01b Binary Bliss

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  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    At Flipkart, our Engineering, Digital

    & Payments and Product teams

    incessantly creating and buildingnew technologies that are aimed at

    improving the lives of our customers by

    working on new innovations that solve

    real world problems. We dont believe

    in being told what to do. We see a

    problem and we fix it.

    Its our passion for technology that

    drives us to make a solid impact andmake life easier for our customers.

    This is how Vinod, Parvathi and Suraj

    came to know about the impact of

    what they do at Flipkart.

    Binary Bliss

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    Dude! Check out Flipkarts new user review


    Damn! Theyve made it all concise!

    The caf in which Vinod sat was mostly empty

    and he could clearly hear two boys chatter away

    at the next table. They were huddled around a


    Yeah, now you get a gist of what peopleare sayingeven at a glance! You think they

    outsource their reviews to an agency for


    Im sure theyve hired a team of people to sift

    through the reviews all day and night to makethem easier on the eyes! Theres no other way

    they could do it so efciently

    Vinod worked at Flipkart and he chuckled to

    himself, because he knew that there was no

    Engineering: Vinods story

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    team that was working away at making user

    reviews more readable. He knew this because he

    was the one doing it... Or at least the technology

    he built was doing it. The two boys hadnt even

    realized that it was technology that was rening

    the reviews...and it wasnt just any technology,

    it was something he had worked on with his

    colleague, and that too as a hobby!

    It was a self-driven project that Vinod and

    his colleague Dinesh had undertaken, simply

    because they believed that the user reviews

    could do with improvement. After all,

    technology at Flipkart was built to address realworld problems. Being an expert at building

    technology wasnt enough; he had to be an

    expert at understanding the world as well.

    They experimented with text visualization

    techniques, tag clouds stop-words ltering,

    nGram extraction. Before they knew it, the wordhad spread and congratulations were pouring in

    from all corners of the ofce. It was a great step


  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    After that, things began to move very quickly.

    What began as a hobby had now been

    implemented on the website. Facebook, twitter

    and the other social media platforms were buzzing

    with approval. Vinod smiled to himself. He was

    working on other things at Flipkart now, but as

    he left the caf he couldnt help but feel a sense of

    pride. It was a feeling he would have to get usedto, he knew that. It went hand in hand with loving

    what you do.

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    As Suraj got off the bus at the Coimbatore

    bus stand, it brought on a wave of nostalgia.

    The familiar mixture of a hundred different

    smells, good and bad, brought with it a host

    of memories. It was the rst vacation he was

    taking in a while. Ever since he began workingat Flipkart he hadnt felt the need for one. Hed

    never imagined that time would y by so quickly,

    especially when he was at work! But Flipkart

    wasnt like any other ofce.

    The amazing vibe, the open atmosphere andthe spirit of his coworkers on the tech team

    incessantly motivated him. Hed been so

    engrossed with work that it was nice to take a

    break for his sisters marriage which was why

    he was now on his way back home. Now, he was

    no longer in work mode. It was like he had beentransformed into that nineteen-year-old boy who

    left home a couple of years ago, eager to sink his

    teeth into his mothers cooking.

    When Suraj entered his home, he found his

    entire family huddled around the computer.

    Payments: Surajs Story

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    Curious, he went to see what they were up to. In

    his excitement, he completely forgot that he was

    planning to surprise them and had told them that

    he would only be arriving a day later. Naturally,

    there was pandemonium the moment his mother

    and sister saw him. He was now the centre of


    When his family had had their ll of, youvebecome so thin! and dont you ever shave? he

    asked what he wanted to ask since he had set foot

    in the house, What were you guys doing glued to

    the computer?

    His sister said, grinning mischievously, I thinkyou should ask dad! His father smiled sheepishly

    and said, We were doing some last minute

    shopping for the wedding...

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    A wave of bewilderment washed over Suraj,On the internet?! Seriously?, he asked. When

    he saw his father looking a little embarrassed,

    he continued, Oho! From what you told me

    last time, I was under the impression that you

    did not trust online shopping at all! Remember

    the last time we spoke about this? You told me

    about Sharma Uncle who lost a couple of lakhs

    just by entering his credit card number on some

    website. Suraj wasnt very fond of Sharma

    Uncle. He was always lling his fathers head

    with nonsensical ideas.

    His father bashfully replied, Son, all those

    problems are not there anymore. I spoke to

    Shyam and he works in America no? He assured

    me that Flipkart has now made everything very

    secure and safe. They guarantee the security of

    our information. They are certied! Technology

    is too good these days, no?Dad has been going completely crazy! Last

    month he even ordered a mixer-juicer-grinder

    from Flipkart! Nobody uses it only! Now his

    favourite hobby is browsing Flipkart, searching

    for great deals as he calls it, his sister was in


  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    As his family continued chuckling and gigglingaway while they resumed their positions around

    the computer, Suraj made his way upstairs. As he

    entered his old room and stood face to face with

    a poster of his childhood hero, the actor Ajit. He

    was immediately reminded of the ghts he had

    with his rivals those who supported the actor

    Vijay. But he couldnt think about it for too long.

    His mind was far too preoccupied with what he

    had just witnessed. His father was practically

    the poster boy for online shopping in his

    neighbourhood! He couldnt help but take some

    of the credit for it he immediately went back to

    those days when he was working along side his

    tech team feverishly to get PayZippy working.

    Those hours of hard work put in to get the

    stringent PCI DSS security approval certicate to

    ensure safety of bank and credit card information

    and that beautiful, gratifying satisfaction he felt

    after completing it. He knew that what he wasbuilding was a boon to all those using it. But, to

    see the impact of his work on his own familyit

    was impossible to put that feeling into words.

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    I think youre on the right track! From

    whatever we can see, youve taken the best

    possible route the meeting with the leaders of

    Flipkarts Category Management team had just

    come to a close and Parvathi hurried out of the

    conference room. She had quite the day ahead ofher.

    Dont walk so fast, youll rip a hole in time!

    laughter erupted in the conference room behind

    her. Paravthi smiled to herself and walked on. As

    a Product Manager at Flipkart, she was expectedto understand the ecommerce ecosystem - she

    needed to have an insight into customer needs

    and what drove business. She now had to analyze

    the market and ascertain what were the hottest

    cameras out there not an easy task, considering

    the huge variety of cameras that were availableon Flipkarts marketplace.

    This is exactly what Parvathi had done. She had

    spent hours talking to photography enthusiasts

    and interacting with photography forums online

    and shed developed a fairly comprehensive

    Product Team: Parvathis Story

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    understanding of the new set of camera and

    also . She also came to understand where all of

    them shop online. But that was just step one.

    Shed spent quite some time after that, analyzing

    quantities to stock with our marketplace sellers

    might be more like it, after which, she would have

    to discuss her plan with the business leaders.

    Innovation was the key to product managementat Flipkart and the fact that the structure was

    absolutely at anyone and everyone in the

    organization was approachable only made it

    more exciting. Product managers and their tech

    counterparts drove innovation in the company!

    Creating a plan wasnt as easy as it sounded.Parvathi had put together a roadmap that ranged

    from the next two weeks to a year ahead, for

    the new cameras. She had to anticipate how the

    market would change and how it would impact

    the customers mindsets what would they want?

    Would newer models be introduced? What are theother existing products that can be coupled with

    these new ones? In the future, what new products

    will affect these ones?

  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss


    It was most certainly a tense period, but after

    the meeting with the business leaders, Parvathi

    was more at ease. She was on the right track. She

    couldnt help but grin to herself. She felt quite like

    the superstar.

    There was still a lot of work to do. She still had

    to work with the cross-functional stakeholders of

    technology and design in order to make sure her

    plan was implemented. It was a delicate task, but

    time was also of the essence. Parvathi had never

    felt so productive before! The best part was, she

    would see the impact it had on the photography

    enthusiasts a group that she was now very

    familiar with, all thanks to her hours of research.

    But she knew she would do it. She would make

    shopping for cameras a lot more delightfulfor


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  • 8/13/2019 01b Binary Bliss
