Facebook Success Story


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Facebook Success Story. Case Study.

Idea: An online comedy series about foreigners in Poland

Team:International Team from Poland, Spain, Argentina, Russia

Project Description

Plot: „Jesús García” is a comedy series about the adventures of a Spaniard who moves to Warsaw. It is the first COMEDY series to show Poland through the eyes of foreigners.

Financing: „Jesús García” is one of the first projects sponsored by fans through Crowd Funding. Crowd Funding is a system of financing with fans financially supporting the project.

Promotion: Facebook was the only marketing medium for the promotion of the series and Crowd Funding.

“Jesús García” series


Trailer of Pilot:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDJj1roEZTU


13 July 2013 Project Started: Facebook Fanpage and Crowd Funding

28 July 2013Team Started Working

10 August 2013Shooting of Pilot Episode

02 October 2013End of Crowd Funding

05 October 2013Pilot Episode Premiere Party

Project Timeline

Key Achiements

Crowd Funding

Facebook Fanbase

x 4 times

High Engagement Rate 21-42%

Earned Media approx. 250 000 PLN

> 48 %

Facebook Marketing

Project’s only promotion was on Facebook. Media and fans found out about the series through Jesús García fanpage. Fanpage grew four times from a small group of friends to a large group of international supporters in just two months.

Facebook allowed not only to create a Jesús García community on Facebook, but also achieve Crowd Funding goals with a 48% surplus of funds.

As a result on October 5, 2013 in SoHo Factory there was a premiere party for the pilot with 350 guests.

Project attracted attention of all major media in Poland: TV, Radio, Newspapers, Bloggers.

In Poland this is one of the first projects to be financed through Crowd Funding and promoted on Facebook only.

Facebook Promotion Matra






Pilot Episode Premiere Party: October 5, 2013

SoHo Factory350 guestsFans, producers, sponsors, media representatives

Earned Media

Earned Media