Why Balance Is Important to Your Health


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Why Balance is Important to Your Health

Patricia was a healthy and active 71-year-old. One day she lost her balance while

walking down the stairs and fell. She suffered a spinal injury, became paralyzed,

and a short year later she passed away from these injuries.

She didn’t know that she had trouble with balance before this devastating accident.

Statistics show that after the age of 65, one in three people will fall doing

normal activities.

As you get older your balance

begins to decline.

For many, it can do so rapidly and without warning.

You can fall for many reasons

• Tripping on a loose carpet• Poor vision• Drinking alcohol• Turning an ankle while walking• Standing up too fast

Some medicines can also increase the risk of falls:

• Blood pressure pills• Heart medications• Diuretics (water pills)• Muscle relaxants• Sleeping pills

A fall can lead to a fracture or broken bones, which can lead to

hospitalization and a lengthy recovery.

You want to do everything you can

to prevent falls:

• Get checked for neuropathy

• Strengthen your muscles

• Retrain your balance• Prevent osteoporosis• Get your vision tested

A doctor can tell whether you have neuropathy (tingling and/or pain of the feet) that affects your balance.

Pivotal Health has developed unique, proprietary procedures to help mitigate the

damaging and debilitating effects of neuropathy.

Muscle strengthening and balance retraining programs can also decrease the risk of falls by 45 percent.

Learn how balance treatment programs can help.

Strengthen your buttocks, quadriceps

and hamstrings to improve your balance

Most are familiar with osteoporosis, which is the thinning of aging bones.

This can compound the injuries from a fall.

To prevent weak bones, get enough calcium and

Vitamin D each day.

Keep active—walk, climb stairs, lift weights, or even dance every day!

Get a bone mineral density (BMD) test

And talk with your doctor about taking medicine to make your bones stronger

Pivotal Health Physical Medicine

will give you a thorough physical exam and

design a program to help you retain your

balance and continue your vital lifestyle.

Click here for your free consultation.
