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Paul hershey's two dimensional model of leadership per aspera ad astra -case studies

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Various factors external and internal environment affect the two-dimensional leadership styles. The factors are: organizational culture of the company, the nature of top management, time constraints, knowledge and experience of workers and finally, the need to control nature and the leaders also influence the choice of leadership styles. We conclude that, in order to more precisely define the leadership styles that are located between autocratic and democratic leadership style, leadership theory researchers used two-dimensional matrices, which define leadership styles depending on different parameters.

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Page 1: Paul hershey's two dimensional model of leadership per aspera ad astra -case studies

Plenary and Invitation Paper


Srđan Nikezić2, Sveto Purić3, Jelena Purić4 2 University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science, [email protected]

3 Univerity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, [email protected] 4 Univerity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics, [email protected]

Summary: Various factors external and internal environment affect the two-dimensional leadership styles. The factors are: organizational culture of the company, the nature of top management, time constraints, knowledge and experience of workers and finally, the need to control nature and the leaders also influence the choice of leadership styles. We conclude that, in order to more precisely define the leadership styles that are located between autocratic and democratic leadership style, leadership theory researchers used two-dimensional matrices, which define leadership styles depending on different parameters.

Keywords: two-dimensional approach, leadership styles, methods of operation, external factors and internal environment, the association leadership styles.


Although in practice there are many two-dimensional matrix, one of the most used, and the most popular in practice developed during the seventies, is the Center for Leadership Studies by Paul Hersey's. The Hersey defined leadership styles in relation to the following parameters:

direction (task behavior) which is used by leader in dealing with their workers, social - emotional support that the leader provides to their employees, "readiness", or levels of follower status that indicates the specific task, function, activity or

purpose [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

Thus, leaders can provide various kinds of support to their workers, on the other hand, leaders can provide the necessary directives and guidance in communication with his subordinate. This theoretical approach is called situational leadership, even though its creator Paul Hersey in all the papers and discussions insisted that instead of a theoretical approach using modeled approach, which is more consequential, relied on the practice and the set goals. [1]. Using these parameters it is possible to identify several different styles of leadership, of which four were imposed as a primary: directive, coaching, delegating and participative. (Figure 1)

Autocratic style

Democratic style

Figure 1: Fundamentals of leadership model Paul Hersey







The delegating Style

Participatory Style


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Directive leadership style relies on the directives of leaders, but not on their support. The style is applicable when workers know little about the area in which they work and when they do not want to take responsibility. Coaching leadership style is based on the directives of leaders, but also on support of workers. Workers know the area in which they work and their opinion is important for the work process. Participative leadership style is less reliant on directives of leaders, and much of the workers support. Implies the idea of participation and participatory style of decision and a high interaction with employees, their maturity (from moderate to high), and unwillingness to take full responsibility, which requires adequate support of leaders in the organization. The delegating leadership style relies heavily on support staff, with minimal involvement of the directive leader. This style involves taking responsibility for making decisions that are made in situations where the followers have a high degree of maturity. [8, 34]


Directive leadership style is characterized by establishing clear directions and instructions. However, before you perform a complete dissection of this and other leadership styles need to show the connection between natural resources directives of the operation and leadership in listed leaders types. (Table 1)

Styles Metod of action Directive resource

1 Directive Directive with direct control Leader

2 Choaching Training with explanations of why, how and in what time frame, with demonstration exercises


3 Participatory Ideas, goals and decisions are jointly discussed and jointly make


4 Delegating The entire process including the decision of followers


Tab1e 1: Styles, methods of operation and sources of the directive; Source:Richard Johnson TQM : leardership for the quality transformation, Business Informations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1997 [9, 92]

Leaders who use this style command, indoctrinate, monitor and control their workers. Also, provide the necessary information and training. In the early stages of company development, or a particular project, as well as in situations requiring rapid response, directive style is irreplaceable. While this style is based on established clear rules of conduct and the bodies must be implemented, may have, besides positive impact on the business climate in the company, also negative. Johnson believes [9, 107] that leaders who use directive style should be: managers, coaches, tutors, guides, supervisors, counselors, konfronteri and visionaries. (Table 2)


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Role Workers Leader

Steering wheel

They do not know what to do, how to do and when to work

Transposition of the continuous monitoring of followers

Coach They do not know how to work (lack of knowledge and experience)

Establishment of training method

Tutor They can not use their knowledge and experience and thus to overcome specific problems

Training, encouraging followers and workers and correcting the identified errors

Guide They do not have a clear directive, and not sure what their objectives

Explaining the objectives and deriktiva, helping workers and supporters to develop the structure of goals

Controller They do not know the limitations, procedures, standards and regulations of the company

Learning procedures, standards, regulations and continuous control of

Adviser Exhibit poor performance and face different problems, which can be overcome only by obtaining timely and consistent advice

Performance analysis and work, assessment of eligibility workers and followers of the project tasks

Konfronter Exhibit poor work performance after training and counseling

Improving the performance and possible termination of tasks

Visionary They do not know the company's organizational vision

Explaining the vision and the vision of convergence of the personal goals of employees while achieving customer satisfaction and company profits

Table 2: Roles in a directive leadership style [9, 107]

As managers, leaders explain to their employees what procedures should be used in the work, and then, later, supervise their work. In this way, explaining what their workers, how and when to be done, they define the entire process of the company. Leaders act as coaches in situations where employees need help for professional development. As coaches, leaders need to be careful listeners and speakers to "catch" the basic thread of communication and thus enable workers to find their strengths and weaknesses. Tutoring role of the leader is reduced to the task of providing their workers with the necessary knowledge and encouragement to the appropriate application of knowledge in the processes and tasks in the company. In this way it fulfills its role and "specific" guide that links workers to the wishes of the organization's goals. In particular, the present conditions, role and application of knowledge has immense positive consequences for the company, if the cognitive approach is properly directed, or if the leaders, as tutors, monitor the work of its employees and help them to overcome problems that may arise from their lack of experience and knowledge. An ongoing process of education is imperative to present. In this way provided the synergy between company goals and workers and leader as a guide, assuming that workers have the necessary knowledge and know how to use the procedure should only give oral or written directives to activate the knowledge, which is accumulated in the left brain. As controllers, leaders impose certain rules that should be respected. They also control the work of their associates and take measures to comply with all anticipated rules, which in the case of non-compliance is followed by sanction. Advisory role of the leader includes the necessary assistance when they meet with a staff that problem alone can not overcome. Then the leader analysis problem and advice workers how to overcome the problem. Very often, in practice companies, as saw the creator of the situational leadership model Paul Hersey, working in large


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companies at the beginning of leaders career has to be confronted with the workers and supporters whose performance is unsatisfactory. The value of situational leadership model is that can be concretely implemented. Therefore Hesey's view that the situational model is a theory, but has particular application aimed at companies in different situations in which the leader is fully justified. The leader finally has to be a visionary, while capable, if necessary, close followers of the vision and the workers, or to explain, where necessary, require the need for a new vision. His task is to initiate workers and followers in the direction outlined the vision and explain how the current efforts to bring the fruits of the later period realized the vision of the company.


In his early works, in the sixties, Hersey was fresh out of the production process, formed the so-called. life-cycle theory of leadership and management. Soon after working with his colleagues at the University of Ohio, he has found that the theoretical approach must be replaced with a concrete model that is applicable, and starting from the premise that coaching activities situational leaders can adapt to different situations. Of course, these assumptions are not met his understanding of the university circles, especially in R. Blake and J. Mouton who have formed a management network as a key decision for achieving production through people. [10] Hersey starts from the assumption that the recipes can not be rewritten without the diagnosis and that there are countless situations for the leader, but a leader of the training can be adapted to the situation in the company.

Coaching leadership style is characterized by a clear directive leaders and their unreserved support of the workers. The leader clearly, decisively and consistently transmit information and advice to workers, while, on the other hand, workers make recommendations to the leader. The necessary support for the leader's vision of the subordinate is provided in the form of training and public praise for good work. During training, leaders need to show his followers how to perform certain tasks and to check whether the followers are able to perform these tasks. Leaders who use coaching style has to be: a coach, teacher, counselor, konfronter, sponsor, mentor and visionary. (Table 3)

Role Workers Leader

Coach Uncertain, with some confidence and show the presence of nervous when performing assigned tasks

Encourage and praise employees while troubleshooting

Teacher Poor knowledge and lack of experience caused by poor knowledge of the given substance

Training skills and behavior that allows increasing the overall capacity and confidence

Adviser Exhibit poor performance and in doing so they face different problems that can be difficult to solve

Encourage, increase commitment to the task and improve overall company performance

Konfronter Exhibit poor work performance after training and counseling

Improving performance through discussion and testing, or possible termination of tasks

Sponsor Exhibit excellent performance and good potential for business development

Opening opportunities for improvement in all segments of the public praise of individuals

Mentor By focusing on personal development and progress

Training, support and guidance to development and prosperity of workers and followers


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Visionary Occasionally, they lack the organizational commitment to the vision of the company

Getting closer to the vision of the company employees personal goals while helping customer satisfaction and increase profits of the company

Table 3: Roles in coaching leadership style [9, 112]

As coaches, leaders must be willing to train their followers to do their tasks. It is also necessary to encourage and praise them if you successfully complete the job. Their role is to detect during training and correct any errors in the work, to put the company back on the effectiveness and efficiency. Leaders must also be teachers, providing constant access to their cognitive knowledge, and then in the process of constantly training to teach their followers to new methods and forms of behavior. It is vital for the presence of the communication mix between all stakeholders. Councils are required in order to improve business results, encouraged followers to acquire the necessary skills and overcome, potential, challenges and problems. The leaders and the kind of sponsors as they support their followers in their efforts and reward them for their achievements. As mentors leaders help followers to achieve faster professional career with training that helps the conquest of new knowledge. In the end, explaining the organizational vision of leaders realize synergy effects with their followers.


The characteristic of a participative leadership style is employee participation in decision-making process of followers, and their responsibility for decisions. Although they participate in decision-making process, making the major decisions is still on leaders. For the success of this leadership style needs to followers (workers and teams) possess the knowledge and experience to be able to participate in decision-making process. Leaders who use the participative style are: the participants, coaches, coordinators, team builder, consultants, advisors, mentors and visionaries.

As participants are members of the team leaders who accept the information and advice from their followers and help them to achieve goals. At the same time they are coaches, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and training of its followers in various fields, including management and leadership. As coordinators, leaders actively establishing communication links to all parts of the organization to get the necessary materials and knowledge to achieve the set goals. It is important that the communicative, ready for mutual cooperation and to know the process of negotiating. Leaders also need to be the builder of teams. The organization is a complex organism that seeks to establish harmony in teams to accomplish goals. The leader has to build such a team that will work as a whole, the potential, crisis situations. The leader is kind of a consultant, it is always available to his followers for any type of information, additional knowledge and new technologies to overcome any problems. In such cases the leader is essential to the success of a particular task. The leaders and advisors who constantly encourage their workers to achieve maximum results. They may use different methods to support the efforts of its employees, including the prizes. Providing continual education leaders and mentors. Mentoring role, with a commitment to a common vision of promoting the idea of personal and collective interests pursued with the effort of each follower.

Participative leadership style brings a myriad of options, features and benefits for the organization, but also serious disadvantages and pressures, since the imposition of certain rules that simply do not include as an option. If the leader does not find an equilibrium between the followers of participation in decision making and its own paragraph for each decision may lead to haemodynamically unstable in the company, which can be a source of constant latent crisis. Better still does not mean better, and in the process of attitude towards customer service and product companies can appear on many issues that the organization can not respond adequately.


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Things have to work one by one, following the established procedure, and for resolving any problems trying to simplify as much as possible on the matter. The participative style of leadership always has more problems, because in the process of making more people involved, a final decision still has the character of leadership. Therefore, the need to set clear priorities, to get rid of all unnecessary and unimportant to the leader of the other teams and more time for what really matters. Should be directed to the most important challenges is to avoid what is not, or what appears to be the wrong motives. Vision as a clear goal is to coordinate, which is drawn in the default setting of the total activity. Along the way some things can be more or less controlled, and some do not (the global economic crisis, political instability, the vicious circle of poverty, monopolies and oligopolies, socially irresponsible behavior and natural and environmental disasters). (Table 4)

Role Workers Leader

Paricipant Sure and confident in their knowledge, experience and position. Able to accept new responsibilities

The transfer of responsibilities and requirements for achieving the goals

Coach They have the knowledge and ability to accomplish basic tasks, but they lack the complex knowledge

Skills training, leadership, management, entrepreneurship with an interdisciplinary approach

Coordinator I can not achieve the necessary cooperation with other parts of the organization

The exercise of contact and coordination with other groups and parts of the company's organizational structure

Builder of teams

Not functioning well as a team Explanation of teamwork and participation with the encouragement and reward for the best individuals

Consultant They are not able to solve these problems as appropriate

Help with finding solutions to emerging problems that could operate teamwork

Adviser They do not have the results of work in accordance with their knowledge, skills and experience

Support the team through the process of encouraging and confirm the efforts through various prizes

Mentor By focusing on personal development and progress through the cognitive process of acquiring new knowledge

Continual support and guidance through the process of continuous training

Visionary Occasionally, they lack the commitment to organizational vision

Getting closer to the vision of the company employees personal goals while helping customer satisfaction and increase profits of the company

Table 4: Roles in participatory leadership style [9, 138]

In front of every worker should be reduced to a maximum list of obligations, and all that seems irrelevant, should be eliminated immediately. They should be trained to distinguish between the priorities of the less important things, since it implies a delay of obligations that are significant for the entire project. On the boards, and in visible places, to write the most important tasks for a particular organizational unit, and the


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order of the day activities are strictly kept. At some initial priorities is building the future, providing tangible benefits for all members in the company, and the increase of capital as the main motive of followers and associates. Leaders should be in a participatory style of leadership to find a balance between work and private, for themselves and for all employees. Since the ultimate responsibility, however, the leader has to set its limits. Also, they do not have to explain, apologize or justify themselves for every action. Even if it comes from the closest associates. The leader should accept the fact that the participative style of leadership means that he can not and should not have control of everything. Possibility of his followers then they will come to the fore. The leader has to accept the crisis and problems as a life process when going through a difficult period, knowingly to simplify its obligations, or to allow yourself to his emotions such as sadness, anger, resentment and fear affects on employee morale.


The delegating leadership style is characterized by the transfer of authority and responsibility to successors, employees and teams. Leaders who use this style allow his associates to independently complete set projects and assignments. To make this style was successful leader must be beside itself has workers and associates who are educated, with necessary knowledge in the field, great ability, goals, and a part of leadership potential. In this way, leaders are able to delegate tasks such followers, associates and employees with all necessary powers, procedures and standards, focusing on the future monitoring and evaluation work. Leaders who use the delegating style, must be: delegates, trainers, transporters, coordinators, consultants, advisors, mentors and visionaries. [8, 38] In Table 5 shows the role of delegating leadership style. [9, 167]

Role Workers Leader

Delegator Well-trained with the desire and ability to accept new challenges

The transfer of responsibility, authority and decision-making process to the workers and followers

Coach They have the knowledge, experience and ability to learn new and complicated concepts and knowledge

Skills training, leadership, management and entrepreneurship with the participation of coaches and themselves

Transferor They have the ability to work on complex projects without special supervision and control

The transfer of responsibility and empowerment of workers and followers

Coordinator Working on various projects and tasks within the same organizational structure

Coordinating the various projects and tasks within the same organizational structure

Consultant Faced with difficult situations and problems

We need additional training to provide assistance in overcoming the given situation and problems

Adviser They have remarkable results of which are continuously improving

Find more business challenges for workers and followers as a method of increasing motivation levels

Mentor By focusing on personal development and progress

Continual support and guidance through the process of continuous training and reward the best individuals


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Visionary Dedicated to the organizational vision Involvement in decision-making vision of the possibility of approaching the objectives of workers

Table 5: Roles in delegating leadership style [9, 167]

As delegates, leaders must know when their followers are willing to accept responsibility for the relevant projects, in addition, they have to delegate projects to trained associates on the right way. Therefore, leaders must have good communication with their employees and teams. Leaders must be the coaches, that is continually involved in education of their followers in terms of concepts essential to the success of the organization. Also, leaders in the delegating style, must be efficient transmitters of the duties and responsibilities to his followers and associates. Followers must be able to independently or in teams successfully complete set tasks. As coordinators, leaders need to be able to coordinate multiple tasks and multiple teams, so that balance is in equilibrium. In addition, they should coordinate training and educational seminars that help to improve co-workers in their profession. As advisors, leaders should provide all necessary assistance teams to overcome any issues that go beyond their knowledge and experience. Mentor leadership role includes providing direction and full support for the education of its employees. The leader is a visionary and as such needs to close followers of his vision. [8, 39]


Dr Paul Hesey, seventies in its Center for Leadership Studies developed the situational leadership model that is simple and easily applicable in practice, which was his goal. In its essence the model did not have the features of the theory, because by Hersey, a theory is something you construct, analyze and understand the given event, while the model can be removed from the unit, multiplied and used in different situations in practice. An example is the mass production model developed by Ford in the auto industry.

The model is something practical and applicable and can be used around the world to improve leadership.

According Shamerhorn in [11] [1], which is one of the most active promoters of Hersey's situational leadership model in the world of universities across the United States, agreed with him that the theory is oriented toward understanding, according to a model, respectively for use or application.

We can say, based on their explanations, the model application-oriented, and that is exactly what the situational leadership. Leadership, in Hersey's directive includes a combination of behavior and behavior support as an appropriate willingness of others to perform specific tasks or functions.

Model, in practice, faced with large-scale dispersion of the world so that the question was, whether fifty coaches and educators around the world talking to the audience in such manner as is the base model. To avoid this situation coaches must be trained and experts in the model explaining.

The work of Douglas McGregor's, and especially the book "The Human Side of Enterprise" (1960), had a profound impact on educational practice and the work of Hersey and Shamerhorn a. The book was identified in the approach to creating an environment in which employees are motivated by the authority, direction, control, integration and self-control to achieve established goals. McGregor is defined by this motivation theory X and theory Y. Theory Y is the practical application of the humanistic school Dr. Abraham Maslow's. [13]For Paul Hersey and Johan Shamerhorn's very important that students and professors, as well as managers and leaders of the companies are familiar with the work of Douglas McGregor and other authorities in the


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history of leadership and management, because they remain as a permanent value. It is not an important date when they announced their works because they have universal value. Hersey and is allegorically expressed by saying: "You can see much further if you are on the shoulders of giants."

For Paul Hersey's is important the works of Carl Rogers's theory of personality in which he offered a wide range of explanations for the behavior and what constitutes a person. Basically, this theory has evolved and humanistic character of his work as a clinical psychologist and later developed his theory as a treatment-oriented client, later called the theory directed to person. [14, 184-256] People watched as subjects rather than objects. His view of human behavior is that it is "very reasonable". [15, 194] Moreover, in his opinion "the core of human nature is essentially positive," [15, 73] and on the "reliable body." [16, 7] This view of man's personality is completely different from the theoretical assumptions of Sigmund Freud, and partly from the work of Carl Gustav Jung, who at one time was a friend and associate of Sigmund Freud.

The study of the theory of personality Paul Hersey served in that position to accept Carl Rogers's humanistic conception of personality that has strengths and weaknesses and that is a valuable contribution to the study of persons, free will and his own importance.

Paul Hersey in his business education adopted an interdisciplinary concept and recognize the value of "giants" of the past, which have significantly influenced the formation of his situational model of leadership. He thought that there must be a balance between high tech and high touch. Unfortunately, it is believed that today the balance is lost. The technological revolution is important, but the "development can not be achieved in a chair with one or two feet."

At a time of economic expansion in the world, especially in the U.S., the sixties, the management of multinational companies are concentrating their thoughts so that they felt the need to find some magic solution for the problem of creating an effective leader. In this context, as opposed to network management Blake and Mouton [17] which identifies concerns for production and concern for people, ev-Hersey Situational Leadership model extends this approach to behavior dimensions. The leader asks himself the question: "How shall I behave?" The diagnosis of situational leadership is an essential part of the skills that are trying to present to the audience. It allows the leader or manager is a professional and efficient, and if you are dealing with medicine, law, or selling products. So, regardless of the activity in which he is exercising its leadership role. There can be a pro if you just signed prescriptions. According to Hersey in a prescription without a diagnosis of abuse. It is necessary to first do a situational diagnosis that provides the necessary funds for substantial positive change.

In contrast to Fiedler, the Chemers and Mahar's, [18] and Robert House [19, 321-338], Paul Hersey believes it can help leaders learn to change their behavior so that they not be replaced as leaders. Hersey believes that leaders can learn to positively influence the different types of situations, that is, through training, people can become more effective leaders in various situations.

In its situational model of leadership Hersey, unlike network management opted for four styles of leadership. It is to be five, eight or eighty-one style, but the question is whether you have the right usability, and whether it would be so easy. He wants a model that is uncomplicated, memorable and useful.

Many of the theory's and models in management and organizations are too complex. They often look like they were designed to communicate with scientists, not for leaders and managers in companies. Models must be designed for managers and leaders as end-users from the very beginning, that are applicable in the real world. Do something worth if you will help implement and more efficient in managing the company? [1]


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Paul Hersey believes that it is important for teachers of business experience, particularly in large companies working with engineers from the fields of engineering, physics and mathematics. That way they get enormous technical knowledge. Many companies, unfortunately, lost super, and researchers receive mediocre leaders and managers. It is therefore necessary to carry out training and development before srtučnjak the techniques being promoted as a manager or leader. One idea is that the recipient of a new job working part-time before getting the promotion and full-time. It's common in large companies that are expert in the technique, which he proved himself again as a manager schedules the tasks in the field of technology. Then he loses confidence in himself and carries no more a winning spirit.

These challenges are unsuccessful and management experience, then, we have people who were no longer technically productive in jobs that have been previously well demonstrated.

One must make a program that will help people to carry out a successful transition from technical to managerial work. The initial basis are given in the works of Carl Rogers.

Paul Hersey in their practical work is used, together with his associates, the different skills that are essential to managing people. Skills are: analysis, active listening, response, mapping, and thus encouraging the audience to accept everything that is important to set goals, and evaluation of problem solving. Coaches, with Hersey's tasked to set goals, solve problems, evaluate and assess the behavior of the listener.


When you talk about leaders who are remembered for their works, in different socio-historical conditions, in a negative or a positive context, creating a family financial empire and wealth, using his personal charisma and good interpersonal relationships that encourage the positive identification, it is important to determine sources of their power, influence and authority and how to motivate followers and to lead management organizations, companies or political parties.

Although some historical figures, like Hitler, who had in his mind constantly black-white picture of the world, classified as typical authoritarian leaders. For that kind of leaders is characteristic that they with help of emotional intelligence connect with their followers, who followed them and perform their orders, although in all its content that orders was deeply wrong. This connection is characteristic of the situational leadership model. Hitler is a classic example of toxic leaders who appealed to the deepest needs of followers, manipulating with their fears, fears for their personal and family security. Toxic leaders can be charming, but very often can on the perfidious way harassing followers, destroy their will and eventually them. This was the case with Hitler.

In contrast, an example of a large stock magnate, who always knew when to sell, and when to buy in the market, John Davison Rockefeller, characterized by a specific character, with significant dose of empathy. In fact, looking at the whole capitalist world, he noted the connection between capital and work gives successful business operations, but with respect to interpersonal relationships and ability to enhance motivation of his followers in performing the tasks. In order for this effort came to the fore, he created the proper working conditions that are acceptable, inspiring and satisfying personal needs of individuals who worked with him. He knew that a highly motivated individual achieves high performance and high efficiency of his company, which enhances its competitive role in the market. At the beginning, as a very pragmatic, respecting the principle of contingency, and realizing his current role, adapted to the demands of his associates John Maurice Clark, in order to gather enough capital to be able to respond to competitive market on challenges opponents. Results of current concession was the foundation for creating a global-scale company and his financial empire. Further maintenance of the company required


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the creation of new social points in which came of range of shared leadership in which were involved his followers and on that way created capital for themselves. With emotional intelligence and financial resources, John Rockefeller was able to motivate their followers and keep them firmly in difficult times. Created financial empires surpassed the boldest Rockefeller's expectations and he stopped to observe the limits of his wealth. After the sale of corporate assets went out on barriers to the functioning of the company and further development was determined by applying the concept of decentralization in many companies, but with full ownership of the Rockefeller family. Inheritors of John Rockefeller created new relationships and interpretations of the functioning of the company: reorganization of the company, modification of relationship and application of new technologies.

The situational leadership model enabled the creation of the position to successfully achieve the objectives of the company and to align the behavior of individuals and directed towards the desired goal. His son, John Davison Rockefeller, Jr., and grandson, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, used the power of position to continue the successful development of the company. They are entering new markets, create conditions for increasing the financial capital, profits and lower labor costs. Globalization of operations often came to wider opportunities for new investment and providing financial resources and manpower at a lower price in the least developed countries and developing countries.

Rockefeller fortune estimated amount of approximately $ 100 billion, which shows that with good fundamental structure of the companies and adjustment situations in a turbulent environment, survival in the market is guaranteed. John Junior was performed tasks realizing the importance of diversification of the economic environment, which represents the economic conditions in which multinational companies operate. It includes economic development, resources, product markets and inflation, interest rates and economic growth. Rockefeller's make decisions in right time about redesigning the organizational structure of their multinationals taking into account the capacity and quality of these changes.Working with real estate enlarge the existing wealth. Realizing the importance of social responsibility pyramid consisting of philanthropic, ethical, legal and economic responsibility, Rockefeller's have become one of the largest private donor in the various spheres of social and cultural life, participating in charitable and humanitarian activities for many years. Leadership skills are also presented with Nelson Rockefeller inclusion in the political life of the United States.

In addition to Rockefeller's, Richard Branson is also a classic representative of Paul Hersey's situational leadership model. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, has created a wealth with based on pre-designed vision and achievable goals. Branson is realizing that the weight of keeping a successful company is based on that that in its essence are norms, values and virtues of the socio-economic environment, he created a special and specific organizational culture and climate, respecting the traditions, customs, habits, value systems, beliefs, attitudes, standards and norms of behavior. On that way he managed to occupy the first position in the new 21st century.

Power of ideas, as well as connective tissue that runs through the time and conditions of business, creativity as a continuous series of the same idea, is fascinating to Richard Branson. When we look back at the 80-and reconstruct the business environment and conditions under which the business world worked, Branson is something special. Bad schoolboy and disobedient grandson moved a long way from the issuance of student newspapers across the mobile to the last time a commercial project in the universe. Billions of pounds of capital poured into Virgin Group business empire of over 400 companies that came up. Branson's lack of education not bother to him to successfully run his business empire to the top, and always toward the top.

Leadership competence of Rockefeller family and Richard Branson, hiding special strength and power several times stronger than them. Determined individualists, always ready for the future, only the true promoters of innovation, ingenuity, and eccentricity, which enables them to some socio-economic


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circumstances are the new leaders and pioneers, to see what others see and believe in what others do not believe that can be achieved.

Functionally solving problems, sometimes even radically. They devise a new world and winning new technology, information, and a new way of living. Productive and useful for humanity, as well as their deepest desires. They do not have the partially, but a comprehensive knowledge. Sometimes they have periods when they need solitude and contemplation, as was the case with John Rockefeller Junior, that he had a special room in New York where he spent seven days looking at the causal medieval tapestries known as "The Unicorn in Captivity (from the Unicorn Tapestries)". This tapestries, with a white unicorn in the fence with chain around neck, beset his mind. The unicorn could escape, but he did not want. People have killed him, but he eventually resurrects.

John Rockefeller Junior was a lonely man, a philanthropist and a charismatic leader, aware of the injustices of the world. In order to resolve its internal conflicts and has given its unusual nature of the right expression must have had a great mission. Something that would be dedicated to his life and which would give his whole self. All its power is directed toward the great goal, so great, that applies to all mankind.Although they marked the modern era and symbolize technical achievements, the leaders of this type, charismatic leaders often fail to find any happiness in touch with modern technology, particularly when it comes to modern means of communication. This was the case with John Rockefeller Junior. He had a vision and it had to be greater than his own interests. His solution is the creation and realization of that creativity.


Paul Hersey in a situational model of leadership laid the basis of several important assumptions. He used the works of Carl Rogers as a basis for his humanistic approach to leadership model, opposing it with theories that are watched by a man urges, as Sigmund Freud, who was his theory of the death instinct as a display of pure instinct and aggression whose ideas can lead to doubts question the goodness of human nature. However, it should be noted that Freud's instinct is basically and originally facing personal self-destruction, where the self-destruction phenomenon known almost as well as aggression. [20] Carl Gustav Jung was Freud's psychoanalytic technique, which is based on investigations of the drives replaced analytical psychology, proceeding to a limited number of "personality types". [21]

Paul Hersey consequently accepts the basic humanist Carl Rogers and start creating the basis for the formation of his situational model of leadership which connects theory and practice and interdisciplinary approach to leadership.

Hersey is a leader in a turbulent environment adapts to acquiring new knowledge, and in contrast to other authors in the field of leadership believes that a leader, he is willing to learn and accept the democratic principle of leadership is able to lead the company in any situation. It should be added that Hersey is in his early works emphasized the importance of social ethics as a paradigm for the successful operation of the organization. Modern organizations are increasingly visiting social role of attention and responsibility towards environment and its stakeholder. There is an irreplaceable role of the leader. [22] Hersey ev-dimensional model and allows the establishment of interpersonal relations between leaders and followers, as opposed to a one-dimensional approach was used in early research and application of leadership, and where there are two basic styles autocratic and democratic. [23] Furthermore, modern theories and models of leadership are more geared towards academic considerations rather than practical application. Therefore, the Hersey's insistence on the model, not the simplicity of the model theory and fully justified. Behavioral approach, the concept of shared leadership and virtual leadership are important to the overall theory of leadership, but not so much for the application of the corporate purposes. [24] Finally, to conclude, Hersey-ev model is applicable to organizations, but it is necessary to quality as a basic condition


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for survival and competitive advantage to companies great importance, connecting with the quality of products or services with customer satisfaction, it is imperative to the success of the company in the 21st century. [25]

In the sixties of the twentieth century, academic professors and executives in multinational companies think they have a "golden fleece" as a solution to all problems of leadership and management in large systems. The quest for the magic solution and as a holistic set of principles to be used in any operating situation was futile. The solution was found in the formation of relatively simple models of leadership that linked theory and practice. One of them, perhaps most applicable to their bases and the most leadership, with a prominent humanistic component is Hersey's situational leadership model.

The situational leadership model is now accepted in many countries in the world, consistently somewhere, and somewhere as a base concept that allows leaders to choose the specific situation in an appropriate form of behavior. It is much better than everyone thought leadership in the normative sense, what we have in the conclusion, already mentioned.


1The work is part of the research project 41010, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia


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