Circulatory system diploma 2016 17 Neela Tamhane


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Neela Tamhane, Ghantali Mitra Mandal, Thane

Cardio- Vascular SystemAnd Yoga

Cardio- Vascular System

Greek Word


Greek Word

Vascular Latin Word

Vasculam Vessels

Circulatory system: Oxygenated Blood pumped by heart is carried to all the body cells.

De oxygenated blood is brought back to heart through blood vessels.



• Pulmonary Circulation- Impure blood from right atrium to lungs and pure blood from lungs to left atrium.

Systemic Circulation- From left ventricle to body and return to right atrium.

Portal Circulation, Placental, Neonatal circulation in pregnancy, Lymphatic, Muscle, Skin, Cerebral, Liver circulation.

To pump blood continuously .

Supply O2 from lunges to tissues through RBCs in blood.

Remove Co2 from tissues through lungs. Supply nutrients from digestive system

Functions of CVS

Regulate body temperature.

Change blood flow as per need of exercise or the state.

Distributing hormones to different parts of body.

Remove waste products through kidney.

Function of CVS (Continued)

Heart --- The pump.

Blood vessels --- Network as pipe lines.

Blood --- Fluid that fills the circulatory system

CV’S Consist of :


Made up of special type of involuntary muscles , help smooth contraction .

Size of fist, depends upon age, body frame, condition of health. Weight 300gm (approx)

A powerful, untiring, compact, adjustable pump.

Good blood supply for its constant activities through the network of coronary arteries.

Situated in the thoracic cavity in the space between two lunges.

Autonomic Nervous System

SA Node, AV Node

Special Features of Heart

SA Node- Pacemaker – Electrical activity. Generate rhythmic impulses. Regular heart beats Av node – bundle of His - conduction tissue. Spread impulses with sequence. Rhythmic contraction and relaxations due to

conduction - ECG Contractibility, conductivity, rhythm are

special properties of heart.

Four chambers of the Heart

Right Atrium Right VentricleFour Chambers of the Heart

Left Atrium Left Ventricle

Four Chambers of the Heart


Tricuspid Valve Mitral Valve

Four Valves

Pulmonary Valve Aortic Valve

Right--- Impure blood.(Deoxygenated)

Left--- Pure blood. (Oxygenated)

Chambers have valves


Upper chambers

Lower chambers

Heart – Cardiac Cycle

Right Atrium receives deoxygenated blood- vena cavaOxygenated blood returns to left Atrium - pulmonary veins.Both the atrials are contracted, blood enters in right and left ventricles.

valves allow blood to flow in one direction.

Closure of atrio ventricular valve produce sound ‘Lubb’

Both the ventricles contract simultaneously Deoxygenated blood is pumped to Pulmonary artery

Oxygenated blood in Aorta.

Closure of Aortic and Pulmonary Valve produce sound ‘Dubb’

Right Atrium

Right Ventricle

Pulmonary Artery


Left Atrium

Left Ventricle



Heart – Cardiac Cycle

Branches of Aorta

Sensitive to blood pressure

Sensitive to chemical changes

On aortic arch

Arteries, Vains


Carry oxygenated blood away from heart -Exception Pulmonary Artery

Large Thick-walled Elastic Carried under great pressure


Smallest vessel Microscopic Thin walls Nutrients and gases.


Carries blood that contains waste and CO2.

Exception pulmonary vein. Blood not under much pressure. Tendency to stagnate.


No pump for return of deoxygenated blood.

Valves to prevent much gravity pull.

Tadasana stretch, vajrasana pressure, rest in viparit karani mudra.

The Blood


Body consist of 4- 6 liters of blood.

Blood Consist of: • Water+ Plasma• Red Blood cells• White Blood cells

and Platelets

Blood Cells

Erythrocytes (RBC)

Contain Hemoglobin. Exchange of Oxygen &

carbon Dioxide. RBC are produced in red bone marrow of ribs, femur, sternum Life of RBC is 120 days. Destruction in Liver &


Leukocytes (WBC)

Defense mechanism of body.

WBC fight infection.

Attack foreign substances.

Large cells

Platelets Help in clotting blood. Clotting in artery is harmful. Produced in bone marrow.

Fibrin (sticky network of protein fibers).

Form a web, trapping blood cells.

Blood Clotting

Break in Capillary Wall

Blood vessels injured.

Clumping of Platelets

Clot FormsThrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin, which causes a clot. The clot prevents further loss of blood.

Blood Types

Important in blood donation Massive loss of blood requires a transfusion Four Types

• A• B• AB• O

• Inherited from your parents

Blood Pressure

It is pressure exerted on walls of artery by blood. It is 120/80 mmHg normally.

Pressure during contraction of ventricle is systolic. (120 mm Hg) Pressure during relaxation of ventricle is diastolic. (80 mm Hg)

Heart beats 70times/minute refers to heart rate. Heart pumps 70ml blood at the time of each contraction(each beat). Thus cardiac output is 70beats/min* 70ml =5 lit/min (approx). 7200 lit to 7500 lit per day. Vasomotor Center regulates heart rate. Emotions affect heart rate.

Blood Pressure


Indicates number of times the heart beats.

Pulse rate is 70-80/min

Felt at thumb side at wrist.

Force of heart contraction, Volume of blood Viscosity of blood increases.

Lost of elasticity of walls of blood vessels, peripheral resistance increase. Age, sex, time of day, posture, exercise,

emotions, lack of oxygen.

Blood pressure increases due to


Stress in social field, work place, in relationship, lack of exercise.

Effects of Stress Brain

Pituitary Gland

Adrenal GlandAdrenaline Cortisone

Increased B.P. Increased Blood Sugar

High B.P. ---Weak artery --- chances to rapture.

Increase cholesterol --– plaque formation --- coronary artery disease.

Hormone adrenalin --- increase clotting --- coronary thrombosis

Effects of stress

I.H.D - Reduction in blood supply to heart muscle.

Myocardial Infarction – Death due to heart attack.

Paralysis – Clot in artery going to brain. Congestive Cardiac Failure- reduction in

pumping force of heart

Other Diseases

In search of balance in stressful condition?

Yoga sadhana

Stimulation of sympathetic system. constriction of arteries.

Yoga sadhana activates parasympathetic.Resulting in reduction of heart rate,Vessels dilate-increase blood supply.

Shudhdhikriya- dose not play much role. Only trataka, Mrudu, shwasan marg shuddhi.

Addition of salt in water – retention of fluid. Increase in blood volume.

Asanas – Shalabhasa, Ardha machchhendrasana Dhanurasana etc.


All asanas give stretch to Muscles. Give flexibility to various joints. Asanas don’t increase B.P. and heart Rate. Relaxation of muscles occurs if asan is Sthir Sukham.

Yogic Practices stimulate endocrine glands. Bramha Mudra- effect on carotid body. Yoga mudra- relieves tension, anger.

Viparit karni mudra- rest to valves in legs.

Pranadharana done in the end stage of asana give thought less Moments.

Shavasana: Can be done by anybody.

Relaxation of muscles with Awareness.Muscles of arteries also relax.Decrease in B.P, Heart rate.

No thoughts in mind. Sankalp. Positive thoughts.

Depression of Illness reduced.

Vibhagiya Shwasan, Yogic Shwasan. Abd. Breathing simulates parasympathetic. Chandrabhyas, Anulom-vilom Bhramari, Ujjai –exert pressure on carotid sinuses- reduce thought process-meditation


Bhavsadhana – Dhyayato vishanpunsa- Attachment- desire- anger- sammoha- loss of memory-budhhinash- pranashyanti. Bhaktiyoga, Mantrayoga

Divyasadhana- Pratyahar, dharana, dhyana

Diet – prescribed in Bhagavat Gita, H.P. Gherand Samhita.


Yoga sadhana

Yoga is Indian Psychology. Creates Balance-Equilibrium in Body and Mind. Emotions-Thoughts-Action at same level. Produces peace, Calmness in mind. Helps to reduce Blood Pressure. Whole thinking pattern changes.Yogic Practices do not require vigorous energy

Our ancient science is still applicable in the modern days. Aahat nada – sound with stroke. Anahat Nada – unstruk sound Lub – Dub Sound being made by our heart is Anahat nada.Our ancient literature discussed about Atman, consciousness. Kathopanishada says Madhya Atmani Tishthati- resides within our body. It is self illuminated. SA node generate electrical impulses on its own . Both Upanishad and science appreciated significance of heart, rather atman is beyond that.
