Pop genre


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Usually in pop videos the people tend to wear casual clothes just like the audience who watch them. However there are certain pop stars who tell stories with their videos therefore will dress to suit the theme, for example, Taylor swift in a princess dress as her song is about Romeo and Juliet. Furthermore, pop videos promote a lot of other products (product placement) in order to gain more money, therefore that would also affect what popstars wear. To conclude, there is a wide variety of what popstars wear, there’s not really a specific category.


Pop videos tend to take place in nice, warm holiday-like kind of locations which the audience would be envious of. In other words visually appealing places. Although some videos do include locations that are a lot more relatable to the audience. The main thing is they make sure their locations are eye-catching and memorable.


The pop genre is probably most known for having the most colourful videos in all music. The colours they use are always bright and vibrant, this is only ever disclosed if it’s a sad song therefore the colour scheme is a lot more darker/muted.


The most popular theme of pop music is a love story, its usually about expressing their feelings for someone either happily or sadly, this is presented as the singer songs into the camera as if they are talking to the one they love as well as many dramatic looks further expressing their feelings.


The performers of the pop genre always represent themselves as fun eccentric people who don’t have a care in the world, but as said before, this representation can be altered depending on whether it’s a happy song or a sad song. If sad, the star will be represented as truly heartbroken and let down like they have completely given up so the audience can empathise with them.


Props used within pop genre music videos are usually meant as advertisers to the audience (product placement) in order to help other companies. The products that are displayed are usually fashion accessories or popular items such as converse shoes, selfie sticks or even some of the shirts the stars are wearing.


• https://youtu.be/MHdcPlfwmkg

• https://youtu.be/QJO3ROT-A4E

• https://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic

• https://youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A

• https://youtu.be/W-w3WfgpcG