the meeting of the BB&T Diversity Council in North Carolina

Photograph taken during the visit of NUST Rector Muhammad Asghar to George Mason University

PABA Chairman with newly elected Mayor of Richmond Levar Stoney

PABA Chairman with Brig. Naeem Anwar at a function in Islamabad, Pakistan

Page 12: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader


Former First Lady Hillary Clinton with PABA members at a reception

PABA Chairman with Speaker House of Repre-sentatives Paul Ryan

Group photo of Board of Visitors, George Mason University, taken after a graduation ceremony

PABA members with Finance Minister Ishaq Dar at a Business seminar in Washington

PABA Chairman with Congresswoman Barbra Comstock at a reception

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and former Congress-man Tom Davis at a reception.

Ambassador Dr. Maleeha Lodhi with Mr. Haroon Sheikh (businessman) and his son Azaan.

Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi at a fundraising event of the Citizens Foundation, supported by PABA, in New Jersey

Page 13: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader


Universal Air & Vacuum


The Pakistan Embassy has taken an important initiative to harness the true potential of

overseas Pakistanis by provided them the opportunity to have a first-hand experience of

development and modernization in their motherland, help remove misperceptions, and

work as a bridge between Pakistan and the United States.

The “Experience Pakistan” is a project of the Ministry of Planning and Development and

Reform and seeks to engage Pakistani American diaspora, professionals and community

organizations to help connect the young Pakistani-Americans to Pakistan.

Under the project, to be funded by sponsors, the embassy will arrange group visits of

Pakistani American youth and see the dimensions of rising and modernizing Pakistan.

Participants, however, will be required to pay registration fee. In the first phase, some 50

participants will visit the country in five groups.

In a letter , Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani has asked community members to encourage

Pakistani American youth to actively participate in the project and avail the opportunity to

experience the development and paint a true image of their motherland .

The Ambassador described the project as a major public diplomacy initiative that will

engage Pakistani American youth and will help realize its objectives and goals. The partic-

ipants will be taken to various cities where they will have a chance to meet top government

officials and important institutions.

On their return, the participants are expected to portray a positive image of Pakistan. All participants must be of Pakistan-origin, should fall in the age group of 18-26 years and must have finished at least high school education by the time their trip to Pakistan departs. The participants would be required to offer their input on how we can jointly improve cooperation between Pakistan and the United States. They would be asked to identify channels through which they can contribute for the betterment of Pakistan.


Pakistan Embassy Launches Project to Engage Pakistani

American Youth

Page 14: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

* Chinese Investors to Build $1.5 Billion Lahore Transmis -sion Line As part of the $46 billion proposed investment under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Chinese investors will build $1.5 billion Lahaore-Matiari Transmission Line to prevent power losses. Nearly 30 percent electricity is wasted due to obsolete transmission lines, adding to the country’s energy woes. The govern-ment is aiming to rid the country from load-shedding by 2018, the year when its 5-year term ends.

* 300 MW project Agreement Signed for Gwadar Port A 300 MW power project will be built in the southwestern Gwadar Port which is emerging a regional hub for transit trade. Built with the Chinese assistance, the Port provides shortest route for Chinese exports and is seen as a potential rival to Iran’s Bandar Abbas Port. Efforts have been expedited to provide all civic facilities to the port city of Gwadar. Other projects include Gwadar water supply, hospital and technical institute.

* Pakistan Allows Export of 225,000 Tons Surplus Sugar Pakistan will export 225,000 tons of sugar from its surplus stocks in the ongoing financial year that ends June 30. The Asia’s fourth largest- producer of sweetener, Pakistan is expected to harvest over 5 tons of sugar this marketing year compared with about 4.3 million tons of annual consumption. However, unlike the previous year, the government will not provide any freight or export rebate to sugar exporters. Surplus stock is seen at 1.23 million tons this year. The au-thorities have been directed to keep strict check on the domestic market to control prices as local retailers often use ex-ports as a pretext to create artificial shortages for price hike.

* Pakistan’s Government Says No Demonetization

The government has dispelled the rumors of demonetization of 5,000 rupee note in the wake of similar move by neigh-boring India, which has caused a lot of problems to general people and small businesses. The Indian move was intend-ed to control black and untaxed money, but it has hurt common people in the process. A Finance Ministry spokesman categorically stated that no such move was under consideration. Pakistan says there is no need for denomination of highest value note is significantly smaller compared with those of other major currencies such as $100 note, Euro 200 and Pound Sterling 50. During 2015-16, only 17% of the notes printed were of Rs.5000 denomi-nation.

* Efforts Expedited to Promote E-Commerce in Pakistan

The e-Commerce Policy Board held its first meeting December, tasked to oversee the cross-institutional efforts of creating an e-Commerce Policy Framework to promote online trading in South Asia’s second biggest economy. The government is working to put in place requisite infrastructure, and legal & regulatory framework. E-Commerce now accounted for nearly 2.6% of global GDP, but it is still in its infancy in Pakistan. The country is estimated to reach US$ 1 billion by 2020.

* Pakistan Asks World Bank to Review its Decision of “Pause” Over Water Dispute Pakistan has expressed its regret over a decision by the World Bank to “pause” the process of empanelment of the Court of Arbitration which, it said, will seriously prejudice Pakistan’s interest and rights under the Indus Waters Treat signed with India in 1960. The World Bank decision will delay the appointment of a Chairman of the Court of Arbitra-tion which oversees the implementation of the long-running accord that distributes waters between Pakistan and India. India has recently threatened to use water as tool in its strained ties with Pakistan. The treaty grants control of three Eastern rivers to India and three “Western” rivers to Pakistan. All Pakistani rivers flow through India first.


Pakistan Briefs

Page 15: A very Happy New Year to you all!First, Pakistan and the United States have a Friendship and Commerce Treaty which allows Pakistani companies and investors to apply for “E1” trader

The Pakistan American Business Association was established in 1986 to bring together business people of diverse occupations, providing opportunities for them to flourish and help others grow.

Through our board, active members and leadership in the United States of American and in Pakistan, PABA has been able to achieve many successes at local, national and international level. PABA nurtures business opportuni-ties between Pakistan and the United States and enables its members to develop new businesses and promotes dialogue between Pakistani and American government officials. we have don

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Editorial Team :

M. Siddique Sheikh

Shakeel Tufail

Augustine Anthony

Khalid Noufal