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$2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

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Page 1: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

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Page 2: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey


Editor, Derek Wang

Associate Editors:

Bert Meredith

Les Lewis

On the cover...

Santa puts in a little practice in prepara-tion for his big night coming up on the24th. After going through all his letters,organizing his workshop, and searchingout the good little boys and girls, hemanaged to take the time to sign thismonth's cover.

Meet Lillian Phillips.She's the author ofStarlight, a story

. :, about Christmas. It'sin this issue. She'sthe wife of Rube, afirst aid man at the

A' Copper Cliff smelter.

December 1974 Volume 34, Number 12

Published for employees by the OntarioDivision of The International NickelCompany of Canada, Limited, CopperCliff, Ontario, POM 1NO. 682-0631

Prints of most photographs appearingin "the triangle" may be ordereddirect from: Rene Dionne, 170 BolandAve., Sudbury. Or caN: 674-0474.Cost: $2.50 each.

AppointmentsJohn Clark, product costing clerk.Don Danko, supervising systemsanalyst.Andy Fraser, programmer.Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper,Creighton mine.Harvey Jarrett, assistant to the chiefmines engineer.John Koski, senior timekeeper, CopperCliff copper refinery.Jim Kuzniar, senior electricalmaintenance engineer.Ron Orasi, records administrator.Gord Pearce, administrative assistant

to the manager, Iron Ore Plant.Bob Reeves, supervising systemsanalyst,Darwin Renaud, systems analyst.Jim Scott, area engineer, Levackcomplex.John Starkey, mine engineer, Levackmine.Percy Tugwood, programmer analyst.George Tyroler, superintendent,process technology, Iron Ore RecoveryPlant.Harvey Wickenden, senior timekeeper,Copper Cliff North mine.

The 14th annual dinner of the Toronto chapter ot the Inco Quarter Century Clubwas held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. With Inco chairman L. Edward Grubb,following the dinner and presentation of pins, are the two new members, PaulWegrich (left) with the comptroller's office, and senior vice-president,John McCreedy (centre).

Representing Inco, Bob Browne, (left), manager of the Port Co/borne nickel refinery,recently presented an original "RD." Wilson (right) ink drawing to the City of PortColborne. On behalf of the city, Mayor John Buscarino accepted the work of artduring a luncheon held at the Port Colborne Club.Capturing a view of the Welland Canal and the Port's West Street, the drawingis one of 33 originals that "RD." was commissioned to create for Inco.

Page 3: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Employees in the cottrell and steadyday shift section of the Copper Cliffsmelter reverb building have workedmore than a year without a compensibleinjury - an impressive achievementmatched only once in the past 20 years.

The 75 men involved are responsiblefor the operation and maintenance of thedepartment's eight reverberatory furnacesplus one flash furnace. They also lookafter the five dust-removing cottrell unitswhich operate on 45,000 to 60,000 voltsof electricity fcr electrostatic reclamation.Their achievement is even more signi-ficant when consideration is given to thetype of activity involved.


The Port Colborne nickel refinery waspaid a visit recently by a representativeof the Canadian Cancer Society.

Patricia Threlfall, from the IndustrialEducation Service of the Cancer Society,presented a programme to employeesthat included a film dealing with cancer,a demonstration of "Smokin' Sam"illustrating the hazards of smoking, anda short commentary followed by aquestion and answer period. All em-ployees at the refinery were invited toattend.

It was pointed out that cancer issecond among diseases which killCanadians, but is also a curable diseaseif treated early and adequately. More sowith cancer than any other major disease,responsibility for lifesaving action restswith the patient. If in doubt, have a checkup - it may save your life.


Tom Antonioni, superintendent of thefurnace department, presented all themen in his department with a specialrazor set.

Tom Antonioni, superintendent of the Copper Cliff smelter furnace department, with(front, from left), Steve Oreskovich, David Baisley, Athanase Richer, Bill Peever, EzioBertulli, and Pete Lata. Back row: Henry Lavole, Bruno Martelli, Jack Newell, BasilJennings and Ron Pouiton. A representative group.

Patricia Threlfall, with the Industrial Education Service of the Canadian Cancer Society,presented a comprehensive program to employees at the Port Colborne nickel refinery.She sought to make everyone more aware of cancer prevention by early detection.Catch it soon enough - and "cancer can be cured".

Page 4: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Barbara Ross and Sharon Levesquewere recently awarded the highestattainable honor in the Girl Guidemovement - the Canada cord.

Barbara is the daughter of Bill Ross,a plate worker at Creighton mine, whileSharon is the daughter of Art Levesque,a maintenance mechanic at the CopperCliff smelter. The girls are both grade 10students at Lively District SecondarySchool and worked for more than twoyears to obtain their award.

Marion Prior, guide commissioner of theWildwood district, presented the girlswith their cords at Christ Anglican Churchin Lively. Marion's husband, Tom, issuperintendent of maintenance at theCopper Cliff smelter.

Barbara Ross (right),and Sharon Levesguewere presented their

Canada cord byMarion Prior, guide

commissioner of theirdistrict.


BursariesNine Cambrian College students were

awarded Inco Engineering Technologybursaries valued at $150 each.

The bursaries were presented tostudents chosen by the Council ofRegents, which is the governing bodyof all community colleges in Ontario.

The bursaries help qualified anddeserving students to continue theireducation, and encourage students toenter engineering technology courses sothat a continuing supply of qualifiedtechnologists will be available for thefuture.

The bursaries were presented to thestudents by Ken Kay, superintendent ofInco's training and development centre,during a luncheon at the Notre Damecampus of Cambrian College.

Proud moments

Bursary winners, (front, from ieft), Daie Sheppard and John Grant; (back, from ieft),Bruce Donald, Keith Taylor. Keith Hopewell, Robert Paquette, Dougias Beaudry, David Korpeiaand Danny Cooper.

Page 5: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Times change. At one time it was acertainty that the gaily decorated andlight-festooned Christmas tree thatstood in the home would shed needles,smell like a pine forest, have a bad side(turned to the wall) and would end upsadly, dropping a few stray pieces oftattered tinsel as it finally headed for aland-fill site.

a tree grows

Not so now. More and more, perfectlysymmetrical and odor-free plastic treesare finding their way into the Christmasscene.

However, we know for a fact that therewill be a genuine tree presiding over theChristmas festivities at 29 Park Street inCopper Cliff, the home of Incos OntarioDivision president Ron Taylor, his wife Viand their family of six.

Ron and Vi and their youngest, six-year-old Cathy, were observed recentlywhen they made a trip to a Christmas treefarm in Beaver Valley, three miles eastof Nairn Centre on highway 17 East,where customers can select and mark atree early in the season, and then returnfor the ceremonial cutting at an appro-priate time closer to the 25th ofDecember.

The occasion was an Inco 'thingbecause the tree farmer they visited wasEino Maki, a company pensioner whoretired from the Copper Cliff South minein 1973.

Eino and his wife Sylvia have plantedover 50000 spruce and 10000 scotch

• pine trees on their 150-acre property

I fl since they moved there in 1945. Saleslast year topped the 500 mark.

In this final 'triangle" of 1974, theTaylor family wish that a very merryChristmas and a happy 1975 will beBeaver Valley enjoyed by all.

Mark now - cut later. On the Christmas tree farm, Inca pensioner and farmer, Eino Maki,with Vi Taylor, Sylvia Maki and Ontario Division president, Ron Taylor with daughter, Cathy.

Page 6: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

At sunset of July 1, 1883, a lumber wagon carrying two people and their household furnishingsjoggled over the bumpy stretches of the corduroy tote road leading from the end of rail at Markstay,

• • some 20 miles east to Sudbury. When the tired horse finally came to a stop, the bruised and shaken• passengers alighting were Dr. Howey, the first C.P.R. Company doctor to be stationed in the

three-month-old settlement, and his wife, Florence R. Howey.

•• Six months later, Dr. and Mrs. Howey spent their first Christmas in Sudbury and, as guests ofMr. and Mrs. Ross and family at the Hudson Bay Company Post on Whitefish Lake, attended a dance atthe nearby Indian Village on New Year's Eve. Readers of "the triangle" should enjoy Mrs. Howey'sdescription of the occasion, taken, in part, from her book, "Pioneering on the C.P.R." It follows:

December now, and Christmas in theoffing. The track had reached here inNovember and more luxuries wereavailable, at least what seemed luxuriesafter our long subsistence on absolutenecessities, therefore we decided to givea party. Then the question arose, whomshall we invite. The engineers whosehomes were in Canada had gone tospend Christmas with their families. Mr.Wiley (of the cold baths) and Mr. Shaw,whose homes were across the sea hadleft, but there were several nice fellowswho could not leave and were lookingkind of homesick, so our list was madeup: Cough and Harry Fairman, book-keeper and clerk in the Company's store,Francis Fulford, draftsman Pierre, Mueller,commissariat for the boarding cars, Mr.Thompson who was in charge of thesupply store and his little boy. We mustask Miss Horrigan, the only girl available.

Christmas dinner with most of the eat-ments and drinkments which custom andtradition have made almost necessities.Before our guests departed, we sangAuld Lang Syne. I think everyone, as wesang, visioned a different group of oldacquaintances, and it seemed to cast justa little shade of sadness, which soonpassed and as they said "good night"everyone agreed that we'd had a veryMerry Christmas.

For New Year's, about the same partywas invited to the Hudson Bay CompanyPost and a dance at the Indian village

These and ourselves made ten, ourtable accommodated eight comfortably,but we thought that by distributing the fatand the lean guests judiciously, and bysitting very close together on thebenches, we might manage.

So they were all invited and all came.There was not room on the table for theturkey, so Pierre volunteered to carve itin the kitchen, but after we were seated,he brought it in carrying the platter highand marched solemnly around the table,proclaiming about St. Nicholas and aturkey, until the company protested thatthey would rather eat it than hear about it.

Despite the many makeshifts, whichwe did not mind at all, it was a real

SudburyNew Year's eve. As the Branch wasabandoned, there was no traffic on thetote road, so Mr. Ross came for me witha dog team and the men snowshoed.

The flag was flying when we arrived,and the children rushed out, each tryingto be the first to say a "Happy NewYear". Supper was ready for us and wewere ready for it. Then a smoke and arest for the men, as they were tired afterthe twelve-mile snow shoe, and did notfeel just like starting out at once foranother two-mile tramp down the lake tothe Indian village.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family. Mr. Ross was the trader in charge at the HudsonBay Company Post on Whitefish Lake.

Page 7: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

1883However, the Indians do not wait until

the night is half gone before they beginto dance, and we were expected to beon hand at "early candlelight". I supposethe time was given that way because ofthe scarcity of clocks and watchesamong them.

While we were getting into our wrapsand bundling up the children, for allhands were going, I heard Mrs. Ross say"Simon, tackle the ox". I did not knowwhat she meant, but found that a youngox which was used to draw wood, was todraw us too, at least the women and

!'Florence Howey

children. So the ox was "tackled" to thewood sleigh with rope harness and lines,blankets and cushions were in demandagain, and we all piled on. Mrs. Rossand the baby, Simon the driver, George,Robert, Arthur (Art Ross of the BostonBruins, I am his godmother), Charlie,Alexander, Roderick, Cohn, Donald andSybil (the only daughter), Miss Horriganand myself.

On our arrival, Mr. Ross insisted onthe usual New Year's ceremony beingobserved. On that special date, everyman was expected to kiss every woman

in the Company. Our boys were a littledubious about the old women, and theirkisses were like a touch of a butterfly'swing, but when it came to the younggirls' turn, they did their duty manfully.After that the orchestra began tuning upits fiddle, it consisted of one man by thename of Martin, and soon the strains ofthe Fisher's Hornpipe were floating onthe air.

The girls were squatted on the flooraround the walls with small bright scotchplaid shawls over their heads, the bravesstood in a group about the door, as Ihave sometimes seen more civilizedbraves do at parties. As the eveningwore on they got more confidence andthe older people, feeling the urge, joinedin and the dancing became fast andfurious. Mr. and Mrs. Ross danced withthem, but our boys would not enter.About ten o'clock a large basket of sweetbiscuits, which Mrs. Ross had provided,was passed around and greatlyappreciated. It was the only refreshmentserved. Then the ox was "tackled" again,and we went back to watch for 1884.When it arrived, greetings wereexchanged, and "so to bed".

Next day, being New Year's day, Mrs.Ross gave us a typical Hudson Bay Postdinner, Minue Mouffle soup, made fromdried moose nose, venison and beavertail, the latter considered a great delicacyand very good, if you like that sort ofthing, potatoes, and plum pudding, evena wee bit o scotch to toast the New Year,and then the return, as we had cqme,having enjoyed it all beyond words.

Indian Chief Mon gowin and his family. They lived in the Indian Village on theWhitefish Lake Indian reserve.

Page 8: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

If you know the one good wordthat makes sense out of all thefollowing, then you're well onyour way to the "bright lights"!









• very rarek unownas rlights last longer

'A,I' . .

colourless liquidVT I

. . . one in a millioninert gas

the . . .identified in 1898Inco one of few suppliers

"Good word"?If you guessed krypton, you're not

e only right, you deserve a pat on the backfor being remarkably well-informed!

A little-known fraction of the very airwe breathe, krypton was discovered andidentified in 1898; it's a Greek namemeaning "hidden". And hidden it surelyis, with only one part in a million to befound in the atmosphere.

As one of the two krypton suppliers inNorth America, and the only one inCanada, Inco's krypton plant has a designcapacity of 105 cubic feet of gaseouskrypton daily. And just how is thisextremely valuable - $300 per cubic footin a gaseous state - element extractedfrom the air? Well, without gettingtechnical, nor into too much detail, here'san outline of the process involved:

At the company's main oxygen plant,atmospheric air is compressed, scrubbed,and cooled to liquid form at temperaturesof about minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit.Fractional distillation - the boiling off ofgases - results in specifically obtainingthe two main elements of air; namely,

Full cylinders 01gaseous oxygen and nitrogen. Our main

krypton leave krypton interest is primarily the oxygen.plant. Helping withthe loading are, (Irom This separation process ultimatelylelt), Inco's Art Poulin,

'gives us two by-products: high-purity

Canadian Liquid Air sEddie Welsh and liquid oxygen, and krypton. But hold onHarvey Paradis. - it's not quite that simple!

Page 9: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

A portion of the super-cool liquidoxygen s diverted, via insulated pipeline,to the nearby process building for finalextraction of the elusive krypton.

This particular plant houses twodistinct operations: "separation" andfilling"

In the "separation" room, the liquidoxygen is filtered, and the concentrationof krypton increased. The oxygen is thenboiled off - fractional distiltation again- and returned to the main plant, whereit's reliquefied and recovered for use inoperations at Copper Cliff's smelter andcopper and nickel refineries.

Krypton, now in liquid form, is vapor-ized, compressed, and heated; it's treatedin a catalytic converter, then is cooledand dried. The resulting krypton, agaseous product, is then piped to the'filling" portion of the plant, where it isiquefied and stored in high-pressure

steel cylinders that each hold approxi-mately 60 pounds of krypton. This prod-uct is then sold exclusively to CanadianLiquid Air, who have it further refinedelsewhere, for future sale to the lampand electronic industries.

By now, you're probably wonderingwhere you'd find krypton in actual use.Next time you're shopping, check thelight bulb section of your local depart-ment store. You'll find special bulbsmarked "longer lasting". More than likely,they contain kryptoffl Due to its particularcharacteristics, krypton provides longerlight output for two reasons: filamentlosses are reduced by the low thermalconductivity of krypton and, at the sametime, filament deterioration is reducedby the high density of the gas.

Krypton also gives longer life tominers' lamp bulbs and is further used inhigh-efficiency incandescent lamps andresearch lasers. It's also provingvaluable in the atomic field because of itsdensity and ability to absorb gamma rays.

Mind you, krypton-filled bulbs aredefinitely more expensive but, of course,they do last longer. And at this time ofyear, it kind of makes you wish - andwonder why - manufacturers haven'tfound a practical way to produce krypton-filled Christmas bulbs for tree andwindow decorations

Gary Bradley, Inco oxygen plant operator, monitors flow of krypton frommain control panel at oxygen plant. All phases of Inco's oxygen plant canbe controlled from this area.

A full cylinder of krypton hoisted from its liquid nitrogen bath. Inco's LeoGilbert, (left), and Robert Bois (right), lend a hand to Gerry Antoine fromCanadian Liquid Air.

Page 10: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

S1a44 ILI/ian

The old gentleman walked slowly,trudging through the drifts, occasionallybrushing at the whirling snow, thenstopping to adjust his scarf and huddledeeper into the upturned collar of hiscoat.

At the door of the Village Orphanage,he listened for a moment before knock-ing; inside, the young, off-key voices ofsinging children warmed and welcomedhim on this stormy eve of Christmas.

"Poor little tykes," he thought, gentlyrapping, and at that instant, the doorswung wide and a young fellow, no morethan four, cried out, "Father Jacob!Father Jacob's here!"

"Hello, Michael - Merry Christmas!"

Immediately, the other children of theorphanage came swarming 'round theFather, all chattering at once and pullinghim inside.

"Now, children, mind your manners -give Father Jacob a chance to take off hiscoat," admonished Mary, the headmatron, as she loined the group in thehall.

"A very Merry Christmas, Father. Howare you this evening?"

"Merry Christmas to you, Mary, andI'm quite well, thank you. It's a wee bitstormy outside, but it's the time of yearfor it."

The insistent tugging of the childrencouldn't be put off any longer, andFather Jacob found himself pulledtowards the warmth of the livingroom,where, busily reading by the fire, satKatie, the tiniest of all the girls. Lookingup, she shyly asked, "Father, are yougoing to tell us a story tonight, a storyfor Christmas eve?"

"Of course, Katie. Let's all just sit downand..

"Would you like a cup of tea and somecookies Father?" Mary rose fromher chair and turned toward the kitchen."Perhaps you could tell the children theirstory while I'm getting it ready."

"That'II be fine, Mary." Turning to thechildren, he beckoned them to gathercloser. "All right, now let me see, whichone will it be?"

"Long, long ago, on the night beforeChristmas, all the angels had gathered ingreat excitement, it was another Christ-mas eve, and they wanted everything tobe perfect. As they set about their work,the littlest angel stood aside and asked,in a timid voice, "Is there nothing for meto do?"

One of the elders turned from herchores. "Well, let me see. The cloudsall need to be polished up bright andshiny, the stars, the moon, the wholeuniverse must shine tonight. Run along,Starlight, that'll be enough to keep youbusy,"

So of f went the little angel and soonshe was hard at work, polishing furiouslyat a little cloud. But Starlight was such atiny angel, and in so much of a hurry,that she slipped and tripped on the hemof her robe and tumbled off the cloud,down and down, until she landed on asoft fluffy snowbank on earth.

"Tell us the story of Scrooge," youngDavid urged.

"No, no," cried another, "we've heardthat one before."

Young Katie, sitting at his feet, tuggedat his trouser leg. "Tell us a differentstory, Father, a new one. Please?"

The look in her eye made Father Jacobdecide to te!l a story he'd told the nightbefore. Smiling down at her, he settledback in the big, comfortable chair and,lighting his pipe, began:

Looking up towards the sky, she sawher little cloud sparkling bright, and shesat back and smiled for a moment. Butin the stillness, Starlight heard a smallmuffled sound, and, looking 'round, sawa little girl shivering in meager sweaterand scarf, softly crying.

Starlight made her way through thesnow and stood in front of the unhappychild.

"Why are you crying?"

The little girl looked up, startled, thenstared in bewildered astonishment.

"Why are you crying?" Starlightrepeated.

"But who are you? Why are youdressed like that? You look like - likean angel!"

"I am. My name is Starlight, what'syours?"

Page 11: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

"Myra. / live in the valley. Downthere," and she pointed.

"But why are you crying?"

And Myra's tears started again. "This isChristmas eve, and my father's still sick,and mom's worried, and we havenothing for Christmas. Tonight, we'llhang my little brother's stocking, butthere's nothing to put in it."

"Don't cry, Myra. I'll help."

'But how?"

"Well, let's think. Do the people in thevillage know of your trouble?"

"Oh, yes," replied Myra, wiping hertear-stained face with her sleeve.

"Aren't they helping you?"

"It's not their trouble."

"Are they not Christians?" Starlightwas puzzled.

"Of course they are."

"Well, they can't be good ChristIans ifthey don't help their neighbours."

"But they are good. They're myfriends. You can't blame them for myfamily's problems."

"Well, Myra, I'd like to see your goodtownspeople and judge for myself. Come,let's go." And, taking Myra's hand,Starlight led the way down the hill.

As they entered the village, peoplestared curiously at the pair - one in longflowing robes, the other almost in tatters.It wasn't long before the two little oneshad gathered a small following.

On the main street, Myra stopped at astore window and pointed - "There's myfriend, Peggy. Hello, Peggy."

"Peggy? Where is she? I don't seeanyone," and Starlight peered into thewindow.

"Over there - the ballerina doll in thecorner. If you listen closely, and if youreally want to hear her, you will."

Then Starlight understood. "Myra,don't you see? You believe your towns-people are good and kind, because youwant to believe it."

"Oh, no," Myra cried, "they really aregood people. Come, I'll show you."

And she took Starlight by the handand led her into the village church, up tothe altar. "Look, Starlight - the babyJesus in the manger, with Mary andJoseph and all the angels. If the peopleweren't, they wouldn't botherdoing this."

But Starlight was unconvinced. "You'vedefended your people with all your heart,Myra. You're a good girl, and you'll berewarded. Now I must go back andfinish my work. Goodbye, Myra."

And Starlight was gone.

Myra knelt again to pray, not realizIngthat the church was full of people whohad listened and had learned a greatlesson. They left quietly, heads bowed.

On her way home, Myra noticed thatall the lights at her house were on,blazing brightly. Fearing that her fathermight be worse, she ran the rest of theway, raced up the steps, and flung openthe door. Bursting into the livin groom,she immediately stopped and lookedaround in complete amazement. Beforeher stood a tall, graceful pine, exquisitelydecorated and, beneath the bottombranches - giftsl Piles of gifts, allbrightly wraoped, with ribbons and bows /Her mother and father - oh, how well helooked! - were standing together, arm inarm, smiling, and little John ran to herto be picked up.

"Look, Myra, look at our beautiful tree!And look at the presents 'n' candies 'n'

everythingl Mr. O'Rourke and some otherpeople brought it all, and there's even abig turkey, and we're all gonna helpmom make the stuffing!"

Myra put little John down and walkedto the window. Looking up, she saw asingle star shining brighter than all therest, and knew it was Starlight. Smiling,she waved fot a moment, then whispered,"Thank you."

"And that, my children," finishedFather Jacob, "is the end of ourChristmas story."

"How beautiful," sighed Katie."Wouldn't it be wonderful to see anangel!"

Matron Mary, pouring the tea, turnedaside to Father Jacob and, with a twinklein her eye, quietly whispered, "Now Iunderstand why all those presents camethis afternoon, Father. You told that storyat the banquet last night, didn't you?"

"I did, Mary. Thought it was time toremind them again." And he turned backto the children. "Now, while Mary and Ihave our tea, I want you all to sing'Silent Night'."

The gentle voices could be heard upand down the street and, perhaps if onewere to have looked closely towards theheavens, one would have seen a tinyangel perched on a small fluffy cloud,busily polishing. She stopped to listen,arid so enchanted was she, that shealmost, but not quite, tumbled off!


Page 12: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

thoseChristmas tree

partiesThe moment of truth - Ernie Lamore pulls a winning draw ticket,watched by Keith Rogerson. Fred O'Hagen, George Inkster, andArne Lang/lie are official observers.

Grace Dickie, Arne Lang/lie, and Eldred Dickie on a toy-buying missionfor the Frood-Stobie Christmas tree. Diane Salt displays one of thenewer offerings,

Page 13: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

The biggest of the many Christmas treeparties held for lnco youngsters is theannual Frood-Stobie Christmas tree. Itsbeen a regular function since 1936 andthis years event will again take place atthe Inco Club, in Sudbury, as it has sincethe club opened in 1938. Because its thebiggest and the oldest, weve singled itout - to see how it comes about.

To most of those attending - theparty just happens.

The tall and glittering tree is therewith a sweating Santa surrounded andbeing sat on by a horde of wide-eyedyoung tads.

The candy's there - and a mountainof carefully-wrapped gifts.

It didn't just happen - it required lotsof planning, lots of hard work, andabove all, required the dedication of afine group of volunteers who, somehow,always seem to be available - nomatter what.

At most Inco locations, the officialsponsor of kiddies Christmas parties isthe plant or mine athletic association, andthats the case at Frood-Stobie. Ofcourse, that area has been fortunate inhaving a human dynamo like EldredDickie in charge all these years, andagain this year, even in retirement, Dickieis the sparkplug and co-ordinator for theChristmas party.

A necessary ingredient for anysuccessful venture is good organization,and Frood-Stobie has it. Over the years,despite many mine personnel changes,the continuity of commitment has beenmaintained.

Christmas parties cost money - a lotof money. At the Frood-Stobie affair, forinstance, the normal practice is for eachemployees child up to the age of 10, toreceive a gift or toy - average valuetwo dollars - while the parents areprovided with cake and coffee. Thekiddies also receive candy and fruit.

How is the money raised? The tokenAthletic Association membership feecould not underwrite such an expense,so prize draws for cash and/ormerchandise are the answer. Froodusually holds two to finance the Christmastree. In the final draw, a wide variety ofmerchandise, all donated by localmerchants and obtained through the

efforts of one Eldred Dickie, is displayedat Frood for some time before the actualdraw. Tickets are usually in greatdemand.

The Frood-Stobie complex embracesFrood, Stobie, Little Stobie, and theFrood-Stobie mill, and better than 3,000children will be taken care of at the party.

At Frood, Arne Langille is the manresponsible for keeping things runningsmoothly. Fred O'Hagen also has a bighand in the mechanics of things. AtStobie, George lnkster serves in a similarrole, and at Little Stobie, it's PatGal lag her.

For many years now, Edred Dickie'swife, Grace, has organized the ditri-bution of toys at the Christmas party, andmany miners and their wives gladly helpout with the job.

Senior staff members are also on handto welcome everyone, and several retiredmembers of supervision show up eachyear to help out with that pleasant chore.

Date for the Frood-Stobie Christmastree this year is Sunday, December 15, atthe Inco Club in Sudbury, and with theexperienced organization available, thereis no way it can be anything but a greatsuccess.

Fred O'Hagen, centre, issuing tickets for the Frood-Stobie Christmastree party. From the left, Joe Saliemink, Lucien Bourque, O'Hagen,Ned Schryer, and John Huggins.

Page 14: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Eugene Wischkowski'sback yard becomesan ideal training area,as he and his "littlebrother", Peter Anger,enioy the sport offrying to teach

a few newtricks,

Big BrothersSometimes challenging, often rewarding, and always

satisfying, it's a sharing experience for all concerned -particularly for some of our own Port people.

The Welland and District Big Brothers and Big SistersAssociations, serving Port Colborne, were established by agroup of concerned members of the community, in order toprovide boys, ages six to 16, and girls, eight to 18, withcertain advantages that might be otherwise denied them -friendship, a family atmosphere, careful guidance, genuineconcern and interest.

Arthur Brown, a filterman at the Port Colborne nickelrefinery, has been with Inco since 1965, and a "big brother"for four years. Young Don McCord's been "under his wing"for about a year now. Togetherness is the key, and theyboth enjoy movies, camping, and hockey. Married,with no children yet, Arthur is Scoutmaster of the 12th Portcolborne scout troop, of which Don is a member, thus givingthem yet another activity in which they can both participate.

Mary Peyton, wife of ENR divisional foreman, CalPeyton, has three sons, ages 9 to 13, and a "little sister",Beverly Butler, who visits Mary regularly to learn householdchores and take part in family activities that are all part ofgrowing up. Bev's been with Mary for two-and-a-half of

Mary Peyf on demon-strates bakingtechniques to "littlesister", Beverly Butler.Regular visits to thePeyton household give8ev an opportunity tolearn the many secretsof the kitchen.

Page 15: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Brian Crawford andhis "little brother",Paul Watson. take

in a game at theInco Recreation Club,

Brian's a director ofthe We/land and

District Big BrothersAssociation.

Mary's three years as a "big sister". Mutual interestsabound, but centre on the arts of the kitchen.

Brian Crawford, statistician at the Port's number tworesearch station, has been with Inco since 1970 and, inaddition to being a "big brother" for the past three years, isalso a director of the Welland and District Big BrothersAssociation. Married, with two children, Brian's "littlebrother" for the past year has been Paul Watson; their"together" activities include bowling, building plasticmodels, woodworking, and now they're getting started inrocketry.

A plant fitter in the mechanical department, EugeneWischkowski has been at the Port Colborne refinery since1964 and has enjoyed three years of "big brotherhood". Heand his "little brother", Peter Anger, have been a familyaffair for a year, and together enjoy camping, fishing, andscouting.

Big brothers - big sisters; as well as being a lot of fun,being a volunteer is helping someone who really needs yourhelp, Responsibilities are neither legal nor financial;however, volunteers are requested to have weekly contactwith their "little brother" or "little sister", in order to shareinterests and experiences, It's a terrific thing to get into,especially for pensioners with time on their hands.

and SistersArthur Brown and his

"little brother", DonMcCord. In addition

to their mutual inte,'estin movies, camping,

and hockey, both aremembers of the 12thPort Co/borne scout


Page 16: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey
Page 17: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey
Page 18: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey
Page 19: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey
Page 20: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey
Page 21: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey


Page 22: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey


It's certainly not new news to readof a heavy snow storm strandingthousands of cars and thrusting manymotorists into a situation they weretotally unprepared for.

It'll probably happen again thiswinter, and it could happen to yoffi

With this in mind, let's reflect onsome preparations in advance" thatwill help minimize the anguish of suchan experience.

Your car should, of course, be com-pletely winterized, with particular atten-tion paid to the ignition system. Makesure battery and cables are clean andsecure; less than 100 per cent perform-ance will give you trouble even withouta snow storm!

Check the anti-freeze, radiator hoses,radiator cap, and the fan and powerbelts. After youve readied your car forwinter and have put on snow tires,check the spare for air.

Another worthwhile "preparation inadvance" would be the assembly of asurvival kit which would include warmclothing such as heavy socks, mitts, a

good pair of snow boots, possibly asnowmobile suit and, if you have thespace, a heavy-duty sleeping bag. Itcould also contain two or threeblankets, matches sealed in a water-tight container, a few candy bars, acandle or two to help warm the insideof your car, and a bundle of old news-papers. Why the newspapers? If you'restranded, newspapers stuffed insideyour clothing can provide welcomeinsulation; they'll also come in handyfor starting a fire.

To be further prepared for winterdriving, it's an excellent idea to carry atool kit consisting of some of the verybasics: spare fuses for your automobile,a nylon tow rope or chain, a small con-tainer for gasoline with a length ofrubber tubing to siphon gas in the eventthat you need a fire, a small containerof sand, and a shovel that you caneasily handle.

Bear in mind that shoveling snowmay well be an exercise you don'tnormally do a lot of, so don't overdo it- take your time.

Page 23: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

in advance


Now for some pointers - eight ofthem, in fact:

1. Check highway reports and weatherconditions before leaving on an autotrip.

2. As you're travelling, and the day iscreating the kind of storm that couldstrand you, make a mental note ofbufldings that could serve as land-marks and provide shelter.

3. If you do get stranded, siphon a littlegasoline off into a container, thenstay in your car unti' it runs out of.gas. Beware of carbon monoxide -make sure the tailpipe is clear ofsnow, and idle the car just longenough to take the chuB off.

4. When you run out of fuel andcandles, get out of the car - frostbuild-up can seal the car and causesuffocation.

5. With that gas you siphoned off, lighta fire. If wood is not available, use

the car seats, floor mats, spare tire,and, if necessary, the tires on yourwheels. Be sure to let the air outbefore burning the tires.

6. If bufidings that can afford protec-tion are distant, stay put. Aimlesswandering could cause you to loseyour sense of direction and, if lost,freezing is almost inevitable. Keepactive and mobile by replenishingyour fire while waiting for help toarrive. If you're well off the beatenpath, wait until the weather settlesdown before setting out for help

7. Build a shelter using branches and/or blankets. You could use the caras part of your windbreak.

8. Eating snow or ice can causedehydration; melt over fire, thendrink.

If you're unavoidably caught in asnow-bound situation, the most im-portant thing you can do is - pardonthe pun - "stay cool!"

Page 24: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey



Sudbury areaWhat a Christmas present' That was the

first reaction of Adelmo Marchioni when hefound out hed won the maximum Incosuggestion plan award - $5000

Adelmo, who works in the maintenancedepartment at the Copper Cliff smelter,suggested replacing the gate feeder on theflash furnace with a rotary feeder. I wasrepairing the feeder regularly, and thoughtthat there should be a better way, saidAdelmo, 'so I got to thinking, and came upwith the idea of a rotary feeder.

When his family found out about Adelmo'swindfall they had plenty of suggestions onwhat to do with it. However, Adelmo and hiswife, Nasima, have decided to use part of themoney to remodel their house and thenmaybe take a vacation next year. Their proudchildren are Peter, 17, David, 15, Diana, 13,and Johnny, 8.

Young Johnny had his own ideas aboutspending. 'I want an ice cream soda thisbigV' he said, as he stretched his arms wide.Lotsa luck Johnny-hope you get it!

Ed Nowak, a reverb building dryerman atthe Copper Cliff smelter, picked up $320 fordesigning a new coupling for baghouse jets.

Edgar Jeanveau suggested removingnumber nine crane at the converter building;for this idea he received $240. Edgar, apowderman in the converter building, wontwo other awards in October, proving that itpays to keep those ideas rolling in!

Pat Rilley had two awards this month. Hisidea to put a different type of valve on filtervacuum lines netted him $210: devising away to make an agitator drive motor positionadjustable earned him an additional $35. Patis with the maintenance department at theMK building.

Marcel Lafontaine suggested revisions toGradall machines for easier access to controlvalves at the smelter. Marcel is now $120richer.

Alme Sabourin, at the smelter, received$70 for his thought on replacing gate valveswith Dezurik valves on Garr guns.

Vernon Roy has an extra $50 to spend thismonth for suggesting a hopper for Magnuswashers at central shops.

Frank Vellow added $35 to his pocketwith his idea to patch holes in filter panelswith fibreglass. Frank works at the smelter.

Bohumil Kopp and Leo Leblanc, bothfrom the utilities department at the oxygenplant, teamed up to suggest that a serviceladder and a platform be installed. For theirefforts they shared $30.

There were four $25 awards. WayneChabot saw reason to relocate thetelephone in the pump room at the smelter.

Tim Foucault, also at the smelter, suggestedrelocating the ladder at the payloader ramp.Wally Michasiw, matte processing,suggested a platform for servicing carpullers, and Danilo Parisotto, central shops.proposed the use of tongs to lift structuralsteel shapes.

The three $20 winners were: Frank Cinei,for seeing a safer method for use ofblacksmith chain in the central shops; GuilloLisi, from the smefler, for his idea of steelshacks for skimmers and punchers, andGerard Rancourt, matte processing, forinstalling a light at number 94 conveyor.

There were five $15 winners. LucienGagnon, also from matte processing, wonhis money for proposing a platform forservicing a screw conveyor. Roy Ladurante,from matte processing, clicked with his ideaof a platform for servicing number three andnumber four filters, while FranciscoMartins, at the smelter, devised a way toreroute boiler blow-off valves. DonaldMarynuk and John McKibbon, both fromthe smelter, picked up their money for twoseparate suggestions: Donald, for seeing theneed for a canopy over the garage door andJohn for proposing a warning light attransfer car tracks. The final $15 winner wasBruno Tramontini, at the central shops, forproposing the use of punch bar shears to cutchain.

Port ColbornePort Colborne's top award this monthwent to Nick Concessi and BobClimenhage, who put their thinking capson and came up with the idea of usingAeroqup hydraulic hose on oil burners inthe anode department. They split $720right down tre middle.

Pau' Marcantonio solved the problemof cleaning slime from the ditches in theENR building. He suggested a ploughwith rubber squeegees be attached to auniloader, and received a cheque for $660.

In the shearing department, ForteButtigieg's bright idea to install asloping tray under the screen on thedischarge side of the harperizer to collectundersize S' nickel rounds netted hima cool $190.

Not to be outdone, Fernand St. Louiswas a $165 prize winner with hisproposed modification to carrier hangersin the S' nickel rounds plant.

Jim Suess came through with hisimproved method of drilling copperanode molds and received a chequefor $90.

Page 25: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

Forte ButtigiegPort Colborne

$190 if

Ed JeanveauCopper Cliff smelter


rnand St. LoPort Colborne


Adelmo MarchioniCopper Cliff smelter

Bob Climenhage and Nick ConcessiPort Colborne


Pat RilleyCopper Cliff smelter


Ed NowakCopper Cliff smelter


r' / Paul MarcantonioPort Colborne


Page 26: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

This months logo writer just happensto be about the oldest and best knownfellow in the world - and, about now,probably one of the most popular.

That's why we were willing to travel tothe North Pole, tunnel through mountainsof children's letters, wend our waythrough workshops and elves, and trackeight tiny reindeer 'round the world(during a dress rehearsal for Christmaseve) to get to him. We finally foundSanta Claus in his reindeer stable -polishing Rudolph's nose!

Being the jolly sort that he is, Santawas delighted to do his bit for "the

triangle", even to the point of taking timeout from his hectic schedule to give usan exclusive interview,

Somehow, we expected Santa Claus tolook a bit older than he did - beingthousands of years old and all. But hedoesn't look his age at all. In fact, Santaclaims he's always looked the same -you know, with the white hair andwhiskers and the belly that shakes like abowl full of jelly. Oh, he must have beena beautiful baby!

Even when he was a boy, Santa Clausknew what he was going to be when hegrew up. After all, there aren't many

Logo writer comes

Page 27: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

choices when you've got a name likeSanta Claus. Yup, the only thing Santaever wanted to be was a good guy - thekind who would bring children presentsand make them happy each year atChristmastime.

And, Santa was a natural for the job.He had an eagle eye for checking onwhether kids were being naughty or nice;he had a great sense of direction fordriving his team of reindeer through a skywith no street signs; he looked sensa-tional in red; and he seemed to have aknack for climbing down chimneys whilestaying spotlessly clean.

to town!

So, Santa set up headquarters in theNorth Pole and, as we all know, he workedhis way to the top in his field. He startedout small - making his own toys,wrapping and delivering them himself."Of course that was when children'sChristmas lists were much shorter", heexplains. With rising demands, though,Mr. Claus was forced to expand and nowhe has hundreds and hundreds of elvesworking for him in workshops all over theNorth Pole. Naturally, Santa oversees allof the work and each present mustreceive the Santa Claus stamp ofapproval.

Believe it or not, making childrenhappy at Christmas is a year-round jobfor Santa. It takes him ages to readall of his mail, not to mention the time hespends on personal appearances atSanta Claus parades, Christmas parties,department stores and such. Even afterChristmas there is a lot to do - likekeeping an eye on children everywhereand crossing the bad ones off his list.And don't ever think it's easy keeping upwith changes of address, new membersin families and new towns on the map.No, Santa says his job is not as glamour-ous as we might think - there are noJanuary trips to Acapulco, or even wintervacations in Florida for him.

Nevertheless, Santa loves his work and,considering that he makes so manychildren happy, he's also successful.Like all successful guys, he has a goodwoman behind him: Mrs. Claus puts upwith a lot - like reindeer trackingthrough their home and Santa practisingsleigh landings on the roof of the house.

Before we left the North Pole, wethanked Santa for his logo and asked himwhat HE would like for Christmas thisyear. "A copy of the December 'triangle'would be great", he said. He wants ourChristmas issue for his scrapbook!

"Maybe you can get some pictures ofme when I come down for Sudbury'sSanta Claus parade", he added with awink.

We did and here they are. Hope youlike 'em, Santa!

Page 28: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

A safe and merry

Its beginning to look a lot likeChristmas. So, Deck the halls withboughs of holly, artificial ones - they'refireproof.

You say you used artificial boughs lastyear and still landed in the hospital forChristmas? Oh - you fell off your ladder!

'Tis the season to be jolly," but nottoo jolly to drive home safely.

You drove home safely from yourChristmas parties last year and still spentthe holidays in traction? Oh - you wereso jolly after the last party, you thoughtyou'd play Santa Claus and dove downthe chimney!

Guess you could say "them's thehazards" - Christmas hazards that is -and they prove you just can't be too safewhen "it's beginning to look a lot likeChristmas".

Sure, it's easy to chop down aChristmas tree. It's just as easy to chopyourself too, if your hands are cold fromsub-zero weather.

It's easy to forget to keep thatChristmas tree stand container full ofwater when visions of turkey drumsticksare dancing through your head. Andwhen the tree begins shedding needles,it's even easier to convince yourself thatit'll be safe for another day or so becauseyou're too busy watching the Rose Bowlgame to take it down.

Yes, it's easy to be careless in thehustle and bustle of the Christmas season• . . and it's easy to create a "house ofhazards".

Did you know that it takes only 27seconds for an eight-foot pine tree toburn? When you realize that it could beyour Chnstmas tree, it doesn't seemquite so tough to make that attempt toplay it safe at Christmastime.

It takes only an extra few minutes tofind a fresh, hve tree for the house. Andthe kids can wait an extra couple of daysto bring the tree inside, so it can staymoist in the cold outdoors.

Yes, your Christmas tree would prob-ably look beautiful beside the fireplace,but forget it. It's much better off faraway from any source of heat.

Strings of Christmas tree lights arepretty safe, (remember when people usedcandles?) but you'd better check forloose sockets and frayed wires. It's nothard to find tree ornaments that won'tburn, but even then, you should takesome additional precautions. Forinstance, "angel hair" won't burn andneither will spray-on snow, but together,they're hot stuff - read the labels.

When it comes to trimming the tree,be careful. Put out your cigar, cigaretteor pipe, and take care when you placethat star on the top of the tree. It canbe discouraging to end up with star -and tree - on top of you instead.

Finally, when you leave the house,don't leave your tree lights burning. Don'tkid yourself - the dog really doesn'tappreciate it.

And, when the kids are putting the It's not really so energy-consuming to And when you've had your safe andpressure on to get that tree in the house saw the butt-end of the tree diagonally merry Chhstmas, remember that it tookong before Christmas, its easier to haW before placing it in a water-containing only an extra bit of effort to mak3 it 50.it inside and set it up hastily than to stand, which, when you think about it, Why, you probably exert more energyargue. isn't all that difficult to keep full, being an armchair athlete!

Page 29: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

C . . . for everybody!hr Every product has a purpose and an

intended use. Toys are designed toamuse and to teach, but they can causeinjury if they're misused.

The Hazardous Products Act recog-nizes the problem of possible hazards intoys: hazards that could well be hiddenfrom the manufacturer, the buyer and theuser.

Laws exist to eliminate dangersfrom toys such as poisonous, corrosiveor irritating chemicals, and to removedesign hazards that could lead a smallchild to choke on a loose part of a toy orto be exposed to sharp points or edges.

They also provide standards for electrical,fire and mechanical dangers.

But laws cannot do everything. Alltoys aren't safe for all children - a play-thing that is great for an older child canbe dangerous for her baby brother. Andwatching out for the little guy is every-body's job.

Who gets hurt? Children between twoand three years old are the main victims,and boys get hurt most.

So use special care in toy selection- especially if there are small childrenin the house - they're liable todo anything.


Points to remember about toys:

1) Buy the toy that is right for the child's age and know-how.

2) Keep in mind who else in the house might play with the toy.

3) Check Instructions and really look the toy over.

4) Show the child how the toy should be used without harm.

5) Watch the child very carefully while those little fingers explore.

Play it safe

Page 30: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey



Andrew Babin attended Sudbury Second-ary School, general sciences, and istrying to pick up enough credits to getinto university, preferably Ottawa U. Themoney hes earning now will go towardsfurthering his education, possibly in thefield of social services. Hes very muchpeople-oriented and says the big thingis being one of the boys he reallyenjoys meeting and working with thedifferent people on his shift which, by theway, is steady night-shift four monthsnow and the greatest shift everinvented. His work, chute blasting atthe 2000 level of Copper Cliff South mine,is much different than expected, some-thing hed never experienced beforeAnd rews dad, the late Elie Babin,worked n the maintenance department atthe Copper Cliff smelter for 18 years.

They come from high school, college,and university they want to earn, andlearn theyre students and, in ever-increasing numbers, theyre turning toInco for summer employment. Wethought itd be interesting to find out why- and why a surprising number decideto stay on, rather than return to school.

This year, 1265 students were broughtinto the company as summer employees;132 are still with us and intend to stay on.Inco makes room for them all, asking onlyfor an A-i medical and good work record.

Den is Gaudette, an Azilda boy, is a grade12 graduate of Rayside SecondarySchool, and studied electronics this pastyear at the Sault College of Applied Artsand Technology. While he found highschool a piece of cake ', buckling downto studies at the Sault was tough; heturned to Inco for the security of a goodsteady job. Now at Levack mine, he canlive at home and is within easy drivingdistance of work. He figures hes muchcloser to his dad, Rene, a diamond drillerat Copper Cliff North mine, now that theycan speak the same job language. Deniswould like to follow in his fathers foot-steps and become a diamond driller.He's impressed by the team spirit hefinds with his fellow miners and is con-sidering an apprenticeship with the aimof becoming a tradesman.

Denis GaudetteLevack mFne

Andrew BabnCopper CUff South mine

Page 31: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

After that, its just a minor transition -full-time passes are issued and the fullbenefits package made available.

As far as the students are concerned,high on the "why stay" list is the financialaspect. Many of the students couldntafford continued tuition, and even a yearon the job would provide them with themeans to further their education. In around about sort of way, Inco, in additionto its scholarship plans, is actuallyhelping such students through school.

James Wicken den is certainly no new-comer to Inco. Hes had three previouscontacts, all with the purpose of earningenough money to continue his schooling.This year, he loined Inco in May and isnow with anode casting, Copper Cliffcopper refinery. James finished a two-year course, audio-visual technology, atCambrian College and is a spare-timephoto buff. He has his application in withInco for a position in the audio-visualfield when it becomes available, and feelsit'll be easier to get this kind of job bybeing where he is now and waiting. Hesnot overly fussy on the three differentshifts hes working; his boss is goodand the other people are good to workwith '. His father, William, 37 years withInco, is foreman, electrical maintenance,Iron Ore Recovery Plant.

For others, its a matter of wanting abreak; after all, the average universitystudent has been going to school for14 or 15 years - its said that a changeis as good as a rest!

In some cases, that first year of collegeor university proved a bit much -students found t difficult to adjust, readycash was a scarcity, and they finallyadmitted that "it just wasnt for them'.

Then, too, its possible that jobs werescarce in the field of scholastic training

Kenneth Hautamaki, slag chuteman atthe Copper Cliff smelter, is a LaurentianUniversity third year history major, andhas been with International Nickel sinceApril. He definitely wanted to get awayfrom school for awhile, particularly tomake some money - hes got ahungry little sportscar to feed! His

earnings this year will help with tuition ifand when he decides to continue hiseducation. He feels that working threeshifts is definitely good for saving money,and fee!s that "Inco's good for students'.Ken enjoys physical labour, working withhis hands, and has high regard for hisseniors on the various shifts, who makeit" by treating the younger fellows asequals. His father, Arvi, is an electricianat Murray mine, and an Inco QuarterCentury Club member.

undergone by the student; Inco couldprovide a job and a goodly amount ofsecurity.

There are some who may not havemade their year and, of course, there arethose who, once on the job, decidedtheyd found thefr own particular niche,and preferred it to returning to School.

Whatever the reasons, both sides endup winners - the students have theirjobs, and Inco has a young work forcewith a lot of potentiaH

Don Alemany has been with the companysince June, after completing a four-yearelectronics course at Lively DistrictSecondary School. He lives in Naughtonand is pleased that hes working atCreighton number nine shaft, as its fairlyclose to home and to his dad, Robert, acarpenter at Creighton number five shaft.Dons first, last, and only application waswith Inco - hed simply felt that the timehad come to work. Hes on two shifts andreally enjoys it; surprisingly, he prefersafternoon shift. Don feels his high schoolbackground, the course itself, will benefithim no matter what field he enters, buthes especially interested in the elec-tronics end of things and has applied foran apprenticeship as stationary engineertrainee, which would be an addedincentive for a career in nickel mining.

Don AlemanyCreighton mine

James WickendenCopper Refinery

Kenneth HautamakiCopper Cliff smelter

Page 32: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

3ear r!You've heard of Christmas in July? No? Well,

how bout Valentine's Day in December? That'sright, Valentine's Day, February 14th.

If you're a budding artist, or no artist at all, andyou're in grade eight and under, get your paints orcrayons out and send us your best hand drawnValentine card. The best ten selected from kinder-garten through grades one to three will receive thefirst bock of a creative arts series; the best ten ineach of grades four and five will receive book twoof the series, and the best ten in grades sixthrough eight will win an advanced book dealingwith the art of oil painting. The best overall card,in addition to becoming the cover of the February"triangle" will also win a high quality oil paintingset,

Send all entries to 'the triangle," TheInternational Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd.,

Copper Cliff, Ontario, POM iNC. Print the words'Valentine Contest" on the outside of theenvelope. Please, no entries larger than eight byten inches, and preferably, the same size as "thetriangle" front cover.

Each entry will be judged by an independentpanel of judges, whose decision will be final. Theentries will be marked on originality and good useof colour.

Please note! This contest is NOT restricted tochildren of Inco employees - it's open to all,whoever or wherever you are.

Be sure to include your name and address andhome phone number, your age, the grade you're In,and the name of the school you attend.

So get those cards in - they have to bepost-marked no later than January 1, 1975, toqualify.

Page 33: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

History has repeated itself! For thethird year in a row, Creighton mine haswon the Inco pumper division fire brigadecompetition.

Best in the non-pumper class wasLevack mine, not bad considering thiswas only the second year Levack hasentered the competition.

Tests for the pumper brigades includesimulated fires on the ground and onroofs, equipment operation arid atheoretical problem for the senior officerof each brigade.

Non-pumper brigades carried hose upa ladder to a simulated fire, extinguishedan oil fire and perlormed a simulatedrescue as well as participating in theequipment and officers problems. Scor-ing was on a penalty-time for error oromission basis.

The men in Incos fire brigades are full-time company emp'oyees at surfaceplants who have volunteered for brigadeduty. They attend regular training pro-grammes and have frequent practices.

When an alarm is sent in, the mendrop what theyre doing and headquickly for the fire station where they,along with local town fire departments,are the first line of defense for firesat lnco plants.

lop Two

Winners of the pumper division - Creighton mine. (On truck, from left), B/il Peacock,Bjii Dumencu, "Red" Sutton, and Tom Lebianc; (front, from ieft), Bob LaCeile, (Lieutenant),"Spike Mulligan, Bill Zyma (Deputy), Art Van Allen, (Chief), Don Bray, (Fire Inspector),"Red" MacDonaid, Saui Sherbanuk and Jim Ste fanko.

Winners of the non-pumper fire brigade competition - Levack mine. They are, (front, fromleft), Harvey Judges, Levack mine superintendent, who presented the trophy, Don Nadorazny,(Chief), George Lockhart, (Captain), 'D.D." Deschamp and Aime Tess/er; (rear, from ieft)John Mihajic, Ray Purvis, Stan Zamo/ski, Guy Filiatrault and Ai Cu//is.

Page 34: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

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fellowLeo Kilpinen, supervisor of the

engineering specialist group at Inco'sgeneral engineering building, has beenelected a fellow of the Instrument Societyof America. He received the award inNew York for his work on analysis equip-ment and applications of instrumentationin mineral processing. This honor isbestowed on only a few members eachyear selected from a total societymembership of about 20,000.

Leo is a pioneer in the field of instru-mentation, a field which has been inexistence for about 30 years. As he putsit, "I grew up at the same time as instru-mentation, I learned the technologicaladvances when they were first developed,and would find it very difficult today if Ihad to start from scratch."

Leo has worn many hats during hiscareer with Inco. He started as a processaborer in the Orford building in 1939 andworked in such diverse departments astransportation, metallurgy, electrical, andgeology before finally settling into thefield of instrumentation in 1944.

Asked for an interpretation of instru-mentation, Leo explained that as far ashe was concerned, "it's process control.You're performing a simple form ofprocess control when you adjust thewater temperature for your bath," he said."You stick your hand in to check if thewater temperature is too hot or cold, andthen adjust the flow from the taps tocompensate for the difference." This isessentially the activity of plant processcontrol, with the substitution of sophis-

ticated mechanical and electricalequipment.

Leo had a hand in the development ofthe air-borne prospecting equipmentknown as the air EM "bomb." Towedbelow and behind an aircraft, the "bomb"is used to locate conductive zones whichmay contain sulphide ore bodies. He wasalso responsible for the design of muchof the analysis equipment used in thecontrol rooms at the Clarabelle mill andthe Copper Cliff smelter.

Leo summed it all up when he said,"I get great satisfaction out of my job.I enjoy the challenge of finding solutionsto different problems, and would hopethat young people thinking of a career ininstrumentation will be as satisfied withthe field as I am."

Leo Kilpinen, (left), and Gerry Ga/lager, Senior design engineer, at theread•out panel in the Clarabelle mill control room.

Leo Kilpinen and the air EM "bomb" which he helped develop approximately 25 years ago.

Page 35: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey

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On the back coverThe communion table in the intimate Peace Chapel of

St. Andrew's United Church. It's a very unique altar, in that itconsists of ore from all of Inco's Sudbury area miningoperations.

As chairman of the building committee for St. Andrew'sPlace, and now president of the corporate structure, JoeBischoff, 39 years with lnco and retired superintendent ofprocess technology at Copper Cliff's copper refinery, waslargely responsible for the novel innovation.

Joe, in seeking industrial representation symbolic of thearea, approached Carl Gourley, the company's chief minesgeologist, with the idea of having Inco provide the material forthe construction of an "altar of ore".

Realizing that a solid piece of ore would be extremelydifficult to manipulate, Carl suggested consulting Peter Elleroand Son Limited, Marble and Granite Manufacturing; the firmwas then commissioned to grind and polish a conglomerateof ore samples submitted by the individual mines, while con-forming to the design requested by St. Andrew's Placearchitects. Peter, who ten years ago spent two years as adiesel loaderman at Creighton's number three shaft, undertookthe project and produced the handsome mosaic of polishedore that today covers the altar's massive concrete core.

The altar, weighing slightly over a ton, consists of threerectangular blocks, each about six inches thick. And is com-prised of two 30-inch-high pedestal legs and a 48-inch by18-inch slab top.

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Page 36: $2.50 each. Appointments John Clark, product costing clerk. Don Danko, supervising systems analyst. Andy Fraser, programmer. Cec Fleming, senior timekeeper, Creighton mine. Harvey