3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) e-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by government Academic Year: 2015-2016 Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Department Year of Award Dr. D. Rajasekar Indian Council for Social Science and Research AMET Business School 2015-2016 Dr. Anitha R Warrier Department of Science & Technology Physics 2015-2016 Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited Mechanical Engineering 2015-2016 Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited Mechanical Engineering 2015-2016 Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited Mechanical Engineering 2015-2016 Dr. N. Manoharan Government of India & Department of Science & Technology Mechanical Engineering 2015-2016

3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

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Page 1: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

e-copies of the grant award letters for research projects

sponsored by government

Academic Year: 2015-2016

Name of the Principal

Investigator/ Co

Investigator (if


Name of the Funding agency Department Year of


Dr. D. Rajasekar Indian Council for Social Science and


AMET Business

School 2015-2016

Dr. Anitha R Warrier

Department of Science & Technology Physics 2015-2016

Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam



Engineering 2015-2016

Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam



Engineering 2015-2016

Dr. N. Manoharan Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam



Engineering 2015-2016

Dr. N. Manoharan Government of India & Department of

Science & Technology


Engineering 2015-2016

Page 2: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government



,l\\\,\\\.5Y.Revathy vishwanathnsrlutri"'t Director l/c (RF)

'',:tri 26716690,,:


20 t 5- 161RpRDated: 01.02,201.6.

AMET lJniversitY,1.35, East Cclasl" Road,1.35, East L0a5[ Kudu t .

[inrtf,rt, Cherrnai-603 t I2 (TamllNadu)


Derar $ir,


* .\. 1.. \ _/. I

\\ Y('J.j!

, 3. The ICSSR 'ha'$,. sanctioned. iRrp.*t ten lakh only) for the' oh-ove

released as,follows: ,i

a grant'in-aidresearch Proiect


Rs, 4,00,000/'

Rs. 2,00,000/-

-.-.-'Rs, 10r00/000/-

Flrst installmetit:'I


$econd lnstallment:,+


Final lnstallmentir


* The break-up budget adproved b-rl the ICSSR of Rs'

Universitv u/s 3 of UGC Act. 1$56)

Kar;.-,iii l-i5, Frt;t ;'n,15i ff14ri


i0,00 is enclosed.

I v't.,


Research (IC$$R) consicJered the

D R.aiasekar/ As$oclate Professor'

fis,'East Coast Road, Kanathur,





Page 3: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

a)Iftheschedule/que$tionnalreforelicitln'ginformationisagperstandardquestionnainu,'*,,jr[-*irr r.ru* to b; $ent to fcssn imm€diately,

b) if the schedul'e /questionnalre for eliciting .information are to be designed

afresh l<eep,tn,g in vlew the requlri'",',,*ni* Ofl tfre pr6jectr these will have to be

,*nt to tfre tiisn *iinin a period of six months ln any case'

6, The second installmeht would 'be reledsecl 'on recelpt Of lhe t2 rnonthly

p,rogress. rep.rt on in* proje'ct. to be $ubmlttecl by the ProJect Director in the

prescribed format (enclosed), ana uinlpi* tt'i**tnt of **p*ndit'ure duly certlfied by

the afflliatlng lnstitution'

.-i,,--^-Lr'^,rilr.16:thereceiptof[h0fotlowing7. , The Flnal installrnentrlwlll -be reloased only att'et

documents under rure I,,0(p) of thel.6l[Research Grants and acceptance by the


a) The final Report on the rCIsearch proJqcl (ln dupllcat'e) ln a publlshable form'

4, The First installment ofreceivlng the grant-ln-ald bill

Directorlas weli as the afflliating

5. In ca$e' the studY.involvesquestionnaires (5 coples). destgneo to

ai per the followin,g schedulol

d) The audited statementutilizatlon certlflcate in



the approved grant-in'aicl witl be released after

dulv filled ln, stomped ancl signed by the ProJect

organization, (GIB already recelved)'

survey research, the l'inalized schedules/

*lilit'iriroimation should be sent to the ICSsR'


project report ln" dupllcate ln 2'000"5'000b) A short surnrnarY

'of thewords.

c)$uchdataorirrforrnationrelatinglotheresearchpt.oJectas"' ;;ir']. icssn for preservati0n in its Data Archives'nray be asked for






tY qU'"l:^'Il1

of accourrts for all expenditure incurred together with'


e)Astatemeltof.asse.lscostlngoverRs.,l00/-.andcredltoutofthOprojectfunds, such assets are requirei io rrl*- donatecr ro the affiriating organization

after cornPletion of the Project'

B. The Director of the ,research project will be DT. D Rajasekar' Who wlll be

responsible for its completlrrn wlthln io'l,tonttls from the date of commencement of

the project, which ;;;5 n"lli"tv 2016 as intlmated by the scholar'

g,incase,theProject,Directordoesnol-submittheperioclic/firralprojectreport'a$ per scheclute with adeiquate :"ttin.-i[',

-int scholar may be debarred frofi

uuriiing urr fuirr* finahcial'assistance f'rom ICSsR'

ffii'11{.jlf^^ii',Ac ADEMY * fti-?'ii; 1ff tp[tt',

^:ll'ultli#,i*li;*[XlriiT{H".xl'-;r"nutJl]bos r r::' clrenni:r


Page 4: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government



i 0 *. n',, *'.li: $;f fi,eX ;Xl nf: ** * l'J B?t' l'3;' t'T t'li'8'il i l1

pirticutar^wlth rere -., r,1\r rrrm conform,lrr'#i',ii

iiHitffi ,%:,:d,;i\i1r#filrtrid'J?ll ],., l&?ii:I:".

?,l'ff":i#.t ;iltclown tn (rle r**'-'-' *^ I -* -uti'" w:ryY{,.isgsr.arg

12 rhe exnen!fg%J,i-$[. ;l:11[\ dd;153i"'[!:i?': i:t:''1i:o'uii.gtu*'"ut n*tt

,-^ ^mnrrnr of sranr sanctioned l:j:llr;'-:?.t:;i ;ffi-J:lr JiT,{:'l:l ;"i}::"I:}.J[?i,,h-Tid'-tuyllttiiliiii utitlzed b

: _ t'''ri1\it[ftHllffi],'ffi,[qiih$L'+3,,]f;:|,[T:T]i,::r*:



fi '"- i -. same has be9[l >r:truLrvr'-J,.tt',U gfantee Wlll lrc rvYv"

tcr rz, *,ni^ the sttpula*9 ryl':;if ioiu.-pur annumr'- / ith interest thereor,r ' " qrant wltrl rrrL*t ugs '" yours/$th,fullV,

l) r.l r,n*UyIJuK'ru[/r' (R'evatltY viifr*ariHtt''')

.l ioi rq*mutr SecretarY

Encl: as ahove

CoPY uor


\.)rr' J ,{\, loYP'\-..

lkl+t*:#:m.,tTf:#:lti"'ll'*;'or- - ^il;;th;;, chenneii-6CI 3 1 12

(TamllNadu) ;

Finance Branch, t'bSSn' New Delhl


Record file ',,,, .ii. :,



3, , ,I{




b$.rypRegistrdr i tc


f Oir,rtO h be Univers '/' 3 of UGC Act' 1956)

'--- - # 135, Ea,st " )lst Roaci'

Kanaihur- 6os t r 2, chennai' tndia'

' r' I'

Page 5: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


Anlta R Warrl.er <anltawarrlEr2@gmai l'com >

Mon, MaY 2, 2016 at 12:29 PMMaqesh l(K <nrs-.pm@serbonline'in>"[email protected]"@irnsva02'cdacnoida' in


($tatutory Bocly Estobllshcd Through an Act of Parllsment I ssRB Act 200S)

Sclsnce and Engineerlng Research Board' 5 & 5A' Lower Ground FloorVasant $quare Mall$ector"B, Pocket'5

Vasarlt Kuni' Naw DElhl -'110 070


tl,. .)*rr:-hcuec Lt/ ? 0J0-/-q"0!"{0{

Dated: 02-MaY*01s



Dear Dr. rlnlta R Warrier,' .,

Tho project cited above has been-approved by,$elence and Enginoering Researc[ Boarcl (sERB) for funding' The

fo*owing are the ,pp,or*fit",i,":ior i periocl rf ffiy;il ;s'pr6poseU'ihe final budget to be sanctioned wottld be

;;;;JJn il"tatloni recnivecJ, existing norm$ stc'

Tho comm.lttqti rocommsncled the fotlowlng budget

Manpowcr : Project Asslst*nt'l x.'Equipment Detalls : As ProPosed-> Vacuunr furnace '1.> UV.V|s $Pectrolneter " 1

C( 'nables :As ProPosod'Irau.. I Cost : A,$ Por normsr. $$encles I As Psr norm$OvCrhead : Ae Per norm$

you ars nclwrequestoclto upload the lowest quotation for equlpment/*.(including frelght' insuranc0' custom$ charges

etc., rf any) ancr sarary $iuJiuie ror trre p*i*it *triii;;ir;i'"$i unn, t tioi.rl B6neflts, ll appllcable etc') at tho earlicst

so as io enable us t, islui u.,*liiranciar,.san"tion, abrrttti"nl" stating ilat eny visit abroaclfor a poriocl nroro thon eight

**"frn would be uncrerta-r<in-afie;JF ierrnission from SERB, may also be suhmitted'

Kindly upload RTGS cletails of the imptementing institute to facilitate,transfer of the fund as per the template' Kindly

quote tha referencs number ln all future "ou*rplnJ*n.".

rnq proJect's refersnce no' ECR/2016/000404 may also be


Yours sincorelY,

(Dr. Magosh K K)

Email: nrs-Pm@serbonll no.in

Dr, Anlta R Warrier

rs ://rnal l.google,comlr:rr nh/u10/?iri'2&i k' 0o0foa0f29&vlew* pt&q= m s

rar il(Deemed ro be Universiry u/s 3 of UGC nct. rbSOi'

# 135 tr;rql'r'-'...,o+ tr^^r'- ' -.-r





Page 6: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

Of Maritirna Eclucntion Anci Training , 5107, H2, Zncl Avenue, 1st Floor' Anna Nagar' Chennai'Tamil

t***l***r**********,*ir LEGAL DISCLAIMER **rt**'**('i*i'

sERB is now on socierl-Meclia. l(indly follow u$ orr "fwitter: @serborrline llttpsr:/lwww,twittt:r'corrrlsr'rrbonlinel

llris is a systsm generrated information arnd does not roquire any signature.This E'Mail may contain Confidential and/or

egally privilegeO tntonnat]J, ,"6 ii **rnt ior ttre tnienJeOrecipient(s) only' lf you have.reeeived this e-mail in orror and

rre not tho inrencrod *ripi"ri'[, r,iroi5,'rriiiv rsat t.ro@n*rbonline.triancitnen delote this s-mail irnnrediatoly from your

rystem, Any unauthorizecl review, usb, disclosu*, oiril*in"tion, forwarding, prlnting or copylng of this email or any

rction taken in reliance on flris c-mail is strictly piorirrrli*cr.rnu may be untawtut. lnteinet communications oannot be

rrraranteecl to be tirnely,s*"rir*,-*i or virus"f'r'e!. fne senoer does not accept any.llabllity Ior any error$' omis$lons'

iffiH;;;;nr;.,i* pi'l,r,r*rns experierrced by lny recipienl ab a result of this e-mail'

t* t****.***li** ***,*t* * *** i**t****'r**r*****t*** ***** t**t I * r'l*** * * t*


Please do not roPlY to this mail

lr. : , t '';.,


w6i'leRegistr ar/itc


3 :' I;ij'i icl' i3i6)

Kandthur-603 1 ,ri.r.







^Wtr,J$t".W:',i: $Tlluff







Page 7: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government






I ftR Date; f 'l .03.201 ti

t$.9$a--_l_l-", _-_l


cTKSrq ;{rfBtfirq frrqo f*'mr 1BfttsBTTAIT ATI YA N AI}T Titrfl YA \i IT}VI ]1' N T GA"M I", IMI {I] [}(&TXH {I{dIf{ i6I51Till'l A fioverntnent ol'lrrdia tulntcrprise)

6i;(lJEtFrt/ Kalpakkarn ^ 603 102

E"fit tf. rl fSrr,fi (a"ft :lrqlg) / K a n c h e e p u ra nt D t. 0 N )

riuq'ilNo.BI-lAVi Nt/CSRA/V0/201 6

flEI TI Io

Dircctor fi.escarcho

M/s. AMET'{Iniversity135, East Coast Road,

Ktn*thur, Chennai-603 t 12


frrmSub: Conductimg rlyarcness campaign for cleantrincss (Swaohh llharath) /nuclear cnsrgy through cycle rally & conducting vanious cnmpetitiomsim schonls and clcaning of vilhges around ISIIAVINI sitc under the dl$fi.$cherne.

dErt net: Appr.oval Notc.

l?n ntrku Dear sir,

Your oflbr fbr"lhe above mcntioned rvork submitted by you hlrs becn acoepte<l

lbr and on behall' o1' thc BlIAltA't'IYA IYAIIHIKIY,A VIDYUT NIGp,MLIMIT'IID 0IIIAVINI) (A Oovmnmcnt ol lnclia finterprisc) by rhc Com,petentAuthority for a total value of R.s. 2,60,0001 (li.upees Two l,akhs Sixty 'l'housand

Only) as per the schcdule of quantity & rr.rtes enclosed hcrewith.

t.{} SC()FE OF.wo&Ki'I'he lbllowing public awareness progirams under Swachh llharath to lrs conducted.

1. Awareness catnpaign otr Nuclear llnergy / Cleaniiness tlrrough cyclc r:ally)

around BI{AVINI sitc covcring minimurn 2f Km radially.2. Conducting various cornpetiiiorrs in schools loeaterl around ttrc Ill'lAViNi sitc

about nucle.]r encrgy ancl cleanli[e:;s,3. Cloaning of villages around IlI-IAVINI site as pcr thc Of{iccr's instmotion.

Villagcs nrrme will be inlbrmecl by BIIAVINI CSR commitree.Note: i. Cycles, Uniform 'I"-shirts & Caps, refi:cshmcnts, notices, banncrs, etc {br

cyclo rally shoultl be a,rrauged by the university.ii, Innugural and linislting lunction fonnalities siroul<{ bc amangeel by thc'

univers;ity 0s pcr the BIIAVII{[ instruction.iii. l)rizes tirr oornpetition winners will bc in the scopo of M/s. AMlil'I)niverrity.

rior't nxo rnANtllcA0ADEMY oF Mlllly: rDU,qIYII lY 'l',i;,::.;;

(Deemed to be Un''rq'' + 1'1r. I

f r'l

t/ )'ill

Page 1 ofJ



Page 8: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


iv' Neccssaty consutnatrles, persona.l protectivri ecluiprnents tcx. clcnning iheviilages will be the university scope


only requirecl lechrrical inputs and rcsource personnel lirr thc cornpctitions & otherprogranlrnes will bc given by RILAVINI,

IrrrrRrop os wgBlft I

'lhe period orco,duoting the al,ove'program is witirin (0tr) one Momth.


All statutory lcvics such as Incomc tadwc'l' ili applicahle shali he cle4lctcd fr,m ynurbills' Pertuanent Accortnt Numtrer (PAN) issued by Incomc 'I'ax Authority shall besuh[ritted along witir your bill ancl applicable TDS r.vill be dedr.rcteil at the prevailingratc in force' seruice J'ax at the applicablc ratcs witl be paid on procluction of proof of111*"o'niade

to conccmed authorities by frrmishilrg scrvice Ttrx Registration no. t<:rlnailcc.





s.0 TEIRMS. OF prl.y&,tElriT,i.

t00% of payment after cornpletiorr conclut:ting(Srvachh Bharath) / nuclear encrgy throughcompctitions in schools unr! clcaning ol,villagesschcrne as psl' the seheclute of. quantity biiscdcliarge .


lhe contraclor has to maintain the safbty practices chrrirrg the entire tenurc of contractancl he has to obey thc griidclines given by i"jlC.

TO fUIfiIi thE PROJECT CONTMitNTENI ICIWATCIS RNVIRONMI]N"I AT, MANAGIIMEN fSYSI'Eh{, thc contractor shaller$Lue the lbllowing.l) The contractor shall snsurc thc optirnum utilization r:f thc resourocs i,e. water,cnergy, tircl and ruanpower etc.2) 'I'he oontractor shall make all cft'orts to minimize the waste generation in theproce$s of the exccution of thc job,3) 'rhe contractor shall ensure that ali applicable lcgal ancl other Reqgirementrelated to Environmenl.al Protection ancl Poilution prevcntion are co*plieclwith.,,l) J'he contractor. shalr enoouragc the cnvironment benign method,s whilecxecuting the job.


{Deemed to be Univer"r:'' .l: I o' iliil# 135. Fr''' rr,'')"


a,vvarene$s camtrlflign lcr cleanlinesscycli: rally & conducting various

arounll IIHAVINI sire undcr the CSI{on the certiflication ol. Lingincs: [n-

&)Page 2 ol'3




Page 9: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

8.0 (]B)t{INtrtAL.




'fhanking yorf

T'he work shnll bc camied out strictly in acoorrlanue wiljr thc l;ernrs, c,onditir:rns auclspecificatioils ns stipttlaterl in thc teniler docurnent in lhc br:si vuorkrra, likc *ran,c,.You shall cmplol' ancl maintain quarifiecl workeru rin thr: job, ut olr ti,n*u.Atry additio0a,l guittelines given iry }jl-tAVINI Managemer; fi;* finre to {.ims arc

"t.rbc adhcrecl.Exccution olwork. if,rny clanrage has bcen donc by Llic contr{rctor.{.o RllAViNI,sprclperty. thc amount of damager will he recovereci {i:om the bills,

PIeasc ackn.wle dge receipt and acceptance o [' lrris work rx.rlcr.


Yours lilirh{'ully,I;r'rr ancl on hehalf o{'t}l{r\VlN{

(Mornbcr Secretary)

lirrcl: Schedule of qLrantitics & ra.te

xfltft1'il Cc:

r) ACIM 0-rR)2) AGM (frqA)

. 3) Iihri,R.ttamanavasu_ AC,II(il*)-CSR Cornrnittee

(Deemed to be Universrl'' /s r ol UCC ;\' I 1956)

# '135, lli '?

r--. i'

.,;1*;:.','.,/ r''S.6lanesas r,/l/rL

Project t)ngilleer ('['[r)

Karr.iir,':; '\'. .'

Priple .l ol'3

Page 10: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

N*\MI4 ()Ii'WOI{I(: corrdurting nwancmcss c**mpaigm filr crcantri*css (riwacfuIallharuth) / nuclcar e*$rHy thnougrr cycr* rrnily dk c,riduc!:imgvarious

-cu*p*titilr*s im scrro*rs or,rr *r*u,ii*g *r' viililgesfirounmcl }II'{z\Vf I\{ sit$ undsr ttre CS} . schclitc"

UnitD tlty '*T'.-----'--'"

M/s. AlVIfl"I' Univcrsity

r 40000


(ti.upees T'wo f,atri.lrs Sixty tr'housamrl Only)


{Deemed to be Universrt,T ,:/s 3 of ilGC Ac 'i,rii;)# 135, East ,, r.rst Roar.i,

Kanathur - 603 I i.:, Chennai, incira.

Cloncluctingcarrqraigri fbr nuclcarclea,nlirless (Swachh

rnergy /Bharath)

rally &.

viiriousconrpetitions in schools,

Cleaning of viilages arounclBI'IAVINI site hy removingunwanted m&lerials in thostrcets, IiunigaLion etc,

Ilrojcct trnginocr ('fP)


Page 11: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


ift. h. ffiqpa 1 B.K. Chennokeshovor{6rr arFFiffr (*.fi) / chief Englneei 1mrt Sl,lt-to E-moll lD : bkc bhqyinl@iqcor.,qo.y_,ig

drqai4g,,. U IIA VIN I tC F,(r'py Wo / 400A 0 / Z0 141 q 1 B

tt=n fr't'otVI /s. AMItr'tr' u rnivorsity,135, ffiast Const ftoaetr,

I(aranttrlllr,(ltaenrnni 6{}3112-

Notc: Flease subrmit the pcrt'rrnlm&nco gururamtoo lvittrim-l0tlays lrom thc rlrto rf issuc of WO, witr;h vntrirlity of20 momths.

'fho ratcs quclteci

shall be lir:m frr thecontraot.

!.No\ | \ ,.2.-


o',*6q'cmm$tsf &eu,rgrf,tarrf,IfrAB

BIIAITAI]IYA NAI&IIK[YA \/tr'DYI'lI' MGAM LIMIT]ND(effif ls{E;I{;Iilf{qe{/ A Governmeut of Indin trnterprise)

E-'qrrf{fiq/ Kalpakkrm - 603 I02

EFdY$I Bdr 6rft mny Kanchcep urarrr trr.(ltN)

frq' Phone:044 " 274S0992044-274&0900 Extn: 38$$4

flrru tox No : 044 - n748098sq'lsHq cell no: 944313'trt$l

ftF) Dat": 0L.I2,.ZAI4





!Y(},&K o&$glt,l\$ : I$gMl"Njll$fl[q0$gfx"S

fl"qq' Iiub: Corrosion prcvcntion a.ncl rnultipoint rnitignLiur mcthodologics lbr stfllct.Llro, systenisancl components ol' FBR-.t&2 ancl in pnrt,iculilr oorosi<ln sludies on oourx.ott:structures of NICI] cxposecl to saline atrnosphcre.

rtq'rt net r*FdA\/[]vr/pFtr]RITD /fiW/2ql1,dt/{rn.6 $pcnnee{ {}m rl}4. (.n.2014

&T *,rdt{-q.l)ear sir,

Your ofl'er'Ibr the above rnentioned rvork suhur:ittcrJ by you on {}4.II.2$I4 has hr:orracccplr:<I lbr antl on bchalfl of thr: I]I':I.AI],4'I'[1|A NA"I]I"IIKiYA vll)yu1' NIGAM LlMlll:il )(lrllIAVINI) (A ooverrtmcnt of lnclia Linlcrprise) by thr: Cornpctcnt A,utlority li:r 1 t.tal valuocrl'[ts'9r53,575/' (I{rupecs hlimo },akhs {rifty l['ha'*e T]n;ruuslumttr lltivc Fnurmelrctl annrX lir*vo*tyfflivc only) ur f*,, thc schedule of quantity & r:ntcs rmclrseri hsroivith.

'l"ho anrounl inclioatecl ahove is cxclusivc r:f $e.nui,:r: 'i'nx. Scr:vice 'l'a.x at. th* *ppli*r[:ir,rates r'vill be paid ott procluclion ttf pxrof ol pnyurcnL nilcLi: to conccrncd alth.ri{:ies *,d h;,Iirrni.shing yr:ur licrvico 'l'ax l{egistmrtion no. to l}llAVI}Il lijnancc licction.

by you tltt conlract hasis of this sper;ilication is in lumpsum Sssis nltlvalue of. wnrh orcler. Iiscalaticn clause is nr tlt is


(Deemed to be Universit'r rr/s 3 of UGC Acl' 1 956)' ft i3q, r n' ,i,i,l,(...,., r .r,:,.i.

Wonh ()reler I'{o.

I)ugc I o1'6



A/c. Coele.

$tr. Coafc

iiT' * tri,m % A12.36%

Page 12: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government



tic{}P}i (}$ w()xRK:

'['ire scope of work is brought ottt below.

An'eer of rc$earch px'oposec{ to be cmrn"[ed out

Corrosic"rn o{'roinltrrcing stcel is onc ol'tho most imprirlnrtt and widcly prevalent monacc

toacling to deteriorati<ln of concretg strtlcttlfe$ in tniuine environment' Fligh

p*rroribility gf ooncrete, constfttction ctelbcts, inadequntc clepth covot'allow thc ingress

ol. salt and mr:isture into tho concrcte. 'The high concentratiotr o[ salt aud moisture

acccler*te the corosiou ol'steel ancl enltance thc deter:ioredion o{ concrete'

lior thc concrete struotures, the key lbcus will bc on tlte permo'rbility stttclics'

Sitc survey, cletailed study of existing structrtrg$, d*pioymcnl of .rescar<:h

{'cllows to

cipryogt extensivc rcsearch ancl litcrtrturc survsy, cxporimcntal studics and afialysis, $itc

spcoi lic rcooruJnendations as linal orltcotno.

Details of t8ne strtrctures urlrlcr sturly'lihe avcr*ge exposecl area o{iconcrel.e structure of Nuolear Island Conncotcd l}uilctings

0',llCB) is 93 m X S3 m X ?5 m (n,Xi lG0 thrOughout cxOopt rsactor.containment

buildirig rvhioh is 54 rn in heiglrt anrl accounts to 29tn exposecl area other tltan thc





PflI$OD ON{ W$RI(:I'he work shall be uornpleted in all rcspoct$ within ll{}start 0f thc wodr ordor. "t'he date ol' s{tirt of wclr{< wiltissue <ll'w<lrk ol'tlcr,






(li'*m) lVI.orlths li:om thc date ofLr" r*"t on*d l}om llrr; 7tl' daY oi


Seourity deposit 8A U)% of contraot value lds.95,35ti/- 1.trtupecs 'llwo Lnhhs 'I'wenfy

S$von '[6ogs*lxnc! T'war Ffirlnelnoct omly) shnll bc split into lbllowing two parts'

a) 50%o security clcposit (i.c) IR"s,47,679/- shoulcl br: subrnittecl in tLre ftrrm ofpcrfirrmernce'guzuantec within 3Odays fiom the clate ol issue of'work order' Ths

perti:gnnnce luarantee shoulcl .*rrnin valid up to contraot peritlcl pltrs clcl'ecl

, iiubility periocl. i.c. valid up to 14 rnonths & claim period of 6 nronths. i.e. for20rnouths.

b) IJalance 50% securily cleposit (i.c) II^s.47,6T9/- wili be treated as retention

money and reooverccl from rurndng bill (D 60/o of [:ill valuc till th$ total valuc is

reachetl. 'llhe rctention money recovcrecl wilt b{, rr:tttrnecl to thc oonl,ractor altcr

onc month fi:orrt the clarc of issue of complction ccrtificate. eDh.-[/"

D,l .. A.aDEMYorfiflllii:'ffi)i:liyliflp (Deemed tote^unlo"'.,',r-,*,

Foad,,^-^-L,i""hi" i rl. chr:rrnar, lndia'

Page 13: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


:ffi:f:fil,i{lil?Lfllff,l:rynclccr ro rrro conrr:aoror aner one mtxrth rio,,r r,rrc trarc:

***; '* "m:.,:,ffi

H*ff :iri.,,, ;ry:,i ['ft l*il*rjilh*# iiAfterthe cxpiry <l{'the Dc{bctsliabihtypcri.tr t.ri'thr.ce *rorrths, trrc barirrcc anror,t.r.'secr'rrity depo'sit i'e' the l"ilirr,rruu"e dnar*tec srrorl rr- ,rn .ii.oiy tn* rhrginoer"i.-charge to thc contraot.r iln**u*, il auy *orr* ,**uir* ," u***-*r*n, llre .ringincer-ffiHilf:

srrarl wirhrrricr^ir,- estirnarc<r"""rr'"r u,lr,t-;;fiffi; work unril ir is

,,1'-n INCOME TAx:All statutory lcvics sttch as Incgle 'lirx / wcT as appricarrre srrafi hc crcrrrrctoci li.ornyour hills' Pcrrnatrettt a"*ou,rt,nu,rrt*.1.rariii*r**

rry r--,r-r-"i.x ALrthority sha,ffJliflffi: ar*ng 'ih ;il'il,r an,L afl,i; j.*iJ ii** *'i rr* ,r*a;;J; at rrrc prevairing

7.A "[ERI\{S OF I}AYMXIN tr.:

,l?i,/;,,1i fi?i[ii}i ,Xfll,,l[-:-"asetr rn co,rprerion r;r] wc,rrr ancr ccrriricarion or

hlofCI: fmcoralo 'n'ax rend stafultory trevf;es witrfl rhe c{eciu,,*{,ccl nt soux,c* ns appticn'tre.l.{} LAIiOUR LtrCtrNC[i] & INSUIRAIVCtr-{ }rOX,ICy:lletirrc c'nrploy,rent of labour {br the rv,rk, tt * i-ut r,c10r.slrall ohtai* I,atr,Lrr Licenseil'rhc nurnb<'i nr'-rrrrrr*.* l*,*irr..*,rrpi"yf.i'i *i.*.*t n, I9, liorn Assisrant l,abourcl.ntrrrissitxrer (I"N)' ,l-*ii"iti'j:ir"j

t.n,,,ri,"-ril{l*bour:. i, atkriiion ro rhc nbrvc:,;liffi::i:: ff x:l;lmelill#ffiLffi.1 i,., r r, *,vork and tho varicrity.,r;h;

{} fftvlpfl,oyn]xs f,]f{OvtmltrNi[, fi,u]\f):Yorr shall ".,1r,lr,ll-yith v,rri,,r,, provisions ol. the

l.?;,Ti,:T,],ff! te^70 .,i,r ii.,i._ ri,,n*,r-i,*;_";,;; ;:;i,,[l,i,ll,l;,,11:_i:l,,ll:;:,,#n,'gir;*r-;r-;,rdfiidffi;t"rpprv..,,, /our''r'clnizarin,i"r*,"*ruu,ir

iuri,r,nrc rhe'lt'];';!ililr1r-,1tI;ffi ;ffi{lf ffil,l..,i,:ill,:ff i",:iviililillb.,iiil*fiilT

req,ir:cct ; ,Yr,l'i Iitil*lt; lrJ*, llPt

^***-'.x*ity a-,

^r,i i,,-,,*, on,orrNr israws, and *iiavrrvi ,;,iilil,;il,ffi',lii::ff};,;I*ljilj,;*rff,;;,l,ol or *,*,,,,r,,,,,

t) sAlltrx'x.v:

Jhc oonfrzrctor Jras t0 ,

<;cntract and hc has toOno safety supei:visorcorlr.se ol.contraot.


l:l-*t*:*:' ,I,,:ille rhc crrrirc r*n*o .I.ciiut shall bc ovait I

- r I rLrr DirIUr'y 8roup.al)lc fll si[e rlrrring thc

'en by.IlIC and III:IAVINI safiety group.

,iuii)(Deemed to be University u/s 3 of UGC A,:r. ir


Page 14: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

f I"0 sfic,[][&l[,v:lllhc r,york sitt'eSulations ,,

c ts t'cstrictctl area

arrd ulit ,,1' l"n" bY (lo,rPctcnt

scrou.ity. Personnel' velticle,

itntl yorl slrlll fiavcAurhoriry [ffiil; to corriply with all thc rules a,clfl:aterials and ourel

*:::i:lt regarding entry, contluctr lnattcrs rclatcrl [o secrccy trriclt2.0 T,[IRh4S & c()NI)rTI0N.s:

I ) No.officc acconllno<lflt ion ,,,,r r,...^ _rr.wrl.l be proviclecl.

lntion arrcl hanclling lacilitios likc crane2) ,l: :1,'.,:r",o,"*r,ou,a have his "-- ;;-;,""':::::

",," at BHAVINI site

R- ifl Ii^? [:, JL"; :,-t yi cii,;;-' ;ill:t" il:ix::,,' i: Ii; -',ffi ,r ;ffilI]f ,il:ih 1) rrrec'rirci;ilil;l,li,:;:l,lll;:T:;;:J,,,, -".,/(

4) 'r'he,crrrirc ,.il;;,r;'ffi:',t:',.,';i-|j.,t#il,i: ttre sari.srirorion,r'rurgirrcer i' crrarge.safetyaspccts.

!"r*trtlr bc c.rtrplctcd within rrr" rripriat,ro'ru;r" c.nsr1for.jr,*.ililc5) ct;h";::ltt:r 'as

t, .*iurge ari tirb pors.nn] hrr\r.,\"-r,- - -'''r"ruvrrttg itl'l lI

(,) .,,'.ITl,r',,o:' *,;1,#;'[flJlLxil* l;X,l-i;*:ccrive cquipmenrs (p'Ji) r,<cI)trircror'as r, obcy rire *,,i.rliirr* gTrjJ,, u, rrr" nlravlNI s,Ibry * *r".

'I "1.{} IINVIR(}NIVIfr]\T

EAANAGEI\{U]YT':'l'o fLlfill (hc t,llOJIl"., "u,,

,u,:,1,,.,.^-conlr:acr.r _i,, i ill]l:ly r co.mnrirnrcn r rowartls IlI) ,IT.1-ni"il onsurc thc lollowi.g. -ttvirotttttcntal Mana

*,,::.:"ry.o"*' -r,,,ri ill',fiiil. opri'ruur ,,, ,;,,:;::'-i::*'u**tttcnt

svsteru' the

2) iiliJY"#,#"#f;fl,fil,{.;i|i;:;;;*;,ff:;"{csources i e w;r'lor'

pro:gss o{ithe execution of.t}re .iob. tnininrize the waste generatitxr i, the3) Tht

,.,u ".,*rrr.ct<lr shali *rru,,o"_r.i,rii all apr4) ,nx,ll, ,.,ni,,ui*n,ffiil:It:;il,,11.i1]:fitlf

;,:#:,,ili;i ;"jT:.:._:uire,nenr,,,".;,1,1.'t"tctor shall orcourogo r'r,.

",,"jr"rr,*rrt rrcnig;;ffir;ff fiTll;Xj,ij,t$.0 AC{rr{niMftlA{lt-:

Yrltr will c.\(:rrrrte i, r^--._. ,

,r.rtcr. ouull,ll'1" a forrn*l itgreonre'r wirh BI.Iav

dcat wiltr u,rl'l.l l:qr,*rr"J-r"'?"iinrettt with BI"IAVINI wirhin 7 <!ays.f'rcccipr rhe w'r.klruirttcrs, r;i;;,i;*'l',lTi:::,*,.ilH- .r rtrc *,,rr,u,ir",, l,iil*",,oriv<; who wiJr

I1'thc conll.ilclrlr {:oit. i^,egrcct.s 1., '"tt"

{ails [o cotnnlele thc work or n,

ffii*[],,ffi iffi [i,ti"-j,ffi *l*},ffi ,, ],'r",;#,tili#sttsritirt bv'casti,s;i[dffii;,F,l,ll;I,,:1,,fli1"*" which ,r,."".,,r,,i,,i1,,, ,,,n, incur 'rI (r o [urS[^M -.,,Ifu



(D":med to,beuu^Hti 1;'l:1i"ifi; ;,

Kanathur - 603 112, Cltt,:nrt;ri, ,;


Page 15: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government




15'1 The wor:k shall bc on*icd cut'strictly in accorcrance rvith trre tcnns, r:oncliti.rrs 'ncriffi fi:il'ffi ,1; :lfli ll ::l*,,p,';:;;x ;'ff ;*

lil_ih:i :,,I;l*,I,,, irie r na n n c r

15'2 Any additi*nnl grriclelines given"by I3HAVINI Manergom.,rrt liom timc t. tirne arc t. rreIs'3

fiX,ffi.t1Xll[:1X.*- as per Go,eral ooncririons.f'cr:nrrerct given in {rrc scction [v or.t s 4

ffi:;;l#.,H*, lJ; ffi#}ff *::-mffii,i,,1,r,,,,|i,cc,n,racror r, r]r.iAVrN's

t( llt $;T'ffil:-lH--:.}T

ffD) whc'; wi, bc the ringinccr-irr-crrarse or.rris wr:ilt,c<tnsultaiion wirJr r:r*rr--J-r;SilfiT*nts lcrr "*,rurr*n,,L* ir,-t',,*r,: irnr,ecriaroly ir:

rlrease acJffi'wrecrge rcccipt and acccpranoe ,f rrris r,v,rk or<Jer.'l'hnnking you,

yours lairhfi,lly,Iior antl on bohali. c)1. IllJAVlNr;

t*.r*o u, *rll* * Jl| -nl*''jlt '\. rncI: Annoxurc_ficheclule of clrianl.itics anci rates.rl?[?-rf] r'". t) rlD(o) ,ililirrform,riou

2) AGM(I I]T)3) acina $;&A) / t;M fir&A) Works * i) with


4)tlnginecrin-Chargc (Ir&Is) work.

5)lrlannilrg Sjcction6)Shri.It. (i. Rangasarny S OiD(l D)7)Irile.

Ctrniqrf' nNmgimeer (,['n]& dp)

a sel oi'cq:ics r:flcadinp, lo i,nvarrl ol.

) i'ii,'\il,ilNG

(Deemed to,be Univers;,, ,ls.i r,;i i..riL Act. 1956)

# 135, East Coast Road,Kanathur - 603 1'12, Chennai, lndia.

Page 16: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


' .dnnexure

W"*lc C| *,u,0,,, ,,d'


.salirre atmosphcrc.

sC il mlvL& oF" ()UANTX rrxis, (q-I.{AT..qS

(: uol'r',sittut grnevcrltirt* *rnd *-lliysiy"* , mi{ign{ion nrcth,t!ologics fbnstructrrrc, sys{'orrns $mc} cormp**o*to *r'ri'[}x{*n-\Lz.;;;ii* pn.trourar cornnsionstruqlies ou ccrncr.ot,u struaguun e* of. rvlCi* cr:rp6s*d t";il; irtrnosphcrc.

13 I [AV]NI/pF,I]Rrrn]/sp/2014/$ I 6



:. "_:_Amloumt.im words: ([tup*cs Nimo s'n{chs trli{'(y'{'hnee ]flhoua$*lmc{ xrivo In*nrrned rnd sevo*tyIlive omtry)



(lonusiou stu<lics on Cn,r",r*t"r,;hucturos oll NlCt] **1rrio.ri" *,i

ft*atc (trts.)

Uyl}""'/Vt-"/'r''i<f- ul'i'tt<'J[1.5 Chcn rlaricli,av*)CIr Iefl _Emgin ecr (Tp.t iI)

l-g!! e,53,575

Amreiunt (Its.)


(Deemed to be University u/s 3 of UGC Act. 1956)

# 135, East Coast Road,Kanathur - 603 112, Chennai, lndia.



Page 17: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


',1 I lil iift.] lt r,{ \i I i\i i

fim'&nrM/CI. AMIX'I uuivcrsily,135, Enst Coast lload,Kanathur,Ch$nml 6{t3tl2.

,dln Phonu: 044 . 274{10}?t044-27480S00 [xh: Jr]B J4

hq+r fux No I 0d4 - 97.i00?Sfrilar(,T Ccll no: rd4$ t3 I dt$1

f'ftltDnrcr ori.o?.?ol5

AcADEMY or r,rrnrfiir e

"!tt19l 11o^]litlXi.UAUEMI vr Nr^r rr ""'- t -,r 3 ol uGC Act. 1956)

(Deemed-to.b:1Jnll1tllyjj..", Eroacl.#iid,'E;;i'colst *o19'

. qf,. \-_7lll ti\ fi A,f tyr\ NA tril tK I yA viirv r I.r, Nt{i A M t, lvil,r,trD

(trmf m$mSf 'rq{IJf / A (,11yonrnr*nt .f Inrll* lirrtcrpl,lro)r (nfrgiiryT Kalpnkknm - 603 l0l

midtgW korr 6ft rr"rryZ Xanchccpunrnr Dt.( t.N)

ff. +. ffi{rq/ B.K. chennqkeshovo

mryt*.Ifrfr) / ctrtel Englnoer grasrl{'rnT E. tnq I I I D : h]l S- tr h-rrVlt t Lrgl[qlq.(r r" gp_y,-!t

riqlt/N o, Ir I, I A VI N t/C rt(1]'yw0/4 00 00 / 20 1 5 I 3-l

\ .,.,.,

YNotel lrlsnso *ubrnit thc porl.rrnnilncc gulturrtcc rvithinS0tltys frnm the rrntc *f rssuo uf wo, with v*rirtity of 20 rnonth*.

WoItK pnt,l trR |ggi$rldJ! rt{V$,f6!ry}!_{!/-t{

ftq'{ sub: corrosion prevention *{]Ill1],point rnitigrrtir:n nrctlurdrikrgies lbr str.ucrrure,systcms and components ollFBR-i&2 ancl in";ra*iculn,: Comosion studic1; on,.lcg..y

;i#:" expcriencins $evorc coruosion in u",r.,in ,,;;,;;,t"rt;';r*,*a ab'vo rvurcr

{ETf NET: BHAYINI/PtrB*,TryS P NOMfiII .IIPCIICEI ON 2 I . I I. ?O I,{fiq q$EirDear siq

You'r olfer fbr the above mentionecl work sulinrirtecl by y()Lr orl zt..lt"zgtd has lrc,,:,accepted Iirr and on bchalf 'I'tho,llI'IARA:tIyA i.rr\rltilKIyA vil)yu]" NIGr\M T,I,,4rrIrI)(BI'rAVNI) (A Gove'rrnent o1'India l-i,torpris.,) by thc co,r1:oic.t. z\,trror.ir.y rbr a krtar

'arrrc, :f tY:.9'5:"0004 (Rupcc* Nino Lukhs Fitty ()nc 't'hous,rd orly) ii$ por r5e s;c'ccluli: .I,' quantity & ratcs enclosetlhercwith.

1[Jtc imrount indicatcd abovc is cx.clusivr: ol'scrvicr: 'l'irx. scrvicc .L.a,x at tlio *pplicahlerates will bo paid on procluctitttt,l'proo{'o1''piiy,rcnt: r,.lcle lo ool}oo*rsci ,rrthoritics ancl 532{iuuishing yotr service Tax l{cgistraiiorr ,o. to I}TIAVINI l,i,a,cc []ecrierrr.

'I'he rates quoted by yOu on contt'aet basis oi'this sy;ecilioation is in hrrrpsunr l:asis a,r"l

::11# fi,ri {i:r the valuo ,l'w.rk orcler. usc*lati*n olausic is nor applicnble u*cicr r,his


Ilage I ol.'6

r"nuffrl]b6s 1 r 2' chennai' lndia'

Work 0rd*r No. 30{}I0lt4A/c. Cotlc. I4,1i{{)

SI. C\rtl$

ST -"Ilnr '% A NA12,36.'1,




Page 18: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

t.0 scot E 0Ir w0t{,K:'l"hc scope of w<lrk is brought out bolow,

l. Aret of rcsoarch proposcd to be crrrietl {}ut

Cornrsion of reinfbrcing slccl is ottc of rhc most inrl;oltiiut arid widely prcvak:nt lrcrl*ilolending to deterioralion o1' concrcto slrugturos iu ruarirro enviromtenl. tiig,irperntcability of concreto, bonstruction clcfi;cts, irndcquat,e clcpl.h oovcr allow tlx: iugrcssof salt and nroistt"trc into thc concrcte. 'fhc high conccnlraliou of'salt rlnrJ rnuisturc*ccelerate the crlnusion ol'slr":cl ernd cnhancc thc dctcriomtion oi'conr:rcto.

Corrosion of steel structurcs dircctly exlroscd in thc sc* water is u clrallcnging *rcn ol'rreseerch bccause of rnicr.obial connsion couplod rvitli thr.c.l typr";s of onvirouurcrrl i.e.underwater, splash zone ancl above water cach dcpicting r.uriclur: charactoristicn.

'I'hus thc comosion sturlies shnll hs prinrarily carricrl out r)n thr; tr,vo lirllowing kcy irrelrs*nd with thc dnttr collc$terl, thc outr:omo ualr tre oasily rlcployr:rl irr all t[,rc Hruui o1"[ll]l{."1812.

t.I Steel stmclrue rlircotly cxposcd in ihc Itay ot' ll,;ngal i.c, .lcily colurnnexperieuoing $ovcrt: conosion irr unrlcnvalcr, splush zrino nnrl irlrovc watcr ilroit.

1.2 Concrete struotures of NICII exposcri lo salirrr: alnulsl:here,Ifor the steol structures, t'he microbiul oor<xion and b*nraclc growllr s,lrall ulso bctaken into considelatiot: and accorclingly protr:uti'rc o(ri{ting,ri lhall bc dcvck:pcclfor coutlsion prcvcntiort nnd m,tigtrtion. tr;or tlrc concretc slrui:iuros, thc kcylocus will he otr thc pr:rneability studies. Apart Ii'om this studir:s ot1 sca watcr

' bohavi<ltu', cpoxy coatccl relrars, rnultipoinl plotoction rnechanisrns rviJl [:r:fullowcd.

2, Dotails of thr: structurcs untlor study'.[he average dimr:usions o{'thc l]t'Blt Jclly colurnn undor stucly are givcn [:rclor.v,

Thctc is ajctty/wharf of lctrgth S2{} ni cxtending in to thc I}ay of l}eng*t, ll'hobreadth o{'the jotty is 6.5 m tluoughout thc lcngth (10. t rn at ord) and riopth of'tho structurc is 25 m and colunur pilcs aro corulructscl in tho ycar 20$1).



PIIUOD OII WOITK:'Ihe work shall be completecl in all respects within 10 (ifon) Months {ionr thb date ofstart of the work order.'Iho clate of start of work will bc reckonod lirxn the 7tl'cin5, sf'issue of work order.





(Deemed to be Unrversrty u/s 3 of l.iGC Act' 1956)' # 135, East Coast Road,

Kanathur - 603 1 12, Chennai, lndia'

Up-Page 2 of 6


Page 19: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


l-.r:y deposit @ ru% of contract valuo 1ts.95,100/- (trLupcas Ninciy1iiy*'['hsgsrptlOne }lundred only) shall bc split into lirllorving two parts.


il 5A% security deposit (i.e) lts.;17,5501- slurr.rkl bc submittccl in tho lirr,rn o{,perfornancc guarantce within 30clays liorrr thc tiale o['is*ur: ol'worli ortk:r.'llhcPerlbrmance guarantce should rcmain valirl up to coutruct pr:riod plus rlcli:ctIiability pcriod. i.e. valid ql kr 14 rnonths & clairn 1lr;riod ol' (r monlhs, i.c. Ib,.20months.

b) Ilalatrcc 507o security cleposil, 1i.c) I{.s.,17,55t}/- will hc truatcd utl rt:tr.:rrtiorrmoney and recovcrcd li'orn ruttnitrg bill (, (ttt/oal' hill v*lue till thc 11ltul valuc isreached. Thc retention moncy rccovcrocl will hr: rctunrocl to the contraolr>r aliorone rnonth fi:om the datc ol'issue ol'complction certilicatc.


l'he rctcntion moncy will b0 rclirnclerl to tlrr.: Contr;rctor aficr oni: nlonth {rorn thc rl.tcgf is.sue of Completion Ccrt.ificate on receipr of rocluest linrn tlrrr contractor., il,ls 1:cr tleEn8ineer-in-Chargc the lralanoc amorurt of s,:curity <ir:posir (Ircr:furmuncc Guararit,;c) issufficient to cover the Liabilities.

A{ter.theexpiry of thc Defects l.iability pcriocl oIthrcc rnruths, thc balance anrour:t o.[security deposit i.e. thc }erfbmrance Guararrtor: shirll bc rcluirdccl by the Lingincer,-in-Charge to tlte Contractor" Fl.owe'rier, i{'any rvorir rsmaius to bc cxecutcd, thc }:iirgipccr-in-charge shall withholcl the estimatcri cost o1. sur:rr rci:rilit:ariorl w'rk unril ir isexecutcd.

INCOMII lIAX:All stalutory lcvies suoh as Income I'rrx / WC'll rui r,rpplicrrblc shall iro rjccluctercl 1.rurrryour bills' Pcflnau$ut Account Nurntror (l'}AN) issuc<l'by Inconrc J'ax z\uthoritl, 01,.,,,be submittcd aloug rvifll your hill i'rncl appiicablc llDli wiii lrc clorir:ctcr{ at tlre prcr,aili,3rate in force.


l?9yl o.f payrncnt will bc rclcasccl on conrplction ol' r,voyl< alcl certiligati6l ol.tsrlA VINI Engineer-in-charge.

Notc: Incomo Ttx and stittufoly levics rvill bc tlrductctl rrt sorrrcc ns npplicl6l*.







ItF* employment of Inbour ftrr the work, the Conlractor shail obtilin l-,lhor.u. I.,ic(,,x5$i{'the number of laborers^actually ompk:yecl is mori: rlrirn 19, Iiom Assistarrt l.,ai:rlrrr.Commissioner (IN), Tanril Nnclu ltr: crn.1:loyucnt ol'labour. In arJt1ition lo thc irlrovc

n:::XT-.f?ll?.:::;.llnq,u[ rhe r,nbour ,:ngage.l in tirc-rvor.rr auct the valicliry oj,itrcinsurance is to be kept tlrroLrghout thc contlact peiiuct.

A.ADEMY o F A;''s#;:fr\ll[tUtll'l'ltl:\TLlJT':'i,ffi ? oi tj oift t' I g5o)

p eemed tote un[i$ffi 9""11,

V Pagc 3 t f6

*"""fl ,]llaS6iita;"nnai' rndia'


Page 20: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


9,0 uuri.,oynns PRovil)sNT ['uND:you shall comply with vnrious provisions of the eontract lahour (Regulations &

" *U"fiUn"l eot,'f'glO ana Ruloc fromod hsre under fi'om timo to time. In caso tlrs

Consaot Labour Act doos not apply to your organization you should intimale the

Engureer-in charge of this wodc acoordingly t sfore commencing the work. Ilurthel you

shall also .o*pfi*itfr ths provisions of-other l&ws such ss Workmon's Cnqpll$liul;;igrt, nrinir".* Wages Aot, 1948, EPF Act, Gratuity.Act nncl inoas$, BI{AVIN} i$

fi;il;6 in * *y oxpense$ as principal ornployerunderthe provflgrrs of tho vut'iorm

l&ws, and BHAV1M snatl Ue sntitlcd to-recover tho snme :[rom your hills'

10.0 SAFItrTYr'l'he conha(rlor has to rnairrt*in safb load hnnclling prilcfic$$ dur:irtg the orrliro tcnuro ofconlract and he has to obey the guiclelinos given ry mC and PI{AVINI:safety


On, ;-efy -rrprrri-* ani csrtiEed etectriii$n shalt be available ut site duriqg the

colrrso of contract.

ll.0 SDCUIIITYT't'he work site is restricted area nnd you shall have to coniply with all trhe rurlos and

,rgrfhti*r mnde by Compotent Autlroriff &om time to time regSrdi$ &n[ry, conduc!

;71 [;1ii of pu6ono6, vehicle, mat*ri*ls and othsr matters refaterl to socreoy aud



1) No oftice accommodation and handling facilitios like mans ote., otBHAVINI Site

will be provided.Z) fho contractor should h*ve his own tranopo*atiotr facili{y for their eruployees,'

Regular Bus services which are operatinf betuteen Kalpakkam Township and

BIIAVI\iI Site car't be used by contractors,

3) Ihe effirc soope of work shouid be dons to the satisfaetion gflJneinlel in Chq'*g9.

4i 'fhs ontire job ohould be comploted within the stipulared time conridering all the

safety aspects.5) Contraotir has to armrgo all . the Fersonal protective equipmeuts (PPE) }ike

helmot, shoes andhand glclves to the nll munpowor.6) Contractor has to otoy the guidelinou given by the IlI.t&Vm{I $a&ty & EIC.


To fi|lfill the PRO,JECT commitment towards Environmental Manngpment System, the

1) The contractor shall snsure tlre optirnum utilization of the |o$ourcsq i,c woteli

errer8y, fuol and;manPowsf stc"

2) Thehnilactor shall"maks all eflbrts to nrinimizs the waste genoration ln llhe

procoss ofthe exscution of the job.

3) fUo oontactor s[nll ensuxe llhat all applicablo logal and other Rsquitement- I rehted to Environmental Protection and Pofiution p-reventlon aro complied with'

4) ' Th" contractor shall encourage the envinlnmont benigrr methods thil" oxeouting' tt"lou' Fage4or6 E*-'W

\N r ACADEMY 0F l''lAHi I

WQ-- fDeemed totesu,^[I;, coast Roau,, . -'r' Kanathur - 603 1rz,6n"nn"i, lndia'


Page 21: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

you will cxcorrte a ibn,rrl agreenrcnt lvift IIItAVINI within 7 dtrys ot'rcceipt the work

orttcr. You arc rctlucstctl to intorrLthe ** ol'tltr: tttrtltorized rcprcsctrlative who will

clcal wittr all tnitltcrs, relatirrg to tlrc contract'

If tirc contrilct()r {irils kl complcte thc wclrk or uny 1:ortion thcr$ol' so agreod upon ot

ncglccts to c.mply with a'y ,u.r"ii"nr'-glr*n t,r" lriru" lhe proiect Director shall be

compctent to terr*i,rrtc thc cn*traci;irnufii any noricc.antl the contractor shall also be

Iiabk) to p{ry 1br any expolrsc$, I";;';;"4;;ng,c which thc corporation may incur ot

stmtnin blir*rtst"r'rs cltic 1o 'contraotoCs clofault'

r5.0 {)llNllltAx,:l5l 'l'[c wor,k shnll bc curried out iltriotly in.nccortlartco with the terms' conditions and

spociiicrtions ,s st.ipulalccl in trr* iriri*r 1.cu*rent in the best w.rknran lilte mamler'

you slr:rll *,",,i;^;;;il nrair:tnin cigalitied w:rkers orr the job, at all tirncs'

15,2 Any adcliti0nal l4rritlclincs givctr by III{AVINI Managomcnt liom time to time are to he


r 5.3 All otrr* conditi,rrs ,r.o *$ pcr cicnerar conclitions o.r contract give, in the section IV nl'

the tcnclcr clocumont. :

15.4 l]ixecution of wtlrk, il- arry damage has treen o?T r,,.th9 .gSntractor to B}IAVINI'$

froperty, thc amount ot'danragc *itt t "

rccovercclI'rom thc bills.

tihril*'.G.Ilnng*snlnyt}o/I}(ID)whowillbetlre.Ilrrgineer-in.Chargcof]thiswork.You nray mulr. ttcccf,$aly ftrrang*ments lbr commcnJng thc work immediately in

consulteilion rvith Tin gincer-in-Chargo'


fhanlting yoLt,Yours faithfullY'

Iror and on behalf of BIIAVINI

.,v$5,o\ k"u6'o

lirr cl : A rtnqxtl t e-Sslteclu lo o1' clt.tntrl.itics and rntes'

ll'iJffi'Cc: l) hlD(O) - []orhirtil ini'brnrntion

2) n0M(r"rB)3)

^(iM (l.l&A) / liM (I.l&,A) Wor,ks _. i) with a sct of oopies rrf

approval leacling to awatd of

4).t-in gi nr:r:r-i n-Charge (lt&l S)

5)Planning lioction(r)lihri.ll.( i. Itattgasanry S()/D(TD)

(I.K.Chennbkcshnva)Chtef lingineer (TF&SP)




rcnoronv or fifr'-i?'i,"t'*'tUf li:l'i'i';;i$11X,JI'!,r!;-'*

ocr't' I g so)

(De emed to w ut'iiii lC"q 1i 3"":t:


Ilagc 5 r:rf 6

-"" "fi

J::af 3"iia ffi ;.; ai' rndia'l\

Page 22: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government




bsfu,Reqit''. 1

ACA,)EMY0FMARlTllvli i '' '(Deemed to be Universlty u/s 't '"' ' ''' # 135, East Coast Roau,

Kanathur '603 1 12, Chennai' lndta'

N:lltlc of thc work: corrosion prevcntion and multipuint mitigntlon metlrodologies forstrttctttrc, systems tnd cotuponrnts of ftll{.!&2 arrcl in pnrticular corrosion studles on jottyctlltttttlt cxptricnting ftevero corrusirln in undonyater, splash zonc nnd aboys wster nrea.

II [tAVINVllli'tIlt/:1"'D/SI]n0l 4/0IS

sl.No Ilescription Unit ary Rate (Rs.) tmount (Rs.)


Corrosion studies on Jclty columnexporiencing $evers corrosion irrrtnclcrwater, splash zonc arrcl abovewa{cr arca.

l",umpsurn I 951000.00 951000.00

Totnl Rs, 951000.00


(B.KChennC'hiof ltrnginer

l)agi:6 ol'6


Page 23: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government

L9No. B0tD/1.0/s4l?.01S_Workshop

Govrl rnr-rrent of IndiaDepartrnent oI Science & Tochnology



Subject : tlig Dat"a - New progiarnnrc Dcvelopmcnt Meertinlls,* r0g,

llrlir;l_rt^i:o:::11.":is liereby accorctcc*o conriucr rtr. 3 nrce tinss ro clev*lopq u vlllLrl.l

lln;::^:l,l? *]9 0:ro. Iipiclemiok:gv Analytic.s, (ii)lDH- Marine 0ari.r rx1:torarion a,ct

()nly) as per details


;:[HY:::],:{:',:::.,.:]:1,*, cost orpRs,l1,55 Lakhs (Rupeer{rcvcn Lakh and Firry

S,wo. I Principal lnvcstigator & host 'l"otal

Pre sent releasr:(Rs. in lakh)




"l nchncilogy [i lrav;l nAl er,v Delh i-'l i.00 :16

Diito :07.03,20 "16

projtcts irr theAnalytics orrcfat tlrc irost

Fillc Thousancl


in lakh)

0, 15



i nstitutc/ ur.r iversity

Id !plpllQl$/zo.l€

Dellri aI National htstitute of Nutrition,abad

"Blg Data Epiclemiology Analytics,, by5,K, Day Biswas, Sc.G/ilcari,Bioinforrlatlcs Celttru, ICM R, New



:L 1..55

m_qplB1-1015S1*2-0.to.'/lDl-l- Marinu Data lixploration anclAnalytics" al AM[l- LJn]vcrsity,Chennai

Iru Eq!.aaa&zauo"Meeting to clevisc stratogies toprornote Data Scionce as a discipllne,,at Iiayalase(lma University, l(r"rrnool

2' satrcti,n of tlre t)r.siclerrt is also acr:orcicrl to thc rert:asr: of Rs.10.75 Lakh (Rupoes Ten Lakh ancrsrrvcnty Fivc Tlrousand only) to conciLrct the.ahove tlrree rnectinss - (i) Big Data Epidemiologyrlnalytlcs' {ii)lDH- Marine Data Exploration ancl Analytics arrrr (iri) Meeting t. devisc strfitegies tc}

.pronlote Data science as a clisciplin. by the host irrstitL.rter;/r.r.rvcrsitics as pr..r rir:t;rils give, abov'.



{NRDMS - t}Dt t}rogramme}


(Deemed to be University u/s 3 ol UGC Act.

# 135, East Coast Road,Kanathur - 603 1 12, Chennai, lndia.

3 -[he expenclil;urc itrvolve<J is clebitable to Denrartcl No,'86, Deparr.mont of scicncc rncl Technol0gy:3425 Other Scientific Research (Major Heacl)60 Other (Sub Major Head)

60,200 Assistance to other Scientific Boclies (Minor |lead)2b Technology Development prngramme26.0'l Grant-ln-aid for Technology Development & Transfer26.01,31 Grants-in_aid for the yuurlOf S-20L6 (plan)

3,1;['S#l fread (BDID)



3.3.3 0 3,00 0,30

Page 24: 3.2.2 Grants for research projects sponsored by government


(i) lls.il./5 t.aktr (llupees Three Li'rkh and S0venty Five Thr:usatrcl only) to "National lnstitute of

Nutritir:n"t-lvcjerabirrlthroughRTGSinAccountNo'07992010007L0'canaraBank'secunderabadMettuguda, l"lyd c ra bacl, I FSC Cod e :CNIt t]000079 9;

(li) 11s.4.00 Lakh (Rupces Four Lakh Unly) to "AMUl Urliversity", Clretrnai tlrrough R]'GS ln Accounl

No.:1L350:t601000228, corporation Banl<, parameswara Nagar, Sholinganallrtr, chennai'600119' lFs(

Code:C0RP0001135; and

(iii) 8s.3.00 Lakh (I{upees 1]rree Lalth only) to "Rayillaseenra [Jniversity"' Kurnool (AP)' chennai througt

RTGS in Account No.62329946679, State Bank of Hyclerabad' Pasupala' llayalaseem Universiti

Canrpus, l(arnool (AP), IFSC Cocle:SBllY0021Z29'

:r.As1:crrule21.1(1.)of0Ftl,theaccountsofthegrantrleinstitutionshallbeopcntoinspectionby'l[t: sanctiorrirrg; ar.rthorityl arrtllt whentlvcr the lrrstituti<lrt is calli'-d r"tpon to do so'

6 A :;clrarate U/C & S/[ will be st.rbnrittccl to n$f aiter coml:ietiorl of thdr Workstrop''-lhe sanctio.,

of the above amount is sr.ttriect to ternl.$ ar"rc.l Conrlil.iorts as contained in the Annexure'

't . ]'his i:; ccrtiIif.]d tlral" no UC is pnncling against thc grantee organizations' as per cletails in

thc Pl:MS alsc-1.

tl. lllri:; sarrcl;iorr issucs irl cxurci:;c ol' the pr.lwcrs conferrecl on this Departlnent and in cons;rtltotion

witlr tlrr.r [:D viclr:l]hcir Con(;urrcnce Dy, No, C/5626 /lFD/20'I5-L6 dated 04'03'201'6'


I'oTtre Pay and Accounts Officer, New uelhi

c,rp,v-tlttw-qr|q4 lqt.lrrf-qrr]]3.l.!.ttr-{0ll' ry!e'ss luY ir$i o n't'o"i

1, Ilrr: t)irt:ctor o{ Aurlit (cw & M.ll), lnriraprastha Flsl:ate, AOclt Building, New Deltri'

)-. t.opy with fi spare copy of sarrction to thc l)rawing ancl t)lsburlin61 Officer, DS-l for marl<illg necessarY

pityn'letlt to G rantoc.

3. lF l)ivision, DS"l, New Uelhi.

4. Sancliorr Foldcr.

lj, I'he Dirr:ctor, Natiorral lnstitt'rler of Nutritiorl, l-lydcrabad'

6'DrS,l(.DayBiswas,Sc.G/[lcarl,llioinforrrratit:sCcntt0,lCMR,NcwlJellri,/ "l'litt ll{rIllitrar, AMI: l'tJniverli[r/, (llre rrrr;ri

ll, Dr N. lVianoh;trart, lJircctclr llrsr,:arclt, AMF'l'l')rtivcrsittd Clrerrrrai'

9. -l lre l:legistrar, llayalaseetlta Urrivcrsity, l(Lrrrrool (AP)'

.10. Dr. G. Ravi l(unrar, As:;tt. Proftrssor, D/o CornpUter 5ciencc, Rayalaseema university, l(

11. l:ilc,


Dr. K R l'lyi?]3J;['X"d'i'ri""o

(BD tD )


AOADEMY Or llnHir rr,r . 7(Deemed to be Untversri, ,is i i,l ut': ' r' ' j

' # 135, East Coast Road, '

Kanathur - 603 1 12, Chennai, lndia'

Head, BDI Division


\. \i\(w.