The Hump Day Coee Break - weekly trainings for nonprot marketers from John Haydon How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Algorithm Impact My Facebook Page?

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The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My

Facebook Page?

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

This is the battleground on Facebook,

not your Page.

You are competing for attention with your

supporters’ friends.

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Answer: Zero

Question: How many people want to see every single update from every page they’ve ever liked?

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

What’s this thing I hear about an


How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Facebook’s algorithm determines which

posts appear in each user’s News Feed.

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

from ShortStack.com

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Story Bumping: Posts with high engagement that were missed are bumped up to the top of the News Feed.

Other News Feed Tweaks:

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Last Actor: The algorithm looks at the people and Pages a user most recently interacted with when surfacing content.

Other News Feed Tweaks:

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Other News Feed Tweaks:

Native Link Posts: The News Feed algorithm prefers links posted in the link format, over links posted in photo or video descriptions.

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Other News Feed Tweaks:

Filling quiet News Feeds: Previously, the Newsfeed wouldn’t show multiple posts in a row. But Facebook is now “relaxing” that rule if users run out of content in their News Feed.

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Other News Feed Tweaks:

Dialing Down Boring Stories: Activity from friends, such as liking or commenting on posts, will appear lower in the News Feed.

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

What should you do?

1. Publish quality: Continue posting content that’s relevant to your audience. Focus on

quality (relevance between post and audience) over quantity (frequency of posts).

2. Make it easier to share your website content: If you publish content on your

website, make sharing easier with Facebook like buttons. People are more likely to

share your content if they can do it with a single mouse click.

3. Rally your troops: Once you have great content that’s easy to share, tell your people

to share it. Regularly include links to your blog posts in your email newsletter. Post

those links on your Facebook Page as well.

Questions before you post:

• Would you share this update with your friends?

• How does this make your fans look / feel?

• Is this update timely?

• Is this update relevant?

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Experiment and monitor content strategy tweaks:

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Experiment and monitor content strategy tweaks:

How Does Facebook's Newsfeed Impact My Facebook Page?

The Hump Day Coffee Break - weekly trainings for nonprofit marketers from John Haydon

Consultant, Trainer, Coach - Helping nonprofits get more from their digital marketing and online fundraising. Consultancy based in Cambridge, MA.

Instructor at Marketing Profs University, regular contributor at Social Media Examiner

Author: Facebook Marketing for Dummies, 3rd , 4th and 5th Editions

Speaker: The Nonprofit Technology Conference, Social Media 4 Nonprofits, Blackbaud’s BBCon, New Media Expo, AFP New Jersey, TechSoup, GrantSpace, Chronicle of Philanthropy, NetworkForGood and various local Chambers of Commerce.

Clients include: Habitat for Humanity, EpicChange, Share Our Strength, Environmental Defense Fund, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Boston Medical Center, Community TechKnowledge, Scholastic, TechSoup, WaterAid America, University of Massachusetts, Community Music Center of Boston, National Wildlife Federation, Razoo Foundation.