Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 Miracle of the Month St. Martin of Porres and the Mice Fish Eaters.com St. Martin de Porres (December 9, 1579 – November 3, 1639) was a Third Order Dominican who served the Lord in Peru. A very holy man, he focused on caring for the poor, establishing an orphanage and a hospital for children, for which he was rewarded with the supernatural gifts of bilo- cation, the ability to know things beyond the powers of man, healing, and levitation. But it's his way with God's creatures that makes his story relevant to this section of the website: he was what would be called these days an "animal whisperer," much in the way St. Francis was. One day, some of his fellow Dominicans, novices, brought two bulls to the monastery. When they began to fight, St. Martin had a little talk with the beasts, telling them to behave themselves. He brought food to them, and asked the older bull to allow the younger bull to have his fill first. The bull obeyed -- and even kissed St. Martin's habit. It's the story of St. Martin and the mice, though, that is most famous. The monastery became overrun with them, which caused a lot of damage. Mice, being rodents, must chew, chew, chew in order to keep their teeth from growing so large that they become unable to eat. In response, St. Martin held a meeting with the furry little creatures, beckoning them to the garden, where they met him as a group. He told the hundreds of gathered mice that if they remained outdoors, he would care for them. And like the bulls, they, too, obeyed.

2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

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Page 1: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Miracle of the Month St. Martin of Porres and the Mice

Fish Eaters.com

St. Martin de Porres (December 9, 1579 – November 3,

1639) was a Third Order Dominican who served the Lord in

Peru. A very holy man, he focused on caring for the poor,

establishing an orphanage and a hospital for children, for

which he was rewarded with the supernatural gifts of bilo-

cation, the ability to know things beyond the powers of

man, healing, and levitation.

But it's his way with God's creatures that makes his story

relevant to this section of the website: he was what would

be called these days an "animal whisperer," much in the

way St. Francis was.

One day, some of his fellow Dominicans, novices, brought

two bulls to the monastery. When they began to fight, St. Martin had a little talk with the beasts,

telling them to behave themselves. He brought food to them, and asked the older bull to allow

the younger bull to have his fill first. The bull obeyed -- and even kissed St. Martin's habit.

It's the story of St. Martin and the mice, though, that is most famous. The monastery became

overrun with them, which caused a lot of damage. Mice, being rodents, must chew, chew, chew

in order to keep their teeth from growing so large that they become unable to eat. In response,

St. Martin held a meeting with the furry little creatures, beckoning them to the garden, where

they met him as a group. He told the hundreds of gathered mice that if they remained outdoors,

he would care for them. And like the bulls, they, too, obeyed.

Page 2: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Remember folks, NO CASH will be accepted! Ensure your contri-

butions are done so by check or money order. Also remember

that the amount of the contribution is not as important as partici-


¡Recuérdense, NO EFECTIVO! Solo aceptamos cheques o giro

postal. También recuérdense que participación es más importante

que el tamaño de su contribución.

Archdiocesan Goal / Objetivo Arquidiocesana- $3,000,000

Parish Goal / Objetivo Parroquial - $34,500.00

Total Pledged / Total Comprometida - $14,502.00

Total Paid / Total Pagado - $8,197.00

Shortfall / Déficit - $26,303.00

Registered Families / Familias registradas - 1,319

Families Participating / Familias participando - 38

The Archdiocese

of Santa Fe Flu


The Archbishop of Santa Fe, John C.

Wester, placed the Archdiocese of Santa Fe under

flu protocol on January 7th. This protocol remains

in effect today! This involves us only receiving

our Lord under one species only. Also, we are

not supposed to receive the Eucharist on the

tongue, only in the hand. We are not supposed to

hold hands during prayer or shake hands during the

offering of peace. We are simply supposed to bow

to each other. We must continue to follow this pro-

tocol because the flu season is not close to being

over and there are world-wide concerns over the

spread of the coronavirus. Please, let us remain

vigilant and stay the course with the flu protocol for

our own wellbeing and health until further notice.

La Arquidiócesis de

Santa Fe Protocolo

del Gripe

El Arzobispo de Santa Fe, John C.

Wester, colocó a la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe bajo el

protocolo de la gripa el 7 de enero. ¡Este protocolo

sigue vigente hoy! Esto implica que solo recibamos a

nuestro Señor bajo una sola especie. Además, no debe-

mos recibir la Eucaristía en la lengua, solo en la mano.

Se supone que no debemos tomarnos de la mano

durante la oración o estrechar la mano durante la ofren-

da de paz. Simplemente se supone que debemos incli-

narnos el uno al otro. Debemos seguir este protocolo

porque la temporada de gripe no está cerca de terminar

y existen preocupaciones mundiales sobre la propaga-

ción del coronavirus. Por favor, permanezcamos aten-

tos y seguemos con el protocolo de la gripe para nues-

tro propio bienestar y salud hasta nuevo aviso.

Page 3: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Monthly Meeting Schedule 2019-2020 / All Meetings at 6:00p.m.

Monday, April 1st, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 - O.L.G., Clovis

Monday, July 6th, 2020 - St. Helen’s, Portales

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 - Sacred Heart, Clovis

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 - O.L.G., Clovis

Knights of the Altar

Of St. Joseph

7 Corporal Works of Mercy 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy

1. Feed the Hungry 1. Instruct the Ignorant

2. Give Drink to the Thirsty 2. Counsel the Doubtful

3. Give Alms to the Poor 3. Admonish the Sinner

4. Shelter the Homeless 4. Forgive Injuries

5. Visit the Sick 5. Comfort the Sorrowful

6. Visit the Imprisoned 6. Bear Wrongs Patiently

7. Bury the Dead 7. Pray for the Living and the Dead

The Knights of the Altar of St. Joseph

is a men’s group that meets monthly in

the Catholic churches in our surround-

ing area. This group is for men and

their sons ages 12 and up for prayer and

faith sharing. The men pray the Holy

Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacra-

ment. This is a wonderful opportunity

for all men to grow closer to God and

to rediscover their calling as men and

fathers of Almighty God. We look for-

ward to seeing you there. All men

are welcome at any time!

7 Obras Corporales de Misericordia 7 Obras Espirituales de Misericordia

1. Dar de Comer al Hambriento 1. Corregir al que se Equivoca

2. Dar de Beber al Sediento 2. Enseñar al que so Sabe

3. Vestir al Desnudo 3. Aconsejar al que lo Necesita

4. Hospedar al Peregrino 4. Consolar al Triste

5. Visitar al Enfermo 5. Soportar los Defectos con Paciencia

6. Visitar a los Presos 6. Perdonar las Ofensas

7. Enterrar a los Muertos 7. Rezar por los Vivos y los Difuntos

Sacred Heart Women’s

Group presents…..

Page 4: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Stations of the Cross

We will be having the Stations

of the Cross everyday Friday

during Lent immediately follow-

ing the 5:30p.m. Mass. The

Stations will be bilingual.

Vía Crucis

Vamos a tener la Vía

Crucis cada viernes durante

Cuaresma después de la

Misa de 5:30p.m. La Vía

Crucis será bilingüe.

We will be having a Lenten Retreat with Fr. Chris-

topher Zugger from Our Lady of Perpetual Help in

Albuquerque. This will be an English Retreat and

will begin on Sunday, March 8th and lasting until

Tuesday, March 10th. The Retreat will begin at

5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes pr ior to

Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The

topic of the Lenten Retreat will be “The 7 Last

Words of Christ”. All are welcomed to attend

this wonderful retreat. However, this retreat will

be mandatory for all parents with children in Sac-

ramental Classes (Holy Communion I and II,

RCIC, Sacramental Prep. and Confirmation I and

II) who did not attend the Advent Mission last

year. If you have any questions, please contact

Lora Rodriguez at (575) 309-8130.

Vamos a tener un Retiro de Cuaresma con Pr. Chris-

topher Zugger que viene de Nuestra Señora de Ayu-

da Perpetua en Albuquerque. Este retiro será en in-

gles en empieza domingo, 8 de marzo hasta martes,

10 de marzo. El retiro empieza a las 5:00p.m. con

Confesiones media hora antes de la Misa y Confe-

siones después de la Misa también. La tema de el

retiro será “Los Últimos 7 Palabras de Cristo”.

Todos esta bienvenidos a este retiro especial. Este

retiro será obligatorio para los padres con niños en

clases Sacramentales (Primera Comunión 1 y 2,

RCIN, Preparación Sacramental y Confirmación 1 y

2) que no asistieron el Retiro de Adviento el año

pasado. Si tienen preguntas, por favor llaman a

Lora Rodríguez a (575) 309-8130.

We will be having a

Lenten Meal immediately

after every Stations of the

Cross in the Gymnasium.

All are welcomed to come

and enjoy these wonderful

meals with our brothers

and sisters in Christ.

Cena Cuaresmal

Vamos a tener una cena Cuares-

mal después de cada Vía Crucis

en el gimnasio. Todos son bien-

venidos a disfrutar unas noches de

compañerismo con sus hermanos

y hermanas en Cristo.

Page 5: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Weekly Readings Monday, March 9th:

DN 9:4B-10 PS 79:8,9,11&13 LK 6:36-38

Tuesday, March 10th:

IS 1:10,16-20 PS 50:8-9,16BC-17,21&23 MT 23:1-12

Wednesday, March 11th:

JER 18:18-20 PS 31:5-6,14,15-16 MT 20:17-28

Thursday, March 12th:

JER 17:5-10 PS 1:1-2,3,4&6 LK 16:19-31

Friday, March 13th:

GN 37:3-4,12-13A,17B-28A PS 105:16-17,18-19,20-21 MT 21:33-43,45-46

Saturday, March 14th:

MI 7:14-15,18-20 PS 103:1-2,3-4,9-10,11-12 LK 15:1-3,11-32

Sunday, March 15th:

EX 17:3-7 PS 95:1-2,6-7,8-9 ROM 5:1-2,5-8 JN 4:5-42

The food pantry operates each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the

month at 9:00a.m. in an effort to help the less fortunate of

God’s children in our community. Thanks be to God, our Food

Pantry is now the largest in Eastern New Mexico! Anyone in-

terested in volunteering, please come at 8:30AM or call Rosie

Buchan at 575-309-5040 for further information.

We are in need of volunteer drivers for food box

deliveries as well as help Friday mornings.

The Food Pantry is in need of the following items:

Crackers, pasta noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit and


Many thanks to all those who donate their time and goods to

this wonderful ministry!!!

January 1st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

May 21st - Ascension of our Lord

August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 1st - All Saints Day

December 8th - Immaculate Conception

December 25th - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ


Days of



“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me” Matthew 25:35

Religious Education Information Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Kindergarten through 7th Grade, RCIC, Youth Group

Wednesday 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Confirmation I and II, Apologetics, & Sacramental Prep.

Monday 6:00p.m. English RCIA

Educación Religiosa Miércoles 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. Kínder hasta 7 ̊grado, Iniciacion para Niños, Grupo de Juveniles

Miércoles 7:15p.m. - 8:30p.m. Confirmación I y II, Apologética, Preparación Sacramental

Jueves 6:00p.m. Iniciación Cristiano para Adultos en español

Sacred Heart

Prayer Warriors!

If you or someone you know is in need

of prayer, please contact Mary Shockley (575)799-

6402. She will place that individual that is in need of

prayer into a circle of prayer. Parishioners of Sacred

Heart Church will then pray for those individuals to

Almighty God. This is a wonderful ministry and privi-

lege for us to be able to pray for you.

Signing in to FORMED is easier than ever! Visit

formed.org and sign in using our zip code, 88101. This is

all that you need to enjoy excellent Catholic content for

your spiritual growth and that of your families!

Page 6: 2˚ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020 ... · 5:00p.m. with Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass and immediately after Mass as well. The topic of the Lenten Retreat

2 ̊ Domingo de Cuaresma 2nd Sunday of Lent March 8th, 2020

Ministers—Saturday, March 14th, 2020 (Spanish) Sacristans 6:00PM Lupe Sosa

Altar Servers 6:00PM Christian Barraza Isabella Barraza Michelle Valdivia Lectors 6:00PM Diana Gonzalez Ana Hernandez

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 6:00PM L-Grace Padilla R-Agustin Henderson

Ministers—Sunday, March 15th, 2020 Sacristans 8:30AM Mary Shockley Jesse Alvarez Eric Nelson

10:30AM Francisco Rodriguez Dora Rivero Altar Servers 8:30AM Joseph Vickers Gregory Bryant Kye Conley

10:30AM Elijah Rodriguez Jazleyn Quintana Christopher Bouchard Lectors 8:30AM Keishla Cota Sean Little

10:30AM Ricky Sisneros Jeanne Blackburn Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 8:30AM L-Priscilla Garcia R-Agustin Henderson L-Jacquelyn Bonney R-Katie Haynes-Burns

10:30AM L-Agustin Henderson R-Lora Rodriguez L-Angie Spears R-Francisco Rodriguez

Tithes and Offerings

February 26th & March 1st, 2020

Envelopes $7,450.00

Loose $9,905.78

Needy $1,360 .00

Church Cleaning Ministry - Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Vivian Trujillo, Lucille Conley, Beni Dampier, Nora Quiñones

Altar Linens Ministry - March-April Lucille Conley

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound & Nursing Homes

Sunday, March 15th, 2020 Retirement Ranch Rick Rowley Clovis Health Care Carmen Sosa St. Anthony’s Volunteer Needed Group Home No Visitations

Monday March 9th, 2020

No Mass Tuesday March 10th, 2020

5:30PM Fr. Carlos (Recovery) Wednesday March 11th, 2020

12:10PM Carlos Rivero (Recovery) Thursday March 12th, 2020

5:30PM Fr. Simon’s mother (Recovery) Friday March 13th, 2020

5:30PM Aida Alicea (Health) Saturday March 14th, 2020

6:00PM Milagros Ruiz (Health) Sunday March 15th, 2020

8:30AM †David Still, †Ed Root

10:30AM †Sharon Owenby, †Francis Chavez

2:00PM Parish of Sacred Heart