Audience survey analysis


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Audience survey analysis.

Quantitative data:

• Quantitative data is data that is easily put into numbers, percentages or graphs of some sort. It gives you data in numbers so that it is easy to read and interpret; however, quantitative data lacks the intricacy and detail that is necessary when trying to find what people really like as the responses are very narrow and focused with no space for variation.

• In my audience research survey, I have added some questions that are very closed, like “How old are you?” and other questions are quite open- like “Any other comments?” leaving space for people to add anything extra they think I may need to know.

Age.• The majority of people to

respond to my survey are around the ages of 16-20; this means that to take the information I have obtained into account, I should aim my magazine at people of this age, which also means that sophistication is not a very large issue, language should not be TOO complicated- but by no means stagnant- and price should not be too high as people are struggling to find jobs or are just beginning on their career paths and so earn very little.

Interests in a Rock magazine.• This question lets me know what the respondents are looking for in a

magazine, whether it be articles, posters, celebrities, etc. This in turn lets me know what the main focus of my magazine should be. In this instance, the main focus should be on celebrities, this shows me that I should include well know celebrities in my magazine, nobody that isn't famous and that competitions are the least interesting and so should be used the least of all of them.

What bands do you like?• This questions allows the audience to show me how much they like the kind of music I

am proposing to use in my magazine. This then lets me know what type of bands I should include in my magazine, thus narrowing the target audience down a little more. As You Me At Six and Sum 41 are equal in appreciation, I would dedicate a fair bit of the magazine to them both equally or bands that are similar to them and the least liked band is Sleeping With Sirens, so bands like that are going to feature less in the magazine to be applicable to the audiences needs and wants. This result purports that the people I am able to reach are people who are interested in the things being proposed.

What colours would you expect to find in a Rock magazine?

• As is evident from the image to the right; black, white and red are the most dominating choices for a rock magazine, which also aligns with the use of red, black and white in the Kerrang!, Q and NME magazines that I analysed, this means that these are must have colours for this magazine genre; with pink being a obvious non-favourite and so wont be used. However, everything else can be used every so often.

How much money would you expect to spend on a music magazine

• Magazines have a variety of prices, which can range from £1 up to £8 depending on what king of magazine you are buying. For a Rock magazine, my respondents are expecting the price to be between £2-3, so an average of £2.50, with some people expecting to pay £4, the price may be able to go up a little bit so that it doesn’t look unrealistic but it doesn’t look unreasonable. Also, as talked about in Age, people of a younger age are usually earning less and so they are less inclined to pay for more expensive magazines.

Which week(s) would be most ideal for the release of a magazine?

• This question was aimed to allow people to let me know when they would prefer the magazine to be published, it was multiple choice so that they could say whether they would like it more than once a week. Mainly week one and week two were picked, with week three being the least favourite. I believe this to be because at the start of the month is when you have the most money of the month- apart from some exceptions- and so this is the time of the month where trivial things can be bought with no “guilty pleasure” kind of stigma attached to it.

How often should each aspect of a magazine be used? (1-5)

• Unlike question two, this question asks the audience what things should be included most in a magazine, rather than what kind of thinks they would like in a magazine. As the image to the right purports, articles, headings and main images are by far the most necessary things to include in a magazine and the least necessary are freebies, posters and exclusive content. This is probably because exclusive content is just a little extra information and is not vital to any of the articles; whereas, main images, articles and heading make up a magazine- without them, it is essentially a newspaper; newspapers are more or less for older audiences.

• Obviously, the majority of people who responded to my survey said that they do use contents pages, this may be because younger audiences are looking for things they’re only interested in rather than exploring new things. So this would suggest that I do need a contents page in my magazine so that people know where to look for the information that they are after and bands that they are reading the magazine for. This would create a feel of efficiency that is conventional and needed within a magazine of any kind, especially a music magazine.

How irritating are inane and inapplicable ads?

• Ads that are unnecessary pop up all the time, on the internet, on TV(for most people) and in magazines. From experience, I know that these ads can become very annoying and so I featured this question to gather opinions from other people. Ads often look out of place and like they are there just to fill up more space that hasn’t been taken and therefore look unrelated to anything else in the magazine. “A bit” and “a lot” were almost always the answer which means if there are anyads, I should relate them to the articles and/or artists or I should just find another way to fill the gap in the magazine or not fill it at all. For the few people that do believe ads are a good idea, I will input a few ads but not a lot.

Any other comments?• Evidently, this question was not

taken seriously as many of the comments are inane. This question was added as it was an opportunity for people to let me know if there was anything I had missed from the questions, anything else I needed to know about, only one response is usable and that is “Indie rock is also great”- if I take this into account, this means that I should broaden my choice of music. As this is only one idea out of 22, I am going to ignore it as everyone else feels okay with the proposed genre.