Tom Jenkins photographed Johnny Wilkinson at the rugby world cup, this image is a snapshot of the moment and isn’t staged. The lighting is bright through flood lighting from the stadium. There is a narrow depth of field and the main focus I think is on Johnny Wilkinson’s back. The Image captures the moment, the moment tell a story and its clear. The fans are reaching out to touch him and their facial expressions are so happy that they owe him gratitude and he is the focus of their joy and attention. This photo brings out some religious resemblance as the fans are worshipping him

Tom jenkins powerpoint

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Page 1: Tom jenkins powerpoint

Tom Jenkins photographed Johnny Wilkinson at the rugby world cup, this image is a snapshot of the moment and isn’t staged. The lighting is bright through flood lighting from the stadium. There is a narrow depth of field and the main focus I think is on Johnny Wilkinson’s back. The Image captures the moment, the moment tell a story and its clear. The fans are reaching out to touch him and their facial expressions are so happy that they owe him gratitude and he is the focus of their joy and attention. This photo brings out some religious resemblance as the fans are worshipping him like he is a type of god.

Page 2: Tom jenkins powerpoint

Like many of Tom Jenkins photographs this is a snapshot of the moment which was taken with a fast shutter speed. The lighting is ambient and bright through the daylight as you can see through shadows on the pitch. This photograph has a narrow depth o field and I think that the main focus on the image is Ronaldo and the large red band across the crowd saying Manchester United. This photograph is exciting as you don’t know whether he has scored or not, we know this because we would see reactions from the players and the crowd. This photograph was well captured as if the camera was slightly to the left or the right you would loose the effect with being able to see the different players within the holes in the goal, this image follows the rule of thirds.

Page 3: Tom jenkins powerpoint

This photograph of Oscar Pistorous was taken at the Olympic stadium. With there being no audience you can tell this photograph is staged, if Oscar was actually running in this image there would be some parts out of focus. The focus of the picture is him mainly because there is not a lot else going on in the picture so that the main focus is on him. In this image there is a broad depth of field and the image really sums up the power and status of a paralympian. The camera being at a low angle makes him look powerful and important, this image could have been used to sponsored BT as he is wearing clearly labelled sportswear. There is use of artificial light as there is clear bright light shining towards his face.

Page 4: Tom jenkins powerpoint

Tom Jenkins photographed a Australian at the Olympics in 2009. This photograph is a snapshot of the moment and was clearly taken with a fast shutter speed the image is out of focus although you can still make out the cyclist well. This image has a narrow depth of field and the lighting is bright. I think the way the cyclist is leaning forward represents his drive and determination to win.

Page 5: Tom jenkins powerpoint

This is another image Tom Jenkins captured, which is a snapshot of the moment. The lighting is bright thorough flood lights. The image was captured when Mo had known he had won, I personally think that is what makes the image so well taken is there is a reaction from the crowd and the winner. Although there is a narrow depth of field, the audience reaction is still clear. The most striking part of this image is the expression Mo Farrah’s face.