1 Presentation to “Web Search and Mining” by Jennifer Prasol Resources: http://www.google.com/analytics/ Web Analytics

1 Presentation to “Web Search and Mining” by Jennifer Prasol Resources: Web Analytics

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Presentation to “Web Search and Mining” by Jennifer Prasol

Resources: http://www.google.com/analytics/

Web Analytics


Web Analytics is about what happened once the user arrived on the siteWeb Analytics is about what happened once the user arrived on the site


Google Analytics



Core Metrics



Client Side Logging

Server Logs


Google Analytics TagGoogle Analytics Tag

Creates a client side log file, instead of a server log

<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." :

"http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-

analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>

<script type="text/javascript">var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3930074-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("none");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._setCookieTimeout("7776000")pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();


Basic Web Analytics MetricsBasic Web Analytics Metrics


Conversion goal is a task that is tied to a web site’s business objectiveConversion goal is a task that is tied to a web site’s business objective

Examples: Purchase, Register, Submit a Lead, Email Subscription, Comment, Download

Conversion Rate = # goals completed/total site traffic

Process Conversion = # goals completed/traffic starting the process

Other Terms: KPI, Event

Monster JobSeeker KPI- Job Search

- Job View

- Account Create

- Resume Create

- Job Search Agent Create

- Apply Online


Improving Marketing ROI is a key objective of web analytics initiativesImproving Marketing ROI is a key objective of web analytics initiatives

Conversion rates vary for different traffic sources

Traffic quality fluctuations impact conversion rates

The best traffic is often direct or service-oriented


Testing… Testing…Testing… Testing…

Before and After- Make the change and monitor the impact.

AB Split- Compare 1 or more versions of a page or path and impact on

performance results.

- Example: Shopping Cart A vs. Shopping Cart B

Multivariate- Identify variables of the page (homepage, landing page) and

test combinations to determine what works best together.

- Example Variables: Headline, Button, Offer, Button Text, Color, Text, Picture


The Business Case for TestingThe Business Case for Testing


Testing enables marketers to improve site performance by making incremental changes

Testing enables marketers to improve site performance by making incremental changes


Google Web Site OptimizerGoogle Web Site Optimizer




10+ Years of Internet Analytics, Strategy and Marketing Experience10+ Years of Internet Analytics, Strategy and Marketing Experience

Education- Wellesley ’97: Economics and Computer Science.

- Tufts University: Computer Human Interaction graduate studies

Experience- 3Com Corporation, 1997-2004

• Marketing Coordinator, Online Marketing Manager, eCommerce Manager, Web Analytics Manager

- Monster.com 2004-2008

• Web Analytics Manager: Job Seeker and Employer eCommerce

- Edgewater Technology 2008

• Web Analytics Practice Manager



Marketing Rotation Program: Marketing Associate

- http://jobview.monster.com/GetJob.aspx?JobID=77273340

Ecommerce Business Analyst- http://jobs-vistaprint.icims.com/jobs/1284/job?hub=5

Marketing Associate- http://jobview.monster.com/GetJob.aspx?JobID=76681453&from=indeed

Search: www.indeed.com

Entry Level, Analyst, Analytics