© 04/2004 Jonathan Robert Alt Bill Of Rights Club House © 04/2004 Alt Welcome to the Bill of Rights Golf Club To Start Your Round of Golf, get your score sheet and Mental Clubs Ready! Then click Any Where on this page to get started © 04/2004 Alt

© 04/2004 Jonathan Robert Alt Bill Of Rights Club House © 04/2004 Alt Welcome to the Bill of Rights Golf Club To Start Your Round of Golf, get your score

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© 04/2004 Jonathan Robert Alt

Bill Of Rights Club House © 04/2004 Alt

Welcome to the Bill of Rights Golf Club

To Start Your Round of Golf, get your score sheet and Mental

Clubs Ready!

Then click Any Where on this page to get started

© 04/2004 Alt

Directions Page One

• Each hole you will be given a multiple choice question. Click on the Golf Ball Icon that is next to the answer that you think is right. Click on the Golf Ball Icon to Continue.

IF YOU CLICK ON ANYTHING BUT THE GOLF BALL, YOU WILL GO TO THE NEXT SCREEN. HIT THE UP ARROW KEY TO GO BACK. Try it once right now, just so you know what to do if you accidentally click.

Directions Page Two

• If you get an answer wrong, you will see one of the pictures on this page, and given another question. Click anywhere to Continue.

Directions Page Three

• If you get an answer right, you will go to the next hole, or you will see one of the pictures on this page, and given another question. Click anywhere to Continue.


Every Time you Click on a Golf Ball, or the screen tells you to add a stroke, add a stroke to your score sheet (add the number of points that the screen tells you or add 1 point for every time you click on a golf ball)

Click Anywhere to Start Playing!!

Great shot


PAR 5Billy gets very upset with Johnny and ends up stabbing him to death. A police officer walks into his house for no reason and sees Billy with a bloody knife standing over Johnny’s dead body. The police officer tries to arrest Billy, but cannot charge him for murder, why?

Because of Substantive Due Process

Because Billy deserved it

Because of Double Jeopardy

Because it was an unreasonable search

Hole 1: Rough

The government can take public property for private use

The government has to pay you a fair price for property.

The government can take private property for no reason.

The government can take private property for public use

What is the government’s power of eminent domain mean?

Hole 1: Sand Trap

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

The same thing as the Constitution

government document written before the Constitution

One amendment of the Constitution

What is the Bill of Rights

Hole 1: Long Rough





How many freedoms are in the first amendment

Hole 1: Fairway

Evidence that someone may have committed a crime

Evidence that proves that someone committed a crime.

The government must pay you a fair price for your property

The same thing as a warrant

What is probable cause?

Hole 1: Green

Free marketplace of ideas

Speech that incites violence


Obscenity Laws

Which of the following is not a court approved restriction of Free Expression?

HOLE 1: In the Water

Two Stroke Penalty, move onto the next hole. Better Luck Next Time

Hole2PAR 4

Time, Place, Manner Restrictions

Obscenity Laws


Prior Restraint

What restriction of free speech is based on community standards?

Hole 2: Sand Trap

Prior Restraint theory

Safety valve theory

Free Marketplace of ideas theory

Speech that incites violence theory

What is the theory that says that Freedom of Speech helps to prevent people from violently carrying out their message?

Hole 2: Long Rough

Right to trial by jury

Protection against double jeopardy

Right to a Harvard graduate lawyer.Right to call witnesses in one’s favor

Which of the following is not a Due Process freedom?

Hole 2: Fairway

To protect individuals from the national governmentTo allow everyone to sell guns

To protect states from the national government

To make an amendment that is very controversial

What was the original intent of the 2nd amendment (the right to bear arms)?

Hole 2: Green

Samantha kills her husband with a baseball bat. She buries the baseball bat in the neighbor’s yard. She is arrested for her husband’s murder, but is found innocent by a jury. Two weeks later, she is arrested for murdering her neighbor and found guilty by a jury.

Samantha kills her husband with a baseball bat. She then buries the baseball bat in the neighbor’s yard. She is arrested for her husband’s murder, but is found innocent by a jury. Two weeks later, the police find the bloody baseball bat. The police arrest Samantha for murdering her husband. She is found guilty by a jury.

Which of the following is an example of double jeopardy?

HOLE 2: In the Water

You really putted that ball too hard!! Two Stroke Penalty, move onto the next hole. Better Luck Next Time


The Rock group gets permission to play their songs in a park at 3 pm. The neighbors around the park call the police because the music is too loud. The police ask the Rock group to turn down their music. What restriction is this an example of?


Manner restriction

Time restriction

Free to rock out restriction

Place restriction

Hole 3: Fairway

What event or events below is/are an example of a violation of substantive due process?


Both Answers are correct

None of the answers are correct

Japanese Internment

Hole 3: Green

A snake handling minister drops a snake during the service that he is performing. The snake ends up biting, and killing a child in the audience. What clause of the 1st Amendment might the Minister’s lawyer use to defend his client’s actions?

Free speech clause

Free exercise clause

Free the snakes clause

Establishment clause

Hole 4: Sand TrapWhat is your protection against the government’s use of eminent domain?

You can’t don’t have any protections

The Government has to pay you a fair price for your property.

The government has to give you double what the fair price is.

You can ask the government for any amount of money for your property, and they have to give it to you.


PAR 4Billy gets very upset with Johnny and ends up stabbing him to death. A police officer walks into his house for no reason and sees Billy with a bloody knife standing over Johnny’s dead body. The police officer tries to arrest Billy, but cannot charge him for murder, why?

Because of Double Jeopardy

Because it was an unreasonable search

Because of Substantive Due Process

Hole 4: FairwayWhat is the government’s power of eminent domain mean?

The government can take private property for no reason.

The government can take private property for public use.

The government can take public property for private use.

The government has to pay you a fair price for property.

Hole 4: GreenWhat is the difference between Procedural and Substantive Due Process?There is no difference.

Procedural Due Process deals with police and courts, Substantive Due Process deals with legislatures and laws.

Procedural Due Process deals with legislatures and laws, Substantive Due Process deals with police and courts.

Procedural Due Process and Substantive Due Process are not related.

HOLE 4: In the Water

One Stroke Penalty, restart the hole. Better Luck Next Time

Hole 5: Sand Trap

The right to due process

Freedom of Assembly

Protections from cruel or unusual punishment

All of the above.

What freedoms or protections under the Bill of Rights were taken away from the Japanese during WWII when they were sent to internment camps?


A snake handling minister drops a snake during the service that he is performing. The snake ends up biting, and killing a child in the audience. What clause of the 1st Amendment might the Minister’s lawyer use to defend his client’s actions?


Establishment clause

Free speech clause

Free exercise clause

Free the snakes clause

Hole 5: Long Rough

What was the importance of the Supreme Court Case Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education?

There is no importance to this case

That Japanese interns shouldn’t have been imprisoned

That separate but equal was ok, as long as it really was equal

That segregation was not legal because separate but equal can never be achieved

Hole 5: GreenWhat was the importance of the Supreme Court Case Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education?

There is no importance to this case

That Japanese interns shouldn’t have been imprisoned

That separate but equal was ok, as long as it really was equal

That segregation was not legal because separate but equal can never be achieved

Hole 6: Sand TrapWhat answer below is a procedural due process right that you have during the pre-trial stage?

The protection from cruel or unusual punishments

The right to remain silent

The right to a reasonable bail

Protection against double jeopardy

Hole6PAR 4What court approved restriction is not based on the content, or what you are saying (content neutral restriction)?

Prior Restraint

Time, Place and Manner restrictions


Popular sovereignty

Hole 6: FairwayWhat answer below is a procedural due process right that you have during the pre-trial stage?

The protection from cruel or unusual punishments

The right to remain silent

The right to a reasonable bail

Protection against double jeopardy

Hole 6: Rough





What amendment allows for free speech

Hole 6: GreenA new highway is being built right on top of where your house is. The government tells you that you have to move. The government wants to give you $50,000 for your house even though your house is worth $80,000. What is this an abuse of, and why?

Eminent domain, because the government has to pay you twice the amount of what your house is worth.

Popular sovereignty, because the government has to pay you a fair price for you house.

Eminent domain, because the government has to pay you a fair price for your house

Hole7A newspaper reporter tries to print a story saying where an army unit is located in Iraq. The government censors this article under what court approved restriction?


Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

Popular sovereignty

Safety Valve Theory

Prior Restraint

Hole 7: Rough

Cruel but necessary Punishment

Right to a trial by jury

Free Speech

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

What right best matches this example of: A person gets their pinky cut off for shop lifting

Hole 7: Long Rough

Right to a public trial

Right to remain silent

Right to a speedy trial

Right to a trial by jury

What right is violated: Joey steals a shirt and is sent to court. One of the jurors is the mother of the person he stole from.

Hole 7: Fairway

A snake handling minister drops a snake during the service that he is performing. The snake ends up biting, and killing a child in the audience. What clause of the 1st Amendment might the Minister’s lawyer use to defend his client’s actions?

Free speech clause

Free exercise clause

Free the snakes clause

Establishment clause

Hole 7: Green





No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. What Amendment is this?

HOLE 7: In the Water

Two Stroke Penalty, start the hole over. Better Luck Next Time

Hole 8: Rough

Who is considered the Father of our Constitution?

Benjamin Franklin

James Madison

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson


There are two interpretations of the establishment clause. The broad interpretation of the establishment clause thinks that there should be no mixing of government and religion. Which situation would the narrow interpretation approve of?


Silent prayer in Mr. Alt’s classroom that has two atheists students in it.A nativity set (a Christian symbol) on the grounds of the state capital.The moon and star symbol of the Muslim faith in the classroom.A poster in a teacher’s classroom that showed all religious symbols of the world.

Hole 8: Sand Trap

Right to remain silent

No rights are being violated.

Right to a speedy trial

Right to a trial by a jury

Perry is arrested in 1995. Perry doesn’t go to trial until 2005. What procedural due process right is being abused?

Hole 8: Long Rough

Answer B

Answer B

Answer A Correct

Answer B

NOT BEING USED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hole 8: Fairway

Where did the Bill of Rights end up in the Constitution?

At the beginning to show that people's rights are more important than government laws

At the end to summarize the Constitution

At the end to show that they were not important

At the beginning to show how important our rights are.

Hole 8: GreenWhat amendment is this?Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

5th Amendment

7th Amendment

1st Amendment

HOLE 9: In the Water

Two Stroke Penalty. Tee off again.

Hole 9: Green

In Tinker the student has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the school has to defend themselves and their actions

In Tinker the school has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the student has to defend themselves and their actions

There are no important differences between the cases

Tinker is about symbolic speech and Hazelwood is about freedom of the press

What is the most important difference between the Tinker vs. Des Moines case and the Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeir case?

Hole 9An underground newspaper, led by students, has an agreement with the school that they may leave 50 copies of their newsletter at each entrance once a month. When they publish a story on the poor quality of school food this month, the principle removes the newsletters from school property. Is it Okay for the principle to censor this newspaper?


No. Stealing newspapers is not a form of censorship.

No. This newspaper is considered a public forum for the students.

Yes. The article could cause everyone to riot.

Yes. The principle can censor anything that is on school property.

Hole 9 Green: Sorry Try Again-1 Stroke

In Tinker the student has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the school has to defend themselves and their actions

In Tinker the school has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the student has to defend themselves and their actions

There are no important differences between the cases

Tinker is about symbolic speech and Hazelwood is about freedom of the press

What is the most important difference between the Tinker vs. Des Moines case and the Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeir case?

Hole 9-Green: Sorry Try Again-1 Stroke

In Tinker the student has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the school has to defend themselves and their actions

In Tinker the school has to defend themselves and their actions and in Hazelwood the student has to defend themselves and their actions

There are no important differences between the cases

Tinker is about symbolic speech and Hazelwood is about freedom of the press

What is the most important difference between the Tinker vs. Des Moines case and the Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeir case?

Final Screen

Clean off your Clubs and Tip your Caddy – You have just completed a round of Golf at the Bill of Rights

Golf Club.Turn in your score card for a piece of candy

To start over, and practice some more, click on the club house picture. Maybe purposely get answers wrong so you answer more questions

© 04/2004 Alt