How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

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Page 1: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Page 2: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Research technologies

Page 3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

I used several technologies during the research process.

In order to get see what other music videos and research into genres I had to use several online websites and programs to see.

Page 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Video research

In order to see other music videos I had to use websites like Youtube and MuZu.tv by doing this is enabled me to analyse them to see what actual music videos looked like. By doing this it allowed me to take ideas from these music videos and implement them into my own. At the very start of this I browsed many music videos but only analysed three.

Page 5: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Video research

I also used Microsoft Office package to analyse a full music video which was Stan by Eminem, by using Microsoft publish it allowed me to look through the video (using windows media player which is another useful technological tool to view videos) and analyse it step by step. It allowed me to get a grasp of a concept for a music video.

Page 6: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Video research

There was the useful tool of google, a search engine. It was used throughout the research process to look for music videos and for genre research to see what music videos of each genres were showing and how this may contrast with my own music videos genre.

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In order to create my storyboard I used Macromedia flash, I created a short animation showing each shot that I wished to create, I then used to upload feature of youtube to put it somewhere so I am able to link it to my blog.

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In order to create a shotlist, I used Microsoft word to sort each shot of which I needed, It was useful as I was able to clearly set out each shot I needed with all the information.

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In order to film I would need a camera to get the correct shots, for this I used a school camera which I borrowed for a while to get the shots I needed for my music video, I also had to use editing software which I used Adobe Premier elements as it is a useful tool as I was able to use several effects to get the video I wanted. One of the most useful was the lighting tool, as when filming the lighting wasn’t great.

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In order to create the digipak, I first had to find a font to use, I used the website 1001fonts.com fonts so I could find a font that suited the alternative style, I also had to edit it in macromedia fireworks. By using 100fonts it gives a wide choice of fonts of which I am able to use. Then the image editing software macromedia fireworks enables me to edit the digipak images and fonts. To bring it all together I used a program called quark which is great for positioning and is a very professional piece of software.

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In my evaluation in order to get my feedback I had to ask people on different forms of social media, these were facebook, twitter and snapchat. I used snapchat to get to my closest friends and was a very quick thing to do, getting replies I could see who would actually be willing to do it. Then facebook to message these people. I did try twitter but I only got several answers and because they were very short they didn’t seem very useful. I also used a website mixbook, it is another creative tool to store information, an original purpose may be a book showing photos of a past event, but I have used it to show my audience feedback.

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Text combination

In order to use this I used a website called prezi, it is an easy way to share information in a creative way. Enabling you to zoom and pan and freedom rotate an vector image is changes the way in how you may view information in a creative power point type view.

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Conventions of music videos

For this I decided to use adobe premier elements as I have used this previously and I now know better how to use it, then I have also used youtube again so I have a place to upload my video,

Page 17: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research. Planning and evaluation stages

Media tecnologies

Finally I have used Microsoft office powerpoint to create this powerpoint as I am able in import text and images that suit the needs of the task, and I have also used the website slideshare to upload this to the internet for viewing purposes.