Introduction to Week 2 · COPYRIGHT2015 CAROLINSOLDOCOACHING&EVENTS–*DO*NOTDISTRIBUTE * Week 2 Checklist 1. Complete your Week 2 Workbook 2. Use the Facebook Group more this week!

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Page 1: Introduction to Week 2 · COPYRIGHT2015 CAROLINSOLDOCOACHING&EVENTS–*DO*NOTDISTRIBUTE * Week 2 Checklist 1. Complete your Week 2 Workbook 2. Use the Facebook Group more this week!
Page 2: Introduction to Week 2 · COPYRIGHT2015 CAROLINSOLDOCOACHING&EVENTS–*DO*NOTDISTRIBUTE * Week 2 Checklist 1. Complete your Week 2 Workbook 2. Use the Facebook Group more this week!


Introduction to Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of Brand Your Passions!

This week is all about your Passion and Purpose Discover what motivates you and inspires you to do the work you do—get in touch with your big “why”.

• Tap into your story and how you can use your experiences to benefit the lives of others.

• Understand how you’re unique and learn how to leverage your unique talents.

• Evaluate the markets and how you can be of service to carve out your niche. In Brand Your Passions, we are going to follow a specific method for getting you clear on your passion and purpose as a Coach. This week we will get clear on your innate passions and HOW you will be of service in the world. We will also begin to get clear on WHO you are meant to serve and assessing possible markets. Next week we will get really clear on your Ideal Client and decide on the solution and the transformation you provide to your client. This is going to be the basis of your Coaching Package! Spending a good amount of time in these areas is going to be so valuable to you going forward.

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When you know exactly who your target market (ideal client) is, you’ve done the research, and you’ve looked into your own heart and soul to get clear on who you are meant to serve - everything in your business becomes so much easier! All of your future decisions including what your website should look like, what your branding looks and feels like, to which packages you offer, to what price points they are, to what headlines you should write in a newsletter, to what the subject lines should be in your mailers…all of this will become clear once you know who specifically you’re serving and the transformation you provide to them. By studying your ideal client, you can be assured to not make the expensive and time consuming mistakes that so many new coaches suffer from. Enjoy diving deep and studying “how” you are going to make an impact in the world this week! It’s an exploratory exercise and I want you to use your intuition and higher guidance to gain answers. There are no right or wrong answers. Feel your way through this exercise and remember that WHEN A DECISION FEELS GOOD, EASY, AND COMPLETE IT IS MOST LIKELY THE RIGHT ONE. Let your emotions guide you toward a place where you find a niche that feels absolutely in alignment with who you are. If at any time you feel forced, unsure, or resistant, take a break and dive into it to find out the source of the resistance and guide you back toward the path of finding your “place” as a passion based coach. Much love, Carolin

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Week 2 Checklist

1. Complete your Week 2 Workbook 2. Use the Facebook Group more this week! Come and post your

insights into your Big Why and Passion in the group and ask your sisters for Feedback.

3. Get clear on your skills and expertise. 4. Get clear on your true passion. 5. Begin to frame your vision of your ideal client. We are going to

fine-tune this vision in the Ideal Client Module. 6. Get clear on how you want to be of service. 7. Begin to get clear on the solution you want to provide to your

client and how your ideal client is going to transform with you. We are going to find-tune this vision in the Ideal Client Module and Coaching Package Module.


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Discover your Passion and Purpose  In order to truly excel as a coach and love the work you do, you need to identify the source of this burning desire you have had for so long and how you can use your passion and expertise to make a real difference with your clients. For women like us in passion-based businesses, I know that starting from a place of your own desires is how to build a business that will be rewarding and completely authentic. If you start by simply searching for a void in the marketplace, you risk creating a business that doesn’t excite you or light you up. You risk investing your time into a business you don’t truly love. On the flip side, the work we’re doing here will also ensure that there IS a market for you as well. It’s not enough to have a great idea, if there are not people who will purchase from you. Discovering who your ideal client is, also includes them having the money to purchase your offers as well as valuing the offers to the degree that they will be purchased. This is why we will start from your passions and skills. It doesn’t matter if there are hundreds of other products or programs similar to yours, because you will infuse what you do with your own flair and personality and make it truly unique. There is no better marketing you can create and no better brand you can build than a woman who loves what she does, loves the clients

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she works with, and is truly excited about the work she is doing in the world. Begin by answering and journaling about the following questions and gain clarity on who you are truly meant to be as a passion based coach.

Word of Caution Important: Be as specific as possible in your responses. For example, if your passion is weight loss, think about how much weight you lost (5-10 pounds or 50+ pounds), why you lost the weight (health reasons or aesthetics), and how you did it (a certain approach to weight loss perhaps). The more detailed you can be in your responses below the more valuable they will be. Don’t think about how large your market might be. As a Coach, your industry doesn’t have to be very large to be very profitable. Remember, you are not going to work with hundreds of clients at a time.


You as your Ideal Client  What I’ve found is that oftentimes we are our own ideal client....at some point in our lives. And many times we end up teaching what we most desire to learn. Let’s explore what lessons life might have taught you so far that will help you help others. If several examples and situations come to your mind, include them all.

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What challenges have you overcome in your life that might position you to help others in similar situations?

How did you overcome these challenges and what were your results?



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What was your biggest struggle back then?

Back then I wished to have the following ways and resources to help me:



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To get me out of the pain and to the solution I would have been willing to buy:

   What key Skills and Expertise did you acquire during this time of struggle?




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How could you use these skills and experiences to help others who might be in a similar situation today?  


Certifications and Schooling

Let’s think about your academic accomplishments, certifications, and schooling as well as books you might have written and how you can use these accomplishments in your Coaching Business. Skip this section if you do not have any certifications or relevant education. And Remember: to be successful as a Coach, you do not require certifications. They can be highly beneficial in your journey, but not required to succeed. What certifications / schooling do you have that give you the skills to coach in a certain field?


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What specific skills did the certification / schooling teach you and how can you use them to serve your clients?



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Which area of your certification / schooling did you enjoy the most? Which part did you feel most passionate about?

What types of clients are you best positioned to serve with your certification / schooling? Remember, be specific!



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Work Experience

Let’s think about your current or past work experience. How can you use your current or past work experience in your Coaching Business? Think about specific skills as well as credibility that this experience provides to you. For example, I have 10 years of experience in Corporate Marketing, which taught me a lot about Marketing Strategies that I was able to apply to my business and help my clients with. I also have an MBA, which is part of my story and source of credibility for my brand. What specific skills did you gain from your work experience that you could use in your Coaching Business?

How can you use your work experience as a source of credibility for your Coaching Business?


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What types of clients are you best positioned to serve with your work experience?



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Your Burning Desire & Passion to Make a Difference Your experience, schooling, and work experience are important, but your Passion for the work you want to do is even more important. Let’s explore what you are so passionate about and how you can use this passion to help your clients. Describe your passion and why you feel so strongly about helping your clients with it?

What lights you up the most about the idea of Coaching?  


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 In what areas do you feel like a true expert?  





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Let’s bring it all together Now based on what you have discovered about your Passion and Purpose so far, bring it all together and identify the common threads. How do you see yourself making a difference with your clients based on:

- your certification and schooling - your work experience - your life experience - your innate passions

Keep in mind the areas that light you up the most and where you feel strongest / where you feel like a true expert.


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For example: “I would like to help my passion for Health and Life Coaching to help New Coaches build thriving Coaching Practices. I will use my work and business experience and education in Marketing to help my clients master their online marketing systems. I will use my challenges and success as a Health Coach to teach my clients what it takes to build a thriving Coaching Practice. I will use my own mindset struggles and money story and how I have overcome them to help my clients develop the mindset for success online. What lights me up the most is to work with like-minded passion based women who desire to make their dream life and business a reality. I feel strongest in the areas of business building, branding, and online marketing.”  

 Market Ideas

 Now it’s time to explore possible markets. Remember, we will dive deep into the topic of your ideal client next week. For now, begin to write up a detailed description of the type of client who would benefit from your coaching the most. If you are multi passionate, begin to rule out certain areas that you COULD coach on, but are not going to. For example, you could help women with relationships, money, career, and finances, but you feel strongest about relationships and decide to brand yourself as a Relationship Coach.

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Do it with Passion or don’t do it at all. Create a vision that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning!

Much love,
