The Learn To Code Movement - SXSW 2013 Submission



As the number of companies utilizing the cloud, smartphones and API's grow, the demand for skilled programmers is increasing but there is a problem. There aren't enough developers to go around. By 2018, there will be more than 1.4 million job openings in the IT sector. Companies are desperate to build their products yet the numbers of CS graduates, self-taught developers and number of H-1b visas to bring in overseas talent don't add up. In fact, It's not only Silicon Valley; the shortage of programmers is being felt worldwide. With 50% of higher education institutions planning to take their coursework online in the next ten years, how people learn new skills is rapidly changing. This panel of experts will explore the opportunities of learning to program, career options and the outcome of the growing online market for education. For more information, contact

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The Learn To Code Movement

2013 SXSW Interactive Podcast Panel Submission

Moderator: Adria Richards, SendGrid Panelists: Sasha Laundy, Codecademy Rob Conery, Tekpub Noah Kagan, AppSumo

The is a developer shortage

By 2018, there will be 1.4 million technology jobs in the US Market

This doesn’t work for

everyone due to time,

career, family,

location, finances, language,


Join experts on the panel to learn: •  How do most people learn to program and how to get started? •  What are the most in demand programming languages? •  Can learning to code make you better at your non-technical job? •  How is mobile affecting the programmer landscape? •  Does higher education play in preparing you for technical careers?

And many more!

Sasha Laundy

Rob Conery

Noah Kagan

moderated by Adria Richards

Photo Credits - builders - shoes - classroom - microphone

Thank you!

2013 SXSW Interactive voting starts August 13th through August 31st. Please vote here: Adria Richards @adriarichards #sxswlearntocode