FARM Education: Facebook Paid Media



To understand how Facebook media is best used it's important to understand how Facebook uses social context & the convergence of brand storytelling with consumer storytelling through engagement to deliver tangible results for brands.

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EDUCATION: Facebook Paid MediaAugust 2012


+ Why we Facebook

+ What we know about people & Facebook

+ Effective Storytelling

+ Facebook Paid Media Formats

First - why we Facebook

Why do we Facebook?

+ Because the people we are talking to do.


12 MIL



* Australian Stats – Facebook Internal Data April 2012


Of the 12 million Aussies on Facebook every month – how many are accessing it from their mobile?

9 million

What do people do on Facebook?

+ Share A LOT of stories

* Australian Stats – Facebook Internal Data April 2012

The million dollar question

+How do we get in on all this action?

We become part of the stories

+ Brands have stories to tell, so do people. On Facebook, consumers will interact with a brand story if it helps them tell their personal one.

What we know about people & Facebook

Not surprisingly…

92% of Australian consumers trust

earned media (word of mouth) more than

any other type of media.

* Up from 75% two years ago. Nielsen 2012 Global Trust in Advertising & Brand Messages

Which is great because

+ Facebook is a recommendation engine with all functionality focused on generating stories, stories & more stories.

Stories about brands act as implied word-of-mouth endorsement.

Two big questions

+ Do stories about brands in Facebook work. I mean actually drive awareness / trial / sales?

+ How do we generate THE most effective stories of all?

Yes – brands can be effective on Facebook

Facebook fans are much more likely to purchase, consider & recommend the brands they engage with on Facebook

than non-fans.

* Forrester research “The Facebook Factor” April 2012

Value of a Facebook Fan to Apple

+ A Facebook fan of Apple is worth 90% more than a non-fan.

+ Every Apple Facebook fan results in one new customer.

+ Fans make up 17% of all Apple’s new customers.

Effective Storytelling: Wall Content

To create stories

+ Wall content needs to generate engagement: Likes | Comments | Shares.

+ This puts branded content into the newsfeed of fans & their friends.

+ The more engagement the post generates, the more people will see it, the more it will be worth to our brands.

Posted 4 hours ago

+ And already viewed by 35,552 people.

Tips for posts that drive engagement

+ Short & Sweet: Posts should be less than 90 characters.

+ Pictures tell a 1000 words: Posts with images consistently outperform those without.

+ Invoke-a-need-to-share: A post that helps the consumer build on their personal story.

+ Strong call-to-action: Tell the consumer what to do – they're more likely to do it then!

+ Keep it simple: Posts are usually viewed in the newsfeed and viewed quickly. The simpler the message, the more likely they are to respond.

Example: Short & sweet

Example: A picture tells a thousand words

Example: Invoke a need to share

Example: Strong call-to-action

Example: Keep it simple


+ Which is where PAID media comes into the picture.

Only 16% of Facebook fans see a brand page’s story.*

* Facebook Internal Research

Facebook Paid Media

Facebook Paid Media helps you reach

+ Fans

+ Friends of fans

+ A targeted but broader audience beyond fans & their friends.

Friends of Fans Effect

+ The trick to clever marketing in Facebook is to tell so compelling a story that only some of your fans engage but that engagement impacts their friends.

Starbucks fans & friends of fans spent 8% more & purchased 11% more frequently than non-fans who are

Starbucks buyers.*

* comScore 2011 The Power of a Like

Loosely, there are 3 types of Facebook Ads

+ Standard Ads

+ Featured Stories

+ Page Post Ads

Page Post Ads

+ Select the most compelling stories from your brand page to run in this format.

+ You can run anything that you post onto your brand page wall but anything over 90 characters long will be automatically shortened & any posts that do not follow Facebook’s advertising code will be rejected.

+ The aim of this placement is to generate additional reach & visibility of highly engaging posts & as much engagement as possible [likes | shares | comments].

Featured Stories

+ Amplifies the actions of a person with a brand to their friends. This gives the brand social context.

+ Actions that can be amplified include page likes, post likes, comments, shares & app interactions.

+ This placement is a good option when you have a number of fans already engaging with your content & can be used instead of other ad formats to reach a broader audience than just your page fans.

+ These can be displayed on the right-hand side with other ads or featured more prominently in the newsfeed.

Standard Ads

+ Should you wish to run Facebook ads to promote a brand that is not on Facebook, standard ads may be the best format. They can link to external websites & display with an image or video & no social context.

Proof that engaging content + Facebook Ads work!


What ad format is this?

AND Don't forget to review the

media plan!+ It’s common to have more than one ad Facebook ad

format on a media plan & as Facebook has changed the format’s names several times in recent years, they may be labelled differently. Follow up with your media agency if you have questions.

Appendix & References


+ Facebook Ad Guidelines:+

+ Value of an Apple Fan (Satmetrix Net Promotor Economics)+


+ The Facebook Factor (Forrester): +


+ Global Trust in Advertising (Nielsen):+


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