A through F ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 28 May 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 22 October 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 17 December 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 6 May 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 16 December 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 8 December 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 29 February 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25 ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 29 February 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Flashback. $25

A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

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Page 1: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

A through F

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 28 May 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 22 October 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 17 December 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 6 May 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman. $25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 16 December 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 8 December 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 29 February 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ackerman.$25

ACKERMAN, PAUL (1908-1981). 29 February 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Flashback. $25

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ADAM, HENRI-GEORGES (1904-1967). 15 March 2007. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Henri-Georges ADAM. $45

ADRIENSENCE, HENRIETTE. 16 October 1989. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Henriette Adriensence.$20

AGARD, JULES. 12 October 1983. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Jules Agard. $55

AGARD, JULES. 17 May 1987. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Ceramiques de Jules Agard. $35

AHIL, ENRIQUE (1927-2001). 21 May 2001. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Enrique AHIL.$30

ALBIGNAC, FRANCOIS D’ (1903-1958). 24 April 1988. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac.$30

ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin. $55

ALLEGRE, RAYMOND (1857-1933). 9 March 1939. Marseille. Hotel des Ventes. Atelier de Raymond Allegre. $70

ALLINGHAM, HELEN. 19 September 1991. London. Christie’s. The Marley Collection of Watercolours by Helen Allingham.$40

ALLOM, THOMAS. 18 November 1985. London. Christie’s. Watercolours and Drawings by Thomas Allom. $30

ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE. 6 November, 1973. Belgravia. Sotheby’s. The Allen Funt Collection of Thirty-Five Important Works by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, O.M., R.A. $40

ALT, RUDOLF VON (1812-1905). 22 November 1956. Bern. Gutekunst & Klipstein. Aquarelle von Rudolf Von Alt. $40

AMAND, ROGER. 7 March 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Amand.$20

AMAND, ROGER (1931-2005). 21 May 2006. Paris. Drouot. Roger AMAND. $20

AMSEL, RICHARD. 20 May1987. Christie’s East. The Art of Richard Amsel. $40

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ANASTASOV, RODOLJUB. 9 November 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Rodoljub Anastasov.$20

d'ANGERS, DAVID. 13 May 1997. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Tableaux et Sculptures. $45

d'ANGERS, DAVID. 29 October 2002. New York. Sotheby's. Property from the Estatesof David M. Daniels and Stevan Beck Baloga. $50

d’ANGERS, DAVID. 25 June 2003. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Dessins, Tableaux et Suclptures des XIXeme et XXeme siecles: Ensemble de 23 medallions par David d’Angers. $40

ANKER, ALBERT. 22 June 1990. London. Christie’s. Six Important Works by AlbertAnker. $30

ANNENKOV, YURI. 18 & 19 November 2002. Paris. Sotheby's. Projets de Costumes pour le Cinema par Yuri Annenkov. $45

ANQUETIN, LOUIS (1861-1932). 28 November 2008. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Louis Anquetin. $40

APPEL, KAREL. 22 March 1987. Amsterdam. Sotheby Mak van Waay B.V. A Collection of 10 Magnificent Sculptures by Karen Appel. $30

ARGY-ROUSSEAU, GABRIEL. 2 December, 2000. New York. Sotheby’s. Pate-de-Verre by G. Arsy-Rousseau. $40

ARMAILLE, JEAN D’. 30 January 1974. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Jean D’Armaille. $20

ARNAUD, MARCEL (1877-1956). 5 November 1971. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Marcel Arnaud. $25

ARONSON, B. 12-23 December 1927. New York. Anderson Galleries. Art in the Theatre: An Exhibit by B. Aronson. Exhibition Catalogue. $40

ARP, JEAN. 26 November 1990. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Oeuvres de Jean Arp. $22

ARP, JEAN. 12 June 2000. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Collection Francois Arp. $75

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ARTAUD, ANTONIN. 5 April 2012. Paris. Sotheby’s. Collection Florence Loeb, Sources et Affinités. $40

ATILA (BIRO, ATTILA). 22 October 2012. Hôtel Drouot. Atelier Atila. $35

ATLAN. 21 October 1993. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Atlan Exceptionnel Ensemble de17 Tableaux. $30

ATLAN. 27 May 2012. Paris. Hôtel Drouot. Atlan. $35

AUBRY, EMILE. 22 February 1998. Auxerre. Etude de Maître Alain Sineau. Emile Aubry 1880/1964 L’atelier du peintre 320 oeuvres. $30

AUBURTIN, J.F. (1866-1930). 10 June 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier J.-F. Auburtin. $20

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. 6 June, 1980. New York. Sotheby’s. John James Audubon’s Birds of America from the Collection of The New York Society Library, Part One. $35

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. 27 September, 1980. New York. Sotheby’s. John James Audubon’s Birds of America from the Collection of The New York Society Library, Part Two. $35

AUERBACH, FRANK. 8-10 February, 2006. London. Christie's. The Collection of the Late Miss Valerie Beston; Artists from the London School. $50

AUSTIN, ROBERT. 19 May 2004. London. Sotheby’s. Modern British & Irish Art including works from the studio of Robert Austin. $20

AZNAR, JUAN CARLOS (1937- ). 14 March 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Jean Carlos Aznar Ceuvres de 1958 a 1990. $20

BAC, FERDINAND. 3 October 2006. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Ferdinand Bac Dessins et Manuscrits. $25

BACON, FRANCIS. 8-10 February, 2006. London. Christie's. The Collection of the Late Miss Valerie Beston; Artists from the London School. $50

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*BACCIARELLI. 9-10 May 1910. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Succession de Madame la Comtesse André Mniszech. $110

*BAKHUYSEN, J.J. VAN DE SANDE. 15-16 June, 1926. Amsterdam. Mak Van Waay. Atelier de feu J.J. Van de Sande Bakhuysen, La Haye. $80

BALESTRIERI, ROLAND (1899-1981). 21 December 1981. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Roland Balestrieri. $20

BALLA, GIACOMO. 25 November, 2003. Milan. Sotheby’s. Due Importanti Opere di Giacomo Balla. $30

BALLINI, GILLES. 24 October 2005. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Gilles Ballini une vie en Couleur. $35

BANDO, TOSHIO. 28 November, 2008. Paris. Million & Associes. Art Moderne et Art Contemporain. $35

BARANOFF-ROSSINÉ. 24 March 1981. Paris. Nouveau-Drouot. Baranoff-Rossiné. $30

BARETTE, FRANCOIS. 16 December 2000. Bayeux. Hotel des Ventes de Bayeux. Atelier François Barette (1899-1979), Les Peintres Bas Normands de 1840 à nos jours. $30

BARETTE, FRANCOIS. 7 October 2001. Bayeux. Hotel des Vente de Bayeux. Atelier Francois Barette (1899-1979), Les Peintres Bas Normand de 1840 à nos jours. $35

BAROXYSME. 15 March 1993. Paris. Millon & Robert. Baroxysme. $20

BARTHOLOMÉ M. 8 June 1956. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection du Sculpteur Bartholomé. $20

BARTOLOMMEO, FRA. 20 November 1957. London. Sotheby’s. Catalogue of Drawings of Landscapes and Trees by Fra Bartolommeo. $40

*BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 7 April 1908. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M. PaulPerier: Tableaux Modernes, Aquarelles, Dessins, Bronzes Anciens de Barye, Objets d’Art et d’Ameubelement. $55

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BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 14 January 1910. New York. The American Art Galleries. Art Treasures Collected by the Late Cyrus J. Lawrence, Esq. $85

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 28 February 1912. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de FeuM. le Dr. Marchand de Soissons. $85

*BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS 27-28 March 1914. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Succession de M. Ch. Levesque: Tableaux Anciens et Modernes, Oeuvres de Barye, Objets d’art et d’ameublement. $100

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 16-19 June 1919. Paris. Georges Petit. “Collection L. de M… Tableaux et Dessins Modernes et Anciens Objets d’Art”. $90

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 16-17 June 1927. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Jacques Zoubaloff. $70

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 30 May 1929. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Jacques Zoubaloff. $70

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 7 November 1935. New York. The American Art Galleries. The James G. Shepherd Collection of Important Paintings and Barye Bronzes.$55

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 18 June 1947. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tableaux anciens etmodernes. $25

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 3 December 1971. New York. The Bernard Black-Hugues Nadeau Collection. Bronzes by Antoine-Louis Barye. $35

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 16 March 1972. Paris. Palais Galliera. Tableaux Modernes, Collection de Bronzes pa rBarye, Art Contemporain. $40

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 9 June 1972. Paris. Palais Galliera. Importante Collection de Bronzes par Antoine-Louis Barye. $20

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 19 March 1973 Paris. Palais Galleria. Bronzes par Barye.$20

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 13 March 1973. Paris. Palais Galleria. Bronzes de Barye.$20

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BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 29 October 1975. New York. Sotheby’s. Antoine-LouisBarye Bronzes from the Collection of the Late Geraldine Rockerfeller Dodge.$40

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 13 November 1977. Versailles. Antoine-Louis Barye Bronzier d'Art. $30

BAYRE, ANTOINE BARYE. 5 March 1984. Monte-Carlo. Sotheby's. Antoine-Louis Barye 18 Bronzes appartenant a un amateur. $35

BAYRE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 26 October 1988. New York. Christie's. 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors and Sculpture. $35

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 13 June 1998. Paris. Fabius Freres. Objets Voles. $35

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 25 April 2003. New York. Christie’s. Barye Bronzes: An Important Private Collection including Rediscovered Modeles from the Sculptor’s Atelier Sale. $45

BARYE, ANTOINE-LOUIS. 26-27 October, 2011. Paris. Christie's. Collection Fabius Freres. $45

BASKIN, LEONARD. 18 March 1988. New York. Christie’s. Leonard Baskin’s The “The Five Scrolls.” $22

BASQUIAT, JEAN-MICHEL. 26 October, 2000. London. Sotheby’s. Works by Jean-Michel Basquiat & Andy Warhol from a Swiss Collection. $40

BASTIEN-LEPAGE, JULES (1848-1884). 26 April 1985. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Rare Ensemble de Trente Dessins par Jules Bastien-Lepage-1848-1884. $20

*BAUDIN. 21 April 1910. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tableaux Anciens, Primitifs des Écoles Allemande, Flamande, Hollandaise & Italienne, Dessins & Gouaches au XVIIIe Siècle. $90

BAUMANN, MARC. 22 November 1999. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Marc Baumann. $20.

BEARDEN, ROMARE. 15 September 2005. New York. Swann. 100 Fine Works on Paper Including The Harry B. Henderson Collection of Important Works by Romare Bearden. $30

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BEARDSLEY, AUBREY. 22 November 1926. New York. The Anderson Galleries. The John Lane Collection of Original Drawings by Aubrey Beardsley. $55

BEARDSLEY, AUBREY. 18 November 1999. London. Sotheby's. Aubrey Beardsley.$40

BEAUFRERE, ADOLPHE (1876-1960). 23 March 2001. Paris. Tableaux Modernes. Tres Bel Ensemble de 28 Gravures par: Adolphe Beaufrere. $20

BEAUFRERE, ADOLPH-MARIE. 22 June 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Beaufrere.$20

BECKMANN, MAX. 1 December 1971. London. Sotheby’s. The Complete Series of Drawings by Max Beckmann for Goethe’s ‘Faust II’. $40

BECKMANN, MAX. 23 June 2000. Bern. Galerie Kornfeld. Hommage an BeckmannEine Privatsammlung. $35

BECKMANN, MAX. 30 November 2007. Berlin. Villa Grisebach. Max Beckmann Twenty Self-Portraits. $30

BECKMANN, MAX. 17 June 2011. Bern. Galerie Kornfield. Max Beckmann die Sammlung Elesh. $35

BECKMANN, MAX. 31 May 2013. Berlin. Grisebach Auctions. Max Beckmann: From the Artist's Studio Prints for Quappi. $45

BECKMANN, MAX. 5 June 2013. Hamburg. Hauswedell & Nolte. Max Beckmann: DieGraphischen Selbstbildnisse. $40

BEERBOHM, MAX. 12-13 December. London. Sotheby’s. The Library and Literary Manuscripts of the Late Sir Max Beerbohm, Removed from Rapallo; Including Books ‘Improved’ by Max Beerbohm. $45

BEHAM. 28 June 1978. London. Christie’s. Hans Sebald Beham: The Collection of Prints formed by Gordon Nowell-Usticke. $40

BELLA, STEFANO DELLA. 18 March 1975. London. Christie’s. Drawings by Stefano Della Bella. $35

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BELAY, PIERRE DE (1890-1947). 21 March 1972. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M.X. Pierre de Belay. $20

BELLENOT, FELIX-FRANCOIS. 3 May, 1974. Paris. Claude Robert. Tableaux Modernes: Atelier Felix-Francois Bellenot. $11

BENOIS, ALEXANDRE. 4 June 1986. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Dessins et Aquarelles par Alexandre Benois. $18

BENEZIT, EMMANUEL-CHARLES. 6 July 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Emmanuel-Charles Benezit Dessins et Tableaux Modernes. $20

BENOIS, ALEXANDER. 29 November, 2011. London. Sotheby’s. An Important Private Collection of works by Alexander Benois. $40

BERAUD, JEAN. 25 January 1980. Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. New York. La Belle Epoque: Twenty-Six Paintings of Parisian Life by Jean Beraud. $45

BERNE-BELLECOUR, JEAN-JACQUES. 13 December 1894. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de 25 Tableaux et une Aquarelle par Berne-Bellecour. $60

BERJOLE, PIERRE (1897-1990). 19 January 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Pierre Berjole. $20

BERMOND, MARG (1911-1991). 28 October 1991. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. M. Bernard. $22

BERMOND, MARG. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. 17 January 1992. Marg Bermond (1911-1991) dessins, aquarelles, peintures. $30

BERMOND, MARG (1911-1991). 27 January 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Marg Bermond dessins-aquarelles-peintures. $30

BESNARD, ALBERT. 28 April 1977. Paris. Ader Picard Tajan. Succession Dessauer-Besnard, Premiere Vente de l’Atelier Albert Besnard, Gravures, Aquarelles, Dessins, Gouaches, Pastels et Tableaux. $30

BESNUS, AMEDEE. 8 March 1922. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Dessins Anciens & Modernes. $30

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BEST, MARY ELLEN. 21 January 1983. New York. Sotheby's. Old Master and 19th Century Drawings and Watercolors. $30

BEST, MARY ELLEN. 19 October 1984. New York. Sotheby's. Important 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors. $40

BEUYS, JOSEPH. 29 June, 1989. London. Christie’s. Joseph Beuys: Sculpture, Drawings, Multiples, & Prints. $35

BEUYS, JOSEPH. 6 January, 2016. Cologne. Van Ham. Joseph Beuys: Multiples. $50

BEZOMBES, ROGER (1913-1994). 14 April 2008. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. De L’art de Bezombes. $30

BIANCHI, MOSE. 27 March 1987. London. Christie’s. The Bernasconi Collection of Italian Pictures and Drawings of the 19th Century. $45

BIANCHI, MOSE. 29 April, 1988. London. Christie’s. The Bernasconi Collection, Part2. $35

BIEGAS, BOLESLAS (1877-1954). 30 June 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier deBoleslas Biegas. $25

BIEGAS, BOLESLAS. 26 October, 1990. Paris. Ader Picard Tajan. Tableaux et Sculptures de Boleslas Biegas, Provenant de l’Atelier de l’Artiste. $15

BILLIARD, LOUIS. 14 February, 1999. Bayeux. Deauville Auction. Louis Billiard (1864-1952) Pientre- Voyageur. $30

BIVEL, F.. 30 May 1986. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier F. Bivel. $20

BLACKBURN, CLARENCE. 13 May 1985. London. Christie’s. Pictures, Watercolours and Prints From the Studio of The Late Clarence Blackburn. $20

BLAKE, WILLIAM. 2 December, 1938. London. Christie's. William Blake; Water Colour & Printed Drawings and Woodblocks. $30

BLAKE, WILLIAM. 22 July 1949. London. Christie’s. The Famous Collection of Works by William Blake the property of the late Graham Robertson, Esq. $45

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BLAKE, WILLIAM. 30 November 1993. London. Christie’s. The Rinder Collection of William Blake. $25

*BLAKE, WILLIAM. 2 May, 2006. New York. Sotheby’s. Designs for Blair’s Grave.$45

BLAKE-VARLEY. 21 March 1989. London. Christie’s. The Larger Blake-Varley Sketchbook. $30

BLANC, CHARLES. 11 June 1986. Geneve. Hotel Des Ventes. Atelier Charles Blanc. $7

BLANCHE, JACQUES-EMILE. 10 December 1992. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Collection de Monsieur X 63 Oeuvres de Jacques-Emile Blanche. $45

BLASCHEK, FRANZ. 28 November, 2019. Berlin. Bassange. Blumen & Fruchte von Franz Blaschek. $45

BLECHEN, KARL. 8-10 November, 1928. Berlin. Hollstein & Puppel. Sammlung C. Brose; Berlin und Andere Beitrage; 140 Gemalde Aquarelle und Zeichnungen von Karl Blechen. $50

BLES, DAVID. 27-28 February 1900. Amsterdam. Muller & Co. Atelier David Bles. $50

BLOC, ANDRE. 15 March 1993. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Andre Bloc. $20

BLOT, JEAN. 27 June 1994. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Jean Blot. $20

BLUHM, NORMAN. 3 October, 2015. New York. Christie’s. Norman Bluhm: Divine Proportion. $50

BOFA, GUS. 12 February 1970. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Gus Bofa Deuxieme Vente. $16

*BOILLY, L.-L. 28 March 1900. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Quatre Tableaux Célèbres. $65

BOILLY, LOUIS-LEOPOLD. 4 June, 1903. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Deux Importants Tableaux par Boilly, Appartenant a Madame le Comtesse Robert de Fitz James et Nattier, Appartenant a M. le Comte J. le Marois.

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*BOILLY, L.-L. 9-11 June 1909. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collections Félix Doistau(Première Vente). $85

BOISSY, RAYMOND. 8 June 2007. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Presentent la Premiere Vente d’Atelier de Raymond Boissy. $20

BOIVIN, JEAN. 22 January 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Boivin. $10

BOLDINI, GIOVANNI. 16 June 1955. Paris. Galerie Charpentier. Atelier Boldini Tableuax Dessins-Pastels-Aquarelles. $60

BOLDINI, GIOVANNI. 24 June 1955. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Boldini 2 Vente. $30

BOLDINI, GIOVANNI. 28 February 1990. New York. Sotheby's. Eight Paintings by Giovanni Boldini. $35

BOLDINI, GIOVANNI. 1 November 1995. New York. Christie’s. 15 Paintings by Giovanni Boldini Collected by the Late Baron Maurice de Rothschild. $35

BONHEUR, JULIETTE. 3 October 2007. London. Sotheby’s. British and Continental Pictures Including a Collection of Works by Rosa, Auguste and Juliette Bonheur. $25

BONHEUR, ROSA. 30 May 1900- 8 June 1900. Paris. Imprimerie Georges Petit. Atelier Rosa Bonheur preface et catalogue analytique par M.L. Roger-Miles. Two oversized volumes. Price upon request depending upon binding.

BONHEUR, ROSA. 13 May 1905. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tableaux Modernes Aquarelles,Pastels, Dessins, Gravures. $70

BONHEUR, ROSA. 27 May 1911. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de Monsieur L. S., Tableaux Anciens et Modernes. $75

BONNARD, PIERRE. 23 February 1954. Paris. Galeria Charpentier. Collection Pierre Bonnard. $20

BONNAREL, BERNARD. 7 October 1991. Paris. Hotel Richelieu. Bonnarel. $20

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BONNAREL, BERNARD. 12 October 1992. Paris. Millon & Robert. Bonnarel. 2 copies. $20

BONO. 21 November 2003. New York. Christie’s. Peter & The Wolf. $45

BORES, FRANCISCO. 26 June, 1989. London. Phillips. The Private Collection of the Late F. Neukomm. $35

BOSE, NANDALAL. 17 September, 2013.New York. Christie’s. The Art of Nandalal Bose, Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore from the Collection of Supratik Bose. $50

BOTERO, FERNANDO. 17 May 1993. New York. Christie’s. Important Paintings by Fernando Botero. $40

BOTERO, FERNANDO. 25 May 2011. New York. Sotheby's. Fernando Botero: A Celebration. $35

BOTT, FRANCIS (1904-1998). 16 November 2006. London. Christie’s. Works Fromthe Studio of Francis Bott. $35

BOUCHENE, DMITRI. 30 May, 2012. London. MacDougall’s. Dmitri Bouchene Collection. $45

BOUCHER, FRANCOIS. 30 March 1906. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Trois Panneaux Décoratifs par François Boucher, Quatre Tableaux par J.-B. Huet Appartenant à M. le Comte Walsh de Serrant.

BOUCHER, FRANCOIS. 2 December 1911. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Deux Importants Tableaux par François Boucher et d’un Tableau par David Teniers (Collection de Madame Chaillon de Chateaudon) $75

BOUCHER, FRANCOIS. 9 June 1913. Paris. Hotel Drouout. Catalogue de Tres Belles Decorations de L’Ecole Francaise du XVIII Siecle de L’Atelier de Francois Boucher. $50

*BOUDIN, EUGENE. 11 February 1901. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Georges Feydeau. $135

BOUDIN, EUGENE. 22 May 1909. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tabealux Modernes, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Gravures. $70

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*BOUDIN, EUGENE. 18 May 1911. Paris. Hotel drouot. Collection de M. de Beriot, Tableaux Modernes, Dessins, Aquarelles. $50

*BOUDIN, EUGENE. 24 May 1929. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Gustave Cahen, Première Vente. $85

*BOUDIN, EUGENE. 5-6 June 1929. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Gustave Cahen, Deuxième Vente. $75

BOUDIN, EUGENE. 9 July 1936. London. Sotheby’s. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Paintings & Water-Colours by Eugene Boudin. $30

BOUDIN, EUGENE. 4 April 1957. Paris. Galerie Charpentier. Tableaux Modernes. $30

BOUFFARTIGUE, JACQUES. 13 November 1987. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Bouffartigue. $20

BOUILLOT, MAURICE (1896-1985). 28 November 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Maurice Bouillot. $20

BOULARD, AUGUSTE. 9-10 April 1900. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Tableaux, Aquarelles par Auguste Boulard. Hard bound. $200

de BOULOGNE, VALENTIN (1591-1632). 28 June 1988. Paris. Hotel George V. Valentin du Boulogne Imprtants Tableaux representant Les Evangelistes. $35

BOUSSIER, CLAUDE. 14 November 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Boussier. $25

BOUTIN, CHRISTOPHE. 8 October 2012. Paris. Hôtel Drouot. Christophe Boutin: Les Années Quatre-Vingt. $40

BOUVIER, AMAND. 8 March 1982. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. A. Bouvier. $20

BOUVIER, AMAND. 5 March 1984. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Amand Bouvier. $20

BOYER, MICHEL. 16 May 2006. Paris. Tajan. Design & Architecture Focus on Michel Boyer. $25

Page 15: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

BOYLE, GEORGE A. 22 September 1981. Belgravia. Sotheby’s. Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours Including a Collection of Paintings by George A. Boyle. $25

BRANCUSI, CONSTANTIN. 30 November 2010. Paris. Hotel Marcel Dassault. Fonds Constantin Brancusi. $40

BRANGWYN, SIR FRANK. 18 July 1961. London. Christie's. The Collection of Works by Sir Frank Brangwyn, R.A. First Portion. $25

BRAQUE, GEORGES. 18 May 1999. Paris. Espace Tajan. Georges Braque Les Metamorphoses. $30

BRAQUE, GEORGES. 19 November, 2006. Paris. Million & Associes. Georges Braques “Les Metamorphoses” $55

BRAUNER, VICTOR. 3 June, 2002. Paris. Hotel Marcel Dassault. Collection de Monsieur X 10 Oeuvres de Victor Brauner. $35

BRAUNER, VICTOR. 3 June, 2002. Paris. Artcurial Briest. Art Moderne. $45

BRAVO, CLAUDIO. 23 November, 1993. New York. Christie’s. Important Paintings and Drawings by Claudio Bravo from the Forbes Magazine Collection. $35

BRAVO, CLAUDIO. 13 July, 2016. South Kensington. Christie’s. the Claudio Brave Collection, from the Artist’s Studio and Home, Morocco. $75

BRENOT, PIERRE LAURENT. 17 November 2003. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Brenot Une Femme Nouvelle est nee (marquettes originales, dessins, peintures, affiches).$30

*BRETON, JULES. 2-3 June 1911. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogue des Tableaux Pastels & Dessins par Jules Breton. $250

BRIAN, JEAN. 13 March, 2000. Grenoble, France. Hotel des Ventes Grenoble. Oeuvresde Jean Brian: 450 Aquarelles et Dessins Humoristiques. $25

BRODERS, ROGER. 15 December 2011. New York. Swann. The Complete Works of Roger Broders. $35

Page 16: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

BROODTHAERS, MARCEL. 2 July 1992. London. Christie’s. Contemporary Art including Properties from The Estate of Frederik Roos. $45

BROSE, C. 10 November 1928. Berlin. Kunstantiquariat. Sammlung C. Brose. $45

*BROWN, JOHN-LEWIS. 1 April 1909. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M. Le Comte de L… $75

BROWN, MARC. 21 January, 2007. New York. Sotheby’s. The American Collection ofMarc & Laurie Krasny Brown. $55

BRUGAIROLLES, VICTOR. 21 May 1976. Paris. Atelier Victor Brugairolles. $6

BRUNELLESCHI, UMBERTO (1879-1949). 15 October 2011. Florence. Gonnelli Casa D'Aste. Asta Umberto Brunelleschi. $45

BUFFET, BERNARD. 27 June 1994. Paris. Ader Tajan. Bernard Buffet. $30

BUFFET, BERNARD. 7 December 1988. Tokyo. Hotel Okura. 40 Oeuvres de Bernard Buffet. $50

BUGATTI, REMBRANDT. 16 October 1988. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Important Ensemble de Dessins par Carlo et Rembrandt Bugatti. $30

BUGATTI, REMBRANDT. 4 April 1990. London. Sotheby’s. 39 Sculptures by Rembrandt Bugatti The Property of Alain Delon. $45

BUHOT, FELIX. 12-13 November 1924. New York. American Art Association. The Unrivalled Collection of Etchings by Felix Buhot Formed by Miss Myrtilla Day Noe of Bayonne, New Jersey. $25

BUHOT, FELIX. 14-15 March, 1934. New York. American Art Association. Etchings & Engravings; The Splendid Collection of Charles E. Davis. $35

BUHOT, FELIX. April 21, 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Felix Buhot. $25

BUHOT, FELIX. 3 May, 1984. Paris. Renaud. Felix Buhot: Estampes XIXe et Xxe Siecles. $20

Page 17: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

BUHOT, FELIX (1847-1898). 25 October 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Felix Buhot.$15

BUHOT, FELIX (1847-1898). 20 May 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Felix Buhot 94 estampes en provenance de la famille. $15

BUHOT, FELIX. 2 November 1989. Paris. Arcole. Felix Buhot. $25

BUHOT, FELIX (1847-1898). 23 November 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Felix Buhot 70 eaux-fortes, pointes-seches et lithographies Paris-Angleterre-Normandie. $20

BURNE-JONES, SIR EDWARD COLEY. 23 March 1981. Belgravia. Sotheby's. Highly Important Victorian Paintings & Drawings. $35

BURRA, EDWARD. 3 July 2002. London. Sotheby's. Works from the Estate of Edward Burra, Lady Ritchie of Dundee and Associated Owners. $30

BURY, POL. 15 November 2002. Paris. Drouot-Montaigne. Succession Claudine Strebelle dont Importante Collection d’Oeuvres de Pol Bury. $35

BURY, POL. 8 December, 2015. Paris. Christie’s. Collection Pol et Velma Bury. $45

BUSH, HENRY. 9 September 1993. South Kensington. Christie’s. Modern British and Continental Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings and Sculpture. $25

BUSSY, SIMON. 7 May 1964. London. Sotheby & Co. One Hundred Paintings by Simon Bussy. $35

BUSSY, SIMON. 17 December 1964. London. Sotheby & Co. Paintings and Pastels by Simon Bussy. $25

BUSSY, SIMON. 9 December 1965. London. Sotheby & Co. Paintings and Pastels by Simon Bussy. $25

BUTTERSWORTH, JAMES EDWARD. 24 May, 2007. New York. Christie’s. Property from the Collection of the Late Horace Havermeyer, Jr. $30

CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH. 15 June, 1936. London. Christie’s. Drawings by Randolph Caldecott. $20

Page 18: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CALDER, ALEXANDER. 9 November 1979. New York. Christie’s. Contemporary Art.$35

CALDER, ALEXANDER. 26 November 2007. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de Monsieur L. Alexandre Calder Stabile, Maquettes et Costumes de Ballet. $20

*CALS. 21-22 April 1913. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Henri Rouart, Tableaux, Aquareles et Dessins. $100

CAMACHO, RUBEN. 17 December 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Ruben Camacho.$20

CANALS, MIGUEL. 21 April 1989. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Tableaux de l'Atelier de Miguel Canals. $35

CANDES, ROGER. 21 January 1974 Paris Hotel Drouot. Roger Candes ( (1907 - 1972) $15

CAPDEVIELLE, LUCIENNE (1885-1961). 24 January 1994. Paris. Vente D’Atelier.Lucienne Capdevielle. $15

CARLIER, MAURICE. 9 December, 1985. Paris. Catherine Charbonneaux. Art Contemporain Verrerie Albert Dammouse. $30

CARLONE, CARLO. 7 December 1988. London. Sotheby’s. A Collection of Paintings and Drawings by Carlo Carlone and his Contemporaries formed by Professor and Mrs. Joseph Matzker. $45

CARLOS-LEFEBVRE, CHARLES. 9 April 1967. Versailles. Hotel des Chevau-Légers. Atelier Charles Carlos-Lefebvre (First Sale). $15

CARLOS, REYMOND. (1884-1970). 14 May 1973. Paris. Vente Espace Cardin. Carlos Reymond. $25

CARLOS, REYMOND. (1884-1970). 13 June 1972. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Carlos Reymond Aquarelles et Peintures. $25

CARLOS,REYMOND, (1884-1970). 12 December 1983. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Carlos-Reymond. $25

de CARO, ANITA. 20 March 1989. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Anita de Caro. $25

Page 19: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CARPEAUX, J.-B. 8-9 December 1913. Paris. Galerie Manzi . Atelier J.B. Carpeaux. (W and E) $85

*CARPEAUX, J.B. 8-9 December 1913. Paris. Galerie Manzi. Deuxieme Vente. (E/W) $100

CARPEAUX, J.B. 2 June 1986. Paris. Jean-Alain Labat (Nouveau Drouot). Armes, Dessins Anciens, Extrême Orient, Tableaux Modernes, Argenterie XVIIIe et XIXe, Mobilier du XVIIIe et du XIXe, Ensemble de Sculptures par Carpeaux. $25

CARRACCI. 11 July 1972. London. Sotheby’s. The Ellesmere Collection of Drawings by the Carracci and Other Bolognese Masters Collected by Sir Thomas Lawrence Part 1. $55

CARRAND, LOUIS. 8-9 June, 1920. L’Hotel des Commissaires-Priseurs de Lyon. Trente Tableaux de Louis Carrand. $45

CARRE, LEON (1878-1942). 3 July 2003. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Leon Carre. $16

CARRIER-BELLEUSE, ALBERT-ERNEST. 13 November 2007. London. Sotheby’s. Cast of Distinction: A Private Collection of Terracottas by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse. $35

CARRIER, HERVE. 24 September 2004. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Art Moderne Art Contemporain Atelier Herve Carrier Histoire Naturelle Archeologie. $18

CARRIERE, EUGENE. 8 June 1906. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Eugene Carriere Catalogue de Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf Oeuvres. No illustration. $40

*CARRIERE, EUGENE. 24-25 February 1910. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Jean Dolent, Tableaux Modernes et Anciens. $110

*CARRIERE, EUGENE. 2-3 February 1920. Paris. Galerie Manzi, Joyant & C. Catalogue des Tableaux, Dessins Lithographies Provenant de L’Atelier D’Eugene Carriere. $85

CARRIERE, EUGENE. 21 February 1923. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue des Tableaux par Eugene Carriere Plats en Ceramique de Longwy. $40

CARZOU. 3 December 2007. Paris. Ventes Rossini. Hommage a Carzou. $25

Page 20: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CASSATT, MARY. 30 October 2007. New York. Christie’s. A Mary Cassatt Collection: Prints and Drawings From the Descendants of Robert Hartshorne. $40

CASSATT, MARY. 14 February, 1980. New York. Sotheby’s. Mary Cassatt; Prints & Drawings. $35

CASSIGNEUL, JEAN-PIERRE. 26 November 1990. Paris. Francis Briest (Drouot Montaigne). Vente au Profit de A.L.O.M.A., L'Autre Rive, Cerep, Perce Neige, Oeuvres de Jean-Pierre Cassigneul. $35

CASSISA, MARIO. 8 July 1988. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Cassisa: Acryliques et Collages. $20

CASTINEL, ANDRE. 20 September 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier: Andre Castinel. $20

CATE, TEN. 19 January 1990. Paris. Herve Chayette Laurence Calmels. Dessins, Aquarelles, Gouaches, Ouevres de Ten Cate, Peintures. $30

CATLIN, GEORGE. 2 December 2004. New York. Sotheby’s. The O’Fallon Collection of American Indian Portraits by George Catlin. $35

CATLIN, GEORGE. December 2004. New York. Sotheby’s. The O’Fallon Collection of American Indian Portraits by George Catlin. (Exhibition of the Sale) $25

CATTEAU, CHARLES (1880-1966). 1 October 2008. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Charles Catteau. $25

CAVAILLES, FONDS JULES. 14 March 2012. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Realite poetique, Fonds Jules CAVAILLES. $35

CAZAUX, EDOUARD. 7 June 2000. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Edouar Cazaux. $30

*CAZIN, J. C. 9 June 1906. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection C. Coquelin. $130

CAZIN, J. C. 3 June 1909. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M. Coquelin ainé. $75

CERMINOVA, MARIE. 21 June 1982. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Succession Marie Cerminova dite Toyen. $21

Page 21: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CÉSAR. 1-2 July 2003. Paris. Artcurial. Art Contemporain. $45

CÉSAR. 1-2 July 2003. Paris. Artcurial. Art Contemporain II. Cesar: Sculptures. $35

CÉSAR. 10 October 2017. Paris. Artcurial. Collection Paul Lombard. $50

CÉZANNE, PAUL. 21-22 May 1954. Brussels. Galierie Georges Giroux. Tableaux Modernes, Eaux-Fortes. $55

CÉZANNE, PAUL. 12-13 March 1971. Paris. Galerie Bernheim-Jeune. Aquarelles deCezanne. $20

*CÉZANNE, PAUL. 30 November 1992. London. Christie’s. Seven Cézanne Paintings from the Auguste Pellerin Collection. $55

CÉZANNE, PAUL. 13 November 1997. New York. Sotheby’s. Ten Paintings by Paul Cezanne formerly in the Auguste Pellerin Collection. $40

CÉZANNE, PAUL. 26 June 2003. London. Christie’s. Exceptional Works on Paper by Paul Cezanne from the Chappuis-Barut Collection. $45

CÉZANNE, PAUL. 8 May, 2007. New York. Sotheby’s. Watercolors by Paul Cezanne Property from the Eskenazi Collection. $40

CHAGALL, MARC. 26 June 1990. London. Sotheby’s. Marc Chagall Illustrations to Longus’ Daphnis and Chloe. $40

CHAGALL, MARC. 30 June 1992. London. Sotheby’s. Marc Chagall Illustrations to Longus’ Daphnis and Chloe. $30

CHAGALL, MARC. 16 June 2006. Bern. Galerie Kornfeld. March Chagall Indivision Ida Chagall. $35

CHAGALL, MARC. 8 February 2007. London. Christie's. A Private Collection of Seventy Works by Marc Chagall. $40

CHAGALL, MARC. 29 January 2009. London. Bloomsbury Auctions. Marc ChagallThe Collection of Irmgard and Alfred Neuman Sold to Benefit the Leo Baeck College London. $35

Page 22: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CHAGALL, MARC. 20 June 2014. Bern. Galerie Kornfeld. Marc Chagall. $35

CHAHINE (1874-1947). 10 February 1982. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Tres Important Ensemble de L’CEuvre Grave de Chahine. $20

CHALEYE, JEAN. 5 June 1987. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier J. Chaleye. $20

CHANAL, A.E.. 27 February 1986. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier A.E. Chanal Orfevrerie et Dinanderie. $20

CHANCO, ROLAND. 14 April 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Roland Chanco. $25

CHANCO, ROLAND. 14 December 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Chanco. $25

CHANCO, ROLAND. 9 March 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Roland Chanco. $25

CHANCO, ROLAND. 12 March 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Chanco. $25

CHANCO, ROLAND. 10 February 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Roland Chanco. $25

CHANCO, ROLAND. 12 March 2001. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Chanco. $25

la CHAPELLE, DAVID. 21 October 2005. London. Bonhams. Contemporary Art. $35

CHAPELLE, SUZANNE J. 14 May 1990. Paris. Drouot. Atelier Suzanne J. Chapelle.$20

CHAPLIN, CHARLES. 1 June 1922. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Oeuvres Importantes de Charles Chaplin. $45

*CHAPMAN, JACK & DINOS. 13 October 2007. London. Phillips. Disasters of War III. $65

CHAR, RENE. 20 June 1990. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Atelier Rene Char. $25

CHARAVEL, PAUL. 24 May 1967. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Paul Charavel . $20

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CHARCHOUNE, SERGE (1888-1975). 16 February 1976. Paris. Drouot Rive Gauche. Serge Charchoune. $20

CHARDIN, PAUL (1833-1917). 9 June 1980. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Paul Chardin. $20

CHARDIN, JEAN-SIMEON. 14 December 1987. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Jean-Simeon Chardin. $25

CHARPENTIER, ALEXANDRE. 18 March 1981. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Tableaux Modernes Art 1900 - Art Deco Atelier d'Alexandre Charpentier. $30

CHARRETON, VICTOR. 31 March 1996. Clermony-Ferrand. Ensemble de Peintures de Victor Charreton, Collection Marcel Charreton. $35

CHASSARD, MANEUL. 2 November 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. L’Ecole de la Realite Poetique M.R. Chassard. $20

CHASSERIAU, THEODORE. 22 May 1917. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de 7 Tableaux par Theodore Chasseriau. $50

CHASTEL, ROGER (1897-1981). 2 December 2007. Paris. Saint Germain en Laye Encheres. Atelier Roger Chastel. $25

CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL. 10 October 1983. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. M. Chemiakin. $20

CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL. 26 & 27 October 1988. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Estampes Modernes Mihail Chemiakin Tableaux Abstraits Tableaux Contemporains Tableaux Modernes. $40

CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL. 25 November 1993. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Mihail Chemiakin Exceptionnel Ensemble de 84 Oeuvres. $40

CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL. 25 November 1993. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Tableaux et Sculptures Modernes et Contemporains Exceptionnel Ensemble de Mihail Chemiakin. $40

CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL. 9 April 2004. Paris. Massol. Atelier Mihail Chemiakin Lithographies – Dessins – Aquarelles – Huiles. $20

Page 24: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CHEREAU, CLAUDE. 1 March 1972. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Claude Chereau Dessins et Peintures. $20

CHERET, JULES (1836-1933). 20 November 1969. Paris. Drouot. Importante reunion d’oeuvres de Jules Cheret. $35

CHIGOT, EUGENE. 2 December 1971. Paris. Claude Robert. Eug. Chigot. $20

*CHILLIDA, EDUARDO. 2011. Isleworth Castle. Sotheby's. Eduardo Chillida. $55

*CHINARD, JOSEPH. 2 December, 1911. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M. Le Comte de Penha-Longa. Sculptures par Joseph Chinard de Lyon.

CHINNERY, GEORGE. 10 February, 1958. London. Christie’s. Drawings by George Chinnery, R.H.A. The Property of Mrs. Beatrice Waller. $20

CHIPARUS. 17 April 2007. New York. Sotheby's. Chiparus & the Ballet Russes: Twelve Masterworks from an Important Private Collection. $40

*CHODOWIECKE, DANIEL (1726-1801). 9 October, 1916. Frankfurt. F.A.C. Prestel.Handzeichnungen Deutscher Meister. $75

CHODOWIECKE, DANIEL (1726-1801). 1 December 1976. Munich. Wolfgang Ketterer. Chodowiecki Zeichnungen-Briefe-Druckgraphik. $25

CHODOWIECKE, DANIEL (1726-1801). 23-24 May, 1986. Berlin. Galerie Gerda Bassange. Auktion 47: Berliner Graphik von Chodowiecki bis Menzel. $30

CHODOWIECKE, DANIEL (1726-1801). C. G. Boerner. Dusseldorf. Darstellungen und Dichtungen von Dan. Chodowiecki. $45

CHRISTENSEN, DAN. 21 March, 2011. New York. Spanierman. Dan Christensen: The Stain Paintings. $30

CHUNG-HSIANG, CHAO. 12 March, 2014. Hong Kong. Sotheby’s. The Odyssey of a Master: Chao Chung-hsiang. $35

CIESLEWICZ, ROMAN. 19 March 2006. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Roman Cieslewicz Atelier. $35

Page 25: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

CIRMEUSE, GASTON (1886-1963). 14 May 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Gaston Cirmeuse. $20

CIVERCHIA, LUIGI. 3 April 1995. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Luigi Civerchia "Une Rome Revee." $20

CLAIRIN, GEORGES. 5-6 February 1920. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogue des Tableaux Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins et Croquis par Georges Clairin. Second sale. $35

CLAIRIN, GEORGES. 2-3 February 1920. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogue des Tableaux Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessin par Georges Clairin. First sale. $35

CLAIRIN, PIERRE EUGENE (1897-1980). 1 December 1982. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. P.E. Clairin estampes-aquarelles-peintures 1 vente. $20

CLAIRIN, PIERRE EUGENE (1897-1980). 6 November 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier de Pierre Eugene Clairin. Third sale. $20

CLAIRIN, PIERRE EUGENE (1897-1980). 20 March 1990. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier de Pierre Eugene Clairin 4 et derniere vente de la succession estampes-aquarelles-peintures. $20

CLAYS, PAUL-JEAN. 20-21 May 1900. Bruxelles. Place du Musee. Catalogue des Tableaux esquisses, aquarelles composant l’atelier de feu Paul Jean Clays. $110

CLERC, JEAN-LOUIS. 3 February 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Jean-Louis Clerc 1908-1961. $20

COCTEAU, JEAN. 29 November 1984. New York. Christie’s. Jean Cocteau: The Collection of Louis Shorenstein. $30

COCTEAU, JEAN. 27 March 1990. Paris. Arcole. Lithographies, Gravures, Dessins, Aquarelles, Tableaux du XIXe siècle, Tableaux Modernes, Sculptures, Poteries de Jean Cocteau, Art Nouveau, Art Déco. $35

COCTEAU, JEAN. 28 September 2010. London. Bonhams. Works by Jean Cocteau from the Collection of Severin Wunderman. $35

COCTEAU, JEAN. 24 June 2015. Paris. Pierre Bergé & Associes. Livres Anciens & Modernes. $35

Page 26: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

COLIN, PAUL. 11 December 1989. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Paul COLIN (1892-1985) Maître affichiste et peintre. $25

COLLOT, MAN. 24 March [no year]. Soissons. S.C.P. Hervé Collignon de Frédéric Laurent. Man Collot 1903-1962. $30

COLMAN, SAMUEL. 19-20 April, 1927. New York. Anderson Galleries. The Art Collection of the Late Samuel Colman, N.A.: American & European Paintings by SamuelColman, George Inness, Winslow Homer, J. Francis Murphy, Jacob Maris & Others. $40

COLUCCI, GIO. 12 April 1994. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Gio Colucci. $20

COLYER, VINCENT. 9 May 1967. New York. Parke-Bernet. The American West 1869-1871: Watercolors and Drawings by Vincent Colyer. $30

COMERRE, LEON (1850-1916). 5 October 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ensemble de Peintures par Leon Comerre Tableaux et Sculptures. $13

CONDER, CHARLES. 29 October 1987. South Kensington, Christie’s. Charles Conder’s Hangings for the Villa des Orchides, Dieppe. $50

CONNAN, GEORGES. 16 March 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Georges Connan. $35

CONSTABLE, JOHN. 20 July 1949. London. Sotheby’s. The Well Known Collection of Paintings and Drawings by John Constable. $45

CONSTABLE, JOHN. 12 July 1988. London. Christie’s. Drawings by John Constable, R.A. $35

CONSTABLE, JOHN. 28 January, 2009. New York. Christie’s. Important Old Master Paintings; English Master Landscapes by Turner & Constable from the Collection of William and Eleanor Prince. $35

CONSTANTIN, J.A. (1756-1844). 4-5 April 1950. Nice. Hall du Savoy. Atelier de J.A. Constantin Paysagiste Provencal. $30

COPIEUX, ALBERT. 22 June 1971 Paris. Hotel des Arnes. 60 Aquarelles D'Albert Copieux $40

Page 27: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

COPIN, ANDRE (1911- ). 23 March 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Andre Copin 64 gouaches et 47 huiles. $15

COPPE, ROGER (1928- ). 23 March 1992. Paris Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Roger Coppe 50 oeuvres sure papier. $15

COPPENS, CHRISTOPHE. 5 December 2010. Paris. Pierre Berge. Atelier Coppens.$40

CORBET, JEAN. 8 October 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Corbet Jean. $15

CORBET, JEAN. 27 April 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Jean Corbet. $15

CORBUSIER, LE. 1 July 1969. London. Sotheby’s. Catalogue of Fifty Works by Le Corbusier. $75

CORBUSIER, LE. 2 December 1987. London. Sotheby’s. 35 Works by Le Corbusier Paintings, Drawings Collages and Sculpture to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Le Corbusier. $40

CORBUSIER, LE. 6 December 1989. Roma. Christie’s. Un Importante Plasitco di LeCorbusier. $25

CORINTH, LOVIS. 26 November 1973. Bern. Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer Munchen. 10. Auktion Sonderkatalog Lovis Corinth. $30

CORINTH, LOVIS. 21 November 1980. London. Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. Lovis Corinth Prints and Drawings the collection of the late Heinrich Muller. $35

CORINTH, LOVIS. 28 November 2008. Berlin. Grisebach. Lovis Corinth on his 150th Anniversary. $35

CORNELL, JOSEPH. May, 2014. New York. Christie’s. The Bergman Collection; Joseph Cornell: A Well Traveled Soul. $65

CORNELL, JOSEPH. May, 2014. New York. Christie’s. The Bergman Collection; Joseph Cornell. $85

CORNILLIET, JULES. 15 May 1886. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue des Oeuvres de Jules Cornilliet. $80

Page 28: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

*COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE. 10-11 December 1912. Paris. Galerie Manzi-Joyant. Collection Henri Rouart (Premiere Partie). $300

COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE. 22 May 1913. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection John Balli de Londres. $45

COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE. 15 June 1926. Paris. Galerie Jean Charpentier. 13 Tableaux par Corot. $55

COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE. 17 June 1931. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Succession de Madame Vve Dreux; Trois Tableaux par Corot. $40

COROT, JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE. 7 June 1935. Paris. Galerie Jean Charpentier. 13 Tableaux par Corot Provenant de la Collection Georges Bernheim. $60

de COSTA, FRANK. 16 February 1990. Paris. Ribeyre & Baron. Collection Frank da Costa. $25

COSTE-CRASNIER, GIN. 1 July 1991. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Gin Coste-Crasnier. $20

COSWAY, RICHARD. 28 June-2 July, 1920. London. Sotheby's. Catalogue of The Well-known and Valuable Collection of Plumbago, Pen and Ink, and Coloured Pencil Drawings and Miniatures and A Comprehensive Series of Prints and Autograph Letters Relating to Richard Cosway, R.A. $125

COULIOU, YVES. 30 November, 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Tableaux Modernes & Contemporains. $25

COURTENS, FRANZ. 20-21 February 1913. Brussels. Collection M. Stanislas Emsens. $45

COUTAUD, LUCIEN (1904-1977). 11 December 1990. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Atelier Lucien Coutaud. $40

COUTAUD, LUCIEN (1904-1977). 17 December 1992. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Tableaux Contemporains Lucien Coutaud. $35

COUTAUD, LUCIEN (1904-1977). 14 March 2003. Paris. Million & Associes. Coutaud; Petits Freres des Pauvres. $45

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COUTAUD, LUCIEN (1904-1977). 6 December 2004. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Lucien Coutaud; Vente du Centenaire. $45

COUTAUD, LUCIEN (1904-1977). 14 April 2008. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Lucien Coutaud. $40

COWARD, SIR NOEL. 18 February 1988. London. Christie's. Pictures by Sir Noel Coward. $35

COZENS, JOHN ROBERT. 29 November 1973. London. Sotheby’s. Seven Sketch-Books by John Robert Cozens. $50

CRANACH, LUCAS. 14 December 1987. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Lucas Cranach. $20

CRASNIER, GIN COSTE. 22 February 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Gin Coste Crasnier. $20

CRISSAY, MARGUERITE. 7 June, 1971. Paris. Claude Robert. Atelier Marguerite Crissay: Tableaux Modernes. $15

du CROS, LUCIENNE TESSIER. 15 October 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. AtelierLucienne Tessier du Cros. $17

CROSS, HENRI-EDMOND. 15 October 1980. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Provenant del’Atelier Henri-Edmond Cross Ancienne Collection Felix Feneon 150 dessins au fusain.$25

CROZET, MAURICE (1895-1978). 1 February 1982. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Maurice Crozet. $20

CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. 2 November 1931. London. Sotheby's. The Valuable Library and Collection of Drawings & Engravings by George Cruikshank. $35

CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. 6 April 1978. New York. Sotheby's. George Cruikshankand his Contemporaries, Part One. $35

CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. 6 April 1978. New York. Sotheby's. George Cruikshankand his Contemporaries, Part Two; The Library of David Borowitz $35

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CURRIER AND IVES. 4-6 March 1924. New York. Anderson Galleries. Currier and Ives collection of William Whiting Nolen $50

CURRIER AND IVES. 12 May 1927. New York. Anderson Galleries. Rare Prints by Currier & Ives, The Collection of Mrs. Mary W. Nugent. $22

CURRIER AND IVES. 22 January 1930. New York. AAA. Currier and Ives from the Collection of Mrs. Rita Michaelson. $30

CURRIER AND IVES. 11 February 1937. New York. AAA. Currier and Ives Lithographs in Color from the collection of Daniel Patterson. $30

CURRIER & IVES. 4 November 1959. New York. Parke-Bernet Galleries. Currier & Ives Lithographs. $22

DALI, SALVADOR. 17 December 1989. Tokyo. Habsburg, Feldman, Inc. The Art of Dali Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings. $50

DALI, SALVADOR. 6 November 2000. New York. Philips. Impressionist & Modern Art, Part I: Evening Sale $45

DALI, SALVADOR. 30 June- 1 July 2003. Paris. Hotel Dassault. Salvador Dali Collection. $85

DALI, SALVADOR. 11 December 2008. London. Bonhams. Impressionist and ModernArt including the Dalí Clot Collection. $65

DALI, SALVADOR. 6 March 2009. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Art Moderne et Contemporain Hommage a Salvador Dali. $95

DALI, SALVADOR. 31 October 2012. New York. Swann. Salvador Dali: Prints, Drawings & Livres d'Artiste. $40

DALI, SALVADOR. 4 June, 2019. Paris. Artcurial. Impressionist & Moderne I. $45

DALOU, JULES. 25 June, 1987. Paris. Ader Picard Tajan. Succession Dalou: Rare Ensemble de Modeles de Fonderie en Bronze de Susse Freres de la Succession Dalou Apparenant a l’Orphelinat des Arts. $25

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DANCRE, EMILE (1901-1977). 18 November 1985. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Emile Dancre. $25

DARIETTO, ELYANE. 25 April 2008. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Elyane Darietto. $23

DARLEY, FELIX O.C. 22-23 January 1909. Philadelphia. Freeman. The Magnificent Library of the late Lewis C. Gratz, Esq., of Philadelphia, and Collection of Original Drawings by the late Felix O.C. Darley, Esq. $55

DAUM NANCY. 7 October 1987. Tokyo. Ader Picard Tajan. Est-Ouest Galierie d’Art. 3éme Vente au Japon Collection Daum Nancy. $65

DAUM NANCY. 19 December 2004. Paris. Christie’s. Daum. $45

*DAUMIER, HONORE. 20 May 1910. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Paul Bureau, Première Vente. $150

DAUMIER, HONORE. 6-7 May 1920. Paris. Hotel Drouot. 1 Partie Oeuvre de Honore Daumier. $30

DAUMIER, HONORE. 20 May, 1927. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Paul Bureau. Part 1. $100

DAUMIER, HONORE, 4 May 1931. Paris. Hotel Drouot, Lithograohies et Dessins Originaux de H.D. $45

DAUMIER, HONORE. 23 May 1933. Leipzig. C.G. Boerner. Die Daumier-Sammlung; Carl O. Schniewind. $40

DAUMIER, HONORE. 23 & 24 May 1933. Leipzig. C.G. Boerner. Sammlung E.F., Berlin. $45

DAUMIER, HONORE. 2 April 1963. London. Sotheby's. The Extensive Collection of Lithographs by Honore Daumier with a Few Related Printed Books. $25

DAUMIER, HONORE. 14 June 1966. Paris. Palais Galliera. Collection Rene G.-D.; Ensemble Unique de Dessins Originaux de Daumier; Part One. $65 softbound - $85 Priced & Hard Cover Leatherbound

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DAUMIER, HONORE. 7-8 December 1966. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Rene G.-D.; Important Ensemble de Lithographies Originales par Daumier; Part Two. $50 softbound - $70 Hard Cover Leatherbound

DAUMIER, HONORE. 8 December 1966. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Importants Dessins Originaux Sculptures par Daumier. $35

DAUMIER, HONORE. 5 June 1967. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Lithographies de Dumier Planche de la Mensuelle. $15

DAUMIER, HONORE. 15 May, 1968. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Sculptures par Daumier; Histoire Ancienne (Album de Lithographs) $25

DAUMIER, HONORE. 15-17 May 1968. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Rene G.-D.; Lithographies Originales Rares ou Precieuses par Honore Daumier; Part Three and Final. $45

DAUMIER, HONORE. 14 June 1968. Bern. Kornfeld und Klipstein. Sammlung Honore Daumier; Sammlung Dr. Z.B.. $30

DAUMIER, HONORÉ. 18 March 1988. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Exceptionnelles Oeuvres par Honoré Daumier. $45

DAUMIER, HONORE. 30 June 1994. London. Christie’s. Lithographs by Honore Daumier. $30

DAUMIER, HONORE. 6 June 2008. Bern Galerie Kornfeld. Honore Daumier Sammlung Lotar Neumann. $45

DAUMIER, HONORE. 2009. Frankfurt. H. H. Rumbler. Honore Daumier. $45

DAVEY, RANDALL. 2 July 1985. New York. Christie’s’s. Randall Davey: 100 Works$30

DAVID, HERMINE (1886-1976). 15 December 2003. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Art Moderne Art Contemporain dont: 125 oeuvres par Hermine David. $25

DAVID, J.L. 22 June 1905. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Trois Tableaux Portraits par J.L. David. $45

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DAVIES, ARTHUR B. 30-31 January 1922. New York. American Art Galleries. The Notable Private Collection of Modern French Pictures and a Group of the Works of the Noted American Artist Arthur B. Davies belonging to the Widely Known Antiquatian Dikran Khan Kelekian of Paris and New York. $65

DEBUCOURT, PHILBERT LOUIS. 21-22 November, 1935. New York. American ArtAssociation. The Courtland F. Bishop Collection; Part 2: Color Prints $55

DEGAS, EDGAR. 6-8 May, 1918. Paris. Georges Petit. Catalogues des Tableaux, Pastels et Dessins par Edgar Degas et Provenant de son Atelier; Part One. $110

DEGAS, EDGAR. 2-4 July 1919. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogues des Tableaux, Pastels et Dessins par Edgar Degas et Provenant de son Atelier. Part Four.$110

DEGAS, EDGAR. 22 June 1925. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogues des Tableaux, Pastels Dessins & Estampes par Degas. $75

DEGAS, EDGAR. 21 May, 1931. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection Ch. V…; Tableaux Modernes including important works by Edgar Degas. $50

DEGAS, EDGAR. 12 June 1934. Paris. Galerie Jean Charpentier. Catalogue des Tableaux Aquarelles- Pastels- Dessins- Estampes- Monotypes par Edgar Degas. $60

DEGAS, EDGAR. 6-7 December, 1939. New York. Parke-Bernet Gallery. Important Examples of Modern Art; Distinguished Paintings by Leading Artists of Other Schools; The Entire Collection of Mrs. Cornelius J. Sullivan. $55

DEGAS, EDGAR. 1 June 1949. Paris. Galerie Charpentier. Tableau par Edgar DegasProvenant de la Collection Ambroise Vollard. $20

DEGAS, EDGAR. 6 May 1976. Paris. Drouot Rive Gauche. Oeuvres par Edgar Degas. $40

DEGAS, EDGAR. 11 May 1995. New York. Christie’s. Nineteen Works by Edgar Degas from the Collection of David Daniels. $40

DEGAS, EDGAR. 24 May 2006. Paris. Christie’s. Art Impressionniste et Moderne; Dont un Emsemble D’Oevres Provenant de L’Atelier Degas. $45

DEGAS, EDGAR. 23 March, 2017. Paris. Christie’s. Atelier Degas. $50

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DEGUERET, YVONNE. 17 January 1972. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Yvonne Degueret. $8

DEHODENCQ, ALFRED. 2 March 1976. Paris. Drouot Rive Gauche. Atelier Alfred Dehodencq (2e Vente). $20

DEJIN, XI. 18 October 1998. Taipei. Sotheby’s. In Memory of the Homeland: Important Works by Xi Dejin. $40

*DELACROIX, EUGENE. 5-6 May, 1908. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de P.-A. Cheramy.

*DELACROIX, EUGENE. 2 March 1912. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collections Jean Dollfus, Tome II: Aquarelles, Dessins Modernes. $110

*DELACROIX, EUGENE. 14-16 April 1913. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Succession P.-A. Cheramy. $250

DELACROIX, EUGENE. 26-27 March, 1918. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Edgar Degas Part 1. $75

DELACROIX, EUGENE. 15-16 November, 1918. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Edgar Degas Part 2. $50

DELACROIX, EUGENE. 8 December, 1948. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Ancciene Collection de Verninac: Peintures – Aquarelles – Dessins par Eugene Delacroix. $40

DELACROIX, EUGENE. 3 December 1957. Paris. Galerie Charpentier. 18 Aquarelles par E. Delacroix Collection de M. Tony Mayer. $40

DELACROIX, EUGENE. 6 November 1979. Paris. Drouot. Dessins de Delacroix, Dessins du XIXe. $20

DELAMARE, DANIEL. 12 December 1991. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Daniel Delamare. $35

DELAUNAY, SONIA & ROBERT. 21 June 1994. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Collection Jacques Damase en collaboration avec Monsieur Marc Blondeau. $45

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*DELLA ROBBIA (family). 15 May 1909. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M’ l’Abbé le Monnier, Tableaux Anciens, Faiences des Della Robbia $75

DELVAUX, PAUL. 5 December 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Rare Ensemble de 50 Dessins et Aquarelles de Paul Delvaux. $20

DELVAUX, PAUL. 25 October 1999. Amsterdam. Sotheby’s. Belgian Paintings & Sculpture, 1880-1960 including Paintings and Drawings by Paul Delvaux from the Collection of Jean Delvaux. $40

DELVAUX, PAUL. 23-24 September 2004. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Collection Mira Jacob, galerie le bateau-lavoir. $50

DEMEURISSE, RENE (1895-1961). 28 November 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Rene Demeurisse. $25

DEMUTH, CHARLES. 16 November 1957. New York. Parke-Bernet. Watercolors andPaintings by Charles Demuth, Part One of the Collection Belonging to the Estate of the Late Richard W.C. Weyland, Lancaster Pennsylvania. $35

DEMUTH, CHARLES (1883-1935). 16 October 1957. New York. Parke-Bernet Galleries. Watercolors and Paintings by Charles Demuth Part One. $30

DEMUTH, CHARLES (1883-1935). 5 February 1958. New York. Parke-Bernet Galleries. Watercolors and Paintings by Charles Demuth Part Two. $30

DEMUTH, CHARLES (1883-1935). 28 October 1976. New York. Sotheby’s. A Collection of Drawings & Watercolors by Charles Demuth. $40

DESCH, AUGUSTE-THEODORE., 28 April 1994. Paris Drouot Richelieu. Atelier Auguste-Theodore Desch $30

DESIDERIO, MONSU. 26 January 1978. Rome. Christie’s. A Collection of Pictures by Monsu Desiderio. $30

*DETAILLE, E. 2-7 June 1902. Paris. Collection de Madame Valtesse de la Bigne. $90

DETOUCHE, HENRY. 20 May 1913. Succession Henry Detouche, Estampe, Dessins, Livres Illustres, Meubles. $50

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DEVERIA, ACHILLE (1800-1857) & EUGENE (1808-1865). 24 April 1967. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Oeuvres Dessinees D’Achille et Eugene Deveria. $20

DEVEZE, MIGUEL. 24 November 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Miguel Deveze. $25

DIAZ DE LA PINTA, N. 22-27 January 1877. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de la Vente Qui Aura Lieu par Suite du Deces de N. Diaz de la Pena. $100

DIGNIMONT, ANDRE (1891-1965). 24 February 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Dignimont. $20

DIGNIMONT, ANDRE (1891-1965). 22 December 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Dignimont. $20

DIGNIMONT, ANDRE (1891-1965). 16 November 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Dignimont. $20

DIGNIMONT, ANDRE (1891-1965). 12 February 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Dignimont. $20

DIGNIMONT, ANDRE (1891-1965). 22 October 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Dignimont. $20

DILLON, FRANK. 21 January, 1911. London. Christie's. A Portion of the Ramaining Works of Frank Dillon, R.I. $30

DOBELL, SIR WILLIAM. 19 November 1973. Australia. Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Paintings and Drawings from the studio of Sir William Dobell. $30

DOMINGUEZ, OSCAR. 14 November 1960. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier et Collection Oscar Dominguez. $11

DONGEN, KEES VAN. 30 June, 1976. London. Sotheby’s. Sale of Impressionist & Modern Drawings and Watercolours. $40

DONZEL, CHARLES. 26-27 April 1909. Paris. Drouot. Atelier Charles Donzel.$40

DOOLITTLE, AMOS. 17-18 May 1934. New York. American Art Association Anderson Galleries. Pictorial Americana. $30

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DORE, GUSTAVE. 3 June 1986. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Oeuvres de Gustave Dore.$20

DOROFEEV, ALEXANDER. 22 March 1993. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Atelier Alexander Dorofeev. $20

DORRIS, EDWIN. 7 March 1986. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Atelier Edwin Dorris. $10

DOSSETTI, JOSEPH-DOMINIQUE. 23 December 1992. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Joseph-Dominique Dossetti. $20

DREVET, JOANNES. 16 October 1963. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Joannes Drevet.$13

DREVET, JOANNES. 13 February 1963. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Joannes Drevet. $13

DRUILLET, PHILLIPE. 4 July 1984. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. L’Univers de Phillipe Druillet. $35

DRUILLET, PHILLIPE. 30 May 1991. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Phillipe Druillet Dessins Originaux. $20

DUBUFFET, JEAN. 4 November 1987. New York. Sotheby’s. Seven Dubuffets from the Collection of Hope and Abraham Melamed. $35

DUBUFFET, JEAN. 17 June 1989. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. 13 Oeuvres par Jean Dubuffet. $30

DUBUFFET, JEAN. 9 May 1995. New York. Christie’s. Prints by Jean Dubuffet from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Colin. $40

DUCATEL, LOUIS. 15 November 1971. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Vente de L’Atelier Louis Ducatel. $35

DUCHAMP, MARCEL. 22 June 1999. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Marcel Duchamp. $35

DUCHAMP, MARCEL. 7 December 1999. London. Sotheby’s. Marcel Duchamp Nine Works. $35

DUCHAMP, MARCEL. 17 June 2000. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Marcel Duchamp. $30

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*DUCHAMP, MARCEL. 13 May 2002. New York. Phillips de Pury 7 Luxembourg. Noise: Contemporary Art & 14 DuChamp Ready-Mades. $55

DUCLOS, MOGNIAT. 12 June 1995. Paris. Millon & Robert. Retrospective B. Mogniat Duclos. $30

*DUEZ, E. 11-12 June 1896. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogue des Tableaux Etudes, Pastels, Aquarelles, Dessins, Estampes Originales par E. Duez. (W and E) $135

*DUFEU. 17 June 1905. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de feu M. Boy. $80

DUFY, RAOUL. 7 June 1977. Paris. Guy Loudmer Herve Poulain. Raoul Dufy createurs d’etoffes gouaches, aquarelles de dessins. $30

DUFY, RAOUL. 10 June 1992. Paris. Hotel George V. Importants Tableaux par Raoul Dufy. $40

DUFY, RAOUL. 10 December 2002. Paris. Artcurial. Succession Olga Carré, née BurelAncienne Collection Louis Carré (part two). $40

DUFY, RAOUL. 15 November 2007. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Tableaux Modernes: Collection Dutilleul Gouaches de Raoul Dufy. $30

*DUFY, RAOUL. 20 April 2009. Paris. Hotel Marcel Dassault. Collection Gerard Oury. $65

*DUFY, RAOUL. 21 April 2009. Paris. Hotel Marcel Dassault. Collection Gerard Oury. $50

DUGOURC, J.D. (1749-1825). 3 June 1988. Paris. Paris Drouot. J.D. Dugourc. $35

DUMONT, JACUES E. & AUGUSTIN A. DUMONT. 24 April 1989. Paris. Herve, Chayette, Laurence, Calmels. Objets d'Art et Bel Ameublement. $30

DUPRE, JULES. 30 January 1890. Paris. Imprimerie de L’Art. Catalogue des Tableaux et Dessins Provenant de L’Atelier Jules Dupre. $200

DURER, ALBRECHT. 5 December 1913. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de M. B…, Estampes des XVIe, XVIIe, et XVIIIe Siecles. $45

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*DURER, ALBRECHT. 8-11 December 1913. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection ÉdouardAynard (Deuxieme Vente). $50

DURER, ALBRECHT. 3 May 1921. Germany. Rudolf Busch. $100

DURER, ALBRECHT. 3 July 1933. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tres belles Gravures par Albert Durer. $35

DURER, ALBRECHT. 19-20 November, 1935. New York. American Art Association. The Courtland F. Bishop Collection; Part 1: Engravings & Etchings. $55

DURER, ALBRECHT. 3 April, 1936. New York. American Art Association. Masterpieces of Engraving and Etching; Collection of Henry Graves, Jr. $65

DURER, ALBRECHT. 8 December 1937. Berlin. Hans W. Lange. Eine Durer-Sammlung aus Norddeutschem Privatbesitz. $30

DURER, ALBRECHT. 11 May, 1938. New York. American Art Association. Fine Etchings by Old & Modern Masters. $30

DURER, ALBRECHT. 22 June, 1951. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tres Rares Estampes des XV-XVI et XVII Siecles; Collection H. T… $60

DURER, ALBRECHT. 20 April 1976. Dusseldorf. C.G. Boerner. Die Durer-Sammlung Richard Leendertz Collection. $40

DURER, ALBRECHT. 8 July 1998. London. Count Antoine Seilern. Albert Durer Prints From the Collection of the Late Count Antoine Seilern. $45

DURER, ALBRECHT. 4 December 2007. London. Christie’s. Genius of the German Renaissance: A Collection of Prints by Albrecht Durer. $40

*DURER, ALBRECHT. 29 January 2013. New York. Christie's. Albrecht Durer Masterpieces from a Private Collection. $50

EDELMANN, JEAN (1916-2008). 3 June 2009. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Jean Edelmann. $30

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EEKMAN, NICOLAAS MATHIJS. 16 November 2013. Paris. Hôtel des Ventes Nice Riviéra. Atelier Nicolaas Mathijs Eekman. $30

EISENSCHITZ, W. 5 December 2001. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier W. Eisenschitz. $30

EINSTEIN, WILLIAM. 20 May 1970. Paris. Hotel Drouot. William Einstein. $21

*EL GRECO. 17-18 June 1913. Paris. Galerie Manzi, Joyant. Collection Marczell de Nemes de Budapest. $400

ELKAN ESQ., BENNO. 6 November 1961. London. Christie’s. Catalogue of the Contents of the Workshop of the Late Benno Elkan, Esq., O.B.E. $24

ENDRES, LOUIS JOHN. 20 December 1993. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Louis John Endres. $24

ENSOR, JAMES. 13 October 1951. Brussels. Galerie Georges Giroux. Tableaux Modernes, Eaux Fortes Rehaussées de James Ensor, Sculptures. $55

ENSOR, JAMES. 17 October 1953. Brussels. Galerie Georges Giroux. Tableaux Modernes. $40

ENSOR, JAMES. 21-22 May 1954. Brussels. Galerie Georges Giroux. Tableaux Modernes. $55

ENSOR, JAMES. 11 December 1954. Brussels. Galerie Georges Giroux. Tableaux Modernes. $55

ENSOR, JAMES. 6 April 1979. Paris. Drouot Rive Gauche Gauche. Tres bel et rare ensemble de dix-huit gravures originales de James Ensor. $30

ENSOR, JAMES. September 27, 2016. London. Sotheby’s. Prints & Multiples Including James Ensor: Satirical and Peculiar Prints from a Private Collection. $40

L’EPINOIS, PIERRE DE. 15 November, 1991. Lyon. Mazerini. Pierre de L’Epinois (1779-1848) $30

EPSTEIN, JACOB. 24 November 1932. London. Sotheby’s. Catalogue of Modern Bronzes and Works of Art Including Portraits by Jacob Epstein, Decorative Groups and

Page 41: A through F · Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Francois D’Albignac. $30 ALDIN, CECIL. 12 November 2008. London. Christie’s. A Sporting Garland A Collection of Works by Cecil Aldin

Figures in Bronze and Ivory, Oriental Hardstones, Ivory and Enamels. $23

de ERDELY, FRANCIS. 3 May 1981. San Francisco. Butterfield's. Property from the Virginia Steele Scott Foundation. $25

ERNST, MAX. 12 June 2009. Bern. Galerie Kornfeld. Max Ernst Eine Privatsammlung. $45

ESCHER, MAURITS CORNELIS. 9 February 1980. Los Angeles. Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. Prints by Maurits Cornelis Escher. $23

ESCHER, MAURITS CORNELIS. 16 February 1980. New York. Sothey Parke BernetInc. Maurits Cornelis Escher. $35

ESPALIOUX, JOSEPH (1921-1986). 5 October 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Espalioux. $17

ESPINOUZE, HENRI. 27 June 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Atelier Henri Espinouze. $25

ESTÈVE, MAURICE. 28 November 1971. Versailles. Palais des Congrès. Oeuvres de Maurice ESTÈVE. $10

ETIENNE, PATRICK. 23 April 2001. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Etienne. P. $12

FABIANO, FABIEN (1883-1962). 29 October 1987. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Fabien Fabiano. $17

FALCHI, ANGE. 1 March 1988. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Ange Falchi Peintre- Sculpteur. $13

*FALLER, L.-C. 15 November 1912. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collections Jean Dollfus, Tome VII: Tableaux et Dessins Modernes. Deuxième Partie. $120

FANTIN-LATOUR, HENRI. 6 December 1909. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Collection de feu M. Henri Darrasse, Tableaux Modernes. $70

FARQUHARSON, JOSEPH. 27 November 1996. Edinburgh. Christie’s. Fine Oil Paintings and Watercolours including the Dugald Jaffray Collection of Paintings by

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Joseph Farquharson, R.A. $35

FARSI, DAVID. 20 January, 1995. Paris. Cornette de Saint Cyr. Oeuvres de David Farsi; Tableaux – Meubles – Sculptures; Collection Privee. $17

LE FAUCONNIER, HENRI. 19 March, 1985. Amsterdam. Christie's. The F. J. Sandbergen Collection: Modern pictures, watercolours, drawings, prints and sculpture. $40

FAVRE, LOUIS (1891-1956). 16 November 1962. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Atelier Louis Favre. $15

FEDER, ADOLPHE. 21 October, 1968. Paris. Guy Loudmer. Atelier A. Feder. $20

FEININGER, LYONEL. 18 September - 17 October 1986. Munchen. Karl & Faber. Lyonel Feininger. $30

FENGMIAN, LIN. 28 November 2009. Hong Kong. Bonhams. Lin Fengmian: Eight Paintings from the Mary and George Bloch Collection. $50

FERAT, SERGE. 22 October 2007. Paris. Hotel Dassault. Hommage a Serge Ferat Collection Haba et Alban Roussot. $50

FERRIER,GABRIEL. 7 March 1980. Paris. Drouot Rive Gauche. Atelier Gabriel Ferrier. $40

FIRMIN-GIRARD, MARIE-FRANCOIS. 12 October 1986. Paris. Hotel des Ventes. Firmin-Girard. $25

FLAMENT, MARC. 15 October 1990. Paris. Drouot-Richelieu. Marc Flament. $20

FLANAGAN, BARRY. 9 September - 28 October 2012. Sotheby's. Beyond Limits, Sotheby's at Chatsworth: A Selling Exhibition. $50

FLANDRIN, H. 15-17 May 1865. Paris. M. Francis Petit. Vente par Suite du Deces de H. Flandrin. $100

FLANDRIN, PAUL-HIPPOLYTE. 4 November, 1977. Paris. Ader Picard Tajan. Tableaux Modernes. $30

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FLINT, SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL. 25 October 1973. London. Sotheby’s Catalogue of The Arthur Mitchell Collection of Drypoints by Sir William Russell Flint. $35

FLINT, SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL. 13-21 September 1988. Sussex. Sotheby’s. The Jeremy Elwes Collection of Print, Books, and Studio memorabilia of Sir William Russell Flint. $35

FLINT, SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL. 21 November 1995. London. Christie’s. Paintings,Watercolours, and Drawings by Sir William Russell Flint, R.A. $35

FLOROT, GUSTAVE. 22 June 1990. Paris. Drouot Richelieu. Estampes, Sculptures, 30Peintures de Gustave Florot, Dessins, Aquarelles, Gouaches, Pastels, Tableaux Modernes et Contemporains. $30

FOLQUE. 27 June 2009. Paris. (French). Tableaux Surrealistes par Folque. $16

*FONTANA, LUCIO. 10 October – 5 December 2002. Zurich. De Pury & Luxembourg.Lucio Fontana. $45

FONTANA, LUCIO. 23 November 2004. Milano. Sotheby’s. Lucio Fontana, Opere su Carta Dalla Fondazione Lucio Fontana. $30

FORAIN, JEAN-LOUIS. 25 June, 1954. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Dessins et Aquarelles dont un Inportant Ensemblede Constantin Guys et de Jean-Louis Forain. $45

FORNASETTI, PIERO. 16 May, 1998. Los Angeles. Christie's. Important Design; TheLife of Piero Fornasetti. $50

FORREST, HAUGHTON. 8 May, 1995, Australia. Sotheby’s. The Haughton Forrest Collection from the Estate of the Late Theresa Kohl, Hobart. $35

FORTUNY, MARIANO. 26 April 1875. Paris. Imprimerie de J. Claye. Atelier de Fortuny. $100

FOUJITA, KIMIYO. 13 June 2007. Paris. Coronette de Saint Cyr. Les Estampes de Foujita. $35

FOULQUE. 27 June, 2009. Paris. Maison de Ventes. Tableaux Surrealistes par Foulque. $20

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FOURNIER, GABRIEL (1893-1963). 2 December 1969. Paris. Claude Robert. Gabriel Fournier. $31

*FRAGONARD, HONORE. 29-30 May 1911. Paris. Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Pierre Decourcelle. $300

FRAGONARD, HONORE. 8 December 1976. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Tableau par Fragonard Jean-Honore. $20

FRANCESCHINI, BALDASSARE. 3 July 1980. London. Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. Drawings by Baldassare Franceschini, called Il Volterrano. $35

FRANCKEN, RUTH. 20-21 September 2007. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Succession Ruth Francken. $45

FRANCOISE, MARCEL. 24 April, 1989. Paris. Ader Picard Tajan. Atelier Marcel Franciose 1908-1987. $15

FRAYE, ANDRE (1887-1963). 25 February 1970. Paris. 5 Avenue d’Eylau. Andre Fraye. $15

FRENKEL, BORIS BORVINE. 5 October 2001. Paris. Atelier Boris Borvine Frenkel $25

FRERES, FABIUS. 26-27 October 2011. Paris. Sotheby's. Collection Fabius Freres. $40

FRESNAYE, ROGER DE LA. 14 June 1994. Paris. Drouot Montaigne. Exceptionnel Ensemble de 27 Oeuvres de la Fresnaye. $35

FREUNDLICH, JEANNE (KOSNICH-KLOSS). 22 June 1981. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Otto Freundlich et Kosnich-Kloss (Jeanne Freundlich). $20

FREUNDLICH, OTTO. 22 June 1981. Paris. Nouveau Drouot. Otto Freundlich et Kosnich-Kloss (Jeanne Freundlich). $25

FRIEDMAN, YONA. 27 November 1991. Paris. Hotel Drouot. Dessins d'Architecture. $30

FROST, J.O.J., 8 April 1971. New York. Parke Bernet Galleries. Paintings and Folk Art by J.O.J. Frost from the collection of Betty and Albert Carpenter. $35

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FUSELI, HENRY. 14 April 1992. London. Christie’s London. Drawings by Henry Fuseli, R.A. $35

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