Week 2




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AS Film Studies AS Film Studies Unit FM1Unit FM1

Introduction to Micro Features:Introduction to Micro Features:

Mise En SceneMise En Scene

Lesson AimsLesson Aims

By the end of the lesson you will be able to:

• Understand the concept of ‘mise en scene’

• Apply the concept to a film extract

Definition: Mise En SceneDefinition: Mise En Scene• A French term meaning what

is put into a scene or frame

• Visual information in front of the camera

• Communicates essential information to the audience

• Made up of particular elements: Remind me of what they are?

Everything that we see on screen has

been deliberately put there to make the

meaning - the furniture we see in a room

or the costume that a character is

wearing, or something more subtle such

as the make-up that an actor wears.

Because the phrase ‘mise en scène’

describes ‘putting’ something in the picture,

it reinforces the idea that films are

constructed – nothing appears by chance in

the filmic frame. Everything we see is placed

carefully so that the audience enters and

understands that filmic world – the

characters that we see acting out that story

and the time and place where the story is


The 5 Elements of Mise en SceneThe 5 Elements of Mise en Scene

• Settings

• Props

• Costume, Hair & Make Up

• Facial Expressions & Body Language (performance)

• Lighting & Colour

• Positioning of characters/objects within the frame

Each aspect of mise-en-scene has hidden meanings within a film and sends signals to the audience about how we are supposed to feel at a certain


1. Settings & Props1. Settings & Props• Settings & Locations play an important part in film-making

and are not just ‘backgrounds’

• Sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already exists

• Settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a different turn

• TASK: What settings and props you would find in:1. A Science Fiction Film2. An Action Fiction3. A Horror Film

Setting can also suggest the genre, or type, of film

Settings are where the actions of a film take place. They

can help us understand when and where the film is set. A

film set in the past will have to convey when it is set

through the selection of locations that give the viewer the

impression of a particular period in history. The setting

also needs to be linked to the correct costumes and props.

All of these combined will help create a filmic world to

represent a time in the past that the viewer understands.

Seeing the same character in different settings can also

change our understanding of both the plot and also the


Props are the artefacts used in the film that can be used in a number of ways

They can be usedto convey a general sense of the period that the film was

set in.

Props can also confirm thefilm’s genre, this is alsoknown as iconography.


The distinguishing elements, in

terms if props and visual



SETTINGSSETTINGS• The scene that you have just watched takes place in a number of locations:• a) The streets of London• b) The courtyard of Devonshire House• c) The hallway of Devonshire House• d) The bedroom where the Duchess awaits the arrival of her new husband• 1. Why do you think that the sequence begins with a shot through an archway?• 2. As the Duke and Duchess drive through the streets of London, what images of the streets are we

shown? What do we see in the streets?• 3. Why do you think we are shown so many shots of marketplaces?• 4. How does the courtyard of Devonshire House contrast with what we have previously seen?• 5. There are two more shots of archways in the scene – firstly as they enter the courtyard in their carriage

and secondly as they enter the house. Why do you think that these two ‘archways’ were chosen?• 6. As they enter the hallway, what feelings and ideas are suggested by the look of the room, in the eyes of

the Duchess and in the eyes of the audience?• 7. As the Duchess goes up the staircase what impression is given by the arrangement in the frame of the

footmen standing in the hallway?• 8. How does the look of the bedroom contrast with what we have seen of the rest of Devonshire House?• If this scene shows the journey from wedding ceremony to wedding night, how do the various settings

that you see build up a sense of moving from the public to the private?

SETTINGSSETTINGS• This extract shows the journey

of Doctor Nicholas Garrigan from the medical mission in Uganda where he is working in Kampala, the capital of Uganda and home to the dictator, Idi Amin.

• Nicholas has already met Amin and is summoned to the capital in order to become the President’s personal physician. Nicholas is in effect moving from one world (the mission) to another (the capital).

SETTINGSSETTINGS• Why do you think that the first shot is of a mosquito on

Nicholas’ arm?• Activity 1:• Describe the mission station where the journey begins.

What impressions do you have about the mission?• Activity 2:• As Nicholas drives to Kampala, what other locations are we

shown as he looks out of the window of the car? How does each location that he sees build up to his arrival in the capital?

• Activity 3:• How does the capital at the end of his journey contrast

with the mission where he started his journey?

2. Costume, Hair & Make Up2. Costume, Hair & Make Up

• Costume, Hair & Make Up act as an instant indicator to us of a character’s personality, status & job

• It tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present and what society/or culture it will centre around

• Certain costumes can signify certain individuals (i.e. black cloak of a vampire, Spidey’s Spiderman suit)


COSTUMECOSTUME• 1. Towards the beginning of the scene, we are shown a view of the

people attending the ball. Describe the way in which they are dressed. What are the predominant colours of their costumes?

• 2. In this shot, pay particular attention to the women’s dresses, their hairstyles and their jewellery.

• 3. As the Duchess appears, how is she instantly recognised as what we would nowadays call a ‘fashion icon’? List the ways in which her costume, hair style, jewellery and make up are different to those of the women we have seen in the crowd.

• 4. How does the Duchess’ costume help her to stand out in the dance scene?

• 5. Lady Bess Foster enters into the scene. How does her dress make us realise she is a key character?

• 6. As Bess and the Duchess talk to each other, how does what they are wearing help us to make decisions as to their characters?

3. Facial Expressions & Body 3. Facial Expressions & Body LanguageLanguage

• Facial Expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling

• If someone is smiling broadly, we assume they are happy but we may get a different feeling if this is accompanied by scary music

• Body Language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may reflect the state of their relationship

• TASK: What meanings/emotions do the following images convey:




4. Positioning of Characters & Objects 4. Positioning of Characters & Objects within a framewithin a frame

• Positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character/object

• A film-maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people

• TASK: What does the positioning in the following images reveal about the characters/film:





PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE• This is a very short sequence. You

should write down what you see in each individual shot.

1. Once you have done this, think about the effect of what you are shown. How do the movements and the look of the actor create an atmosphere? What do you think the atmosphere is of the scene?

2. What are the different expressions on the actor’s face? How do they change and at what point in the action? What emotion does the actor show in the scene?

ColourColour• Colour carries certain

connotations which may add meaning to a scene (i.e. Red = Danger/Passion)

• Can give a scene a particular look, feel or mood

• Can be used for dramatic effect

5. Lighting & Colour5. Lighting & Colour

Lighting & Colour can be used to achieve a variety of effects:

• To highlight important characters or objects within the frame

• To make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face & body

• To reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions (i.e. bright = happy, dark = disturbed, strobe effect = confused

Lighting can be used to create a sense of place, give ideas about the weather, the state of mind of the character and also for aesthetic or

artistic reasons.

Types of LightingTypes of Lighting• LOW KEY LIGHTING:

• Created by using only the key & back lights

• Produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas

• Deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed

Example: Horror Films

Types of LightingTypes of Lighting• HIGH KEY LIGHTING:

• More filler lights are used. Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes

• Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day (right)

Example: Rom-Coms

What types of lighting are used in the What types of lighting are used in the following images:following images:






TASK: For each image, answer the TASK: For each image, answer the following questions:following questions:

1. What type of lighting is used in each image (High or Low Key)?

2. Where are the KEY LIGHTS, FILLER LIGHTS & BACK LIGHTS in each image?

3. What effects/meanings does the lighting suggest?




Let’s put it all together


• Write 500 words on a short sequence of film and analyse how MISE-EN-SCENE has been used to create meaning

• You will be expected to show your clips in class next week

• If you have the technical know how you could create a voice over commentary analysis



• When we analyse a sequence in terms of mise en scène, we need to look at how all the different elements and techniques work together to:

• - Tell a story• - Evoke an atmosphere• - Give the audience information• - Provoke an audience response• - Highlight key themes
