120611 Lakeport City Council - Consent Agenda

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  • 8/3/2019 120611 Lakeport City Council - Consent Agenda




    REGULAR MEETINGNovember 15, 2011

    I. WORKSHOP: The workshop commenced at 5:33 p.m. A presentation was given to Council

    show them the ease of going with a paperless agenda packet.



    Mayor/Chairperson Lyons called the regular meeting of the City Council of th

    City of Lakeport and Lakeport Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:26 p.m. w

    Council/Agency Members Roy Parmentier, Robert Rumfelt, Stacey Mattina, a

    Tom Engstrom present.

    III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Attorney Brookes.

    IV. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: The item regarding the Resolution and JPA for Sunshine Manor will be moved

    the Public Hearing section of the agenda. A motion was made by

    Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member

    Rumfelt, and unanimously carried by voice vote to accept the agenda as

    amended.V. CONSENT AGENDA:

    A. Ordinances: Waive reading except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this

    meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code Section 369

    B. Warrants: Approve warrants as listed on Warrant Register dated November 15, 2011.

    C. Minutes: Approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of September 20, 2011 a

    November 1, 2011.

    D. Building Permit Report Receive and file Building Permit Report for October 2011.

    Vote on Consent Agenda A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Mattina, and unanimously carried by voice vote to

    approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C.

    Minutes A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Mattina, carried by voice vote with Council Membe

    Engstrom abstaining, to approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting

    November 1, 2011.

    A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Mattina, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote, w

    Council Member Parmentier and Council Member Rumfelt abstaining, to

    approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of September 20, 2011.


    A. Citizen Input There was no citizen input.


    A. Supplemental Law Enforcement

    Services Fund Expenditure Plan

    The public hearing was opened at 6:32 p.m. There being no public comment,

    the hearing was closed at 6:33 p.m. A motion was made by Council/Agency

    Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and

    unanimously carried by voice vote to adopt a resolution allocating funds from

    the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) pursuant to a writt

    request from the Chief of Police.

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    Minutes of the Lakeport City Council and Redevelopment Agency Meeting of November 15, 2011 Page

    B. Resolution Approving JPA

    Relating to the California

    Municipal Finance Authority and

    Approve Issuance of Bonds

    Sunshine Manor Apartments

    Community Development Director Knoll gave a background report. Chuck

    Lange from RCHDC addressed the Council. The public hearing was opened at

    6:40 p.m. There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 6:41 p.m

    A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Mattina, and unanimously carried by voice vote to

    adopt a resolution approving a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement relating to

    the California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA), and approving the issuanc

    of multifamily housing revenue bonds by the Authority for the purpose of

    financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing

    facility known as Sunshine Manor Apartments and authorize the City Manageto execute the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement of the CMFA.


    A. City Clerk:

    1. Paperless Agenda A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Mattina, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Rumfelt, and carried by voice vote, with Mayor Lyon

    voting no, to approve the purchase of iPad computers and necessary

    components set forth in the staff report or provide financing should Council

    members and executive staff wish to purchase their own iPad. Council Mem

    Rumfelt made a motion that the employees be allowed to use the financing

    option, but the motion died for lack of a second.

    B. Police Chief:

    1. Modification of ABC License

    Lakeside Lanes

    A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Mattina, and unanimously carried by voice vote to

    authorize the Chief of Police to send a response letter to ABC outlining our

    recommendations regarding the license modification.

    C. Finance Director

    1. Warrant Ratification Process A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Mattina, and unanimously carried by voice vote to

    implement a warrant ratification process and authorize the Finance Departm

    to issue warrants when expenditures are appropriated and payments due and

    payable.D. Administrative Services Director:

    1. Reduction in Liabilities A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by

    Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote to

    approve the reduction of financial liabilities through payment of "old bank"

    compensation time and vacation time still on the balance sheet and approve

    the corresponding budget amendment.


    A. Miscellaneous Reports: City Engineer Harter reported on various construction projects being done.

    Finance Director Buffalo reported that the first quarter financial report is bein

    reviewed by the City Manager and will be provided to Council.

    City Attorney Brookes has begun searching for a potential staff car.

    Council Member Mattina reported that the Lakeport School Board has some

    newly elected members, and she would like to have a congratulations letter

    sent. She gave a report regarding the APC meeting.

    Council Member Engstrom thanked staff and the council for sending flowers

    his nephew was shot and killed in the line of duty.

    City Clerk Chapman will be on vacation next week

    Mayor Lyons reported that CLAS is meeting Thursday at 9:00 a.m. LAFCO w

    meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.

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    Minutes of the Lakeport City Council and Redevelopment Agency Meeting of November 15, 2011 Page

    Mayor Lyons received a letter from the Bay Delta Initiative stating that there

    some funding available for water quality, water conservation and habitat

    restoration programs.

    Council Member Rumfelt has concerns about people breaking traffic laws and

    asked about administrative citations.

    Council Member Parmentier reported that at the APC meeting, CalTrans did a

    presentation regarding the Highway 29 project.

    X. CLOSED SESSION: The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 7:41 p.m.Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 (Conference with Labor

    Negotiators): Employee Groups: Unrepresented Employees; Negotiators: Ci


    Pursuant to Government Code 54956.8, Conference with Real Property

    Negotiators, 1411 Alden Avenue, Negotiators: City Manager

    Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(b), Anticipated Litigation, two cases.

    XI. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: The meeting reconvened to open session at 8:47 p.m. The Mayor reported t

    staff was given direction.

    XII. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Lyons adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.


    ____________________________________ __________________________


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    Meeting Date: 12/06/2011 Page 1 Agenda Item #V.E.

    CITY OF LAKEPORTCity Council

    Lakeport Redevelopment AgencyCity of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

    STAFF REPORTRE: Status ReportNeighborhood Improvement Study MEETING DATE: 12/06/2011

    SUBMITTED BY: Richard Knoll, Community Development Director

    PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item


    The Council is being asked to review and file a Status Report regarding the Neighborhood ImprovementStudy.


    The City of Lakeport was awarded a Planning and Technical Assistance grant from the State Department ofHousing and Community Development to develop a Neighborhood Improvement Study that will focus ontargeted income areas in central Lakeport.


    Attached is a recent Planning Commission staff report and related attachments regarding the NeighborhoodImprovement Study project currently underway in the Armstrong Street area. This material is beingforwarded to the City Council in order to provide a status report on the ongoing study.

    Please contact me or Andrew Britton should you have any questions.


    This item is on the City Council agenda as a review and file matter and no action is required.


    None $ Account Number: Comments:



    Attachments: Planning Commission Staff ReportRelated Attachments Regarding the Neighborhood Improvement Study

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    Meeting Date: November 9, 2011 Page 1 Agenda Item VI. A.




    RE: Neighborhood Improvement Study MEETING DATE: November 9, 2011

    SUBMITTED BY: Andrew Britton, Planning Services Manager

    PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Commission Action


    Discussion regarding Neighborhood Improvement Study which is currently underway.


    The City of Lakeport was awarded a Planning and Technical Assistance grant from the

    State Department of Housing and Community Development to develop a Neighborhood

    Improvement Study that will focus on targeted income areas in central Lakeport. The

    study area is shown on Attachment #1 and includes the area bounded by Martin Street

    (south), Second Street (north), Highway 29 (west) and Forbes Street (east).

    The intent of the study is to evaluate existing conditions within the project area, including

    housing and infrastructure conditions. The study will include an assessment of housing

    conditions throughout the project area and identify areas where new infrastructure

    (sewer, water, storm drainage, street lights, streets and sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, park

    facilities, etc.) may be needed.

    The City issued a Request for Proposals for the preparation of the Neighborhood

    Improvement Study in May 2011 and selected RBF Consulting after reviewing their

    proposal. RBF has extensive experience preparing this type of study.


    An important component of the study is an assessment of the neighborhood conditions by

    residents and property owners. The City sought input from residents and distributed an

    informational flyer and brief survey (Attachment #1) to nearly all residences within the

    project area. A total of 23 responses have been returned and the draft results are

    described in Attachment #2. The submitted responses are also attached (Attachment


    A team from RBF Consulting visited Lakeport on October 24 through October 26, 2011 to

    conduct site evaluations and meet with City staff and other neighborhood stakeholders.

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    Meeting Date: November 9, 2011 Page 2 Agenda Item VI. A.

    The team was unable to complete the housing conditions survey during this visit and

    another site visit has been scheduled for the week of November 7. Please see

    Attachment #4 for the housing conditions checklist that will be completed for the majority

    of residences in the project area.

    Project area residents were also invited to a breakfast meeting/open house at City Hall

    with City staff and the RBF team. Approximately 10 residents attended the breakfastmeeting and described their likes, dislikes and desires for their neighborhood.

    Based on the information collected during the site visits, along with other background

    information provided to RBF (General Plan and Zoning Information, GIS parcel and

    infrastructure data, etc.), the RBF team will prepare a report and supporting GIS-based

    analysis maps and graphics assessing the project areas housing, community services,

    open space and infrastructure conditions and identifying priority needs. RBF will provide

    various GIS overlays which will assist in the identification of areas most in need of

    improvement or those with the most opportunity for change.

    RBF has indicated that the Neighborhood Improvement Report will also provide

    recommendations that will identify and provide specific guidance for such efforts asimproving infrastructure; addressing drainage issues; providing for better circulation of

    vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians; creating recreation opportunities; enhancing safety;

    and improving aesthetics in the neighborhood. It will include practical

    recommendations, identifying both projects and programs that require little City

    investment but create positive momentum, and others that require more effort. The

    report is also expected to identify City-led efforts and ways in which residents can

    become engaged in improving the neighborhood. The goal of the recommendations is

    to create a healthy neighborhood which is safe, accessible and a good place to live. The

    report will also include a list of potential funding and financing sources for implementation

    of the recommended programs and strategies.

    Staff anticipates receipt of a draft Neighborhood Improvement Report in approximatelyfour weeks, although the follow-up site visit may result in a slight delay. The final report is

    expected to be submitted by the end of 2011. The final report will be presented to the

    Planning Commission and the City Council for their consideration.


    This Neighborhood Improvement Study is the first of its kind in Lakeport. Staff believes that

    it is a very worthy project that will ultimately result in some specific improvements within the

    project area that will benefit its residents and the entire City.



    Attachments 1. Neighborhood Improvement Study- Flyer & Survey2. Neighborhood Improvement Study- Draft Survey Results3. Neighborhood Improvement Study- Returned Surveys4. Lakeport Property Conditions Survey Checklist

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    Neighborhood Improvement Study

    The City of Lakeport is conducting a neighborhood

    study in South Lakeport to identify possible ways to

    improve the neighborhood.

    The study will consider several characteristics of the

    neighborhood, including:








    October 24-25: Site Visit


    neighborhood on Monday, October 24 and Tuesday,

    October 25. You will see team members walking and

    driving around the neighborhood, taking photos, and

    recording notes.

    We want to hear from you!

    Participateinanintervieworaporchtalkmeeting with your neighbors



    Tuesday, October 25, 7:30 am 9 am

    Your NeighborhoodYour Ideas

    To participate, ask the person who gave you this fyer or contact: Andrew Britton, Planning Services Manager

    [email protected] (707) 263-5613 x28

    Attachment #1

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    LakeportNeighborhoodImprovementStudyYourinputisappreciated!1. ThemapbelowshowsthestudyboundaryfromForbesStreettoHighway29.

    Doyouliveinthisneighborhood?Yes No,Imfamiliarwiththeneighborhoodbecause

    2. WhatIlikemostabouttheneighborhoodis:

    3. IfIcouldchangetwothingsabouttheneighborhood,theywouldbe:

    PleasereturnthisformbyWednesday,October26to:CityofLakeport,CommunityDevelopmentDepartment,225ParkStreet,Lakeport,CA95453Contact:AndrewBritton,PlanningServicesManager,[email protected],(707)2635613x28

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    Neighborhood Improvement StudyResident Survey Responses 1

    Lakeport Neighborhood Improvement Study

    Neighborhood Resident Survey Summary of Responses

    Responses through 10/31/11

    Neighborhood Assets

    Quiet (mentioned the most often, sometimes referring specifically to streets) Close to town/downtown, highway, Library Park, Fairgrounds, lake, shopping Good neighbors, friendly Clean/maintained properties Rural atmosphere, trees, birds & butterflies Ability to have a garden Good lighting on our street Lots of activities


    Street Maintenance Mentioned several times, e.g. Armstrong

    Drainage Issues on Starr between Armstrong and Martin, Armstrong, Martin, Russell, 1st

    and Brush;

    vegetation in ditches/culverts (e.g. Russell and Compton)


    Better maintenance of ditches and culverts (cut vegetation to the ground) Underground the creek, replace old/failing drainage structures, and along Martin combine creek

    improvement with sidewalk

    Sidewalks Desired on Martin Street, Armstrong (e.g. for kids taking the school bus), throughout


    Speeding Starr, Martin, Armstrong (esp. between Tunis and Estep), Russell, Compton

    SafetyConcerns about drugs, activity on Armstrong, mentioning fear of intimidation or retaliation


    Better landlord control over tenants Neighborhood Watch More police presence

    Street Lighting No specific locations called out

    Attachment #2

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    Neighborhood Improvement StudyResident Survey Responses 2

    Property Maintenance Also mentioned as a neighborhood strength, but concerns about renters and

    blighted homes (e.g. Spurr Street)

    Other Suggestions

    Remove overhead wires More prominent street signs Prevent business parking from blocking driveways Fairgrounds noiseturn speakers off after 10 pm Cross-streets too narrow for 2-way traffic and parking (e.g. Polk and Lakeview)restrict parking

    or convert to 1-way

    Sweep streets after events at Fairgrounds Create direct access from Sheriff Dept. to Hwy. 29 Need a new lot survey Add retaining wall on north side of Second between Polk and Starr Replace water and sewer lines, and add fiber optics City needs to take responsibility for its trees Bike lanes on Martin (from Bevins to Main)

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    Attachment #3

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    Lakeport Neighborhood Improvement Study


    1. Structure Type Vacant Lot Single Family Detached Single Family Attached (Condos)

    Duplex Triplex Other

    Mobile /Manufactured Home Multi-Family (Apartments)

    2-6 units 7-12 units 13+

    2. Occupancy Status Occupied Vacant Unsure

    3. Occupancy Signage For Sale For Rent None

    4. Wall Condition Does Not Need Repair Needs Slight Repair Needs Repair Needs Replacing Not Visible

    5. Roof Condition Does Not Need Repair Needs Slight Repair Needs Repair Needs Replacing Not Visible

    6. Foundation Condition Does Not Need Repair Needs Slight Repair Needs Repair Needs Replacing Not Visible

    7. Window/Door Condition Does Not Need Repair Needs Slight Repair Needs Repair Needs Replacing Not Visible

    8. Landscape Condition Well Maintained Slightly Maintained Under-Maintained Poorly Maintained Not Applicable

    9. Fencing Material Wood Iron Stucco Chain-Link Cinderblock Iron/Combo Other No Fence

    10.Fencing Condition Does Not Need Repair Needs Slight Repair Needs Repair Needs Replacing Not Applicable

    11.Garage No Garage Carport 1 car Garage

    Attached Detached

    2+ car Garage(s) Attached Detached


    Attachment #4

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    12.Garage Activity Possibly Occupied Business Activity Not Visible

    13.Automobiles Vehicle(s) on Lawn Inoperable Vehicle(s) on Property

    Both Neither14.Trash and Clutter

    Trash on Property Excessive Clutter on Property Both Neither

    15.Additional Notes

    16.Access To Front Door From Driveway From Sidewalk Not Accessible Cannot Determine

    17.Sidewalk Present Easy to Install Difficult to Install

    18.Sidewalk Comments

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    Westside Community Park Committee Tax ID# 68-0415643

    1350 Berry Street, Lakeport, CA 95453 www.westsidecommunitypark.org

    City of LakeportCity Council Members125 Park St.Lakeport, CA 95453

    Dear Members of the Lakeport City Council,

    Thank you for your support of park development during 2011. Substantial progress wasmade on Phase 2 because of you and others who contributed.

    The 2011 Construction Season Year End Report is included with this letter. It more fullydetails the years accomplishments.

    In addition to the construction activities, the Second Annual Grillin on the Green provideda fun day for the entire family and raised over $10,000. Over 300 people enjoyedthemselves on that day. That event was possible only because of the donation of food and

    the work of the grillers and caterers.

    Again, on behalf of the Park Committee, thank you for helping to move this dream of anactive recreation park for our communitys youth closer to a reality.


    Dennis A. RollinsChairperson

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    Westside Community Park Committee Tax ID# 68-0415643

    1350 Berry Street, Lakeport, CA 95453


    On-site construction got off to a late start this season due to the spring rains. However, activitiesrelated to obtaining electrical service and preparing for installation of the irrigation system were on-going throughout the winter months.

    During the winter, the Committee completed engineering with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. for theinstallation of a power pole. Through the assistance of Mark McCrea, a Troubleman with thecompany, the pole was set and connected as a donation by PG&E. The 600-foot buried line from

    the pole to the new subpanel was

    completed in October. Larry Wise andDennis Rollins installed the conduitleading to the subpanel and again Markarranged for PG&E to assist by pullingthe wire through it. Larry completed theelectrical connections providing the Parkwith its own power source for the firsttime. This allowed the long extensioncord from the neighbors outlet to bedisconnected.

    Preassembly of the irrigation valves and

    sprinkler assemblies was completed byLarry during the winter. This greatly

    sped up the process of the systemsinstallation which began in late

    September. Larry transferred the paper irrigation plan to the ground, and trenching began.Installation took over three weeks. It was accomplished by Larry, Jim Holmes, Dennis Rollins andVazquez Landscaping Services. Over 6000 feet of pipe and 70 sprinkler heads were installed alongwith 13 valves and a state-of-the art electronic controller. RAD Construction donated the use of aloader. Both UCC Rentals and Rental Solution greatly discounted the cost of needed equipment.Diesel fuel for all equipment was a gift from Westgate Petroleum in Lakeport.

    Prior to work on the irrigation system the Committee contracted with RB Peters to perform someadditional grading and earthmoving on the north end of the new field. Simultaneously, gradingbegan on the west side access road. This future road and parking is now graded to the engineeredwidth. Road grindings (donated by Granite Construction from last summers Highway 29resurfacing project) were applied to approximately half of the new road where the final height ofthe road was completed. Ruzicka Associates provided the survey work for both the road and thePhase 2 field as a donation to the park.

    Following the completion of the irrigation system, 700 pounds of fertilizer and 2,000 pounds ofseed were applied to four plus acres of the new field. In spite of over an inch and a half of rain

    Newly planted grass on Phase 2

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    three days after seeding, the grass came up strong and green. This new grass area willaccommodate a baseball field, a Little League/softball field and several smaller soccer fields.

    Over the past three construction seasons, former sediment ponds have been transformed intoathletic fields.

    The Committee has funds (through the Stewardship Council Grant) to build two baseball backstops.Some of the grant money will remain to begin construction of four baseball dugouts. Assistancewill be provided by the Lakeport Rotary Club. The Club has pledged to purchase the materials and

    construct two of the dugouts. Depending upon the weather this work will be completed either thiswinter or next spring.

    The Committee spent $46,794 of the Stewardship Councils grant funds and approximately $15,000(some invoices have not been received) in donated funds on this seasons construction. All fundsfrom the Stewardship Council Grant (totaling $200,000) will have been received by next summer.


    Next season, as mentioned, backstops and dugouts will be completed. The baseball infields will bedeveloped and work will continue on the access road and parking. This road leads to the futurehome of the BMX track, skate park and horseshoe area. Depending on the availability of funds,

    initial preparation of those areas could begin next construction season. The Committee would alsolike to purchase bleacher seating for the ball fields.


    The Westside Community Park Committee thanks you for your support of the development of thepark. We hope your support will continue. It is because of individuals and groups like you that weare able to move forward. If you havent been to the park since October, drive out and take a look.You can be proud of what you have helped to create for our community.


    The Third Annual Grillin on the Green is scheduled for Saturday, August 4, 2012. Once again,there will be fantastic BBQ, delicious side dishes and desserts along with live music, vintage cars awashers tournament and activities for children. This has been a family fun event. All proceeds goto the parks development fund. We hope to see you there.

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    CITY OF LAKEPORTCity Council

    Lakeport Redevelopment AgencyCity of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

    STAFF REPORTRE: Cancel Meeting of January 3, 2012 MEETING DATE: 12/06/2011

    SUBMITTED BY: Margaret Silveira, City Manager

    PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item


    The City Council is being asked to approve the cancellation of the regular meeting scheduled for January 3,2011.


    The Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month.


    The first meeting in January is the day after the New Year's Holiday. There are only three working days inthe prior week, and there will be a limited time frame to complete Council packet.

    At this time we have no pending agenda items for that meeting. If necessary, we can call a special meetingthe following week.


    Authorize cancellation of the January 3, 2012, Council meeting or do not authorize the cancellation.


    None $ Account Number: Comments:


    Move to authorize cancellation of the regular meeting of January 3, 2012.
