THIS WEEK AT OUR PARISHES: 3-4: Message from our Pastor 5: Congratulations on your Confirmation 7: Celebrate with us 10: Fr. Jay Woods, OFM June 13, 2021 WELCOME Come worship, grow, and serve with us St. John the Baptist Parish 17 Chestnut St Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0002 www.stjohnspeabody.org St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St. Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax www.stthomaspeabody.org Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

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THIS WEEK AT OUR PARISHES: 3-4: Message from our Pastor 5: Congratulations on your Confirmation 7: Celebrate with us 10: Fr. Jay Woods, OFM

June 13, 2021


Come worship, grow, and

serve with us

St. John the Baptist Parish 17 Chestnut St

Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0002


St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 3 Margin St.

Peabody, MA 01960 978-531-0224 ~ 978-531-6517 fax


Two parishes with one mission: to bring Jesus Christ to all!

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

Peace be with you! ¡la Paz esté con usted! Paz esteja con voce! Our parishes join me in welcoming you and offering to help you on your journey of faith. Below is a directory of our personnel. We are all here to serve you in any way we can. We want to know you and your family so please take a minute to register, using the cards in the pew, or after Mass, or online, or at the office. We can also provide faith formation and sacraments for your children at Saint John's School or in our religious education programs. Let us know how we can help you. God bless! Fr. John

We are here to serve you. Please call or contact us. Our clergy serve both parishes, our school, and Brooksby Village. Call us at 978-531-0002

Rev. John E. MacInnis, Pastor Rev. Kevin Leaver, Parochial Vicar

Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin

Ministry Intern John Boutin

Our lay staff are here to help in any way they can: St. John the Baptist

Karen Hinton Dir. of Religious Ed 1-5 Matthew Harrington Dir. of Religious Ed 6-8 (Both Parishes)

Tracy Palen Office Administrator Kathleen Wilkinson Parish Secretary Janet O’Connor Parish Secretary Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Raisa Ferreras Music Ministry (Spanish) Aida Vargas Spanish Religious Ed Lucy Cortez Spanish Religious Ed

Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Linda McKenzie Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc.

Saint John School: 978-531-0444 Valerie Shippen, Principal

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-1pm

Email: [email protected]

St. Thomas the Apostle

Dawn Alves Pastoral Associate Dir. of Religious Ed 9-10 (Both Parishes) Dr. Holly Zagaria Director of Music Ministry Renildo Paiva Music Ministry (Brazilian) Tracy Palen Office Administrator Linda Cavallon Administrative Assistant Danise Mendonça Administrative Assistant Bulletin Editor Leila Andrade Brazilian Administrator

Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm

Email: [email protected]

Daily Mass Schedule

Mondays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Tuesdays 7:00 AM St. John’s

Wednesday 5:30 PM St. John’s

Thursdays 8:30 AM St. Thomas

Fridays 7:00 AM St John's

Saturdays 7:00 AM St John's

St. John’s Parish Pay is now WeShare. Go to our website www.stjohnspeabody.org

Click on Online Giving. On the right of the screen you will see a green

Online giving icon. WeShare at 1-800-950-9952.

St. Thomas Parish Soft On-line Giving Go to our website

www.stthomaspeabody.org Click on Online Giving,

Click on this for both weekly and second collections. Thank you !

Weekend Mass Schedule

Masses in English: Saturday 4:00PM St. Thomas Sunday 8:00AM St. John’s 10:00AM St. John's 10:00AM St. Thomas

Masses in Spanish: Sunday 11:30AM Friday/Saturday/Sunday 7:00PM Brazilian Mass: Sunday 11:30AM

Confessions at St. John’s 3-3:30pm every Saturday

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

The Gift of Time

As you might imagine, I now feel like the countdown clock is ticking for me. Where did the last 21 years go? The answer to that question has come to me over the past few months with all the first communions, confirmations and graduations. Most of the young people who received these sacraments were not yet born in 2000! Those of us who can remember being alive in that millennial year can recall trying to imag-ine what the new millennium would bring. We wor-ried about computers going bonkers at the stroke of midnight. What was going to happen? Most of us then were new to the internet and electronic devices which today run our lives and take up any empty time we have. My letter to you this week is an invitation to join me in reflecting on and celebrating the gift of time. You might be facing a change in your life as I am in mine: the beginning or end of a job, or maybe a new school or college, or a new friendship or marriage or the start of a family. Chances are this year marks an event that will make a difference in your life. With God's help and smart choices about the pandemic, this will be the year we came out of COVID, even though we will not be the same as we were before. The Book of Ecclesiastes has a profound reflection of time. Its words found their way into a popular folk song that began "To everything (turn, turn, turn), there is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven. A time to be born, a time to die..."

The biblical passage makes this point: God "has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts, without men's ever dis-covering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done. (Eccles. 3:11)" Later this summer, after I leave St. John's and St. Thomas and a few weeks of vacation, I will make a 30 day retreat at a Jesuit Retreat Center in Colorado to reflect on many years of my life (76) and priesthood (51). Most of you don't have the luxury of time to do such a thing, But I encourage you to take time in the next few weeks and months to reflect on what God has been doing in your time? Next week, Cardinal Sean O'Malley is coming to Saint John's to lead us in giving praise and thanks to God for 150 years of our Catholic faith in Peabody which wasn't even a city then! I have written and more will be told to you this year about our history. But it is important for you to know that this parish story of who we were and are is also your story. Even if you are new I hope you will join us. To those of you who have received sacraments or worshipped at Saint John's I really urge you to take time to celebrate this parish family feast day. The Mass next Sunday will be for the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, our holy patron. So right now go to our website, stjohnspeabody.org and register or just call the parish 978-531-0002.We want to save a seat for you and your family and prepare food and beverages for you afterwards in Mary's Park. Come on! It's time to celebrate! We have lots of room and A/C at the 10 AM Mass. The following weekend of June 26/27 will be my last weekend as your pastor. I will bid farewell to you at the 4 PM Mass at St Thomas and the 8 AM and 10 AM Masses at St. John's. If you want to hear my Portuguese (not very good, I assure you) you can join the Brazilian community at their annual Festa Junina Mass at 6 PM on Saturday in the parking lot at St John's. They will have great food and music to follow. God gives each and every one of us a definite time in which to show us his love. We do not choose that time; we do choose how to see and live within it. God has given us all graces and crosses. Jesus teaches us that even those crosses are moments of grace. Take time to notice and to give thanks. God is always on time! God bless! FFr. John

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

El Regalo del Tiempo Como puede imaginar, ahora siento que el reloj de cuenta regresiva está corriendo para mí. ¿A dónde fueron los últimos 21 años? La respuesta a esa pregunta me ha llegado en los últimos meses con todas las primeras comuniones, confirmaciones y graduaciones. ¡La mayoría de los jóvenes que recibieron estos sacramentos aún no habían nacido en 2000! Aquellos de nosotros que podemos recordar haber estado vivos en ese año del mile-nio podemos recordar haber tratado de imaginar lo que traería el nuevo milenio. Nos preocupaba que las computadoras se volvieran locas al filo de la medianoche. ¿Qué iba a pasar? La mayoría de nosotros éramos nue-vos en Internet y en los dispositivos electrónicos que hoy controlan nues-tras vidas y ocupan el tiempo vacío que tenemos. Mi carta para ustedes esta semana es una invitación a unirse a mí para reflexionar y celebrar el regalo del tiempo. Es posible que estés enfrentan-do un cambio en tu vida como yo en la mía: el comienzo o el final de un trabajo, o tal vez una nueva escuela o universidad, o una nueva amistad o matrimonio o el comienzo de una familia. Es probable que este año mar-que un evento que marcará la diferencia en su vida. Con la ayuda de Dios y las decisiones inteligentes sobre la pandemia, este será el año en el que salimos de COVID, aunque no seremos los mismos que éramos antes. El Libro de Eclesiastés tiene una profunda reflexión del tiempo. Sus palabras encontraron su camino en una canción popular que comenzaba "Para todo (girar, girar, girar), hay una temporada (girar, girar, girar) Y un tiempo para cada propósito, bajo el cielo. Un tiempo para nacer, un tiempo para morir... " El pasaje bíblico señala este punto: Dios "ha hecho todo apropiado a su tiempo, y ha puesto lo intemporal en sus corazones, sin que los hombres lo descubran jamás, de principio a fin, la obra que Dios ha he-cho" (Eclesiastés 3:11)." A finales de este verano, después de dejar San Juan el Bautista y Santo Thomas y unas pocas semanas de vacaciones, haré un retiro de 30 días en un Centro de Retiro Jesuita en Colorado para reflexionar sobre muchos años de mi vida (76) y mi sacerdocio (51). La mayoría de ustedes no tie-nen el lujo de tener tiempo para hacer tal cosa, pero les animo a que en las próximas semanas y meses se tomen un tiempo para reflexionar sobre lo que Dios ha estado haciendo en su tiempo. La semana que viene, el cardenal Sean O'Malley vendrá a San Juan para guiarnos en alabar y dar gracias a Dios por los 150 años de nuestra fe cató-lica en Peabody, que entonces ni siquiera era una ciudad. Les he escrito y les contarán más este año sobre nuestra historia. Pero es importante que sepa que esta historia parroquial de quiénes fuimos y somos también es su historia. Incluso si eres nuevo, espero que te unas a nosotros. A aquellos de ustedes que han recibido sacramentos o han adorado en San Juan el Bautista realmente les insto a que tomen un tiempo para celebrar esta fies-ta familiar parroquial. La misa del próximo domingo será con motivo de la solemnidad de la Natividad de San Juan Bautista, nuestro santo patrón. Así que ahora mismo vaya a nuestro sitio web, stjohnspeabody.org y regístrese o simplemente llame a la parroquia 978-531-0002. Queremos reservar un asiento para usted y su familia y luego preparar comida y bebidas para usted en el parque de María. ¡Vamos! ¡Es tiempo de celebrar! Tenemos mucho espacio y aire acondicionado en la misa de las 10 AM. El siguiente fin de semana del 26 al 27 de junio será mi último fin de se-mana como su pastor. Me despediré de ustedes en la misa de las 4 pm en Santo Thomas y en las misas de las 8 am y las 10 am en San Juan Bautista. Si quieres escuchar mi portugués (no muy bien, te lo aseguro) puedes unir-te a la comunidad brasileña en su misa anual de Festa Junina a las 6 pm el sábado en el estacionamiento de San Juan Bautista. Tendrán buena comida y música para seguir. Dios nos da a todos y cada uno de nosotros un tiempo definido para mos-trarnos su amor. No elegimos ese momento; elegimos cómo verlo y vivir dentro de él. Dios nos ha dado todas las gracias y cruces. Jesús nos enseña que incluso esas cruces son momentos de gracia. Tómese el tiempo para darse cuenta y dar gracias. ¡Dios está siempre a tiempo!

¡Dios los bendiga! Padre John

O Presente do Tempo Como você pode imaginar, agora sinto que a contagem regressiva está passando para mim. Para onde foram os últimos 21 anos? A resposta a essa pergunta veio a mim nos últimos meses, com todas as primeiras comunhões, confirmações e formaturas. A maioria dos jovens que rece�beram esses sacramentos ainda não haviam nascido em 2000! Aqueles de nós que se lembram de estar vivos naquele ano milenar podem se lembrar que tentávamos imaginar o que o novo milênio traria. Estávamos preocupados com os computadores enlouquecendo ao bater da meia-noite. O que vai acontecer? A maioria de nós era novo na Internet e nos dispositivos eletrônicos que hoje comandam nossas vidas e ocupam todo o tempo vazio que temos.

Minha carta para você esta semana é um convite para juntar-se a mim para refletir e celebrar o dom do tempo. Você pode estar enfrentando uma mudança em sua vida como eu estou na minha: o início ou o fim de um emprego, ou talvez uma nova escola ou faculdade, ou uma nova amizade ou casamento ou o início de uma família. É provável que este ano seja um evento que fará a diferença em sua vida. Com a ajuda de Deus e escolhas inteligentes sobre a pandemia, este será o ano em que saímos da COVID, embora não sejamos mais como antes. O livro de Eclesiastes traz uma profunda reflexão sobre o tempo. Suas palavras encontraram seu caminho em uma canção folclórica popular que começava "Para tudo (gire, gire, gire), há uma estação (gire, gire, gire) E um tempo para todos os propósitos, sob o céu. Um tempo para nascer, e hora de morrer ... " A passagem bíblica mostra este ponto: Deus "fez tudo apropriado para o seu tempo, e colocou o anseio em seus corações, sem que os homens jamais descubram, do começo ao fim, a obra que Deus fez. (Ec 3:11) " Mais tarde neste verão, depois de deixar St. John's e St. Thomas e algu-mas semanas de férias, farei um retiro de 30 dias em um Centro de Retiro Jesuíta no Colorado para refletir sobre muitos anos de minha vida (76)anos entre eles (51 ) anos de sacerdócio . A maioria de vocês não tem tempo para fazer tal coisa, mas eu os encorajo a tirar um tempo nas próximas semanas e meses para refletir sobre o que Deus tem feito em seu tempo. Na próxima semana, o Cardeal Sean O'Malley virá a Saint John's para nos levar a louvar e agradecer a Deus pelos 150 anos de nossa fé católica em Peabody, que nem mesmo era uma cidade naquela época! Eu escrevi e mais serei contado a vocês este ano sobre nossa história. Mas é importante para você saber que esta história paroquial de quem fomos e somos é também a tua história. Mesmo se você for novo,espero que você se junte a nós. Aos que receberam os sacramentos ou adoraram em São João, exorto-os a dedicar algum tempo à celebração deste dia de festa familiar paroquial. A missa do próximo domingo será para a solenidade da Natividade de São João Batista, nosso santo padroeiro. Então, agora mesmo, acesse nosso site, stjohnspeabody.org e registre-se ou ligue para a paróquia 978-531-0002. Queremos reservar um lugar para você e sua família e preparar comida e bebida para você depois no Parque de Maria. Vamos! É hora de comemorar! Temos muito espaço e A / C na missa das 10h. O fim de semana seguinte, 26/27 de junho, será meu último fim de semana como seu pastor. Vou me despedir de vocês na missa das 16h em St. Thomas e nas missas das 8h e 10h em St. John's. Se você quiser ouvir meu português (não muito bom, garanto-lhe), você pode se juntar à comunidade brasileira na missa da Festa Junina anual às 18h no sábado no estacionamento do St John's. Eles terão boa comida e música para acompanhar. Deus dá a cada um de nós um tempo definido para nos mostrar o seu amor. Não escolhemos esse tempo; nós escolhemos como ver e viver dentro dele. Deus nos deu todas as graças e cruzes. Jesus nos ensina que mesmo essas cruzes são momentos de graça. Reserve um tempo para notar e agradecer. Deus é sempre pontual! Deus abençoe! Fr. João

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

B F J ’

Father’s Day June 20th, 2021

A SURPRISE GIFT! This group of men were among a larger group of parishioners who surprised me early

Saturday morning after the 7 AM Mass. These men get together on Saturday mornings to read and share thoughts about the Sunday gospel. (All are welcome!) I was very

touched by their tribute.. Please come and share my bench in Mary's Park. My thanks go out to all the men and women

who took this personal initiative. I couldn't be happier thinking that people will want to stop and pray to our

Blessed Mother. God bless you all! Fr. John

“...be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” Bishop Mark O’Connell

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

Reading I Ez 17:22-24 Thus says the Lord GOD: I, too, will take from the crest of the cedar, from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot, and plant it on a high and lofty mountain; on the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it. It shall put forth branches and bear fruit, and become a majestic cedar. Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it, every winged thing in the shade of its boughs. And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the LORD, bring low the high tree, lift high the lowly tree, wither up the green tree, and make the withered tree bloom. As I, the LORD, have spoken, so will I do. Responsorial Psalm 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 (R) Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High, To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night. (R) The just one shall flourish like the palm tree, like a cedar of Lebanon shall he grow. They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. (R) They shall bear fruit even in old age; vigorous and sturdy shall they be, Declaring how just is the LORD, my rock, in whom there is no wrong. (R) Reading II 2 Cor 5:6-10 Brothers and sisters: We are always courageous, although we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yet we are courageous, and we would rather leave the body and go home to the Lord. Therefore, we aspire to please him, whether we are at home or away. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.


R. Alleluia, alleluia. The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower. All who come to him will live forever. R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mk 4:26-34 Jesus said to the crowds: “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.” He said, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” With many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand it. Without parables he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private.

Lectionary: 92

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

Memorial Gifts St. Thomas the Apostle

June 12th/13th

Bread and Wine Joseph + Adelaide Amaral

Sanctuary Lamp Joan R. MacInnes

Candle Oil Debbie Machado

June 19th/20th

Bread and Wine Elinor Fouhey

Sanctuary Lamp Jeanette Guerriero

Candle Oil Flaherty, Cronin, Shea,

Connolly Families

Memorial Gifts St. John the Baptist

June 12th/13th

Bread and Wine AVAILABLE

Sacramental Candles Robert Sullivan

June 19th/20th

Bread and Wine AVAILABLE

Sacramental Candles Robert Sullivan

We welcome everyone to the 150th Jubilee Mass at 10am on June 20th at St. John the Baptist

We anticipate a large number of people so we ask you to register for this mass so we can prepare for light refreshments Sign-up can be found on parish websites

Our Parish Memories

As we prepare to celebrate 150 years of parish life at St. John the Baptist Parish, we are hoping to share with our parish

members, the many memories which, for the last 25 years or so, remain in our hearts. If you have a certain recollection of

life at St. John’s in your own experience, please share that with us by sending it to Deacon Leo Martin and/or

Danise Mendonca, and we will include your offering in the parish bulletin for all to relish.

E-mail stories to: [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Thank you for your willingness to participate.

It’s All About the Love!

Kathleen Wilkinson, Karen Hinton & Fr. John are

retiring Sunday June 27th we want to wish them all well! Join us for the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday, June 27 followed by light refreshments in the lower parish

Hall as we thank them for their many years of joyful service to our faith communities. All are welcome!

Change in Mass Schedule June 20th NO 10am Mass

at St. Thomas the Apostle

All are invited to attend the 150th Jubilee Mass at St. John’s

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

Congratulations Fr. Jay Woods, OFM Son of Saint John the Baptist Parish!

This weekend, Jay Woods OFM, a Franciscan friar with Holy Name Province, will be ordained a priest at St. Patrick-St Anthony's in Hartford, CT. I am delighted to share the story he wrote to us about his vocation. What a joy as St. John's gives one more of its sons to the priesthood!

St. John the Baptist's parish helped to nurture my vocation in many ways. Though I did not attend St. John's School I was extremely involved with the parish life of St John's. I attended CCD and received all of my sacraments (though I was baptized at Immaculate Conception Church in Salem) at St John's.

I was an altar boy beginning in the fourth grade. The usual age was 5th grade, but Fr. McLeod agreed that my passion to start early was strong enough to forgo the extra year. I continued to serve till I graduated from high school. Along the way I also served as a masters of ceremonies to help lead the liturgies - a position I con-tinue to serve in to this day! When Fr. Robert Blaney arrived fol-lowing his ordination he began a youth group which I helped to organize. We got together for prayer and faith sharing and were very socially conscious. The biggest event we did was a 48 Hour Fast for Hunger, when we raised money for an organization in Africa which helped to support underserved communities there.

My dad, Jack Woods, was asked to join the financial and pastoral councils by Fr. McDonough when he was pastor. At that same pastoral council election I was elected the youth representative to the parish council. That was a great opportunity for me at such a young age to experience the internal workings of a parish. My sister and brother and I were the fourth generation of my family to worship at St. John's Church. My great grandmother, Mary Alice O'Connor and great aunt, Helen O'Connor-Hogan, were cantors at St John's.

Growing up, the priests and parishioners of St. John's helped to water and nurture the seed of my religious vocation which was planted by my parents and grandparents. The seed was a calling to a life of service to God and God's people. Especially to those on the margins of society and those experiencing hardship. It took me thirteen years to stop fighting the calling. During those years I worked as a costume designer and dresser on Broadway and in television and film in New York City. Then I had had enough of that high pace stressful world. Finally I said 'yes' to my vocation as a religious priest.

The last eight years of religious formation and studies have been a serene and life giving experience for which I thank God every-day. In addition to some parish work, the majority of my ministry experience has been as a jail chaplain, an advocate and civil rights activist, and a helper to those who are experiencing homeless-ness. As an addict in recovery myself, I specialize in working with our sisters and brothers who are in early recovery or are still in the grips of active addiction. In saying 'yes' to God, with my own magnificat, I experience God at work in each of us everyday! The Incarnation is at work in each of us. I am grateful to God every-day for the gift of an open heart to experience that each day. All of creation and each of us are wonders of God's love.

My first assignment will be to St Anthony's Shrine on Arch Street in downtown Boston. I will also be starting a Masters of Social Work degree at Boston University in the Fall. Thank you for your prayers! Ad multos annos (may you live many years) Fr. Jay! We are proud and very grateful that you said "Yes" to the Lord and will now serve him as a son of St. Francis. God bless you! Fr. John

Congratulations to our 1st Communion Class

First Holy Communion St. Thomas Brazilian Community

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

LINK para pedidos: https://dmendonca5.wixsite.com/my-site

estaremos entrando em contato com você para receber o pagamento da sua ordem pelo telefone

Link to place your food order https://dmendonca5.wixsite.com/my-site

You can take home your box or sit to listen to traditional music in the parking lot.

we will contact you for payment over the phone

Festa Junina is the term used to describe the traditional festivities that happen at the beginning of the Brazilian winter in June. It is a month to

commemorate some of the most famous saints for Catholics; namely Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Peter. It is also a month to honor rain, the harvest season and marital union. Visitors celebrate from mid-June until the end of July and in some cities, festivities even continue until late

August. Those attending will be treated to typical Brazilian food, will dress up like farmers, enjoy bonfires and dance the quadrilha. After Carnival, it is

the second most important popular celebration in Brazilian culture.

Festa Junina’s origins date back to Portuguese colonization, and the holiday has developed over time to incorporate Brazilian cultural elements. The culture of indigenous populations, Afro-Brazilians and European immigrants has all influenced how the festivities are held in different regions in Brazil. First originating in the

countryside, where most religious people lived and where they relied more on rain for their agriculture, the festivities quickly spread to larger cities all around the country. Every region has its own way of celebrating,

but the most impressive festivities and dances take place in the North East.

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Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021


Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with dif-ferent pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theologi-cal meanings and how they can speak to us today.

Sign up is easy, visit FORMED.ORG

Click “Sign-up”. Then “I Belong to a Parish”

Enter Peabody Zip Code 01960 in search box “Create a New Account”.

Then select St. John the Baptist, click “Next” Enter “Your Name” and “Email”

St. Thomas

Sales are going through the roof!! We need everything except clothing, especially small appliances,

dishes, shoes, purses, jewelry, seasonal bric-a-brac, linens, puzzles, also books, ( no text or school books) and any type of cookware. Also we need SMALL furniture, tools, etc in the

garage. We appreciate all the donations in the past, so do your spring cleaning now so we can help St Thomas during this

difficult time. Stop by the garage and say hi to Eric & Bob, then come into the store, we are a friendly bunch. Be sure to wear

your mask. As usual we are open Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm, you can drop off donations then, also

Monday 9-11am & Thursday 9:30-11:00am God bless you for all your help


To make arrangements for donation drop offs contact:

Eric Sironi 508-277-1910 Bob Comeau 978-977-9672

Outreach news: On behalf of all that we serve, thank you abundantly for your continued generosity for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your donations make such a difference in so many lives. Truly you are living proof of the gospel mes-sage. God bless you!

CRITICAL needs at this time: NEW men’s belts: sizes 36-38, 38-40, 40-42

inexpensive & good quality at Ocean State Job Lots store NEW bed pillows, standard size

NEW men’s sweatpants, size L or XL

Ongoing springtime needs: Men’s and women’s light jackets and gently

used sneakers or walking shoe (size 9-12), men’s jeans (any size), gently used baseball caps, bug spray,

baby powder, shower gel.

Your donations may be dropped off at the church hall of St. John’s on Friday mornings, from 9am to 11am, or to the Parish Center during the weekdays, from 9:30am to 1pm. Thank you!

Pat Adam, Outreach Coordinator (978) 335-2080

For the Lord comforts his people and shows mercy to his afflicted. Isaiah 49:13

Shop Hours: Thursday

+ Friday

+ Saturday

9am to 1pm

St. John’s

Are you cleaning out? If so, would you please consider donating gently used items to the Thrift

Shop? We are in need of many items such as clothing and shoes for men, women and

children, sheets, pillowcases, towels, blankets, comforters, kitchen utensils and small electrics, such as blenders, coffee makers, toasters, irons, etc. We also need pots and pans, curtains and drapes crystal and China, glassware, dishes, lamps and jewelry. We

are also accepting decorations for all holidays. We DO NOT ACCEPT: furniture, air conditioners,

televisions, computers and their components. We only accept donations Thursday thru Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Call Wayne Doane for more info: (617) 548-5626

Email: [email protected]

For another view, please visit http://www.stjohnspeabodynews.org/thrift_shop_news.htm

Thank you for your patronage, God Bless You!

Shop Hours:

Saturday 9am to 2pm

Page 13: 4271 johnpeabody 061321


Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 13, 2021

Be an Adorer on the First Friday of each month. Adoration is an opportunity to retreat from the

world and just be one with the Lord. Join us July 2nd following the morning Mass.

Contact: Dawn Alves [email protected]

"Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me." 1Samuel 22:23


STA = St. Thomas the Apostle SJB = St. John the Baptist




Holy Bap sm for BOTH Parishes

All bap sms are being scheduled for a single family at a me with a total of

TWENTY family members and the priest or deacon celebra ng.

Please call Kathleen Wilkinson at 978-531-0002

You may leave a message with your name including best phone number to contact you, and the sta will return your call. God Bless!

Follow us at: St. John and St. Thomas Churches of Peabody



For current information check out our websites at:

www.stthomaspeabody.org www.stjohnspeabody.org

Are you new to the Parish, and would like to Register as a Parishioner?

Visit this link to Sign up and Register: https://boston.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/Register.aspx

If you already registered, maybe it’s time to update your contact information. You may do so by

signing into your Family Suite with your User Name and Password. https://boston.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/Default.aspx

SJST Men's ACTS Retreat November 11-14, 2021

St. Thecla’s Retreat House Director: John Regan

For More Information please email: [email protected]

SJST Women's ACTS Retreat Postponed to 2022 St. Thecla’s Retreat House

Director: Dawn Alves For More Information please

Email: [email protected]


Teen ACTS Retreat Postponed to 2022

Page 14: 4271 johnpeabody 061321

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America

Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations

Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email [email protected]

Take your


JOURNEYCatholic Cruises and Tours

Holy Land Discovery • Fatima, Lourdes and Shrines of Spain • Grand Catholic Italy • Footsteps of Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands

• Camino, A walking journey for the soul

Mass is included with all of our tours!

l us ttoddday att 888600 339999 11778855

• Camino, A w

8866 isesanddTTours c@@CCatthhhollliicCCrui

ey for the soul

ruior emaiilll JJanet@

walking journe


A w


ey f

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.


508.875.7600371 Worcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framingham

www.automaticapplianceservice.com Amana - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - Maytag Whirlpool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electrolux


508.875.7600373777171 Worcester R7777771771 d., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framinghammmmmmmmmmm

www.automaticapplianceservice.comAmanmmaanana - Speed QAmaaaA aaA aAA an ueen - Kitchen Aid - Mayttaaytaytagtayttayttaytytyyyy gWhirlplprlpool - FriW iWW rrlpWWWhirW rllpWW rllpWWW pp gidaire - GE - LG - Electrolroluxtrolloluolloollolrororo x

Page 15: 4271 johnpeabody 061321

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271



CONTACT: [email protected]


Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

Congratulations to Msgr. Frank Kelley, co-founder of Pine Street Inn, on his retirement from the Pine Street Board after 40 years of service. We are grateful that he will continue to serve in the Archdiocese as a senior priest.

donate at clergytrust.org

SCAN HERE for Venmo, Google/ Apple Pay, PayPal via Givebutter.


Pictured: Msgr. Frank Kelley and Lyndia Downey, President, Pine Street Inn

Senior Discounts Available20% Discount for Senior Citizens


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Memor ial Ads Available617-779-3771

Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more.


Contact us or send your resume to [email protected]

Page 16: 4271 johnpeabody 061321

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Baptist, Peabody, MA 4271

Fully Licensed and Insured

Residential and Commercial

24 Hour Emergency Service

Bucket Truck Service


79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA M & RTRUCKING & PAVING

CALL 978-532-6245

Residential . Commercial Driveways . Parking Lots

We Also Do Snow Removal

for a FREE ESTIMATEMandRTruckingandPaving.com


Gibraltar Pools™RT. 1, TOPSFIELD978-887-2424

FREEComputerizedWater Testing!

& Spas

[email protected] 56 Central Ave., Suite 307, Lynn

Eddy Staco

Inmigración Hablamos Español


The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free

retirement living.


North Shore



Fax: 978-587-3618 79 Foster St. Peabody

Best Prices on the North Shore

Hablamos Español



Serving our Community Since 1933

A Decision Made Together That Will Last Forever

Murphy Funeral Home85 FEDERAL STREET

SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970www.MurphyFuneralHome.com


(781) 631-8885 (978) 744-0497

Cemetery Plot - Puritan Lawn Cemetery (Peabody)

Deed for double depth interment in pre-installed double cement crypt.

May be used for cremation burials. Prime lot in most desired section of cemetery.

Value $7,000, Asking $4,500 (includes transfer fee)

Call or text 617-791-0647.

Mon-Fri: 9AM-7PMSat: 10AM-4PM

Sun: Call For Appointment

98 Foster St. Peabody • (978) 587-3205 • autoxpresssales.com

Everyone at Auto Xpress is ready to make the car shopping and the car buying experience fast, friendly, and easy.

Personal LinesCommercial Lines

Travel Services111 Foster St., Peabody

978-531-2755 • f: 978-531-2228 [email protected]


Heating • Water Heating Air ConditioningDenny Reardon 978-531-4010SSave Your Pennies, Call Denny’sPeabody, MA Member of the Knights of Columbus

0D ’

[email protected] Newbury St-Rt 1 North,

Peabody, MA 01960(978) 535-6004

Puritan LawnMemorial Park

Two plots, side by side, Current Value at $5,150. Asking $3,800. Buyer pays

title and transfer fee approx. $150.Only serious buyers please.

Paul - 617-308-8154



Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers

of your Loved One”

841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876

(978) 851-9103

Xtreme Boston Detailing & Graphics, Inc.

• Complete Auto Detailing• Paintless Dent Removal• Vinyl Lettering/Graphics

Free Pickup and Return Delivery Available!

978-223-5186Middleton, MA


Page 17: 4271 johnpeabody 061321

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

are significantly impacted.

Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.

Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

keep the local economy strong.


508.875.7600371 Worcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framingham

www.automaticapplianceservice.com Amana - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - Maytag Whirlpool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electrolux


508.875.76003777771 Wo77771777777777777777 rcester Rd., Rte 9 (Rear) / Framinghammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

www.automaticapplianceservice.comAmamaaana amaanAmaaaaA aaaA anA aaA aAA aAA aA nAA n - Speed Queen - Kitchen Aid - MaytatatagtaaaaaaaaattttttytttyyyyWhirlprlprlpllpWhirlprlpWWWW rlpWW rrlpWWW rlpW rlW rllW lW lWW lpWW lppWW pWW ppppppool - Frigidaire - GE - LG - Electroroooooooooooooooooolluluxlullllllllllllll

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

Online Bulletin DeliverySign Up to Receive your Parish Bulletin

in your inbox every week.

Go to www.pilotbulletins.net/sign-up

“God is Love” 1 John 4:8

Congratulations to Msgr. Frank Kelley, co-founder of Pine Street Inn, on his retirement from the Pine Street Board after 40 years of service. We are grateful that he will continue to serve in the Archdiocese as a senior priest.

donate at clergytrust.org

SCAN HERE for Venmo, Google/ Apple Pay, PayPal via Givebutter.


Pictured: Msgr. Frank Kelley and Lyndia Downey, President, Pine Street Inn



CONTACT: [email protected]


Please Patronize our SponsorsThey make this Bulletin Possible

Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America

Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations

Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email [email protected]

Take your


JOURNEYCatholic Cruises and Tours

Holy Land Discovery • Fatima, Lourdes and Shrines of Spain • Grand Catholic Italy • Footsteps of Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands

• Camino, A walking journey for the soul

Mass is included with all of our tours!

l us ttoddday att 888600 339999 11778855

• Camino, A w

8866 isesanddTTours c@@CCatthhhollliicCCrui

ey for the soul

ruior emaiilll JJanet@

walking journe


A w


ey f

Page 19: 4271 johnpeabody 061321

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Thomas the Apostle, Peabody, MA 1148

79 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, MA

The North Shore’s most popular address for maintenance-free

retirement living.


North Shore



Gibraltar Pools™RT. 1, TOPSFIELD978-887-2424

FREEComputerizedWater Testing!

& Spas

“God is Love” 1 John 4:8

[email protected] 56 Central Ave., Suite 307, Lynn

Eddy Staco

Inmigración Hablamos Español

781-477-9100 66 Washington St.Marblehead, [email protected]

Patty’s Pet CareLOVING CAREfor your precious animals Patty Carter(978) 778 - 4221


Get Your First Day FREE when you mention this ad.

Murphy Funeral Home85 FEDERAL STREET

SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 01970www.MurphyFuneralHome.com


(781) 631-8885 (978) 744-0497


Greg Prentice, Field Agent, FIC978-969-1672 • [email protected]


Marie Bishop REALTOR ®

978.766.3533 [email protected]

A Donation of $100 by Marie will be made to the St. John the Baptist/St. Thomas Collaborative for any Sale resulting from this Ad

We’re Perfecting the Art of Superior Care.

90 Lindall Street • Danvers, MA978-777-3740


Compassionate care is our top priority

Senior Discounts Available20% Discount for Senior Citizens


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A Decision Made Together That Will Last Forever

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(978) 977-040385 Main Street Ste 1, Peabody




[email protected] Newbury St-Rt 1 North,

Peabody, MA 01960(978) 535-6004 Rosaries from Flowers

“Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One”

841 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876

(978) 851-9103