Personal Branding 2.0 - How technology will land you your next gig


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How technology willland you your next gig.

Christophe Pons PHD Media Worldwide

Why does it matter?

1 first impression Be Google-proof Integration vs segmentation

Recruiting Trends

Source: LinkedIn Recruiting Trends Benelux 2015

A quick test

A quick test

A quick test

A quick test

LinkedIn 2,5 million Belgian accounts

Real-time CV

Digital RolodexThought leadership

platformGlobal sourcing


Think like a recruiter – and a search engine


Think like a recruiter – and a search engine


Think like a recruiter – and a search engine

Think like a recruiter – and a search engine


Profile pictureSnapshot


Profile pictureSnapshot

Where do people look?




Education / experience / projects

Skills, Endorsements and recommendations

Showcase certifications and online courses

Contact info

• In your summary + in the contact details section.

• Use personal adresses

• Don’t overthink your privacy when looking for a job

Pro-active job search

Pro-active job search

LinkedIn Checklist

My profile picture is recent, clear and exerts friendliness and accesibilty.My headline describes my current situation / position and indicates a potential interest.My summary briefly describes where I come from, where I’m (ideally) heading and

contains contact details.My past and current experiences are detailed in keyword-rich text and describe my

involvement and accomplishments.My top-skills reflect my strengths and areas of further development and interest. I’ve registered my vanity URL and have set up click trackers throughout my integrated

social media landscape. I’m at least posting a piece of relevant content twice a week / I have published a couple

of valuable content pieces on Pulse that now appear in the LI search results.

A couple of interesting extra’s

• Turn off the "viewers of your profile also viewed” function.

• Vanity URLs• Use LinkedIn as a professional networking tool.• Don’t use standardized requests. • Try premium during critical job hunt periods:

the first 30 days are free and you can resign itat no cost.

• Write posts instead of status updates

• Participate in LI discussions / groups

• Host a group if none exist in your field

• LinkedIn Groups extra boost for your 2nd degree network

Become a thought leader: LinkedIn Pulse

Become a thought leader: LinkedIn Pulse

Become a thought leader: +

Be efficient


Parting thoughts on how to kickstart your career

• Find a learning organization otherwise tons of learningopportunities on- and offline.

• Reality eats the digital world for breakfast Engage and take action.


