St George and the Dragon by Terri Mitchell


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Saint George and the Dragon

A Cultural theme. Cross curriculum work for Literacy, Science and Art.

By Terri Mitchell


Comic Strip Story – the Basic story.

You can use an OHP to tell the story by comic strip and get the students to tell you the vocab which you can write up on the

whiteboard where it is being screened. You can also get the students to suggest speech bubbles for you to put onto the

comic story too.


Vocabulary from the play. St George and the Dragon.

Knight Princess

Dragon Catch – caught

Scream- screamed Ride – rode

Fight – fought

Hear – heard Save – saved

Frighten – frightened

Questions about the play/story.

What is the name of the knight?

What was the weather like?

Which animal captures the princess?

Who screams and screams?

Was George riding a donkey?

Did George fight the princess?

Did the dragon save the knight?


Flashcards to use to revise the story and labels to match.




Using the comic strip story to change the characters and the storyline.

• Get your students to think about the characters in the story..

• George was brave but he could be……..

• The Princess was beautiful but she could be……

• The Dragon was fierce but it could be………

characters Adjectives Other adjectives Princess






Work in your groups and find some alternative

adjectives for the different charcters.


Front cover for St George Books.


Red rose symbol for England.

Pamphlets for Play



St George and the Dragon – A Play


Princess George



Narrator This is the story of George and the dragon.

Narrator Once there was a Princess.

Princess Oh I’m so happy, what a beautiful day!

Narrator She was caught by a dragon

Dragon (enter stage moving like a repltile and making

dragon noises)

Princess Oh no! What’s this – help me! Help me!

Narrator The Princess was frightened.

Princess I’m so frightened – what shall I do?

Narrator She screamed and screamed.


(offstage) (sound of horses hooves – coconuts - in the distance) -


Narrator George was riding by on his horse.

Narrator He heard the princess.

George Hey! Whats that? It sounds like a damsel in distress. I must go and save her.

Narrator He fought the dragon.

George Take that! And that, and that! Die you murderous beast!

Narrator The dragon was killed and George saved the


Princess My hero!

George All in a knight’s day!

Narrator THE END.

When you have done the basic script

why not change the characters and invent

your own play with your class. Below is an

example of one of the plays with the

consequent changes invented by the class one



The Fat Princess, Shy Dragon and Cowardly Knight. By class


Characters: Fat Princess Cowardly Knight

Shy Dragon


The Playscript

Narrator: Once there was a princess. She was a fat princess and she really loved crisps.

Narrator: She was walking in the castle garden eating a very

big bag of crisps.

Princess: Oh what a beautiful day and even better as i have a

big bag of crisps.

Narrator: Near the princess is a very shy dragon who is trying

his best to capture her (because thats what dragons do!) but he is too shy. She doesn’t notice him as she is so involved in eating

her crisps. Dragon: (making dragon noises captures the princess, but in a

shy way).


Narrator: The Princess started screaming very loud.

Princess: Help me! Help me! Oh no my crisps! My crisps, they

have fallen on the floor.

Narrator: George was riding by on his horse:

George: Hey what’s that? It sounds like a princess in distress!

Oh no!that means i have to go and investigate. I might get hurt. What a problem it is being a knight and frightened of


Narrator: George rides into the castle garden. He sees the

princess and falls in love immediately, George loves crisps too.

George: Oh look what a beautiful princess, I must be in love! And look at that big bag of crisps. But first i have to fight the

dragon..... oh no he may hurt me.

Narrator: George plucked up all his courage and fought the

dragon. He killed the dragon.

George: Here you go princess you are free.

Narrator: The princess picked up the bag of crisps and said....

Princess: What a handsome knight! My hero! Would you like a


George: Your welcome and oh yes please i love crisps.

Narrator: So George married his Princess and they ate lots of

crisps together. THE END


Make a book using photos from your play.

The Little Dragon


1ª and 1b

Author: Terri Mitchell (adaptation from Oxford Reading Tree –

the little dragon).

Illustrator/Photographer: Terri Mitchell

The script

Characters: Dragon …………………………………………….. ……………………………………

Princess……………………………………………. …………………………………… King…………………………………………………. …………………………………….

Knight……………………………………………… …………………………………….


Narrators ……. All the class.


I am the king. Go and fight the dragon.


I am the knight. I will go and fight the dragon.


I am the dragon, but I am only a little dragon.

I am the princess. I like dragons.


The dragon and the princess played under a tree.

I am the knight. I will fight the dragon.

I am frightened. I am cross.


The princess pushed the knight into the pond

and saved the dragon.

The End


Science – Real Dragons.


Questions on video.

• Where is the zoo?

• What is about to happen?

• Why is it so amazing?

• How much do adults weigh?

• How long can they live?How many are left in the wild?

• Where are they living mainly?

• What is the name of the adult in the zoo?

• What do they feed them in the zoo?

This is a really good site for children from National Geographic

to use for facts, photos and display work with the class.

