My PLN Multimedia Reflection (Pinterest)


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My 2nd PLN Multimedia Reflection

Before this class I used Pinterest for both personal & professional reasons. Professional, I used to pin resources for my husband who is a grade 2 teacher. There are amazing resources for the elementary school grades.

After this class I realized that there are great resources for secondary. For example, I found lots of pins for anti-bullying.

Growth on Pinterest I set-up a new Pinterest for this class. Now I have 8

boards and 100 pins!! I will continue to use this PLN to connect with others and gather professional resources.

I am now following 5 people on Pinterest and 1 person is following me.

1) Sarah MaustonInterested in her boards: “Teaching”, “Cyber-bullying” and “Wise Words.” She has excellent resources that I could repin and use in my classroom.

2) Indiana eLearningSet-up by the Indiana Department of Education.Its aim is “to improve student outcomes through the international use of technology.”It has great boards like “Mobile Learning”, “Copyright Questions”, “Digital Content: Science, etc…” A lot of information we discussed in class.

Who I am Following

3) The U.S Health & Human ServicesTwo boards that I am interested in are “Happy + Healthy Kids” and “StopBullying.Gov.”These boards have pins that are great resources for secondary.

Who I am Following

I have 8 boards and 100 pins. Three of the boards are geared towards elementary school grades and three are for secondary. The boards are on cyberbullying.

I pinned items and followed 5 people.


Twitter PinterestOrganized by hashtags. Organized by boards.Used links to get to resources. Could visually see the

resources. They had images. Good for keeping up-to-date and for professional development.

Good for classroom resources.

Found that articles were tweeted a lot. Not a lot of activities were tweeted.

Found that there were more ideas and activities pinned than articles.

Easy to join and follow people. Easier to find experts. More experts appear to be on Twitter than Pinterest.

Also easy to join and follow people and/or boards. Harder to find experts.

Twitter vs Pinterest