NOW HEAR THIS NOW HEAR THIS January 2008 Camaraderie on the Water Volume 228

01/08 NVYC Newsletter

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January 2008 Camaraderie on the Water Volume 228

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January 4th

Hosts: Patricia Casperson, Jackie DeRuiter,

Linda Nutting Potluck

January 11th Hosts: Larry & Linda Wolfe

Spaghetti Garlic Bread

Salad Dessert

January 18th Hosts: 2008 NVYC

Flag Officers Beef Bourguignon

Salad Peas with Pearl Onions

Bread Dessert

January 25th

Hosts: Charles & Antionette Alegria and Charles & Janeen Earhart

El Salvadorian Dinner Pupusas

Plantanos Rice & Beans


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Larry Wolfe

Rear Commodore

Jon Lander


Happy New Year! It’s going to be an exciting year.

Congratulations to all of the partici-pants in the Lighted Boat Parade and especially to “Most Lights” winners, Avi & Wendy Strugo, “Best Theme” winners, Kurt & Do-minique Stahr and “This Boat Needs An Award”, winners Bob & Joy Magoon. The Napa community looks forward to this colorful spec-tacle each year during the Christmas season.

We’re off to the first cruise of 2008 to celebrate the New Year in San Francisco. South Beach here we come, some with boats, others without. It should be a grand time. The cruise calendar is looking good. Fleet Captain Brown has a Coast Guard Inspection at our club on Feb. 2 and maybe a Valentine’s Day Cruise. March 14-16 is St. Paddy’s Day Cruise to Loch Lomond. And of course there is Opening Day on the Bay, April 24-27. Check online for all of the cruises and sign-up EARLY and OFTEN.

All the Staff chairs are filled. I want to give my personal thanks to the hard working dedicated volun-teers who make Napa Valley Yacht Club the great organization that it is. FLEET CAPTAIN----Scott Brown WEB SITE----Mike Noonan NEWSLETTER & ADVERTISING -- Sally Servidio & Philip Craig MERCHANDISE MGR. --------------Angela & Art Lewis MEMBERSHIP CHAIR---------------------------------Evelyn Silveri BUILDING & GROUNDS------------------------------Tom Nunan PUBLIC RELATIONS------------------------------------ Lynn Pritchett SAFETY OFFICER----Ken Graham I am looking forward to working with all of the Staff chairs and com-mittees in the coming year. Please don’t hesitate to share any and all of your good ideas. Larry Wolfe, Rear Commodore

Clay Parker

Vice Commodore

With this comes a sincere wish of a Happy New Year to each of you! I begin this year as Vice Commodore by thank-ing those dedicated volunteer members managing the com-mittees of this office:

Bill Newton, Port Captain Don Buresh & Sharon Phillips as Bar Captains Nancy Weeks, Galley Captain Linda Sharp, O.D. Coordinator Mary Parker, Social Chair Club Supply Committee to be named 2008 can be a wonderful year for you and our club with

many events in planning by your officers and committees. Super Bowl and Chili Cook-off on February 3rd with a foot-

ball pool. Valentine’s Party; Blessing of the Fleet Cinco de Mayo, with Bocce Ball Tournament; 4th of July;

Cruise Ins by other clubs; Cruise Outs by your Fleet Captain and Rear Commodore; Labor Day Party; R/C Sailboat Races; Oktoberfest; Halloween Party; Lighted Boat Parade; Annual Senior Project

As we go forward in the year there will be many opportuni-ties for each of us to be involved in making our club a place to enjoy and be proud to attend with guests. Probably the first place to start is a reminder that each of us agreed, when we joined the club, to host or co-host a regular Friday Night din-ner event. We know there are some who can’t do that, but can arrange to trade with someone else or even have an out-side caterer participate as happened a couple times in 2007. Cooking per se is not a requirement and may not even be possible during the remodel of our kitchen later this year. What we do want is to see you taking part in club activities and sharing with your fellow members. So, I guess the mes-sage here is to get on the list of host/hostesses so Linda can know each Friday is covered. Friday Nights will be as good as we make them. Please take the initiative to let Linda know when you can cover the one Friday during the year we are obligated to host.

Dirk, Seeta and crew were a blessing at the bar last year and I can’t thank or acknowledge them enough for being there every event to contribute to the enjoyment of all our members and guests! This year will see some noticeable changes and we hope even more contribution as Don & Sharon take over the operation. Standby for those!

Last year’s committee of Bob & Joyce Craven along with Le Roy & Marcy Moore who volunteered to keep the club sup-plied with the goods needed by our members and guests have decided to “retire”. I am looking for one or two members to take over the job and will be calling for volunteers. We can’t let the club run out of certain supplies like bathroom stuff or there will be a revolt by especially our lady members….please say yes when contacted. Also note the club pays for all the sup-plies, so there is no out-of-pocket expense.

All the officers of your club want to make your membership as enjoyable as possible. To do that we need your input. So, do not be bashful in letting any of us know what we might do better or improve to keep you coming here and being a part of this wonderful club!


Happy New Year! The introduction of all the

new Officers and Staff Chairs at the Change of Watch verifies that we have an exciting year ahead with lots of good volun-teers. Thanks to Staff Commo-dore Sherrill Schager for the installation program and getting us all started in the right direc-tion. The other flags are listing lots of up coming events so mark your calendar and join in the fun.

A special thank you to Avi and all the Board and Officers that got so much done in 2007. It will be a high standard to follow but with the assembled group for 2008, I see us keep-ing the club rolling with plenty of opportunity for personal growth in boating and continu-ing fellowship with our mem-bers and the community.

Camaraderie on the Water is my focus for 2008. I enjoy the opportunities our club pro-vides in meeting new folks and working and playing together. I hope each of you will seek out new members and welcome them to our ranks. Now that the NVYC has reached its 20th year, we are experiencing about 10% turnover in members in a year. We miss those that move or drift off to new endeavors but it provides opportunity to greet new faces and learn new stories. Each of us was “new” at some point so it is important to share the history of our club and involve new members in our activities. Remember, a new person may not know what to expect whether it be a cruise or club activity so please clue them in. They will appreciate being included.

Thank you for the opportunity to by your commodore for 2008 and I value your support in the operation of NVYC.

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707 255-9137

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NVYC Friday Night Dinner Host Sign-up

2008 One couple only may host potluck and BYOM dinners.

To sign up, e-mail Linda Sharp at [email protected] with your requested date. If you haven't signed up for a date, you will be assigned one beginning February 1st.

January July

4 Potluck: Casperson, DeRuiter, Nut-ting 4 Potluck:

11 Wolfe 11

18 Flag Officers 18 BYOM: J&D Robbers

25 Alegria & Earhart 25 Stephenson & Krudenier

February August

1 Potluck: Simon 1 Potluck: Graham

8 Newton & Coffield 8

15 Deits & Umbdenstock 15 BYOM:

22 Vartan & Workman 22

29 Craig/Servidio & Stephenson 29

March September

7 Potluck: De Wet 5 Potluck: Silveri

14 Goodfellow & Fowles 12 Craven & Robson

21 Madsen & Lander 19 BYOM: Strugo

28 Stemmer & Parker 26

April October

4 Potluck: Simon 3 Potluck: D. Stahr

11 Walker & Burgess 10 Moore & Magoon

18 Agnew & Brown 17

25 Weeks & Nunan 24 Poehlmann & Axelson


May November

2 Potluck: Gurley 7 Potluck: Keeling

9 Smith 14 A. Lewis & Buresh/Phillips

16 28



June December

6 Potluck: K. Stahr 5 Potluck: Bennett

13 12

20 BYOM: J&M Robbers

27 Salmon & Mendelsohn

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Scott & Diane Brown ������������ ������������������������

www.naparealtylink.com 707 258-5211 707 258-5233

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Safety and courtesy on the water

Fellowship and fun through


Community involvement in

river development

Interaction with other yacht


To make greater waves than one

individual can to get things ac-


To advertise in our newsletter, please contact Sally or Philip , newsletter

editors at 707 224-6972 and send ad by e-mail to [email protected]

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OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Board Members Commodore Jon Lander 265-9003 Vice Commodore Clay Parker 224-0188 Rear Commodore Larry Wolfe 253-9158 Secretary Bob Weeks 253-2276 Treasurer Jim Robbers Sr. 253-9052 Staff Commodore; Avi Strugo 224-8707 Directors Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Scott Brown 255-0885 Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks 253-2276 Tom Nunan 252-7928 Bill Coffield 224-4429 Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306 Galley: Nancy Weeks 253-2276 Social Chair Mary Parker 224-0188 Bar Captain Don Buresh/Sharon Phillips 363-1790 OD Coordinator: Linda Sharp 226-7488 (supplies) Chairs - Rear Commodore Fleet Captain: Scott Brown 255-0885 Web Mike Noonan 224-3647 Newsletter Philip Craig 260-4596 Newsletter Sally Servidio 224-6972 Advertising Manager Sally Servidio 224-6972 Merchandise Manager Angela & Art Lewis 252-8586 Membership Manager Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Bldg. & Grounds Tom Nunan 252-7928 Public Relations Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 Other Staff - Commodore Audit and By-laws: Ria Donald 255-1194 Budget & By-laws Ria Donald 255-1194 Long Range Planning Steve Vartan 224-6553 Telephone Kathy Nord 255-1804 Sunshine Bob Stemmer 255-9137 Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115 PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110 Jon Lander 265-9003 Larry Wolfe 253-9158 8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord 255-1804 .


1987-1988 Fos Pritchett 1989 Jim Garcia (Dec’d) 1990-1991 George Donald (Dec’d) 1992 Kathy Nord 1993 Gary Schager 1994 Chuck Miller (Dec’d) 1995 Joe Ramos 1996 Wayne Friesel 1997-1998 Ria Donald 1999 Susie Pritchett 2000 Steve Vartan 2001 Dan Robson

2002 Bill Newton 2003 Mary Herschend-Robbers 2004 Carol Willis 2005 Bob Keating 2006 Sherrill Schager 2007 Avi Strugo

����Napa Valley Yacht Club

Change of Watch Minutes

December 15, 2007 Our Change of Watch was held at the

Napa Valley Country Club. Our new officers are: Jon Lander, Commodore Clay Parker, Vice Commodore Larry Wolfe, Vice Commodore Bob Weeks, Secretary Jim Robbers, Treasurer Charlie Agnew, Board Member Tom Nunan, Board Member Nancy Weeks, Board Member Our new officers were sworn in by Commodore Sherrill Schager. The returning Board Members are Scott Brown, Bill Coffield and Bill Newton. Our Cruise Captain Charlie Agnew with the help of Dominique Stahr and Karen Agnew handed out mementos to the members who had cruised with the club during the year. Incoming Commodore Jon Lander pre-sented outgoing Commodore Avi Strugo with a four face weather station. it has a clock, barometer, thermometer and hy-drometer and an engraved plate on top commemorating his year. Following the installation the members danced and enjoyed the holiday atmosphere. Bob Weeks Secretary

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P.O.BOX 5951 NAPA, CA. 94581 707 252-3342


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Napa Valley Yacht Club Post Office Box 5951

Napa, Ca 94581 2008 Dues Statement

Annual Dues $240.00

RBOC ($10 suggested) _______ Building Fund Voluntary donation to Expansion Project _______ Total Enclosed _______ Dues are due January 1, 2008 and delinquent February 1, 2008. Delinquency fee is $50. The 2007 roster will be published based on the dues received by March 1, 2007. Please review your personal information in the 2007 roster and note any changes below:

Name's) (hers)__________________________________ ___(his)_______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________

Boat Name _____________________________________ Length______ Make____________

e-mail (his) __________________________________________

e-mail (hers)__________________________________________

Phone Numbers: home________________ Work (his)_________________ (hers)___________________ fax __________________ cell (his)___________________ (hers)___________________